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Hero Name: Invincible Girl
Real Name: None
Nicknames: Vincy (derived from in"vinci"ble)
Age: 103
Gender: Female (Technically asexual, but identifies and appears female)
Race: Created lifeform (human mixed with heavenly being)

Appearance: She has unnaturally white skin free of any marks or blemishes, as well as no private parts, having a "barbie doll" anatomy. Her head has all of the standard features one would expect. Her golden colored hair cannot be cut, but instead stays at the same length since birth, reaching the small of her back often in a simple, straight style with bangs reaching almost to her eyebrows. Her irises are also golden. She has no clear ethnicity but would likely be considered European looking to an Earthling. Her facial features themselves have nothing standing out from the crowd, the face one might picture as "girl" in the dictionary.

She wears a white leather suit that looks similar to this. It has no special defensive properties, as none are needed.

Biology: She doesn't have a digestive/urinary tract below the stomach, or any other organs down there for that matter. What little food she has to consume to stay healthy is broken down and absorbed completely into her body from her stomach, which is either used up or radiated out through her skin. She's not hollow, but instead has normal tissue (normal for her, at least) filling the gaps.

Personality: She's naive and inexperienced about the ways of the world despite being a few years over 100. Almost all facets of her life are taken care of by others, so she would struggle doing something as simple as walking into a fast food joint and paying for her order, asking for clarification on such matters. As such she doesn't like operating on her own accord, moving when told and exactly as told, although her handlers are trying to get her to be more independent now, with limited success. She doesn't like change.

She's on the antisocial side but not shy, given how she's lived under constant surveillance so is used to it. Don't expect any long winded speeches on anything, especially her opinions, which she mostly replies with, "I don't know". This is an improvement on how she was originally where she was mostly catatonic. She's now capable of gaining friends who can put up with her antics and hold her hand through things.


Physical Abilities- She's most well known for being nearly invincible. It's possible she could survive a supernova force attack, but nothing of that magnitude has ever hit her so nobody knows her true extent. Her greatest known feat is surviving the epicenter of an attack that obliterated 1/4th of a planet without a scratch on her. It goes without saying that her entire body can withstand such attacks, from her hair to her eyeballs to her insides.

Her other abilities are far less impressive. Against greater threats who can fling her through multiple buildings, it's unlikely she could keep up with their strength or speed, although compared to a normal human she could easily crush them. Her reactions are unnaturally fast, but certain enemies have been able to strike her before she could properly react.

Life Functions- She can operate normally without breathing for eight hours or survive without any food or water for a month. Not having these things doesn't kill her, but it does put her into a suspended animation of sorts until proper life functions are restored. Her body mainly just needs connections to the cosmic energy of the universe absorbed within her cells. Cut her off from that life function and she would truly die if she ran out of the energy stored within her.

Negative Status Effect Resistance- Things like poisons and germs have limited effect on her, as her very cells can shrug off damage and repel attacks on the micro and macro level. It's possible some exceptions can get through and cause her harm, but anything commonly experienced usually doesn't. For example, she's invincible to the common cold.

Combat Training- She doesn't commonly use any weapons even if not strictly against the idea. She has little finesse in the way she fights, as she hasn't had to learn proper fighting styles in order to survive. Her survival instinct is virtually nil, and that clearly comes through with how she fights. She often waits for the enemy to draw in close, doing most of the work for her so she just has to tank their attack and finish them off while they strike uselessly against her.


Dark Cosmic Energy- Her body absorbs cosmic energy by default, not distinguishing if it is dark, and thus harmful to her. She can be weakened severely in this matter and can feel pain, but is generally still near invincible.

Traps- Due to her not having limitless raw strength, it's conceivable that she could be trapped within something that she cannot smash her way out of.

Mind Abilities- It's possible someone can interfere with her mind by way of mind control, hypnosis, etc. or just plain outsmart and trick her.


Invincible Girl was created in a top secret bunker from a mix of human dna infused into a heavenly being's cells in a once in a lifetime successful experiment, allowing her to take human form but with heavenly being cells instead of normal human ones. She didn't develop magic, but retained intense physical durability of all the cells that made up her body. As they don't reproduce or eliminate waste the same way as humans, such organs failed to develop.

As her creation was in progress, a mysterious energy reading was detected off in the distance directly above their position and closing in on their location fast. They had roughly ten minutes to complete the process or run in fear, but the scientists chose the first option, finishing her just in time as a magical blast hit and wiped out 1/4th of the planet. She was the only survivor at the center of the blast radius, curled up unharmed in a ball, so obviously aroused suspicion that she was behind it as search parties made their way there. Although she was physically as developed as she ever would be, her mind wasn't quite ready and she was in a comatose state for 20 years.

100 years later and she still looked the same as ever. She was considered the one responsible and was unable to function in normal society anyways, so was locked up in a facility during much of this time. She was treated fairly by most people and was used to this way of life, so managed to retain a positive, albeit simple outlook on life. Some kind gentlemen and women arrived on her 99th year alive to try and get her to be able to function outside of their walls, as her prison sentence was only for 100 years and she clearly was living longer than that. Before this she only exited the facility to take on superhero activities, not wandering around like a normal civilian. She was released and given her own small apartment to live in as a test of her normal living ability, but she still gets assistance every day once she heads out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Mr. Rakken (sometimes called Rah)
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: His body resembles a xenomorph from the movie Alien, being black and skeletal looking; similar to an insect's exoskeleton. However, he has no tail and his head looks more like a cat (maintaining a skeletal black look), without ears, nose, or any hair. He doesn't appear as scrawny as an actual skeleton, still retaining the bulk of an athletic human male, standing 6'2" tall. His eyes are red with no whites of the eye. His teeth are very sharp. The claws on his hands and feet can extend to a length of five inches, normally being an inch long.

Personality: Despite appearances he's very kind hearted and gentlemanly. He doesn't get angry at people judging him, only saddened. Thanks to this he knows never to judge anyone by appearances. However, he's not naive either (knowing how horrible mankind can be) so wouldn't ignore facts of someone being evil, just not judging a book by it's cover is all. He desires to rehabilitate people and give them second chances if at all possible, resorting to violence only when all other reasonable means fail.


Physical Abilities- He can leap upwards from ground level, landing on his feet through a second story window. He focuses more on mobility than brute force, running at speeds of 40 miles per hour. His attack power, while almost peak human strength so is impressive in it's own right, is mostly in the form of his extremely sharp teeth and claw points, which can puncture anything short of bulletproof vests for heavy calibers. His body exoskeleton is tough but pierced by medium powered or better guns without much difficulty.

Black Goo Regeneration- His body is largely made up of a black goo-like substance that can sustain all his life functions without vital organs for a certain amount of time depending on how much material is left. If he's missing half a body than there's little he can do. If he's relatively intact than he can last up to ten minutes even with a destroyed heart. If his brain is destroyed or he looses too many cells than his body goes limp, but normal organ destruction allows him to keep on going only a little worse for wear for the time being. For things like muscles destruction then this can inhibit his movement more, but mainly if large holes are made in the muscle or cut entirely.

He cannot heal rapidly during battle, as this is mainly just for sustaining his life functions. He can recover from almost any injury, but this takes time. He would be out of commission for a month if his brain is destroyed. Only a large amount of his cells collected in one place can begin the recovery process, so his head could never sprout out a new body by itself. His body would be effectively dead in the meantime That being said, if his heart is destroyed then he could last ten minutes, momentarily become as good as dead, and then be good as new in about a week or so depending on the extent of the damage.


Outfit: Normally in a business suit, minus shoes that can't fit his feet easily.
Other: He carries with him a briefcase if on his normal job.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(This character may seem like I'm copying a couple of my previous characters. You are correct. I may adjust some aspects of said characters to make them more different)

(This character will have different versions of him. This is the most powerful/standard version while others being a lot more manageable to fight. I shall get to posting other versions soon)

Name: Soul
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: ??? (Appears to be human)

Appearance: He has fair skin, an athletic looking body, and is roughly six feet tall. He has very pale blonde hair that’s tied into a long braided ponytail reach his mid back. It’s not to look feminine. His face can be best described as long and thin. He has a regal aura about him at first glance, but first impressions are deceiving here.

Personality: He doesn’t appear to take things seriously very often, even enjoying fighting. He’s confident in himself, although not to the point of stupidity. He knows when to back off if things are going south and are no longer worth it. He’s not afraid to play dirty or eliminate threats. If people are not bothering him and/or are no longer a threat, he often just ignores them unless they’re really asking for it. When something bores him he has minimal attention span and tries to get out of it.

He helps other people if the situation catches his eye but may tease them a bit in the process. Some might call him a bit childish and arrogant with limited formality. He finds stick-in-the-muds far worse. He’s not afraid to speak his mind.


His body is heavily infused with mystic energy, which is in fact what he was born from. This energy is what can be found in souls, magic, the cosmos itself, etc. The energy itself can be called by various names. The color of his looks similar to fire of orange/red/yellow colors, but the magical looking glow of it is obviously different than actual fire. It’s also only body temperature.

His blood is so saturated with it that when he gets cut you can see the energy flowing out with it before evaporating. It quickly turns into a fizzle at the surface of the wound before the flow of both it and blood stops. Concentrating on it can stop it quicker than if he was really weakened and unable to focus. When he’s using his powers you can see the glow underneath his skin as well.

Physical Abilities: As a result of his unusual body makeup he’s not limited by a normal mortal one, able to push his limits to a ridiculous degree. When his entire body is glowing he could be seen as a god to normal people. The shockwave of a punch could obliterate mountains and he can travel at speeds approaching light. His exact limit is incalculable. Naturally his reaction times keep up with this and he can withstand damage on a scale of what he can dish out.

Weapon Training: He excels in sword fighting both by being a prodigy at it and self practice for the most part.


He’s able to send his energy outward, but only if some of it’s still connected to his body or else it quickly evaporates. It doesn’t form complex shapes while outside the body, described mostly like being sharp fire petals connected together in various patterns, or when fired off in a burst mostly just like blobs of glowing escaping gas. He’s drained over time when using his powers. His powers can come from any point on his body; that area glowing moments before use. The energy outside of his body is not as durable as his body itself so can be shattered, evaporating away all of the energy involved in that area. All the powers listed are actually drawing from this same thing, only applied differently.

Shockwave: When contacting someone or something energy bursts through them, easily able to obliterate the internal organs of normal humans and causing them to explode if he desired to put that much power into it. If he’s not in contact, a burst of energy flies out through the air like a sonic boom mostly angled in a single direction like a half circle extending outward from the point of origin.

Blast: A mass of energy is ejected from his body like a bullet. This is his most costly ability unless the blasts are small and weak, such as just being strong enough to distract someone or throw them off balance. The blast is also a short lived attack, only reaching mid range thanks to how fast it can travel.

Construct: A thin line of energy can extend outward before sprouting into a shield that looks similar to a flower, or some other rudimentary looking object that can be used as a weapon or otherwise. This can cover a small surface area or even completely surround himself. Although, as previously stated, the energy outside of his body is weaker than his body itself, constructs still provide an additional layer of defense so could still be beneficial to himself or to shield others.

Extend: Energy that only travels across things he’s in contact with, taking on it’s shape but with some variation. For example, he can have his energy travel down his blade and turn into a really sharp point. His energy also provides increased resilience to the objects, as the attack would have to break through it first before harming the object. As such he could even surround a piece of paper in it and allow it to survive a blazing inferno. This also explains how his clothing can remain undamaged.

Float: A layer of energy forms around him at a certain location that cushions him and can be controlled to move his body with it. For example, if he’s falling down he can form energy below him to slow himself down to a safe and steady stop, then fly back up or in whatever direction he desires.


Outfit: He doesn’t commonly wear any armor.

Weapons: His weapon is a hand-and-a-half sword. It has a gold colored crossguard hilt and four foot long silver colored blade that is thick and blunt like what you would expect of a bokken.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Leif
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: He has silver eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. He has a slender body and facial features with fair looking skin.

Personality: He’s good natured, wanting to do the right thing to a fault. Some might view him as lawful stupid. However, he would follow his heart over the law if the two happen to conflict. He simply views the law, a lot of the time, as just and everyone else troublemakers unless they had good reason for breaking it. He can be seen as someone who sticks his nose into other people’s business too much. He tends to get lost a lot and then randomly getting involved in one issue or another before he can get back to what he was trying to do in the first place.


Physical Abilities- Can be considered close to peak human. Later on he becomes more supernatural in physical attributes across the board. However, this often takes second stage to his magical power once he develops it enough. While fighting opponents, it’s easiest to simply view him as about average in relation to them, not standing out against their own physical abilities; able to hold his own but having no real advantage here unless they are known for being weak in a certain area.

Combat Training- He’s skilled with the sword and his abilities, as well as the tactical know how to best use them. Other than that his combat training is lacking.


His power is described as “Point Generation”. As a broad definition, it’s a point in empty space that he can focus on that begins to shimmer, breaking down any weaker objects that makes contact with it or attracting/repelling objects that are close enough. A more detailed description follows. First listed is for the weakest version of his powers, then changes listed for upgraded versions of said character when he’s had more time to develop. This way you can fight him at various stages of his life when he’s of a certain tier. Unless otherwise stated, things mentioned in his weaker forms carry on up the chain to stronger forms.


Weapon: A typical arming sword.
Outfit: His outfit doesn’t provide any strategic advantages over normal street clothes. His exact outfit may be decided on later.


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