Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Alupi
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Briex first opened her eyes she almost immediately wanted to close them again as the light still hurt. Her curiosity won out though and she instead kept her eyes open until they started to adjust. When she could see the young goblin inspected her body instinctively knowing the name of every body part as she saw it.

When that was done she changed focus to her surroundings. Most of what she saw was lifeless rock except for one strange area that even more light came into, but she quickly realized there were also other goblins around. Since they might be hostile she decided to hide.

She silently dragged herself to a nearby dark shadow and tried to disappear in the darkness, unaware that her light skincolor rendered her attempts futile. Believing she was hard too see Briex continued to observe the other goblins, most of which were lying on the cave's floor.

One of them though was somehow balancing themselves on their legs. Impressed with that seemingly impossible feat Briex decided to imitate them. Using the cave wall as support the day old managed to stand up on shaky uncertain legs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 10 days ago

The cave and the hazy memories. That was all Et truly had at this point, like many of the other goblins in this cave. It was truly interesting to see that they all had just come to be, strange even to see this spectacle. Though, Et was not going to sit on her rump all day and do nothing, no she needed to be useful. That is why she silently thanked the light for coming to save her from this darkness, she opened her eyes and let them adjust.

Slowly, Et got up and gave nice long stretch so that she may go and do whatever she needed. She had been in this place for three days now and it still was exceptionally strange with all these different goblins around. She looked around the cave to see the other goblins; some sleeping, some waking up, one imitating another. She gave a sigh at these people before going off to search the cave walls for anything that seemed like the metal from her memories.

She wanted to make something, bend something like what she had been doing in her memories. Though, nothing would glisten and nothing wanted to just show itself to her. However, that did not mean she would simply give in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CrystalApple
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CrystalApple Take a bite, I wont mind~

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The endless abyss which enveloped him had consumed all of his senses, the whispering that had once been silently chattering to him had been silenced with a single boom. One that which dug him from up from his slumber, with the ocean of shadows enveloping his form had now pushed him to the top to hear a single command from somewhere. "Wake up..."

With the uttering of those words, the next things he could even roughly remember wasn't anything significant as the light flooded his eyes from his nap. The day of light burning them as they began to adjust to the sudden exposure, with the cave's darkness being sort of a comforting haven to him still. With three days worth of time wracking his brain over the memories in his head along with the fact of the other goblins around in the cave with himself whom he spent the last several days with. He felt different from them and gave a sigh out loud as he stood up from the crowd. Falling down shortly after with his shaky legs still unused to walking, however, with the assistance of a branch which he found among the edges of the cave. There were other sticks and twigs among the floor along with rocks and pebbles but this branch was perfect for his height with a few branches still on it and with a few snaps, it was mostly fine. Using the wooden branch as an additional limb to support him for walking, taking notice of other goblins beginning to stand as well.

Continuing to use the branch as a crutch, he slowly but surely exercising his muscles as he walked slowly outside of the cave to reach the outside. Poking his head silently as he peeked from left to right, with his eyes already adjusted from earlier before but he remained still at the opening of the cave unsure if he should go out further.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Among the goblins who woke up from their slumber, Gork was probably the slowest; he spent awhile simply trying to open his eyes, and he saw other goblins going about their business. He then turned his head, and saw a round rock at a corner of the cave, and took it. He didn't know why, but his mind was filled with possibility and potential, and he could see innovation and progression where there was not. After he found a sharp stone, he used it to carve the round rock into a cup, as he felt like he wanted to create. But more instinctively, he wanted to learn how.

So Gork crawled to the cave entrance, and taking leverage from the wall, stood up. The bright sun scared him, but he was driven by ambition greater than any cowardice the creature may have had. Sure, he might be walking to his death at the jaws of a hungry predator, but hardships and possible sacrifice was necessary in the path of science. So he set out into the wilderness. He first found a sturdy stick, and used some springy roots to tie up the sharp rock he used to carve his cup into the stick, crafting a spear. With the weapon in his hand, Gork felt comfortable searching for plants, mushrooms, berries, herbs, anything goblins didn't want to eat but he could use to grind up in his cup and brew into something useful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Royzooka
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Royzooka Yandere Fanatic [Notice Me Senpai]

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sound, the first sense any newborn has sight developed shortly after, the mother was usually the first thing one saw. Sounds filled the ears of a certain goblin who yet had to get up and join her new family. The words wake up played in the goblin's head and repeated over and over like a song on an i-pod that was set to repeat the same song. A thought soon followed, a rather simple one and one that felt right. However, the sounds coming from around her took her attention, her ears picking up on all the sounds close to her. The sounds varied as if each sound was moving in a different direction, each sound being unique in timbre. The said goblin in question soon twitched moving its arm, the first movement she had made since she could remember.

It felt unnatural but the goblin soon slowly opened her eyes revealing her amber-orange eyes. The rush of light was blinding as the dark was banished elsewhere. The goblin quickly to shut her eyes once more though decided to get up, a slow process since she had never moved before and so her body would need to get used to the idea of it. First, the fingers on each hand began to awaken and move as if they had a life of their own, a tingling feeling began to rush through the goblins fingers, her hands soon receiving the same strange tingling feeling. The tingling was strange and hard to describe, numb was probably the best word to use. The creature then began to turn her hands and wrists, yet another strange feeling. Her wrists and hand only rotating as far as they possibly could.

The arms and elbows followed and like everything else before it the strange feeling she felt turned up there as well. The goblin still listening to the sounds around her, still afraid of using her sight due to the overwhelming light. The creature soon turned herself over so she could hold herself up from the ground using her newly used arms. Her arms jerked every so often but the goblin did not fall or crash into the cave floor. More senses began to emerge, the feeling of touch began, an important sense. She could feel something, it was small, hard and somewhat round, the goblin soon tried to open her eyes once more though this time the light was not as blinding. Her sight was blurry yet over a short time began to correct itself, her head turned to what she could feel in front of her.

A greyish stone was pushing against her and next to that was another object, it was short and brown. More of the said objects could be seen dotted around the cave. However, her attention was now on the other goblins around her who seemed to be standing up or at least trying too. The goblin soon looked down seeing her body and something attached to the said body. The goblin had to once again change position which was hard when her legs had yet to wake up. The goblin found herself sitting on her butt as she soon glanced at her legs, the strange tingling soon went to her legs. The feeling in her legs did not hurt and they were numb as life began to flow through them, the odd twitch happened here and there.

Rubi soon tried to lift herself off the ground so she could stand, what happened when she tried was her crashing to the ground like a tonne of bricks. The feeling of pain was now introduced, it was shocking to feel such a thing for the first time. This goblin would not try to get up again until her legs stopped feeling this strange feeling of numbness. While she waited she suddenly could smell things, all the smells were new and her nose was rather sensitive to all the new incoming scents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

His first moments were chocked and strangled, filled with struggle as death became life. In those first minutes the thing that would become Ro sat in the dark, eyes refusing to open in a vain attempt to return to the comforting darkness that belched him into existence. When it refused to return to him, Ro let out a low and feral growl from the deepest pit of his stomach and forced himself to accept the day. With a scowl that'd curdle milk the young goblin crawled from his spot in the cave, snapping and growling at anyone who got in his way or weren't moving fast enough.

The sun hurt his eyes, a hiss escaping his throat in retaliation as he scampered off somewhere darker. It didn't take too long, hiding in the shade of a tall rock Ro had a great view of the cave opening and all the goblins that left it. Many were shaky and uncertain, but nonetheless getting used to their legs, while others had more drive. One had put a pointy rock on a stick, another was using sticks to help move, and another was just looking for...something. To be completely honest it was all quite boring and the lack of direction made him...antsy. With a sneer and a spit, Ro began dredging for trouble.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Royzooka - Speaking to briefly
@Ariamis - Speaking to, walking with.

First, her vision came to her. Her eyes blinked open, a hand covering her eyes to shield them form the momentary light. Something seemed...off. She didn't know what, but she seemed to have had an odd dream last night of...somewhere else. For a few moments, she just laid there collecting her thoughts, trying to recollect the dream. She wasn't in any hurry to get to moving, after all, though the others seemed to be waking up quickly. And eventually, with all dreams hers faded. She tried to recall more, but it was a futile endeavor in the end.

Wake up!

The loud voice telling her to wake up didn't help either. In the end, she simply sighed and pushed herself up to a sitting position. Curiously, she looked around the room she was in. It was a cave, and though dark she could see fairly well anyways. A lot of other goblins were moving around, getting used to their bodies and attempting to walk. She supposed that was a good idea - some of the others were even making their way towards the edge of the cave, and well, curiosity demanded she learn what the outside world looked like.

She stood, legs shakily supporting her weight as she did so. Chances were, she'd fall if she just attempted to move right away. She moved her feet and legs instinctually, taking a more balanced stance to prevent that from happening. How she knew such a thing, didn't matter much. She knew it, but there was little reason to question it. Perhaps it had something to do with that dream last night? No matter, in the end. Before she headed towards the cave though, she noticed one of the other goblins falling and having trouble getting up. She walked over slowly and quietly, speaking carefully to the other.

"Take it slow at first." She advised the fallen goblin, though she didn't linger. While she couldn't be sure her advice would work...well, it seemed to be working for her, so that's all she could really go on. "One step at a time. Take a minute to get to know your legs a bit more."

With that, she took a few hesitant, slow steps forwards towards the entrance of the cave. Slow step after slow step eventually carried her there. Maybe not the fastest, but definitely the one with the least injuries and falls or supports.

When she arrived, she shielded her eyes from the harsh sun once again, and observed her surroundings. Looked like there was a small clearing at the entrance of their cave, before the clearing gave way to a forest. Curious. Perhaps there was something interesting she could find out there in the forest. She certainly felt rather...defenseless? Was that a good word? She looked down at her hands. Something seemed to be missing. She didn't really know what, but she'd find out later.

For now, she took a few more sure steps out into the forest, and took a look at her body in the light. She was wearing simple rags, barely covering her body. Most of the other goblins skin color was green, and so was hers - but it was a lighter shade with a mild hint of blue in it. Curious. There had to be a reason for that, and one she'd likely find out later so she didn't linger on the thought.

The forest was quiet large, from what she could see. Just how large? Well, she'd find out later. Her curiosity was driving her to find out, but she couldn't do something like that without something to defend herself with, could she? She needed something. Even a crude weapon would do. But...what exactly sort of weapon? She noticed another goblin grab a sharp rock and a long stick, tying them together with some sort of plant.

Well, now there was an idea!

She fell silent again as she observed her surroundings, unconsciously placing a hand on her chin. It took her a few seconds of observation, but she finally found a large enough rock to suit her needs. She hefted it with a grunt, it was much heavier than she had expected but it'd do. Next, she found some of those springy roots the other goblin had used and tied the rock onto the end of a smaller, arm length branch.

A makeshift club. Now that was something she could use. Now where did that other goblin go? It'd probably be a good idea to stay close. Safety in numbers and all that. Finding him just a few feet away, she walked over to the other Goblin.

"Hm...I'm Nish." She said slowly, resting the head of her newly made club on her shoulder. "Walk together? Who knows what's in this forest."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Briex managed to stand up for the first time with help of the cave wall, she noticed several of the other goblins leave the cave. She wondered why they would do something that stupid but not much later she discovered a possible reason to brave the outside. Her stomach was growling and as far as she could tell the only edible things in the cave were her own kind. Not wanting to resort to cannibalism so soon she felt like she had no choice but to head to the light.

Still hugging the wall she took her first steps but after Briex gained confidence she tried balancing on her own, while still shaky she managed to avoid falling. When she exited the only place she had ever known the first thing she noticed was how open everything was and honestly it felt unnatural to her. Going by her fist impulse the light green skinned goblin quickly waddled to the closest bush and hid in it. She knew she couldn't stay there and decided to head out further when she had calmed down a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zell was easily able to break out of his shell. Yet when he began to open his eyes something stung his left eye. As he slowly reached his hand to it, it felt odd almost like there was a cut. As he began to take notice he was actually cut and he couldn’t see from it. He furiously marched off only able to see from his right. When he was able to reach the woods however he quickly began raging out. Breaking wood,hitting trees anything he could do to let out the pain. Zell Screeched before returning to the camp with others and eyeing them waiting to see what’s to come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Royzooka
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Royzooka Yandere Fanatic [Notice Me Senpai]

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist Primal growling before character leaves

Yet another new thing happened, she heard new words from a fellow goblin and somehow yet she understood them. The idea of advice would escape Rubi yet the words began to sink into her head as if she had the mental capacity to define words in her head. A harsh growl followed as she tried to say a word for the first time. On a second try, the same thing happened, clearly this was something she had to work on once she was able to start moving more freely. The numbness around most of her limbs began to wear off yet her legs still had the numbness to them. The other goblin was soon gone, they seemed to be heading somewhere like many other goblins before her. Not wanting to be left behind she began to drag her body closer to the light, the thing that was blinding at first but became an important factor for one's sight.

As she dragged herself she felt the rocks and sticks poke her, she began to cause many minor scratches upon her goblin body. The marks would be apparent when she became more visible to the world. When she managed to drag herself to the edge of the cave she sat up where she could no longer feel the numbness in her legs. With that she attempted to stand up once more, using the cave wall behind she began to get up, she was a bit shaky but she stood better than she did before. It had been 30 seconds later and she was still standing though she had help from the cave wall itself, now it was time to try moving where no support was given. Her right foot went first, the first step would be hardest but she managed to cope doing it. The left foot followed soon after which was much easier than the first.

Eventually, she stumbled towards the outside world. The world was much vaster than what the cave was, the world outside the cave was beautiful and teeming with wildlife. The feeling of freedom washed over the goblin known as Rubi, she watched as each goblin did something before taking her first venture out into the world. She had no idea what to do but her primal side did push the thought of finding something hard to bash and smack things with. It was an urge that would linger within her until she found something to satisfy her craving. Rubi soon began to walk towards one of the many trees in the area, this tree was tall and it was so green. The urge to climb now turned up in her, the urge to find a weapon of some kind was stronger. She soon growled once more as she then tried to speak for the first time.

Her growls were random and it took her nearly two minutes before she could even utter a single vowel. She remembered the words that were spoken to her by one of the other Goblins who was named Nish but Rubi had yet to learn of that name. With each attempt, she tried to make a word by sounding out each letter one at a time. She did not stay in one place as she soon began to look around as she tried to learn to speak, multitasking was a completely new and wild concept to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

From inside her bush Briex watched the goblins that had left the cave. Several were talking to each other but the one thing almost every goblin did was look for something on the ground. She didn't know why the did it, but she believed it couldn't hurt to imitate them. She left the bush and started looking to take along on her quest for food.

At first she went for a big rock but it was too heavy for her. Having given up on her first choice she headed back into the cave to search. Eventually she found a bone longer than her own arm which she carried outside and broke in pieces by repeatedly hitting the big rock with it.

She than took one of the two largest pieces that because of the fracture had some reasonably sharp edges on both sides with her into the forest.
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