The World
It is the early 6th Century, and the land once known by the Romans as Britannia has come to a fragile peace. Arthur Pendragon, the young king of the Britons, along with his Knights of the Round Table, have halted the Saxon invasion, and unified much of the Brittonic lands. From the great city-fortress of Camelot, a new era of prosperity and peace radiates from the three-crowned heraldic crest of King Arthur.
Knights and nobles, even some with Saxony blood in their veins, rally to the great king, pledging their swords and fortunes to the promise of a new and just era. Veterans of the Saxon Repulsion find their purpose in the pursuit of chivalric duty, and the expansion of Arthurs influence throughout Britannia. Years pass, and the prosperity of Arthur’s kingdom grows with each new day. Amidst it all, Arthur is wed to the Lady Guinevere, and the people rejoice in the prospect of Arthur’s noble line continuing.
Fate, however, will come to call.
During a routine meeting of the Knights of the Round Table, a great vision appears to the gathered men. God himself calls to Arthur through this vision, commanding him to quest and find the cup of Christ—the Holy Grail. Struck with holy fear and awe, Arthur obeys, and leaves for the Holy Land to fulfill his duty to the almighty.
In his stead, Arthur leaves his most trusted friend, Sir Lancelot of the Lake, in command of Camelot with the charge of defending and sustaining the realm. With the other Knights of the Round Table questing with their king, the lesser knights pledged to Arthur are called upon to aid Lancelot in fulfilling his newly bestowed obligation.
This RP is a reimagining of the Arthurian legend, and as such, the feel of the story will share qualities with the epic tragedy and romanticism of that tale. Writers will play as knightly characters in the service of Arthur, and in general, will need to represent the grand characters found in stories of medieval legend.
The main themes to be found in the RP are as follows:
[x]-Mysticism/Low Fantasy
[x]-Romance (if applicable)
[x]-Political Intrigue
[x]-This is to be an advanced level RP. The expectation will be for well-structured posts with character development, plot enrichment, and immersion within the setting. There is no true post length requirement, but there should be few occasions where less than a couple paragraphs is appropriate.
[x]-If you have an issue, need to leave the RP, or any other concern, please PM me. It’s ok if you lose interest. This happens. Just please be courteous and let me know so I can keep the RP moving.
[x]-Follow the Golden Rule. Strive to enjoy yourself and make the story fun for all involved. Cheers!
Character Creation
Submit character sheets in the OOC thread for approval. After approval then you may move your CS to the 'Character' tab.
-Appearance: Please utilize a photograph, or a written description. No anime or other graphic art.
-Gender: Male of Female
-Background: Write a brief synopsis of your character, and how they came to be in the service of King Arthur. Feel free to work with other players to come up with shared back story.
-Traits of Avalon: Knights in the service to the legendary king exemplify the martial tradition, and are to be pillars of chivalric prowess. Choose TWO of your characters’ most prominent skills. Keep in mind that just because you can only pick two does not mean that your character is deficient in another category. For example, every knight will have skill in riding, jousting, archery, swordsmanship, etc. As with anything however, some are always more proficient than their peers at certain skills.
∞-The Stag’s Eyes: You possess a keen and heightened awareness of things. In combat, your spatial acuity is above that of an average knights, and you are able to adapt and overcome with ease.
∞-The Sparrow’s Wing: You are fleet of both foot and hand. The innate speed you possess allows you to move faster than an average knight in combat and beyond.
∞-The Bear’s Fortitude: Your strength and physical prowess is renowned. You can overpower the average knight, and you are harder to be killed or seriously injured.
∞-The Wolf’s Teeth: Your swordsmanship is the stuff of legend. An average foe that is at the tip of your blade can expect to taste its fatal bite.
∞-The Fox’s Feet: You possess the ability to move silently, deftly, and with confidence. Your skill for stealth is far above that of an average knight, and your balance is masterful.
∞-The Falcon’s Talon: You are a master of the bow. The accuracy of your arrows is deadly and true, whether they be loosed from on foot, or from horseback.
∞-The Lion’s Roar: You exude an air of command, confidence, skill, and righteous purpose. Your enemies are hesitant to engage you upon the battlefield, and they grow anxious at the mere mention of your name.

GM Characters: WIP
Player Characters: WIP