Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Character Sheet Basics

Role In Party: Tell us what your character does, pick two from the list in the hider.

Intrigue: (Aspects of your character that make them interesting. This really isn't another part of your behavior. This is stuff like being short, having rotten luck, being easy to pick out in a crowd, someone hates their guts, etc...)
Description: (This is where you put height, weight, etc...)
Character Ideal:(What you want to eventually turn this character into? If you want them to get rich what are you going to do with the money? If they become badass, what are you intending to happen once they do? Do you just want to see how far things go?)
Character Sacrilege: (Something that would cause character exit, or make them no longer fun to play.)

If we record these aspects, this will prevent us from all making the same character, etc... If you have some aspect you don’t intend on changing, put a 🔒 by the title like this...

🔒Personality:Bat-poop crazy emotional freak out weirdo.

This doesn’t mean that someone else isn’t allowed to have down what you do, just that you are not planning on changing any time soon and therefore a GM can plan ahead for it. Don’t forget to communicate, communicate, communicate. We can build characters off of other people’s characters that makes for some super-fun gaming, but we can’t do that unless we start talking.

History, Skills, and that other stuff is going to be dependent on the adventure, but for this moment in time, we can (optional) include history on your character sheet if it is actually something of relevance and something you want to keep. (Like growing up in a super-rich family or something.)

At this time we shall make characters that are humans from Earth in the here-and-now, and a hum-drum every-day life. Make them the closest thing to what you want to play while still being considered "normal" by society. In other words, the bare bones of your intended character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deserted


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Jennifer "Arrow" Cosax
Gender: Female
Role In Party: Thief/Wildcard-Undestined
Personality: Snarky, playful, impulsive, very immature, follows her own code
Intrigue: Terrible timing, weirdo magnet, never really succeeds but never really fails either, animals hate her
Description: Freckled, red-headed young lady with dark brown eyes. Young and relatively lanky. She rather nondescript. So as to add a flare of individuality, she has done the whole coolaid stripe in her hair.
🔒Motivation: Madness (obsessed with having access to the miraculous.)
🔒Character Ideal: Arrow has a melancholy edge to her, she is to be dumped on in many situations. While she will never change her obsession, it would be good to have her make some friends along the way.
🔒Character Sacrilege: Arrow cannot achieve her dream permanently. If she gets her hands on supernatural abilities she will simply spend the rest of her time amazing herself and playing with them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Kyle Johnson
Gender: Male
Role In Party: Nuker/thief
Personality: Doesn't like people that hurt or threaten others, which is how he sees the government. He doesn't want to fight them heads-up, though, as they are usually too strong, so he prefers to sneak in and hit them where it hurts.
Intrigue: Protects others from evil people, but not from the consequence of their actions.
Description: A fairly small man with a high IQ. He prefers to hide as much as he can about his identity.
Motivation: Punishing those that thing they are above punishment.
Character Ideal: Hacker that fights the government, sometimes as a rebel, sometimes a terrorist. He wants to cause the collapse of such an organization on day.
Character Sacrilege: What do you mean there's no "man" to fight against?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Clanty
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Evelyn (Evie) Leigh Ayers
Gender: Female
Role In Party: Jack/Wizard
Personality: Evie is fairly easygoing and unflappable.
Intrigue: Evie is a true renaissance woman. While she is primarily an engineer and has a varied educational background including specialities in history and science. In her free time when she’s not taking classes (for fun) or working as a mechanic, she’s often practicing Muay Thai.
Description: Evie in her early 30s and is tall and slender with long blonde wavy hair and blue eyes.
Motivation: Evie is always up for an adventure or an opportunity to learn something new. She’s down for anything that seems unusual or like it will be a new experience.
Character Ideal: A jack of all trades/skill monkey type character. The go to person for any problem.
Character Sacrilege: Having her intelligence/skills be totally irrelevant or permanently disabled. While it would be possible to cope with a temporary loss, a permanent mental handicap would ruin it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Thobias Thane

Gender: Male

Role In Party: Nuker/Wildcard

Tobias is the definition of "that guy in your friend circle". He is many things but definetly not normal. He can sometimes be as calm as a gentle gust of summer wind or be batshit crazy flippin out about everything. And these emotions trigger at almost random. He has a specific way of seeing the world and as such he is often seen as rude or agressive. Then again, he is mostly just a party face that tries to make a joke whenever possible, and helps his friends in need. And crazy. Mostly crazy.

Tobias has a gigantic trivial knowledge about random bullshit. He is often seen making references and trying to pull weird trivia jokes. He is sort of a genius that doesn't like that title at all so he acts much dumber than he actually is. Main reason for his weird behaviour. Oh, and he is EXTREMELY sensitive to music, depending on the tune he can get depressed in just a second, or maybe fills up with joy instantly.

He is just an average guy if you look at him. Nothing fancy. Basic T-shirt, jeans and sneakers combo. He stands around 170 centimeters tall and weighs around 60 kilos. (for you imperial peasanats that is 5'7" and 120 pounds)

Tobias isn't really motivated by a higher goal, he just goes with the flow. He is not hesistant to swim against the flow however, making him excellent in dire moments. His goals are usually these: get dressed, get food, go to sleep. That said if he DOES have a goal he is extremely determined.

Character Ideal:
Tobias is already a nutjob below the average guy mask, but his real powers shine when he can live out his full self. As such he is the best kept as a secret card, one that is really powerful if faced against danger, but not helpful at all otherwise.

Character Sacrilege:
Without people and events to amuse him and drive him out Tobias pretty much prefers to spend time at home minding his own business.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Henry "Tank" Dellinger
Gender: Male
Role In Party: Healer/Defender
Personality: Loud, boisterous and friendly, Henry is that type of friend that you have that's enthusiastic about everything. With a big, booming voice and a hearty and infectious laugh, he's not always the focus of the party or the important one of the lot, but you know that without him, your group of friends would be that less fun.
Intrigue: Even though Henry is loud, boorish and a bit of a knucklehead, he also has an amazingly big heart. He can tell when someone's not feeling their greatest, and will sit down with them and listen should they require someone to talk to. For a loud, headstrong man, his soft side is incredibly quiet.
Description: Henry stands at a whopping 6' 8", weighing in at nearly 300 pounds, because of all the lifting and training he does. He has a head of short, close-cropped brown hair and equally brown eyes, and his tanky build is very recognisable.
Motivation: To make sure that everyone around him is smiling and happy and alright.
Character Ideal: To realise that his soft side is also a part of him, and as such he shouldn't be afraid to be soft more often when his friends need it.
Character Sacrilege: All of his friends die or leave him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Primal Conundrum
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Primal Conundrum Amazonian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Jacqueline Richter

Gender: Female

Role In Party: Fighter / Defender

Personality: Often quiet, Jack generally prefers action to talking. She could be mistaken for being a bit slow in the head at first, but those who know her know that she just prefers to choose her words carefully. Despite her often gruff demeanor, she has a sense of humor and enjoys cracking dry jokes when she sees a chance. She does have a caring side to her, though due to how she tends to express it she often ends up intimidating those she is trying to protect.

Intrigue: She is incongruously well-read considering her background, and actually has a good head for poetry and song lyrics.

Description: Jacqueline grew up on a farm, and she looks like it. Already naturally on the tall side, an upbringing filled with tossing hay bales and working with heavy machinery has left her with a surprisingly powerful build. It's not something that she seeks to show off, and indeed her clothing choices don't actually make her look as strong as she is—she would rather wear a flannel jacket instead of a tanktop. Forest-green eyes and messy blonde-but-almost-brunette hair complete her image.

Motivation: Jackie is mostly content to live a quiet life, but she doesn't hesitate to step up when her friends or those she cares about are in trouble or need her help.

Character Ideal: The quiet brawler who lives in her head and can be turned to for help.

Character Sacrilege: Jacqueline needs to have people she cares about. Otherwise, she has no motivation to do much beyond farming and reading.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Adah Anaïs Christo


party role_

Adah seems to have been born of a certain breed of toxicity. While she can be rather kind to those she truly believes to be on her level-- she believes no one is on her level. More specifically, she's believes herself to be a poison and refuses to become too close to anyone out of a fear that she will harm them. She finds solitude in the wood, but her own carnal desires drive her to constantly seek companionship that she'll never allow herself to sustain.

She really needs a drink and a therapist.

Although undeniably attractive, without her make-up and dresses, she wouldn't be all that easy to pick out in a crowd-- what does make her stand out (aside from her extreme height) is the way in which she carries herself. She walks with head held high, as if in any situation she is royalty dealing with peasants, because she believes she is.

She is a practitioner of wiccan druidism and naturalist voodoo and Santeria, she's able to identify plants and calm natural dangers due to her time spent in various hippie communes and her own instinct fuel by 'the spirits of the woods.' She gambled away most of her money, not due to addiction, but in an attempt to rid herself of her 'earthly tethers.' She is rather addicted to alcohol, and has a very 'free love' attitude in regards to her sexuality.

A depressed former runway model and druid hippie with ancestry in Louisiana, the Caribbean, and France from an emotionally abusive well-to-do family of newer wealth.

Adah is a tall, slender, bronze skinned woman with a taste for the avant-garde. She is dreadfully bored with trivial life, and often retreats to the wilderness to rekindle some excitement. She moves like the wind and river water, but her expression seems to be permanently harsh.

She isn't. She wants to fill a hole that can't be filled by what she seeks.

character ideal_
To at the very least become a nicer, less anxious person, more comfortable in her own skin and identity.

character sacrilege_
To truly find happiness.
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