Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 29 days ago

Interacting With; | Myriam @Ferris | Ithobal @Tmitche23 | Juliana @Harley Q | Julia Elizabeth @HushedWhispers |
Location;Inside The Castle

Amara gave a smile as her son introduced his friend, Juliana Hyland. So he's gotten himself entangled with a Hyland girl. Better than an Ainsworth I guess Amara thought. She was pulled from said thoughts though, by the arrival of two more of the mountain clan. Juliana's older sister and her mother, all three spitting images of each other. It was shocking almost, how much they all looked alike. She curtsied as the two women arrived. "It has been far too long Julia, I believe we haven't seen each other since the tournament three summers ago at Serpent's Roost. If I recall, all of your sons did quite well. Juliana here has been a delight. In fact, I was just about to ask her where she found this adorable little creature," she said sweetly.

In truth, Amara held no ill will towards the Hylands, although she didn't know if they felt the same about her family. Lucan's betrayal had been just as damaging to her as it had been to them, and she had been forced to run damage control on the whole affair. She doubted the little traitor even understood the repercussions his actions had caused, but she knew. The Hylands might not have a powerful navy, but they're army dwarfed that of the Gullys and she knew they were not people to make enemies of, at least not without good reason. And Amara most certainly did not see protecting the Ainsworths as a good enough reason. She looked up at her husband as he walked over and quietly hooked her arm around his, a silent show of their family's unity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Interacting With; Each Other( @KillBox ) → Lord Arthur( @Pundii ) → Juliana( [Harley Q] ) → Lady Amara( @smarty0114 )
Location; Off to the side of the feast hall → Back inside of the feast hall

Julia looked at Trystan as he came over there, pleading his case about marrying Lyra. She chuckled lightly while shooting him a glare, one that would make anybody else crumble. Julia looked at him then back at the Gully's before her as she held up her index finger with a smile. "Excuse us a moment." She said while tugging Trystan to the side.

Her gaze locked with his as her lips parted, letting out a sigh as she cleared her throat and started to speak. "You can't marry, Lyra. That'd basically be incest. Are you crazy? Are none of my sons thinking today?" She said while raising her hand up to her head, rubbing it slightly as it started to hurt. Her sons, Edwin and Trystan, clearly wasn't thinking right about now. Boy, her husband just had to get ill today, didn't he.

Being tugged aside, Trystan followed his mother away from the gathering between his family and the Gully's. Seeing her glare, he knew he was in trouble, but he did not care. She can't possibly punish him for stating his mind. He was ready to fight for what he wanted, which was what he wasa taught. To fight and defend whatever a man holds dear and be as steady as the mountain in his efforts of doing so. After hearing his mother's claim of incest, he spoke back in a soft tone "But, mother... She...she is more like a cousin if anything at all. After all, she was not born of you and father together. She is a Sky, which makes her a bastard of the mountains. I know how that would look upon our family, but I don't mind. She is the one I want."

Julia wanted to raise her hand up and slap some sense into her son, Trystan. Just like she wanted to do the same to her heir apparent son, Edwin. Both of them were killing her right about with their ideas and plotting as she couldn't really think right about now. Her eyes darted towards Trystan as he spoke as she shook her head.

"I don't care what she is to us, Trystan. You're participating the tournament for Princess Madeline's hand. You have an actual shot at this and you want to waste it on some bastard? Who has no claim to no throne, whatsoever? I will not let that happen. No is my final answer. She stated directly towards Trystan while looking at him and awaited his response. He might want to chose his next words carefully as she'd hate to blurt something out that she doesn't mean.

"Mother, I'm participating for the glory. I want to be the knight that won the tournament of the Princess's coming of age feast. If I had to, just absolutely had to, marry the princess at the end, I'll gladly let my brother win. I remember you entered him as well. So, he can win. That way a Hyland is marrying the princess, thus tying our family to the royal family through marriage and later blood. Besides..." He paused as he pursed his lips slightly, "I don't find the princess that attractive...." he said. By the tone of his mother's words, he knew he would be punished for being so...disobident. However, after the wine he has consumed and wearing his suit of armor, he feels rather bold. Hell, he should leave his mother's side, march over to Lyra, take her back to his chambers and claim her as his right away.

Julia let out a slight gasp as she raised her hand up to cover her mouth. She stepped aisde Trystan then turned back towards him as she just had to tell him something. "Look, I spoke with Edwin today and he wants to take out all of the other lords, well, the lesser lords and he really wants you to win." She went up to him now, her hands clutching the inside of his hands now.

"I even want you to win. You may not want to marry the Princess but at least win the tournament for the Hyland family and just pretend." She smiled a little bit while looking at him as she whispered slightly. "Lyra could be your Mistress. That's all bastards are really good for." She let go of his hands and looked at him with a slight smirk forming among her lips now.

She smelt the wine coming from his mouth and knew that he might've been a little intoxicated right about now. For now, she ignored it but was certainly going to address when the time was right - Like, when he was sober.

He took a deep breath to steady himself. What his mother said made sense to him. However, his sense of honor and genuine feelings for Lyra prohibited him from staying his tongue. As much as he wanted to shout, he kept his wits about him and spoke so only his mother could hear him. "Mother, you and Edwin plotting behind my back while involving me is not appreicated. I know she is a bastard. On the other hand is the princess. But I don't want the princess, I want Lyra. She would be mine. For all the love you bear me, and I for you, please. I will win the tournament, but just make it so I will not have to marry the princess...." He looked upon his mother with pleading eyes. Of course he will win the tournament, for the glory of House Hyland is what fuels him. However, taking to bed someone he does not even want under the influence of wine and ale is simply not going to sit well with him.

Not willing to discuss another word of this little confrontation, she let out another sigh while walking beside Trystan. "As I told your brother earlier, you are old enough to make your own decisions. No matter how stupid yours is though. I am done with discussion." And Julia stated she was done with something, she was. Julia walked away from Trystan in a furious pace though it turned back to elegance when she approached her daughters and the Gully's again.

"Sorry, where were..." Before she could continue, the great Lord of the Gully's walked up and she was stunned by his impressive stature as it has been a long time since she's seen him. "Lord Arthur." Julia spoke while bowing towards him as Emmaline bowed shortly behind her. "Your Majesty." She looked at the Gully's right now as Arthur introduced himself to Juliana.

"It is. She's my youngest daughter." She intervened and mentioned while looking down at Juliana now. Her peered over towards Amara now as she spoke. "Oh, yes. Such a great day that was and the Serpent's Roost is as exquisite as this castle." She waved her hand around for emphasis then let out a soft chuckle.

Her eyes looked back down at Juliana as her gaze then went back towards Arthur. "By the way, Lord Arthur, my husband sends his hello and thank you for the blade your blacksmith made for him. He feels terrible that he couldn't be here to show you his gratitude." She said then exhaled a breath as she looked at them all now. "Pardon me, mother, sister, Lord Arthur, Lady Amara, Lady Myriam and Lord Ithobal, I must go and speak with someone."

She bowed towards them all before going over towards Emerin and sitting beside him. "Pretend to talk to me. I had to get away from them because their talking about nothing." Emmaline stated while looking at Trystan with a raised brow, noticing and even knowing that something is wrong.

As his mother walked off in a rather furious pace, he knew he was in for it. However, the false bravado brought on by wine and ale stayed with him as he paced back to his original table, getting himself another cup of ale and drinking it all in one go. It calmed his senses, along with his nerves. But with the tournament on the horizon, he knew he had to kept his mind as sharp as can be and not dulled by overindulgence. Sighing slightly, he peered about the room and saw Lyra resuming her servant duties. He wanted to walk up to her, acting as a drunken lord that has taken a liking to a lowborn girl, usher her away and professing all of his feelings to her. However, that would really set his mother over the edge and he feel as if he has done enough of that already and thus, he remained seated and simply waited for the tournament to begin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrMonsoon
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MrMonsoon Look out fools, it's monsoon season

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lord Emerin Hyland

Interacting with: Balin: @RangingWolf and Emmaline: @HushedWhispers

Emerin took the offered wine and chuckled "this wine is stronger than the goddamn ale", Emerin began to talk to his Nephew. "no women for me tonight, i'm trying to tread lightly around your mother, it isn't easy for her to be here".
Emerin looked over to Julia and met her eye, she wanted something. "yes there is unfortunatly alot of brown nosing her but if you can do it well, it could be much worse imagine being a lesser lord" Emerin chuckled at his own joke.

Julianna seemed enraptured by the strange Gully, then Amara walked towards them, Emerin scowled, why was she here?."becareful Trystan don't let Amara hear you, Lady Amara is not one to be crossed, frankly i'm surprised she is here given what happened last time she arrived here., Emmaline walked to him with her face full of thunder and sat down beside him "pretend to talk to me. I had to get away from them because their talking about nothing." , she spoke with anger in her voice. "So to get away from their talk of nothing, you want me to talk to you about nothing, you remind me too much of your mother when she scowls and that is not a compliment. Emerin poured His niece a glass of wine. "Here! this might cheer you up and don't tell your mother Emerin chuckled and glanced up just in time to see Trystan looking furious. Emerin sighed to himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Pʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs ғᴏʀ Tʜᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss


As "the shark" leaned over and complimented her small speech to the people, Madeline felt a bit of comfort in the man. She looked up at Lucan and returned a gentle smile. He was always very kind, despite his nickname she had playfully given to him. It was only said in her mind anyways, so it made not much of a difference. Madeline then continued to pick at her food and drink, watching as people came and went to greet her parents and often a side remark to her. Another big bite of food was quickly met with a heavy swallow. In front of her was Arthur Gully. A man who had the glare of death that her father had as well, and known too well. She recognized this man only by the few spy sessions she did as the two men talked to one another when Madeline was much younger. That was when he did the unthinkable- he smiled.

King Samson met Arthur with a sturdy handshake, and a hearty smile between the two men. They were very similar in their trains of thoughts, and aided one another in any trouble that had came their ways in both families. Arthur then began speaking to Madeline as she turned her attention with his to his son, Ithobal. The princess gave the boy a soft smile, he was very handsome. He gave his small speech and presented his model ship and Madeline was very smitten. Though the princess was as young as she was, she knew of what she found attractive in a man. However, her ideals of romance came from the novels and stories she were told and not up to par with what the real world had to offer. Ithobal's offers of traveling the world however fit with these stories, and in this case dazed the girl for a few seconds.

Samson and Margaret interrupted, their agreement with many compliment to the work ethic of Lucan, and Madeline nodded parting her lips to speak, "He's been a blessing, and I appreciate him more than my simple words can express." the young girl spoke, as her mother gleamed with pride. How sweet the daughter appeared! She was quickly dismissed with her ideas as Samson caught Arthur's attention and began speaking quietly between one another of these propositions of marriage and other political matters that they could get out before the next group of people could swing by.

As the next grouping came by, the leading lady of the Hyland's and her family- Madeline welcomed them with a soft smile and nod. Compliments of the castle were given as Queen Margaret complimented the dress she adorned. The king paid no attention to this "woman" talk, disappointed that her husband was not around to speak to. "I'm sorry to hear about your husband, I send my wishes for him to get better as he needs the love and affection much more than I do on this day." Madeline confirmed, her small soft hand reaching out and placing it on the back of Julia's hand as a sign of comfort. Releasing her hand she was greeted by another Hyland daughter. They all appeared to be strong, independent women. A trait that Madeline hadn't quite found in herself, but admired greatly. Words of gratitude were exchanged plenty. Madeline smiled, nodded, and tried to remember names and faces as best as she could. It was quite exhausting.

A yawn escaped her lips.

Until two golden figures appeared from the crowd. Tanned, beautifully dressed people. Madeline's agape mouth went from a yawn to a sense of awe. As they introduced themselves from the land of Diovire, Madeline knew already that whatever they had to say was going to be a work of art, or perhaps a con. These two often went hand in hand. They presented the gifts and the princess grew more and more excited. However, the tension between the man and his wife was apparent and the man declaring his place in the tournament caused quite a stir of emotions. The golden duo scurried away as Madeline leaned in to her mother, "I surely hope he doesn't win, as I fear his wife would be a serious concern to my safety." the girl spoke, a bit of fear in her voice. Queen Margaret smirked in a sense of motherly knowledge, "A man's wife is usually the worst of it my love." she teased back, as the two sat back up to greet the next group of people to come.

Tʜᴇ Tᴏᴜʀɴᴀᴍᴇɴᴛ Bᴇɢɪɴs

After hours of eating and socializing the tournament in the large area of land within the castle walls but far enough as to not be an eye sore, several areas were set up to host the event that would determine the marriage partner of the princess. Areas of bleachers were set up as seating arrangements for the guests who would like to stay for the tournament, as the numbers dwindled drastically after the food was served up. King Samson, Queen Margaret and Madeline found seats on the highest peak to watch. "I'll be back before anything begins." Samson said, as he excused himself from his seat, walked down the steps and into the crowd. The women exchanged glances at one another without too much more thought as the TEN contenders stepped forward for further instruction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucan Gully

Location: The Tournament
Interacting With: Me, Myself and I

Lucan was usually busy on days like these. His skill with the blade was rather well-known, and Samson enjoyed having Lucan enter tournaments and fights to represent the crown. Although, Lucan figured that he would likely have a reprieve from the tournament today, considering its specific purpose. Part of him regretted that, he did enjoy tournaments, and he enjoyed a good fight - missing out was a shame. On the other hand, he didn't exactly feel like knocking his younger brother to the dirt, if the two ended up dueling each other. For once on a day like this, it seemed Lucan would have some relaxation. His gaze still watched over the royals as it usually did, but he did not stand over them now.

Lucan had found a quieter spot over to the side. He'd spoken briefly with his family during the feast, even his mother - who at the very least put on a facade of motherly pride at seeing him in such a position, though even Lucan knew it was false. She probably hated him. That was even worse than his father - at the very least he made his disdain known, his mother tended to keep it to herself, or behind closed doors. He sighed as he shook the thought from his head - he preferred to think that she still held at least some love for him. He had yet to speak to any of the Hylands, some of his family appeared to be getting friendly with them, his father had spoken at length with the Lady Julia, and his siblings had spoken with the younger Hyland lords and ladies.

Despite urging himself to do so, Lucan had not spoken to, or attempted to speak to any of the Hylands, he didn't feel it awkward, or uncomfortable, not exactly - he just had no idea what he would say, more-so to the ones who already knew him than the ones who didn't. Lucan sighed again as he watched the contenders step forward, he knew most of them, most were at least somewhat decent with the blade, but he figured some had a better advantage than others. He couldn't help but wonder how much each had had to drink, Samson had the wine flowing since the beginning of the feast, and many seemed to have indulged throughout, he figured by now he was one of the most sober men there.

Again he was brought back to the thought - it was a shame he could not enter, but in the event he won, it would be rather awkward, it would require a re-do, the lord-commander of the kingsguard certainly could not marry the princess, he would have been an unnecessary and pointless entry into the rather important tourney.

Arthur Gully

Location: The Tournament
Interacting With: Amara @smarty0114

Arthur sighed as he settled into his seat beside his wife. He had never been particularly big on tournaments, he had only ever entered a few in his younger years, and he found little enjoyment in watching the events. In his day, Arthur himself had been quite the swordsman, and he could still hold his own - but age took a toll on everyone, he wasn't as quick as he used to be. His martial skill came mostly from the mind - Arthur knew how to lead men, whether a small band or a large army, he was an enemy to be feared on the battlefield. He was pleased at least, that he seemed to have handed down some of his skill with the blade to his sons, however.

Ithobal was a better leader and sailor, he had more of his father's head for battle, but he was certainly not without his own ability with the blade. He'd been trained well throughout his years, both by Arthur himself, and Tybalt - the master-at-arms. Arthur was confident in the boys abilities, he certainly had a fair chance in the tournament. At the same time however, Arthur felt a pang of regret at his eldest son's poor decisions. Lucan had been holding a blade since he was young, he knew how to use it marvelously and that was a fact well-known throughout Lhivoria.

Arthur spotted Lucan, toward the side of the tournament, standing closer to the Hyland seats than their own. "If that boy knew what was best we'd have won the tournament already." Arthur muttered in a lower voice toward his wife. Arthur knew well what his wife thought of their son, how she called him a traitor, a betrayer. While Arthur may not have gone to those extremes, he did to a degree agree with her, and he certainly understood her views. He was more than aware of her hatred for the Ainsworths, he'd once gone as far as to promise her their heads, but at the same time he understood the value of keeping in their good graces, in waiting until the time was right. Having Lucan where he was, it was good for their family - kept them with the Ainsworths' support.

As another servant came along offering wine, Arthur shooed him away, he hadn't had a drop of wine that day, nor did he plan on it - Arthur rarely drank away from the safety and privacy of his office in the Serpent's Roost, or at the table with his wife. In another's castle he would never even touch it. He sucked in another breath, and looked from the contenders up toward the royal booth, waiting for the tournament to begin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

Maria Sky

Interacting With: @BlackPanther Tiras
Location: Corevial Castle then the Tournament Grounds.

Maria crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Tiras as he like always hid and bottled up his emotions and rolled her eyes slightly towards him. "You know one day I might not be there for ya if you don't vent on whats wrong." Maria said softly as Kit got out of her arms and started trotting behind Tiras, she was starting to get hungry and she was looking forward to getting into the feast. Maria followed behind her brother as she walked back into the grand hall, she chose to sit with her brother. Maria looked over towards Grey for a moment and then over towards her family, though her half sisters and half brothers looked down on them she was content being close to her brother. Maria continued to eat the feast in front of her occasionally making small talk with the guest next to her, then finally the tournament was about to begin and the guests started to head out to the tournament grounds.

Maria walked along with the others and found a front row seat in front of the grounds and proceeded to sit down and watched as the horse and riders started to get ready. Maria would look around as everyone slowly started to gather and take their seats or to get themselves ready for the tournament for the young princess.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 21 days ago


As the feast ended, the tournament began. Trystan, sobering up already from all the ale and wine he drank, asked a stable boy for his horse. When the stable boy brought out his courser, he approached and traced a gentle hand along its mane and side. With one swift move, he mounted his horse and kicked off, trotting into the tournament grounds.

As he arrived, his eyes scanned the stands. He found the royal family and he offered his greetings. Bowing to the king, queen and princess. Then, his eyes carried on. Scanning the stands where his family sat, he found Lyra. He looked squarely at her, holding on to his sword with his weaker left hand and the horse with his stronger right, he kicked the horse up to where it stood on its hind legs and spun in a small circle. To those unbeknownst to the fact that he has feelings for Lyra, they would think he is doing this for his family. A display of prowess, so to speak. Once he was facing the royal family again, he settled his horse and waited for the other lords to arrive.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Interacting With: Open
Location: The Tournament

Isadora had been ill for the past three days, restricted to bed, and her duties as the princess's handmaiden set aside. She had been looking forward to the excitement of today, for weeks. Any feast or tournament was always a welcome brake from the mundane everyday, but today was even more special. It was the princess's thirteenth name day, and her royal highness would most likely be betrothed by the end of the night. Not only was the entertainment going to be spectacular, the hordes of gifts Madeline would be receiving, were also always fun to see. Izza had been the girl's handmaiden for two years now, and was one of five noble girls who accompanied, and attended to her daily. She considered the princess to be a good friend, so she really hoped whoever won the tournament was young, handsome, and kind-hearted.

Lady Scylla Evanthe had sent Isadora a gift for the princess two weeks prior, for her to present during the feast on behalf of house Evanthe. It was an ornate gold jewelry box, encrusted with glamorous diamonds and precious emeralds. The box was stunningly decorated with a delicate filigree pattern, and the inside was lined in dark green velvet. As magnificent as the box was, the intricately carved jade hair comb it contained was somehow even more marvelous. Isadora didn't like her mother, but the woman knew how to give gifts. Along with the presents for the princess, Lady Scylla had sent several yards of lavish silks for the queen, and five barrels of rich Diovire spiced wine for the king to enjoy.

Izza did not have the same allowance as most noble girls, so affording to buy fancy jewels, and luxurious items as a gift for the princess was impossible. Instead she hand made her own gift for her friend Madeline. She had spent quite a few late nights secretly sewing a pair of gloves for the princess. She made them made them with soft suede, and used colorful silk thread to embroider Madeline's favorite flowers along the outer edges of them. The finishing touches were the silvery saltwater pearls stitched along the cuff. Luckily needlework, and embroidery were something Isadora excelled at, so the gloves looked beautifully well made, and fit for a royal lady.

Isadora's fever had broken last night, and she felt completely fine by morning, so she was given permission to participate in today's festivities. Before she and the other handmaidens helped the princess dress in a beautiful frilly yellow gown, Izza had handed Madeline the gloves, and wished her a fun filled day full of celebration. During the feast Isadora had happily mingled among the many guests. Anytime she came across a man who was planing on competing for the princess's hand, she would quietly go back to the princess and point out the many suitors, tell her what she found out about them, and of course add in her own opinions.

She did try her best to stay far away from any of the Hylands, as she didn't really know which one was Lord Emerin. Apparently her biological mother Olinda had written a letter to Lord Emerin a year ago, telling him about the dirty secret of house Evanthe, and that his bastard daughter had not actually died at birth 15 years ago, but was alive and had become the oldset daughter of house Evanthe. Izza had always wondered weather he believed the letter or not.

Two years ago when she had found out the truth herself, she had hardly believed it. Everything Isadora was was basically a lie. Growing up thinking your a noble lady of house Evanthe, and then finding out your actually the product of a drunken night between a servant girl, and the notorious skymaker, Emerin Hyland, sounded more like a joke then reality. But after all was said and done, Izza was just another Hyland bastard. By the time the feast was nearing an end she brought forward the gifts from her mother to the royal family, and then stood with her fellow handmaidens to toast the princess.


She had had a bit to much honey mead during the feast, and was thankful that all she had to do now was sit and watch the tourney. The drinking had made her more light headed and bubbly then her usual self, but only those close to her would be able to tell the difference. She watched as many young ladies went to sit closer to the front row, with favors in hand, ready and waiting for any of the knights to ask. She looked over her shoulder and smiled up at the princess after one of the more handsome gentlemen came strutting out in shiny armor. He had been one of the few she had approved of, and gushed about to Madeline.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The time passed agonizingly slow for Lyra. She was constantly watchful, her eyes darting around and her hands shaking. The moment she spotted Lady Julia Lyra hurried away as fast as she could to hide. She did NOT want to face that woman. She wondered if Lady Hyland would have her drawn and quartered or simply remove her tongue. She prayed that the woman would let her explain that she had done nothing to encourage such attention from her son. In plain truth such attention terrified her to no end. He couldn't be serious, no matter his claims otherwise. She was simply not worth it. For multiple reasons...

Lyra's head jerked up as the sudden roar of the crowd startled her. Trystan Hyland had ridden onto the field. His eyes locked with hers and she gasped, stumbling backwards. Why did he do such things to her?
Overcome with embarrassment, Lyra's face turned red as she fled the stands. If anyone tried to stop her she would say she was going to refreshments for her lord and his family.
Turning a corner by the stables, she sagged against the wall. She covered her mouth with one hand and tried to breathe through her nose. Calm even breaths.

If he kept up this ridiculousness she would have be forced to tell him the thing that she had not spoken off in years. The incident that she desperately tried to erase from her mind, but continued to haunt her in nightmares that had her waking up crying many nights. Please God do not let him force me to say it aloud, she thought.

Or perhaps she wouldn't have to tell him... perhaps she would tell his mother, to get her to see why she had to keep her son from pursuing Lyra. It would likely get her tossed from her position as a servant of the family, if not the keep itself. Mayhap another family would take her in as a servant?
But if Trystan won the tournament then none of it would matter. He would marry the princess and that would be that.

(@anyone who wants to stumble across her)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tiras Sky

Unfourtunatly for Lyra the wall she had thumped against caused for the easily irritable destrier known as the grey devil to react. The grey dapple massive horse gave out a noise that sounded less horse like and more demonic. Next was a series of thumps as the horse's massive hooves kicked at what was holding him in.

As Tiras headed toward the tourney, he heard the sound of his horse. With a sigh, he looked at kit who tilted his head and provided no help what so ever. Tiras made his easy that way and as he approached he paused. Kit had found Lyra and was proceeding to try to cheer her up by licks. Tiras took his chance to head inside and work on calming the horse before a stable boy got wounded.

Kit looked up at Lyra and wagged his bushy tail as he tilted his head. It was clear that of any creature, kit was the friendliest. Tiras made his way back out to Lyra and had a gentle tone as he spoke. "Are you alright? I hope my horse did not startle you." he could tell she wasn't, but he would leave the option up to her if she wanted to talk or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The loud roar of the horse made Lyra cry out and stumble backwards, falling to the ground. She covered her ears and closed her eyes against the horrific noise. She jumped even more when she felt something licking her. Opening her eyes she saw it was a small fox. She scooted back a bit, worried the animal might bite her. It approached again, slowly and keeping it's ears down in a submissive way. It was actually very sweet looking. Lyra reached a shaking hand towards the fox and it pressed it's head to her palm, allowing her to stroke it's head.

The male voice made her gasp and jerk her hand back. She recognized him of course. He was the blacksmith back in her home. She had never met him formally though, had just seen him in passing as he delivered things to the keep.
She swallowed hard and stood, brushing off her dress. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause the horse distress," she said. "We haven't met but we share a home. My name is Lyra Sky, servant of the Hyland family."
She looked towards the tournament and started shaking again, thinking of what was happening. "It's not your horse's fault. It is mine. I am afraid in my distress I was not paying attention to my surroundings and I startled him."

Here, with another low-born as herself, she felt more talkative and at ease.
"I am not alright, but there is nothing that can be done about it unless you can influence the outcome for the tournament."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Tʏʙᴀʟᴛ Gᴜʟʟʏ “ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Qᴜᴇʟʟ Sᴇᴀ”

Lady Juliana Hyland

Location: the tournament grounds.

Tybalt found himself alone for several more hours after speaking to lady Coulbourne, and he spent most this time standing alone, watching over the feast. Blending in as a guard was easy for him, since he was a knight of Lhivoria first and foremost. But, no spectacular things had happened, so he mostly ate and drank. Those were the two best things about these feasts anyway.

When the tournament was then announced to begin, that's when the real entertainment began. All this feasting was just fluff for the real fun. Tybalt marched himself outside and looked around the bleachers to see where his uncle was - but then again, his uncle was a man that could handle himself. As he looked around he did notice a figure of particular interest. The one lady that had not insulted his honour and pride when he did speak to the Hylands.

Juliana had excused herself from her family after the feast had ended, watching them make their way to their seats near the banners of Hyland, their sigil snapping in the wind. Instead of taking her seat she moved closer to the fenced area that would host the cruel sport they were forced to watch. She loathed the mere sight of the enclosed space. Tournaments were brutal events, one that men lusted after while the women were forced to sit and pray; every blow wondering if their loved one would be the victor. She spotted Trystan showing off on his horse, sighing to herself. He was the closest to her in age out of all her siblings, but a sweet fool. Why Edwin had allowed him participate was beyond her. She would cheer for him, of course, and pray he survived.

Her eyes scanned the area again, looking for Ithobal, feeling slightly guilty she would also be cheering for him, but to lose. Only slightly. She didn’t want to see a Gully on the throne, nor did she care to lose him to the princess before she had the chance to speak with him again. Flirtations were anything but new to her, but the undeniable spark was difficult to ignore.

Thinking twice, he decided on whether or not to approach her. Ultimately, the Hylands would likely not appreciate it if he tried talking to her, but what reason did they have to dislike him? A conversation was merely a conversation and nothing more, and they'd have to be satisfied with that. So, he put a hand on his swords pommel to rest it there while he approached lady Juliana. He stood next to her for a moment in silence, watching the outriders in the tourney area, before placing a hand down on the fencing that surrounded it. “Your brother looks preoccupied with entertaining the crowd, and not with how he's going to win. Do you have faith in your brother, lady Juliana? A mans honor is a feeble thing. I can know.”

He subtly referenced how her family had insulted him earlier, but did not bring it up otherwise, since she had not insulted him and there was no reason to discuss it. “Losing a tournament is bad enough, but what if he lost spectacularly. Would he still have pride like he does now? He is young, I can see it in him, and that is why he is boasting to the crowd. But that lord over there, lady Juliana.” Tybalt raised his hand from the fencing and pointed at another sire, a man on a brown and white stained horse, who wore a thick armor and a large helm, adorned with the sigil of his family - a iron boar, standing atop his helmet.

“Look how his horse walks uneasily back and forth but the rider is content looking at the king, queen and the princess? That is a man who is determined to win. I hope for your brothers sake he will not ride against that man today. What do you think? Do you have eye for knights? How they ride, how they fight? I would not expect you to, since you are.. quite ladylike, if I may say so, but your brothers may have taught you a thing or two.”

She was pulled from her thoughts as more people began filling the seats and standing around the huge field, moving in a slow and lazy pace. She spotted one man that looked sober, recognizing him from earlier with her siblings. His hand was resting carefully on his sword as he took a spot near her, silently standing. The man had been wounded by her sister’s sharp tongue, and she offered him a pleasant enough smile as she pet the kitten in her arms, “He has always been one for theatrics, Lord Tybalt. He has the confidence and blind optimism that few could only dream of, and I dare say it may work in his favor.” Juliana looked at him then, a genuine smile spreading across her lips at his comment about honor, “Every man’s honor and pride needs humbling at times; in small doses.”

Her eyes returned again the field, watching her brother move and examining the others who had joined him on the field. Tybalt’s words bothered her but she couldn’t allow her features to betray the feeling. “In truth, my brother is young and overly confident. But his age will make the others underestimate him. He has two older brothers who practiced their own skill on him, one a leader of mountain warriors, the other learning the blade and skill with my father since he could walk. He is more than able to hold his own against bigger and more experienced men.” Her hand tickled the ear of the cat, she could defend her brother but had no desire to over step with the older lord. She smiled gently again, her tone kind, attempting to break his stiff demeanor. “I have faith in my brother, but I fear for him. I am not so prideful or native to believe him invincible.”

“I thank you my lord, I try to act as I was taught and raised to behave. I know little of swordplay, although archery is a pleasant way to spend the afternoon. Although if I must be honest, I prefer the outdoors and books over anything related to knights or even the tasks of a lady.” Juliana laughed, her large doe eyes watching, a look she often used with her father, a look of innocence, hoping her own gentle demeanor may sway him to friendliness. “I’m surprised you are not participating. You seem a worthy component, with more than a fair chance at taking the glory. Forgive me if this should be obvious to most, but I am unfamiliar with your family. The Gullys were foreign to me in all but name before our arrival here, and now I am forced to face my ignorance. It seems foolish to risk the only male heir of Serpents Roost in a tournament. Even for the hand of the princess.”

“You are the one of the few in your family that knows how to be courtly, then.” Tybalt answered her when she mentioned she tried to act how she was raised. It was hard to believe that this girl came from the same family as the other ones. He audibly scoffed at the thought of the other Hyland children. She went on about the tournament, causing Tybalt to look away over the field again. Would he have participated? Yes. He would, most definitely, but since the princess was involved, he had chosen not to. “Do you think me such a brute? If I were to win.. a 35 year old man with a 13 year old girl. No, I have greater pride than that. Besides..”

Tybalt turned his head around and looked over the bleachers, spotting his uncle and aunt sitting there, before he looked back. “I am merely a nephew of the lord, and as you can understand, that doesn't put me in a prestigious position. I would not wish to insult the king by marrying his daughter. You would not understand, being a daughter of the lord.” He looked at her then, thinking of what to answer to her 'question' about the heir, Ithobal. He could tell her the truth, that Ithobal was merely here to satisfy his father, to appear like 'an heir' for once. But that would hardly seem like a good thing to tell her - it would make them appear like a troubled family; instead, he answered her truthfully but left out some details. She didn't need to know.

“Ithobal is not the only heir. Lucan, the man who was supposed to marry your sister, is still alive. His oath to the kingsguard stops him from taking the title as the lord of the Serpents Roost, but oaths have been released before, my lady. As for Ithobal, I wish I could tell you I knew how he will fare in this tournament, but he is less a fighter and more an adventurer.”

For a moment Tybalt considered, then and there, on whether he should offer to champion for the young Ithobal. To fight in his place, for his name. It would be uncommon but not unheard of. And Tybalt was much more experienced, and much more expendable. He was merely a nephew after all, so if he'd die today, then it would be sad, but it would not be the end of the Gully family. But he decided against. It was time for Ithobal to face the price of being gone for so long.

“We will see. I have participated and won enough tournaments to know that anyone can win. The One God favors the humble, the pure and the pious. For your and my sake, I hope that our family members are all those things.”

Juliana’s eyes narrowed across the arena at this comment about her family, but thought it best to say nothing. It was unwise to let her tongue loose on a man such as the lord next to her, despite her instinct to defend her family. She adored her family and was loyal to the end, but now was not the time or place to allow her temper free. As much as she loved her whole family, none were as precious to her as her sister Emmaline. The age difference would have suggested they had little in common, but Juliana had found it had only made them closer, their personalities complimentary to the other. She would defend her sister’s actions until her last breath, even if she didn’t always understand them. Instead her eyes fell on the little princess before speaking, “In truth, most men would not concern themselves with the age or feelings of the princess. They would see only the throne and power with such an alliance. In that, you are indeed an honorable man.”

“If the King was so concerned with pedigree, I would think he would have a better plan then marrying his daughter to a brute with a sword, hacking away at others.” Her eyes fell on his family as she looked towards the Gullys, the stern face of the Lord frightening to most. Juliana knew that often a woman had more to fear from other women in this world, while the men played their games. “Still, a lord’s nephew from a large and powerful house is not to be mocked. And it seemed to come with more freedoms than other positions.” She gave her half smirk, recalling how quickly she had been interrupted with Ithobal, “Speaking to a lords daughter without the whole family swarming you being one of them. Perhaps we could be of use to each other in these trying times.” Tybalt grinned at her words. Had she forgotten so soon how the entire family swarmed him after their discussion earlier inside?

His next words surprised Juliana, her eyes growing but otherwise keeping her face passive and void of her sudden surge of emotions. He spoke so plainly; she realized she was in the minority of the Hyland family that did not know about Emmaline’s past engagement. It shouldn’t have surprised her, her sister was eight years her senior and as the youngest she often had not been present at family discussions. Still, why the secrecy? Her eyes scanned the crowd until she spotted the Kingsguard she had seen earlier, looking at him in a new light. He was handsome and held himself well; a man she could see standing beside her sister. “Would the King truly release such a knight? Stranger things have happened, though it would seem like an insult to the Gullys if it appeared without cause.” Her eyes left Lucan, a small smile forming. “I’ve found it takes a different sort of soul to yearn for adventure; an inquisitiveness that has little patients for fighting.”

Juliana internally snorted at the comment. The one true God sounded like a bore, and she doubted he listened to the prayers of even the most humble. Her mother’s devotion to the God had yet to heal her sick father, or answer any prayers that Juliana could see. No, she would put her faith in the Old Gods, the Gods who favored chaos of reality. She offered him a sad smile she often saw her family give those they sympathy for when offering prayer. “We can wonder all we like, Lord Tybalt, but we know that the One God knows the hearts of men, and pray he takes mercy on us all.”

“Indeed, my lady. God works in mysterious ways. Ways that I cannot foreshadow for you. All we can do is sit back and wait. I must go see to my uncle now, but I wish for you to know that I have enjoyed our conversation. Perhaps we will see more of eachother at a later time.” With that said he pushed himself off of the fencing of the area, and walked away, taking his leave from the area.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tiras Sky

Tiras saw her start to shake as she looked toward the tournament. He shook his head when she blamed herself. "To be honest...the horse just is not a fan of people" he studied her, trying to fully figure out what was wrong. He leaned against the wall and looked toward the tournament. When she spoke of it, he was taken aback.

Taken off guard, he was quiet for a moment before speaking. "unfourtunatly I cannot even participate since I am only half a Hyland." he tilted his head. "Why would you be so concerned? Did something happen to trouble you about it so?" he was honestly curious. She sounded sad...as if she was about to be forced to marry someone. Which as a bastard, should not even be a worry. Perhaps something else is troubling her? He did not know, but he was surprisingly okay with talking to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Lyra's eyes widened. He was half-Hyland?! He was no ordinary bastard. She herself was a bastard of the mountain, he was a bastard of the family itself! Should she even be talking to him? Was there a heiarchy among bastards as well, with her lower than him?
But he seemed untroubled talking to her? He even seemed interested in her predicament. The question was, should she tell him? Would he spread it to anyone who would listen? Would he keep it a secret? Would he somehow be able to help?
Her decison was made quickly. If she didn't talk about this to someone she was going to burst.

"I am begging on your honor as a Sky to keep this between us, good sir," she said, clasping her shaking hands together. "There is... someone... who has decided that he wants me. In what capacity I'm not certain but considering my postion I can only assume it's for..." she winced and swallowed before continuing. "I am terrified. The person in question is... not of a low standing. It must all be a game for him to pursue me, even though I had told him such a thing cannot happen. He insists. But if he wins the tournament then he will marry the princess and I shall be forgotten and left alone."
She was tearing up at that point. "I don't know what to do. I have no power, no family, no protection. The only living relative I have is my whore mother who would hand me over on a silver platter to anyone who paid her."

How did she end up stammering all of this to a stranger, close to weeping? The more she tried to stop talking, the more she spoke.
"I am sorry... I shouldn't have told... but since the feast I have been so afraid... I don't know what to do. Should he not win and continue this pursuit... Lady Hyland will feed my remains to the pigs or worse she'll toss me out for the wolves, both animal and man, to consume."
At this point she was weeping in earnest. It felt good to unburden herself, to share her fear.
"I'm sorry," she stammered through her tears. "I'm making such a fool of myself."
She wouldn't be surprised if he ran away. Most men were not comfortable with female tears. And how was a man to understand such a dilema as this? Not for the first time Lyra wished she had been born a boy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tᴏᴜʀɴᴀᴍᴇɴᴛ Eᴠᴇɴᴛ 1/5: Tʜᴇ Pʜᴇᴀsᴀɴᴛ Hᴜɴᴛ

As the ten competitors lined up, a servant to the royal family hung ten large banners behind the crowd signaling the sigil from which each of the competitors came. He then proceeded to roll them up, which was the sign to both the crowd and the announcer that the tournament was to begin. He cleared his throat as he began his speech. "Welcome one and all to today's tournament." he paused for the crowd's cheering, clapping, and other shouts of excitement. "Today's challenges will not only test strength, but wit, endurance, as well and determination. All things a man fit for the princess must have." The celebratory noises continued, as the man rattled off some more information. "Where did your father run off to Madeline?" Queen Margaret asked, her eyes peering around to spot her husband. She would think of anyone that he would want to watch the tournament. Madeline shrugged her petite shoulders, "Maybe something sat with his stomach wrong." the young girl suggested with a small smirk. Her mother tsked at the thought, as the announcer began to list of the competitors names, "Competing today we have Trystan Hyland, Nyle Coulbourne, Ithobal Gully, Jeyco Swan, Thom Clarke, Kevan Moor, Thurid Guild, Ichabod Bouroodem Atticus Grigori, and last but not least Cyril Hawke." The men moved their horses around in a showboat to the crowd, so they could admire their horses, armors, and more importantly their family names.

"You men are in for a feat of determination first and foremost. A simple peasant hunt. We have released eight of them into the small wooded area that stands behind us. You are not allowed to use any weapons but the ones the God's granted you from birth. Two of you will be eliminated. At the sound of the horn you will be released. Good luck and may the God's bless you."

The bugle was sounded, as the men raced into the wooded area.

Eliminated: Thom Clarke & Cyril Hawke
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

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Tᴏᴜʀɴᴀᴍᴇɴᴛ Eᴠᴇɴᴛs 2-4/5:
Hᴀᴍᴍᴇʀ Tᴏssɪɴɢ, Aʀᴄʜᴇʀʏ, Jᴏᴜsᴛɪɴɢ

As the flag for Thom and Cyril released, the crowd shared their feelings for the two first eliminated men. Though pheasant hunting was considered childs play to some, the event had proven a bit of a challenge for most of the competitors. Up next came the hammer tossing event. An act of strength as each man competed to swing the large hammer around and toss it as far as they possibly could. After each man went, the measurements were given. A close match, as two men were eliminated. Their flags unrolled, signaling their end to the tournament and their end to their chance for the princess' hand.

Next came archery. A crowd favorite as everyone had three chances to hit the target, and the rush of where the arrow were to hit next caused gasps and words of encouragement from the competitors and crowd alike. Madeline leaned back in her chair, to be honest the tournament wasn't exciting as her family had made it out to. She wondered where her father had wandered off to, his appearance at these type of events of the utmost importance. "Do you think father has gotten hurt?" Madeline asked her mother, quietly as not to alarm anyone around her. "He's probably found something to sip on and someone to talk their ear off" Margaret replied, placing her hand on her daughter's knee. She gave a gentle squeeze, "Don't worry about him, here, watch your future husband for you, and only you." she encouraged, removing her hand and placing it back into her own lap. Madeline let out a sigh as the results for the next two men came in and their flags rolled out and revealed themselves.

As four smart, strong, and determined men stood in front of the crowd; their horses mounted and decorated to display their houses. The announcer of the event had them trot around a few times to show their adornments. Jousting was the ultimate display, and because of the danger involved the crowd went wild. Women in the front row offered tokens of luck to the men as they trotted by. Each man would have the best of three to hit their in the chest of their armor, however if the man was knocked completely off his horse or were killed the other man would get an automatic win. Soon it began, as each man charged at one another at top speed, their horses unafraid as their hearts raced inside their majestic beast bodies.

Eliminated: Atticus Grigori & Nyle Coulbourne
Eliminated: Thurid Guild & Ichabod Bouroode
Eliminated: Trystan Hyland & Kevan Moor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tiras Sky

Tiras listened to Lyra and felt sorry for her. Being wanted by one of his half brothers was not good. He shook his head when she spoke of being thrown to the wilds. "I give you my word I will not tell and I also give you my word that as long as I can find you...no animals will consume you" he pulled a black cloth that was tucked behind one of his swords. He lightly handed it to her and studied her.

"do not be sorry for how you feel about events." he tilted his head as he thought for a moment. "it would seem you are in need of a friend. I may not be the best...but I promise to help you" he looked up when he heard the announcement for the tournament to begin. "when you are ready we can head back. If you would like you may sit next to me...I'm not often paid much attention and I think you could use the chance to not be noticed by certain people" in no way was he going to force her to rush off..he would wait if she wanted or head back if she wanted...or leave if she wanted to be alone.

Kit looked up at Lyra and waved his tail before scratching at the collar around his neck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 21 days ago

@MissCapnCrunch@Harley Q@BlackPanther@Belle@HushedWhispers

Having made it through the first round relatively easily, Trystan did not know if he should be happy about it or disappointed. On one hand, he made it through the round and he was happy about that. However, making it through the round also means he is one round more likely to have to marry the Princess, instead of Lyra. In any case, there was no backing out and he must carry on.

As the second stage of the tournament began, he was pitted against knights who are older and more established than he was. To them, he is more than likely just a high noble boy who wants to brag and show off. Now, he is not going to deny the fact that he is trying to show off, but that only goes as far as to display the prowess of the Hyland family. As he is the youngest and if he can win against the older knights, think about what his older siblings can do.

The first part of the second stage of the tournament is a hammer throwing contest. Now, he is not officially trained to do such things since who in their right minds gets trained to throw what is essentially a flail as far as they can? if anything, one is trained to throw it as accurately as possible, and the side benefit of that would be distance. However, as this is a showing of physical prowess, Trystan intends to do whatever he can to win it even if it is only a part of the second stage. As he stepped up to throw, he remembered the teachings he received about angles and trajectories. He took notice of the wind as if he was firing an arrow as far as he could. His arms would be his bow, and the hammer his arrow. Taking aim, he spun and threw the hammer as hard and far as he could. The result he received was good enough to land him into the next part.

Archery. That was their next challenge. He had learned how to hunt on horseback while living on Mount Promonon. Given the treacherous terrain, it often meant the horse was not steady, and that their targets was behind plenty of cover. Having to land an accurate kill shot was no small feat. While Trystan is still young, he has gone on many hunting trips with his brothers and father. Having received proper guidance and lessons, he is no slouch in the art of archery. Through the gauntlet of events in this part, Trystan performed to the best of his abilities, landing a few bullseyes along the way, he was advanced to the final part of the stage.

Having mounted their horses and been given their shield and spear, the knights lined up for their last challenge. A joust. One man and his horse pitted against another. First to knock their opponent off their horse three times or to kill his opponent wins. The skill involved here is not only strength and courage, but cunning and planning is also needed. Knowing the reach of the spear, predicting his opponent's thrust and speed of their horse, these are somethings that Trystan must do if he wants to win this round. There is also the chance of the spear striking him squarely underneath his armor and piercing his flesh. He would very much not want that to happen, nor does he want to do that to his opponents. However, he looked to win, however possible. Mounting his courser, donning his armor, he kicked his horse into action. Driving forward, he held up his shield and pointed his spear forward. His goal here was to knock his opponent off his horse by landing a blow on the shoulder of the arm that is carrying the spear as that part of his armor is inherently heavier since there is no shield cover and thus less likely for him to kill his opponent if he were to land a blow. Their horses closed on one another, and there was a clash...

The dust had settled. Trystan was on the ground, writhing in pain. His shield and spear were both intact. His horse had trotted off to the far end of the line. There was a fresh pool of blood on the ground and audible screams were heard coming from Trystan's helm. There was piece of his opponent's spear lodged into his left shoulder. His hand clutched at the protruding wood, attempting to pull it out but too weak to do so. His body was in shock, and he was heavily wounded. In his mind, his family flashed before him. Mother, father, Balian, Edwin , Emerin, Emmaline, Juliana, even the Sky bastards Tiras and Maria. Last but not least, Lyra... It was Lyra's name that could be her through a whimper as his consciousness faded from him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Lyra dabbed her eyes with the cloth he had provided. "You are a kind man," she said, a small smile finding its way through the tears. "I greatly appreciate your words and your offer. Yes, I would very much like a friend."
But even as she spoke she knew that even he could not protect her from the Hyland matriarch should the woman decide to get rid of Lyra.
"I suppose it is a good thing for bastards to stick together, even if they do not share blood," Lyra said thoughtfully. She wiped her eyes and took breath. Just talking to someone had helped calm her nerves and ease her panic. Looking down at the fox, she smiled at the animal. "Your companion is adorable. I am glad he didn't bite me for I'm afraid I took the liberty of patting him. Thank you for allowing me," she said to the fox.

After a few more minutes she knew she could not be a coward and hide anymore. Putting her shoulders back, she lifted her chin in determination. "Skys are not cowards," she said before laying a hand on Tiras' arm. "Shall we return? I believe... I believe I am ready now."

They had missed the first event but arrived in the middle of the second, Hammer Throwing. Lyra never understood why a knight would need to throw a heavy hammer, but since men had came up with the activity she supposed to made sense to them somehow.
Her breath caught when Trystan advanced to the next round. Archery. The young lord was quite skilled so this was nothing for him. Lyra felt pride at his winning, but also dread. Such a combination felt strange to say the least. Each time he advanced she squeezed Tiras' arm. Trystan could in all possibilty win. She didn't know if that made her happy or disappointed.

Jousting was the next event. Lyra tried to look away when Trystan came up on his horse, but found she couldn't. Several ladies offered him favors and cheered as he passed, vying for his attention. He truly had his pick of the lot. Which again begged the question : why her?
When the horses clashed she closed her eyes, not wanting to see such violence especially with animals involved. There was silence, then screams. Lyra's eyes opened to a scene that made her heart clench and the blood drain from her face.
A loud scream reached her eyes and she realized with a start that it was coming from her. Trystan lay wounded, a spear protruding grotesquely from his shoulder.
Lyra found herself running towards the feild without giving her feet leave to move. Before she could reach Trystan she was blocked by men on the feild.
"Stay back wench. You are not needed here."
"Please! I must-"
Her words were cut off as she was shoved away, staggering from the force of the shove. "I said stay back," the man, no doubt some kind of squire or footman, said harshly. She tried to step around him only to have him grab her arm, nearly jerking her shoulder from it's socket. "Get gone bitch or I shall do worse!"
Lyra cradled her shoulder, trying not to give the beast the satisfaction of crying. Instead she backed away as others swarmed the field to remove the young lord's body so that the event could continue. It made Lyra sick. Didn't anyone care more about a human being than their precious entertainment?

Bits of her hair fell into her face, but Lyra could still see the Hyland family. She swallowed hard, knowing her display just now could not have been missed by either them or anyone else.
Her face turned red with embarrasment. Lowering her head, she made her way as quickly as she could off of the feild and back towards where Tiras had been. It also happened to be near the medical tent where they had taken Trystan. Her shoulder throbbed with pain but she knew it wasn't close to the pain the young lord was experiencing.
"I didn't want this," she whimpered to Tiras when she found him. "I never wanted him to be hurt."

@KillBox@BlackPanther@MrMonsoon@HushedWhispers@RangingWolf@Harley Q
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fɪɴᴀʟ Tᴏᴜʀɴᴀᴍᴇɴᴛ Eᴠᴇɴᴛ: Pɪᴄᴋ ʏᴏᴜʀ Wᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ

Gasps of horror and screams followed the injury of Trystan Hyland. A few men gathered around and picked up the boy and brought him to a tent off on the side to where his wounds would be tended to. This was nothing new to these people. A scowl fell upon Madeline's face. She didn't like the blood and violence. Her stomach felt uneasy, as she closed her eyes for a moment to escape from the situation. Little did she know something much worst was on it's way. Quickly, the announcer moved on to the next and final battle. He settled the crowd, with his loud voice. Bringing the sheep back into the pin. Next would be the very last challenge, one on one battle between Ithobal Gully and Jeyco Swan. "A battle of two king of the seas!" The announcer called, hyping up the situation. The two men would be put in front of the crowd, and pick between the following weapons:

Sword & Shield.
Bow & Arrow.
Two Handed Mace.
Two Small Knives.

Three pouches of colored sand were wrapped around the waist, wrist, and leg of each opponent. The completion of the contest would sound when either all of the sand bags were empty, death, or calling mercy on said opponent. This would be the final battle of strength and honor, and the ultimate win for the hand of the princess.

Eliminated: Ithobal Gully

Dᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴛᴏ Kɪɴɢ Sᴀᴍsᴏɴ

Though many would say that the win was not all quite fair, Jeyco Swan had won the hand of the princess, and the entire tournament. Madeline made a small smile as this man was indeed handsome, brave, and very interesting. Though the thought of their interaction earlier during the feast made her on the nervous side. "The man with the wife." Madeline said to her mother, a sigh escaping her lips. Queen Margaret replied with a laugh, "I can't believe your father isn't here to see this, he'd have had something to say about Arthur's son losing to this piece of work" she chimed, as the man began to release the large flag signaling the winner- an object came tumbling out from between the folds of the fabric. "What is that!" Madeline exclaimed, as the object landed in the lap of a woman in the crowd.

Screaming and chaos ensued as the object was identified by one of the guards.

King Samson's head.

Queen Margaret let out a blood curdling screech as she covered Madeline's face from the already observed horror. The young princess began sobbing as the guards quickly rushed to them and brought them into the castle. The remaining members began trying to do damage control as everyone became frantic in the crowd. Some trampled, children lost from their parents, people being arrested left and right.
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