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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Francis Latour

Location: Basement
Interacting with: Raylan@AcerRo

Francis greeted Raylan with a sigh as he instantly caught a wiff of alcohol and tobacco smoke on him. "Jesus Christ..." He cursed under his breath. "Hitting the bottle again, have we? And judging by the bruise on your cheek, I assume you had one too many and you woke up in a ditch with little to no memory of what happened last night. Am I getting close? Stop me if I'm wrong." He called to him.

Another sigh. "Well, you are certainly going to be a handful, aren't you? Come along then, you will be in my group; you can play show and tell later. Oh and you are grounded for a month, so no leaving the institute or you will be sent home. There's a good chap." Francis replied with an irritating smile. He knew Raylan had no where else to go, so he would behave himself and not risk the only reliable source of food and shelter he had.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 20 days ago

Location:The Basement
Interacting With: Sophie and Professor Latour @Ace of flames01

Will grinned slightly at the professor's comment. "Me? A handful? Nooooo," he said, chuckling to himself. After a moment of scanning the room, and noticing the newcomer who seemed to be more aggravating to the Professor than he was, he turned back to his mentor. "So, whats the deal with our training? How's this shindig gonna work? Are the three of us going to gather in the yard and meditate?" he asked, eyebrows raised in an inquisitive stare. As nonchalantly as he may have phrased the question, he truly was interested in learning how to control his powers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 12 days ago

Robert Snow

Location: Basement
Interacting with: Everyone, but Professor Latour in particular@Ace of flames01

With a simple rucksack slung over his right shoulder, Robert made his way down into the basement. He assumed that school would be in session and thus he made his way down. In fact, he had observed the entire phase of introductions and claiming codenames event which was so very important yet so antiquated. He remained silent, a small smirk was on his face. There is a new student who can control fire. A person that can 'take someone's breath away', and someone that can teleport. It seems Professor Latour has his hands full once again.

Deciding to remain silent, he was playing a game with himself where he was trying to predict whether it would be a student or the professor to notice his presence first...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Professor Francis Latour

Interacting with: Will @smarty0114 and Robert @KillBox
Location: basement

Francis chuckled at Will's musement at how they were going to be training. At the corner of his eye, he had noticed the gentleman known as Robert Frost. He gave him a silent acknowledgement with a slight glance, yet said nothing to him aloud. "Meditation? No, no. What we will be doing is hopefully much more fun than that. That is, unless you plan on reaching enlightenment. In which case, I would say that you have the wrong class and that this one would be far too violent for one such as yourself." He replied to Will with a smirk. "But first, we are going to have to do something about that aim of yours. Wouldn't want to hit someone in the crossfire , would we?"

Sophie Blackthorn

Interacting with: Will @smarty0114 and Robert @KillBox
Location: basement

Will had his one chance to get even with Sophie and hit her back without any worry about getting charred afterwards, and blew it. Of course, this didn't really bother Sophie either way, except for the fact that she knew she was never going to hear the end of it from Will. However, she decided that she would deal with that when the time arose, and merely shrugged it off and shifted her attention to the Professor.

Sophie had also noticed the silent fellow that was leaning against the wall, yet said nothing and greeted him with a slight nod, before she had returned to the matter at hand. "So I'm going to assume that my job is to learn how to not torch the entire institute when I go all out?" she said crossing her arms and smiling slightly with amusement.

Francis looked at Sophie and laughed softly. "Precisely. However, if such an occurrence does happen, we are going to need a few more fire extinguishers, aren't we?" He replied with a smile.

Sophie nodded and smiled, her cheeks were slightly red from embarrassment. "Y-yeah, I do believe that would be a bit of a problem if I lost control." She said quietly. She then turned to Will with a slight smile as she laughed softly at the word "shindig". " 'Shindig'? What part of the world are you from? Better yet, what era? I haven't heard someone use that term correctly since I was maybe 6, by my dad. Looks like you have some class after all." She replied with a slight grin, trying to make nice with him for once before feeling completely awkward about what she just said and turned her gaze to Francis, pretending that her attempt to be nice to Will, never even happened as her cheeks and the tips of her ears burned a bright red with embarrassment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Basement
Interacting With: Everyone

"I'm feeling pretty good Frank, sweet of you to ask." Raylan shot back in a flat monotone. "It was a gutter by the way, I woke up in gutter. You can't get drunk enough to find a ditch in this town. I've tried." Raylan said before taking a drink of his coffee.  Raylan turned to others  and raised his cup in a half hearted salute that he didn't mean. "Morning." He said flatly before scanning the room and getting a good look at everyone. He knew a few of them. Even after a year, he still didn't know there names. He just made up nickname for people on the fly. It was easier for Raylan to remember. He didn't see the point of learning their names if he was gonna get tossed out. He didn't know how he had lasted this long.

Cowboy, he was a speedster or really quick... Or something like that. Raylan never had an issue with him that he could remember. Cowboy always seemed like a steady hand, old faithful as it where. Raylan often wondered if it was Cowboy who helped keep him around. Somebody had to have, Raylan had already caused too much trouble.

Halitosis Lu, who had some inane code name about his breath. Raylan didn't think ever said that to him but he didn't remember or care. Lu wasn't a bad guy by any stretch of the imagination, but Raylan could never understood how he could be so... Outgoing. So... Friendly. It was beyond him to understand it.

Sparks. The electric girl. She was about as moody as it gets, something to do with her powers. Still she had a power worth having. If Raylan had to a pick second power, it would hers. She seemed the decent sort.

There was Wings. She had a codename that Raylan never could comit to memory, something to do with the weather. Even Raylan had to admit, her wings were a thing of beauty, and so was she. She... Shy? Was that the word? Insecure? Either way Raylan couldn't remember getting sideways with her. "Feathers look nice today Wings." If the truth were told, it sounded too dry and monotone for comfort. It would have been easy to mistake it for an insult.

Raylan didn't dislike any of them. He might even like of them. But Raylan being Raylan, it probably never showed. There were others, others he didn't know. His guess was they were the new kids on the block. The right thing to do would be to shake each of their hands and greet them the best he could, offer than help and wish all the success in world. "I'm Raylan." Those were the only words he could muster. Maybe he would say more if he was sober but right now he had bigger things to worry about.

Something needed to happen. Exhaustion was gonna set in before long if something didn't happen soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 12 days ago

Robert Snow

Location: Basement
Interacting with: Everyone, Professor Latour and Sophie in particular@Ace of flames01

Giving the professor a small nod back, Robert found a seat in the back of the room and sat down, drawing as little attention to himself as possible. Listening to the conversation between the girl who might torch the institute down one day, he finally decided to speak up. "Well, I think I'm the best fire extinguisher there is..." He said as a few drops of water formed and seemed to dance between his right finger tips. "Hello everyone, my name is Robert Snow. You can call me Flow. I control liquids, and their various states..." He said as the water droplets froze in his hand and in an instant evaporated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Johnny Van Ronk

Johnny scratched his cheek as Latour announced the teams. He was pleased to see that he was chosen as a leader, although he, of course, did not let that show on his face. He cracked his knuckle, more out of habit than anything else and rose from his seat, tucking his thumbs into his belt as he scanned the room.

Finally he made a motion to, Grace, Christie and Bryson before telling them to come over.
"Alright, team group up." Was all he said, repeating a line he no doubt heard in some military film.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Room overlooking the range and in the range
@AcerRo @Mr_pink

Grace watched as the others entered the room silently and chewed on the inside of her cheek. More people. The thought made her nervous. She was warming up to the few that were already here, but more meant she had more people watching her. She glanced up as Raylan tossed a snide remark to Professor Latour and smirked. Ah the bad boy. He wasn't bad to look at if she was honest with herself. He was rough around the edges. Another guy walked in and stood against the wall and said nothing. Flow, she recalled vaguely. He seemed nice and fun.

"Feathers look nice today Wings." Raylan comment to Grace as he walked by her. She blushed scarlet and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "Thanks," She called after him quietly. The comment made her uneasy. Was he making fun of me? Her stomach turned slightly and she was angry at herself. Maybe he was. Her blush faded and she turned to look back at the others she was standing with.

Johnny caught her eye and motioned them over. "Alright, team group up." She laughed quietly and shook her head. "Where to captain?" She wasn't as embarrassed around the people in her group now. They had all seen her and not made fun of her. She felt slightly more at ease, and in turn, maybe she will come out of her shell a little this year.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 20 days ago

Location:The Basement
Interacting With: Sophie and Professor Latour @Ace of flames01

Will smirked at Sophie. "Sweetheart, I always had class. You just didn't want to admit it," he said, winking and then turning to the professor. "So, Professor L. When's our first session? Can't really get better aim if I don't know when and where we're gonna be meeting," he said, nonchalantly. As much as his facade might say otherwise, Will really was excited to begin learning to control this power he'd had since birth, change it from a curse to a gift. And taking down some anti-mutant scumbags along the way wouldn't be so bad either.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sophie Blackthorn

Location: basement then testing feild in the middle of nowhere
Interacting with: Francis, Will @smarty0114, Raylan @AcerRo, and Robert @KillBox

Sophie was taken aback with the new arrival of Raylan and Robert, both of which, from what she could tell, had powers that contradicted her own, and she didn't like it; after her experience with Lucian, she was going to keep her distance from those two. She inched closer to the one person she thought she would never try to get close to, Will. She stood to the point where they were just barely touched shoulders, and behind him a little bit then eyed the newcomers before returning to Will. She then walked around and stood in front of him, then placed her pointer finger on his chest with a smirk as she leaned in close. "Oh I'm sure it's that same class that made you such a ladies man, right? Sorry but I've caught a glimpse of your records and I'm not impressed. " She replied as she ran her finger up his chest, then flicked him on the nose. She gave him one last smile and a mocking wink before walking over to Francis. "Not admitting anything, Hotshot. Just stating the truth." She replied and laughed softly as she walked away.

Sophie turned to Francis. "So are we gonna go there, like you said we would?"

Francis Latour

Location: Basement then the middle of nowhere
Interacting with: Sophie, Will @smarty0114, Raylan @AcerRo, and Robert @KillBox

Francis grinned at Robert's joke. "Yes, no doubt you are the best in regards to being a fire extinguisher. I wanted you to co-lead a group with Lucian, if you don't mind. He's going to need all the help he can get and I need you to be his anchor, so he doesn't get out of hand and focuses on the initiative at hand." He replied to Robert. He then shifts his attention to his eager students. "You know, acting mature and nonchalant is not one of your strong suits, William. But judging from Raylan's behavior, some exercise is definitely in order, isn't it? Come along then. I suppose it's time for a little field trip." Francis gave Sophie a signaling wink and a smile, to which she responded with an excited smile and dashed out of the room and to the garage.

Francis turned to the other leaders. "I suppose we'll leave you to your first day of class. Raylan, since you are not allowed to leave the premise, you are to stay behind and work on some homework. Currently, you can only lift about 25 to 30 pounds worth of metal, correct? By the time I return, you must be able to lift at least 50. You may take weights from the weight room if you wish, however, you must be supervised by Johnny and I expect you to interact with your classmates, understand? Johnny, let me know if he gives you any trouble. "

Francis returned to Will and grinned. Come along now, William. Training starts now." He then proceeded to lead him to the garage where Sophie was already waiting for them in a started van. "Not the prettiest car, but she runs." He replied as they all piled up into a van.

After a half hour or so, the group arrived at a giant, desolate field in the middle of nowhere, where Francis pulled over and he and Sophie got out, leaving Will in bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Sophie was squealing with excitement as she ran into the field then dove and disappeared into the tall grass. "It's perfect, Francis!" She called as her head temporarily popped out of the grass then disappeared again.

Francis laughed. "I'm glad you are excited about this place! It took me forever to find it!" He called back to her as he tried to spot her, then turned to the Will. " This is where we will be having class today. It's quiet, plenty of space, and most importantly, far away from any humans. I want to see your full, raw potential, and I think that this is the safest place to do it. It's also good for stealth training and other forms of combat training. Much more fun than meditation I'm sure. He smirked at them. "Come along then. We can't wait all day." Then casually followed Sophie into the middle of the field, where she was burning a large crop circle with a smaller, more manageable fire.

Unlike most people, she played with the fire. She let it slither around then up her leg, before it finally settled, coiling around her arm, neck, and a small bit of her face. She was excited, to say the least, about this place and clearly expressed it by the happy and excited smile on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: The Basement
Interacting With: Peter @Winter Kitten, Lucian @LokiLeo789, James @SuddenSardines, Robert @KillBox, Raylan @AcerRo

Astrid begrudgingly followed to where James ended up teleporting. It seemed her little group was meeting up by the chairs. Stepping up, once again behind James, she stared hard at Lucian as he talked. Bullshit was all she could think. She had been here longer than he had by years. "How the hell are you supposed to teach me anything?" Angrily, Astrid stepped up to Lucian till they were a handsbreath away from each other. She was in no mood to be pushed around by someone less experienced than her. "Besides the fact that I've been here longer than you, you control air. That's a bit different than electricity if you hadn't noticed. Every time I breathe I turn into a battery ready to explode, and you can just get high off O2."

Turning away from Lucian before he had a chance to talk, Astrid looked for Francis to try and convince him to change his mind. By that time the professor and his own team had already left. "Damn it!" She hissed out at the empty space. In his place all she could see was Raylan looking like he just got up from a long night. That brought her some peace knowing she could probably find some booze in his room when this ridiculousness was over. Near Raylan was another familiar face and a part of her team, Robert. But she was too angry to think about him now. Sparks were flying through her hair in her rage, making a crackling sound only electricity can.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 12 days ago

Robert Snow

Location: Basement
Interacting with: Professor Latour@Ace of flames01 Astrid@WintergreyPeter @Winter KittenLucian @LokiLeo789James @SuddenSardinesRaylan@AcerRo

Robert looked to Professor Latour. "Old friend, You know my powers better than almost anyone here. Yet, you paired me with someone that controls what seems to be electricity. You're just asking for an disaster. However, it would be an electrifying spectacle. Anyways, I'll be off, it seems my group is about to move to a suitable training ground... We'll speak later. " He finished with a small nod as he left the professor and approached his team.

Upon approach, he spoke out "Well hello everyone. I'm Robert if you did not hear before. It seems I would be co-leading this team. Lets make it the best experience we can have, yeah?" He said with a genuine smile. On his way over, he hear the seething voice Astrid spoke with. "Astrid, dear, have a snickers. You're not you when you're angry..." He said with a small smile. He patted her on the shoulder and literally offered a snickers candy bar. Of course, with her power being on display, he caught a small shock but he paid that no mind. "Raylan, my friend, it seems you have over-indulged once again. Would you like me to help with that? Of course, it would feel like you're throwing up, but you'll feel better..." He said with a small chuckle. "Then, after the training, James, perhaps you can take us to this one new Thai restaurant I found. The spices they use there, simply exquisite..." With a small grin, he turned to Lucian. "Last but not least, Breathtaker. As the official leader of this group, lead on. Where are we headed? Also, we should have a team name as well...Hmm..." He said, as he waited on the responses of the rest of his team.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SuddenSardines
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SuddenSardines Sardine of Mystery

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Erikson

Xavier's Institute Basement
Interacting:Robert @KillBox, Astrid @Wintergrey, Lucian @LokiLeo789

As everyone started to gather round, James took stock of the group. First up was Lucian, who seemed to be pretty cool. He didn't seem to take much seriously, but he could use some of that right now. This basement was starting to feel so edgy that he was worried he might cut himself on something. Seriously, how many people showed up late?! Then there was Robert, who also appeared to be pretty grounded. But perhaps he was a bit too grounded. This wasn't going to be fun and games, after all. And lastly, there was Astrid. While James had thought she was cute for a few moments, that adjective rapidly turned to "terrifying" when she freaked out at Lucian for......some reason. Odd. She seemed just fine a few moments ago.

James turned to Robert. "I mean..... I could try," he managed. "But I've never teleported with this many people at once, before. Or with anyone, for that matter. And I guess......we could be Team Hurricane. We have water, lightning, air, and.........I'll shut up now." James sunk into his chair, and resisted to the urge to teleport as far away as possible. Of all the things he had to deal with today, why was it people?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Lucian Asaunte

Professor Xavier's School Basement Facility/ Open Training Field

Interacting with:

Lucian leaned back, a bored expression on his face as Astrid went off on him. He found it ironic, she may have been here longer, but what she just did was one of the reasons why she couldn't lead a team. She was close minded, quick to anger and slow to listen, she also seemed to need a quick lesson on physics, but that would come later.

With a sigh Lucian turned inward, he had a field near the school he wanted to take them, he just had to remember were it was, Prof. had taken him there the day before. He was quickly ripped out of his mind when Robert approached him, something about James teleporting them to a Thai food restaurant.
At least let us finish class. Lucian thought to himself as he signaled for everyone to follow him to the garage, following in the footsteps of the Prof.

"Just follow me Robert, and James, don't stress yourself out about it, if you can't you can't." he said slyly, that should have gotten him riled up to at least try. He would have to get out of his shell soon enough.

In the garage he found a black van, the one that was next to it already gone. Piling in the van, Lucian drove for about half a hour or so, in which the group arrived at a giant, desolate field in the middle of nowhere, a few miles away from Francis.

After exiting the van, Lucian quickly turned to the group, class was about to start. "Alright, since some of you may be wondering why I'm leading this group, I am an advanced student. I have better control than everyone here, no matter the time you spent." he explained, glancing at Astrid during the last part. "Now, before we start training your abilities, you have to have an understanding of how your powers interact with the world around you." he said as he began to pace back and forth.

"As you may know, all Mutant powers are governed by the laws of physics, obviously, but this info is the key to controlling your power and defeating an enemy. I'll use Astrid as an example." he said gesturing at her.

"Electricity vs Oxygen. Now, all of you, who do you think would win?!" he proclaimed, looking at the group for answers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bryson Anderson

Interacting with:
Christie @Royzooka, Grace @unfallenangel, Johnny @Mr_pink
Location: Xavier's Institute Basement

With their team all grouped up, Bryson let out a slight smile. They seemed nice enough. He ignored those that had come in late, and instead turned his attention to his new teammates. After some quick re-introductions, Bryson was confident that his new teammates would make for good friends. Most of his time at the Institute was spent huddled away in his room, with the three of him playing various board games. Perhaps this would be his opportunity to actually get out and be normal for once in his life.

He was about to ask about the other two's powers, but was caught off guard when their leader, Johnny, called them over. Bryson took a step closer to where Johnny was sitting. "What'd you have planned for us, 'captain'?" Bryson heard Grace use the term captain, and decided to just go with it. The man seemed like he could have been a captain of sorts.

"Bryson, I do not believe the man is actually a captain, which would make your statement potentially offensive," Orion said to him.

"Well yeah, but he sure does look like one," Bryson said while staring up at the ceiling and casually glancing at Johnny.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raylan Elisha Wilcox

Location: Basement

Interacting With:
@unfallenangel Grace
@Chickn Bryson
@Royzooka Christi
@Mr_pink Johnny.

Raylan's face twisted in agony at Frank's words. Grounding and "homework" weren't punishments. That was easy but why in the hell did he have to be watched? Double why the hell did he have to talk to anyone about it? Raylan hid his anger behind his coffee cup. This may not be bad for anyone else. For Raylan however, this was some high quality, pure T horse shit.

Raylan didn't say a word, he was too pissed and it was written all over his face. Raylan wasn't much of a social creature. Maybe a deep seeded fear of intimacy, maybe he was terrified of getting hurt, maybe he was drunk ass hole. After a few drinks, sure he was as much of a social butterfly as anyone, but differently not while he was trying sober up.

So many retorts ran through his mind. All of which, he was smart enough not to say. His retorts ranged from 'Oh no Frank don't leave. I need hug, please don't leave me.' All the way to 'You can phases through these pants and kiss my white ass.' It was enough for Raylan that Frank wasn't telepathic.

Raylan slowly walked over to Cowboys (Johnny Van Ronk) group. He tries to hide his anger over the situation. He'd done it to himself and he was willing to own it but that didn't mean he was happy about it. "Well Cowboy, what's the call? Where do you want me?" Raylan said trying to hid his anger at the situation.

Raylan looked at the others for a moment. Wings and two others he didn't know. There was something off about those two. It didn't unsettle him by any means. They just gave Raylan a feeling he couldn't explain. Raylan didn't say another word. He just took a drink of his coffee and awaited Cowboys response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Royzooka
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Royzooka Yandere Fanatic [Notice Me Senpai]

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Basement Training Facility
Interacting: @Mr_pink Johnny, @AcerRo Raylan, @unfallenangel Grace, @Chickn Bryson

Soon the one called Johnny called over, it looked like the leader was calling them over. Christie was the last to walk over though she wondered what they would be doing. She heard Grace say "Where to captain?", one of the late mutants called the leader a cowboy and Bryson just used the word captain like Grace did. Christie was the only one not to say anything though what could top cowboy? King, master or god? She was not going to call him any of those things, she would probably just call him Johnny. "So, what's first? An assault course of some kind or maybe some team-based workshop?" Christie asked in a curious manner. Excitement grew in her veins, the thought of doing the first session as an X-Man. Hopefully, it was something physical and nothing theory based, she always grew bored in those types of classes.

Her eyes looked the group over, Grace was right this was going to be fun. She even had to say it "This is going to be fun, fun, fun." Her words were to the whole group and not to a single person. She did not know who the late mutant was and so had to ask, if he mentioned his name not to long ago Christie must have missed it. "Say, late guy, what is your name?" Christie said in the nicest way possible. She kept her hands away from the others just in case something happened, she did not trust herself as she could suddenly flip out like she did many times before. Christie wanted to brush her hair with her hand but usually, she would end up drawing blood during it, she would forget she had extremely sharp nails. Christie had to wait for Johnny to speak yet she felt her excitement begin to well up inside her.

She hoped she was going to do something physical to get rid of all this excitement she had today so far.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: The Field
Interacting With: Lucian @LokiLeo789, James @SuddenSardines, Robert @KillBox

Astrid was needless to say quite surprised when Lucian called her out in the field. She had expected to left alone to her brooding just as she had been while they were driving in the van. Not that she was going to back down from a challenge. If Lucian thought that he could push her around just because he was 'in charge' he had another thing coming. She was about to show him who the real boss in this group of theirs was. With a small grin on her face she quietly uttered, "Bring it." Sticking out her arms to her side, Astrid began to channel her energy into her palms.

She struggled for a moment, trying to regulate the flow. All she wanted was to give him a bit of a jolt, not kill him. It felt like trying to hold back a wave in the ocean, impossible. All her body seemed to want to do was explode out. Breathing deeply she slowly calmed her hammering heart. You are in control, not the energy. Work with it, not against it. Funnel it to your palms. All things she had been taught over the 10 or so years she had been training.

The sparks, that had been momentarily before crackling through the strands in her hair, faded away as the energy pooled itself into her hands. Finally in control Astrid focused on her target. Lucian's shirt. Time to burn a nice big hole in it. Bringing her right arm back, she held it in position above her head, in a stance like a professional baseball player. The stance lasted a fraction of a second before she threw it forward, releasing the pressure in her hand. Faster than the eye could see a thread of electricity shot out. Pulled down by the connection to Astrid's hand, it acted like a whip slicing down through the air towards Lucian.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 12 days ago

Robert Snow

Location: Basement
Interacting with: Astrid@WintergreyPeter @Winter KittenLucian @LokiLeo789James @SuddenSardines

Just follow him huh. Robert thought to himself. He also wonders about this Lucian person and what made him qualified enough to be picked by Professor Latour to be a leader. In any case, he kept his silence and simply followed his group to the training field Lucian has picked for them. During the car ride, he mainly kept to himself, preferring to stare outside the windows than interacting with his new teammates.

Upon arrive, Robert immediately began his internal analysis of how much liquid this area contained. As it is with any location on earth, there is alway some liquid in the air. That alone is enough for him. As Astrid and Lucian began their first little training exercise, he paid no mind to the physic lesson that also took place. Instead, he gathered some of the humidity that was in the air and formed it into a orb the size of a baseball. "Now, James, you can move things right. I'm going to throw this. Try to move it back to my hand. You'll need to focus, since the object you're trying to move it also move in a different direction. Ready, here we go." He took aim and threw the ball of water. Surprisingly, the ball was moving much faster than it should have been. In truth, he was controlling its speed by having it pull itself towards any and all water particle that was in the air along its path of travel. "Oh look, the orb is heading right towards our leader, Lucian. James, you should really try to move it now..." He chuckled as he stood back to watch what would happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SuddenSardines
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SuddenSardines Sardine of Mystery

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

James Erikson

The Field
Interacting:Robert @KillBox, Astrid @Wintergrey, Lucian @LokiLeo789

While the group was driving to the field, James thought about things. Notably, about Lucian's last comment. Sure, if he couldn't, he couldn't. But the more he thought about it, the more James wasn't sure just what he was capable of. After all, he had once accidentally teleported halfway across a state to the beach AS A CHILD. Maybe it was time to really try something crazy. He was training to be an X-Man after all.

James got a good look at the field. It was pretty open, went on for a while, and had no one in sight. The perfect place to practice his distance. He was about to listen in on Lucian's talk about physics, when Robert got his attention. As Robert readied the orb, James raised an eyebrow. "Uh, I can't teleport other stuff, just myself." But it was too late. The orb was already off. James followed its trajectory, and panicked for a moment. It was headed right towards Lucian and Astrid. For a few moments, James tried to get the water to move. And for a split second, he thought he felt something. Whatever it was though, it wouldn't happen nearly fast enough. Time for plan B.

James focused right in front of the orb, and teleported into its path. As the cold water splashed all over him, he quickly became aware of Astrid crackling with electricity. The only thought James could bring himself to think at that moment amounted to "backbackbackbackBACKBACKBACK" And suddenly James felt his power throw him back. By about half a mile. James took a moment to get his bearings. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing up,and he was soaking wet, but he was alive. As James put together what had just happened, he was suddenly furious. Looking over to make sure it was clear, he teleported back over to the group, a bit of a distance away from Astrid. "Are you out of your FUCKING MIND?!" he yelled, as his anger overcame his social anxiety. "Why are you throwing around water, while Astrid is using electricity!? You could have killed someone!"
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