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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ruina
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: She has tanned skin and long dark hair tied up while in battle as to not get in the way. Her features are a tad sharp and fierce looking, including an icy blue stare with pupils in a shape between a diamond and a cross, a trademark of her people.

Personality: She doesn't make friends easily, being very business minded, and her business is killing people, further adding to the problem. She's very detached from most things, including her own life. Sarcasm flies straight over her head a lot of the time and when she tries to make jokes they often come out weird or are silly one liners which she tries to pass off as cool. Despite appearances she actually does care about what others think of her so gets threatened by people outperforming her and making her look bad. She can get very hot headed if such an event occurs and wants revenge. She won't kill people simply for besting her but could get rather grouchy for quite some time. For most of her upbringing her worth was decided on how well she did in combat situations, so failing this one purpose is a major blow to her ego.

She likes to think of herself as cool, calm, and collected, although deep down she's experiencing more and more doubt and self criticism creeping up on her. She still has a long way to go to recover from her childhood trauma.


Physical Abilities- Incredibly athletic, the best that could be expected of a human being in terms of agility, nimbleness, flexibility, and grace in her movements. Her strength could take on the average male weightlifter. Her reaction time is near instantaneous.

Combat Training- Her fighting looks as if she's dancing around the battlefield, dodging things left and right while circling around the enemy to cut them down from the sides and back rather then take them on up front., which she can still do but not her specialty. In tight spaces her fighting style suffers greatly and she goes into a more timid, defensive stance until she can catch an opening. She's trained extensively in weapons mentioned in her equipment and hand to hand, which includes strikes from various body parts.


Blood Scarves: She has five blood scarves wrapped around her person, one on each limb and one around her head. They're 8 feet long and 8 inches wide. They're actually black in color and semi-transparent, looking like a very fine mesh. They weigh half a pound each. The scarves are infused with her dna from a shamanistic ritual and obey her commands as if they're her own limbs as long as they're touching her skin at some point. She can't feel sensations from them other then through tension at the point of contact. They're four times more durable then steel and keep a sharp edge despite being as flexible as a normal scarf.

Throwing Daggers: She keeps numerous throwing daggers on her person, mostly steel but she also has an odd assortment taken off dead foes or otherwise. They can be wrapped up in her blood scarves and thrown from them just like using her hands, allowing her to throw them from odd angles and multiple at a time.


She's an assassin working in a medieval desert-like village, having a rough childhood. She develops a rivarly with Rei'ha, having similar physical abilities and being highly skilled in their field.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Dark King Ravard
Age: At least 200
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: His most distinguishing characteristic is two massive horns similar to Maleficent but brown and scaled. Over "clearly evil" characteristics of his are sharp, pointed nails and teeth, pale skin, and prominent cheekbones. He has a sharp, slender face with piercing black eyes. His body is lean but rippling with sinewy muscle. He's not actually as strong as he looks. He has hair as dark as night, which is long enough to be shoulder length and very rugged in style.

Personality: He behaves quite like a very cheesy villain who loves over theatrical defeats of pesky humans, all the while delivering stupid one liners and dramatic gestures. He doesn't realize he looks like a tool because where he comes from a lot of heroes and villains have a habit of behaving in such a matter as if some sort of a tradition. Battle and destruction are practically the only things he somewhat enjoys, hating many things, especially mettling kids and heroes. He wishes to conquer the multiverse so that he no longer has to deal with such people, which he also sees as doing a favor to people under his rule, even though he doesn't care about them or pretend to. He just doesn't understand why so few people are willing to follow him on this quest. He doesn't mind monsters, learning to tolerate and use them to achieve his goals.


Physical Abilities- He doesn't seem to be physically that impressive, only behaving like a normal human male with a lot of energy and swift reaction times.

Cunning Mind- He's pretty intelligent and has a lot of book smarts but also makes stupid mistakes far too often that he should know better, leading to him clutching defeat from the jaws of victory on far too many occasions. He does succeed from time to time and doesn't make so many mistakes if he allows himself a chance to calm down and think, which he does if he's not being annoyed horribly by his opponent. His other big flaw is that he can create far too complicated of plots, being intelligent enough to come up with such a convoluted plan but not considering the more simple options available to him due to focusing elsewhere. As long as these two big flaws don't rear their ugly head then he has a good chance of outsmarting his foe unless they're more then a normal human genius.

Scepter Combat- He carries with him a 6 foot long scepter that he can use to defend himself with. He's talented enough to give normal humans a good whacking without taking much damage in return but would not hold his own against talented opponents should things get up close and personal. It's not his preferred fighting style to be sure.

Resistance- His body naturally shrugs off mental and poison attacks extremely well, making them harm him only by the most talented of individuals. Most magical attacks are also negated somewhat against his body should they attack him directly and not things like magically controlling a rock into his face, which would hurt him just like the rock normally would. This doesn't make him completely immune to direct magical attacks but does cut down the damage by a good 20%, more for weaker attacks and less for stronger ones until the effect is negligible.


Dark Explosion- Within 10 feet of him, a ball of darkness with a purple glittering eye forms in mid air in the span of two seconds, growing to a size half that of a human head. It can then float around at speeds of only 5 miles an hour but has homing capabilities against his intended target, so will continue following them no matter the distance until they're dispelled by bright light, are destroyed, or run out of energy after 10 seconds. Once getting within 3 feet of them they will explode in a flurry of darkness that acts like a normal grenade minus fire damage. It's effect radius is 5 feet before the damage becomes no longer lethal to normal humans.

He can form up to five dark explosions at a time. They take some energy so he could only form around 40 total before running out.

Double Dark Explosion- Like Dark Explosion but has two purple glittering eyes and is twice as large. They can open up their huge "mouths" to bite onto things before exploding at point blank range but can explode from a distance as well. Their capabilities are the same besides a lethal effect radius of 10 feet. He can only create one at a time and would run out of energy after creating 5 of them.

Dark Death- A tendril of darkness with thickness similar to a finger flows from his body over to his intended target at a speed of 5 miles per hour. It can wrap around and follow his target by way of his mind concentrating on it. Despite it's slow speed, if it hits someone it's actually his most deadly attack, practically ignoring most defenses to burrow straight through them. However, those who specialize in defense or are much more powerful then him could resist it but would still definitely feel the attack way more then someone of his caliber would normally do to them. He can only use this move for around 30 seconds total before using up all his energy.

Fade to Black- The area around him begins to darken to the point where you can no longer see your hand if held out at arm's length. If it gets to that point, which requires 8 seconds from a normally lit room, then he can vanish away from the battle to go back to his evil lair. The darkened area spans only a circumference of 5 feet around him so if he's forced to move out of it then his efforts were wasted and he must start over. Completing this move uses up 60% of his max energy reserves.

Monster Summon- Darkness in the size and shape of the monster he wishes to summon forms in empty space anywhere within 20 feet of him. The monsters must have been enveloped by his darkness before being carried over to this darkness.

Underminions - His most common and weakest monster type. They're basically walking skulls with very small, dark scaly bodies with stubby arms and legs sticking out from the bottom of the skull that's about 3 feet tall, their bodies only 1 foot tall. They shamble around clumsily but can bite a human in half and are as well defended as skulls would be with the extra thickness based on how large they are. Ravgard would only run out of energy upon summoning 20 of them. They require 5 seconds of darkness forming around their point of entry to appear.

Bats outa' heck - They look like bad Halloween props but are slightly more dangerous then they look...slightly. They can provide intelligence reports to Ravgard through their sonic cries that he can decipher for basic phrases such as "found enemy". A bat bite would numb the area for up to 3 minutes and sting like a bullet ant. If bit over 5 times then a normal human would start to weaken, 10 times to feel faint, and 20 times to be dead. They require only 2 seconds of darkness to form and he'd only run out of energy if summoning 50 of them.


He's weak to the power of love, finding it repulsive and distracting. Intense light has more of an actual effect on his body, limiting his power by up to 50% if it's so bright it would blind people. His biggest weakness may also be himself and his personality.


Body: A dark, evil looking cloak with large, spiked shoulder pads underneath.
Hands: Rusted looking steel gauntlets.
Feet: Rusted looking steel boots.
Weapons: A dark colored 6 foot long steel scepter.
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I pmed you about a fight if you want to.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Natalie "Firefly" Lockheart
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: She has blonde hair styled into a ponytail going down to her mid back. She has green eyes. She used to wear stupid looking red glasses and had unprofessional looking hair but switched to contacts and prettied herself up more now. However, after some experiences she's not as afraid to go back to her old look and loose some of her pretty appearance as she gets rough and tumble in a fight.

Personality: She used to be a geeky kid who loved bug collecting, not having many friends as a result as they all thought she was weird and made fun of her. She rebranded herself as a cool kid after reaching high school, although this never felt right to her. She had trouble enjoying doing standard girly things and putting on acts, always feeling like her true calling was elsewhere. Seeing a group of other girls picking on a geeky kid like she was once, she blew up in his defense and made a scene, making everyone think she was weird once again and avoided her. Letting off steam in a small forest near the school, she spotted some cool looking fireflies and reverted back to her old ways, chasing after it for a better look. It's then that they entered into her soul and sealed her fate as a so called "weird firefly kid".

She's become more feisty and tsundere-like after this experience, not trusting in other people as much as she trusts in herself, bugs, and her spirit animal. However, she doesn't truly dislike humans, at least in general, even if she does have bad things to say about them on occasion and feels unfairly left out of things just because of who she is. If she does learn to trust someone or feels pity towards them then she can be very kind to them to the point of self sacrificing. Otherwise she mostly likes to be left alone now to settle her own problems herself, just her and her bugs.


Physical Abilities- She's not supernatural in physical ability, just a normal girl who got super powers by meeting up with her spirit animal.

Advanced Bug Knowledge- She knows a lot about a ton of different types, which can come in handy in very rare circumstances.


Firefly Spirit Animal- She can summon firefly spirits out of her own soul using her energy to fuel them. Her fireflies glitter brightly, lighting up dark places enough to see clearly a good distance away without causing any blinding effects from being too bright. After three seconds of charge time where their glow expands further around them and intensifies, they can fire their magical glowing energy as deadly beams traveling 80 miles per hour and capable of punching through almost anything not of incredibly high defense if shot at point blank range. At a distance of 55 feet they can still cleanly pierce steel suits of armor but further then that they loose even more power.

Firing a beam causes the firefly to evaporate after the beam is shot for three seconds, although if fired between two fireflies it can be sustained for six seconds until they both evaporate. However, fireflies can combine their energy as they form into a single firefly to increase the amount of time proportionally. She can have up to 40 fireflies out at any given moment but if they evaporate they can only be regenerated from her soul very slowly, making them only come back after an hour. She only has a total fire time of 2 minutes between them all, per hour, given these calculations.

A secret power of theirs is the light defense pulse. They can release all of their energy in a pulse that defends against any attacks entering it by pushing it back, able to knock away a gorilla with a single firefly's pulse, although the range is limited to just an inch so it's very rarely anything besides a defensive technique unless attached to her fist, for example, and activates as her punch gets into range. Due to the fireflies having nearly instantaneous reaction times, they can activate the pulse before she's even aware of it to deflect attacks that would have normally gotten through.

The lasers or pulse cannot harm her due to being her spirit animal.


Clothing: She doesn't wear armor but instead often wears normally human clothing. She prefers jeans but does wear a variety of clothing on occasion, not always sticking to the tomboy look just to prove some point.
Weapons: None


Where she comes from, finding one's spirit animal gives the person special powers when they combine with their soul. However, they must first be worthy and "find" themselves in order to do so. When she was a freshman in high school she tried to act cool but went to her true calling of being a geek not afraid to stand up for others even if it cost her newfound popularity. This allowed her to see her firefly spirit animal once again, originally seeing them as a young child that caused her interest in bug collecting in the first place but she never managed to catch them until now.

Despite being inexperienced it was clear that her powers with her spirit animal were immense, causing interest in her to develop among certain groups who wished to use her power. Not being very trusting anymore she turned most of them down instantly, although after meeting with a boy about her age working for a group known as GUIDE, that slowly changed. He proved that he cared about people and was out for the best interested of others, including herself, so she decided to "semi" join them after a fateful battle with an evil spirit animal. She'd help GUIDE out on occasions where she could be of use, getting much needed paychecks in return, and that's about all she wanted to deal with them for a while until she started warming up to them, hanging out at their headquarters more and more without her even realizing it.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Kuhra Sharpclaw
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Race: Half Human, Half Ku'Tahl (Half human, half tiger looking race). This makes her more human looking then normal Ku'Tahl and gives her more advantages from certain human traits while still being more physically powerful then normal humans.

Appearance: She's quite large, standing at 6'4'' tall and weights 210 pounds, having a lean, muscular figure. Her body is mostly humanoid but her arms and legs turn tiger-like after the joint, resulting in her hands and feet appearing far more animalistic although still retaining individual fingers and opposable thumbs capable of normal human movement, more or less. Her fingers and toes have large retractable claws that are razor sharp, similar to her fangs. Her body fur becomes more sparse further from the extremities, excluding the tail/groin region. Her fur is dull orange-ish and white in color. Her skin is tan.

Her head hair is black and styled very long and wild, the hair roots extending further down the back of her neck that turns into the orange color of her body hair that makes the tip and the underside of her hair orange. Her eyebrows/lashes are black. She has very little white in her eyes, most of it olive green with flakes of brown and slit black irises. Her ears are more pointed like a housecat and often have multiple golden ring piercings in them. Her facial features are human but with a wild, slightly animalistic look to them, being sharp and threatening.

Personality: She's a sadist who loves toying with her opponents before finishing them off. She can switch between really threatening to adorable at the drop of a hat, loving to play with cute things that shows off the cat side of her personality, although her playing is usually dangerous to others if playing with a live being. She tries to hide her adorable side but is so bad at it that it makes people think she's not being serious. For example, she might deny playing with yarn when people outright saw her doing so moments beforehand. That being said she can be a big, unabashed liar, who almost never admits that she's wrong, always coming up with some excuse or avoiding the situation entirely if she runs out of excuses that even she knows better then to try.

She doesn't handle disrespect well, throwing herself at people, even if higher ranked or more powerful, if she feels like they've taken things too far. Therefore, one can imagine her having a low instinct for self preservation, especially when taking into account her sadist side getting her into a lot of crazy predicaments that have nearly gotten herself killed if not for her high level of toughness both physical and mental.


Physical Abilities- She can reach 60 miles per hour and single handedly throw grown men across the room with enough force to kill them upon hitting the wall if they're unlucky. She has an inhumanly high endurance level, making her retain peak physical ability for long periods of time before tiring, lasting a couple of hours in combat situations unless she really overdoes herself. Her durability is also enhanced but less so then her strength, so take enough punches and she would eventually go down even against normal foes.

Her senses of sight, smell, taste, and hearing are 1.5 times more acute then the average human. She also has heightened reactions, night vision and far reduced pain receptors. Unfortunately she might injure herself and not know it as quickly as a normal person would, especially if she gets far too into the fight at hand. Her sense of smell is the most adept at detecting and tracking down blood, sensitive enough to even learn the smell of it's owner. A bleeding target can be detected within half a mile.

Animal Instincts- Some joke that it's just her feminine intuition, she's very good at detecting when something is amiss even if she can't quite place what it is.


Primal Blood Fury- Similar to adrenaline, this gets released naturally during a fight in smaller quantities but she can willingly release a much larger dose into her bloodstream, boosting her physical abilities (not including senses) by two times, eliminating all sense of pain, and reducing logical reasoning. After the effects run out in around two minutes she crashes down and often faints depending on exertion levels. She can keep fighting through most wounds that wouldn't immediately be debilitating or fatal, even ignoring things like arrows sticking out of her chest and multiple nonfatal gunshot wounds.


Clothing: A simple, tattered beige tunic and medieval styled pants cut into shorts.

Armor: She wears sparse armor parts on her body that don't all belong to the same set, scavenged off of defeated opponents. Her shin guards and gauntlets leave her hands and feet exposed for obvious reasons. All of the armor pieces are iron, leather, or steel.

Weapon: A unique ball and chain based magical weapon called Grinder, appearing to be made of steel but 10 times more durable. The ball, in it's base form, weighs 3 pounds and the chain is 20 feet long, the extra length of chain often wrapped up around her belt until put to use. The ball is made up of a container in the inside that can hold materials and bands that are free to rotate around the outside, cutting up material with the sharp edges and absorbing the broken down material inside the ball to increase it's size and mass. It has the power to chip away at steel but cannot make very large cuts even if sharp, making it best at breaking down more fragile targets. The ball can grow as large as 3 feet across and weigh depending on the materials inside. Grinder only grinds when it senses the intent of the wielder to do so or if it feels like it.


Her people were often hunted by humans so she had a very rough time growing up, living in near constant fear. Due to looking more human she was able to pass as such by wearing disguises and aided by her human father, but her mother would have no such luck. While trying to visit her family during the cover of darkness one fateful night, her husband's "friend" had gotten suspicious and alerted the guards of this possible interloping going on, causing both parents to be captured and executed and Kuhra also hunted down, but she managed to flee thanks to her superior agility and night vision, as well as an intentionally false report on where she ran off too, given by the only kind old man nice enough to help her upon knowing her secret.

While sprinting frantically through the forest, she literally bumped into an unusual adventurer from another world who made the offer of helping her destroy the entire village, save for the old man, a feat which he accomplished within only 8 minutes, leaving hundreds dead. Kuhra was actually glad for once in her life, as glad as she could be after the death of her parents. She decided that she'd follow this man and see if she could experience more of this sweet revenge and attain power she never had before. Noticing her talents at such a young age, he gifted her with one of his treasures, Grinder, a weapon fitting her strength and lack of finesse with her hands, even if they were far better then what normal Ku'Tahl was capable of.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Maide Wenders
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: He has unsaturated purplish brown hair styled like he could fit inside a typical anime, his bishonen good looks matching this (although often with bandages and other battle damage on him that covers up this fact). He has an athletic body and is of Caucasian appearance.

Personality: He tries to act like a tough guy whenever out in public, although his true personality is very kind and he's honestly not the best at pretending when his kindness gets the better of him or he simply doesn't know how to look tough besides stereotypical stuff. This makes him a male version of a tsundere, one who acts cold and even when they are nice they try to pretend that they aren't doing so for the sake of the person they are nice too, making up excuses for himself such as helping out a woman from being robbed by saying he found the guys loud and annoying so shut them up so he could concentrate. Most people around him for any length of time are not fooled in the slightest by his act, especially when he's always trying to help out others in need "coincidentally". He loves cats and other fluffy animals but only in secret, of course.


Physical Abilities- His reactions are inhumanly swift and his physical abilities over what normal humans are capable of, allowing him to run up to 45 miles per hour for extended periods of time and knock grown men across the room with a single kick.

Fighting Style- He rough houses his opponents into submission with quick, violent bursts of attacks, mostly from his punches if he's serious (due to his primary weapons on them). Although this is the area he specializes in, don't underestimate his ability to kick, grapple, and other useful fighting techniques that he picked up during his many street fights, offering great real world applications as well as practice in a dojo growing up for more clinical precision than his fighting style first suggests. In fact, if people think he's just a brute throwing punches haphazardly than they will be in for an awful surprise. He's capable of taking on a more subdued fighting style when the situation calls for it.

Intellect- He's above average in intelligence and an extremely quick thinker. However, he's far more blind when it comes to being a people person. For example, when not in a fight he has trouble reading how people feel and what could be considered cool or not.


Clothing: He prefers a plain white t-shirt, jeans, heavy duty Velcro strap boots, and a leather jacket that only goes halfway down his torso and is usually left open.

Godbeater: This pair of weapons (which he named himself to try and sound cool/tough) looks like black brass knuckles with purple runes on them. They feed off of the wielder's destructive urges in order to increase their own destructive power if they are properly in sync. Although not sentient like how we view it, they can tap into a person's emotional state and grow alongside them, not bringing about it's full potential to just anyone even if they're feeling destructive at the moment. It takes a special someone who's lifestyle is a good fit for the weapon in order to do so. However, as such people are generally villains, it's difficult to entrust someone with this weapon who wouldn't abuse it's power and still retain a high level of power.

In the right hands they can become powerful enough to destroy almost anything upon contact but can also destroy the user as well if they let it get the better of them, even if not taking things nearly to that extreme. Not only that but if the user doesn't have control then the weapon will always destroy things upon contact rather than only upon intent to do so. Very few people can hope to wield it to any extent without these problems showing up sooner rather than later. This is another major disadvantage to using them even if the person is destructive enough to properly bring about it's power.

Besides it's standard attack requiring touch, he has another one he likes to call "Violent Burst". It can also unleash a spherical burst of transparent purple energy in all directions around the weapon for a max radius of eight feet, the purple runes glowing for a second before activating. What it does is similar to the standard attack yet obviously covers more range, which is incredibly important for destroying things like fire where you can't simply punch fire. Only one of the pair needs to activate this power to use it and each of the pair can only do so once in an hour. After using this power it weakens the abilities of the weapon by about 40% for the first minute and recovers at a rate of 10% for every minute afterwards. A more powerful use of this ability is clanging both in the pair together and activating them both at once, unleashing a burst that covers twelve feet and is twice as potent.

The final attack he can do with them, this time a longer range one, is what he calls "Destructo Sphere". The runes glow as they charge up, only one needing to do so at once (but both can) and the attacks cannot be combined in power between the pair like Violent Burst. After 5 seconds of charge time the spheres he can shoot out (after punching in the direction the sphere shall travel) are as big as a human head, have a speed of 30 miles per hour, a max distance of 50 feet before dissipating (lasting just over a second), and a power output of that of his normal melee attacks. For every additional second of charge time it gains 5 feet of travel distance and +10% power up to 10 seconds of additional charge time before it no longer has any benefit. The exact same as Violent Burst, his weapons temporarily lose their power afterwards.


He was born into a world in a state of rivalry between different "families" that are in charge of safeguarding different magical weapons, everyone in the family brought up to wield their specific weapon in times of need as they are generally the only ones who can use it effectively so it falls onto their shoulders. People are not only born into it but they can join the family if they are approved by the leader. The Wenders family only had Maide as the last living heir born into it, the family being in a state of decline after his other two brothers perished due to misuse of the weapon they had been entrusted with, a weapon similar to brass knuckles known as Vurtuln. Maide didn't attend classes very much after that incident and the other members became very bitter of him being chosen to wield Vurtuln as a result of the incident, believing that they deserved it far more and it was unfair that Maide got it just because he was born.

However, he truly inherited them because he was the only one who was the least corruptible of it's power, as evident by the other members vehement complaining, a ploy his father used to see how they would react before truly deciding on the heir. Maide also had potential to develop an incredible sync with the weapon as long as he changed his personality to better fit the task he had been given, his good side keeping it in control all the while. This strike of balance was the only way his father saw of keeping the weapons, and their family, in check rather than leading to even greater destruction. Some of the other members saw how well he grew with them and accepted why he was the heir although others quit in a rage, a few even trying to kill Maide for the weapon.

As the heir he participated in various matches with heirs of other families, sometimes winning, sometimes loosing, but always improving on himself to reach far greater heights than any thought possible. He's now considered among the top fighters.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Aperaham Kingkolng
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Race: Manobo (a rare race of super intelligent ape)
Appearance: At first glance he looks like an everyday ape, more specifically a bonobo, albeit slightly lankier than average with lean muscles and lots of body scars where fur doesn't grow back from, revealing tanned flesh. He stands at four and a half feet tall when completely upright like a human, walking like one too when he chooses to do so. However, if he needs to move quickly or became a smaller target than he can easily switch to a more ape-like posture.

Personality: He's kind, wise, and honest, able to act as a mentor for those he comes across. He prefers to fight only when there's no other option, often saving friends and foes alike in the process.


His abilities are not unusual for those of normal chimps besides intellect. Therefore, expect him to be five times stronger than normal humans and far more in control over his strength than they normally are. He's a genius who can invent things steampunk related.


Steamguns- These pair of guns are attached to his forearms by leather straps, the gun portion on top in two parts connected by a hinge/gears near the wrist. The top part follows the hinge to go up off of his arm and then back down over his hands, which he can grasp onto a handle/trigger on this part's underside (which is sticking upwards when the part is laying back down across the forearm). While covering his hands, this makes the gun portion operational as the barrel goes all the way from the elbow to a little bit past his knuckles. There's a hole in the top of the part on the forearm that a tank can fit into.

His steamguns, with each individual tank, can only fire a single bullet with power similar to a civil war musket. He can replace the tanks, which requires around four seconds. He can keep six spare tanks in his tophat and one tank in each gun at the start (the hole for them behind where the top part of the gun lays on top).

Tophat- His tophat contains the tanks needed for his gun to fire. They can be gotten out of compartments opened on the side of the hat.

Clothing- He wears blue jeans, which may seem unneeded for one with fur covering his privates, but he says it comes in handy for keeping stuff on his person that might come in handy. He also owns a backpack if needed.


He was born in an alternate reality earth where intelligent beings other than humans exist. Such beings were often used as slaves, although a brave Manobo named Aperaham (Abraham born as a Manobo in this universe) changed this status quo by becoming president of the United States and outlawing this practice. A manobo being president was the final straw and a civil war was fought with steampunk technology, which Aperaham did his best to end as soon as possible by personally taking the field and throwing all of his pride aside to ask others for assistance. In the end the rebel forces saw how much he was willing to go through for his people and were won over by what the other intelligent animals were capable of. Loosing the war and their morale, the war came to an end.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Varnes
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: His true form is often concealed at the very least in a flowing white cloak.

Personality: He's often neutral in matters, seldom taking part in things for his own persona goals, but instead interfering in matters important to the stability of the multiverse as a whole. He doesn't let emotions or morality dictate what he believes the best course of action to alleviate the situation at hand. As such, he doesn't care if people see him as good or evil. His biggest weakness could be his "above it all" persona, often underestimating what others are capable of due to being too detached to pay enough attention to the reality of the situation.


Physical Abilities- Immense. He's able to wipe out skyscrappers by punching them, appears to only be a blur, if that, to human perception upon quick movement, and greatly enhanced reactions and durability to match said abilities without destroying himself, although his abilities are more strength and speed oriented without taking into account armor that he wears.


His powers involve his silvery, glittery, transparent essence, which is his life force that he's able to manipulate to do incredible things. It also enhances his physical abilities, but because he doesn't need to focus on this fact it's just counted as a normal physical ability that's always active. However, if his essence is somehow turned off, he would indeed lose his physical prowess as well.

He can send essence off of his body faster than a bullet, it being virtually weightless so can travel swiftly and change directions on a dime. However, it also makes it hardly have any punch unless he spends time charging it up, making his essence by itself a poor attack for those of his tier. However, it can still instantly kill most normal humans if they take a direct hit and could destroy an entire city if he charges all of his essence into the attack.

His essence slowly fades to nothingness when outside his body unless concentrated on and revitalized with additional essence, fading far quicker if dispersed into a mist, which is common for certain powers he uses. The mist would be completely gone within five minutes without his intervention.

His essence can infuse into and pass through objects besides rare exceptions and things more powerful than his essence can penetrate.

He could run out of essence eventually, being in major trouble if he uses so much that his physical abilities start to falter. Eventually he would die or loose consciousness if pushing himself even further.

Teleportation- He can teleport anything infused with his essence to any location with his essence. The object teleported conserves it's momentum before teleportation, which can allow for some interesting strategies based on what orientation he teleports the object in. Teleporting larger objects takes more of his essence to pull off, logically.

Possession- Infusing his essence into something, he can control it was if telekinetic. However, those with high enough energy or willpower can break free of his control. Possessing something requires a lot of focus on it so he cannot possess too many things without suffering from a lack of control on them.

Mind Read- If his essence is infused into someone's mind, spending additional essence, he can read their mind and speak directly into it with his own. Reading what they're outright thinking or feeling is simple unless the person is a master at guarding their mind, while delving deeper into their memories requires much more effort and concentration.


Substitute Body- Using possession, he commonly infuses special mannequins with his essence, often filled very densely so they can carry on operations on their own without his body supplying them additional essence. They require a special magical "brain" and sensors that he can mind read in order to see from their perspective while using them. Their bodies are made out of the strongest natural material from the multiverse he comes from, allowing them to withstand modern earthling weapons indefinitely.

These mannequins are obviously difficult to create so he probably has less than ten, although the exact number is unknown. He can use far less expensive, yet less threatening, mannequins as well to serve a similar purpose.

Distant Armory- He has various equipment infused with his essence in a secret vault, many of which are super valuable. This allows him to teleport in a massive number of different load outs of both armor and weaponry to fit the situation.


Once a far more simple adventurer, he was caught in a dimensional explosion that tore his very being, his essence, from his physical body. His essence miraculously managed to stay within the mortal plane of the multiverse despite the devastation, and he has since reunited with a physical body while still retaining the ability for his essence to wander. With this great new power he has set his sights on grand plans.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Adam King
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: He looks like a stereotypical cowboy with medium length brown hair, beard and mustache stubble, a lean face, and kind eyes. He often has a cigar dangling from his mouth.

Personality: He's a gentleman always eager to save a damsel in distress. However, he's still understandably behind the times in some ways so believes that women shouldn't take part in any "manly activities", treating them in a dainty manner. He means well in most subjects even while ignorant.


Physical Abilities- What a skilled cowboy could be expected of.

Cowboy Skills- Quick drawing, implausibly accurate shooting skills such as shooting a gun out of someone's hand, and duel wielding shooting without a reduce in accuracy.


Cothing: Typical cowboy outfits and a bulletproof vest underneath that doesn't inhibit movement and is just enough to stop his own six-shooters for one shot.

Weapons: His primary weapon is a pair of six-shooter revolvers, one gold colored (named Gold) and one normal steel colored (named Lucy). They and the bullets look ordinary but they have enough power to break through modern bullet proof armor in a single shot, although their range is the same as normal revolvers from the cowboy era. His third weapon slung across his back is a revolver rifle named Golden Lucy, which has gold colored plating on some parts. It acts like an average modern rifle besides loading like a revolver and it's power is twice that of his revolvers.

Ammo: He has six bullets already loaded in each of his three weapons as well as eighteen additional rounds on his belt that works on any weapon.

Motor Stallion: A motorcycle that has a horse motif, including legs that can extend down and run like an actual horse. The normal form can drive at 120 miles per hour and the horse form can run at 80 miles per hour but can travel across very rough terrain and make more nimble movements.


He's a cowboy who was frozen in time due to being literally frozen by a mysterious meteor that crashed near his town in the wild west. When he thawed out it was now the future and he had trouble adapting to the new ways.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Rez
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: He has dark skin and a muscular body, standing at 6'11''. His hair is most often buzz cut. The bottom half of his body, up to his hips, are robotic, as well as robotic plating over his spinal cord ending at the nape of his neck.

Personality: He often means business but is not uptight about it, letting people have their fun and having the last laugh in the end when he comes out on top. He does joke around a little bit when the mood strikes him, often very dry or dark. He's mainly out for himself.


Physical Abilities- Thanks to his robot legs he can run at speeds of 65 miles per hour for extended periods without tiring. He can lift around a ton.

Nanomachine Healing- Thanks to nanomachines flowing throughout his body, his moderate to minor wounds can heal within minutes, electrical impulses to jumpstart his heart if that remains an option, and fighting off toxins/viruses/etc.

Combat Training- He has military training and real world experience that makes him well versed in such matters. He can fight hand to hand, with knifes, or most types of guns on an advanced level, only loosing in terms of raw skill to people who specialize in a certain aspect. His favorite weapon is the heavy machinegun.


Energy Stimulation- Nanomachines stimulate his body to create the energy needed for magical powers due to him no longer able to do so himself. It's a barely controllable reaction, his entire body (excluding robotic parts) either lighting on fire or crackling with electricity as the energy is brought out, a process with takes three seconds to reach it's peak. At that point he has five seconds to send it off or else it will begin to cause agonizing pain and damage, although can already do so to others should they touch his body. Once off of his body, the chosen element will travel at around 3,000 miles per hour for his electricity of 40 miles per hour for his fire, either one going out after traveling 50 feet, breaking apart very quickly in either case, sort of like a shotgun blast.

If you consider him having 100 points to put into this, his electricity would take 30 points each blast and his fire would take 20. If he goes much overboard than he'd suffer a lot of pain and debilitating injuries, just like if he'd keep it stimulated for too long. He must also wait at least 30 seconds between each stimulation for the same reason. He can suicide himself by stimulating all 100 imaginary points at once to unleash a massive burst of electricity and fire in all directions around his body.


Armor: He wears typical gear a soldier armed to the teeth would, of course complete with bulletproof vest able to withstand smaller caliber bullets like from pistols for an extended period of time, even taking at least a couple shots from powerful snipers to penetrate. His helmet is just as well defended and has a screen that can extend down and shield his eyes from sudden bright lights as well as give him different methods of night vision (usually but not always thermal) and can track object's velocities to pinpoint where attacks might be coming from.

Weapons: A heavy 50 caliber machinegun that can still be wielded while on the move is his favorite weapon. It has 30 round clips that fire 5 rounds a second, firing automatic or semi-auto. He also has two pistols similar to desert eagles in capability, although he doesn't commonly use them both at once, being more for backup purposes.

Ammo: Enough to reload his weapons three times over can be found on various straps, pockets, and backpack.

Other: Pills he has to take once a day to keep his body from breaking down under the stress put on his system.


He was a soldier who underwent nanomachine testing, a glitch causing his lower body to be destroyed beyond repair, but they luckily managed to get it under control before it spread to most of his other systems. His magical capabilities were also somewhat spared, although reliant on the nanomachines to activate now and causing him great pain on occasion.

He went off the radar upon getting out of the hospital, becoming a mercenary of very high caliber who would take on any job if the price is right.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Solle
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Follori (Human-like)

Appearance: Solle has reddish brown hair long enough to cover the top of his ears and the bangs reach down to his thick eyebrows, giving him a slightly shaggy/messy appearance. He has hazel eyes. He has a Caucasian skin tone and appearance.

Personality: Kind hearted, naive, and innocent, always giving people second chances. He will fight to protect others but spares his opponent whenever possible for the previous reasons. He couldn't allow an innocent to get harmed so this overrides the safety of the bad guys, but once the innocents are no longer in danger of them then he will also make a move to protect the bad guys. People could mistake him for being on the bad side for helping them although he doesn't help them escape justice, just any undue harm that might befall them. Of course if the justice is to execute them then he will also try to convince them otherwise.

Thanks to both his personality and entire being binding with a Legendary Spirit, his personality traits are driven to an inhuman degree, allowing him to show true compassion where all else would falter. Severe situations can un-sync him with this personality and show a lot of hidden, built up anger, although this is easily kept under wraps by him most of the time and he can calm himself back down if he senses it rising up from deep within.

He's playful and inquisitive, getting serious for the benefit of others when the situation demands it but otherwise doesn't like to take things too seriously. He believes that it's never as bad as it seems and there's always a chance to make things right.


Inner growth- As a Follori he has what's called "inner growth" that can be brought out through special training and other experiences, increasing his physical abilities by tremendous degrees over time. Some experience this more then others, but Solle's is thought to be virtually limitless. As such he can be from normal human abilities to smashing people through mountains depending on what point in his growth you wish to face him as.

Full-Synced Body (Legendary Spirit Lezorio)- His body is synced up with what is known as a Legendary Spirit named Lezorio, a process which certain Follori are chosen to work towards from a young age for their own Legendary Spirit while Solle wasn't, but he still ended up permanently syncing up due to special circumstances. In fact he technically died right before this happened, his heart destroyed. Lezorio stabbed it's being into him to replace his heart to both fill and fuel his body with it's magical energy rather than blood. He still needs to breath and eat to sustain the energy. When he gets cut, the magical energy seen as a glittering transparent whitish liquid, splatters out and evaporates into the air. The wound would close after a couple seconds by a film of this hardening energy but the damage he takes is still there, just stopped from bleeding any further.

The Legendary Spirit is in a specially hardened sphere of this magical energy where his heart is and about the same size, and it could shelter Solle's spirit in a comatose state as well. It's defensive properties could withstand a nuclear explosion. If Solle is inside the sphere then his body is dead. From this sphere his body can be regenerated from even complete obliteration thanks to his cells becoming virtually one with the Legendary Spirit and it's energy, but he would remain dead for up to a week during this process until his spirit could wake up and come back out of it's shell (the exact point in time up to plot convenience and the extent of the damage). However, his spirit can be tricked into remaining comatose indefinitely with the proper techniques and he'd never come out of a comatose state in less than a day unless certain ways of killing him are used or something else special happens to reasonably change this fact (see "Weaknesses" for more information). He cannot experience any regeneration to help him in the time span of a single battle.

Physical Abilities- His physical abilities are balanced, not excelling or failing in any one field at his tier level, and the exact extent of which depends on his inner growth (see above). His senses are not enhanced the same way, remaining at normal healthy adult ranges. However, his reaction/perception times are increased along with physical abilities, able to keep up with the insane levels of speed that he can later reach or whatever level of speed he has at the time. Due to the way magic does not always coincide with normal physicals where he comes from, he can perceive things on a different time scale in order to account for being able to keep up with movements that would be troublesome even with instantaneous reaction times. For example, one could not perceive a bullet flying through the air now matter how close to instantaneous they could take in the stimuli, but he could watch the bullet flying through the air as if it's going as fast as a mere punch once he achieves a certain point of growth where he could outpace a bullet.

Combat Abilities- Solle has much experience in sword fighting although no official training, being a self taught style. Being only 19 it's reasonable that he could be outmatched by someone with more experience and training, but for his circumstances and age he's very good at it. His style is defensive, using their movements against them and wearing them down over time if he cannot overwhelm them otherwise. He's not trained in delivering lethal damage so does not go for weak points outside of the points that can be struck to incapacitate them rather than kill them. He favors taking out their joints if he's really serious in stopping them quickly rather than stopping them without any serious damage at all, which is the preferred method. He darts and weaves around a lot as part of his defense in order to avoid rather than strictly blocking with his sword.

If he gets into an unarmed fight then he's about of average skill one would expect from someone who experiences combat. He mainly goes for restraining attacks and kicks if on the offensive although likes fighting defensive here as normal.

He knows what firearms are but no more than the average person. It's unlikely he'd ever use one as it's much harder to use it non-lethally and he's certainly not a good shot to reliably do so, but in rare occasions he might. As for other medieval weapons, he's very good with staffs (not quite as good as with swords but a close second) and inexperienced with everything else. He could be fine with them for a beginner, having watched others use them and knows how to fight against most weapon types properly.


Like his physical abilities, his magical powers granted to him by the Legendary Spirit residing inside his body can also vastly grow in power in the long run. Also, thanks to the magical energy running through his veins, he doesn't have to say mantras or anything of that nature to bring forth magical abilities. He can create them straight from his body, putting him on level with a prophet where he comes from. Some people call him the False Prophet because of this; having their abilities without all of the work or spiritual enlightenment leading up to it.

Summon Lezorio; Sword Form- Solle slaps a hand over his chest and an explosion of light comes from it, forming into his palm as a completely blunt white sword covered in glowing white runes, the length of it's blade being 2.9 feet. Focusing energy from his hand into the sword it can become completely surrounded in swirling glowing energy that experiences explosive force (without any fire damage or shrapnel) when making contact with something that he perceives as a threat. It can blow away incorporeal attacks such as magic or flames, although at the same general level it would be dependent on the charge time of his defense and their attack to see how effective this would actually be.

Restraining Light Chains- "Chains" that look like multiple paper talisman made out of glittering white energy spring forth from various points on his body. It's difficult to control more than five at once and each with a maximum length of 200 feet at his weakest form of this. He can control them like his own body and, if wrapped around a target, can slowly immobilize it like his hand is grabbing them, and the longer the hold is maintained it can grow even stronger in it's holding power by adding 100% of his physical strength to the total every turn. It can be broken with moderate force, although trying to tear at it by stretching is the least effective measure. The chains do no offensive damage outside of holding onto things hard, which he doesn't want to do too hard or else cause physical injury.

He can hold weapons with his chains but is not precise with any delicate movements, making any swings with them seem like a monkey is wildly throwing a temper tantrum. That being said, he can grab a rock as big as his head and throw it in the general vicinity of a barn he'd be aiming at. His skills will, of course, improve in time.

Energy Gliders- He can form a small, thin rectangle-ish mass of energy on the bottom of his feet that stays there, allowing him to slide around terrain as if on ice skates and also stick in place, allowing him to stand in midair in any orientation or push off of them (which would cause them to disappear) to do something akin to double jumping. Kicking someone with them adds no damage and would even likely destroy the gliders so he'd have to reform them. Keeping them active takes a continual drain on his energy reserves and reforming them from scratch takes even more energy.


Thanks to the magical energy flowing through his body he has some additional weaknesses not found in a normal human. Putting severe/sudden pressure and damage on various parts of this energy flow could severely disrupt it.

The location of his major points are in his head, nape of the neck, upper chest on the left and right pectoral muscle, three down the middle and back of his abdomen, two on the sides, one on each inside of the elbow, one on each palm, one on each side of the hip, one on each back of the knee, one on each heel, and one on the ball of each foot. Damage to these locations are the most severe. A jolt of damage from there can flood through the magical stream into his very soul, causing enough of a stir to send it inward to a comatose state, effectively killing him. However, the strike must be just right to act like a push of the button on him. Simply cutting off "the button" doesn't get the same effect from this tactic. Killing him in this manner results in his quickest recovery back to life in around an hour or so, an exception to how long it would take upon normal death.

Something as simple as a needle can be inserted into any of the major points to keep him dead, however, as the proper flow of magical energy must be restored before revival can occur. Of course in this case cutting it off would work as it would have to waste more time and energy to regenerate a replacement yet again.

It should be noted that his durability increases in time so the opponent would have to be strong as well to push through the skin deep enough to get the desired effect against the point. Stepping on a rock wouldn't do nearly enough damage to achieve this unless he slammed his foot down on it for some strange reason.

Cutting off magical flow to his head would kill him quicker than the lack of oxygen, resulting in being strangled in a mere 30 seconds or so. Also, cutting off the magical flower to any body part would stop magical abilities from flowing from it. Cutting the flow off at the head would remove all magical abilities, cutting off from the arm would stop it from not sending out magic from that arm, etc.



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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Rek
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 142 pounds

He has light blonde hair, eyes (you heard me, blond colored eyes!), and pale skin. He's highly prone to having bad hair days but acts oblivious to this fact no matter how horrible his hair can get.

Personality: He tries to act calm and collected even in situations where he's making a fool of himself, pretending that everything's fine. As a contradiction to what he's trying to do he can't help but snap when the situation takes a turn for the weird or the stupid and he speaks his mind, only to revert back to being calm once he manages to catch himself. He's not above running away while still trying to seem noble and tends to look out for himself more than others. Despite all of this he can be described as on okay person who's not very reliable but won't go around stabbing you in the back either.


Physical Abilities- He's able to run at speeds of 30 miles per hour and lift 1,200 pounds. His durability is not enhanced so he could even harm himself when going all out. He has quick reflexes to help him in his main advantage of being light on his feet in order to avoid damage.

Combat Training- He's well versed in combat with a weapon comparable to a naginata. He does a lot of fluid, nimble movements and also uses strikes from other body parts in conjunction with slashes and stabs from his weapon. As such it's hard guessing where his next attack will come from.


Melee Extension- He's able to send out any of his attacks through magical means by way of what looks like a blurry mirage version of the attack flying through the air. This attack, despite being magic at it's source, is an attack with all of the characteristics of the attack he's sending out so doesn't hit with magical damage. For example, swing the blade of his weapon and a mirage looking blade will fly out and slash the target with the same physical strike. Slap someone in the face from a distance and it will leave a red hand print just like a normal slap.

The attacks cannot change momentum so simply flies in the same direction at the same speed it was going when it was unleashed until it hits something that would stop the attack or it travels for roughly two seconds, in which case the attack quickly looses power and dissipates. He doesn't receive any actual damage from things hitting his power but if he uses a body part then he will feel the pain transfer very briefly to the body part in question before going back to normal.

Normally his power can be sent out three times a second, but this often only equates to once an attack. Sending out multiple attacks from the same strike is often ineffective anyways because an attack is only at it's most powerful at one point in time while the rest is building up momentum and slowing back down. Sending it out in these moments could be handy for taking his opponent off guard, such as them not having time to react at the very beginning on of punch, but that's about it, as they will not do nearly as much damage.

He can use the power at near point blank range, just so long as he doesn't actually come into contact with anything first. This can be handy to provide a cushion by way of the force of his blow striking against the object before it then touches him. As such, it can also be a defensive move under specific circumstances.

Using his power exhausts him as if he was doing the attack twice, putting all of the force of his blow into the power a second time. As such he could get tired out twice as quickly as his opponent if he uses his power constantly. The most exhausting technique he has for this power is sending it out 20 times a second, but this is his last resort. With this power he can cram in multiple attacks near the peak damage to deliver devastating damage, but at the cost of even more stamina to the point that any body parts used in the attack feel very numb and weak and it uses around 1/4 of his max stamina.


Armor: None
Weapons: A naginata-like weapon made out of steel with a length from one end to another of 5 and a half feet, making it almost as long as he is, but not very long if it was an actual naginata.


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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Renee Weilheimer
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human with unusual bat DNA mixed into her

Appearance: She looks like a pale skinned stereotypical goth girl with died streaks of dark purple in her long, straight hair. Most notably about her is a pair of dark wings on her back that look like they belong to a vampire bat as well as it's ears.

Personality: She's always willing to speak her mind but in a sarcastic or passive aggressive manner, not afraid to hurt other people's feelings to get them to leave her alone or just because she doesn't feel the need to lie in order to shelter people's egos. She's quite often a loner who never seems to be able to enjoy herself even when she's coming up with witty insults. Nobody knows her true smile.

Although she was antisocial right from the get go, these traits were exacerbated by her transformation into a half-bat at the age of 13 that ostracized her from most of society, ruining all chance of her being a normal girl during the very important years of growing up in school. She's even mistaken as being a demon quite often due to her wings and heavy metal outfits/goth attire that includes lots of spikes and dark subject matter. As such she's even been physically assaulted on more than one occasion. She refuses to be a victim and beats them up in return if she can't easily run away (or her anger gets the better of her), which of course doesn't help rumors of her being evil even though she refrains from causing any long lasting harm. Most of the time she tries to remain relatively emotionless but is prone to snapping if pushed hard enough.

She only blends in at heavy metal concerts and the like so otherwise seldom went out of the house for a long time, being home schooled and with no college education. She doesn't care much any more about what people think of her, developing thick skin. Still, it's not exactly pleasant to take strolls out in public.


Physical Abilities- She could take on a mob of twenty or so brutal, baseball bat wielding gangsters and come out on top with some minor bruising, knocking them off their feet to slam into walls halfway across the room. Defense or strength isn't her strong suit, however, even if she could withstand repeated blows from un-enhanced humans unless they got lucky or used more deadly weapons.

More likely she'd rely a lot on nimbly evading stuff with the aid of greatly enhanced reaction times. She seems ready for almost anyone to turn on her at a moment's notice, perhaps because of how she was raised in addition to enhanced abilities due to the half-bat DNA, making her nearly impossible to hit in the first place for an untrained, un-enhanced person. Her top speed is only 40 miles per hour but her movements in dodging make her seem faster for quick bursts. She can cartwheel, back-flip, and other graceful athletic movements with the skill of an elite gymnast.

Hearing- She can hear in frequencies what would be expected of a bat as well as lower, normal human frequencies. Whatever the frequency she can hear, she can hear it extraordinarily well. If someone is breathing in the room next door with an average wall blocking her than she can potentially hear it if she focuses, pinpointing the exact locations of everyone from this and other noises they may make such as footsteps.

Flying- She's highly maneuverable in the air as well as on land and is no faster unless using gravity to her advantage. Her wings would tire out after flying for over five minutes, causing her movements to become far sloppier and than she falls to the ground entirely after around six minutes. Her wings couldn't lift more than 100 pounds of extra weight without tiring her, which can become enough of a problem that she couldn't last over 30 seconds carrying an average sized adult male.

Guitar- Not combat related but important to her. She loves shredding on the electric guitar and is quite decent at it. She's not quite professional but is certainly good enough where people would come to listen to her in a small joint.


Sonic Screech- A very high pitched screech can erupt from any part of her body that makes noise; not just her vocal chords but also very commonly a snap of her fingers, but using inanimate objects doesn't work.

The area producing the normal sound sparkles for a half second as it turns into a sonic screech and erupts outward like a funnel of sparkling purple wind three feet wide at it's widest point as it travels from the point of origin at the speed of sound. It gets weaker and weaker up to full dissipation at 50 feet away, max effective range of 40 feet, if she made a sound as loud as a scream at the top of her lungs. A stealthy snap of her fingers heard only within talking distance could only effectively travel around 5 feet and knock them off their feet like a professional boxer punched them while the loudest snap of her fingers could kill an un-enhanced human like a blow from a war hammer smashing against them. A full force scream could leave them with a closed casket funeral like they got trampled by an angry elephant.

Not only does it cause physical damage but it can also cause temporary or even permanent hearing loss (depending on the power put into the attack and if it's a direct hit) or painful ringing ears for a couple seconds at the best case scenario if the attack connects. A near miss could cause lessoned effects.

She can do a full blown scream only once every three hours or so without it hurting her vocal chords and also draining her of energy like she just ran a mile. She can do normal snapping attacks around ten times an hour before suffering the same effects but with sore fingers.

Echolocation- A burst of high pitched sound comes off of her body that has the same potency and effects of a bat's echolocation. Her hearing is good enough where she doesn't often need to use this anyways but it can also paint a map of her surroundings in her head for things not making a sound. Even if completely blind or seeing illusion spells she would be un-affected as a result.


Oversensitivity- A loud burst of high frequency sound could disrupt her senses and even irritate or pain her if done constantly. Her ears can withstand very loud noises without taking permanent damage, however, and the inner ear can largely restore itself as good as new within a week.

Loner Attitude- She's not likely to get help from others and has poor teamwork abilities when she does.


Clothing: She doesn't wear clothing with more defensive properties than leather jackets. Her exact outfit changes because they are street clothes or what is worn at concerts. She has no "super hero outfit" so to speak that could serve as her trademark. She hates cheesy or cutesy outfits but can wear skirts if they are black, often paired with ripped black stockings.


She was a relatively normal, slightly anti-social child growing up. She always loved music, especially punk, metal, rock, and all the variations of them. She even learned to play the guitar herself, screaming at the top of her lungs as she swung it around, much to her parent's displeasure. Her simple life changed when she snuck to a late night concert for a hardcore death metal group known as the Death Bats. They released a swarm of bats at the grand finale, as they'd been known to do in the past, but this time one of them went crazy and attacked her at random, biting her on her left forearm as she tried to shoo it away.

Somehow it's DNA was mixed in with hers because bat wings painfully burst from her back within the following week and her ears also turned to that of a bat. She didn't want to be the center of a huge media frenzy so managed to get those who looked after her at the small, locale hospital to hold their tongue after blackmailing them upon uncovering unsafe business practices they were doing that could get them in serious trouble. This also meant that she didn't get any in depth study done on her, causing her to not figure out exactly what had gone wrong. Not that she cared very much anyways.

On the downside of her remaining in the unknown, people often mistook her for a demon, who do openly exist and interfere with mankind from time to time. Even angels and demons themselves have made such errors in the past, forcing her to hone her abilities just to survive. One time a demon even mistook her to be on their team when they robbed a church of numerous religious artifacts, passing the briefcase of stolen good to her as they ran by on the street, thinking she was the one to deliver it to their leader. This made her an unwitting accomplish to the demons until she could clear up the situation with a obliviously stupid angel boy who tried to defeat her and recover the goods by force.

Other supernatural and enhanced human groups have also gotten involved with her in the past despite her doing her best to remain solo as long as she could. She's under no illusion that she can live a normal life doing things her way, but she doesn't want to live a life serving others who only want to use her for her powers.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Mally Stalltomb
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height- 5'4"
Weight- Around 140 Pounds
Appearance: She has long wavy grey hair reaching down to her lower back. Her eyes are amber. Her complexion is on the pale side with rosy cheeks. She has a soft, rounded face that matches her curvy body with a natural e cup chest. She's a little on the heavy side but is certainly not obese either, retaining a healthy weight as needed for her lifestyle.

Personality: She's a tad timid at first but can warm up to others and become very friendly with them in time, forming inseparable friendships if left to develop long enough. Although generally nice, she can get fed up on occasion even with those closer to her and unleash a childish tantrum. She's not afraid to admit when she's in the wrong once things settle down and thinks things through. These heat of the moment decisions of hers makes her seem rash and impulsive in her decision making, quite the opposite of her timid-ness in approaching newcomers. This is more to do with her following and believing in her emotions. She has been made fun of in the past, and although she knows that not all people are bad by any means, she still subconsciously hesitates when around them until she can trust them.

She dislikes pointless fighting...at least she says. However, she's all on board with it once she gets angry with someone and lays the smack down on them or needs to protect those she cares about. She's good at pushing past her fears to do the right thing even if she must do it alone. She sits squarely in the lawful good side of things. She strongly dislikes crime, discrimination, and other bad things. She never drinks, cusses, smokes, or what have you either, being childlike in persona when it comes to aversion to adult activities. She's not naive about such matters but instead quickly becomes uncomfortable and embarrassed. She might invent her own PG rating language to replace bad words.


Physical Abilities- She can mostly be described as a tank who uses brute force to win battles. Her endurance is low and so is her speed, clocking in at 6 miles per hour if she needs to jog for longer than a short burst. This is not abnormally slow for an unenhanced human, however.

In terms of defense she can be described as being as sturdy as a brick wall. Even brick walls can be pierced by bullets or broken with enough power, but an unarmed, unenhanced human would find it nearly impossible to take her down through conventional attacks. Just doing a little damage won't usually cut it unless it's in a perfect place, so to beat her often requires what would be considered overkill against most people.

Her strength is on level with her durability increases. She doesn't have increased reaction times or other increases senses over normal human capabilities.

Combat Abilities- She's most experienced in unarmed fighting but also with batons or nun chucks if she has a weapon handy, which is rare.

Her fighting style uses rough, efficient looking strikes dealt mostly by the hands or elbows, with occasional knees. Other strikes like kicks or headbutts are possible, of course, but not her preferred method of attack in most circumstances. She's somewhat effective in grappling to try and hold her opponent in place while she beats them with her free hand.


Specific Necromancy- Her powers of necromancy are seemingly very weak, only able to verbally command the bones of a titan dog which had a special connection with her as a child. Her application of this ability will be listed under "Lugver Powers", Lugver being the name of her dog even though some people mistake the name of her power to be Lugver.

Lugver Powers

The bones are the same as a dog but upgraded in size and durability to that of a small adult elephant, allowing her entire body to fit inside it's ribcage. They can levitate at up to 10 miles per hour or shoot forward at 80 miles per hour but can't stop easily in that case. They only listen to their master, who is and always will be Mally. The bones no longer have an actual consciousness but still instinctively have a strong sense of protecting her even when she's not actively issuing commands. This overrides all other commands.

Note that she can physically grab onto a bone and wield it that way.

"Heel" - All of the bones scatter underground around her if the ground is soft enough for bones to bury into at the speed they can travel. They follow her underground as long as they are able. From this position they can pop up to block for her if they sense malicious intent coming at her within close proximity of the ground above them.

"Come" - All of the bones levitate around her in midair with the ribcage situated with the spine at her back and the rib bones curving around her to offer protection on her flanks. This limits her range of attack as well, unfortunately. Specific bone placement is random but they will clump together in the general direction of an attack at around 4 feet max from her location. The more confusing of an attack pattern the more they begin to spread thin trying to cover all attack angles.

"Sic 'em" - The bones all converge on the location she points at. This is dangerous to use in crowded location as they will just pummel everyone in the vicinity. Once they attacked at 80 miles per hour they will try to levitate as quickly as they can back to her location.


Clothing- No clothing that gives her defensive properties.
Weapons- Unarmed unless otherwise stated.


Born the only daughter of a wealthy senator who imported a rare bread of dog who's of very large size to protect her. Unfortunately it died while she was still very young while doing it's duty, but it still had formed a special bond with her and protected her even after death as a pile of bones, potentially made possible by Mally's inherent necromancy skill that only seemed to be active for this bond.

She has fought off many enemies to her family and the world at large during her days.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ria

Age: Appearance and mentally around late teens. Chronologically unknown.

Gender: Female

Race: Artificial Human

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 135 pounds

Appearance: She has flowing white hair that reaches to her lower back and no other hair besides her eyelashes and thin eyebrows. A very distinguishable trait is her irises are wavy yellow that looks remotely like a rounded six pointed star with white speckles in them. She has a fair, Caucasian skin tone with soft features. Being artificially created her body doesn't have natural birthmarks or a belly button, and her face is oddly symmetrical, where most people have minor deviations. People often pick her out as unnatural at first glance and some might even be off put by her.

Personality: She's generally gentle, quiet, and polite. However, she doesn't mind having fun and she's not shy even though she doesn't run around laughing and talking to everyone very often. She doesn't see herself as being able to fit in very well and doesn't want to mess things up for everyone. Sometimes she makes things harder on herself than they need to be. She never lets things get her down, though, as she somewhat enjoys doing hard work for the sake of others.

She finds combat as necessary in certain circumstances and can unemotionally eliminate threats as they appear. She will often try to peacefully settle situations before things come to that. She's not one to hold grudges for very long.


Physical Abilities And Body- She's peak human level, including strength, agility, flexibility, reactions, hand eye coordination, and durability. Her senses are all at very healthy levels but her sense of pain is only half. Beside her great physical strength, she doesn't appear at glance to be very muscular, but pinching her flexing arms would reveal them to be sturdy.

Her body is biological, even if artificially created, so still needs all the natural functions of a human. If one were to get tests done on her then differences are detectible in her body's makeup, such as having small traces of a strange metal inside of her, like glowing specks with light too faint to make out with the naked eye.

Intellect- She's around average in smarts, capable of coming up with some clever plans or face palm worthy mistakes from time to time. She's able to remain calm under pressure very well.

Combat Training- She was "programmed" at birth in self defense and had additional training for four years by an elite organization that was the main focus of her time there. As such she's very skilled with a sword, pistol, and hand to hand, as well as having a familiarity with many other weapon types. Her programming isn't as valuable as real world experience, however, so a wise master of any weapon she's trained in would still wipe the floor with her unless they were simply too physically outmatched. She has a balanced fighting style rather than excelling at any single point.

Random Job Skills- Practically useless in a fight, but expect her to have some skills in random jobs that don't need degrees or much special training. For example, she has been a waitress, maid, traveling circus performer, etc. as she goes from planet to planet.


Outfit: Her outfit is only as protective as leather armor but is very thin, light, and flexible, almost as if she wasn't wearing anything at all. It has a white and light blue motif and looks like an athletic person's uniform. She wears a sleeveless turtleneck under a short sleeved jacket that zips down the middle, which provides the most of her protection. She wears shorts and a belt. She has fingerless gloves that go up to the middle of her upper arm that has some padding on them. She has knee high flat soled boots and socks that go up to mid thigh level.

Hands and Feet: A sleek white device around her ankles and wrists, taking up about half of her forearms and calves, emits blue energy out towards the elbows or feet to partially negate gravity, allowing her to fall at half speed and jump twice as high as a normal human, carrying her across a city street in a single bound, but this doesn't equate to much increased kicking power. They burn out after repeated use of around thirty seconds without giving it a chance to cool down more than three seconds in between uses. Overdrive bursts on her feet can allow her to leap over three story buildings, this time with explosive energy to also allow increased kicking power, while using it on her hands allow her to outpunch a gorilla. However, these overdrive moves only allow a single quick burst and must recharge for around 60 seconds to use again. Their defense is on par with steel, but feels and looks more plastic-like.

Weapons: Her weapon looks like a pencil sized cylindrical rune covered object attached to a necklace. However, it can be removed and activated with her soul, exploding vibrantly into one of two forms in two seconds time; a pistol or a hand and a half sword that retain the sparkling white rune covered look. This sparkling energy is used as bullets for the gun form, allowing it no reloading time needed and as many bullets as her energy can sustain, which is around fifty shots, but she's working on improving her stamina. She can fire bullets off once a second. They hit as hard as what would be expected of normal handguns and can damage things not hurt by physical bullets. The power, unfortunately, wears off more than normal bullets over distance so has an effective range of only 60 feet, further than that more than likely nonlethal. She can willingly decrease her power to get more shots in accordingly. In it's sword form, with a blade length of 2 feet 3 inches, it can increase in power by surrounding itself in her energy, allowing her to cut thick through steel breastplates after a couple good whacks. She can sustain the energy for ten seconds. This weapon system is twenty times as durable as steel and dulling is not considered a problem.

Other: A circular device, same size as a stopwatch, in the left inside pocket of her jacket, can be activated to open up a portal to allow her to travel the multiverse. However, hers is weak so requires around 24 minutes of motionless as it calculates all of the spatial warping needed.

All of her weapons and other devices can be stored in a single white briefcase that's locked using her fingerprints.


She was created as part of a biological weapons program by a dangerous, powerful group known as Chevlar. They mixed DNA of ancient beings and humans to create super soldiers that would follow their every command. However, her creator, Lord Alxon, did an unauthorized experiment and used a second human as part of the DNA mixing process. The human used was his deceased wife. Thanks to this unusual mixture, Riia had the free will of normal humans despite pretending not to for some time, as per Alxon's wishes. She also retained some human experiences as vague memories that left her not as much of a blank slate as her fellow creations. On the downside, she wasn't as strong as them either, being on the level of failed experimental soldiers.

She was intentionally left in the dark about Chevlar's goals due to this weakness and the higher ups catching on that she's not as controllable as the others, making her almost worse than useless to them. They also saw Alxon as power hungry and a possible source of betrayal, putting suspicion on his creations by default. Riia herself was more like just a fly on the wall compared to him, so was able to escape during the battle as special forces stormed Alxon's mansion in an effort to kill him before he carried out his own plans. She doesn't know what became of the battle as he teleported her to another location while it was still ongoing. He warned her to stay well away from Chevlar and not to go looking for him.

She has little doubt he managed to survive, as he was one of the strongest of Chevlar. She is unaware of their location anyways so hasn't returned even if she wanted to. As long as she minded her own business, no trouble seemed to come to her, but she knew that if they did happen to cross paths then she could be in trouble. For the time being she took any odd jobs that she could find, warping from planet to planet in search of what to do next and helping others both because it's the right thing to do and to hone her skills in case trouble eventually finds her.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ke
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 152 pounds

Appearance: He's a Caucasian looking brown haired young man with a lean, athletic build. His shoulder length hair has a wild look it to, like wavy twisting spikes. He has vibrant green eyes and an attractive face that doesn't look overly masculine or feminine, but you can tell he's male even if he could be described by the term "pretty boy". He presents himself as clean cut, seldom having dirt or wear and tear on him.

Personality: A lot about him can be explained by the fact that he cares what others think about him a bit too much. He doesn't like letting people down or being seen as a coward so he often gets himself involved in crazy plots that he probably shouldn't, only on the good morals side of the spectrum. He doesn't fall for negative peer pressure, but if he wants to do something bad such as steal then the overwhelming positive peer pressure gets to him and he feels goose bumps and chickens out, thinking everyone is watching and judging him for every wrongdoing or stupid action that he takes. Some can find him paranoid or egotistical due to these feelings that he has, and they wouldn't be far off the mark.

He tries to stay cool looking and in control at all times even as he secretly feels these pressures that compel his actions. He might make up stuff like saying he doesn't care what happens, and truly does try to follow through with these lies to himself and others so that he can wrestle control over his own life, but he almost always ends up caving and having to come up with more excuses why he has to help out in this circumstance. Another term for this part of him could be tsundere. "I'm not doing this because I like you. Idiot!" Only he tries to be more polite then that, erring more on the aloof side of things.

He's seldom truly satisfied with the way things are, feeling mostly like just a tool of fate who cannot stand up for himself even if he can accomplish great things. It never ends up filling any void that he feels.


Physical Abilities- He's clearly superhuman in his capabilities. Most notable is his agility and reactions allowing him to dodge bullets if he's ready for them, or even cut them in half. He doesn't rely on brute force very often as his strength is one of his weaker aspects even if still outmatching what unenhanced humans would be capable of.

Fighting Skills- His fighting style if forced to get into a melee engagement involves darting around, doing light damage as he looks for weak points. He's a very talented individual at this, making use of duel wielding short swords, each one controlled as well as he could with only an individual sword, although a master sword wielder could of course defeat him with a single sword alone.

His sword fighting is usually used in conjunction with his magic or a last resort, as his magic is where his true power lies.


Power of Wind- He can bend wind to his will. His wind magic is colored transparent white, almost like glass, once his influence takes over, but it still behaves more or less like normal wind until his power leaves and things revert back to normal almost instantly. It draws upon his energy, so advanced techniques fighting with brute force could quickly drain him, especially on the large scale.

Wind originating close to his body can build up speed very quickly up to 150 miles per hour, accelerating at a speed of 50 miles per hour every second before this rate of acceleration rapidly slows so that it would take around 10 seconds from beginning to end to reach 200 mile per hour winds. He can get in excess of 250 mile per hour winds at max power and an additional 10 seconds of acceleration. These are speeds that can throw a house, but his range is poor unless he uses up even more energy, making an already exhausting technique even harder on himself. Due to it's poor range it's often defensive, as it can be used as a shield to make bullets and other projectiles almost useless while he can keep his high winds going, while most individuals would clearly have trouble getting in there to attack through other means as well. Normal humans would struggle just to remain standing at speeds of around 100 miles per hour, even when braced and leaning into it, making only super powered people able to push through and put up a meaningful attack against him.

He can originate winds further out from his body but this requires more energy and time to pick up speed, cutting it's acceleration by two if starting a mere 40 feet away. He can send wind outward after first building up it's speed close to himself in order to create long range attacks. This is actually his preferred strategy in most combat situations. If wind is sent out it retains it's speed but looses it's acceleration bonus for being closer to himself. For a physical attack combined with his move, he has needles that he can blow forward quickly and easily due to their light weight.

It's important to note that he can fly at the speed he has his wind surrounding him at and is very maneuverable with this technique.


Outfit: He doesn't wear armor so that he can lift himself easily. He instead wears a vaguely chinese looking flowing red sleeveless vest, tan pants, and brown combat boots, with some accessories such as bracelets traditional for his people. It has a professional and well off vibe.

Weapons: A set of iron short swords with blades one and a half feet long. He also has 50 thin iron needles total in two pouches attached to his belt on either side.


He was born to a strict household of powerful elemental users. Ke showed a lot of promise, but this made the burden placed on him all the worse. Some people could call his father abusive, even if his father's goal was admirable in their family doing everything they could to help others with their abilities. Ke has not mentally gotten over those days despite leaving as soon as he was able (16 in his culture), and although he tries to distance himself from his old ways, even going so far as leaving the planet, he's still stuck helping others whenever possible to the detriment of his own physical and mental well being, feeling like he still had a duty to perform. He's too ashamed to go back home after leaving in a huff so got by on his own thanks to his powers catching the eye of a certain group called the Nights Haven.

Trying to be a lone wolf (and failing), he makes a surprisingly decent income as their group takes on many tough assignments to help those in need...for a price they can afford.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Mighty Star
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Super human from the planet Stardonia

Appearance: He's a real stud and a manly man with great muscle mass. He has short brown hair and blue eyes.

Personality: He's brave and heroic; the personification of a superhero. However, he's also kind of an idiot who gets himself into trouble after overestimating his vast abilities.


Physical Abilities- It sort of depends on the plot how powerful he truly is, but he often outclasses those around him in every category, being seemingly invincible, able to toss buildings around with ease, and move faster then normal humans can react.


Regeneration- He's able to survive intense wounds and heal from things even as serious as beheadings or being blown to smithereens.

Flight- He can fly very quickly.

Sonic Breath- He can scream out intense waves of sound that can destroy buildings.

Star Beating- Cartoon stars surround his fists and he can unleash a barrage of attacks more powerful than he's normally capable of, with an ending blow of a giant cartoon star forming and smashing into his opponent that does intense damage.

Additional Powers- Some may spring up over time as he tests his limits.


*His own stupidity
*Stardonite, a rare mineral found on his planet, which drains him of his powers.


Outfit: An all white spandex suit with a yellow star on his chest.
Weapons: He wields a trust vibrosword called Star Shredder, which he believes can enhance the power of his blows.


Born as an average stardonian citizen with an intense feeling of justice, he set across the galaxy to be a super hero to those in need. Unfortunately many of his race is as stupid as himself and a large percentage of them got killed trying to stop a supernova or met other unfortunate fates, leaving him part of an endangered species.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ven
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: He has blue hair

Personality: He's young, brave, and naive, with a silly side to him and a poor attention span to things he finds boring (which inhibits his abilities unless he can keep things under control). He doesn't like letting small things get him down so brushes aside wrong doings against him better than most, making friends with them if able. However, it's indeed possible to annoy and upset him if you hit his buttons just right. He especially dislikes injustice.


Physical Abilities- He's enhanced beyond the limits of normal humans thanks to influence from his soul, as long as his soul remains of sufficient strength. He can overturn cars with ease, run for prolonged periods of time at 60 miles per hour, and withstand a brutal beating from any un-enhanced human with minimal damage without target strikes to his weak points. He's not bulletproof, however, besides low caliber. His reactions appear instantaneous to a normal human, as he can respond to attacks swifter than the normal human eye can react to.

Combat Training- He's trained in duel wielding swords and what looks similar to dragon style kung fu in certain regards, but not all. Due to his young age he's still in training so makes mistakes from time to time, but for the time spent on his training he's doing pretty well. Sometimes he makes up his own style on the fly when his knowledge of proper technique doesn't cover something. That makes him more unpredictable than someone strictly following the styles...even if it doesn't always pay off.

Ice Skating- He's a very good ice skater, passing as a professional level, but not like he's the greatest ever even if his mom might think so if she saw him.


When he was a mere 10 year old boy he was caught in a mysterious explosion that nearly tore his soul from his body, leaving him in a 6 month coma. However, his soul eventually returned enough for him to regain consciousness and, with proper meditation techniques, can restore it even further to attain levels he couldn't before the incident, as well as control it in other ways now that it wasn't tied deep down inside of him.

His soul energy appears as a glowing, transparent, glittering blue/silver color with an almost fire-like look about it, but is normally only his body temperature.

Soul Extend- His most common technique, which allows his soul energy to flow out of his skin in the shape of a candle flame that can adjust the height and width somewhat to get slight changes in shape, but nothing overly dramatic (like from a shovel spade to a thin line would be the limit). It works the best on his extremities (his palms and soles), able to send it out like a sword's blade with a maximum effective length of two and a half feet. It can extend further, up to around 5 feet, but the tip gets more and more transparent and flickering, unable to do heavy damage so would mostly just feel unpleasantly tingly with damage similar to a weak jolt of electricity to make people twitch if it's unexpected. At it's most lethal point it can cut through the entire torso of someone wearing a steel breastplate in a single slash.

The blade can be angled however he desires off of his body, so could even make swinging motions without his body moving (at the speed his body could move it if he were). He could, even, have the blade move at twice the normal swing speed if he did in fact swing while also having the blade swing. He normally has it angled like a normal sword and holds onto the energy at the base, but this doesn't really matter, as his energy sword cannot be knocked from his grip like normal weapons unless the energy was cut from the source. His soul energy can be cut through given enough destructive power, but this only causes the energy above that point to evaporate and he can send more out of his skin to reconstruct it. Enough force can be placed on it to bend the blade for the duration that the force is acting upon it before it snaps back to normal unless it was enough to break it (having the same effect of cutting it). He doesn't know how to snap the blade around by his own will but feels like he could, eventually making it like a whip blade.

He can do this technique on all four limbs at once. He can extend it outwards at a rate of around one foot every second. He could use it elsewhere on his body but they could only extend out around two inches maximum. He could only have about 10% of his body covered in them, but this can be a vague estimate. Once extending his soul energy out, which takes energy, he doesn't need to continually supply additional energy as long as the current energy remains. He only needs a low level concentration on it.

Soul Burst- Similar to soul extend but instead fires off at a speed of around 300 feet per second after charging up on his skin (glowing brightly) for two seconds. The blade is usually smaller and more bullet-like, but he could fire off normal sized soul extends. This doesn't have as much practicality as he uses up way more energy for not enough extra destructive force to be worth it, plus it would only travel 100 feet per second at a size of 5 feet long.

Getting hit by his soul bursts could be thought of as getting shot by bullets with the added benefit of the energy spreading out upon impact to damage surrounding areas more than normal bullets, but without fragmentation or bullets remaining lodged inside the body. Normally the penetration is no better than his normal stabbing despite it's enhanced speed due to breaking apart, so it's more like explosive, impact damage if hitting something very solid. However, if he doubles the charge time then it could remain in tact for double the normal time, allowing it to pierce some armor before exploding, which could be handy for bringing down things like tanks., but he'd likely need large quantities of energy to pull off such a feat.

In short, while he's able to put out a large amount of damage with his soul energy bullets, it would exhaust him quickly to use his highest level attacks so is not something that he can rely on for the duration of a fight unless he intends to end it quickly. He could always fire weaker powered bursts for less energy and still kill unarmored people with relative ease.

Soul Shield- His body sparkles slightly and then energy begins to slowly flow out to cover all (or some) of his skin in a process that takes 10 seconds to get to max defensive properties greater than steel; bulletproof to all but large caliber bullets or multiple hits despite being so thin. He can hardly move joints if they're covered, unfortunately, and he has trouble breathing as well for obvious reasons if it coats his entire torso region. Blunt force damage from large objects can still hurt him but small impacts from bullets have a limited effect in this regard. He doesn't have to go for max protection and could instead have it more as a liquid-y layer to provide some anti-magic properties but limited physical defense, which is only added as it grows stronger.

The shield can only be retained for around 30 seconds (including charge time) before evaporating, expending more than half of his total energy if used on his whole body. He cannot use any of his other soul energy abilities through the shield while it's active. Inside his body can also be covered, but cover something like his heart or lungs and they stop functioning, as they require movement.

Soul Mode- This requires three minutes of intense meditation and relative motionless. At the end his soul energy covers his entire body like flames, he grows a whip-like tail 6 feet long, and three claws grown on his hands and feet that are 1 foot long. He enters a blank slate zen-like mode during this process, eliminating higher level brain functions so he only concentrates single mindedly on the goal he has made for himself. He exhausts himself continually during this mode so that he could only last five minutes if entering at full strength. Once his goal is deemed complete or he runs out of energy then the energy evaporates and he collapses unconscious.

His physical abilities are double normal values and the energy coating him is as strong as a fully powered soul shield yet not inhibiting movement in any way. Plus he can use his normal abilities at any point on his body and it's harder to see the glowing of his soul bursts.

Rejuvenating Meditation- Focusing his mind on his soul he can restore it at a slow rate, but much faster then any natural process (which would take over a day to recover his strength). It would take him an hour and a half to get back to full strength with complete concentration, shutting himself from the outside world. He can focus his mind during battle but is very poor with this technique so that the benefits are almost negligible as he currently is.

Soul Temp Change- Although normally only his body temperature, he's able to put special focus and energy into manipulating his soul energy to higher or lower temperatures, but not past any extremes over the average forest fire or ice. He can use it to alter his own body temperature from inside to comfortable degrees, helping to negate such attacks or if he just happens to naturally be hot or cold. He couldn't survive a lava bath but wouldn't mind standing in the desert with the sun blazing overhead.

Soul Skating- The soul extend on the soles of his feet can be formed into a blade shape close enough to an ice skate and with low enough friction to allow him to use them as such on dry land. The soles of his feet are actually better at soul manipulation, as he has found out. Perhaps due to sole=soul? Nah, couldn't be...or is it?!


*If his mind is unfocused then his soul energy cost goes way up, exhausting him very quickly if he can't keep control over himself. This makes him very weak towards people who can get under his skin or have him make rash judgments where he can't concentrate on what he's doing.

*Attacks that damage souls would have an easier time effecting him, although if he sheds off the affected part of his soul then he could negate this problem somewhat, just with a high energy cost and it couldn't save him for very long if the attack keeps coming.

*He has a forced meditation where if he uses too much energy too fast or at seemingly random times, his mind shuts down to the outside world for minutes to hours depending on how bad the case is, his body retaining it's pose he was in but could be manipulated by others like he became some sort of an action figure of uselessness. His planned, intense rejuvenating meditation does the same thing if one were to catch him in this state.

*Heavy damage to his limbs could cut off his ability to effectively use soul energy at that extremity; even something such as a badly sprained ankle. Lose of his extremities and he's almost out of options as far as his powers are concerned.

*Heavy damage to the point where the soul energy is flowing out, while it's flowing out, can cause him intense (yet temporary pain) that could even cause him to pass out or at the very least loose all focus on what he was doing and see stars as he enters a stunned state.


Head: Nothing, normally. He likes trilby hats but they're often mistake for fedoras, drawing bizarre hate from earthlings. As such he doesn't wear them as often. Plus they wouldn't look right if he were to wear one with armor.
Body: He has pretty bad fashion sense so looks like what a video game protagonist who's a plucky young adventurer would wear. Expect a mismatched look with lots of belts and zippers. The undershirt is yellow with a lot of brown in his other accessories. Imagine this guy but a little less practical.
Hands: Open palmed gloves.
Feet: Shoes sort of like in the above picture but with a distinctive footprint by way of a slit down the middle of the sole to allow his energy to flow through them without destroying them.
Weapons: None.
Items: None.


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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Ruchette Vorsalus
Alias: Ruchi (informal nickname that she tolerates), "Diamond in the Rough" , the Diamond
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 130 pounds without excess carbon, roughly 655 at full carbon storage (around her size in diamond added onto her normal weight)
Appearance: (This is not my drawing. I will draw her when I have more time and motivation. Differences to this drawing will be mentioned in equipment.)

Personality: She's very self confident and doesn't feel the need to prove herself as a result. If she looses then she can accept that some people are simply more powerful, not that she's weak, so doesn't let it eat away at her and snap like some cocky people might should they be proven inferior. Even if she can be overconfident at first, she can learn her lesson and stop being so cocky, or even take things seriously from the beginning if she feels even a slight possibility that the situations warrants it.

She's this calm and analytical in general, making her seem somewhat emotionless. She finds things boring pretty easily and often looses interest, sometimes even abandoning fights midway through if she doesn't see the point. People call her a coward for doing so, which of course doesn't bother her. She won't let other people stop her from doing what she feels like. In fact she'd much rather die than submit to others on things she doesn't want to do. This can make her be extremely stubborn when it comes to her personal freedom. If she does follow through with orders then it's either what she would have done normally or the possible results have piqued her interest and she feels like she should do it for personal reasons.

One thing she finds interest in is powerful foes that can stand up to her, keeping her attentive and focused on the task at hand. It's possible she may handicap herself in some way if it could be interesting to see how they could fight to take advantage of it. For example, seeing if they could use her long hair against her. She won't often admit to forming rivalries and friendships, but if she finds someone interesting then she may put at least some amount of effort into keeping in touch with them from time to time, far different than her normal behavior of blowing off interactions with the average joe.

She's mostly selfish, said to have a heart as hard as diamond, but she's not inhuman and could aid people (without admitting that's what she's doing) if the feeling hits her hard enough. She doesn't do bad things for the lolz, but does occasionally do bad things if she deems it necessary, not holding back from eliminating potential threats. If you leave her alone then she will leave you alone. If you annoy her she may teach you a lesson or ignore you depending on if the mood hits her. If you seriously get in her way...prepare to die.

Talents: Her swordsmanship is not as skilled as someone who specializes solely in it, but in terms of weapons usage this is her best bet and could be described as very good, having a graceful fighting style balanced between strength and speed. She's not overly experienced in unarmed fighting so is not the best if caught without powers or a sword, but she uses a decent amount of kicks during normal fights if up close and personal so would still be able to rely on that aspect pretty well, her punches being on the other hand having a fighting style simply of what would make sense based on instinct rather than much training. She's also not really experienced with grappling using arms and legs, either offensively or defensively.

She has a good head on her shoulders, being fast on her feet not only physically, but mentally as well. She's not mad scientist level of genius but she definitely shows her wit.


Like a decent number of people from her world, she was gifted upon birth with the power to manipulate her body in ways earthlings such as ourselves can't by using the power of ki, their natural body energy, as a medium to bring out their special powers. Her specific level of power to manipulate diamond is exceedingly rare, part of the much more common carbon branch of body manipulation. While most can only control graphite to some extent, they cannot normally achieve the other forms that carbon can take such as diamond and graphene. The diamond level of control was achieved by Ruchette at age seven, making her a prodigy known as the Diamond in the Rough. Her graphite control was not particularly strong, making her appear average until she discovered her special talent lay not with the commoners, but with the elites of her field.

The following is her abilities stemming from her carbon/diamond body manipulation, separated into categories for easy reference. They all technically could count as a single power even if the uses if it can vary wildly.

Physical Enhancements- Her body is directly infused from head to toe with thin, diamond structures that doesn't negatively interfere with her normal bodily functions. Working in conjunction with her muscles, she can lift around 1,000 pounds and run at 40 miles per hour, also providing structural integrity so she doesn't hurt herself nearly as easily while pulling off intense physical feats. As such, any damage on the level that she can deal out would be no more effective against her defenses than a normal human striking a normal human. Most normal humans against her heightened abilities would be shrugged off unless they use proper techniques that get around defenses. People could even whack her with baseball bats and she could ignore them. Of course guns could still get through these natural defenses of hers.

If she bleeds, her diamond flows out the wound and can block further bleeding, although this doesn't mean the damage otherwise isn't done. Diamond can also block poisons or other unwanted things in this manner, although if she's not aware of it until it's already circulating around her bloodstream then she can't block her entire bloodstream for obvious reasons.

Her reaction times and senses are well trained but do not get any special boosts. Her body weighing 655 pounds while fully loaded with carbon/diamond (whatever term you'd prefer) is important enough of an enhancement to mention again here. This can add on a lot of force to her natural attacks due to her moving as quickly, nimbly, etc. as if she didn't have any extra weight at all. This extra diamond inside of her is partially out in her entire body and also partially condensed by way of ki, able to flood out into her body when desired. Unless otherwise stated, this condensed diamond would be spread evenly around, so cut off an arm and she'd loose an appropriate portion of her diamond with it should she not collect it back into her (more on actual manipulation of her diamond will be mentioned in one of the following categories to explain how she'd do so).

Resistances- She can resist heat up to 3550 degrees Celsius before burning, but could still suffer from heat stroke eventually. For electricity she can switch between graphite, which conducts electricity, and diamond, which insulates it, to direct electrical currents through her body in the way that she wants should she know it's coming and it's not powerful enough to overcome the properties of these materials. Her body can withstand harmful oxidation up to a high level.

Diamond Control- She can sprout and control diamond as long as the diamond is connected to her ki, which can flow through her body and her diamond, but at some point along the way it has to be connected back to her body. In other words, she can sprout diamond from her body or from diamond connected to her body, and control said diamond that remains connected. If she fires diamond off then she can no longer control it or control diamond that isn't hers. Very close to her body still counts as her body, so normal clothing doesn't block out her ki. Of course when it comes to diamond sprouting out of her body, the clothing would indeed be in the way and would either be torn through or shoved aside depending on the circumstance (in her case she has slits built into her outfit). This makes her wearing armor more disadvantageous than helpful and potentially ruining clothes that doesn't take her powers into account.

She can infuse her diamond back into her body by the same rules that govern her control of it, so she must get into touching distance, breaking it down and absorbing it within the time it takes to send it out. This is a time period of a second for the volume of a cube with equal sides 2 inches long, but of course not limited to the cube shape. She can repair it at the same rate.

Her diamond, thanks to being infused with her ki, doesn't break like normal and can be flexible while still maintaining it's natural hardness of 10 on the mohs scale, meaning that it can cut steel if enough force is applied. In terms of it's durability, it's now bulletproof to a single shot of a medium strength bullet while at a thickness of 3 inches (taking into account her speed of sending out diamond, she could create bulletproof armor in only a second if she made it have very little room for error). If this defense is exceeded then it will shatter like normal diamond, potentially messing up a large chunk of the diamond depending on the type of attack hitting it.

She's not able to create just any shape effectively. Imagine a horse sprouting an arm and wondering what to do with it. It can move it, but it will be very clumsy. Therefore, she requires training with different shapes, the only thing limiting what shapes she can make besides the amount of material she has to work with, being around the size of her body, not a coincidence due to her chi being a factor, which is connected to her body size.

Firing off diamond takes charge time for it to build up the potential energy to turn to kinetic energy through use of her ki. As such the diamond glows white for a second to launch diamond the mass of what she could create in a second (creating diamond and then firing it, therefore, would take two seconds total if the size of the example). It would have the power of an average pistol for this one second of charge. Conveniently, charging up a small or large diamond to fire off would have the same power due to traveling faster or slower, so the power depends on charge time rather than size. Charging for 10 seconds would make her diamond as powerful as a sniper, while charging for the other amount of seconds between the two examples would place it somewhere in between, obviously.

Trained Diamond Shapes- She's most trained with arms and legs made of diamond for them to replace her real ones with little negligible reduction in skill unless you ask her to perform delicate surgery or something. She can even have a second pair of arms out below her real ones at the same time of using her real ones. Of course doing the same but with feet would be ridiculous and ineffective so is never done even if she could.

She's also well trained with a tail (that looks styled like this but diamond) of various lengths, able to grip into things and strike with the force of her kicks and punches.

Creating something simple like blades doesn't need nearly as much training to pull off (even if wielding them does), so she's great at blade creation. She sometimes uses blades not only on her arms/hands, but her legs/feet as well, sometimes like a high heel to grip onto something or slash them with her kicks. She can create an entire sword, rather than just the blade, and wield it as such if she desires. She often does this by forming the sword out of her thigh, starting at the handle, and pulling it out.

Diamond Shaving- A joke ability, this explains how she can swiftly eliminate unwanted body hair.

Diamond Body Focus- She can focus on the diamond inside her body to enhance it to the defense found outside her body when the size of her body part being effected, but this stiffens her body where effected and requires three seconds to reach this max defense. She cannot keep parts of her body like this for over ten seconds before starting to damage tissue, and certain parts can't do this at all if they wouldn't last even that long for other reasons. For example, use it on the heart and it would stop beating or the brain would die. This mainly makes her use it as a last resort and on areas on top of vital areas she can't use it on, hoping to stop it before it goes that far.

Graphite Control- Not nearly as powerful as her diamond or used as much. It follows the same rules of her diamond. Being very soft, her best use is to have it flood out and act to mess up people's movements as if they are walking through deep, sticky sand thanks to her ki keeping it sort of glued together. However, wasting this much of her carbon would be a last resort if she feels like this is the only technique that could work. She cannot form any complex shapes with graphite, at best having whips that behave sort of like water and spill back down to earth after only a few seconds.


Head: Bare
Body: A trench coat and tight black "underarmor" (like what sports people would wear) underneath it, similar to the picture provided in her appearance. There's no defensive quality to it outside of average clothing. There's multiple slits in it that aren't really that visible when nothing is sticking through them due to the material on top covering the slit, that material pushed out of the way easily when needed due to not being connected over the slit. No part of her clothing would stop her power from breaking through if need be.
Hands: Leather fingerless gloves, very often obliterated during a fight.
Feet: Knee high leather boots customized with holes in the soles, sometimes obliterated during a fight as well.
Weapons: She doesn't carry a gun or other weapon under normal circumstances.


She was born in the capital city of Varsals, named after their planet Varsalt. It was a world where you abuse or be abused and power is everything. Those with body manipulation were either treated as slaves to put their abilities to "good use" and be kept down or they developed enough power to break free of their invisible bonds and become part of the ruling elite, often with the new goal of keeping down those from the very same position they just came from in order to ensure their own personal well being. People feared each other; feared body manipulators who couldn't be kept in check.

The carbon users were often commoners and treated like dirt. However, her elite father named Lenraddo, who never revealed his power yet still vanquished the foes who challenged him, had a secret affair with a lowly carbon user woman. Ruchette was left completely in the dark by this, and this wasn't the only troubles she had growing up. His father being absent still had him as the better parent, if that's possible, as her mother, Raida, was abusive and impatient with Ruchette, who was admittedly not the perfect child growing up, often causing trouble and picking fights.

When Ruchette was seven and lashed out at a group of bullies using a jagged diamond that suddenly appeared out of her palm, Raida saw this as an opportunity to get her out of her hands for good and get a quick paycheck, turning her over to the defense forces who specialized in body manipulation, who took note of such incredible merit and gave her intensive training and attempted brainwashing to turn her into the ultimate tool for their own goals.

The brainwashing was eventually overcome and she used all of her training against them, killing the group, although she was still soon after offered a job as part of the elite royal soldiers despite this little black mark on her resume and being at the young age of 15. The king, who's only referred to as such, gained some respect and interest from her as a result, especially when he let her mostly run wild as long as she carried out certain tasks, which she found amusing for a king to allow. Some of these tasks involved her murdering body manipulators who were suspected of plotting rebellions, some of them parents of children who had bullied her, making her revel in her new career a bit too much.

Traitors and other criminals among both the poor and the elite were not safe from her. She didn't feel sorry for them, feeling like if they didn't have the power to carry out their goals to fruition then they deserved what was coming to them, especially if they make the mistake to stand against her. To her, growing up, power was all that mattered. She found many of the elites strangely lacking in it compared to her as her skills were honed with each passing year, revealing that few could truly stand against her within the city. Things became boring for her until one day when a man named Lenraddo showed up, her unknown father, and wiped the floor with her, taunting her all the while and revealing that he killed the king.

There went her one interesting person, although along came another one to replace him. Lenraddo accessed the ability to travel to other worlds and off he went , prompting Ruchette to follow in his footsteps, although the man gave her the slip soon enough. With no reason to head back home, she decided to roam around the new worlds a bit to find the man or anyone else who would catch her interest.

It was during this wandering that she got called into the tournament. Having nothing better to do, she accepted.
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