Hello! I'm rocketrobie2, you may know me from my fragrance line or my blog on nerf guns but thats besides the point.
Today I am here looking for someone to help me out with a problem I've been having. The problem being Dark Souls 3. I'm not super good at it yet (I don't think I'm garbage but I'm not exactly XxX_DankSoulzPro_XxX) and I've found I enjoy the game more using the summons function. Now after seeing a bunch of Dark Souls media with people helping each other out I thought 'Hey! I wanna do stuff like that!' so I have decided to come to the Guild to search for a rad dude or dudette to help me get through Dark Souls 3.
Now the specifics of what I'm looking for is someone who is patient and has Dark Souls 3 on Xbox one. Thats about it. You don't have to be really good at the game (I just hope your better than me :D) or anything.
I have one last request though this isn't a requirement. I'd like for us to try starting a new game together with fresh characters that either complement each other (healer and damage dealer or something like that) or two very similar characters (possibly some holy paladins going out for a knight on the town)
Well anyway thats all. I hope to hear from one of ya soon!
Also just a last minute note, I have some finals coming up soon so my playing will probably be pretty loosey goosey until after june.
Today I am here looking for someone to help me out with a problem I've been having. The problem being Dark Souls 3. I'm not super good at it yet (I don't think I'm garbage but I'm not exactly XxX_DankSoulzPro_XxX) and I've found I enjoy the game more using the summons function. Now after seeing a bunch of Dark Souls media with people helping each other out I thought 'Hey! I wanna do stuff like that!' so I have decided to come to the Guild to search for a rad dude or dudette to help me get through Dark Souls 3.
Now the specifics of what I'm looking for is someone who is patient and has Dark Souls 3 on Xbox one. Thats about it. You don't have to be really good at the game (I just hope your better than me :D) or anything.
I have one last request though this isn't a requirement. I'd like for us to try starting a new game together with fresh characters that either complement each other (healer and damage dealer or something like that) or two very similar characters (possibly some holy paladins going out for a knight on the town)
Well anyway thats all. I hope to hear from one of ya soon!
Also just a last minute note, I have some finals coming up soon so my playing will probably be pretty loosey goosey until after june.