@The Mad Hatter@potatochipgolem@Eru Iluvatar@DeadBeatWalking@AlysCole@XSilentWingsX@POOHEAD189@Eyeruption@AristoOkie dokie folks, I need to know two things;
1) Who is still interested in this RP? I'm not planning on shutting it down, I'd just like to know.
2) Segwaying into that, I
have reached a wee bit of an impasse due to my workload (mostly night-shifts) and due to a little bit of writer's block on my part.
Now, on that note, I am asking for anyone that might wish to Co-GM this RP with me to step forth (or just PM me); this is for many reasons, but mainly so that I have someone to bounce ideas off of, and, if they so choose, to get more than just myself involved in the creation process of this RP.
Yes, I may even ask you to write things...
So, that's about all I have to say at the moment, so anyone who'd like to answer any/both of those questions can do so at their leisure.
Thank you.