@Mr Allen J
I think i am done, tell me if i need to add something else. Or if shit's too op.
Name: Basilio Amadi Wright-Liselotte
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Gutmadder - a stupid name that he received during his time as a gang doctor. It stuck.
Gender: Male, originally
Age: 31
Height: Varies, Most Often In Range Of 5'3 to 7'
Weight: About 350 Pounds Due To Incredible Density Of Flesh
Home District: Hedgemount
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Innate & Outward Personality:
Power Class:
I think i am done, tell me if i need to add something else. Or if shit's too op.
Basic Information
Name: Basilio Amadi Wright-Liselotte
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Gutmadder - a stupid name that he received during his time as a gang doctor. It stuck.
Gender: Male, originally
Age: 31
Height: Varies, Most Often In Range Of 5'3 to 7'
Weight: About 350 Pounds Due To Incredible Density Of Flesh
Home District: Hedgemount
Hair Color:
Silver-white, most of the time.
Eye Color:
Amber, most of the time.
Indeterminable as of now.
Physical Appearance:
Whenever he doesn't need to keep up a low profile, Gutmadder takes up an apperance of a grotesque paragon of physical fitness - standing at exactly seven feet tall, with perfect and unblemished white skin stretched tautly over a horribly overdeveloped frame - each muscle known to modern human anatomy and a lot of new ones that are not all clearly visible, bulging and tense, filled with vital power and encircled with thick, pulsating veins. Upon a thick, bull-like neck sits the head with a visage of a youthful androgynous person with flowing silver hair, small ears, thin lips, burning amber eyes and sharp aquiline nose, standing out very unnervingly among the masses of overdeveloped flesh. His arms are thick like wine barrels, his legs are like mighty pillars of a greek temple, yet he moves with sinuous grace and incredible ease.
Whenever not showing off his mighty physique, at which times he wears only enough clothing to not be arrested for indecency, Gutmadder dresses in simple and functional clothes, favoruing old-fashioned and formal attire and colours black and white. Top hat is optional, but is present on his person quite often nevertheless.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Outwardly, Gutmadder is friendly, if a bit distanced, to all living things - as long as his own goals don't warrant being very, very unfriendly with them. Though he behaves like a civilized and empathetic being with other people, he is ruthlessly determined, vicious, progressive, unrestraine by morals and filled with purpose.
That purpose is to better oneself, to overcome and to improve in order to one day achieve total enlightenment and undergo a transformation into an ultimate being that is hindered neither by mortal toils nor metahuman urges and weaknesses and is the sole creature alone on the top of the world. Gutmadder sees the world and everything in it as a riddle to be solved - and afterwards taken apart to be studied and examined. A man with a sharp eye can learn a great deal about a person just by looking at them - but a man with sharp eye and an even sharper knife can look not only at a person, but inside them, into every nook and cranny - and if one adds sharp mind and some... highly specialized equipment to that list, one can even gain access into the person's thoughts and desires, the very innermost secrets and longings and beliefs and neural impulses that make them tick.
That said, Gutmadder is not merely a machine set on taking apart all secrets of the universe. He is, for now, still a metahuman, before that a mortal man and before that still a lowly ape. He relishes not only in discovery and progress but also in more mundane pleasures - good food, thrill of combat, domination over his foes, basking in begrudging respect of his peers and fear of his lessers, playing games and dedicating time to his manifold hobbies and objects of interest - all those things he does just like any normal person - if on a much higher level - but without ever forgetting about his true purpose and goal.
In some sense, Gutmadder can be called a nihilist - he believes that there is nothing of value in the world, both in physical and in spiritual sense, except what we make of it, and even if there is, we can't truly know what it is. There are as many points of view in the world as there are sentient beings and there are equal chances for each of them to be correct or false. Kreslav though does not bother himself with things that are "right" or "wrong", instead simply doing what he "Wants" with jolly determination and sense of self-made purpose. Along with right and wrong, Gutmadder does not believes in the concept of "failure" - there is no such thing. You fail only when you are by no means able to ever try again, and that will only ever happen in case of one's absolute spiritual and physical demise. Without that, any difficulties one might encounter are merely temporary setbacks on the road to one's goal.
That purpose is to better oneself, to overcome and to improve in order to one day achieve total enlightenment and undergo a transformation into an ultimate being that is hindered neither by mortal toils nor metahuman urges and weaknesses and is the sole creature alone on the top of the world. Gutmadder sees the world and everything in it as a riddle to be solved - and afterwards taken apart to be studied and examined. A man with a sharp eye can learn a great deal about a person just by looking at them - but a man with sharp eye and an even sharper knife can look not only at a person, but inside them, into every nook and cranny - and if one adds sharp mind and some... highly specialized equipment to that list, one can even gain access into the person's thoughts and desires, the very innermost secrets and longings and beliefs and neural impulses that make them tick.
That said, Gutmadder is not merely a machine set on taking apart all secrets of the universe. He is, for now, still a metahuman, before that a mortal man and before that still a lowly ape. He relishes not only in discovery and progress but also in more mundane pleasures - good food, thrill of combat, domination over his foes, basking in begrudging respect of his peers and fear of his lessers, playing games and dedicating time to his manifold hobbies and objects of interest - all those things he does just like any normal person - if on a much higher level - but without ever forgetting about his true purpose and goal.
In some sense, Gutmadder can be called a nihilist - he believes that there is nothing of value in the world, both in physical and in spiritual sense, except what we make of it, and even if there is, we can't truly know what it is. There are as many points of view in the world as there are sentient beings and there are equal chances for each of them to be correct or false. Kreslav though does not bother himself with things that are "right" or "wrong", instead simply doing what he "Wants" with jolly determination and sense of self-made purpose. Along with right and wrong, Gutmadder does not believes in the concept of "failure" - there is no such thing. You fail only when you are by no means able to ever try again, and that will only ever happen in case of one's absolute spiritual and physical demise. Without that, any difficulties one might encounter are merely temporary setbacks on the road to one's goal.
ADVANCED medical and biological sciences, psychoanalysis martial arts, writing incredibly shitty poetry and impromptu rap battles - though he feels quite awkward about sharing that particular interest of his.
In addition to his power, Gutmadder posesses considerable knowledge in many different scientific fields including but not limited to inorganic chemistry, psychology, physics and mathematics. Except for the actual sciences he also posesses a number of more practical skills and knowledges useful in everyday tasks such as doing taxes or fixing bicycles. Thanks to his great physical condition and incredible reaction times, he also makes for a very formidable hand-to-hand fighter able to often literally dodge bullets - whenever he doesn't just soak them up with his flesh. Most importantly, though, Gutmadder knows A LOT about Metahumans, the nature of their Energy, statistics of their awakenings, kinds of their powers and all other Metahuman-related things, from changes in physiology and psychology to the long-term effects of residual Energy on the systems of unpowered people.
The main goal of Gutmadder is, obviously, to overcome all limitations of Metahumans, find a way to jailbreak the Metahuman Energy in order to unlock his full potential without any sort of negative consequences for it and to eventually become the greatest being in the world. He is not particularily hungry for fame, though, so he will be completely okay with being the Ultimate Life Form without anyone else being aware of it.
There's really not much to talk about. He was a pretty average, if a bit mellow and... sentinemtal med student from a medium-income family, suffered though a horrible depression once due to doing very bad on an exam in high school but otherwise was pretty unremarkable. Once after a very hard drinking session with his fellows he attempted to return home on his own but accidentaly stumbled into a very bad neighborhood, where a couple of fellas who were up to no good attempted to stick him up - succesfully. His powers sparked into being as he lied in a dark anney with some very serious knife wounds and a shard of glass in his eye and he dragged himself to a dumpster and then succesfully operated himself to full health with a fish bone instad of a needle and a little bit of liquor as a disinfectant. After this, Basilio was terrified to no end. Convincing himself that his mom would absolutely hate him now, he actually seriously ran away from home and lived on the streets in an unspecified slum for quite some time before getting into a big gang due to a strange and hardly plausible series of events, becoming their in-house doctor and discovering the full extent of his powers by saving people that were literally torn apart or long-dead when they were presented to him. Time went by, years passed and at some point Gutmadder managed to accept his nature and power - or maybe simply go crazy from it, at which point his personal career as an independent metahuman researcher and a seeker of perfection began.
Actually seriously none - even now, being adult and at peace with himself, Gutmadder doesn't like to think back on the time he ran away from his family and certainly doesn't want to reconcile with them, both out of some deep subconscious fear that he can't defeat and out of pity for his parents - what would he say? "Hi mom, i am a supersurgeon metahuman now, sorry for leaving you for ten and then some years?"
| Not yet sure about any, if somebody wants to discuss it then please knock in the PM|
HBB - Hedge Bad Boyz organized crime gang, in which Gutmadder still provides medical services at times, due to some deep ingrained feeling of loyalty.
DOVE&RAVEN - Gutmadder is aware of the power the organisations wield, the benefit that co-working with them may bring to his research and the consequences that may come for angering them. As such, he attempts to stay on their good side, answers their beckoning whenever a need in his cooperation arises and makes absolute sure that anything he does that might be perceived as a wrongdoing by them goes unnoticed.
Power Class:
Gutmadder's ability consists of no-nonsense absolute, complete and perfect knowledge and understanding of all things biological and all biology/biochemistry-derived processes in all living beings and ability to manipulate and change these processes with ease bordering on supernatural. Transplanting a heart from one person to another is a thing that Gutmadder will do with childish glee, using only two fingers of his left hand to go through the whole operation - and this is the most basic application of his ability. Gutmadder is intuitively a master of biochemistry and neuroanatomy, able to create incredibly potent drugs, horrible poisons and hormonal concoctions that can completely change people who ingest them, tailor-grow new organs or even biological constructs, reanimate the dead even after most horrid maimings, control other people through cerebral parasites or direct nerve induction, generate enough bioelectricity to shock a grown man to death and do many other wondrously horrible things - the main and most important amongst which is the ability to manipulate the bodily processes responsible for the generation of Metahuman Energy responsible for their powers. He very rarely tries it on other metahumans, but has experimented extensively on himself, achieving such feats as temporarily stopping it's generation, kicking it into overdrive without any outside circumstances warranting it, controlling the distribution of the energy in the body and even transferring it to a non-metahuman person through implantation of his own cells into them - though the results vary wildldy and are often quite gruesome. Gutmadder has also used this power to significantly upgrade his own body, making it all-but-immune to pain, fatigue, toxins and poisons, filling it with superdense bones and muscles capable of tearing steel, redundant and additional organs, armouring his tissues and drastically increasing his brain activity, which results in incredible sensory acucity, faster-than-lightning reaction times and many other bodily improvements. His body also contains several glands secreting incredibly toxic poisons, powerful stimulants, hallucinogens and pheromones which he may secrete through the skin, spit out or even spray over large areas. As a last resort and deterrence weapon, he has a sack of especially virulent toxin that is more potent than even the VX nerve agent stowed deeply within his bowels that will spread over the most of the city in case his vital functions ever cease - he makes sure that everyone knows about that in case somebody thinks of fighting him to death for some unknown and probably stupid reason.
1x Laugh