Aaliyah Cruze
"I'm not a girl, I am a storm with skin."
Codename: Apocalypse - Given by Equalists.
Veracruze - A name she chooses if freed.
Age: 19
Relationship Status:Single
Species:Homo Superior-Mutant
History:Aaliyah was originally born in Toronto, Canada and was the youngest of two siblings with her being the only girl, Both her birth parents are Canadian, Her current step-father is American. At the age of four the family was split when her birth parents split up with the father leaving the mother to look after herself and the two children. Although the years were tough, Aaliyah mother was soon into another relationship with a guy from America, It all seemed to good to be true when they decided to marry and by the time Liya was eight years old, They made the move to live in America and settled in Florida. She grew up under the watchful eyes of her brother who was protective of his younger sister as he for some reason didn't take to well to having to move.
Life was pretty normal for the most part for Aaliyah as she was getting a good normal upbringing, However her brother was getting in trouble by causing arguments within the household, This was compounded by the fact their step-father was hardly home because of his work, Aaliyah was enrolled into the girl scouts at the time. It was not long before her teenage years that the first evidence of Aaliyah's abilities when her parents were arguing, This really upset and annoyed the girl, It caused the area to have heavy rain which eventually intensified into a thunderstorm, It remained quite consistent unaware it was her actually causing it until her older brother came and spent some hours with Liyah convincing the young child everything was going to be okay, This cheered her up causing the thunderstorms to stop, But the rain persisted for several days after and only within a few miles of her location.
From this moment on the rest of Aaliyah's child and teenage years were plagued with troubles. Although her brother got his life on track, He continued to get into arguments and the odd fight with their step-father for not spending as much time with the family as he should, The later buried himself further into his work leaving liyah feeling more and more disconnected when she needed her family most when her powers was manifesting more pressing her need to adapt fast to the changes, Her Mother did the best she could to care and love her children but it was taking its toll, Aaliyah tried to channel her aggression once when she got into a fight with her step-father, arguing, when she was angry at him, a hailstorm demolished his car. Her brother had enough and had his suspicions of his younger sister, But in her excitment of wanting to show of her abilities to him, She confimed his suspicions when she made it snow in the midle of summers day and has never really recited or told others of this.
Aaliyah had a big scare when she was almost diagnosed with diabetes from the doctors, Fortunately it was only a scare but it was certainly enough for her to a few little changes to what she ate and drink, Aaliyah was eventually caught after being attacked by the Equalists, But before being subdued after her family was threatened. She managed to knock a few members of the group back with a strong wind and struck another with Lightning, Injuring but not killing the Individual. The fight was responsible for a powerful storm in Miami, reports came in as causing major damage and injuries which baffling many at the time leaving more questions than answers.
Appearance:Aaliyah has long wavy black hair with a blue and purple tints at the front, It falls to shoulder length just draping over her shoulders, She prefers to wear it freely but may at times tie it up. Aaliyah stands roughly at 5''4 with a figure of 34-24-34 and weigthing roughly 115lbs, Although it is rude to ask a girl her weight. Liyah has small cheeks, a medium size nose, hands, and ears with delicate slightly over average size lips, With easy to get lost into chocolatey eyes and a brown skin complexion. Typically Aaliyah likes to wear black high heel or standard combat boots, Black or blue Jeans or short jeans with short sleeve blouses, off shoulder and crop tops with at times black leather or denim jackets.
Liyah likes to keep herself in good condition by working out but she is by no means under or overweight, Aaliyah is a attractive individual depending on ones personal taste but has a good feminine figure. Although she wont let it get to her head or think of herself being perfect in any way, She's toned to the point of being lightly muscled yet there’s no mistaking she does have some curves in the right places. Aaliyah also has a tattoo with it going from her
Right shoulder blade and making it's way down her back.
Powers:Atmokinesis - Often referred as Weather manipulation by some, Aaliyah has the psionic ability to sense, Create, Shape and control the weather in its various forms like Meteorological patterns and temperature changes thus creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog/mist, blizzards, thunderstorms, tornado's and more while supposedly being able to dissipate weather to clear skies. Although Aaliyah has yet to exhibit or show all of her mutations various uses, The potential is there. However some of this potential is shown, Having good enough control over her power so far to use it in highly concentrated areas like inside a room and naturally of course outside in her immediate vicinity effecting weather up to a few miles around her, potentially more.
Aaliyah's Psionic power of atmokinesis can also be effected by her emotions, One consequence of this connection to nature is her emotional state could results in violent weather where her ability could manifest unintentionally depending on her mood at the time where a thunderstorm could form in response to extreme feelings of rage or fear. Liyah can also aim lightning from thunderstorms and or from herself by channelling ambient electromagnetism through her body to generate lightning at others with the added potential of putting this into atmokinetic combat as Liyah is a capable hand to hand fighter but not trained, She has not shown evidence of being able to livitate or fly thus far and her mutation does have natural limits of her body plus other factors of distance, mass, precision are dependent upon the knowledge, skill and strength of Aaliyah which can effect her ability to generate the weather effects.

Personality:Aaliyah is a sweet but tough kind of girl with a can do attitude that can get jobs done; either dirty, hard, or easy. A confident and Fearless individual who would use a tough-girl role as a defensive tool to keep strangers at a safe distance. She is determined, stubborn, brave and at times, foolish. Aaliyah tries to keep a strong idea of what is good and wrong but that does not always work out, she isn't the type to make friends fast, To her trust takes time and shouldn't be something fast to toss around in the current world. Liyah loves her music and is as likely to listen to metal music as she is calm, just depends on what she feels like listening to at the time and may even sing to it when she is in her own world. The Canadian lass likes keeping active but is also likely to be seen on the sofa feet up drawing, Yep surprisingly she likes to draw to.
Aaliyah is comfortable in telling people exactly how she feels, Not hesitating to speak her mind on certain subjects, She wont beat around the bush either which has often in the past got herself into conflicts because of it. Liyah is an approachable person and considers herself kind, open and honest, She is quite wary knowing more than she lets on, Liyah can be aggressive having a fiery temper when in a foul mood, But don't let her flaws fool you, She can have a laugh, be friendly and Sympathetic to others capable of giving second chances and do random acts of weirdness. Liyah is the type however that is completely loyal to those who do right by her, She can become highly protective over those she deems closest to her, Willing to go as far as risk herself to do what she can for them when in need.
Likes:✔ Flying and Heights
✔ Listening to Music
✔ The rain and thunder
✔ Being with friends
✔ Poi dancing
Dislikes:✘ Peanuts
✘ Anti Mutant Equalists
✘ Having nothing to do
✘ Spiders
✘ Coffee. ( Can drink it but causes migraine's.)
Superheroes - The Script"All the life she has seen
All the meaner side of me
They took away the prophet's dream
For a profit on the street
Now she's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow
When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That's how a superhero learns to fly
Every day, every hour, turn the pain into power
When you've fighting for it all your life
You've been working every day and night
That's how a superhero learns to fly
Every day, every hour, turn the pain into power."Extra