@Parfex Also, nice post. :D Though one goof... on the picture, the weapon says Glock 26. Glock 16s don't exist, and a gun like that doesn't carry 22 rounds. lol Oh well, that's just me being Douchey McNitpick. XD

@Parfex Also, nice post. :D Though one goof... on the picture, the weapon says Glock 26. Glock 16s don't exist, and a gun like that doesn't carry 22 rounds. lol Oh well, that's just me being Douchey McNitpick. XD
THE RP IS NOW CLOSED!Yo! The RP is now closed! For those who are mentioned below, you guys will be invited to the new thread by mention once it's up. Until then, I need ALL of you guys to post your characters boarding the helicopter for continuity reasons, and to know you guys are still interested in this RP and that you're still willing to play!
The new thread will be up in one or two days. Until then, post your final post here, and have fun!
(( @Din@Gilgex@Pundii@Archmage MC@LPFan@Chickn@Framing A Moose@Morose@FrozenEcstasy@FantasyChic@Heathen@Endrance ))
@Parfex Oops! You're invited too XD I just forgot to add you to the mentions because I copy-pasted them from my IC post XD
I just got done beating Call of Duty: World At War (trust me I like the older CoDs better than the new ones) and I'm wondering if anyone's interested in a World War 2 prequel to this RP. XD Just a thought, really.
I just got done beating Call of Duty: World At War (trust me I like the older CoDs better than the new ones) and I'm wondering if anyone's interested in a World War 2 prequel to this RP. XD Just a thought, really.
I just got done beating Call of Duty: World At War (trust me I like the older CoDs better than the new ones) and I'm wondering if anyone's interested in a World War 2 prequel to this RP. XD Just a thought, really.