Name:Vanessa Charlotte Casey
Personality:♦ level-headed ♦ realist ♦ silent ♦ caring
On appearance Vanessa can seem gloomy and downright pessimistic. However Vanessa isn't (usually) as gloomy as she seems. She isn't one to smile or laugh often, that's usually something that she only does when she is with her friends alone. She usually like to keep to herself or to a small group of people she's close with. She considers herself a level-head realist but her mind does often wander, sometimes from the likes of daydreaming, sometimes she just gets pushed into deep thought.
Vanessa was never surrounded by a large group of friends, probably never will be. When she was in school she was often that kid everyone would actively avoid for no good reason but at camp she has her father's reputation to thank for it. Vanessa has a big heart and is willing to share it with anyone who bothers to pay her some attention. She is very loyal and cares for her friends deeply, however, in her darkest moments she
will push them away. As caring as she is she believes that one should take consequences for their actions and finds it hard to forgive those who mentally or physically hurt her, her family or her friends.
Vanessa is most definitely an introvert and isn't a fan of big parties, or even such gatherings (however she quite enjoys the campfire nights). She's quite intelligent, given not as much as a child of Athena but she was always an A/B student when she was in school. She usually doesn't judge quickly, or tries not to at least, that doesn't always work out for her unfortunately. She's the type of person who listens to both sides of the argument and silently analyses it before coming to a personal conclusion, however, she will be quick to stand up for her loved ones. She is generally mature and responsible but when she is alone with her friends she lets loose a bit, becomes more smiley and cheerful but, even then, she's quite closed up.

Background:Jane had been widowed almost 2 years when she met Hades that Spring. She had taken her sons Jacob and William (whom were 3 and 4 at the time) to a local cafe for lunch. Hades happened to be seated at the table next to them and William and Jacob (at their wide-eyed naive ages) decided they wanted to talk to the 'sad man' and made attempts to be his friend until their mother intercepted. The 2 got to chatting and meet up a couple of times before falling in love, well at least Jane did.
A few days before spring ended Hades revealed his identity to her and told her that he could not see her again, neither aware Jane fallen pregnant that night.
Nine month later Jane gave a long, painful birth to Vanessa. The family of four were well off enough. Even though all 3 kids always knew Vanessa 'didn't have a dad' they never took that into much thought. Growing up William and Jacob were very protective of their younger sister, of course they often teased and tormented each other as siblings do but if anyone else did so to her they'd have older boys to answer to.
Vanessa's family lived off Jane's deceased husband's earnings (as he was a doctor when he was alive) and always had what they needed. True, they didn't have a luxurious life but they had an education, full stomachs, a roof over their heads and a bit extra for special occasions. However money was getting tighter and tighter by the year and the family couldn't live off of a deceased man's earnings forever. It was evident Jane would have to return to her job as a nurse eventually but there wasn't anyone to look after the kids and at their young age she didn't want them home alone in the evening, that was when she met Michael.
Vanessa was 5 when Jane met Micheal and truthfully she quite liked the man. The two of them married 2 years on and Vanessa always saw Micheal as her father figure and often referred to him as her father other than her stepdad despite keeping her mother's maiden name.
When Vanessa was inching toward her tenth year her mother gave birth to yet another girl, Selina. Despite technicalities Selina was never to be referred to as Vanessa's half sister when she was around or she'd be quick to correct them.
Vanessa's mother passed when she was 11. A storm had hit and the rain pounded the roof of every house, every building and covered every road. Jane was on her way home from her job when the storm hit suddenly, the rain limiting the view of every driver so neither her or the man driving the truck noticed each other until it was too late. Despite the pleas of Jane in her will Micheal decided he couldn't, and didn't want to, care for all the children left to him despite his own by blood and sent the other three kids to a local foster care home as Jane had lost contact with her family years ago. Leaving Vanessa to feel betrayed by the man who had been her father in her eyes for the last few years. Ridden with guilt Micheal would often attempt to send money and presents to the kids but they were always returned, they didn't want anything to do with him.
When she was almost 12 she first summoned zombie-like figure from the underworld. It was an accident, obviously, but of course, how are you meant to explain that to the other tweens and teens who you shared a house with? So entitling her a freak they avoided any contact with her if possible but Vanessa didn't care, this opened a new possibility for her, maybe she could see her mother, at least long enough to say goodbye. As much as she tried, however, it never worked. What Vanessa didn't know was the random deaths and brutal killings in the area weren't coincidence, although she could not summon a 'zombie' for an overly long period of time with each spirit another monster was detecting her and, when she was 14 she was quickly taken to camp half-blood by a satyr, who has lived in the foster care for a couple of months, alongside a small group of harder-to-detect demigods who had been in the area trying to kill off the beasts in the city. Despite a visit to Olympus, Vanessa had never left camp half-blood since.

Parents:Hades and Jane Casey
AbilitiesNecromancy: Vanessa can summon 'ghost'/spirit from the Underworld. This is her strongest power, yet she still has a lot to learn. She can only summon one spirit at a time and, after a longer period of time, it starts to drain her energy. Of course, it's not a simple 'I want a spirit now' and one appears, she needs to focus hence making it difficult for her if people are around her and making sounds. She generally has to be within a few metres of the spirit's grave or place of death to summon them, she's working on summoning ghosts from further distances in hopes to see her mother once more.
Wealth detection: Vanessa only discovered she had a power relating to the wealth and riches part of Hades' power about halfway through her first year at Olympus Academy (was in also her prior year) so she is still weak when in comes to powers to do with such. Currently she can detect precious gems and metals in the soil below her. It has to be a decent-sized cluster for her to detect it unless she's really focus but she's sure she will improve. She cannot, however, summon these metals/gems and is unsure as to whether she ever will.
Early Judgement: Upon a person's last breath, as their soul departs their body for the underworld, Vanessa can predict, almost always accurately, where in the underworld they will go.