Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord
The two were caught off guard, to say the least, when one of the trainers heading their way suddenly took off into a full sprint with a girl probably a few years older than them but less mature than either of them. They soon reached the steps where they were, the guy speaking very formally. The girl, she spouted a simple "Hi." Not long after, another boy caught up to the rest, clearly out of breath. His Pokemon came not long after, with an Ampharos clumsily rushing behind them.

"Well... quite an entrance you have there, to say the least..." Said Brent, scratching at his head nervously. "My name's Brent, nice to meet you." Lily looked over the newcomers carefully. Most of the Pokemon seemed to crowd around the younger boy, so she easily assumed they were his. The girl was definitely a little older in age, but much younger in maturity then them. "Same here, my name's Lily!" She said joyfully.

The older male seemed... off to her though. Unless he was an Olympic athlete, there's no way he could have sprinted that quickly without needing even a small amount of time to catch his breath. He also carried what looked like a sword. It might have been cool, yes, but who carried one around in public these days? "I don't think we quite caught your name." She said, pointing the comment towards the older male. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she swore she'd seen him before, along with the other boy. She'd never left Goldenrod before just this morning though...

Brent was more focused on the Pokemon. There was a Dragonite in the background, along with an Ampharos. The ones present were a Marill, Monferno, and Mismagius. He assumed all of these were owned by the newly arrived trainer. "You've got quite the collection, there Devon. Even my brother would be amazed at all these."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
With one arm securing Celes' leg, the black swordsman placed his other hand over his stomach, and gave the pair a formal bow. "Nasir. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Jumping on the dark-haired man's shoulders, Celes piped up, "It's nice to meet you!"

Trailing behind the main group was Ranulf, who was keeping a steady pace with the Ampharos, Shock. Turning his head, the Dragonite attempted some small talk, <So you're slow on your feet as well?> Poking at his stomach he chuckled, <Once upon a time I was lithe, and now I'm stuck with this. Oh well.>

Shifting his weight, Nasir moved Celes to a slightly more comfortable spot. Looking over his companions, a warm smile crossed his lips. "Devon lives in Sinnoh, as well as Johto, so he has access to a wide-variety of Pokémon." Turning back to the two younger children, he continued, "I take it you're both just beginning your journey?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
The Ampharos trying his best to try and keep up with everyone let out a defeated groan as his neck craned a bit to look up at Ranulf jogging next to him. <Yeeep. Ampharos ain't really famous for their speed. Sucks about the whole big gut thing for ya, but thanks for not like, ya know, taking off on those wings of yours and leaving me in the dust too.> Shock ended the words with a small smirk on his face as he and Ranulf both came to a stop near everyone else.

Devon had since caught his breath as Brent and Nasir commented on his impressive team of Pokémon standing close to him. Cyan stood close to his leg looking over the newcomers with a friendly smile. Quill stood slightly to the side of the teen with crossed arms as always, steely grey eyes set on the kids before giving them a quick nod. Shock stood off near Ranulf, waving at the two Trainers. And finally Missy floated in the space between Nasir and Devon, the Mismagius bowing to the two.

The teen twirled his finger around one of the red strings of his hoodie as he looked over his team mates with a happy grin. "Thanks Brent. And yeah, living in two different places has it's perks. The Dragonite's not mine though, Ranulf is Celes' buddy. Everyone else is apart of my team though." Devon untangled the finger from the hoods cord and pointed to each of his team as he named them off. "That's Shock, Cyan, Quill, and this is Missy."

Stopping for a moment, the Trainer attempted to rebound off Nasir's question by checking out Lily and Brent's own Pokémon. Devon's brown eyes lit up at the sight of the two tiny mon with them. "You guys must be just starting out right? Cyndaquil and Chikorita are Johto's Starters. Does Maple hand them out too?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord
The two were a little shocked that Celes had a Dragonite already. Maybe there was more to her than meets the eye... Devon popped the question about their Johto Region Starters, which they actually didn't quite know how to answer. "To be honest... I don't know if Professor Maple even hands out starter Pokemon. Cyndaquil here was a gift from my brother Ryan, it was bred from his Partner Typhlosion."

Lily was starting to put some pieces together now. Nasir said Devon had lived in Johto, now she knew she had to have seen him before! "My mom gave me my Chikorita before we came to Viore. But you said you lived in Johto? You didn't happen to live in Goldenrod, did you?"

Their two Pokemon were now very curious about the growing group. Brent's Cyndaquil was intrigued with Nasir. <You don't smell like a human, you're a Pokemon aren't you? That's a really good disguise!> His focus soon shifted to the cross armed Monferno. <You look like a Fire Type like me, aren't you? But... you seem a lot different than me too!> He was young, younger than Chikorita. He hadn't known as much about other Pokemon as her.

<Of course he's different than you, you're both different Pokemon. Not all Pokemon are alike, ya know.> Her gaze shifted to the Ampharos and Dragonite. <You two look strong! One day I'll be as strong as you, if not stronger, count on it!> She was a confident little Grass Type, with big dreams but a realistic goal.

Soon there was a loud toll through the town, it was a clock tower near the center of town. It gonged a few times, signaling the turn of the hour to 3:00. Almost exactly on cue, two large off road trucks pulled out from behind the lab, taking off down Amber Street, the main street in New Amber Town. "Well, there goes Prof. Maple, off on his expedition."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Woundwort


Member Seen 4 mos ago



Well. ****ity, ****, ****eth. This was bad. There had be a hospital somewhere nearby, but he didn't have any idea where, and calling 911 might not....by the spirits this guy looked bad. Almost like he'd just climbed out of freezing water. That same desperately clinging to life mixed with wet dog look.

What in all the mounting hells of the void was he supposed to d-

Four months ago. Hoenn. Leap off a roof into the sea. Enough bruises, scraps and dents in him to put a used car to shame. And he'd made it out. Heck. He was wearing more then his share of bandages now-one on the arm, some underneath the shirt. Crime paid well. Really freaking well (lie and cheat kids, it works!). But it also hurt. Vents had sharp things in 'em. Breaking glass, shockingly, had a chance of cutting you.

And dodging the police wasn't a low-risk profession. He had this.


A certain...zen overcame him, and actions became automatic.

"Houndoom. Get my kit."

The hound pokemon chuffed once, questioningly.

"No I don't care if you have to tackle the luggage attendant. Hell. Set everything else on fire for all I care. Just get the kit."

“Now.” The words were smooth, confident, not quite the purr he used to freak out handsome cops, but definitely in same range as his classic ‘we both know I’m going to escape so why bother’ typeset.

“I’ll tell you what’s going to happen.” He directed his gaze at the psychic pokemon. “As soon as Houndoom plows his way through whatever rent-a-cop they have in luggage, I’ll fix up your man. While the slack-jawed morons who run this place sit around being useless. Savvy? Savvy. But for me to do that. I’m gonna have to ask you to stop shouting in my headspace.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
Turning to Shock with a small smile, the towering Dragonite replied, <I understand how it is, and uh, I'm a bit tired of flying right now, anyway.> Once he was gathered with the rest, Ranulf stood back, keeping an eye on Celes.

Brent and Lily explained their Pokémon, and the latter mentioned that she lived in Goldenrod. With a curt nod of his head, the older man spoke up, "Yes, actually, Devon, myself and the rest of our companions reside in Goldenrod from July through December."

Bright teal eyes glanced downward as the two Johto starters began to speak, the Cyndaquil specifically addressing the disguised Zoroark. Furrowing his brows, the black-haired man gave the Fire Mouse a slight nod. "Yes... that's right." Given they escaped the Jason-esque coordinator (and were off the plane), there was no longer a concrete reason to keep up the facade. Still, dispelling the illusion now would only prove to startle the two young Trainers, whom had most likely never even heard of a Zoroark before. This was, of course, ignoring the Zoroark's laundry list of insecurities.

The Chikorita seemingly addressed the Dragonite, and the tall Pokémon's gaze fell upon her. A warm smile crossed Ranulf's maw, <I look forward to that da—> Immediately, the Dragonite turned his head to face the sounding clock tower.

Tilting his head, Nasir spoke up, "...Expedition? Then...!?"

With wide eyes, Celes finally spoke up, grasping onto Nasir's hair, "Waaaaait, the Professor's gone!? Don't we need to get our thingies from him?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
As Nasir spoke of his home region, Devon faced Lily himself and smiled. "Yup. I live with my Mom in her houses in the suburbs just past the Department store for the later half of the year. And in the first half, I'm usually in Sinnoh with my Dad."

Shock looked to the curious Cyndaquil, his brown eyed gaze trailing up to the swordsman near him and causing the Ampharos to grin and narrow his eyes. <Looks like ya got found out Foxy! You can make anything look and feel as real as ya want, but ya can't fool a nose. Good thing it didn't rain today huh?>

A warm smile spread across Quill's muzzle as he observed the little Fire Mouse before him with a nod. <I'm a Fire-type, yeah.>

Shock leaned down on his knees to look at the tiny Chikorita to give her a wink. <I'm sure ya will kiddo. And when you do get that strong, you should come prove it to me in a battle! I'll be waiting!>

Devon turned away from the group to look back upon New Amber and spot the ringing clock tower. His gaze focusing on the face of the timer and causing him to frown. "Wow, it's already three? Maybe it's just the jet lag throwing me outta whack, but I swear it was earlier...." The sound of large trucks speeding off made the teen spin around to look past the lab, and the sight made his eyes go wide. "Aw man! He left...." He gazed around at the somewhat disappointed faces of both Celes and Nasir, but the sight merely made Devon wave a dismissive hand and smile. "Don't sweat it guys. There's probably some lab techs inside that can hook us up with some Pokédexes. Right?" The Trainer said as he's eye's shifted to Brent and Lily. Hoping they could prove him right.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord
Brent looked over to Devon, who was in turn looking at them questioningly. He'd be honest, he had no clue what would happen... then again, Maple had mentioned his aids would probably help. "Maple said something about his aids being able to help out, they'll probably get you all squared away." He looked up to the large building, seeing several people in more appropriate lab attire moving around going about their daily activities.

Lily, though, had finally put the pieces together. "I knew I'd seen you somewhere before! I lived in Goldenrod before coming here, I saw your performance in that contest one time! That reminds me... where's your Zoroark? It looked amazing, you two had such good, oh, what's it called... synergy I think it was called." She said.

[New Amber Town - Maple Pokemon Lab]

Well, Maple was off on his explorations again, time to see what he had been working on. Bishop looked around, making sure no one could see her at his desk. She logged into his computer using the username and password on the bottom of his stapler, then checked out what he had been studying recently.

"Well well, what do we have here? Seems he's been looking into the Legend of the Three Beasts now. This could be useful..." She inserted a flash drive, downloading a copy of the info onto it. After it finished, she took the flash drive, stuffing it into her pocket. She powered down the computer, leaving the room just the way it was.

She took a quick look outside. More trainers coming for their Pokedex's. She was in a perfect position for her mission. She had become Head Lab Aid for Maple, so she was in charge of handing out Viore Region Pokedex's to new trainers. This allowed her unwarrented access to his findings and to see what trainers starting their journeys would become a target. She looked at the ones on the steps, nothing but happy, young trainers ready to see the world. They'd be no threat. She waited patiently as they chatted below.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pent Faraday
Shinon the Lucario, Aenir the Froslass, Jill the Skarmory
[Viore International Airport]

Both of Pent's Pokémon stopped their chatter once the man agreed to help their Trainer. The blue glow of [PSYCHIC] faded as the Froslass gently set the incapacitated professor onto the floor.

Taking a seat next to Pent, the Lucario looked up at the black-haired man. <...This is likely our best chance to save him right now, so... we'll leave you be.>

Aenir did not wish to concede, as proper medical attention was what she had hoped for, but something was better than nothing at this moment. Given her unfamiliarity with the region, it was difficult to say where, or even how far the nearest hospital might be. The Froslass slumped next to Pent, and replied with a dejected sigh, <...This is all we can do...? Just... wait? And trust him?>

<For now, yes.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nasir the Zoroark
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

A sigh escaped the Zoroark's lips as his shoulder slumped, somewhat disturbing the girl perched on top. Shock was correct, and then of course the girl apparently recognized him.

With his gaze averted, the black-haired man weakly raised his hand at Lily's words. "I'm... here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
Devon developed a wide grin when Lily actually recognized him. It was really only in Johto itself where he was known for winning the Festival of the Dawn's Contest.

The brown haired teen raised a finger and opened his mouth to speak...Then Nasir spoke up in his oddly dissatisfied tone. The boy turned to the guised Zoroark and threw his arm around the man's shoulders and squeezed him while giving his best smile. "Come on Nasir, don't be like that! You really were awesome in that Contest man. You even got fans in other regions!"

Looking back to Lily and Brent, Devon pointed to the embarrassed swordsman next to him. "So yeah, Nasir here IS my Zoroark. He just uses his illusion ability to make himself look human and speak human language. Cool huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
Avatar of Shiny Keldeo

Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord
Brent looked over the dark swordsman closely now, it was kind of hard to believe that was a Zoroark. "I know I've heard about Zoroark's Illusion Ability from my brother, but I never knew you could use it like that! Yeah, way cool!" He answered. Lily walked over to the disguised Pokemon, looking up at him. "So, why are you disguising yourself like that? Are you nervous about people seeing you as a Zoroark?" She asked.

They then kind of drifted the topic back to the Pokedex's. "But yeah, I'd guess that one of the Lab Aids could help you out up there. Prof. Maple is gone a lot, so he must have someone else who can give them out." That reminded Lily, she'd show them the Viore Pokedex since it was likely neither of them had seen one before (granted she hadn't seen one before ten minutes ago). She pulled out the square device, showing it off. "Yeah, this is a Viore Pokedex. It kind of reminds me of a version used in Kalos that I saw on TV once, but check out how it works!"

She picked a Pokemon from the group to scan. It was obvious Nasir didn't like being in the spotlight all too often, so she picked the Ampharos. She clicked the button and on the screen appeared a 3D image of an Ampharos. "Ampharos, the Light Pokémon and the final evolved form of Mareep. Because Ampharos' light can be seen from a great distance, people once used that light to communicate by sending signals back and forth." Replied the machine. "Cool, isn't it?" Said Lily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
Clutching his arm with a free hand, the man stared at the ground awkwardly. At Devon's comment, the man spoke softly, "Yes, I know..."

Celes eyes began to sparkle as she just realized what exactly was going on. Pounding at her mount's shoulders, she chattered, "WOOOOOAH! You're a Pokémon or something then!? That's SO cool, and it explains how you can talk to Ranulf too!" Poking him she tilted her head, "Soooo, okay. You're an illusion? But I thought illusions were like... fake? Imaginary? You seem pretty real and solid to me." Pulling at the man's fleshy cheek she continued, "So like, what kind of Pokémon are you like? Never heard of a Zoroark before. Do you look kinda like a human, is that how you feel totally real?"

Hanging his head, Nasir replied reluctantly, "...I am in the fox family, as is Vulpix."


Teal eyes focused on Lily whom had approached him, and Nasir gave very few visual cues to what was running through his mind. "...Initially, my illusion's purpose was to allow me to sit on the airplane with Devon." Averting his gaze his brows furrowed, and he said no more on the subject.

Both Nasir and Celes' attention focused on the Pokédex. After the demonstration, Celes' eyes lit up, and she let out a squeal. "Oooooo! I need this! Let's go! Mr. Black, ho!" Kicking the dark swordsman, she pulled on his hair in an effort to get him to take her to the lab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by void liege
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void liege edgelord 3000

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo
Monday Mallory

Monday's mood had not improved during the walk to the Lab. She'd paused several times to knock pebbles out of her way with unnecessary force or kick up dirt for the hell of it. So when she finally arrived, there was already a small, loud group.

She was absolutely not in the mood. With a puff of breath that barely counted as a sigh, she strode straight past the chattering crowd and marched up to the front door of the lab. She knocked twice, hard enough to leave her knuckles a bright red.

"Helloo, Professor," she called. She spat the word 'professor' with about as much venom as an Arbok. "A shiny new band of brat- I mean, trainers out here in need of some Pokedexes... isn't this like your job? What's the hold up? C'mon, just get this over with..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
Avatar of Light Lord

Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@void liege
Devon leaned in to take a look at the image of an Ampharos emitting from the high-tech encyclopaedia. Whistling a bit as he dug around in his side pocket of his pants. "It totally does look like a Kalos Dex! Professor Rowan showed me a picture of one that he got from Professor Sycamore awhile back. This Viore Dex looks kinda...More squished? I dunno. Beats the crap out of my Sinnoh Dex though."

The Sinnoh native held up his own Pokédex. A slender red device with hinges on it's top that flipped open to reveal a duel screen display, a directional pad, and a large green button that slid out from the side of it. Staring at it for a moment, the teen shrugged. "It's probably not gonna get me very far if Viore is as diverse as everyone says it is. I'm due for an upgrade."

Then that same angry girl from earlier at the Pokémon Center came storming past them. Pounding on the door as if it were a punching bag and sounding just as rude and negative as when Devon last seen her. The sight caused the crimson hooded Trainer to shove his Dex back into his pocket and glare at the woman as she mashed her fist into the steel door. "Cool off will ya? You're the only brat around here lady. The Professor isn't even here, he left like five minutes ago."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
Avatar of Shiny Keldeo

Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[New Amber Town - Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord @void liege
Bishop decided to go and prepare some Pokedex's for these new trainers. The boy she saw looked like he'd enjoy a deep blue, or maybe turquoise. The girl on the man's shoulders seemed peppy and upkept, if be it a little immature. Pink would suit here she thought. As she sat them down on a nearby table, what she thought at first was a Machoke banging at the lab's semi-automatic door. She heard a somewhat muffled but easily distinguishable voice poke through. "Well, she sounds like quite the little brat herself..." Bishop thought to herself as she headed over to the door.

She arrived she found quite an angry faced girl. One look at her told her that this was the kind of trainer she loathed. She was a wild one, with quite a bit of attitude. However, that attitude told her even more, that she had no interest in becoming friends with anyone and just wanted to go on a journey to get away from something. One might go as far as to say she may mistreat her own Pokemon from time to time, but she wouldn't say any of this aloud. "I'm afraid that boy is right, but I can help you all. If you'd follow me inside, you can call me Bishop. I'll get you all squared away." She replied, waving the kids inside. She knew just the color to give this little brat, a dark mahogany. That would suit her personality just fine. She would also tell her boss about this girl, she was one to keep an eye on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
Avatar of Ninian

Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo@void liege
The appearance from the girl before made Nasir even more reluctant to revert his form. Thankfully, the others present already knew, so it's not as if they would press him in front of her. Pulling up behind the sour girl, Nasir stood off to the side.

At Bishop's invitation, Nasir gave the woman a formal bow—the best he could manage with a passenger—before heading inside. "Your assistance is most appreciated."

Bouncing on Nasir's shoulders, Celes chirped, "Thaaaaaank you! I'm sooo excited! I hope my thingy is pretty! Maybe it'll match Ranulf!"

Once inside, Nasir looked around, making his way towards an open space as to give everyone room. The large Dragonite had opted to stay outside, which was didn't bother him in the slightest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Leoven 2016431146

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]
@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@void liege

Amber followed the loud group of kids making their way to the Pokemon lab as she had originally suggested. She trailed behind them, observing their interactions silently. The boy who had caught her attention earlier was revealed to be a Pokemon by his trainer. A Zoroark,to be exact, and Amber pursed her lips. A Pokemon that had the ability to disguise himself as a human - or frankly, anything in the world should he choose to do so - was not someone she trusted.

Still, she kept her thoughts to herself. Celes seemed nothing if not excited to know about Nasir's abilities and she was not about to crash their party with her dislike of the Pokemon. Unlike that one brat that constantly spouted the worst from her mouth, she wasn't about to pick a petty fight just because she could. Besides - at that thought, she glanced a look at Aster who struggled in her arms with a want to charge towards the othets - her own Pokemon was not strong enough to survive such an altercation. Pokemon battles were... unsavory. She would rather trust in her own strength than pit someone as small as the Snivy in her arms against a Dragon Pokemon.

With a sigh, she resolved to simply ignoring the Zoroark for now. He seems like he wouldn't cause trouble and she had better things to do. Her eyes moved towards Bishop, who had gestured the group to enter. Amber lagged behind the others to offer the woman a respectful nod. While she always held the Pokemon professors in low regard - by Arceus, what kind of adult would give a ten year old a small Pokemon and task them to wander the world on their own - Bishop seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders. Amber could respect as much.

She followed the others inside and shot Celes a warm look before patting the girl's arm. "Careful now," she warned towards the Zoroark and his passenger. There seemed to be a lot of equipment in the area - some Amber could only assume cost a fortune - and she would hate for the two to stumble into an accident and hurt themselves - or the equipment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[New Amber Town - Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord @void liege @Leoven
This new girl, her uniform, it was a Police Uniform no doubt. She recognized it as one worn by Unova Officers, she was a long way away from home then. She took note of the young Snivy in her arms, only recently hatched it seemed. Another Pokedex to get it seemed, this one... hmm, it was hard to tell. She seemed nervous, maybe a yellow? "Alright, so I can tell that three of you at least are just now on your journeys. Don't worry, though, it doesn't make the process any harder. One moment." She said, leaving to the back room for a second to grab two more Pokedex's. She returned with them about a minute later.

She sat the two devices next to the two already on the table, turning to the trainers. "These Pokedex's are state of the art. They will automatically scan your fingerprints to create your Trainer ID. You will have to register your Starter Pokemon yourself later on. But let's start handing them out then." She grabbed three of them, handing one to each trainer.

She handed a Yellow Colored Pokedex to Amber.

She handed a Mahogany Colored Pokedex to Monday.

She handed a Pink Colored Pokedex to Celes.

Then she turned to the boy in the room. "You seem like a seasoned trainer, so the process is the same but a little different. It will scan your fingerprint in the same way, but it will scan available databases for your Trainer Records if you have one. So you don't have to worry about updating that." She said, taking the last Pokedex on the table into her hands.

She handed a Cyan Colored Pokedex to Devon.

"It's very simple to use, as well. If you wish to scan a Pokemon, just point it at the Pokemon you want to scan and press the button on the right. If you want to search for a specific Pokemon, hit the button on the left. You can search with many different parameters as well, such as name, type, and area. It's one of the most useful tools for a Pokemon Trainer!" She finished. She had given that speech so many times it was perfectly committed to memory. "And, if you need any starting Pokeballs, just ask. We'd be happy to help."

She still had her eyes on both the officer uniform clad girl and the rude little brat. She'd definitely tell her superiors about her, she could be a problem if not watched. The other girl, however, it was more personal. Being a former officer herself, she felt a kind of kindred connection with her. She seemed completely nervous about even being here, and it was clear she was uncomfortable as it was. After the rest had left, she wanted to have a quick word with her. She moved over to her, speaking somewhat low. "I'd like to talk to you before you leave, if you don't mind." She said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@void liege@Leoven
Devon shot the bratty woman another harsh glance, before strolling past her to join everyone else inside the lab. As everyone else was receiving their Pokédexs, the brown messed haired teen stood back a bit. Looking around at everything going on in the expensive looking lab. It really is just like the Sinnoh lab....Alot of people in white coats going around doing Pokémon research...I wonder what field Maple specialises in? That's the part I never really heard about...I guess hes into Archaeology, so maybe fossils?

Then the woman named Bishop turned to him. The information she offered was welcome, as entering his ID into a brand new Dex was pretty tedious. A happy smile came to his face. "Great! I always hated re-inputting all of my info. This just saves time. Thanks!"

With his new Viore Dex in hand, Devon clicked the left button to bring up the menu. Two dots appeared on the screen that he promptly pressed his fingers into. It wasn't long until the high tech device had found the Trainer ID 'Devon John Lyton' in the database. "Well that was quick."

With his information put in, the teen spun around to look back to the little girl sitting on the black swordsman's shoulders. "Alright! We got our Dexs, so it looks like we're good to go! Wanna head out Celes?"
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