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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FluffyOne
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Bloody hell, y'all are fast when it comes to this stuff.

Out of curiosity @AmongHeroes, how much can we play around with the Knightly traits or are they set in stone? For instance I was wondering if the Lion's Roar could be retrofitted - fluff wise mostly of course - into something akin to Joan D'Arc only more . . . motherly, for the lack of better words. I apologize for not having the most concrete words to describe it but I was thinking over the possibility of creating a female Knight that utilizes that trait to something resembling Joan's reputation / romanticized "aura" if it makes any sense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zendrelax
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Zendrelax I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-Name: Gruffydd Haern

-Age: 26


-Gender: Male

Not far south of Camelot, betwixt the demesnes of counts and earls and dukes—the illustrious members of the kingdom’s peerage—lies a small, inconsequential plot of land: the demesne of Baron Berthold Haern III. Berthold is an old man, and has been for a long time. His first wife died some two and one half decades before now, after twice as many years, or somewhere thereabouts, of faithful union. She left him three sons, the second bearing his name and the first set to inherit his moderate existence of irrelevancy. Berthold has been content in his life for a long time, but even content hearts, as his was by a young maiden, a woman by the name of Delwen from the eastern feet of the Black Mountains. Taken as he was with her, he decided to marry her.

There was outcry amongst the peerage. Something about “belittling the dignity of station.” But he was old, had an heir of wholly noble birth, and had little land of littler consequence, so everyone decided they had more important things to worry about. So, they were wed. Berthold was, despite his age, able to rise to his station, and Gruffydd was born. And very few people actually cared. None of his brothers saw him as a threat, the youngest being over a decade his senior, and the peerage still had more important things to worry about.

As one might imagine, Berthold didn’t take much of an active role in the raising of his son, being both nobility and old. That is not to say that he was absent from Gruffydd’s life, but he left much of the child-rearing to his servants, and to his wife. And Delwen made for an interesting mother. It was not known beyond a small circle of confidants—which, for the record, did include her husband— but she revered the old gods of Prydain—as, according to her, Britannia was known before the Romans came. As one might expect, she passed this down to her son. He maintained the illusion of Christian faith—this involved much more sneaking around the castle than one might expect—and otherwise had the sort of childhood one might expect for fourth son of an insignificant Baron. No, things did not become interesting for Gruffydd until he neared manhood.

Gruffydd showed a natural aptitude for the art of the blade, and that was what would bring him out of obscurity. That wouldn’t come until much later, of course, but the fact remains that he was something of a prodigy. He entered into the tutelage of his eldest brother, Cane, as a page, and then as a squire. When the time came for him to take his knightly vows, however, his heart lurched. He could not reveal his worship, and to not swear oaths before the Christian God would draw far too much suspicion. To his mind, he had no other choices left to him than to go forward. When the time came to take his knightly oaths, his voice and tongue formed the words of the church, but his heart sung the names of his own gods. Chivalry to Belyr, wisdom to Gwydion, strength to Aeron, and countless others. When he stood his vigil, he would later swear—to his closest confidants—that he saw the good folk dancing in the shadows, just beyond where he could make them out clearly. This emboldened him in his purpose, and so he set out to a Knight among knights, one of the greatest in the land. His ambition lay nowhere beneath the Round Table.

His chance for distinction soon came. A handful of months later, the Saxons descended on Britannia

Berthold was far too old to lead the levy from his demesne, so he sent Cane in his stead. Gruffydd and his other brothers led smaller portions of the force, under Cane’s command. The war was as it was—no man nor woman needs it recounted, for all living know what the Saxon scourge wrought—What needs recounting here is only the Siege of Gains Castle, towards the end of the war. Cane and the men under him, including Gruffydd and his brother Hugh—the third, named Geoffry, having already died over the course of the war—were stationed to a castle near the southern coast, as the Saxons were being pushed back into the sea. They were preparing a grand assault to finish their foe, when the Saxons struck at them fiercely. They made no efforts for a protracted siege—the reasons for this are unclear, but those who care usually point to a lack of supplies for the Saxons to last such a siege.

From dawn to dusk, the Saxons assaulted the castle five times. During the fifth and final attack, a stray arrow sent Hugh toppling from the eastern wall. Gruffydd was soon there to command the soldiers, but in the leaderless confusion, the Saxons had forced an opening and begun to surge up their siege ladders.

The bards would tell you that Gruffydd fought them, man to man, alone. Fifty horrid barbarians, clad in fur and steel, surrounding and strking him like a mass of strength and terror. The bards are fools.

Gruffydd was not alone, and were it not for the men he led, he would have died that day, tand the castle likely would have been lost. He makes a point causing harm to every bard that forgets this; those men bled with him, died for him, and he’ll not have them be forgotten.

The folly of bards aside, the fight was a sight to behold. For three hours, the men of the eastern wall held against the Saxons until, one by one, they cut the ropes of their siege ladders and sent them tumbling to the ground below.

The moon was at zenith when an army led by Sir Gawain arrived, crushing the exhausted Saxons into a rout. There were others, in other places, but these ones would do no more fighting. As has already been made clear, Gruffydd’s legend would be suitably blown out of proportion, but at the time he ust wandered off to bed as soon as the Kight of the Round Table dismissed him.

In recognition for the valor shown by their levy, Berthold’s lands were expanded after the war; a goodly number of lords were killed and left heirless by the war, and so were granted to the aging Baron, making him a Count of some consequence, which shall be inherited by Cane, and the fruits of which shall always be Gruffydd’s to return to and call upon.

-Traits of Avalon:

∞-The Wolf’s Teeth: Gruffydd showed promise as a swordsman from an early age. Having trained under the tutelage of his eldest brother for years, he has grown into one of the kingdom’s most fearsome warriors. While some of the stories about him are plainly absurd, he is still a fearsome foe that anyone would hesitate to face.

∞-The Fox’s Feet: Worshiping gods that your world has denied is not something that can be done in the open. Gruffydd has developed great skill in secreting himself around unseen to and from hidden shrines and rituals. Of course, he wouldn’t be opposed to using those skills for other purposes.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Culluket
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Culluket Tertium Non Data

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Working on something. Does anyone in the list want a cameo fighting a bridge duel to a standstill in my backstory? The general notion being that my character prevents anyone from crossing and sends them packing if they try, until fighting a true knight, realizing their intentions are honorable and joining the cause. None shall pass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Working on something. Does anyone in the list want a cameo fighting a bridge duel to a standstill in my backstory? The general notion being that my character prevents anyone from crossing and sends them packing if they try, until fighting a true knight, realizing their intentions are honorable and joining the cause. None shall pass.

Well, I can offer up Sindri but it would be less 'honorable duel' and more him refusing to stay still long enough to get hit properly and trying to either bait you off the bridge so you could be swarmed or pushing you off of it and letting the weight of your armor in the water do the rest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Culluket
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Culluket Tertium Non Data

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Typical Alpha Legion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Typical Alpha Legion.

Did somebody say legion?

S i r I G N A T I U S
"Rome has betrayed itself. It knew the truth and chose violence, it knew humaneness and it chose tyranny."

34 Male Former Sagittarii

[ ♔ ] A P P E A R A N C E
With deep ancestry descending from Capua, Italy— Ignatius is a Roman in culture and ethnicity. Whilst Ignatius’ family claims that the Dontus line is entirely composed of pureblood Romans, the likelihood of that being based in truth is unlikely due to the presence of various ethnicities and nationalities in Capua for many years. Whilst Ignatius is most certainly distinctly Roman he probably has traces of Goth, German, and Greek. More individually, Ignatius is a tall man that appears Roman in origin with mid-length dark brown-to-black hair and olive complexion. He is well built due to his legionnaire training and conditioning, and contains a fierce and unflinching yet wounded look to him.

[ ♔ ] B A C K G R O U N D
Ignatius Dontus was born in the Imperium Romanum thirty-four years ago in the city of Constantinople to a family of Roman lineage that had represented central Roman politicians in Capua for several generations until they were forced to vacate Italy by the Ostrogoths. The Dontus family were Patricians and as such had many expectations that were pressed upon to each individual members including political affiliations, social ideologies, and strict teachings that had leant the dynasty a particular reputation that was inherently negative— especially towards the Peregrinus classes of foreigners. As such the first ideals that Ignatius came to know were fashioned out of hatred, bigotry, nationalist agendas, and classist elitism. Such values would not be corrected for many years to come, as Ignatius often reflects upon.

Following one of the traditions of his house, Ignatius looked to serve the imperium in a different manner than his father had and instead decided to follow his father’s brother, Celsus, who had created his own legacy within the imperium’s military hierarchy as a Legatus. Ignatius’ inspiration was not disregarded by his father, though the disappointment that he’d not want to follow in his footsteps was prevalent and a series of passive-aggressive letters sent to Ignatius during his early career in the legion. Upon the time of the completion of his training and preparation for his first assignment there were no large scale wars going on within the imperium, though following the Anastasian War’s conclusion some years earlier there wasn’t exactly peace or stability either— it was a world on the edge and there were plenty of opportunities for battle.

Those opportunities turned into realities. Ignatius’ first assignments were alongside the fringe borders north of Constantinople in a fortress that was designated as a outlook outpost to keep an eye on activities of nomadic heretics such as the slavs, avars, and bulghars. The majority of Ignatius’ early career was dealing with these tribes and several conflicts that saw him gaining experience against minor threats to the imperium. Days turned to years— but then something far more pertinent became a reality. Called into the tent of his commander, he was brought into a discussion about transferring him towards more of a position worthy of his talents. Noting his talent with tactics, archery, and his connection to the Dontus dynasty he gave a missive that sent Ignatius back to the capital to serve a more central legion. His new commander was an aspiring commander with ambitions and a staunch connection to the emperor himself— his name was Belisarius Falvius.

Conflicts between the imperium and the Persians of the Sassanid Empire had finally began to get heated once again within the earliest years of Ignatius’ service under Belisarius and Ignatius alongside his commander and others gathered a reputation following the battles of Dara & Callinicum. Ignatius’ experiences alongside Belisarius made him reconsider his thoughts on foreigners serving so highly in the empire and made him speculate if Theodoric was simply just the exception and not the rule. However, such favorability between him and his commander would change two years later when they were assigned to handle the Nika Riots in Constantinople. The horrors of war and the reality of the men he was fighting with would shock Ignatius to his core when they committed a massacre against the rioters at the Hippodrome. The blood of 30,000 people was now on all of their hands.

Once Ignatius began to backtrack his investigation’s reports— he saw ways they could’ve met diplomatic ends with the rioters, but he knew that resorting to quasi-genocide had been the only answer that the Emperor had given to Belisarius and the other commanders. Feeling unease with the empire, Ignatius began investigating the affairs that he could using his contacts from his family’s relations in Constantinople. As Ignatius went further down the rabbit hole, things only became exponentially more complicated as the actual politics and realities of the imperium became revealed— he learned more about the rioters that he had more or less executed in a dishonorable and brutal manner, but that the darkness of Constantinople was scarier than whatever had been ingrained into his head as a child. He thought to confront Belisarius— who laughed at his moralizing of people against the imperium as well as nearly killing Ignatius after painting him a traitor.

When Ignatius awoke he was disowned by his family, painted by Belisarius (and as a product, his people) as a traitor who aligned with the rebels known for the Nika Riots, and a dishonorable fiend who attempted to kill the honorable Belisarius in his sleep. Somehow, Ignatius had everything he ever had taken from him and before he was hunted down like a dog he made to escape the city and the imperium. He fled for many months, travelling from Byzantium to Gaul and then Britannia. Finding work as a hiresword, Ignatius found work fighting Saxons and other threats as he began trying to find purpose back in his life… or what little of it he had left. Now a stranger in a foreign land, Ignatius soon found himself in association with the people of Camelot. Following an incident regarding rescuing a noble’s daughter from treacherous individuals and solving a conspiracy against them he found himself knighted by Brythonic conventions and rites— and now he potentially sits with the rest of the knights at the famous round table.

Had things started to make sense again?

[ ♔ ] T R A I T S O F A V A L O N
The Stag’s Eyes You possess a keen and heightened awareness of things. In combat, your spatial acuity is above that of an average knights, and you are able to adapt and overcome with ease.
The Stag’s Eyes You are a master of the bow. The accuracy of your arrows is deadly and true, whether they be loosed from on foot, or from horseback.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


You insult my man Belisarius. I am afraid I will have to kill you now. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Man, you don't even know the whole story. :F
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 1 day ago

@idlehands-I'm sorry to lose you, idlehands.

Bloody hell, y'all are fast when it comes to this stuff.

Out of curiosity @AmongHeroes, how much can we play around with the Knightly traits or are they set in stone? For instance I was wondering if the Lion's Roar could be retrofitted - fluff wise mostly of course - into something akin to Joan D'Arc only more . . . motherly, for the lack of better words. I apologize for not having the most concrete words to describe it but I was thinking over the possibility of creating a female Knight that utilizes that trait to something resembling Joan's reputation / romanticized "aura" if it makes any sense.

The manifestation of this trait is probably the most ambiguous of those I listed. I think it would be appropriate for you to have it as you described. Just please keep in mind that there really is no magical "aura" or ethereal aspect to this trait.

@Zendrelax-Nicely done. Accepted.

@Gowi-Also very well put together. Your theme reminds me of someone...hmmm...Accepted.

A Note Upon Setting and Historical Relevance

So there have been a couple people express concern over the timeline of the RP, and how it relates in representation to the true era in which the Arthurian legend is to take place. For all intents and purposes, our story can be viewed as taking place in the heart of the medieval period--think chivalry, plate armor, longbows, heraldic crests, great castles and cathedrals, etc.

Almost every representation of Arthur, from Disney movies, to books like The Once and Future King, express Arthur and his legend outside of historical veracity. This RP is simply for enjoyment, and scratching the itch I've had of doing an RP with great knights, vile villains, and an air of magical wonder.

I hope this clears things up for everyone. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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I'm just under the assumption this RP takes place in a obviously modified fantastical and romanticized version of a period of rough history between 532 and 537 in the 6th Century (so between The Nika Riots of 532 and King Arthur's Final Battle in 537. As a fan of Arthurian Legend since I was like 7 I recognize the line between historical belief, mythical folklore, and so forth is pretty blurry and confusing; I am certainly no history purist here. I just like centering my character around some cohesive date for reference and for story fluff.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 1 day ago

Just to let you guys know, I'll be away until tomorrow evening. So, if anyone submits a new character or question, and doesn't hear from me right away, don't be discouraged! I'll get to it as soon as I am able. Cheers!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Danko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

-Name: Sir Gerold the Dusk Knight

-Age: 27

-Gender: Male

-Background: Gerold was born as the second son in an old and proud, but much diminished house who's lands were located on the eastern coast of England, just above the welsh border. His father was a proud man who was doing his best to keep his now barren lands afloat financially. Although he had many allies at court and among the other lords of the land he would not ask them for any assistance though it is likely they would have given this gladly. He had been a chivalrous and noble knight in his youth and was still an honourable man but taking handouts or charity as he saw it was not something he was willing to do.

Gerold and his older brother were both trained as knights by their father, who took an active role in raising them, partly because he lacked the funds to employ masters who would teach his sons to the level he felt befitted his family but also because he genuinly wished the best for his children and wanted them to be knights like him. While his brother became more interested in the aspect of managing lands and bureaucracy Gerold truly loved the martial pursuits. He learned to use the lance and sword as well as how to lead men on a battlefield. He greatly admired his father and wished to become a great hero like he had been in his youth.

When Gerold turned 12 he was sent by his father to squire with one King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, Sir Bors de Ganis, whose father had been a comrade and ally of Gerold's own. During this time he took part in many battles against the Saxons and came to be recognised as a skilled swordsman as well as a stalwart ally to Sir Bors and his companions.

One winter, while on an extended campaign to rid the eastern coast of Saxons, Gerold fell ill with a fever and was left by Sir Bors in a small castle under the care of the local lord, who was to elderly to join the war party. Sir Bors and his companions took their army onwards to continue driving the Saxons out while Gerold recovered. No long after his strength had returned Irish raiders, who had been taking advantage of the disarray caused by the Saxon invasion, attacked the lord's lands and became raiding and murdering their way inland.

All the lords knights had gone off to fight against the Saxons so there was nobody to lead the local militia against the raiders. Gerold, at this time only 16 years of age, volunteered to lead the militia and drive the Irish back to the sea. He waited until the sun began to set and launched a surprise attack on the raider's camp using the sun which was low in the sky to blind his enemy he managed to scatter their forces as they retreated back to their ships and fled.

The lord praised Gerold on his return and relayed his deeds to Sir Bors who brought Gerold to King Arthur himself to be knighted. Due to his tactics during the battle against the Irish he was dubbed the “Dusk Knight” by his companions and he served the rest of the campaign and many more against the Saxons until finally a peace was reached. He returned to his father's land to help his brother and now elderly father. His father expressed his pride in Gerold's deeds which were by now spreading across the land and granting him some measure of fame. He used this fame to attract lords and knights to his father's lands which in turn brought wealth and allowed his father to make improvements that would allow his house to gain some of the prestige it had lost over the years.

When Sir Lancelot became regent and was tasked with bringing together knights to aid him at court his cousin sir Bors suggested his former squire, Sir Gerold, as a suitable choice. A letter was sent to Sir Gerold who left for court at once.

-Traits of Avalon:

∞-The Wolf’s Teeth: Your swordsmanship is the stuff of legend. An average foe that is at the tip of your blade can expect to taste its fatal bite.

∞-The Lion’s Roar: You exude an air of command, confidence, skill, and righteous purpose. Your enemies are hesitant to engage you upon the battlefield, and they grow anxious at the mere mention of your name.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@AmongHeroes - Safe-whatever-it-is-you-are-doing-stuff. ♥
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

And I've finished my character. I know @AmongHeroes said he'd be gone and I'm fine with waiting anyhow. Just happy to have it finished and hopefully there's no problems when it is looked at.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FitzEmpress

FitzEmpress I'm new

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

My character, I hope everything is fine.

If I I'm approved, anyone is welcome to hash out any relationships with Mael if they desire to do so. Good or bad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMoatedGrange
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TheMoatedGrange Tennyson's Hussy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hope no-one minds me trying my hand.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 1 day ago

It's so wonderful to come back and have new characters to look over! I'll be replying to the authors of said lovelies as soon as I can.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Just got home from work, sweet to see another archer lady.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 1 day ago

@icmasticc-Character accepted.

@Danko-Character accepted.

@FitzEmpress-Character accepted.

@TheMoatedGrange-Character accepted.

I plan on getting the IC underway sometime this Saturday.
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