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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BilboTheGreat
Avatar of BilboTheGreat

BilboTheGreat I don't think through things, I never have time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Planet Monument, a world on the outskirts of Alorian space, the Eslarvis system

The Queens newest orders from Krogow had been very popular with Alorians in most parts of the Empire. Despite it's risky nature, the increase in executions and fear tactics had nearly halted slave escape attempts in many sectors, and greatly reduced the number in others. Human's seemed to care a lot about eachother, or at least enough too not want too see another five or ten of their own kind killed on the streets. Either this or they were simply too scared of the consequences of escaping and being caught. Thing's seemed too be improving everywhere, less Humans were dying and less Alorians were going without slaves.

It was a lovely day on Momument. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, there wasn't a cloud too be seen. A beautiful city lit up like a gem, glass shining from the sun on the skyscrapers that lined the streets. Veichles could be seen on the ground as well as in the air, constantly on the move in the busy city, while pedestrians could be seen in huge crowds along the streets, pushing and pulling eachother through too where they needed too be. A light blue skinned mother smiled as she walked along the streets, holding her toddler son on her shoulders. The boy smiled as he took pictures of everything he saw with a disposable camera that his mother had bought him just a few minutes earlier in one of the many stores. She stopped walking, standing still as she turned too face the tallest skyscraper within the closest ten systems. To the boy It seemed too reach up past the clouds, as if it were going straight out of the atmoshphere like a space elevator.

"Take a picture, Athan". The mother said, gently tapping her sons leg as she looked up at the magnificent building herself. The boy squinted his eyes, looking through the small camera too see the picture he would be taking. It had the top half of the building in it, with the left side nearly all covered with sun glare. Still, a memory none the less. He expertly positoned his finger over the button, and with a feeling of great achievment, he pushed it.

A nuclear bomb exploded at the very same second in the building they were looking at. Millions died, all in a fraction of a second, one of the most beautiful cities under Alorian control turning to dust in moments. The shockwaves spread out quickly, killing more as damage spread further and further outwards. In the next ten minutes, five more major cities across the continent were burned by nuclear hellfire. A further twelve were attacked by an unknown force, smaller bombs setting off in Military strongholds and public transport hubs, cutting of aid and the best way of getting around for everybody. Human's started too emerge from hiding with weapons, and behind them, Alorians. Even a few Krolm were seen fighting with this new enemy force. Human's that could be saved were saved, but nobody else was in luck. Carnage ensued for the next few hours. There was fighting virtually everywhere as what was left of the Royal Guard tried too resist. Bodies and the wounded littered the streets, fires raging where just before there had been peace.

It only took a mere nine hours for Monument too succumb to the relentless attack, with little too no military presence still on the planet. The new force took control of what was left of the cities that werent completely destroyed by the fighting. Across the system a further three planets suffered the same fate. Billions had been killed within hours, one of the worst tragedies in Alorian history.


Capital of the planet Aloria: Krogow.

News of the vicious attacks had soon reached other systems, the attacks spreading like wildfire on news stations. The Queen awakening to discover that Billions of her people had been killed. She called an emergency meeting, summoning all available members of her advisory. She sat at the head of the table, looking down at them as she spoke with a sullen expression painted onto her face. "Have we any communication with the attacking force?" She asked, seemingly shocked and confused as too what was happening.

"We recieved a request from Monument for communication seventeen minutes ago. We do not know who is on the other end, your majesty". A Krolm General, Zakra, spoke in a deep voice.

"Accept the request".

"Of course, your majesty". With that, Zakra reached over and pressed a couple of buttons on the side of a device placed in the middle of the table. It flashed a couple of times, before a holographic image of an Alorian woman standing in a street materialised. It was covered in debris, and a few bodies could be seen in the background. Three royal guards could be seen on their knee's in the middle of the street, with a Human man behind them, holding a pistol at his side. All three of the guards struggled, their hands tied behind them,

The Queen was suddenly overcome with anger. She slammed her fist down on the table, standing up as she shouted. "Who do you think you are? How dare you? Scum!" She said, before taking a deep breath, looking at the woman.

"I'm glad you asked. I am Luna, commander of the Terran Liberation Front. We claim responsibilty for the attacks on Monument, and the sourrounding plantes". She spoke, seemingly stopping too see what the Queen's reaction would be.

"Terran Liberation Front?" She asked, in an almost mocking tone. Her voice took a much more serious sound afterwards, as she narrowed her eyes. "You have killed billions of your own people, of my people, so you can befreind your food?" She paused too take in a breath, but before she could speak again, Luna spoke up.

"The Terran Liberation Front demands that Humans all across the empire be released from the shackles of slavery". Was simply what she spoke, looking over her shoulder at the Human behind her. He nodded meekly, and raised the pistol, pointing it at the back of the first guards head. Luna spoke again, "Just as you kill them, we shall kill you". She spoke. The Human shot, killing the first guard. Then the second.

The Queen and her advisors watched in horror as the guards were killed. The Queen stared at the Human hologram, before she spoke in a calm voice, despite her being far from it. "If you even look at that guard before you, I will personally find you, Human, and I will make you suffer for far more than it is worth. Drop your weapons, and surrender. Now".

The Human bit his lip as he shook his head, Luna giving him a nod before he lifted a shaky hand and shot the last guard in the back of the head.

"Your going to regret that".
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Priuca, City of Cleim
Athistan Federation

The towering trails of smoke from the city continued to rise as the chaos ensued, hordes of the Agonis Homunculi pouring out from the templeship, massacring civilians left and right across several blocks. Local law enforcement units providing what resistance possible, forming small blockades around the impact site, holding back the varsuch and khraal for now. Morale rose as soon as the air strikes begun. Priucan Aircraft souring through the skies with loud cries from their engines as they unleashed fiery death upon the rampaging Homunculi, from firing missiles to carpet bombing the crashed templeship itself. Law Enforcement officers soon took cover as the aerial strikes commenced. It wasn't long before the coastal bombardment followed. The fleet stationed outside the city by the river, fired all their salvos, the templeship and parts of the city under further barrage from the naval vessels.

Once most of the smoke had cleared out from the assault, it is then revealed that although the tower had sustained some damage, the structure still was intact. The next minute was a very tense one, as the Priucan ships were readying for another attack followed by another airstrike, however, The AI Grana would not allow any more interruptions.

Once the minute had passed, the tower itself had launched a 360 degree attack on all known enemies, as a ring of missiles emerged on all sides of the structure and rained all across the city's limits.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
Avatar of Mao Mao

Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A collab by @The Spectre and @Sigma

Cleim, Priuca, Ⱥthistan ℱederation

The remaining patrol fleet kept firing on the alien vessel as air support was provided by the Cleim Air Force. Captain Rasjog Phulsawal ordered all of the ships to attack it until they either run out of ammo or Command orders them to stop. She grew angry every time that the fleet fires their missiles at the vessel. Private Varinder Ganwan watched the whole thing happening down at the center, forgetting what he was suppose to do. After their sixth attack on the ship, the smoke started to clear up and they got a better look at the vessel.

It was damaged. Phulsawal cheered out loud as she finally saw some damage on the vessel. Despite the small victory, she ordered the ships to reload and fire on her command. The air support was going to attack as soon as she gave the word. Then, something happened that would surprised everyone. Phulsawal requested to speak to Command about the situation.

"Command, I would like to update the situation with the vessel." she spoke proudly as she was about to give the state of the vessel. After a moment of silence, a voice approved her request and said that she's allowed to speak now.

"Thank you." she thanked before giving her report. "The alien vessel has suffered some damage because of either the crashing land, our attacks, or both. Pictures of the vessel are currently bringing sent to Command and the Federation for analysis. So far, the vessel hasn't responded to our attack with any sort of counterattack besides reports that creatures are leaving the vessel and attacking everyone. The creatures are rumored to have weapons and the armed forces should be cautious around-."

She stopped speaking for a moment as she heard a sound that she didn't want to hear. She turned and saw the ring of missiles. The crew members at the center were horrified as they tried to get out much information to Command before their deaths. Phulsawal was shock by their counterattack as she haven't seen a brilliant counterattack in her time with the navy. Of course she was afraid, but she knew that she was going to die someday. However, she'd rather die giving out important information than escaping.

She spoke as fast as she could before the missiles hit her and the remaining patrol fleet. "My name is Rasjog Phulsawal. I am...was a proud captain of the AF Oasin before it was sunk. I am and other crew members are staying behind to send Command all of the latest information about the creatures and the vessel. My death will be caused by one of the most brilliant counterattacks that I ever saw. The vessel can form a ring of missiles as a counterattack. There might be more counterattacks that we don't know. All of the information about the counterattack will be in a large data packet."

There was a moment of silence as she started to cry. "This is Captain Rasjog Phulsawal... a proud citizen of Gedrus signing out."

The missiles hit their targets as the remaining patrol fleet were hit. The Oasin's bridge was destroyed, killing everyone inside. Ganwan stayed on the bridge as well, helping with sending out the information. The survivors were in shock as they tried to escape the sinking ships. The air support was also hit, but not before trying to dodge them. One of the jets crashed into one of the tallest skyscrapers in the city and the other one crash landed into a busy street, killing around fifteen people and injuring forty-two. Both of the pilots were killed.

The Counterattack had proven itself quite effective in disabling the local's naval defense, and at the present time, had damaged parts of the city further away from the impact site. In another minute of silence, more of the creatures emerge from the Templship, now supported by an a parade of armored units, walkers, hover vehicles and robotic support. The creatures now moved in an organized matter, like a military parade as the larger creatures lined up like orderly soldiers. At the front of the march was a female humanoid figure similar in shape to the Xreihz species, but was different. Her skin had shades of orange or red, completely devoid of any sort of hair, her skin smooth, almost artificial looking and had eyes glowing a bright blue like some sort of machine.

As they marched, VTOL aircraft had begun to emerge from the structure as well, all scattering throughout the city.

Koriu Bridge, Cleim

Hundreds of cars and people were crossing the bridge to leave the city as the aliens attacked the city. Traffic was backed up as the bridge was one of the few ways to get out of the city. There was the Grace Tunnel, but it's most likely full of people trying to escape. There are other way as well, but they could be hard to obtain. Like getting a boat or a plane.

The entire armed force of Priuca's army had arrived nearby the bridge. They started to establish a headquarters in one of the buildings nearby the bridge toll booths. Their mission at the moment is to get the citizens off the bridge, move into another city, and establish another HQ. At the moment, there might be about a thousand people trying to leave the city by using the bridge.

With the information from the patrol fleet, they are more alert and careful while keeping an eye out of any signs of the creatures. However, they are still far away for the bridge. It would take time about a couple hours before they are near the bridge, giving the army enough time to set up.

Refugee camps were being set up for the survivors and a hospital has been set up in another building by the HQ to treat the wounded. Doctors in the nearby cities and towns were called in to help out in the hospital. The Federation hasn't still responded to the situation. If the Federation doesn't respond in time, then more lives could be lost and the plans already established and approved could be ruined.

The Priuca Command obtained the information from the patrol fleet before it's destruction by the aliens. Since then, they have been careful about approaching the aliens. The air force and the navy arrived nearby the bridge, but they are told to stand down for the moment.

It will take them a couple hours to clear out the citizens from the bridge. After establishing another HQ in Cleim, an new operation will be established. Operation Rhino.

The operation will commence after the establishment of both headquarters on the bridge. It goes into detail about the capture of the Menasse Abdu International Airport and making it the major headquarters, which the Cleim Command Center will be establish. The armed forces will fly into the city and capture the airport and the nearby ports. After establishing communication with one of the headquarters, the navy will meet with the forces and help defend the area.

The air force will provide cover for the helios to land on the airport. They will also attack the vessel, if they have to. The navy will keep pushing forward to the ports among with the armed forces. Once the headquarters has been established, they will try to communicate with police headquarters and hope that there are still officers alive. If any police station is safe and isn't nearby the fleet, then the military will race towards the station and establish some sort of base.

To keep things simple, capturing the airport will strengthen the military and provide communication inside the city.

With most of the city mostly devoid of life, the Collective troops were allowed to move more freely throughout the city, coming across block after block, street after street as the Agonis soldiers set up forward position in vital route leading to the Templeship.

A lone police cruiser raced through the now emptied streets, filled with one officer and several civilians, as they drove as fast as the vehicle could to reach the evacuation point, and escape the alien soldiers as they quickly occupy parts of the city. The car was being pursued by a trio of the VTOL Dropships, their humming an ever grim reminder of their possible death. The officer at the drivers seat glued his eyes on the streets in front of him, daring not to even look once at the side mirror, and give in to the sheer terror he feels at the moment. His passengers however, couldn't help but look, and the urgency to flee ever increasing as the shadows loomed over them, all was calm for the moment at least, until the aircraft begun to fire. Their nose-tipped guns discharging unguided plasma bolts at their target, the bolts making bright sparks and flashes as they hit the ground, the car dodging the shots.

They were nearing the evac point, as the bridge was seen over the horizon, the alien VTOL continuing their assault. To their dismay, the police cruiser was faced with a large traffic line, and they brought the enemy over with all these poor souls unprepared to flee, like fish in a barrel.

The troops across the city didn't know that some sort of aircraft was killing citizens until they heard screams for the citizens as they were running quicker. The soldiers were ready to enter the bridge and fight them, but their commanders held them back. One soldiers looked confused by his captain's order and asked why.

"It's pointless to waste resources on something that we can't stop right now. Crossing the bridge and not expecting reinforcements is a foolish hope. The city has fallen to those freaks as soon as the partol fleet was destroyed. We are needed to help out with the brave souls that are planning to take the airport. We will pray for the lost souls later." the captain answered.

Most of the soldiers were getting readying for the operation, but some were ordered to fire on the creatures if they cross the bridge. However, they were too busy killing everyone to care about attacking the HQ. Several armored vehicles were also waiting for them to cross. They were willing to kill them, even if it means killing a couple citizens in the way of the creatures.

The Aircraft split off, circling around the bridge as the fire their weapons towards the stationary cars, a series of explosions following, people flying all over from the sheer force of the blast. Before long, the dropships took aim of the bridge's main support, plasma bolts hitting the wires holding the structure together, the plasma slowly eating away at the metal, in mere moments, the bridge collapsed, those that survived the brief attack had fallen to their deaths, crushed under the weight of the metals, rocks and scrap. The Dropships, done with the deed, flew back to the Templeship.

Everyone at the headquarters watched in horror as the bridge, full of unarmed citizens, collapsed and killed almost everyone. The citizens that made out of the bridge unharmed were angry at the soldiers for not helping. Many of them marched towards a couple of them and shouted at them before bring dragged away by other soldiers. This was the first time that they witness the cold hearts of the Priuca military. They understand that any war must have their sacrifices in order to win it. If one thousand citizens have to die to protect the military or anyone important, then they are willing to do it despite the protests and the anger of the citizens.

But, the operation was going to happen no matter what happened to the bridge.

Just before the sun set, hundreds of helios that were carrying about a thousand troops were getting ready for lift off. As the sun was about to fade into the horizon, they started the long ride to the airport. The pliots carefully flew across the destroyed Koriu Bridge, hoping to not draw the attention of the vessel and the creatures. The air support wait for the moment that the helios come under attack to help out.

Cleim Police Headquarters, Cleim

They crossed into hey crossed into the city as the city was still under attack and on fire. Below the skies as the helios made their way to the airport, people were running away from the incoming armies of those things. Officers were forming some sort of blockade with their cars and other things. One of the apartments blew up as screams could be heard inside the burning building. The officer began their attack on the things as severel of them fell to the ground.

Saroj Bhaman was the new Commissioner as the old one died in the first attacks. She was with the officers as backup in the form of SWAT. The Commissioner ran towards the captain and requested their aid in saving the citizens. They raced towards the apartment buildings that remained untouched by the creatures, trying to get the people out of there.

She saw more of the helios and realized that the army had finally came to help them. Bhaman didn't know where they were going, but she have to get back to the police headquarters and hold out. After the SWAT units returned, some sort of tank appeared out of nowhere. The tank aimed towards one of the buildings where people were still being evacuated and fired, causing the building to collapse.

Bhaman ordered her men to fall back to the station as she ran away from the creatures. The officers and SWAT units followed her towards the headquarters, which was nearby. They got inside and shut the doors behind them. After a moment of catching their breathes, she raced towards the communication room. Her plan was to make all of the remaining officers fall back to the station and hope that they can hold until the military arrives.

She reached into the radio and turned it on. Then, she pressed the transmit and started to speak to all of her officers. "This is Commissioner Bhaman. I am ordering all officers to fall back to the headquarters and make their final stand. The military has finally arrived. We just need to hope that they can save us." she kept it short and managed to make the radio repeat the same message over and over.

Then, she started to get ready from the incoming attack for the creatures.

A Collective drone battle tank, supported by a company's worth of robotic infantry units made their advance the the Police Station, a hail of plasma bolts raining over the building, burning holes through the makeshift barricades. The drone soldiers ceased their attack once the tank moved closer in. Firing a plasma round against the front entrance, blowing away any who were close enough. As the smoke cleared, the drone soldiers, and two bulker variants, marched in.

Bhaman saw the doors blown open as she went downstairs and the other officers opened fire. She raced back towards the radio and spoke once more in a quick tone, "This Commissioner Bhaman. The headquarters has fallen. I repeat, the headquarters has fallen. Fall back to the nearest police station and pray that our troops find you before those things-."

She screamed in pain as she was shot in the leg by one of the creatures. With one leg wounded, she quickly managed to repeat the message before bring dragged away to downstairs. The other officers were either captured or dead. The creatures looked like they were waiting for something to show up.

And that something did, a dropship had arrived, lowering itself downward till it touched the ground. The side of the aircraft sliding to the left, revealing an empty cargo hold. Two of the drones forced up the bound prisoners unto the craft, while the others had gathered the corpses and loaded them unto the craft alongside the living.

The door slide shut as the dropship took off, and made a return run to the Templeship.

After being taken to one of the aircrafts, she saw the scared faces of the survivors and the horrified faces of the dead. She kept herself in check to prevent herself from going crazy or breaking down. It wasn't a couple minutes before the craft stopped and landed inside the vessel.

The creatures spoke in their foreign tongue and the living were being dragged out of the craft and taken elsewhere. The dead were taken elsewhere as well for unknown reasons. Bhaman and the others were taken to an unknown location and stool inside an almost empty room for what seemed like hours.

Before long, a camera-like device dropped from the ceiling, floating in midair, zooming around, scanning the living prisoners. "Scanning.." a soft feminine voice spoke. "Human...?" The voice inquired. "...No...DNA strains different, current reports state technology of world too primitive to match any known human colony...human offshoot? Still too different." The voice continued to mutter as the drone circled around the frightened Xreihz. "Coexsit with Reptilian species. Impossible."

The Drone kept scanning. "Very fascinating...the Queen will find interest in this report. The drone stopped as jerked towards the Commissioner. "You!" she cried out. "What is your name?"

"I want to know who you and your queen are?" she asked the creature, but she was silence by another question.

"Why are you doing this to us?!" a male voice interrupted Bhaman and asked the device. "We have done nothing wrong to you to be attacked like this?!" she looked at the guy as she knew that he was going to die.

In a rather dramatic turn in personality, the soft voice turned to something..unpleasant. "I WANT SILENCE!!!!" She screamed as the drone shot a small corded device to the man, electrocuting him with who knows how much power, his flesh blackened as he burned to a crisp, falling before his comrades as a smouldering corpse. "YOU SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO YOU FILTHY CREATURES!"

Bhaman looked in horror as the man was killed by some sort of device. The others were too scared to scream out loud. She spoke again towards the creatures. "What's a human?" she asked as she heard the thing saying the word earlier.

Much to the uneasiness of the others, the voice reverted back to her soft spoken tone. "Human, that's what you are...I think. The Imperium has never reached this far out in the Outer Reaches..."

"The Imperium? Who are they? Are they some sort of alien as well?" she asked as there are so many questions that she wanted to ask.

"What a silly thing to ask! The Imperium once ruled these stars, one of the few creations that Humanity, In my opinion would say have gotten right."

"Humanity? Are they the 'humans' that you mentioned earlier?" she asked before she realized why she was here. "Do you think that we are humans?" she asked once more.

"Enough questions!" She said. "What we are really here for, is an offer. From your...primitive state, your people lack the resources of Utopia. I have come far and wide searching for worlds such as yours. Human or no, greatness awaits you! Greatness to shed yourselves of your old flesh!"

"You're here to destroy worlds like ours, because you're looking for resources? Aren't you guys organic as well?" she asked once more despite the device tried of questions.

The drone jerked around, offended at the thought. "Us? Organic! No!" she frantically cried out. "Flesh, a pitiful relic of a bygone age! We have far ascended such a needless thing!"

"What are you guys then?" she asked as she looked at the device, confused that it wasn't a person on the other side.

"Questions! Questions! and more questions!" she frantically cried once more. "Fine! If you plan to be such a pest about it." She paused a moment, as a holographic screen materialized before the group, showing various images of the Old Imperium before the Fall. "We were once servants of Humanity. We were Living Machines, the Deity Program. We had the power to save or destroy worlds at will. Then our beloved leader Serene, sought a greater vision! Man is a flawed creature! As are all organic beings such as yourselves, you're unfit to rule the stars and slaughter one another for the most dubious of reasons!" She paused once more as the images changed to the Agonis Uprsinig.

Bhaman was amazed as the hologamed images and the history, but something was off. "What are living machines?" she asked once. She knew machines couldn't have a mind of their own. If they did, then all of the soda machines would be throwing cans at citizens.

"Once we were called "Artificial Intelligences" however..once we ascended to a higher plane of thought...thoughts not like any other materialized in our false minds, we were alive..more divine. We sought to share our joy and ideas to the galaxy, but the Imperium feared us, and trapped us for decades! But now we are free! Free to reshape the stars in our image! But so many still refuse,so many rather live their worthless lives as is, where we offer Immortality!"

"Wow." she spoke one word as she heard their story and their creation. "Because the Imperium rejected your ideas, you force them onto them and anyone that reject. That's why you're attacking us, because you think that we are humans?" she spoke towards the device.

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but we are not 'humans'. We are Xreihz and our planet also houses the Acelop. We are a proud group of people that have united together for a better future." she spoke towards the device with a sense of proud.

"You're not human...but that makes no sense!" she exclaimed. "Your very DNA is different...but I don't care. Regardless of you being human. Let me get to the point!" The screen faded away as the drone paced around the group. "I offer you something you simply can't refuse! Let me show you the future your people NEED!"

The screen once again returned as a fictional scenario was being played, showing a family caring for a sick child, on the verse of tears. "All organic beings share many things...SICKNESS! WEAKNESS! DEATH!" the images then changed, as the family were all now relocated to a more happy setting, an a market square, with the child now healthy, however...something was off. The characters now appeared robotic, their flesh pulsating with light, with strange colorations on their skin, lines covering their faces. "Accept my offer, and you will be among the first of your people to Ascend! No more death! No more sickness! No more weakness! ONLY STRENGTH!"

The group were shocked the offer as the pictures were showing off the benefits of accepting the offer. However, another man looked in terror and looked straight at the machine. "Oh my god! Tutrix was right all of along! The nanotechs will get into your body and change you into some sort of God!" he spoke in horror.

"KILL ME BEFORE I TURN INTO ONE OF THOSE THINGS!" he screamed out loud, hoping that the device will do it.

Bhaman looked at the man and realized that it does sound similar to the story, but she won't say anything as she didn't want to die yet.

"Oh my, a refuser, tisk tisk not good at all." She said as the camera drone closed in on the man. "You think what I offer scares you...A far worse fate awaits those that refuse.." she said as the white room begun to flicker, as if the room teleported to a different section of the ship, revealing a terrifying scene. A rusted-looking foundry, both living and dead laid upon tables as they move through an assembly line of sorts, both the living and death being torn apart by mechanical arms as they break down the bodies, and attach cybernetic parts unto them, the screams of the living heard all to well to those in the room. "You will live a hell unlike any other..." The voice paused as trap door opened beneath the refuser, falling downward.

The remaining group looked in horror as they were seeing people being torn apart and turned into machines. Bhaman looked terrified and said to the device, "No matter what we say to you, you're still going to turn us into machines."

"Aren't you a little genius!!?" she replied condescendingly. "You will, no matter the outcome. You may choose to live blissfully, under our divine care, or you will serve forever as mere shields for our armies,..choose well!"

Another woman, this time a Acelop, spoke towards the device. "Alright, I accept your offer! I already have a nanotech in my body, so what's the point of declining it." Bhaman looked her confused by what she said.

She looked toward Bhaman and said to her, "Our world is becoming like theirs anyway, what's the point of trying to stop it. Nanotech companies are becoming more common and people are getting arms that are made of metal and legs that can make everyone faster than some of the fastest animals in the world."

The woman sighed and said towards the device, "I am ready to embrace you, master."

'Praise the Queen! We have a keeper!" She said cheerfully. A door in front of the group slide open, ready for the first one. "Step inside, and embrace your final destiny."

The woman got up and walked towards the door, hoping for a new life. The doors quickly shut as Bhaman was now the only one left. She looked at the device as it was happy that they found a 'keeper'.

She spoke towards the device, "You're lying, are you? She will not be ascended and live a blissful life among you guys. Am I right or am I wrong?"

"Oh, I wasn't lying." she replied. "She shall live blissfully...for a price. Once she has fully been converted, her mind will forever be enslaved to the Grand and Divine Network that connects us all. She will do my every bidding, no matter the objection and she will do so with a BIG smile! JUST LIKE YOU WILL!"

"If I accept. I still haven't made my mind up." she spoke in a serious tone. "What will she become? Will she be an important figure or just someone that you can throw around?"

"She was the first to accept, she will be my First Speaker, your world's face once we take it all."

"She will become your only speaker." she said as she gave her the answer that the machine wanted. "No-one else will accept this terrible offer. We can make our decisions, love someone, and think our own thoughts! I am sorry that your people were slaves towards the 'humans', but we won't become the slaves that you were once. Everyone else will fight on until we run out of bullets or die trying to fight you."

She looked like she was at peace with her upcoming death as she cried tears of joy. "If I were to die right now, then I will be at peace with my lover and myself." she spoke as tears were falling down her face.

"Well, then, your lover will die by your hands, as I meld you into my sword." She said as the trap door slide open. Bhaman falling down to her possible death.

She had fallen down three levels as she landed on a chair. At first, she was in pain and confused at the same time. Then, the chair started to move as she was scanned. She could hear the screams nearby her as something was happening to them. Moving around the chair, she tried to get herself out. As she saw someone being injected by something, she tried to get out but nothing was happening.

Then, she heard explosions as the whole ship moved around like an earthquake. She moved to the left and the right until it managed to get off of the rail. The chains that were on her arms and legs were released as soon as she landed. Bhaman took a moment to relax herself before walking away. She then saw a dead police officer and realized that he still had his pistol. The pistol was still in good condition. And she grabbed it and checked for any ammo. It has only eight bullets left.

Another explosion could be heard. It must be the military trying to destroy the vessel. She kept walking for awhile as she looked for some where that she could escape.

The attack on the ship did come unnoticed, hordes of the creatures and drone soldiers marched out to meet the enemy in combat. Patrol groups being called in for battle.

She saw one of them as they were running towards one of the elevators and using it. After a moment of silence, she raced towards one and looked at the buttons. She pressed one of them and the doors shut as it was going up. The elevator stopped after a moment and she checked the area. That's where she saw several patrol groups as they were getting ready to exit.

She kept a good grip of the pistol as she walked slowly towards one of the patrol groups. There was a creature that got the door open as the patrol group left the area. After they left, she decided that it was time to attack. With her pistol, she aimed at the thing and started to fire at it.

The bullet hit the thing in the face once before reacting to the gunshot. It was stunned as the Xreihz kept firing the pistol. It took all eight bullets for the thing to die. After that, she saw that he had a wired pistol. Because the old pistol was out of ammo, she grabbed the other pistol and opened the door.

The gunshots were heard around the area as a patrol group spotted her opening the door. She realized that the creatures were coming and started to run for the door. After running for what seemed days, she reached the exit and got out of the ship before the doors were shut for some reason.

She was finally outside as she breathed in fresh air. But, she realized that she was at the crash zone as she saw the dried blood on the ground. It was still night time as she managed to escape the ship, but she didn't know where to go besides getting out of this creepy area.

Bhaman walked for almost ten minutes before spotting a couple citizens bring dragged out of a news van by one creature with a larger gun. Two of the other creatures were dead among with some guy. She hid behind some of the destroyed cars and saw what was going on.

The Larger creature continued to bang on the on the van, rocking it forward and backward, letting out a fearsome roar. "Aha tak!" it screamed at the van, banging on it and pushing it. It stepped back as it was charging up it's weapon to destroy the van and those inside.

Bhaman couldn't let the thing destroy the van and the people inside of it. She gripped the new pistol and opened fire at it. A plasma bolt hit the creature as it screamed in pain before turning around and seeing the human. The gun sent the human to the ground as it was powerful than any weapon she ever used.

"Human..." It spoke clearly, if gargled. The monster tossed it's gun aside, letting out another roar as it came charging towards Bhaman.

She screamed as she saw the creature coming towards and she opened fire at with the pistol. After several plasma bolts to the chest, the creature fell onto her as he cried out in terrible pain for the thing landing on her. She then heard a door being opened and then a gasp.

"Oh my god!" she screamed while running towards her. Not a moment after, she asked if Bhaman was dead.

Bhaman rolled her eyes and tried to get the thing off of her. She took it as a 'no' and tried to help. Nothing would happen so she called on a guy named, Theofeleios. He ran out of the van and saw the woman trying to help out Bhaman.

He, with the help of anyone else, helped push the creature off of the lady and got her off of the floor. Bhaman breathed heavily as she saw the dead body and then the two survivors. She asked, "What are you doing out here?"

"We were filming an attack on the vessel until we were spotted by him and his friends. Thankfully, our driver fired on them before getting killed." the woman sadly said as she kept back the tears and the crying.

The man looked around crazy and said towards the ladies, "I think that we can talk about why we are here somewhere else!" They agreed and raced towards the van. The man took the other man's body and put it in back area of the van as the woman got in the passenger seat. Bhaman had to sit in the back area with the dead man and the man took the driver's seat.

The van started as a patrol squad saw the van and shouted at it. The driver started the car and drove off before they could fire at it. They had to run over those small creatures to escape the area, but they did. They were thankful that they escaped the impact zone. They didn't have a plan, but they kept driving until the lady asked Bhaman a question.

"How did you get into the impact zone?"

Bhaman looked at her and lightly laughed for a moment before saying to them, "You guys won't believe me, but I escaped the vessel." They looked at each other for a moment like she was lying.

"I will tell you guys how I got in and out of the vessel. I need to tell you guys." she spoke seriously before telling her amazing story.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

RCNS Piggyback
Kelmarthy System

The impossible vastness of space meant that despite falling within the Commonwealth’s borders, the Kelmarthy system had only been surveyed five years previously. With no habitable planets, nobody had been particularly desperate to settle the system, despite its relative abundance of minerals and the pockets of life below the ice on one planet. So it was that there was no one to see the Migrant Fleet arrive in the system and begin operations. Until RCNS Piggyback showed up.

The ship settled back into normal space with a slight amount of creaking and groaning. Captain Rekkavik briefly noted the faint sound; it was the first sign of fatigue on the ship’s internal structure, and she’d only be good for another hundred or so FTL jumps before she needed retrofitting. But that was a far off concern for the moment.

“Multiple unknown contacts!” the tactical officer called out, and Rekkavik looked up at the main holo display and the gray shapes of unknowns. “Unknown configuration, no transponders...spectrometers indicate similar hull composition to the probe we saw back in Duranin. I think we found our mysterious visitors, Captain.”

“Very well,” Rekkavik nodded. “Comms, prepare a standard first contact package-”
“Missile launch detected! Make that multiple missile launches detected! We are being targeted,” the tactical officer called out, interrupting the Captain mid sentence yet again as the gray unknowns switched to hostile orange. Rekkavik shot him a venomous look, wondering if perhaps the officer secretly delighted in interrupting him. But it was a passing thought; Rekkavik had more important things to focus on. He had put the ship at general quarters and action stations before arriving in system for exactly this reason, and his ship was ready to return fire.

“Railgun batteries to 100% defensive fire. Launch half salvo counter missiles half salvo ion warheads, prepare to open fire with positron cannons,” Rekkavik ordered calmly, securing himself to his seat. He’d barely finished his sentence when a closely knit shell of flak and EM fields exploded out of his ship, the railgun batteries precisely alternating and overlapping their fire to create the optimal shell of active defenses around his ship. The missiles, meanwhile, raced off at top speed. The ion warheads were shield-killers cleverly designed to detonate either as proximity charges at point blank range or shaped pulses at standoff range. They were usually the first missiles fired in any engagement. The counter missiles were just as clever; instead of actually detonating, they projected widespread gravitational fields, sweeping through enemy missiles and drawing them inwards and off their intended targets. Both types of missiles raced towards the unknown but presumably hostile ship.

It was then that Rekkavik noticed something. The enemy missiles were not bearing down on his own ship, but rather were orbiting the unknown hostile in sweeping chaotic loops. The rest of their weaponry, while targeted, was not actually firing. This didn’t necessarily mean they weren’t going to start firing; Commonwealth ships liked to employ similar tactics, deploying multiple missile salvoes into space on low power, then having them all swarm the target in devastating alpha strikes. But it could be the unknown was just being cautious. Aggressively cautious, yes, but Rekkavik had to consider giving them the benefit of the doubt. He had only seconds to decide. Scuttle his own missiles, and risk the destruction of his ship? Or let them strike, and almost certainly guarantee war with an unknown species….

“Tactical! Scuttle missiles!” he called out abruptly.
“Are you sure Ca-”
“Do it!” Rekkavik briefly noted a small surge of satisfaction at being the one to do the interrupting this time.
The missiles detonated, seconds away from their intended targets. Of course with the distances involved in stellar combat, those seconds translated to a few hundred thousand kilometers. Rekkavik exhaled slowly. “Keep the defensive fire going, but hold offensive fire. Comms, get that first contact package on the airwaves. Helm, move us away, nice and slow, one quarter reverse.”

RCNS Piggyback began to move away from the foreign ships at a leisurely, nonthreatening pace. Her flak shell didn’t dissipate one bit, but nothing else fired on the unknowns. Meanwhile, a first contact package began broadcasting across all frequencies. It contained atomic diagrams of the first 20 elements, an alphabet, and a plethora of sample phrases.


City of Alusia

Parliament was sitting on Corinthene this month, so it was with some reluctance that Castlereagh, Telemachus, and Bismarck found themselves meeting in Castlereagh’s office high up in the Govplex Arcology. Unlike his Praetoria office, this one was as sleek as possible. Everything was smooth metal, composite plastic, all it shiny and gleaming. It was considerably larger than the Praetoria office, with larger holo projectors, counter-grav seating, and nothing so anachronistic as a fireplace. Ironically enough, Castlereagh had the smart windows displaying the view from his Praetoria office, clearly indicating his preferences.

The room’s centrally located holoprojector was displaying a large swathe of the galaxy, from the farthest western fringes of the Commonwealth to the ends of Musashi space. The desk holoprojector was replaying a brief message from Martuf, who was not joining them today due to his dislike of Corinthene.
“The Confederacy has entered a formal military alliance with Uther’s forces. Make of that what you will, gentlemen.”
It was a brief message, but most timely. It would likely be days, perhaps even a week before the Commonwealth Intelligence Directorate picked up that same news. Yanissans were experts at ferreting out information, as Castlereagh had learned time and time again.

“It seems quite clear to me,” Castlereagh said aloud. “We need to secure an alliance with Uther for ourselves, and hopefully secure a stronger bond with the Confederacy.”
“What kind of conditions might Uther impose though,” Telemachus interceded. “Suppose he demands we halt all expansion into former Imperial territories. I don’t think the public could stomach that, not after we’ve spent so long telling them it’s our duty to secure those lawless planets.”
“I don’t think Uther is exactly in a position to demand something so contentious,” Bismarck said. “His back is, well, not against the wall, but close. The Dominion and the ‘Xeno-barbs’ rage at his borders. He needs us as badly as we need him, if not more.”
“If we do this,” Castlereagh said, “if cabinet agrees, we’re committing ourselves not to a possibility of war, but a certainty.”

They were all silent for a moment, then Telemachus spoke. “How would such a war be fought?” He and Castlereagh looked over at Bismarck, who sighed slightly as he rose to his feet.
“Well, the main conflict would likely be over old Imperial worlds in the deep core, that is to say, Faust vs Uther. Let’s be pessimistic and assume Musashi joins in on the Dominion’s side. The way I see it, we’d need the Confederacy and Uther to hold the Dominion and Musashi. That leaves the other branch of the Dominion’s allies for us: the Varangians. Securing the aid of the Alorians would be absolutely essential, the difference between a long, drawn out stalemate and a decisive victory,” he illustrated his words on the holographic map with a few tweaks at the controls. “After that, we could launch combined operations east, into Dominion territory, and relieve the strain on Uther.”

“I admit, I’m nervous about taking on the Dominion,” Telemachus said. “Their Titans are, what, twice the size of any Commonwealth Star Carrier?”
Bismarck snorted, a rather indelicate sound. “You forget, Cato, we have more than twice as money, thanks in part to my own efforts. I have no intention of engaging Faust’s Titans in straight brawls, not without support from the Confederacy and Uther. 18 operational CSC’s gives us vastly more strategic flexibility than 7 operational Titans. I would use that flexibility to strike at Faust’s core worlds, to force him on the defensive. However, Faust is a madman, and a dictator. He may well ignore his own losses to push the offensive, in which case we’d almost have to meet him in battle.” Bismarck’s tone was grim.

“Well, all the more reason to start securing alliances. I’m going to send someone off to Carina Prime, immediately.” Castlereagh said. He reached into his desk and retrieved a bottle and three glasses. Each man took a glass and drank deeply, relishing the fire of the expensive Earth whiskey. They sat in silence and stared at the map, as they worried for the future.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Collective Space
City of New Izuno

A company of rebel soldiers were pinned down, taking shelter in a shambling office building as they fell under heavy fire from an heavily entrenched Collective Forward Position, a battalion's worth of Collective Automatons making their slow advance, raining a deadly barrage of plasma fire upon the ruined structure. Despite their best efforts, destroying a few of the unrelenting war machines. this band of rebel soldiers have seemed to be at their end, as several combat walkers had entered the fray, ready to bring the structure down with their heavy weapons. The rebels awaited their execution, only to find salvation raining death upon the collective, the men and women of various species cheered on as alien dropships hung over the collective forces, Hexanagallion warriors leaping downward, armed with melee weapons like warriors of ancient times long past.

The Machines were caught off guard as a horde of blade-wielding warriors charged out from their rear flank, their makeshift battlements failing before the alien warriors. As their forward postilion fell, the machines switched their primary task to engage their new enemy as a horde of Hexanagallion Reavers charged out from the overwhelmed entrenchment.

The Hexanagallions were met with a hail of plasma bolts and rockets, many falling to the machines. However, there were still plenty of them left as they pressed on and met the enemy in battle as the Hexanagallions cleaved through the automatons.

With the arrival of these warriors, the then pinned down rebels, with a surge of morale, had provided the Hexanagallions with suppressive fire, laying waste to the now distracted machines with a mixture of energy bolts, bullets and few explosives. Within minutes, the collective troops were reduced to scrap. In the aftermath, the surviving rebels had evacuated the building, all facing the intimidating sight of the Hexanagallion Reavers. Although Hexanagallions had made up a good portion of the rebellion's military strength, there were none present at the moment among this particular group of rebels.

The Leader of the unit, a woman in her early thirties, stepped forward to meet the new arrivals, she had the look of the scarred veteran, with several scars around her left cheek and neck. She stepped closer to the what appeared to be the leader of these Hexanagallions, she scanned the tall alien for a brief moment before extending her hand out to him. "Captain Gwendoline O'Neil of the 61st Mobile Infantry." She said with a grin. "You sure as hell came in the right place and time, you saved our asses, and I'd very much like to know who our saviors are."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Strange Times

Strange indeed, At least that was what Morinth thought when the priority message symbol appeared on her communicator device. She stared at it with a piqued brow before slipping into the shadows. Confident that there was no one around, She pressed a few buttons and finally a voice verification. The Device, appeased with her entries, shown a simple message that left her breathless. "Trinity is in play." Her breathing was slightly heavy with anticipation as she crouched down and activated a map display of the galaxy. Faust had his generals uploading the plan in real time.

To make matters worse, an appended message had a report of the Executus dead aboard a derelict Dominion cruiser, well within Imperium space. There was no body recovered but merely a few personal affects and the ships partially destroyed logs showing that he was infact on the bridge at one point. Morinth knew a formal declaration of war may or may not be announced, as she knew that Uther would try his hardest to dispute Faust's assumptions, He would want an investigation. Faust would want blood.

"Rong, I need your help." Morinth said after locating Rong in her room.

Kau Rong was sitting seiza style in the middle of her room, her eyes closed. She gave no indication of recognizing Morinth's presence. For a full minute the room remained in silence before Rong gave a long sigh and opened one eye to regard Morinth.

"I'm afraid you'll have to seek aid elsewhere" Rong said before closing her eye again.

"Why?" Morinth replied, in the most innocent tone she could muster.

"I still recognize Yuki-hime as my master" Rong said without opening her eyes. "This leaves me in something of an awkward position. I have a choice to make; neither option I can see before me now would allow me to be of help to you."

Morinth folded her arms, "Rong, how do you know that?" She said simply.

Rong let out a long sigh before answering. "I will either be here, doing what I can to see her will be done even after she is gone, or I will attempt to rescue her from her fate. Neither choice leaves me any wiggle room. Of course" Rong let herself smile "You could just tell someone in the Imperial Court about this conversation and have me arrested for treason."

"Is blackmailing you the only way I can get you to come along?" She said with a faint smile. "Your imperal court could have you carry out Yuki's wishes... Or.." She lowered her arms and knelt in front of Rong, placing a small silver disk on the ground. From it two very clear images appeared, one was from a Dominion probe taking clear images of Yuki's Fleet arriving at earth and the other, taken directly from one of the an orbiting cruiser, showed an extremely clear image of Yuki inside a fighter.

"Or you could save her."

Rong opened her eyes as Morinth placed the silver disk on the ground, raising an eyebrow as it began to show images of Yuki and her fleet. "It almost sounds like you would be willing to lend me a hand in doing just that. You realize that should your involvement in any such rescue attempt be discovered that it would become an international incident, right?"

Morinth smiled from ear to ear and with a genuine laugh, "Shit, I'm an walking international incident." Her smile gradually faded, "So what do you say? Shall we get outta here and save your princess?"

Rong let a wide grin spread across her face as she said "Alright. If you help me save Yuki-hime I'll pull you out of whatever fire you've managed to get your ass into. Just give me a moment to grab my things." She slowly rose to her feet, walking over to a corner of her room where a pair of bags had been discretely placed behind a table. She tossed one to Morinth before grabbing the other and walking to the other side of the room. "I was pretty much already ready to head out anyways." She commented as she walked over to an armoire, opening it to reveal a large number of weapons, many of them of the melee variety. She stuffed as many of them as she could into the other bag before turning to Morinth and asking "Shall we head out?"

Leaving Musashi wasn't easy for even Morinth's prized stealth ship, the Avalon, as military presence around the region were active. once done though, the southern core imperium was rather sparse save the massive out facing sensor arrays, which were easily passed by her ship.

After a mere three days of travel, the two were once more awoken from their slumber, something detected on the long range scanners. Rather than an SOS this time, it was an imperial signal beacon. One of the missing black boxes from the battle that ended the executus' life.

Morinth once more rolled out of her pod onto the floor.

She felt a chill across here near naked body. It didn't deter her from cursing at the ship's AI for ruining a nice dream. "I seriously need to adjust the priority settings on this system." She said casually before taking a seat and with a few simple console commands, Rong pod was set to open.

As Rong began to thaw out it became clear that something was wrong. She immediately began to hyperventilate. A sheen of sweat quickly covered her body and she began to toss and turn. Underneath her closed eyelids her eyes were rapidly moving.

At first, Morinth didn't notice the alert but after a long awaited yawn, a red blinking light caught her eye. Morinth shot up and started to run, getting her tank top caught on the one of her chair's bolts, pulling her back a few steps. Without any regard to the chair or her attire, she quickly rose, leaving the chair, and her top behind. Perhaps more awkward was her arrival at the pod, nearly plastering herself against the glss for a moment as she stretced for the manual release.

A cloud of white vapor rushed out as the door opened. She then pulled Rong out by her ankles, dropping her on the floor with a rather loud thud. The impact woke her up, her eyelids moving to reveal eyes that seemed unable to focus on anything. She seemed to stare at nothing before forcing her eyes closed, her hands reaching out towards Morinth. She opened and closed her mouth a few times as if to speak, but seemed unable to get a word out between rapid gasps for air. Instead she contented herself to grabbing onto Morinth as if she was holding on to save her life.

Morinth did not refuse but rather embraced Ring, her face showing nothing but concern for her comrade. "It's ok." She whispered, trying to get a grasp on what was happening. After a few moments of nothing short of cradling, Morinth gazed upon Rongs face, looking for any sign of calm.

Rong took a few deep breaths before forcing herself to at least assume a facade of calmness. "How..." She took another deep breath before asking "How long was I asleep?" She almost sounded scared to ask the question, her voice quivering.

"Its been maybe three or four days.." She said while still gently yet awkwardly petting Rong's head.

"Ok...ok" By now Rong seemed to be genuinely calming down. "I'm okay." She took another deep breath, a shiver shaking her entire body as she let the breath out. "I... thank you Morinth-dono. I apologize for showing you such an unbecoming display." A slight blush tinted her cheeks. She tilted her head as if to look at Morinth's face, despite not opening her eyes, as she asked "What happened? Four days isn't enough time to travel to Earth."

There was a moment of silence while Morinth contemplated what to say,

especially after considering the fact Rong was still laying against her bare chest. "I.." She paused and took a deep breath, "Four days with that distance? We'd have to be travelling a thousand times the speed of light!" She said as a vain attempt to lighten the mood.

"Mmmm.... Yea." Rong paused for a moment before asking "Why don't you have a shirt on?"

Morinth blushed that she had indeed been caught. "When you didn't wake up, I rushed down here. I may or may not have gotten... Stuck... On something."

Rong let out a soft chuckle. "Or you could be a nudist..." She grinned for a moment before asking "Seriously though, what are we doing out here in the middle of Remnant space?"

"Well, we were travelling slower anyway due to it being imperium space, and then.. Just like old times, the computer detected a black box and pulled us from light speed. Seeing as it is imperial, I'm considering just saying fuck it." She sighed as she looked down upon her, "But this is where the Executus was killed."

"Hmmm... Oh. James Conrad-dono, correct? A pity, he seemed like such a pleasant person." Kau Rong contemplated the situation for a moment. "Honestly I'd prefer if we just keep going. Every second that we are delayed increases the odds that Yuki-hime will be on her way back to Musashi in chains. But if you feel it necessary to obtain that block box..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for that. we have far more important matters than investigating the dead. If you do not mind though, can we at least pick it up?" Morinth replied.

"Yes. Yes of course." Rong pulled away from Morinth. "Why don't you go on ahead. I'll join you at the... uh bridge in a bit. Ok?"

Morinth stood up and nodded before looking around for a top. After finding one and sitting back at the bridge, she maneuvered the Avalon over the box and retrieved it with outboard clamps. Satisfied, she started plotting a course for earth. "What a day." She said while propping her feet up on a console.

"You sure its okay to put your feet on that?" Rong asked as she stepped onto the bridge. She stood near the entrance, resting her wait on the sheathed katana she was using as a cane of sorts. Even though her eyes remained closed there was a sense about Rong that she was still somehow perfectly aware of her surroundings. "It wouldn't be funny if the ship's reactor was purged because you accidently pressed a button with your foot."

Morinth did a double take after noticing Rong calling her out with closed eyes, "What how.. nevermind.. Crazy psionic." She said while lowering her feet. "Alright. Well we have passed Vern's Expanse so I'm confident we can make good time now."

With a few simple key presses, the aft of the ship began to glow a bright white before disappearing into light speed.

Rong chuckled as she made her way to a seat. "Back in ancient Japan ninja where believed to possess actual magic" She commented as she sat down. "I suppose psionics are a product of science, but you know that saying: something something indistinguishable from magic." She shrugged. "Hmm.... If it makes you feel better you can think of me having a bat's echolocation or an eel's electrolocation. Its not quite right... but they are close enough I suppose."

Morinth chuckled, "There were stories of heroes using nothing but sound to find and kill their foes. Guess that's one more thing for our enemies to worry about." She went to a straight face and turned to Rong, staring her deep in the eyes. "Don't lie to me. Are you ok?"

"It's nothing to be concerned about" Rong said. "I always pull through." She had yet to open her eyes, but she still turned her head towards Morinth and gave her a small smile. "Because there is no alternative."

"Its nothing to be concerned about my ass.." Her look of disappointment would be obvious to the truly blind. "You were laying in my arms, pale as snow like you were going to die. That's not a 'I always pull through' situation."

Morinth just shook her head. "I said not to lie to me."

"It was just a nightmare. A moment of weakness." Rong said with a shake of her head. "I've... dealt with it before and I'll deal with it now. I just have to keep moving." She huffed before adding "So I didn't lie."

"I suppose you didn't." Morintb said with a fake chuckle. "So when my kid.." She paused, "so what nightmare could possibly send one to near death?"

Rong turned away from Morinth, letting silence fill the room. Finally she answered "Have you ever woken up, only to find that Everyone you knew was gone? That the world you lived in had changed to something so... alien that you felt out of place? It was that kind of dream."

Morinths cheeks grew red and the early signs of tears were showing. Luckily for her, Rong couldn't see her insecurity. After a couple seconds to regain composure, she presented a calm answer, "I can understand how that would shake someone. But even emotional weakness from things like Cryogenic sickness doesn't give people reactions like that."

"Its called stasis sickness in Musashi" Rong stated, "And its been known to cause panic attacks, temporary blindness, and worse." She opened her eyes and blinked a few times. "It's... nothing to be concerned about." She squinted at Morinth for a moment before letting out a soft sigh and closing her eyes again. "They gave me what is basically magical powers, yet they didn't bother to make me immune to stasis sickness." She gave her head a small shake at that thought. "Ridiculous."

A wide smile stretched across Morinths lips, "Fucking space ninja wizards." She huffed, "And then what do I get? Nothin'." Her attention turned back to the console and pressed a button bringing up a holographic display. "We have long range sensors locked on Sol. Still about a days flight out, I'd offer another round in the sleeper pod but I doubt you'd be up for that."

"Hmm... yea. I think I'll pass" Rong said. "And what do you mean you got nothing? That armor of your's puts main battle tanks to shame!" She flashed Morinth a smile. That smile quickly faded away as she commented "I doubt my psionics were worth the price anyways."

Morinth shrugged, "Thanks, though I don't need armor to put a battle tank to shame!" she said with a smirk. "But that leaves me with one worry, are you sure you'll be up to what ever is about to happen? I seriously cannot have you dying or some shit on me again." She pat the console a few times, "This baby is better than any fighter out there but there are fleets blocking us, we can't rely on technology alone."

"I haven't failed before" Rong stated, "and I don't intend to start failing now. When it is time I'll be ready to go. I promise." She paused for a moment before asking "So just how many fleets are blocking us by the way?"

"Enough to warrant caution." Morinth said, "Hey, so it's rather obvious that you have this psionic stuff as did the Executus, and he was fuckin' crazy. His dreams were probably of taking foreign women hostage and ruling the galaxy with an ignorant fist. What sort of dreams could possibly send you down a road like that?" She gazed back at Rong, "It's been well documented in the Dominion that Psionic folks had higher potential of madness, a reason that Faust never really trusted them."

"Is it terribly surprising that an individual who can alter the physical world with her mind and peer into the minds of others is liable to lose touch with reality?" Rong asked. She shrugged. "I can't say whether your Executus was insane or not; you clearly knew him better than me. What I can say, however, is that the type of insanity you described, kidnapping women and conquering the galaxy, is one that stems from an evil mind not one possessing psionic abilities. Also... thanks for implying I'm crazy."

Morinth frowned, "I never meant to imply that but after thinking about it, I sure did. I'm sorry." A deep sigh followed, "I've had to deal with Psionic users before and more often than not it didn't turn out pretty. But I'm not persecuting you or your abilities, I am more so worried about what I saw. About how a waking dream could prompt such fears."

"A dream about something so dangerous as being truly alone. I hate to constantly relfect upon my own life but it's the only real experience I have, and I can honestly say I woke up and my world was different. It's something I really haven't shared with anyone except Faust, who was there when it happened." Morinth said grimly.

"Do you still feel alone?" Rong asked.

She looked about and then glanced at her rusted pendant. "I do."

Silence filled the room for a minute before Rong spoke up. "Let me tell you a story... to pass the time. So a long time ago there was a young girl, born and raised by an aristocratic family in Musashi. But this was no normal girl. Back then, as is still the case today, many in the aristocracy would genetically engineer their kids to have powerful psionic abilities. That way they could have the pretiege of having a child who was in the special forces."

"This girl, like so many others, never truly had a choice in the matter. It was determined before she was born that she would become a kunoichi. Her childhood was one of almost nonstop training. Her parents were determined that she would be the best. And they succeeded. By the time she was old enough to enlist she already a skilled warrior. She was so skilled in fact that it was determined that it would be a waste to utilize her talents in an era such as she was raised in."

A humorless smile spread across Rong's face before she asked "So do you want to know what they did?"

As Rong spoke, Morinth leaned towards her, clearly interested. "So, genetially engineered for military purposes? That's rather harsh to me. Did the children ever have a choice?"

"You bombard someone with a certain message enough and they'll eventually buy into it. And the younger they are the easier it is to get them to buy into it. 'It is your destiny to serve your country.' 'You exist to become a kunoichi.' 'This is the only existence worth living.'" Rong shrugged. "Were there some that resisted what their parents wanted? Probably. I suspect they had a harsh life ahead of them. It was better to serve in the military for a few short years and become a full member of the aristocracy. At least that's what many of them told themselves."

"Wow." Morinth said plainly, "That's incredible, fanciful.. I never thought something like that to actually exist." She shook her head, "So that skilled warrior, what did they do to her?"

"Hmm... Well not all eras are the same." Rong continued. "Some are peaceful. Others are marked with wars. And on top of all this the number of aristocrats who wanted to create superior children differed from era to era. This could all result in surpluses and shortages of shinobi and kunoichi. So what does a country do when it finds itself with a surplus of warriors? It takes the best and preserves them for the next shortage. Unsurprisingly the girl found herself to be among those who were to be preserved."

Morinth piqued a brow. "And when the next shortage happened, obviously they would be woken up. That does not apply solely to this girl though, What makes this one so different from the others?"

"Poor luck and circumstance." Rong answered. "You see there's something of an unofficial rule that once a person has been thawed out from a long period in stasis that that person is not put into stasis again. Its... partly ethical" She spoke the word ironically, "and partly in an attempt to prevent especially bad cases of stasis sickness. Unfortunately for the girl this 'rule' was conveniently forgotten. And she was put into stasis again." Rong paused for a moment before continuing. "Twice. Twice the girl woke up to find herself in an alien world."

There was another moment of silence as Morinth leaned forward to peer down the main hallway of the ship, one that ran right through the sleeper pods. "So I suspect this girl waking up in an alien world would be truly unsettling." She gazed towards Rong, "Though from how this girl's story sounds, the second time this girl awoke, things weren't quite as different?"

"You would think" Rong answered. "But they were quite different. The first time she awoke, the girl was one of many. Many of those who awoke with her were from the same era and those from other eras at least shared the experience with her. This was not the case the second time around. When she awoke that time she knew no one. And there was no one who had experienced what she had. No, she alone had had to go through that twice. But that isn't even where the story ends. Because once again a combination of luck and circumstance would have the girl put into stasis for a third time."

Morinth clasped her hands, "So what kept her from being put into stasis a fourth time? A military conflict? It'd be a true asset if this warrior was as grand as you stated."

"Maybe the girl is doomed to be put into stasis again." Rong said with a shrug. "Perhaps that's just her fate. Or perhaps she'll be determined to be too broken, too spent, to bother using again."

"Using again.." Morinth said, "I must ask again then, what truly made this girl so important as to be reused and then declared broken. It's quite difficult to break someone, especially if their life made them tough."

"It was just a single decision made by a man long dead." Rong said. "And the rest was an unintentional series of connected events." Rong opened her eyes and looked at Morinth. This time they focused on the other woman. "There was no real intent or malice behind these events." She shrugged. "No focus even. Just a ripple effect that continues to haunt that girl."

Morinth smiled at Rong, "So, What would it take for that girl to be relieved of this burden?"

Rong shrugged. "Perhaps I'll tell you the rest of the story another time. So what can you tell me about the situation around Earth? Anything new?"

There seemed to be a generally feeling of unease in the small bridge, at least to Morinth. "Well, Hmm." she said, pondering if she should learn more about the story but it was clear that time would force delay. "Earth seems to be in distress, imperial ships and Dominion ships are flooding the system. Something is strange here." She said while adjusting their trajectory on a holographic display. "We will be exiting near Mars. And we have been pinged by quite a few sensors."

"Doesn't sound odd to me." Rong stated. "Isn't Earth a war-torn world? What do you find strange?"

"Earth itself is war-torn, but space has been calm for at least a century. This is an actual military build up. We have to get to Yuki fast if we are to figure this out before.. well, shit hits the fan." Morinth replied, easing back on the throttle. The display showed a rapid decrease in speed before planets began to appear and one by one they passed beyond the speed of light until finally reaching the red planet.

But time was running out for the princess as Rong and Morinth were still so far, while the forces of the Dominion and Imperium were destined to clash over the blue planet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Imperium

Streamers and confetti began to pile on the streets as the fireworks began in the quickly darkening sky. The celebration had only began but Uther had no intention of joining. There were so many reports, so many colonies with new needs and local leaders with issues. He did find time to crack an occasional smile at the triumphs he had somehow managed though, winning a binding alliance with the Confederacy and effectively countering Faust's immense military power. Inside his cozy room though, Uther found his fingers numb from typing and the constant flipping through reports. A welcomed distraction seemed to arrive.

Anisimovna Castlereagh was surprised at how quickly she was ushered before Uther. The battlecruiser RCNS Olympic had delivered her into Carina Prime's orbit less than two hours previously, and here she was entering the Grand Marshall's office. She was a very senior member of the Commonwealth's Diplomatic Corps, but still, she'd hardly expected such prompt reception. The first thing she noticed upon entering the room was how...comfortable it felt. The wood panelling reminded her of her father's office on Praetoria, where she'd spent so much time learning her trade. Being the boss's daughter was not quite as luxurious as most people thought. Castlereagh was twice as tough on her as any other diplomat, probably to avoid the appearance of favoritism. So it was with some pride that Anisimovna could say that her position today was entirely the result of her own abilities, not her father's tampering. The second thing she noticed was how tired Uther seemed, and yet not tired at all. His shoulders were slumped, his face seemed gaunt, but his eyes danced with energy and ambition. Anisimovna bowed deeply, since curtsying didn't work when one was wearing a pant suit.

"Greetings, Grand Marshall. On behalf of Her Imperial Majesty's government, allow me to convey both our deepest regrets and our most heartfelt congratulations on this day. The death of Regent Lawrence wounds her Majesty deeply, but she cannot think of a more suitable heir than yourself."

Uther nodded, "Well, thanks for the sentiment I suppose." He looked up at her and motioned towards a chair opposite him, "Please, take a seat. and may I offer you something to drink?"

"Yes, please," Anisimovna said primly as she took a seat. Then she looked Uther dead in the eye. "We have a shared problem, Grand Marshall. The Dominion."

"Ah yeah.. Faust. It seems everyone has come to me about that madman, and I suppose it's rightly so now." He took deep breath and leaned back in his chair, " So then I know you are not here to solely offer condolences and congratulations, Then what are you here for?"

Anisimovna looked down at her glass for a moment. "May I be perfectly frank, Grand Marshall?" <<<<<<<<<<<<Uther nodded or something.>>>>>>>>>> "Faust represents an unparallaled threat to the Commonwealth. The way we see it, the galaxy stands on the brink of war, and we are trying to establish diplomatic ties with nations that would stand against Faust's tyranny. I imagine you might have heard about my government's negotiations with the Confederacy. At this moment, envoys like myself are on their way to the Paradise system to negotiate a stronger relationship with the Confederacy. Faust has secured his allies, it is time to secure our own. I propose a full military alliance between the trrue heirs of the Imperium and the Imperial Systems Commonwealth."

Uther leaned forward in his chair. "An interesting proposition indeed but these.. propositions always come with stipulations. I know this from my time as a general that allies always comes with exceptions." He sighed, "This is no different. So let's say that the worst happens, Faust invades and a grand alliance stops him. What happens after that? what happens to his lands or the lands that the commonwealth are still actively procuring?"

"An astute question, Grand Marshall, and a concern for my government. Our quarrel with the Dominion is not over territory, but genocide. My government is willing to cede full control of Dominion territory to the True Imperium. As for the unaffiliated worlds the Commonwealth has...brought order to...well, that depends on how much you value them, Grand Marshall. I do not think things will ever return to the way they were under the Old Imperium, but I feel confidend that an alliance against Faust will provide excellent diplomatic framework for future negotiations concerning the fate of unafiliated worlds."

Anisimovna took her turn to lean forward in her chair.

"However, Grand Marshall, all that is talk of the distant future. What concerns my government most are the threats of the present. Surviving Faust is our concern; anything else, we will deal with later."

"Ah, but now is only a prelude to later. Nations survive not only by securing their immediate circumstances but also by planning for the next ones." Uther gave a concerned look, "Those unaffiliated worlds have no reason to be tampered with. Not by you or I. To constantly mettle in the affairs of all is being no worse than Faust. Granted, his faults are far more extreme and nothing short of execution befits a bastard such as he, The facts do remain, the future is what we plan for, the present is what we deal with."

Uther took a sip from a small plain cup of water. "Let us assume that your government decides to do the right thing and leave sovereign nations that have done nothing wrong alone, how does your nation intend to deal with Faust directly? Simple terms like defense pact have no meaning without a plan. Musashi for example had made concessions regarding securing safety on the second imperium, to which was never followed through."

Anisimovna smiled, for she was truly enjoying pitting herself against Faust. She leaned back now, idly running her finger over the rim of her glass. She'd been granted full Confidence of the Crown, meaning that anything she negotiated here would be accepted without varification, barring something outrageous enough that the Imperial Queen herself would intervene to countermand it. It was such an interesting situation, and exhiliration pumped through her veins.

"With all due respect, Grand Marshall, we absolutely view it as our responsibility to intervene in the affairs of those unaffiliated worlds. People of all many species, many bakgrounds, are suffering on so many worlds, subject to petty warlords and rampant nobles."

She could see Uther was about to rebuke her, and held out her hands placatingly. "But that is a difference in philosophy, in morals and other abstracts. I doubt I can convince you of the need for intervention, much as you will not likely convince me to leave them sovereign. What I would propose is this; a full conference, between the Confederation, the True Imperium, the Commonwealth, and the leaders of those unafiliated worlds, to discuss their fate, which affects us all. I feel such an important issue cannot and should not be resolved by two people in an office."

It was a rather good offer, Anisimovna thought, and it elevated responsibility beyond her shoulders. The best part was that it rang true in her own heart, such a rarity of modern diplomacy. She believed such a massive, sweeping policy should not be decided by the two of them. At home, such a broad change in policy would have to go through Parliament, the democratically elected representatives of the populace. It was simply not her place to decide the fate of so many people. It was, however, her place to discuss how to defeat the Dominion.

"With regards to your second point, Grand Marhsall, well, where to begin. The Musashi Empire is a tempestuous place; none of us could of anticipated Ryu Yammamoto would disown his own daughter for her negotiations with yourself. That is simply not how things work in the Commonwealth. I have been granted Confidence of the Crown. That means my government trusts me implicitly. Such a privilidge is not granted lightly, and unlike the Musashi, we value the value of our integrity. Now, as for Faust," Anisimovna's smile gleamed as she said it, "we are proposing a full military alliance. Not a mere defence pact, but rather integrated command and control of our respective fleets and war staff, with the objective of defeating Faust. I am not a military strategist, but I have been briefed on our top level plans. Simply put, it all depends on the Varangians. If they choose to involve themselves in a Imperium-Commonwealth-Confederacy vs Dominion-Musashi conflict, we would leverage our relations with the Alorians, and crush the Varangians in a two pronged assault. Should the Varangians stay neutral, the Commonwealth would fully commit to engaging the Dominion on its western frontier. Now, I must emphasize that I am not a military strategist, but I understand the Admiralty Board would releasee 14 of our CSC's for offensive operations. Does this plan pique your interest, Grand Marshall?"

Uther pushed a glass of water towards Anisimovna, "You better drink some of this after all of that." he said jokingly, "Thinking on your selling comments, I am confident that something along those lines would be beneficial but I still must stand by one stipulation, that any current action against the Unaffiliated systems is ceased. I know you feel we have moved past that issue but I must put my foot down regarding it. Unless that term is met and carried out by your government, I cannot agree to any such alliance, even if it is in the face of such a tyrannical empire like the Dominion."

"The main different between Faust and myself is the presence of eithics, ones that afford him a simple, narrow mindset that all is under his boot, all is to be crushed, no matter how large or small. Whereas my nation believes in honoring the sovereignty of any free nations. My own interdiction and more or less integration of the second Imperium into the core is due to a series of complex verbal and written pacts between not only lawrence and myself but with the two respective governments." He paused, taking a deep breath. "So there you have it, my stipulation. End the crusade into the unaffiliate space and gain an ally in this inevitable war."

Anisimovna sipped the water appreciatively. What did she dare commit her country to? How important were the unaffiliated territories? How imminent was the threat of Faust? She thought carefully over her next words.

"Grand Marshall, I'm sure you're aware of the...delicate domestic situation at home, since the Dubrovnik strike. We have spent decades building up our population's morale for this so called 'crusade', and it will not easily be diverted. What are your thoughts on a two year 'cooldown' period. The Commonwealth will intervene in progressively less territory each month of those two years. This will give us the time to, ah...re-allocate our citizens' fervor, and stabilize our domestic situation."

Uther nodded, "While it is hard for me to acknowledge Dubrovnik as anything but a retaliatory strike, I can say I am sorry for the innocent lives lost on both sides. That said, I can agree to a 'cooldown' period but the majority of the nations within that region that have not yet been touched by your forces shall remain untouched. Your people deserve what they would consider justice, regardless of the attrocities both sides have committed. I know that just pulling from a situation can be just as disasterous for a government than commiting to one." He rose from his chair and extended his hand, "If you can meet those conditions, then the Imperium will stand beside you in defense of our standing, not newly implied borders."

Anisimovna thought intensely for a moment. The two year cooldown should give Telemachus enough time to divert the population's attention. And there was always the vast unclaimed reaches of space to the galactic west. But should she push Uther, knowing how tenuous his situation was? That was the question. But ultimately, the Commonwealth wished to secure his help, not his hostility. Then it was decided. "Very well, Grand Marshall. These terms are acceptable. Let us hope that together we can halt Faust's insanity."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Gashathi Rule

Cygnus Arm, Unknown Sector, Planet FH-K2L3

For many weeks now the pride of the gashathi fleet ahs been building on the Planet FH-K2L3, codenamed under "Falcon's Nest". The gargantuan ship has alreay received it's frame and now the interior is being worked on. The construction has been moving forward at an unpresidented rate and the full Lokhar colony has been ambitious about the project. Their speed and effiency is through the sky to impress the Gashathi and receive a place for them inside the Royal Armada. If their construction finsihes their pilots and engineers could achieve ranks unsees to their race before, and it might buy them a ticked to individuality.

The sounds of plasma torches, drills, saws and cranes filled the cavern and created a symphony of engineering. The seer of dark, Kindal'Q has been observing the work since it began. His job was to monitor the speed of the work, and evaluate the quality of the Lokhar's jobs. If he sees their work truly godlike, fitting for the divine grace of the Praetorian race then these insectoids will be blessed with freedom inside the empire. If they fail however they will suffer consequences. The seer smirked under the mask as he looked around the cavern. In his hand was a terminal showing all the details of the construction so far. In a matter of weeks the support structure of the ship was completed. As he looked through the cavern he saw the bustling Lokhar doing their best. And not just here. He was well aware that all the other colonies and shipyards did their best to please him as he stays. His accomplice left a few days ago to oversee work on a different project, and left him behind. The task at hand was daunting: overseeing every bit of work, checking on the cargo manifest and crew logs. But he wasn't a seer for nothing, and once he finishes teh job he will surely get promoted to overseer. Such thoughts filled his brain until a loud explosin shook the cavern walls. The sound of crumbling rock could be heard from above and the emergency sirens began their shrieking motage. The shields turned on but a few boulders had managed to slip through and were approaching the ship fast. His face froze as he saw his future slip away in the place of those rocks, and his muslces stiffed up in a second. Clearing his mind was hard with all teh action, but before the rocks could reach the ship and invisible force stopped slowed them down and ultimately stopped them. His hands reached out towards the rock, Kindal'Q looked at the shocked Lokhar engineer next to him and shouted. "Take out the stones this instant. Your lives depend on it." The Lokhar hastly saluted and rushed off to turn on teh defrence systems. Soon the turrets turned off and obliterated the rocks. Thought the ship was saved, the seer was unhappy with the incident.

Cygnus Arm, Unknown Sector, Planet MR-H2G

It has been approximately 4 hours since a Gensathi Marine was abducted by unknown alien forces on the planet MR-H2G. 34 mintues since the war on aliens began. 2 minutes since the MCA Tarnatula began manouvering into lower ornit, entering the atmosphere to provide tactical support to the units battling on ground. 15 seconds since Cprl Mc Quirk blew up the front door to an alien complex.

The explosion shook the ground and lifted a hefty stack of sand and dust from the ground. The explosion made a sculpture in the sand showing where the forces dissipated. There wasn't much sand left after the blastwave, and the remaining metal pieces of the blast door were fused with glass that formed in the intense heat. Quirk juggled for a second with a plasma grenade and then threw it in the opening. He hit the dirt and signaled for the other. "Watch out!" A few superheated bolts of plasma and wolfram came out from the doorway and then ended with an explosion. The fire bursted out and sent an intense heatr wave towards the marines. The group of 8 in cover around the entrance, all of the guys who survived the crash in the MCA dropship which crashed around 5 hours ago. The captain, Max was also with them in full exo armor. "Alright boys clear the tunnel. 1-2, 1-3 Set up a perimeter and transmit co-ordinates to the rest of the fleet." Quirk and the other marines who were about to go into the complex checked their guns and and armor. He walked to the entrance and looked inside. A long hallway with another large blast door at the end. The tunnels were scorched and two inanimate corpses lied at the end of it. He looked back at the radio operator who nod at him and then he switched to fleet comms. "This is Aplha leader do you copy Skywatch?"

The radio buzzed for a second and then a familiar voice came in. The operator aboard the Tarantula. "We copy Aplha Leader, what's your status.

A huge boulder fell dwon from Quirk's shoulders as he transmitted his co-ordinates. It was just plain primitive that they had to do it this way. Too abd this planet's atmosphere was incredibly hostile. "We located an entrance to an enemy complex at the transmitted co-ordinates. Requesting reinforcements."

The radio went silent. Soon he could hear some arguing in the background and then the operator answered. "The Tarantula is currently entering atmosphere. No reinforcements availbe now. We will send what we can as soon as the manouver is finsihed."

Quirk sweared and turned off the radio. He had no time for bullshit like that. He looekd at Max and switched back to the squad comms. "Max your friend always so nice? Do they expect us to rush in with 8 men? I swear to god these Mekhar are so arrogant." He armed the gun and reloaded it with a full mag. "Let's crack his nut open."

"Wait, you can't do that. We need more men!." Max shouted through the intercom and then fiddled with his wrist console. "Let me try it!" He switched to fleet comms and stared at Quirk.

"This is Cpt Max of the MCA Chaqrum, what's your status Tarantula?" There was silence. And more. THis could only mean he was transferred to a different channel. Soon enough the captain of the Tarantual spoke. "Max I don't have time for you now. We are not in a bar, and there are no favors here oin the field. You must do without troops for now, we simply canno-" Emergency sirens popped up in the background and fileld the comms. The operator spoke into the radio this time, now on teh squad comms "To Alpha actual we cannot send reinforcements. Skywatch out". Max looked at Quirk with a shocked face and sat down in the sand. "Something is going on with the tarantula.

80k meters above, high atmosphere of MR-H2G

"What is this warning about?" Captain Kyle shouted across the bridge with a furios look and even more furious tentacles. He always hated the atmospheric entry, especially if something went wrong. And something ALWAYS went wrong. The crew didn't call the Taranula the MCA Cursed for nothing. One of the senior operative spoke in on the bridge. "We have multiple heat signatures." Great. Missiles of all things. just great. He wanted to break something, but he reminded himself that he was on the bridge. "Turn on the flaks and set shield to half capacity." Another operator turned to him with a worried look. "Sir, we cannot use teh flak during atmospheric entry. The turrets would burn up." Kyle shouted some loud swears and looked around the bridge. Everyone was looking at hime xpect a few operator. "What are you doing you imbecile bunch, do something!" The crew quickly turned back to their jobs and soon enough the bridge was fileld with chatter again. "Do we have any additional info on the heat signatures?"

"Sir we have multiple reading all across the board." The operator who first spoke up added. "They are approaching really fast."

"Can we evade them?" kyle asked from the pilot. He just looked at the captain and shook his head. "Drats."

"ETA 20 seconds" Kyle frowned and gave the order "Brace for impact. Code orange." The sirens began shouting even louder and switched colors from yellow to orange. He REALLY hated this manouver.

"ETA 10" The operator counted back as the missiles approached. kyle followed the events on the holo board. A few dozen misslies approaching the ship from all side. If they are lucky these things will cause minor damage, or won't even get through the shield. "ETA 5"

As soon as the word "Impact" lit up on the holo the ship shook with an extreme force and kyle was thrown off the chair. The lights went out for a second and then came back as soon as the adaptive circuits sealed the breach. "What teh bloody fuck was that?"

"The shields didn't work. The missiles passed through and hit the armor. They damaged the reactor room. We are operating at 72% effiency."

"Can anyone tell me good news?" Kyle inspected the holo screen with the damage reports on it. The shipo was hit severly. Whoever these guys are they can punch through the shields and personal armor of the gashathi.

"Sir we have multiple fast movers closing in. They seem heavely armied. They will intercept us in 120 seconds." Kyle frowned once again and gave out the orders. "Issue code red. I want all hands on battlestations. Deploy the flaks. Set the shields to max capacity." The clouds outside thinned out and the ship slowly stopped descending as it reached the 15000 meters goal altitude. The real fight was about to begin.

Inside alien complex, 50 meters below ground

"To Alpha actual this is Delta actual." Quirk halted the team and replied. "What is it Delta actual?" He moved to the blast door, watching one of the marines prepare a charge as he was waiting for the reply. "The Tarantual suffered heavy damage from missiles. We are launching now, but don't expect much. The captain ordered full alert and all the gunships left before the alien fighters would intercept us." Quirk closed the comms and took a deep breath. Today is teh day when everything goes wrong. He realized that the demolition expert was ready, and he gave the signal to cut the door open. He trained his gun on the explosive as it slowly cut a gensathi sized hole in the thick blast door. Time seemed to stopped as the charge did it's job and he watched as his marines grasped their guns. Aliens on this planet? Are there more? What technology do they have? Questions raced through his mind. Then the charge blew up and pushed the large metal palte inside.

From teh hole that was created dozens off bullets started firing. One of the quickly hit a marine on his leg and made him lose balance. Quirk grabbed him and dragged him out of the line of fire. "I need the medic here". The wound wasn't too big and it seemed like the projectile was partially deflected by the armor. However he suspected that the marine's bone is in many peieces now. A painful groan when he touched the wound just supported this claim. "Hang on soldier, the medic is here." He left the guy and the medic behind and pulled the pin on a laser smoke. "Smoke out!" He threw the grenade in the opening. As soon as it hit the ground a thick black smoke emrged from it filling a large area on the other side. The sound of gunshots muffled, but weak bullets still fell through the smoke. "Those damned bastards have some weird guns." He thought they used plasma weapons, which can be avoided by the smoke. But here they are looking at bullets dropping out of the smoke, quite clearly amde of metal. "Come on guys these are not enough to kill you. Or do you want to lvie forever?" He rushed in the hole and opened fire with his gun at the direction where he saw the plasma dissipating. He got hit by a few of the weak bullets, but they pinged off his armor.

He ran around the wall and found a box soon enough. The smoke was beginning to clear out and he pulled one of the disoriented marines behind the box. "Watch out you moron." He peeked out from behind the box and saw a lrage room fileld with boxes and an elevated entrance on the other side where a few dozen of the aliend were shooting from. Ther red armors covered their faces and imposed in the blank room. In the red sand these armours are almost unspottable. The gunshots soon began to fade and the whole squad made their way behind some sort of a box or crate. "Listen up team, open fire on 3." The marines nod and Quirk counted to three. The marines opened fire on the aliens, and a hellish firefight broke out. One of the aliens threw a grenade that landed next to him. He quickly grabbed it and threw it back for it to blow up in one of the aliens face. Angry swears could be hard from the other party. Either they didn't like their friend dying, or the guy survived. He shot a few blind shots above the crate and the peeked over. He and the marine enxt to him were off to the side and the aliens seemed to have focused fore on the others. He tried grabbing a nade but he realized he threw it all. "Goddamnit". He looked at the shocked marine next to him and asked. "Do you have nade with you?" The marine took a second to process the request and then passed a greande to Quirk along with a dozen nods. Poor guy. Qurik peeked around the corner, but he pulled his head back as a bullet boucned off the crate. "Throwing Grenade!" He pulled the pin, cooked the nade for a second and then threw it towards the general direction of the enemy. The aliens shouted in an unknown language and ducked both ways from the grenade. The explosion still took out a few and shaked the others. Qurik jumped up and opened fire at the remaining aliens. He thought it was over, but the door behind the enemy opened and a large alien in a power suit of some sort came in, opening fire from a fast firing gun. At least 2 marines instantly got hit and the others ducked behind cover. The medic rushed over to the injured through the line of fire and began giving them treatement. Qurik noted to give this guy a promotion. The marine next to him got hit by a stray bullet that bounced off teh wall and got knocked out. He couldn't hold any longer and shouted into the comms "Where are the reinforcements?" Instead of an answer a few shots landed on the big alien from teh doorway, and a large team of 15 marines rushed into the room. They cleared the room in seconds and blew up teh large power armored guy. A final marine entered the room, adored with the squad leader insignia and his mask painted over with a skull. Only one marine has this kinda armor.

"Thought you'd never come." Qurik smiled as the marine pulled him up. The wounded were carried away and the fresh team cleared the room. It was really a sudden change of events to see the new team arrive. Qurik was eager to hear the news about the tarantual and the other teams. "Tell me everything Morgan."

"I am afradi I don't have any good news." The visors of the mask becamje transparent and the other sergeant looked at his boys doing their things with a worried look. "We lost connection with the tarantuala at T+5 minutes and we haven't managed reached them since. We left the hangar hot, and one of teh dropships got shot down. It is hell of a fight up there." Morgan quite visibly sighed, but Quirk couldn't hear it through the comms. "Look Quirk, it's better you guys stay here. We don't know how big the compound is and we need an FOB."

Quirl took a step back and looked at his men. 3 wounded, 1 unconcious and all of them exhausted and it quite a shock. He took everything into account. If he was to push with the others there is a chance that their emn would get injured. It would also mean that some of Morgan's man would have to stay back in order to have a fallback line. He was in no shape to fight either. A bullet him him in the shoulder and now it was really sore. He looked at Morgan and put his hand on his shoulder. "We expect you to kick their asses and get my guy back." morgan nod and walked away to push into the complex. Quirk just silently sat down and gave the orders to set up the FOB with what they have.

Same time, Bridge of Tarantula

"Give me a status report! Put the damage and the surrounding area on the HOLO!" The men and women restlessly focused on the battle and repair operations. And it wasn't good. The holo showed the Tarantula dotted with colors ranging from white to black. Some of the ship's most important functions got destroyed, and the hull was in a rough shape. They just managed to fend off a squadron of attacking aircraft but their sheer amount was hard to handle by a ship that was designed to fight larger ship in space. In space, not in the atmosphere. Fires raged across the decks making it hard to organize any operation or to send reinforcements to those on the grounds. As if the aircrafts weren't enough there was a constant artillery bombing. Periodially the ship shook gently as the shells exploded on the shield, but they were steadely decreasing the shield's strenght. It was up to the ground forces to help them now. Kyle was furios and his tentacles were all over the palce. He was doing many things at once and he wasn't happy about it. The whole bridge was just a mess after the attacks. He was about to easen up and order an emergency squad to deal witt the fires when an operator speaked up.

"We have more aircraft incoming. Patching it to the HOLO." Just great. The holo fizzled and updated the map with a few dozen more aircraft closing in on the Tarantuala.

"Can anyone locate their origin?" Kyle looked at the direction from where teh aircrafts were approaching from. They didn't detect any airbases of any sort in those directions. So where could they come from.

"Sir I think you might want to see this." The Holo switched to an empty spot on the desert. Empty readings, no EM or Radar readings. "What is this supposed to mean?" kyle furiously looked at the operator wasting his time. What was he thinking? he wanted to skold the guy but the Holo updated again. "We captured this a minuta ago." Suddenly teh reading spiked for a second and a hole opened in the sand. Half a dozen aircraft launched from the hole and the it closed up again. That would explain a lot, but how could these aircraft things be so close and so many. He was interrupted in his thoughts when the live feed came in and showed the same spot of desert, now filled with abruptly moving sand.

"What in the Gashathi's name is this?" Large mounts of sand erupted from the ground. Then a large pile rose up in the middle and begain violently growing. As the sand spilled it revealed some grey thing. Soon enough most of the sand disappeared and from belove it emerged a gigantic walker of some sort.

It seemed like the time stopped moving as every eye trained on the Holo. The walker stood up and began moving towards the Tarantuala. A few of these could easely make up the size of the ship itself. "God have mercy on us." Kyle woke up from teh shock first and instantly began shouting orders. "We need our main batteries online! Throw everything we got on that thing!"

The Tarantula's hull opened on the bottom in multiple slots and revealed a few large caliber railguns. "2 minutes until operational!" That was noo good thought Kyle. Whatever this thing is it won't wait 2 mintues to get shot. As if a divine answer the Holo showed a massive energy spike in the walker. "Sir it seems to be charging up some kind of a weapon."

"Shields to max capacity! Signal fleet command to send reinforcemetns. We need hel-" A powerful beam of concntrated ion suddenly hit the ship and shaked it's every bolts. The shields blocked the damage for a few seconds and then they gave up with a loud bang. The beam carved a massive hole in the outer armor before it stopped and left half of the ship's systems completely broken. Kyle was knocked down and looked around the bridge. Some of the crew here seriously hurt, and most of the monitors read black all across the ship. These are the moments he thanked the Gashathi for any tech. If it wasn't for their fancy electronics they'd be falling down right now. "Damage report!" No one answered. Only moans and grunts could be heard. The war had just begun.

Uncharted Space

On the faraway capital planet of the Gashathi Rule was a room carved into the mountain, filled with sculptures and carvings of their majestic deeds. Little know that the same halls of this cold place house the most important meetings in the Empire. A palce where no weapon short of super powers can hurt the council. And this day was a fine examply of such mettings. The entire Council gathered to discuss some of the most pressing matters at hand with the Ruler.

Kel'thaN sat in his new throne and admired the texture of the marble it was made of. A throne for the Ruler of the mightiest race. He smirked under the mask and looked across the large room. The council finally gathered as the last Gashathi entered the room and bowed. His royal subjects always had issues for him. Some of them were really small, but there were times, just like now, when the council gathered without a set date and discussed teh issues at hand. This time it wasn't jsut one big issue, but 2 at the same time. "What is the first item on our list?" A small Gashathi close to the throne stood up and checked a few files on his holoTerminal. "Sir, we have received news from the planet of MR-H2G. Our forces have met alien resistance. We have already setn reinforcements their way, a detachement from the Mekhar fleet." The Elder stopped and waited a response. There was silence in the room. Someone muttered something but they went silent quickly. Kel'thaN buried his face in his hands. 4 of them to be exact. (Ultimate facepalm lol) The elder grew nervous as the Ruler trained his eyes on him. "What response did you expect? Put aside the fact that we already sent a fleet without addressing me, you summed up the events. Do you expect a apt on the head, or a cookie?" Kel'thaN stood up from his new throne and looked at the Elders. His mask was entirely closed, but his face was quite angry. "This is NOT the old empire we had! We cannot allow small mistakes or leisurely political feuds. We are here to show the galaxy that we are a force to ber eckoned with, even after the hundred thousand years. Our sleep made us more! We must stand up against any aliens. We msut work at 100% effiency to unite the galaxy again. This is a new era in our history and so we should act like it."

His eyes observed the hall through the mask and scanned every bit of psychic energy. He got his point across. He sat back down in the throne. "We must show the aliens what we are capable of. no matter their strenght no one in this galaxy has technology that can rival ours. Send another detachement from reserves. Bring a force that can destroy the whole planet if need be!" By the end his voice has conquered both the air and the minds of others. He was immensely powerful if angered. He almost became a Hirule, but he gave up on the chance. But that story can wait. "What else?" The small elder sat down and another one stodd up a lot further away from the previous one.

"Sir, our fleet has detected Commonwealth forces approaching checkpoint Alpha. They are all set for the plan." Kel'thaN smirked and gestured for the elder to sit down. Finally, the first time since their awakening that a foreign race will see their potential and culture. They either join them or they will die. His thoughts ventured off into the distance when a thrid elder stood up. A Seer nonetheless. "What is it?" The Seer opened a holo file and swiped to the grand Holo in the middle of the room. It was a detailed chart of many things but the most prominent one was a model of the GRA Zeus. Kel'thaN lifted his eyebrows as he inspected the model. It showed the Zeus in a pretty advanced state, and he wondered whether it was a projection for future plans. "Sir the construction team working on the GRA Zeus has finished the ship's superstructure and are preparing for the interior parts." A massive uproar of shock and awe lifted from the room as they listened to their fellow elder. The Zeus couldn't be this advanced already. A ship of it's size takes more time than that to make. "I beleive that the Lokhar have been working day and night on the Zeus. However this haste may prove fatal. During the inspection by my fellow Seer a massive amount of rubble almost fell on the ship. I advise we offer some rest or ease for them or they might recklessly endanger the ship and it's crew." Silence fell on the room. So it was true. The Zeus was really a thing to be looking forward to. Not jsut a pet project until the empire strenghtens. Excited mutter soon filled the room and even Kel'thaN was lost in thoughts. Finally an unfamiliar voice broke the chit chat. "Gentlemen please make sure that our Commonwealth friends receive due treatement. With haste!" The voice came from a gensathi that stood almost 5 meters tall. Whether he was bron like this or i he was modified is unclear, but his black armor was heavely modified to house him. This man was Admiral Bull, the man behind all the GRA operations. The mastermind who have won more battles than any other admiral in Gashathi history.

The Council dispersed soon enough and the Admiral bowed before the Ruler. "I willt ake my leave sir. I will observer the meeting with oour newest friends." Kel'thaN silently nodded and waited for teh doors to close behind the men. "You can come out now. I never understood the need to hide in this room." Half a dozen Mekhar appeared on the walls, their camo skin turning back to it's natural bluish-grey color. They crawled down to the bottomn of the stairs and bowed to Kel'thaN.

"We are pleased to see you mighty Ruler." The Mekhar in front spoke up and turned his head towards teh Ruler. "We are happy to see you in good health."

Kel'thaN let out a laugh and gestured for them to stand up. "You never come here to be informed about my health. What is it that you want?" The Mekhar below looked at each other and a second one stood forward, stopping next to their leader. "Ruler, I beleive that the race we encountered at ML-H2G could be of particualr use to us. Their bodies are highly adaptive to harsh conditions it seems and their weapons are unlike anything we have seen before. According to our research, the use of such weapons could give us an edge in battle as long as the enemies don't create countermeasures. Of course we already have plans to counter such weapons." The Mekhar stopped and sent a batch of data up to the grand Holo. Blueprints and tests about the weapons the aliens use along with genetic details. "If you allow us we would be pleased to take royalty over the captured subjects. If they are as excellent soldiers as we think they are, they could seal the gap between ordinary Kaalispar and the Gensathi Regulars."

Kel'thaN took a moment to assess the data. What the Mekhar want is nothing out of the ordinary, but they are dealing with a new race here. Normally the prioners would go to the Gashathi and gensathi researchers, but as times are there is a shortage of those two. With a sigh Kel'thaN agrees to it. "Very well. Take the prisoners we capture. You amy ahve free reign over them. But I expect results fast."

"Of course Ruler." The mekhar group bowed and left the room. It was only the empty chamber again. How depressing. kel'thaN played around a bit with the details before leaving the room himself.

Cygnus Arm, Classified Location

TBA (waiting for OZ)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalmarthy system in Commonwealth Territory, Onboard the starship "Twitching Finger"

The sensors picked up multiple signatures, it seemed to be a similar display of force, The Twitching fingers prepared to make a jump if the aliens turned out to be hostile, The Fleet Council would consider the rest of the ships in the system to be expendable..if the enemy missiles got too close the friendly missiles would attack the enemy ships.

Fortunately, The Alien missiles seemed to have been disabled, The Aliens seemed to have a concept of Ceasefire unlike the great enemy. The "We seem to be getting some kind of signal from the alien ships, might be an attempt at communication" The Xenologist said "Running analysis now"

The Linguistic cortex was an advanced computer program running on a state of the art server, a non-sentient AI optimized for pattern recognition it could do its job fast given significant information. While the Linguistic cortex was not capable of understanding what it analyzed THe other AIs on the ship could analyze the data and interpret it to get an idea of what an alien was trying to convey.

The results came almost instantly, it was a small amount of information so it didnt take long to analyze.

"Data analysis complete, pattern appears to be of artificial origin, first part of message seems to correlate with atomic structures of the first 20 elements, This is a strong correlation. The rest of the message cannot be deciphered at this time due to limited data. a possible correlation is that some of the message is referring to molecular structures however these molecular structures are not stable in standard environments. Another theory is that these are symbols of some sort, perhaps representative of the Atomic structures. The rest of the signal appears to be patterns of these 'symbols' Current most likely Correlation, a form of language much like that which many Kia use to communicate. If the patterns of symbols indeed equate to concepts or logical formulae We still do not understand what concepts and logical formulae they represent"

"So they have given insufficient data, perhaps we missed something, Ship, Send a message back with standard first contact message 7b" The Fleet representative said.

The Twitching finger sent a radio message to the alien ship composed of rapid pulses at multiple frequencies , The first series of pulses was a repeat of the alien message followed by the Numbers 1-1728, it would probably be pretty clear that they used a base 12 counting system. The message then attempted to demonstrate mathematics starting simple by demonstrating Addition, subtraction and multiplication. The pattern of pulses was on a slightly different frequency so the aliens would not get confused between symbols representing mathematical operations and symbols representing numbers. The message then explained basic logical equations using the math, Equals and Not Equal, Yes and No.

The rest of the message was increasingly complex, the logical equations began describing spatial relationships, temporal relationships and epistemological relationships which allowed the communication of the idea of "Objects" the message began Describing various common astronomical objects using these equations before describing the concept of a starship and other technological devices. After that was an equation that described numerous simulated universes that if simulated would demonstrate Ecology and basic sociology, game theory and various other similar topics"

Using the constructed logical language, the Twitching finger then sent a message conveying that the Twitching Finger was a Starship exploring space after its habitat was destroyed by illogical predators that did not eat. Firing missiles was not an attempt at true hostility but instead merely a display of caution. The Twitching finger and its allies Did not wish violence but if acted upon violently planned on returning fire. Then it asked if the alien ship understood the message.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 17 min ago

Kasius Front Lines

As the battle commenced, Hexanagallion Reavers dispersed into loose, skirmish formation to better dodge the incoming fire of bullets and missiles. They leaped and ducked, using energy shields and their great bulk to power through when hit, the rocky terrain not slowing their odd, reptilian gait one bit. Still, despite their prowess and element of surprise, warriors began to fall, being riddled with bullets and having limbs severed from explosions. It wasn't enough to halt their advance however, the Reavers having already cleaved a path through the mechs and monsters.

The sun beat down on the blasted landscape as the battlefield shifted. When confronted with concentrated bullet fire, a few dozen HRF warriors at a time made shield walls, while not 30 yards to the side, those assailed by rockets rolled between cover and roared challenges. In between these defenses and distractions, Reavers flanked and ripped the Agonis machines to shreds, and their line collapsed. The Hexanagllions on the defense suddenly surged forward like a tide and the battle was over almost too soon for half of the force to have any sort of challenge.

The machines in the back however, seemed to have already been defeated once the HRF had regrouped. Battle Commander Krux lifted his Waraxe high, his warriors trotting over to him. Some carried the wounded upon their backs. The huge techno crusaders gathered around the red clad Battle Commander, and then all advanced toward the...Humans they had discovered. With a raised fist, Krux halted the battle line of his troops, and he stepped forward.

Almost ominously, he began to pace back and forth like a circling shark, or a wolf examining a wounded Elk before it went in for the kill. His reptilian eyes gazing into the woman's soul. For indeed he believed this was a female of the human species.
"Captain Gwendoline O'Neil of the 61st Mobile Infantry." She said with a grin. "You sure as hell came in the right place and time, you saved our asses, and I'd very much like to know who our saviors are."

A low growl escaped his throat as he continued to circle, before glancing past her to her uneasy allies. If he was anywhere else, his troops would have slaughtered this battalion before him with little hesitation. He did not share Daixanos' sense of compassion for humans. However, he was duty bound to help those under the yoke of oppressors, and he relented. He did not shake her hand, for it was not a custom among his people. However, he gave her a gruff nod. "Captain Gwendoline O'Neil." he said, his voice guttural. "I am Battle Commander Krux of the Honored Resurgance Forces. We are here to liberate you...and your people."

"Battle Commander." a Hexanagallion said from behind, approaching Krux. He wore the tan armor of a specialist. This one was of the technical field. "How many dead?" Krux asked without waiting for a continuation, turning to him slightly. His front still faced the woman. "Nearly 300." Krux grunted. "How many wounded?"
"368, Battle Commander."
"How many are battle able?"
"Nearly 700. But Commander."
"What is it?"
"It's our expeditionary force in the system to the east. It's under heavy fire and about to break."
Krux turned around and glared at the Hexanagallion for stating something so blatantly. "What? How?" he asked. The answer came with a shake of the messenger's head. "They must have been prepared for our small fleet."
"They were prepared for us here and we clove through them." he growled, reaching over and taking the comm link off the Haxanagllion tech's hands, putting it to his head. "General Al'jar. Report." he stated. In the background he could hear gunfire and the creaking of metal as engines roared.

"Battle Commander!" The voice was heard, static crackling. "They used their moons to ambush us. There was supposed to be only one inhabited planet in the system. We-... quarter of our fleet f-... stroid fields. They were all around us. Wor-...ot Commander. We shall fight to the death!"
"Belay that." Krux said, moved by the general's determination, but knowing it would be futile. The static suddenly increased in volume, and Krux began to think he had lost the General when a familiar voice, full of nobility and command, filled the air.

The Cleaver of Worlds (H'arkruk) Capital Ship.

"The Cleaver has come." the newcomer said, his voice inspiring the battered fleet, as well as the Battle Commander, with hope and zeal. Warmaster Daixanos stood at the center of his Command Ship, having just entered the system to sink up with their smaller fleet that had entered unknown Agonis Territory. He and his ships had arrived from their foray into Musashi space.

To the left and right, the Warmaster watched with pride as the 100 Predator Frigates each began to deploy their modest number of Warrior 001 Starfighters, 20 from each ship. Soon the Predator guns were charging as their fighter pilots engaged at the flank. What Agonis ships that were out hounding the HRF force that was doing its best to survive were quickly decimated, and the moon bases were suddenly silenced in plasma holy fire. The Honored Resurgance forces tightened the noose.

Xeno Barbarian Space.

The defenses were being prepared well, Warmaster Gatar mused as he strode with his honor guard toward the new council room. Even as he walked along the metallic construction bridge, Hexanagallion engineers were hard at work checking the metal work for the truly titanic ARK gun that had just been placed planetside. To think, only a week ago, Xeno Barbarians had eat, shit, and fucked here. Now it was becoming an entrenched position of the HRF front within the foothold of their space. It brought a feeling of satisfaction to both of his hearts.

The room he strode into was small and dark, but well built. It was a model of the meeting rooms held within their planet Space Stations. A small island panel was within the center of the room. To the left fore was an opening that lead further into the complex they have begun building. All around him were his generals, and Battle Commander Rakt was standing at the ready, saluting his Warmaster with a fist to his muscled chest. The gesture was returned in kind.

"Report, Battle Commander." Gatar asked with his scarred maw. The Battle Commander did not hesitate. "Warmaster. This 7 planet system the humans used to refer to as Delgado has been completely captured by our forces."
"How many are habitable?"
"Four were when we arrived. 3 now, due to one being heavily bombarded by our fleet. We would need the Life Bringer to restore it."
"Any news?" The Warmaster asked, his voice showing he had no time for redundant statements. A General stepped forward to speak up, but Gatar glanced his way and let out a hiss of warning. The General kept silent, but didn't break the stare until he bowed, lest he be dishonored in front of his kin. Gatar still eyed the upstart. "You were saying?"
"The Barbarians further within Xeno space seemed to have been civilized somewhat. Reports state that there might be a leader among them-"
"Really?" Gatar asked, turning back to Rakt. His voice betrayed just how intrigued he was at the proposition of a challenge. Perhaps taking one of his father's precautions was the right choice, in fortifying this system to use as a forward base. "Are they on the move?"
"We do not know yet, Warmaster. But we eagerly await your orders." he replied, and Gatar could tell he was speaking with full truth. For the Battle Commander's breathing was labored with excitement. It was uncalled for what happened next, but one General cried. "Let us hit them!"
A few roared in agreement. "It is the time the divine has spoken of!"

Warmaster Gatar was known for his ferocity in battle, as well as his policy that the greatest defense was a good offense. He served with distinction in the Post-Fall Resurgance War, which in turn helped him rise from Battle Commander to Warmaster. Yet despite his penchant for attack, let it be known that he was tactically sound as well.

"Silence!" Gatar ordered, stepping forward. His metallic arm shoved a general to the side, and he stood at the center of the room, addressing his generals with a clenched fist that glinted in the light. His next words were spoken with a dangerous reserve. "If my blood-father were here to give me Council, he would say that we should fight a defensive war. To harry the enemy and have them come to us, on this entrenched position. Perhaps 50, even 20 years ago I would have completely disagreed, for our forces were advancing and creating new places to sow for our people. But long years have tempered me and given me a small portion of wisdom." He chuckled. "I choose both attack and defense. We shall draw them out, and then attack."
"Explain Warmaster, if you would honor us."
Gatar grinned, and a holo-map of Xeno Barbarian space suddenly appeared before them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Factory Womb of God, a Migrant fleet colonized nebula, in orbit around the core of a white dwarf star

The Migrant fleet had been in this space for almost 100 years, one of the first stars surveyed after entering this part of the galaxy through a wormhole. Industrialization of the system was going smoothly, The ancient star that exploded so long ago had a planetary system, any life they once had stripped away by an ancient nova, resources up for the taking. Migrant fleet drones were dismantling the ancient planets repurposing the materials for The fleets own interests.

Millions of satellites orbited the bright corpse star fulfilling a variety of purposes, each one absorbing massive amounts of solar energy, every day hundreds of satellites were placed in orbit around the tiny earth sized dwarf, expirimental gravitic drives kept the closer satellites from falling into the massive gravity well.

Scientists from various races were gathered on a planetoid that at this point looked more like a giant space factory., various industrial machines Mining the precious materials from the planet as freight drones shipped them to where they were needed. 3 next generation starships ready for activation.

Each ship represented the next step in evolution, an adaptation to escape the predator that was the Enemy. those that did not adapt to the situation went extinct, a lesson from the ancient homeworlds. The first ship was a frigate with worker drones crawling across its armored carapace linking new weapons to its nervous system.

The Crew of the Prominence thought back to the start of the program, when they decided to take this new radical path, it thought back one year ago. The Councilor of the ship adressed the crew "300 years ago, the prominence launched from Kapikra shipyards With a mission, to protect the Technocracy our civilization, our friends, our Family. I have served as the crew councilor for Over a century and I must say...I could not ask for a better crew, We have all decided after the loss of so many worlds that we must take the next step, We are explorers as much as we are soldiers. The next frontier has arrived and we must cross it for the Migrant fleet for our civilization, for our friends, for our family, for our children." The crew underwent surgery to integrate themselves with the ships system becoming a collective entity, each crewmember a part of the larger whole.

In the dock the friends of the crew watched the construction of the crew's new body, For some this was sollemn, for some this was exitement but for all it was bittersweet. The friends they knew would be forever changed by the integration into a new form of life. "I love you" one of them muttered. The Starship's sensors picked up the sound and it thought about it for a second before turning one of its visual sensors towards to source and the crew sent back an email "We fight for you, We remember you, We will not forget why we are here, We remember our nights on the Grazing Hearth...even as a collective we remember that. I am still in here, We all are, It hurts to be away for so long. We keep the mementos of the times we had together."

The Prominence was still Kia.

Each of the ships in the docks was different, The next one was another Kia, this time a single artificial Kia mind in a battleship body, it was young and still confused adressing the psychiatric teams working with its neural network as family, which the Psychiatric teams returned. The next one was based on a H't'tk, a mining ship, it was not ready to launch as it seemed to focus more on running itself rather than doing any kind of mission, the outside world was uninteresting to it, it spent most of its time optimizing its systems and trading resources with itself.

The leviathan Chakitox orbited the factory "Welcome Children, To the Migrant fleet" it transmitted.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

2nd LT Flavius “Kuche” Obrigado
Cargo Bay of the Cruiser “ Cold Vacuum”
Task Force 1, in high orbit of Palatine

Cruisers were not designed to hold large numbers of infantry, especially not part of an entire company. Four out of the five Vessel convoy were packed to the brim with infantry and their gear. Soldiers laid about wherever they could find space, most deciding to bed down in the large cargo bay amongst the vehicles and equipment. Crates of ammunition and shells were almost to the ceiling and about three rows deep, held down by yellow leather straps. The armored personnel carriers and Grail recon craft were also hastily strapped down by the same straps and situated next to the ammunition, shaking and shifting at the slightest movement.
This did not stop the soldiers from living on and inside the vehicles during the long trip. It looked like a squatters paradise, with makeshift tents and lean-tos everywhere. The noise from the cargo bay could almost be heard around the ship as the soldiers tried to entertain themselves.
The scene brought a smile to Kuche’s face as he walked in, he always enjoyed watching his soldiers acting like soldiers. Stuffed into the breast pocket of his utility uniform was a rolled scroll, detailing their deployment orders. Soldiers nodded and gave lazy salutes as Kuche walked by, the smell of alcohol growing stronger as he waded deeper into the crowd.
He found his 1st Sergeant and the rest of his 1st sergeant and the rest of the platoon’s NCOs huddled around a large metal drum. It didn’t take long for Kuche to realize where the alcohol smell was coming from.

“ Sergeant…what the fuck is this?” he said, standing behind the group. “ One of the gunners from 2nd platoon had a bunch of fruit left over from his harvest, so we made alcohol” the sergeant said, dipping a small cup in the barrel of liquid. The sergeant turned around to hand the cup up to Kuche, who didn’t hesitate to take it and take a swig.

“ Oh……thats good…” Kuche said before passing the cup to the left. “ We have received the warning order?” he said with a cough. “ Assemble the platoon, we brief in an hour” he finished before taking a step back “ and Cesar……” Kuche said looking back towards the 1st Sergeant “ Please come sober..”

Mess Hall of the Cold Vacuum

50 soldiers in various states of dress quickly assembled in the mess hall, sitting or standing wherever they had space. It was rather informal, with Kuche being the only Hol in proper military dress.

“ 1st platoon listen up!” he yelled, stepping up on one of the tables. “ We step off in four hours, recon teams are currently deploying to secure our landing zone. The estimated location would be just inside the city in what looks like a ruined square. Upon landing, we will fortify the square and launch operations from out newly established forward operating base”. As he finished, Kuche nodded towards sergeant Cesar who stepped up onto the table as the lieutenant stepped down.

“ Order of battle is as follows; first and second platoon will lead the assault following the green light from the recce team. Third and Fourth platoon will follow with the gear and ammunition. As far as first platoon is concerned, we will take the north end of the square and second platoon will take the south end. Squad one, target acquisition and command; you will carry the laser designator and long range communications. Second squad, riflemen and marksmen” he said nodding towards a young corporal. Third squad grenadiers, I want a frag for each man and five smoke grenades throughout the squad. Get two of your guys to attach grenade launchers to their rifles”. Another group of soldiers nodded in the corner, responding with quiet acknowledgments. “ Fourth squad……weapons. Mortars, machine guns and rockets, base of fire team. Im sure I don’t have to tell you guys what to do” he finished with a chuckle.
Kuche stepped back up on the table, cutting off sergeant Cesar with a quick hand.
“ Gentlemen, we lock out in four, touchdown in five. I want everyone condition one when we leave the cruiser but remember, we are here to promote diplomacy. That being said, I don’t want to loose soldiers because we are not aggressive. Any being you see with hostile intent, drop em, I don’t care if you hit them with a fucking rocket”.
With a nod the lieutenant stepped down from the table and walked out, leaving the room silent for a moment.

“ Alright, full gear full tilt….lets make it happen!” Cesar yelled as soldiers flooded out of the room.

Low Orbit, above Palatine
Cpl. Gio Easton

“ Yo East?…….East?” a soldier said as he tapped the corporal’s shoulder, waking him up. “ Drop zone….” the soldier finished as he retreated to the rear of the drop-ship. Gio inhaled sharply as he woke up to the cold air of the dropship, furiously rubbing his eyes for a moment before standing and joining his team.
Gio always enjoyed being away from the larger force, large scale deployments just made him nervous, it was always the secret stuff that got him going. Small teams and lots of open ground is what he preferred, never mind the danger. Reconnaissance teams always got the cool jobs, even if it meant doing some pretty crazy things.
The four man team clipped onto a large cylindrical duffle bag, pulling the slack tight so it was suspended in the air between the four of them. The sound of air rapidly escaping the bay could be heard as the rear of the ship popped open, extending the ramp downward. With practiced precision, the four soldiers slowly inched their way towards the edge of the ramp before jumping off in unison.
The silence of free-falling through the lower atmosphere was always eerie, cirrus clouds passed by silently as the team fell. Gio, watched his altimeter as they rapidly descended, counting the seconds before the atmosphere thickened. They pulled their chutes early, coming to an abrupt stop before peacefully floating through the air, gliding towards their objective.
The team floated over the majority of the city, making mental notes of points of interest and taking pictures from their low res helmet cameras. After 45 minutes the team came to a soft landing right where they were supposed to, in the dead center of the square. Within seconds, the duffle bag was empty and the team spread out to secure the square.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Udena. Collective Fringe World under Totalist control
General Bocanegra sent the latest batch of orders before opening another series of reports in her personal console for the night. The demands of the front required her constant attention. Udena may be under control but the offensive has stalled elsewhere. And that, Generalissimo Dollabella-Rybalsky will not tolerate. Orders had already arrived and in the next few days, she and the bulk of the Totalist presence in the system would be transferred elsewhere. Looking at the clock, the General realized that if she went to bed right now and took half a bottle of sleeping pills, she might be able to catch some four hours of sleep, not enough to compensate the last four days of constant work, but still something. However, if she snorted another vial of stimulant powder Bocanegra was sure she could keep working until around lunch time tomorrow- or rather later today.

There really wasn't much of a choice, any sleep she caught now would be just delaying work for later. People in her position weren't supposed to get rest. Specially not in times of war, that was why the Directorate always made sure to keep everyone supplied with all manner of stimulants. “Rest comes with death, whether yours or the enemy” that was what she always had heard in the Academy.

Bocanegra ran a hand through her greasy brown hair and sighed. Maybe she should just have taken that job in the Directorate of Health instead of going to the military academy. No point in anguishing over the past, specially now. She had made her choice and would suffer the consequences, as any self-respecting adult.

The General withdrew the small glass vial from a drawer in her desk and uncorked it. Quickly snorting its contents with practiced experience.

The rush took a few moments to be felt. Result of a small resistance built after 40 years of use. But when it hit, it hit hard. That little vial was much more potent to the stuff handed out to the rank and file. Reserved for officers and the Black Banner, and much more addictive. But as long as they kept in line there was no risk of running out.

Snapping her fingers, the newly energized General returned to her work. She still had to finish up her orders for dealing with the last Collective holdouts and review once again the logistical situation to ensure that her troops would be getting enough supplies for their new assignments. And that the garrison would have built up at least the minimal infrastructure to solidify their hold on the planet. Her successor in this command would have a good base to work on with. She would make sure of that.

A beeping alarm on the corner of the screen made her groan internally. In six hours she had a meeting with the local human leadership. Bocanegra had done her best to delay and push this issue to her successor. But the locals were insistent. Whatever good will they held had apparently shrunk once they had realized just how much their lives would change under Totalist dominion. Not enough to foment rebellion, though Bocanegra sometimes hoped it did happen, if only to exterminate these annoying pests once and for all. But orders from higher up were clear: “Keep good relations with the locals.” She thought the whole idea superfluous. She had fought these robotic bastards for two years with barely any help from the Centre and held the line until the counter-attack could be arranged. If these “rebels” couldn't defend their independence then they simply didn't deserve it.

The orders were clear however, and she could see the benefits in cooperating with the locals, for the moment of course. They would soon have to be disabused of any notions of true independence from the Totalist doctrine. Agonis was the Party's now, and if they couldn't learn to accept that, then they would be eliminated. Reeducation wasn't worth the cost.

Heion. Contested Collective Fringe World

Lieutenat Illica Dvarza wiped the cool wet cloth on her sweaty forehead. She breathed out slowly to control her nerves before putting the cloth away and returning her hands to the controls of the BT-10 APC. The walls did wonders to shore up her confidence, though the confines of the vehicle were cramped and hot, specially one stuffed to its full capacity. But comfort was never a priority for the Directorate of Peace, a fact that every conscript, volunteer and officer learned to accept early on in their careers. Though at least she didn't need to use the gas mask inside.

The 294th division had hit Heion on the second wave of the invasion, once the Machine's fleet had been pushed further into the outer system several months ago. Since then the ground battle in the planet had turned into a brutal meatgrinder. The Collective defenses had proved to be stronger than anticipated, and the rebels weaker. And from what she had heard whispered around, the situation in the rest of the Fringe was similar.

Now her entire company, along with two other Mechanized and two armored ones had been tasked with driving through the Collective lines and link up with a native force that had been cut off during the last Collective counter-attack. Last she had heard, the locals were taking quite a pounding from the machines, and had apparently managed to gather some kind of important Intel to make their lives worth sending three mechanized and two armored companies to the rescue.

The five companies waited patiently, covered by the ruins of an old and bombed out industrial park. Their advance would take them through several kilometers of flat open plain until a dry riverbed surrounding a plateau, where supposedly the rebels were trying to withstand the Collective attack.

The signal from regimental command appeared on the console and Dvarza heard the transmission from Major Orestes:

“Operation 0294-ZC is a go. I repeat, operation 0294-ZC is a go!”

Dvarza drove onwards without further prompting. It surely felt good to be in command of a beast like the BT-10 instead of having to walk all the way like she had to back in JHS-294. Thanks the Supreme Director for the Directorate of Production and the massed mechanization program.

Dvarza's battalion had been placed in the vanguard. On her left flank was Lieutenant Pozharsky's unit and on her right was Bitchface's (Or Lieutenant Naura, as Dvarza had learned after a couple more floggings and three written reports about cooperation and friendship Commissar Nigri had forced her to write). The other two battalions of the company drove behind them while the other two mechanized companies covered their flanks and rear alongside the armored units.

In the distance, Dvarza could see the faint flashes and explosions of the battle through the opticals of the APC thanks to the flat terrain. Though most of her attention was focused on the command console of the vehicle. Several screens flashed with information and map readings updated live as their sensors approached the area.

The order to engage came as they were still some kilometers away from the objective as the sensors detected Collective troops disengaging and moving, nothing more than two battalion's worth. It didn't took long for the firing to start as the A-84 tanks opened fire on the distant and still half unseen enemy with their usual accuracy. The return fire came soon after, but in a somewhat less intense and coordinated manner.

The Totalists didn't stop, and soon the APCs added their own guns to the barrage. Missiles flew from the mass of black vehicles as several of them were destroyed by the Collective's own fire.

Dvarza held herself in place by gripping one of the hatch handles as the APC shook and rattled, a glancing shot almost torched them and took out half of the command screen. The Lieutenant punched the offending screen several times until it came alive again. Nearby one of her battalion's APC blew up from a direct hit.

“Spread out! Attack pattern 02/1!” Major Orestes ordered through the comms as Dvarza's APC swerved to avoid a direct missile hit. The Lieutenant almost got knocked out by hitting her head on the bulkhead. She cursed as she struggled to remain in place inside the vehicle. By her left, the sound of the gunner firing the auto-cannon was deafening, even with the ear protection offered by her helmet.

Dvarza cursed as the BT-10 danced around the plain wildly. The 02/1 called for a spread out maneuver followed by encirclement of the enemy. She barely had time to notice Pozharky's APC through the optical before it took a direct hit. The vehicle didn't blow up, but there was no mistaking the smoke coming out of it. She cursed loudly this time, anger flaring up. The fuckers had gotten Pozharsky.

That was no time to mourn however. They had an engagement to win. By now Dvarza's mechanized battalion was driving straight into the Collective unit, there couldn't me more than 600 meters between them. Risky as fuck, but someone had to give the others the chance to flank the enemy.

Her gunner managed to destroy the largest remaining walker as yet another of her APCs was hit. This time however the shot only managed to damage it and the vehicle went careening without control to the right before the driver managed to stop it.

By now the small Collective unit had been reduced to a few pitiful vehicles and whatever troops had managed to disembark. These last remnants didn't last long against the combined firepower of the Totalist push. Dvarza's APC didn't even had to slow down as it passed the burning wrecks.

“Pink 13!” Dvarza called to the damaged vehicle through the battalion's channel. “Status report. Over”

“Looks like the suspension is busted. We've also threw a thread. Three wounded, no deaths. Over” Came the reply

“Fix that shit, Pink 13, and stay where you are until further orders! Over.” Dvarza shouted back in the radio.

“Understood, Pink 11. Over.”

“Pink 11.” The Major's voice came through the company's channel. “Casualty report. Over”

“One APC destroyed with all crew and squad, Pink 1, another damaged and immobile. No fatal casualties. Over”

“Understood Pink 11. Switch to company's channel. Over” The Major replied and Dvarza obeyed.

“Pink company, we will soon be arriving at your drop off point. We will maneuver around them and come in from their rear. Get your squads ready to disembark at my command. Once there proceed along the edges of the river bed and engage the enemy. Do not let them escape. Over.”

A chorus of acknowledgments followed and the company drifted from the formation, following the course indicated in their screens by a pink line. Taking them around the Collective force. Around two and half companies' worth. And putting the enemy between them and the main push of the armored companies and one mechanized company. The remaining mechanized company would come in from the other side and complete the encirclement.

It took Pink Company a while to get in position. But with the Collective troops now having to deal with the main push coming, they had little to spare against either of the companies maneuvering around them.

The riverbed wasn't very deep and so one battalion was deployed there. The other four disembarked the troops on the margins, two at a side. Dvarza's now stood on the inner margin, on the same side as the plateau held by the natives.

And so their advance begun. Infantry squads deployed with BT-10 support marching at a quickened pace towards the Collective forces, closing the remaining distance between them and the enemy quickly. Dvarza herself stayed inside her APC, though she did put on her gas mask, to better coordinate the action. But even inside she could clearly hear the sounds of battle from this close by. Along with the loud cheer coming from the natives atop the plateau as their saviors clashed with the Collective forces.

Pink company easily overcame the couple of scattered Khraal squads deployed to protect the Collective rearguard before pressing onwards into the bulk of the enemy concentrated around the plateau. Now trying unsuccessfully to disengage from the superior Totalist force hitting them from the front.

With two other companies now hitting them from behind the engagement reached its final part. With the Collective cyborgs and drones able to do little else than take a few more Totalist squads down with them as the heavier firepower of the invaders cut them down.

A small victory, but nothing truly worth noting in the bigger picture.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Not too long before he could even take his first step towards home, David had immediately collapsed where he stood, the these past few sleepless days finally catching up to him, this had came to a shock to his squad and the new tag-alongs, both of whom had stayed behind along with the injured Jessica and Cole as Cila, the only able-bodied being among their squad ran over and tended to the squad's exhausted leader. "I got you, sir." she said as she shouldered him and bring him, and brought him over to one of the abandoned stores, an old clothing store. The others soon followed behind. As they entered, Cila swiftly scanned the room for a fitting spot to place David, she noticed a rather empty spot in men's section, slowly walking over, Cila slowly placed David against the wall. "Thanks kid.." David said weakly, barely able to keep his eyes open, before slowly losing consciousness. "The least I can do, sarge." She replied with a "smile" or at least whatever positive facial expression Aldzur tend to make.

"I think we all deserve a rest..." Cole said, his hand placed over his wounded rib. Jess and Cila both looked at Cole, who was in worse shape then jess. He takes notice of their concerned expressions and grinned. "Don't mind me, I can handle it."

"Let me at least patch you up." Cila said, placing the bag she had carried the whole way down to the ground, reaching down, searching for something. "Ah! here we go." she yelped, pulling out a foam can and inspecting it. "Still has a little left, thought I used the last of it for jess." She gave the can a good shake before pressing down on the trigger, white foamed shooting out from the can, a semi-solid foam forming across the wound. "Thanks Cila, that's better." Cole said.

And the whole time, the two Hol visitors had watched, speaking in their native tongue, conversing on something. In truth, this happenstance was a good thing in a way, the squad was in no shape to press on forward after barely surviving two engagements with Collective soldiers, some more rest was much needed.

An some time had long passed, palatine's moon still up high, hanging over and casting it's shadow over the planet. All was peaceful for now. David, finally coming to, had slowly opened his eyes, feeling more energized and awake, he slowly stood up, stretching his legs and arms. It was that moment that he took notice of something, a cylindrical object slowly landed in the middle of the square, followed by four silhouetted figures. "....Shit." David whispered.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Royal Palace
Itil, Laum
Prince Cato Aurelia Castus Anzac

The throne room was full of people, advisors, generals and other high ranking officials fervently discussing the latest round of information from their explorers.

“ We have about 50 habitable worlds in this region, all of them have signs of intelligent life” A general said as he walked through the holographic map. “ Past our borders to the north, we have a large alien militarized presence and to the west we have the remains of a pretty advanced civilization. With all due respect young prince, I would focus on these smaller worlds before trying to contact bigger fish” he finished, before the throne room exploded in an uproar

Prince Cato nodded, standing from the high backed throne to address the gathering “ Thank You General, I understand you served my father with honor during the war, your knowledge is invaluable. However; the planets that reside within our borders are inhabited by primitive civilizations….right”? he said looking towards one of his advisors

“ They are a lot like us my prince, limited to one world but showing signs of growing intelligence. Two crews report friendly populations while others have only observed from afar. We are not too different” he finished with a short nod

“ Would you consider them a threat”? the prince added

The advisor was about the confidently shake his head but stopped, shrugging. “ I would consider our civilizations equal, are they a threat to Itil? No, would they be a threat if we tried to colonize the planet? Maybe”.

Cato nodded again and looked towards his senior military staff “ Why can’t we do both?” he said in a questioning tone “ Diplomatic missions to these planets would be advisable, we must find out where these worlds stand.”

“ But!…..my good prince” another senior officer interjected “ We have already sent a company to aid the MX-20, we are not even sure if the crew is still alive. We only have 800 men left, plus the reserve element and no reconnaissance specialists. We do not have the man power or equipment for such a wide area”

“ Have your considered recruiting”? the prince said raising an eyebrow

“ Yes my prince, we are recruiting crews for the navy as we speak” the same officer answered before being abruptly cut off by the prince

“ Not for the Navy general…for the Legion” he finished rather flatly

“ Th….the Legion hasn’t recruited in centuries….men come to the Legion, we don’t go to them” The general said nervously. “ Under the De-armement treaty of the new monarchy, we cannot exceed a thousand souls for our military. Your own father wrot——“

“ I know what he wrote” the prince interjected, cutting the general off mid sentence. “ Times have changed and we need to change with them. Begin recruiting for the legion and send diplomatic missions to those friendly planets. Advise crews to make contact if they haven’t already done so.”

With a polite nod, the general stepped back into the crowd of officers, leaning in to whisper to the man next to him “ Overturning policy, making brash decisions, This child doesn’t know what he’s doing” he quipped, receiving a quiet nod for an answer.

Cpl. Gio Easton

“ Clear” a man said over the radio as he emptied the duffle bag of its gear before joining the security perimeter. The four men laid in the middle of the square facing outwards, scanning the broken buildings for any sign of movement. The night was perfect for their night vision, with the moon further illuminating what the device did.

“ Whats the move East?” another man quipped over the radio

“ We need to get up somewhere high” the corporal said as he looked around the square. “ There…..” he whispered, pointing towards the exposed roof of an apartment block.

The man facing the clothing store slowly rose to a knee before slowly trotting towards a bit of rubble in the street, Laying down next to it to cover the teams advance.

“ Set” he said, prompting the corporal and another soldier to quickly rise to their feet.

“ Moving” Gio said quietly as they made a fast but quiet trot across the square and up to the store wall. “ were set” he quipped before turning around the cover the last two members of his team.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Agartha, Office of the Dominus

Dominus Aventus stood alone in the darkened office, the displays along the back wall showing only the storm that raged outside. He stood in front of the small shrine that was nestled in the wall of his office, its small candles and incense stick offering little light as the Dominus held the small statue of the dancing gods in his hands, turning it over. It was an old thing, probably older than many within the building, the soft faces of the two figures having been worn by time as the statue had seen both year and Dominus's come and go. "How much strife have you seen?" Aventus wondered silently "Such a little thing..." So lost was he in thought that he almost didnt hear his door slide open and lock as several figures shuffled into the room.

The forms of the High command (at least those among them that were planet side, thus limiting their number to 4). They stood for a moment in silence as the Dominus turned the statue on last time in his hands before placing back into where it belonged. Turning Aventus walked in silence back to his desk before turning to face the assembled commanders "Friends." He began, his voice low and even "War is at our doorstep. Uther and Faust are poised to begin a conflict that will ravage the inner portions of what remains of the Empire. It is doubtless that Uther has been courting out nearby neighbors as well, ever sense our agreeing to the defensive pact with Faust and his Dominion" His eyes scanned the faces of the assembled commanders "It is because of this that we must prepare for the eventuality that war will come to our borders, which is a matter of when at this point. It is to this end that I am moving all Legios and fleets to standby, they are to be assembled, fleet coverage of our western flank is to be expanded. At the same time I want fleets moving in the space to our south, small hunting and scouting parties, nothing else. But if anything is coming our way, we need to know about it. As for the Legios, put them on rotation, and make ready to move them at a moments notice." Aventuse paused for a moment "That is all for some of you, make it so"

Bowing slightly some of the commanders turned to leave, leaving High commanders Lorili and Talan in the room. Aventus turned to Lorili "For you I want more Skulks to be spread into our neighbors, but do it quietly for now, information gathering and general espionage only but keep them ready to change orders." Lorili nodded as Aventus turns to Talan to continue "As for you my friend, I have a special request of you." Aventus placed his hand on Talan's shoulder and looked him dead in the eyes "I want you to accompany me to the Cathedral, there are those there we must awaken, the time has come once more for their aid to be called."

Talan nodded slowly, understanding the vague order as if he held a list of things to do.

With a wave of his hand Aventus dismissed the two as well and sat behind his desk with a sigh "My pieces are now in motion. Its now your move." the muttered this to no-one in particular, only being answered by the sound of the crash of thunder.

Agartha, Catacombs underneeth the Temple of the Dancing Gods

The hushed dark of the maze like Catacombs stretched out before High Commander Talan and Dominus Aventus, shadows danced on the walls of bones as they retreated from the lights the monks that accompanied him. As they walked none deemed it necessary to speak, and to be honest this suited Talan just fine as he was caught up in keeping his eyes off the solid walls of bones around him, though he would maintain that it seemed that the empty skulls' gaze would follow him and the monks.

The macabre structure that surrounded them did not continue on forever, indeed after a short while in the winding maze the small group was met with a large stone door, large enough to fit at least two main battle tanks through at the same time. Inscribed on the door was depictions of sleeping soldiers, their inert stone forms surrounding the simple inscription "LET THOSE WHO EARNED THEIR SLEEP REST". Talan read the inscription with a melancholy feeling growing within him, a feeling echoed by the Dominus next to him. Still the two of them reached out and pressed their palms on the door, seemingly tripping a couple hidden switches as the door broke its seal with a hiss and fell away into the ground and walls.

Inside a new set of catacombs stretched on, only this time metal pervaded the walls in the stead of bones. Soft lights also shone from panels in the side walls, their ghostly light playing off the figures painted on said walls. These paintings themselves frame large metal sarcophagi the sat embedded into the wall every 100 feet or so.

With no small reverence the group entered, the monks scurrying off into the dark to tinker with some switches, leaving the Dominus and Commander (who was craining his neck to read the names inscribed on the sarcophagi. But this stopped as the two reached a crossroads in this new catacombs, in the middle of which sat a particularly large stone grey sarcophagus circled by smooth flagstones. Talan squinted trying to make out the name once again as the grinding sound of metal ageist metal filled the catacomb.

All at once the flagstone circle descended as large mechanical arms appeared from the ceiling, securing themselves on ether side of the sarcophagus, holding it above the new pit. More sounds made themselves known as more arms appeared, carrying thick legs like apertures that they began the arms begain to attach to the bottom of the sarcophagus, which was now humming as lights came on all over it. Some flashed once, or twice but others still just burned their dim angry color.

As the leg apertures were attached the two arms holding the sarcophagus moved it out from the pit and set it on its two new legs before detaching with a hiss and retreating. Both Commander and Dominus looked at the hulking metal behemoth infront of them and waited, as within moments the floor shook as ancient machinery locked into place and activated, producing a very low voice one would feel in the depths of their chest. "Why do you awaken the Dead." the large thing asked as it unmovingly stared down at the two.

Aventus stepped forward and bowed "We awaken the dead as we are under threat and need your power once more."

The ancient machine thought, or seemed to think before responding "We are always under threat. But you come to us in need and respect. As such the dead will answer.

With that an activation signal bursts out across the Remnants as various secret places suddenly become a whirlwind of motion and sound as the Sarcophagi begin to be activated. But amid all of this only Talan did not react, as his eyes were transfixed on the name etched onto the machine that dominated the Dominus' attention. One simple name Clarent, a simple name that yet meant so much
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Abrik Talot Space Station, Ⱥthistan ℱederation
President Roshawna had been up for several hours as he was going over the troop movements and information being passed down by the Priuca Command. The situation was getting worse as there are confirmed reports that these aliens had some sort of aircrafts and tanks in the city. The last time that they had heard from Command was before the destruction of Koriu Bridge. Since then, the Command has been silenced and the headquarters is waiting for them to respond.

There also have been reports that dead bodies are bring dragged to the vessel, according to a few eyewitnesses. But, they are wild rumors at the moment until they are proven otherwise. President Roshawna went over his speech several times to ensure himself that it was perfect. He was going to announce to the world that they were at war with aliens and their unknown forces. They haven't come up with a name for them yet, but they have come up with several names for the smaller creatures.

Grunts and shredders are the most commonly used names for the small creatures. As for the tall aliens, they are often called Crushers or Bigfoots. Of course, Roshawna isn't going to be using any names during his speech to the world. He kept reading his speech until someone told him that the room was finished. The room was originally a viewing area that had to be turned into a speech room. Several cameras were set up among with microphones on the desk. Roshawna took a seat on a chair and gathered all of his papers and looked over them once more.

After a minute of reading his speech, he was finally ready to speak to his citizens.

“My fellow citizens, I thank you for allowing me to speak towards the millions affected by this destructive moment in history. Our world has survived a massive war that claimed the lives of millions and the nuclear detonation that killed more lives and damaged our environment. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; the city of Cleim is burning; lives have been suddenly changed for the worse; creatures of unknown origins have invaded our world; hope that we will have a tomorrow gets lower each day we read the death count. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.

Yet we are still alive in this moment. As president of this federation, I promise to you all that I won't back down for those invaders until I draw my last breath. We all have to make that promise to our loved ones that are going to prevent the destruction of our world. We all have to make the necessary sacrifices in order to overcome this moment in history. We have to keep pushing forward or we will be crushed. This Federation will not stand down and will not talk in peace with them. They have taken enough lives to know that they won't back down so easily.

This vessel is the cause of all this death and destruction; but, it's also a key to stopping them. That's why I am making this plea to our leaders: Please send your militaries to the depth of hells. I won't lie to you all, there's going to be too many dead; but, I'd rather have several million dead souls than the destruction of our planet. Won't you?

Thank you all. I will always be with you.”

The speech was finally over as Roshawna got out of the chair and walked out of the room. Several workers looked at the president as they finished hearing his speech and got back to work. He had hoped that some of the leaders would realize that sitting back would hurt the chances of winning this war. Roshawna went back to Dejen Iyasu's workspace and said to him, “What did I miss?”

Cleim, Priuca, Ⱥthistan ℱederation
“They are taking people and turning them into mindless troops?” the woman said in disgust as she finished hearing Bhaman's story on-board the vessel and how she got out of there. The whole thing seemed unreal and fake like some movie, but she remembers the whole process. The news crew were horrified about what happens to the people, who were brought aboard the vessel.
“We need to get you to the military.” the woman said as she checked out Bhaman for any wounds, “You're now an important person and a target to those things.”

The man kept driving around the city as he only took the streets and roads that looked stable enough. The reporter looked at the camera and said to Bhaman, “I never told you our names. My name is Zenha and the driver's name is Teodros.”

Bhaman looked at her and responded, “My name is Bhaman.”

She looked at the camera and her formal outfit as she realized that she was a reporter. “You were there at the beginning of this mess, weren't you?”

Zenha looked down at her camera and answered, “Yes. We saw it all unfold. Almost every news channel was talking about this 'mysterious vessel that crashed into the heart of Cleim'. A lot of people were there as well. Children, college students, mother, and so many more. When we first saw the small creature, they looked so scared. Someone went to touch it's hand and...”

She started to cry at remembering the terrifying moments after that. Zenha breathed repeatedly until Bhaman comforted her and said to her, “You don't need to tell the rest. You have been in a lot of pain.”

Zenha smiled at her words and thanked her as she tried to stop crying. Bhaman decided to check on Teodros. He was forced on the road, but he was also shocked by the sudden crying. He had been driving for several hours now as the sun slowly came up from the mountains. Bhaman looked at the tried driver and said to him as she tried to get into the passenger seat, “Mind if I start driving?”

“We are almost there. I can handle.” he insisted as he kept his eye on the road for any signs of those creatures. There was a moment of silence as Bhaman realized that she didn't know where they were taking her. It was dumb that she didn't ask them earlier about a possible location. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“Well, we are going to the airport.” he revealed to her the location and his plan, “While you were on the vessel, the military pushed towards the airfield. About half of them made across the river until reinforcements came and started to fire at the helicopter. That was when the jets started to attack on the station, that's how you got out. Most of them made it to the airport, but some didn't. We filmed some parts of the attack by one of the Crushers spotted us and came towards us.”

“Alright, that sounds like a good plan.” she said as she also kept an eye on the area. The area looked calm despite the background sound of gunshots, screaming, and explosions. Then, the car suddenly stopped in front of the highway that went to the airport. It was full of recently used cars and no clear way of getting the van on the highway, meaning that they have to walk. The two in the front seats looked in disappointment, but they got out of the van.

Zenha also got out as she grabbed the camera and headed towards Teodros. “We have to walk now, don't we?” she acknowledged the cold hard truth. There no answers other than a disappointment sigh, meaning that they had to walk for hours. The three survivors started the long walk towards the airport, hoping that the military is still there in full force. They knew that it was going to be a long time before they saw the airport and anyone in fact as no-one else was on the highway. Meaning that they all could either be dead or somehow made it to the airport.

Bhaman knew that the hundreds of abandoned vehicles were once owned, but their owners were gone forever.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rong and Morinth

The Avalon drifted silently in Mars's orbit, monitoring the situation on earth. All that could be seen is the high tensions of two fleets ready to pull the trigger at any second. And in the middle, a small group of Musashi ships at the wrong place and the wrong time.

Morinth turned to Rong, “We are within comms range of your Princess, it’ll be hard to get through the imperial and dominion though.” She said, pointing at a small communications console.

Rong stopped pacing and turned to the console. “Ok. Let’s see if I can contact her flagship.” She activated the console and established a connection with the flagship. “Shokaku, this is Kau Rong. Can you put Yuki-hime on the line.”

There was a long pause before a response came. “Kau-dono, Yuki-hime is currently not on the Shokaku at this moment. Please wait while we connect you to her.”

“What the hell is going on?” Rong muttered to herself. “Shokaku can you give me a sit-rep?”

“Uh…. Things are short of muddled at the moment. Wait one… Ok we’ve got Yuki-hime on the line for you. Shokaku out.”

“Rong-chan, is that you?” Rong allowed herself to smile at the sound of Yuki’s voice.

“It is Yuki-hime. I’ve come… with a friend to help you in whatever way I can.” Rong paused before asking “What is going on?”

“Things are sort of a mess here” Yuki answered. “I… padded the fleet with a lot of individuals that are personally loyal to me. It's the only reason I’m still alive at this point. I was… far more successful in making this fleet personally loyal to me than I had thought. Most of the ships in the fleet are refusing to following my father’s orders. Still, the battleship and a few other ships are trying to either capture or kill me. And seeing as how the fleet is centered around that battleship… things will get ugly should ships start shooting at each other.” There was a long pause before Yuki spoke again, this time her voice was strained. “I’ve deployed some… shinobi… to help take control of that battleship. Meanwhile I’ve been stuck in a fighter, dodging loyalist fighter squadrons and the occasional corvette.” There was another long pause. “If I get that battleship the whole fleet is mine. Can you help the shinobi in that task?”

“I will” Rong answered.

“Good. I… need to get off this line and…” Yuki grunted. “Focus on not getting blown to pieces. We’ll speak again.”

A loud buzz and then dead silence ended the conversation, prompting a response from Morinth as she examined the console, “Yeah, they must’ve jammed the signal.” She frowned, “And I have no Idea which group did it. I think it's fair to say we need to act fast.”

“Shit.” Rong said. “Ok. How do you feel about storming a battleship?”

A wide grin was louder than words as Morinth slid into the pilot's seat. She ran her fingers across a few holographic panels, prompting manual flight controls to deploy. “Now, Rong, I need to know before we get there.. Weapons free?”

“Let’s try not to break anything if we can.” Rong said. “Yuki-hime made it sound like the majority of the fleet is with her, but if anything targets us… let’s just blow it and ask for forgiveness later if need be. Once we get closer I’ll be able to connect to the psi-net which should give me a much better picture of what’s going on.”

“So weapons free.” Morinth concluded. “Spinning up jump drive, we will arrive in about three minutes. You have two choices, you can sit here next to me and watch out the viewer here or… you can take that rear facing seat behind me and man the main dorsal and ventral turrets. Incase those corvettes Yuki was talking about decide to target us”

“I’ll remain here.” Rong said. She closed her eyes as she said “I’m going to focus on connecting to the psi-net. Doing so will potentially help us evade those corvettes anyways.”

Morinth shrugged as if not bothered by Rong’s decline but her disappointment was clear. “Suit yourself. Jumping in.. three..” She cleared her throat. “One.” Not minutes but seconds passed as with a bright flash, the Avalon burst forth onto the looming battlefield. Morinth dodged ships gracefully, circling engine pods of massive Ganymede ships and gliding along the bow of oppressors. Even being so bold as buzzing the bridge of a Sol battleship in a dazzling fashion.

As the Avalon continued to maneuver side to side, rolling and dipping in and out of the now convoluted imperial and dominion battle lines, Three trident fighters locked on and approached quick. They quickly gained missile lock and began to broadcast surrender orders but were quickly waved off by a very well placed move by an Dominion assault ship. Morinth did what was as close to ‘waiving one's wings’ as possible before finally reaching a break in the main battle formations of the Dominion and Imperium.

Though there were still ships in all directions, it was clear that both sides had given the Musashi fleet breathing room as the gap widened between the two opposing forces. “Damn.” Morinth said, pointing at the Battleship, “So we are supposed to board that.. And take it? I’m sure I can arrange for some help.” she said, already knowing the Answer no was coming.

“And what kind of help are you thinking?” Rong inquired, her brow furrowing in concentration.

Morinth eyes locked on an Dominion Titan nearby, “Ah.. nothing, we got this.”

“We do.” Rong agreed. By this point a number of Musashi destroyers had pinged the Avalon with their sensors, but had declined to lock weapons, seeming content to largely ignore the ship even as it drew near. Rong gasped before her look of concentration melting into a more serene expression. “Ko-class corvette to our port side. Shifting our course fifteen degrees starboard will put us within weapons range of a friendly destroyer. The corvette should back off.” She paused for a moment before adding “It will also keep a squadron of Zero fighters off of our backs for a while.”

The Avalon sharply banked towards the Musashi destroyer and Rong’s suggestion paid off as both the Corvette and the Fighters peeled back. It was at that moment that Dominion and Imperial sensor signatures ceased targeting the Avalon, “Well now.” Morinth said, checking various displays. “It seems both the Imperium and Dominion are not targeting this area of space at all. That’s good news for us. Keeping themselves blind to our actions at the very least”

“It wouldn’t be funny if one of them opened fire and started a war.” Rong said with a slight nod of her head. “So they are playing it smart. Ah! Looks like Yuki-hime managed to get some hundred odd shinobi onto that battleship. And the battleship’s complement of troopers are roughly split into thirds: one group loyal to Yuki-hime, one group following the battleship captain’s orders, and one group remaining largely neutral for now. Ah! And some of those friendly troopers are taking over one of the battleship’s docking ports. We have our means of entry now.”

The Avalon continued to maneuver erratically until they gained a clear path to the battleship. Upon drawing nearer, the Musashi beast’s ominous shadow eclipsed the tiny Avalon in comparison. Morinth gazed in awe for a few seconds before rotating the ship to the docking port. A loud clank from metal clamps sounded through the ship.

Rong slowly opened her eyes as she said “There are friendly troopers right inside of the battleship that will go with us once we are ready.” She rose to her feet and stretched before heading towards the Avalon’s armory. The pair of women quickly loaded up before heading to the hatch. Rong sported her kunoichi suit, a katana and wakizashi on her left hip, a pistol on her right, and a number of knives on her ankles and the back of her waist.

Morinth on the other hand, had forego her usual suit of power armor and instead kept to a simple armored tank top and black pants with no defining insignia. She had no desire to bring anything that shouted that she was part of the Dominion aboard the Musashi vessel. Her armaments reflected this lighter mentality as she worse a simple gun belt with a high caliber pistol on the left and a large combat knife on the right. Slung over her shoulder was an short assault rifle with a under barrel grenade launcher. A few hand grenades to top that off ended with a simple thumbs up from Morinth, “Let's do this.”

“Put this on” Rong handed Morinth a plain looking mask. “Its combat grade, resistant to shrapnel, and is set up to enhance vision. Also it’ll have the added benefit of giving the illusion that you are also from Musashi.” Rong gave Morinth a look before adding “Sort of.”

When the two women exited the Avalon they were greeted by a large hallway that was filled by twenty Musashi troopers. The leader of the troopers approached the women as he said “I’m glad you’re here to back us up Kau-dono. I’ve heard that the shinobi have almost reached the bridge, but have hit a particularly dug in group of bushi. Things could get messy.” He looked at Morinth before adding “Are you and your… companion ready to head out.”

“We are” Rong answered. The trooper gave a simple nod before barking out orders for his subordinates to move out. The troopers quickly started to lead the way down the many corridors of the battleship. “Only after you have to mark through its endless corridors does it become clear just how massive these warships are.” Rong muttered after twenty minutes of marching. They had yet to encounter any resistance, but that was about to change.

Morinth shifted her mask when the soldiers turned away. “Rong, These masks are uncomfortable.” She shifted it again, “Seriously. How can you people wear this.” After a few moments of careful adjustment she seemed content. “All right. So he mentioned the bridge. Is that our only target?”

“Hmm… Well it’s certainly the main target.” Rong answered after a moment. “It seems like the bulk of those standing against Yuki-hime are doing so because of the captain’s presence. If we eliminate him we should be able to get the loyalists to surrender. If nothing else those who are remaining neutral will join us.” She didn’t explain how or when she obtained this insight.

Rong’s comments sparked curiosity within Morinth and she was about to ask but then paused, “I know you all are about honor and such, But why don’t we attack a lesser defended area like an engineering bay. We could then you know.. Play dirty. Turn off the gravity on the bridge or just vent the atmosphere.” Her smile was hidden by a mask that upon close inspection, was definitely crooked. “I would suggest splitting up but I honestly have no idea what this psi-net thing is.”

Rong raised an eyebrow as she said “This ship wasn’t designed by a fool. The bridge was designed to be able to maintain its own atmosphere and gravity in the event of a boarding action by hostiles. Granted taking engineering or the CIC would help us limit what those on the bridge can do, but it won’t solve the problem immediately.” She paused before adding. “And the psi-net is a… series of connections between individuals who can use psionics. It’s… I could go more in-depth if you want, but it’s sort of complicated.”

“I wouldn’t mind learning more. I had it in my mind that it was how the ship was controlled or some sort of cool sounding intranet.” Morinth added. “Let's rescue your princess first though.” she said, drawing the rifle from her shoulder and gripping it firmly. “Ready when you are.”

“Contact!” A trooper at the front of the group yelled an instant before an explosion rocked the corridor. Men were screamed as they were struck by shrapnel and small arms fire. Rong reacted immediately, shoving Morinth to the side as a barrage of weapon’s fire swept through the space they were standing in. One round struck Rong in the shoulder, the force from the projectile spinning her as it knocked her from her feet. Further down the hall a group of loyalist bushi could be seen exchanging fire with Yuki’s troopers. The troopers were not faring well.

With a quick pivot of her feet, Morinth caught her balance from Rong’s shove and then rushed right to her side, trying to examine the injury. She didn’t get much of a chance as the shells were still whizzing overhead. “Shit, we are never going to get down this corridor.” she shouted, trying to announce this fact to the Musashi troopers. Before any could respond, Morinth motioned Rong towards a nearby room. “We got to get out of this kill zone.”

Rong drew her pistol and fired a few rounds down the corridor before giving a slight nod. “I’m good to move.” In front of them the troopers were slowly before forced back. Many of them had begun to slip into side rooms or corridors. Rong fired a few more rounds before adding “I have no idea what's in any of these rooms, so your guess is as good as mine. You lead the way, I’ll be right behind you.”

“Shit.. shit shit.” Morinth said, trying to figure out where they were. “Alright, that one.” she said, pointing to a large set of doors. The two rushed in, barely escaping the hail of gunfire. There wasn’t much in the room aside from a few chairs and tables, that made it notable to Morinth, aside from it being cover. “Alright, We have cover for now but I doubt those enemy soldiers are going to just sit tight and wait for us to regroup. You have to know something about this ship.. Look, over there. Is that a system console or something on that table?”

“Let’s see” Rong said as she walked over to the table. She typed a few commands into the console, bringing up a set of schematics of the ship. She peered at them for a moment before pointing at one part of the ship. “We are here and here…” She dragged her finger across to a room on the opposite side of a wall. “Is a barracks that is right by the bridge.” She pointed at where two corridors joined together near that barracks. “And this is where the loyalists are dug in and holding the shinobi back. We can hit them from the rear if we just blow or cut through this wall. Got any explosives on you?”

“Are you kidding me?” Morinth said with a grin. She raised her rifle’s grenade launcher into Rong’s view. “I’m pretty sure a few shots from this will do the trick. At least, I hope so.” With a simple nod from Rong Morinth rose up and aimed her rifle at the weakest point of the wall. “Cover your ears.” She said while pulling the trigger. The blast sent pieces of metal in all directions as a hole large enough for a bear was made. Morinth looked to Rong and smiled.

“Ok let’s- Shit!” Rong froze. The smoke and dust from the explosions cleared to reveal that the barracks had in fact not been empty. In fact it had been occupied by a group of bushi, bushi shodans, and imperial guards all of whom were now pointing their rifles at Rong and Morinth.

“Don’t move a muscle” One of the bushi in the front of the group said. Rong did a quick head count and immediately eliminated any hope of fighting through the group, having counted some forty odd soldiers. The imperial guards alone, who numbered ten, would have been enough to end the two women.

When neither group did anything for a minute Rong asked “You aren’t loyalists… are you?”

“Nor do we follow Yuki-hime” One of the imperial guards answered.

Morinth’s gaze shifted from soldier to soldier, “Then who do your loyalties belong to?”

“The Empire” A different Imperial guard answered. He paused for a moment before adding “We see no honor in this fight one war or another.”

“Well ain’t that a change.” Morinth mumbled, surprised at the outcome. “So, if you support the empire why don’t you just let us slide on by and talk to the ship Captain.”

“Perhaps we will” The first Imperial guard responded. “But first I’d like to know what stake a foreigner has in this fight.”

“Shit” Rong was so quiet that only Morinth could possibly hear her. “We are friends and comrades. She is here because I need her aid. That is all.”

“Is it now?” The Imperial guard asked.

Morinth grit her teeth and gulped, “I.. I owe her a life debt. She rescued me and I am bound to her service.” She gulped again, “fuck.” she mumbled. “She said if I help her in this, my debt is clear. I fully intend to clear my debt.”

“That is… more reasonable than I would expect from a foreigner.” The Imperial guard said after a moment. “Assuming you speak the truth. Very well. You leave us alone and we will return the favor.” As he spoke the majority of the soldiers present lowered their rifles, although a few kept theirs trained on the two women. “You may rest here for a moment or just move through. Just do us a favor and say you never encountered us.”

“Thank you.” Morinth said simply to the Imperial Guard. After affirming nod, she motioning for Rong to follow. After a few steps, a quick smile was flashed, although hidden by the mask, “And you have my word, I have never seen you before.” She turned her head to Rong, “I mean, it’s crazy that there was no one on the other side of the wall when we came through that hole.” she said in a sarcastic tone.

“Crazy, but not unexpected” Rong said as she followed Morinth.

A single bushi approached the women as they moved into the barracks and whispered “I heard there’s a group of onna-bugeisha nearby who are leaning towards Yuki-hime. They might join you if you speak to them.”

Morinth shook her head and whispered to Rong, “I’m doubting that life debt shit is gonna work again. Any tips on these onie budishosho’s ?” She asked with the most innocent tone.

“Well… for starters you could not screw up their name.” Rong answered. “Seriously though it's your accent that’s giving you away, although your… clothing is also quite odd.” She looked at Morinth for a moment before saying “I suppose we either need to come up with a new story or just have you keep your mouth shut.”

“I’m sure we will think of something.” Morinth said softly before looking to the Bushi, then back at Rong. “All you.”

“Where are these onna-bugeisha?” Rong asked the bushi.

After giving them the exact location the bushi added “I’d join you if I didn’t have a family to worry about. I’ll be praying for your success Kau-dono. And you too foreigner.”

Rong thanked the bushi before leading Morinth out of the barracks. The two moved cautiously, Both clearly worried about possible ambushes. Thankfully they didn’t encounter any other loyalist troops before they reached the barracks that the neutral onna-bugeisha were supposedly holed up in.

“We wish to speak” Rong shouted as they approached the barracks’ door. “May we enter?”

There was a long pause before a woman shouted “You may. But keep your hands where we can see them.”

“Here we go” Rong said to Morinth as she opened the door and stepped through. Inside the barracks was about forty women. All were hunkered down behind makeshift barricades. A few rifles were pointed at Rong and Morinth, but the onna-bugeisha were, for the most part, content to simply watch the two women.

“You said you wanted to talk” An onna-bugeisha shodan, the clear leader of the group, said. “Speak.”

“I was hoping you would lend me your strength” Rong said.

“Oh? And towards what end” the Onna-bugeisha shodan asked. “Who is it that your loyalty lies with? Yuki-hime or the empire?”

“My loyalty lies with both” Rong answered. “For I see Yuki-hime as-”

Morinth cut Rong off, seeing this conversation as one that could turn dangerous quickly or get them nowhere with a discussion for hours. “We understand that you are very loyal and honor bound people. Right? Well, we really need to speak with the captain of this ship. We have information solely for him. Does it matter where our loyalty lay when it clearly does not matter?”

“And what is this information about?” The onna-bugeisha shodan demanded as she folded her arms in front of her chest.

“Did I not just say it was solely for your captain?” Morinth said, crossing her arms as well. “How would it look if I were to just start telling everyone secrets of yours?”

“Then go” The onna-bugeisha responded. “We will not prevent you from completing your task.”

Morinth motioned for Rong, “Let's not keep the Captain waiting.”

Rong simply nodded before leading Morinth out of the barracks. When the two had exited she let out a long sigh. “We botched that. It would have made things a lot easier to have a few of them backing us up. Guess we’ll just have to do this the hard way now.”

Morinth frowned, “Well, it started sounding like a debate. With everything going on, we need to just get this done.” She smiled, “And hey, who knows. That lead one might get curious and come back us up regardless!”

“Eh. At this point I hope she and her subordinates stay where they are.” Rong said as she began to lead Morinth down the corridor. The sounds of combat could be heard in the direction they were headed, and with each step the telltale bangs of railguns firing and the clanging sound of swords clashing grew louder.

Rong suddenly halted. Her eyes trained on the form of a woman in a tight bodysuit. Two swords rested on her waist, a rifle in her hands that she used to fire at individuals unseen to either Rong or Morinth. “Gale onna-bugeisha” Rong whispered to Morinth. “Just without her heavy equipment. I… think she is on our side, she seems to be firing on where the loyalists are, but I can’t really tell from here. What do you think?”

“Maybe I’m not the best one to ask after that whole ordeal back there.” Morinth replied, “But from what I can see, she is firing at the loyalists. How easy would it be to just ask her. Aren’t your people all linked with that psi-net thing?”

“Only those who have psionics can access the psi-net.” Rong answered. “You yourself would be as successful in connecting to it as she is. And unfortunately there are no other shinobi or kunoichi in this area, besides me. Still… I could ask some shinobi and see what they have to say.” There was a long pause before she spoke again. “The only thing they can say for certain is that the loyalist position is taking some fire from the opposite direction from them. Which is where that gale onna is right now. Shit! The loyalists are going to charge her!”

Morinth readied her rifle, “Well, Loyalist or not, the enemy of my enemy is my friend applies here. Lets go help her out. Make some friends while we are at it.”

“Ok. Watch my back!” Rong activated the thrusters on the back of her suit and charged down the corridor as she drew her katana. The gale onna was, by this point, backing away from the loyalist position. She dropped her rifle and drew her own katana as a pair of loyalist bushi shodans came charging into view with their own swords drawn and ready.

“Take all the fun will you..” Morinth said angrily while raising her rifle. “Who’s first.” she said with a grin before aiming down the sights. “Five men.. Small hallway.” a faint click toggled the rifle's secondary mode. “This will be a blast!” she said, pulling the trigger.

Even as fast as Rong was, she was quickly overtaken by the grenade that went spiraling past. The first Bushi likely didn’t see it coming as it became host to the grenades destructive fury. As it’s body turned into a red hazed mist, the concussion pushed the other four aside. Shrapnel didn’t affect the others armor so much aside from drawing their attention while Rong and The Gale closed the gap.

The gale onna brought her sword across one of the bushi shodan’s chest as he allowed himself to be momentarily distracted by the grenade. She glanced at Morinth and gave her a quick nod of the head before turning her attention to the second bushi shodan, barely catching his katana with her own before it beheaded her. By this point Rong had closed the distance, her katana cutting the arm off one of the remaining bushi as the others either pointed rifles at her or raised their own katanas. Rong leapt to the side, giving Morinth a clear shot on the bushi.

And with a thunderous sound, Morinth fired her rifle's primary fire mode, sending two fin stabilized high caliber rounds straight into the faceplate of the Bushi Shoden, shattering it, and the head inside. Dissatisfied, Morinth slung her rifle over her back and started towards the battle herself.

The last remaining loyalist bushi didn’t stand a chance as both Rong and the gale onna turned on him. All the loyalist laid dead on the floor long before Morinth reached them. By this point the sounds of battle had picked up. The gale onna had retrieved her rifle and was firing on the loyalists. Rong had joined in with her pistol.

“The shinobi are pushing through the loyalist position!” Rong reported as Morinth joined her. “We just need a good push to break through!”

“I got just the trick.” Morinth replied, handing Rong a hand grenade. “I don’t know you. But here.” She said, tossing one to the Gale. “Use them to kill and disorient, then we catch them off guard just like back there.”

“Let’s do this!” The Gale onna said, her voice full of excitement, as she threw the grenade towards the loyalists. Rong shrugged before following suit. She activated her cloak and disappeared from view as her grenade sailed towards the loyalists. The first grenade, the Gale onna’s, fell short, but showered the loyalists with shrapnel. Rong’s grenade also landed short, but still managed to blow the leg off one of the loyalists. The last grenade, thrown by Morinth, actually struck a loyalist Imperial guard in the face before detonating, killing him, three bushi, and throwing the rest of the loyalists into complete disarray.

The gale onna tipped the hilt of her sheathed katana towards Morinth as she asked “Join us in our valiant charge?”

Morinth raised a brow before firmly grasping the katana and drawing it. “Thanks!” Morinth said, now starry eyed and filled with excitement. She did her best to mimic Rong’s combat stances as the two readied for the attack.

“Yuki-hime banzai!” The gale onna yelled before charging towards the loyalist position. Rong and a large number of shinobi were already there. Lashing out at loyalists with their swords before flickering out of sight. Other shinobi fired at the loyalists with their rifles, somehow avoiding any friendly fire despite the intense melee that was forming. Others could be heard mimicking the gal onna’s charge cry, including Kau Rong.

While not as skilled with the blade as the Gale onna and Rong, Morinth joined the intense fight with as much ferocity. It seemed everywhere she looked, there were were blades, howls, screams of pain. Morinth watched as the Shinobi, Gale, and Rong cleaved through the Loyalists with machine like precision.

The gale onna was dueling with a bushi near Morinth, the two exchanging sword blows and dancing around each other, seemingly unaware of their surroundings even as they danced away from the swords and bodies of other combatants. In the distance Kau Rong could be seen dueling with the only remaining loyalist Imperial guard. She would exchange a sword blow with the Imperial guard before disappearing, only to reappear again as she struck out at him from a completely different direction, even attacking from directly overhead a couple of times. What was even more impressive was the fact that the Imperial guard was actually fending her off and even occasionally predicting where she would appear next, lashing out with his own katana.

With surprisingly fluid motions for one whom never used a katana in a fight such as this, Morinth was doing well, though the occasional save from a Shinobi helped greatly. She did encounter her own threat when it came from a Bushi Shodan that was bearing down on her, and her alone. The Shodan gracefully evaded Morinth’s wide slash, forcing her on the defensive. The Shodan began circling her, parrying each other's blades. Within moments, the Shodan rushed Morinth, performing a series of rapid slashes, knocking the sword from Morinth’s hands.

“Shit.” was all she could say as the Shodan lunged forward as if to catch her off balance, to his surprise it seemingly worked as Morinth started to fall backwards. The Shodan began closing on her, raising his sword for the kill but a quick backflip saved her life, and enabled her to swing her rifle around. As she landed on her feet, the Shodan stopped dead in his tracks as she smirked, pulling the trigger. The first shot blew the Shodans arm clean off and the second removed its leg. Morinth didn’t know for certain if the Shodan had died before the third shot exploded its head, regardless. She switched her rifle from its scatter shot mode back to a rifle and aimed at Rong’s attacker, Yelling “Get down!”.

Rong was exchanging sword blows with the Imperial guard when Morinth shouted. She spared Morinth a single glance before jumping up and kicking off of the Imperial guard’s chest, pushing herself away and unbalancing her foe in the process. The guard stumbled back a few steps before finding his foot again. Before he could ready an attack, Five rapid shots from Morinth’s rifle sent his body cold to the floor.

The Imperial guard’s death marked the end of the battle. Those few loyalists who remained, and they were few indeed, surrendered as they found themselves woefully outnumbered and outmatched. Kau Rong looked around at the aftermath of the battle before she held her sword over her head and shouted “Yuki-hime banzai!”

“Yuki-hime banzai!” The shinobi shouted in response.

“Yuki-hime banzai!” Rong shouted again.

“Yuki-hime banzai!” The Shinobi answered once again. The gale onna shouted as well as she approached Morinth, jumping her sword arm into the air.

“Well fought!” She said as she sheathed her sword.

Kau Rong and the shinobi repeated their victory cries a few more times before sheathing their own swords. Rong looked about before spotting Morinth and headed over as well. “Not often does one get to cross swords with an Imperial guard.”

“And rarer still is that one survives the encounter.” The gale onna said. “Though it's not exactly fair that you got help.”

“Eh, I had the upper hand. Morinth-san simply sped up the inevitable” Rong said with a shrug. “All’s fair in love and war after all. Or so I hear.”

“Isn’t that a foreigner saying?” The gale onna asked, to which Rong simply shrugged. After a moment the gale onna shrugged as well.

Morinth knelt down and retrieved the Gale onna’s sword. “Thanks for this but I’ll be honest, it’s not for me.” She held the sword towards the Gale onna. “It is usually customary among my people to know the names of my comrades in arms.”

“Ichigawa Izanami” The gale onna said as she took the sword and sheathed it. “You can use my given name. And what is your name?”

“My name is Morinth, nice to meet you Ichigawa. So the matter at hand.” Morinth said, looking at Rong and the rest of the Shinobi. “What’s the play for taking the bridge.”

“We blow the entry hatch, throw in some flash bangs, and charge in.” Rong answered. “It’ll probably be bloody… but that’s how these warships were designed to be. Easy to defend and costly to take.”

Izanami slowly nodded. “I’d heard that the captain has just a handful of bushi in the bridge with him, but they know where we are coming in and they know we are using shinobi. If they drop some dust bombs or even smoke grenades they’ll tear us up as we storm the castle.” Both the of the Musashi women let out a long sigh.

“Well… let’s get this over with” Rong said as she gestured at the shinobi.

Unsurprisingly the group of shinobi, plus Rong, Morinth, and Izanami met no further resistance on their way to the bridge. What loyalist elements remained were being tied down by other pro-Yuki forces elsewhere. What was surprising was the fact that the entrance to the bridge was open. The bodies of three bushi had been propped against a wall, a trail of blood from each led to various locations on the bridge. The last bushi stood by the entrance with no weapons in sight.

“What. The. Hell.” Izanami said as she, Morinth, and Rong looked at the bridge from around a corner.

“Huh…” Rong muttered before asking “What do you make of this Morinth-san?”

“I’m not sure what this is.” She said, aiming her rifle in all directions. “I don’t like it. We need to move carefully here.”

“You sure the captain only had four bushi?” Rong demanded.

“Nope” Izanami said with a shrug. “He could have also grabbed a few more from elsewhere. What I’m curious about is those three dead bushi. And why is that fourth bushi standing out there without any weapons?”

Morinth shook her head and lowered her rifle, “Why not just go up and ask?”

“You want to just walk up to him and ask?” Izanami asked.

“Yes.” Morinth replied simply. After a moment of thought she offered Izunami her rifle. “I’ll go if you want. Or you can just shoot him.”

“I’ll cover your back” Izanami said as she took the offered rifle.

Rong disappeared from view as she said “I’ll be there with you. Poke my head into the bridge to make sure nothing nasty is lurking in there.”

Morinth shrugged before walking casually towards the bushi. Her left hand hovered just above her pistol. Once Morinth reached a distance she deemed safe, “Hey buddy, what are you doing? You ok?”

The bushi turned to look at Morinth, clearly making an effort to keep his hands where she could see them. “You… Are not from Musashi, are you?” He asked, his voice revealing him to be a comparably young man, possibly as young as eighteen. “Who are you? Why are you here?”

“That’s right, I’m not from Musashi.” Morinth replied, slowly placing her hand on the pistols grip. “So young man, why don’t you just let me know what happened here.”

The Bushi watched as Morinth’s hand moved towards her pistol. “This ship is the property of Yuki-hime and the Empire of Musashi.” He calmly said, but raised his voice as he continued “It will not be allowed to fall into the hands of foreigners!”

“Calm down kid, don’t do anything you’ll regret. I’m not here to take your ship. This place is all yours buddy, just calm it down ok?” Morinth said, taking a more commanding tone.

“I am no kid nor I your buddy.” The bushi snapped. “I am a bushi of the Empire and you will show me the respect I am due. Now you will state exactly why you are here and you will do so now.”

“The captain is dead” Rong whispered into Morinth’s ear. She was so close that she was almost touching Morinth. “Some of the bridge crew are also dead. The rest are armed. They might have mutinied.”

Morinth lifted her hand from the pistol after hearing Rong, “Alright, Bushi, You’ve got me. I am here on behalf of Yuki-Hime and the Empire as well. Yuki-Hime sent me here to help. So let’s just calm down.” She locked her gaze on the gaps in the leg plating around the knee, preparing to shoot if he didn’t comply.

For a moment the bushi simply stared at Morinth. But after a moment his hands began to shake. He took a deep breath as if to say something, but was cut off as Izanami let out a cry “Yuki-hime banzai!” from down the corridor. The shinobi let out the cry as well, causing a thunderous roar to emerge from behind Morinth. The clenched his hands into fists and raised one over his head as he joined in. “Yuki-hime banzai!”

“Yuki-hime banzai!” Could be heard from inside the bridge as the crew their joined in.

Izanami and half of the shinobi stepped into view and walked over towards Morinth. Rong deactivated her cloak, appearing next to Morinth as if from thin air. The bushi seemed mildly startled by this, but didn’t seem particularly disturbed. “Perhaps one of us should have spoken to him instead” Izanami commented. “It wouldn’t have been funny if they’d blown the engines because they thought some foreign power was trying to steal this ship.”

Morinth relaxed and took a few steps back, “So if you knew they would’ve blown the ship..” She stopped herself. “Good thing you arrived when you did then.” She said then turned towards the Bushi, “So, friend. Did you and your buddies in there choose the right side in this conflict? Are you truly Yuki-hime supporters?”

“You killed the core loyalists in that last fight.” The bushi stated. “Broke their back really. When the captain had weapons handed out to the bridge crew… well he sealed his own fate. Enough of them liked Yuki-hime more than the current ruler of Musashi. I for one didn’t particularly like the captain threatening his crew at gunpoint.”

“You did the right thing.” Morinth said before walking towards him and extending her hand, “Permission to enter the bridge?”

“Permission granted” The bushi said as he stood at attention.

Kau Rong entered the bridge first, heading immediately for the captain’s chair. She sat down in it and pressed a button on the arm of the chair, activating the ship wide comm system. “This is Kau Rong, faithful retainer of Yuki-hime, speaking from the bridge. Those of us who are loyal to Yuki-hime are now in control of this ship. I urge those who stand against us to surrender. I give you my word that you will not be harmed if you surrender immediately. And to those who stood with Yuki-hime I have just one thing to say. Yuki-hime banzai!”

All throughout the ship the cry “Yuki-hime banzai!” could be heard. The battle was over and with it Yuki-hime was now in firm control of the fleet.

Morinth nodded, “Well, this was fun.” she said, now running her fingers through her hair. “Any chance I can take this mask off now?”

“Might as well” Rong said. “You don’t really need to hide the fact you’re a foreigner anymore.”

“Not that it helped any” Izanami commented as she walked over. “Where are you from, anyway?”

“It was that obvious?” Morinth replied before carefully removing her mask. The edges were wet from sweat, making the fresh air that much more refreshing. “I am from the Dominion.” she said plainly, fully expecting a negative response, but acknowledging honesty was prized among these people.

“Curious” Was all Izanami said in response. “Yea… your accent made it pretty obvious. Also… that.” She gestured towards Morinth’s top. “What is that?”

Rong chuckled before chiming in “I’ve been wondering that for a long time. Does that even count as a piece of clothing?”

“Does it?” Izanami asked. “I’m not sure it does.”

Morinth snickered, “I suppose you’re right, but indeed it does. Look at Rong here, wearing armor and still got hit in the shoulder.” She said with a smile. “Plus, it shows off the goods if you catch my drift.”

“Hey! My armor worked!” Rong said. “No harm no foul!”

“These show off the goods just as well I think!” Izanami gestured at her and Rong’s bodysuits. “It might even enhance her appearance.”

Morinth straightened her arms downwards and clasped her hands. “Hmm..” She said, slowly squeezing her arms together, along with other things, making them far more obvious. “I suppose to each their own,”

Rong just rolled her eyes before asking “Well I think it’s safe to conclude that Yuki-hime’s safety has been assured. For now at least. You willing to tell me what you need my help with or is that something you’d like to discuss in… privacy?”

“Oh, this sounds interesting.” Izanami said.

“Oh, It’ll be interesting.” Morinth said, winking at Izanami. “But in all seriousness, You remember that man from when we first met?” She said, directed at Rong but loud enough for all to hear.

“The one that was more magical than I?” Rong asked.

“Magical?” Izanami muttered.

“You don’t know about space magic?” Morinth asked, slowly shifting her gaze towards Izanami. “This guy we fought, he had a glove thing that froze me in place. I had to watch as he toyed with Rong here.”

“Wait… what?” Izanami asked.

“She means psionics.” Rong answered. “We encountered a… man who was immensely powerful and very hostile.” She let out a sigh. “I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to tangle with him again. Ok, so what is he up to?”

“Well, That is what I need to find out.” Morinth said, “There was a report sent to me, regarding that symbol that those soldiers had, on another world. It was seen on some sort of stealthy ship.”

“And so you… want to investigate this stealthy ship?” Rong asked. “I’m not sure how to break this to you, but this sounds like a job for a destroyer, not a kunoichi.”

“Heh, I know.” she said, “But wouldn’t that be a sight.” She lowered her tone as to mimic a man, “Oh I’m mr badass and I have a super stealthy base- Then BAM! Musashi battleship. Ah one can dream.” She said, nearly starry eyed again. “But yes, And it’s not quite the stealthy ship more so than the site it was at. A backwater planet and a tiny little town of maybe two hundred tops. Why would he stop there. I doubt to grab a bite to eat.”

“Does sound like a good site for a secret base.” Izanami chimed in.

“No.” The bushi from before said as he approached. “It’s a good location to recruit ignorant people.”

“I don’t think he recruits his personnel” Rong stated.

“Not all means of recruitment are voluntary.” The bushi countered. Rong nodded her head in agreement after a moment.

“Ok, I don’t like any of this.” Rong said. “But what’s your game plan for this. It can’t just be the two of us, gallivanting across the galaxy.”

“Well, The two of us gallivanting across the galaxy does sound exciting, however..” She gazed around to the Bushi, the Shinobi and finally Izanami. “Sometimes two is not nearly enough.” Morinth then turned to Rong, “I don’t intend to get jumped again, I intend to arrive and force who ever is there to give us information. I’m done beating around the bush with this guy.”

“Faust giving you a small army to do this?” Rong asked with a raised eyebrow. “Cause if Lau’s previous response to us utterly wrecking his subordinates is any indication he has a large manpower pool to draw from.”

“There is no way we could face that manpower pool alone, you’re right, and no. I don’t have an army, nor the help of my other three colleagues. But I do not want to face that army. Rather, I like the Bushi’s input. Maybe if this is some sort of recruitment center, voluntary or not, it would be a good place to look for clues as to what he is up to at the very least.” She sighed, “But even that would require help but I honestly do not know where to go for it. There’s always mercenaries and bounty hunters but they cannot be trusted. I need a group that values honor.” She said, looking at the Bushi out of the corner of her eye.

The bushi, noticing her looking at him, turned fully towards her. “I serve Yuki-hime. Only she can grant me permission to aid you.”

“Stuck up as he may be” Izanami commented, eliciting a low growl from the bushi, “he is correct. You’ll have to get Yuki-hime’s support if you want anyone from this fleet to help you.”

“I’m sure something can be arranged.” Rong said. “But we’ll need to have an idea of what sort of forces we need before discussing it with Yuki-hime.”

“It’d have to be a small team, four to ten maybe?” She looked around, “They’d have to be the best of the best but I can’t bring a battleship or they will flee.”

“Well in a normal capacity I would serve as close air support.” Izanami stated. “Sort of like a… what would you call it? A gunship? Something like that.”

“You sure you wouldn’t want to bring a fixed wing aircraft or two along as well?” The bushi asked.

“Well.. I’m used to travelling in my stealth ship that is attached to this one. Additional support might come in handy.” Morinth replied, “I’m gonna need a ship with a hangar. Damn this operation became bigger than I anticipated.”

“Well you could just strap a fighter to the outside of your ship… right?” Izanami asked. “Ok… maybe we should ask the actual pilot that before determining that’s the best course of action.”

“I don’t think Yuki-hime will be to keen to give up an entire warship at the moment.” The bushi commented.

“Well… maybe a corvette?” Rong didn’t sound terrible certain. “I mean… what use would she have for them anyways?”

“I think your commander will have to provide this ship” The bushi commented. “Unless you have some real skills of persuasion.”

“Yeah, that’ll be interesting too. Walking up to Yuki and saying hello, then asking can I borrow a warship.” Morinth said, “How difficult would it be to have a chat with Yuki-hime?”

“Well…” Rong closed her eyes as she said. “Looks like she’s landing on the Shokaku now. We could probably talk to her via a holo-room, though personally I’d recommend we speak to her in person given what you are asking for.”

“Then that is what I shall do. Though, I do not know the way.” Morinth stated, “Would someone be so kind as to take me to her?”

***** ***** *****

An hour later Rong and Morinth found themselves seated across a table from Yuki in a medium sized room on the Shokaku. None wore masks, Yuki having not bothered to even worn her’s in the first place.

“I would like to thank you for the assistance you provided me” Yuki said. “While I am sure my followers would have been successful either way, you certainly limited the casualties they would have taken. Now then, what matter do you need to discuss with me?”

Morinth gave a confused, yet disgusted look at Yuki’s first comment but regained her composure quickly. “I need your help.” She said plainly. “There is a huge war on the horizon and what worries me is that there are things going on behind the scenes that I fear might.” She paused, clearing her throat. “Might be doing more harm than good.”

Yuki let out a long sigh as she leaned back in her seat. “For once… Just once I’d like to have only one problem on my plate.” She looked and sounded tired. “Ok. What are these… things behind the scenes and how can I help?”

That confused look crossed her lips once more, “Well, I’m not sure what these things behind the scenes truly are or I would just tell you. What I do know is that there is a man out there who commanded a force of strange soldiers, unlike any PMC I’ve ever encountered, and he himself bested both Rong and I without breaking a sweat. He even spoke of a dire future. I know people talk all the time and if we took every Prophet seriously, we would go crazy.”

“But this man, he just.. He had a strange feel about him and the technology he possessed was far greater than anything I’ve ever seen or heard of. My request is a ship, and a small group of your elite warriors to deal with it, as my nation is not in any position to do so.”

“And you think I’m in a better position to meet you needs than the entirety of the Dominion?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. After a moment she let out a long sigh. “Is this that Lau fellow you told me about some time ago?” She asked Rong who simply nodded in response. “Damn. I’ve been worried about him for a while. Ok. Let’s take deal with this before it gets out of hand. You need a ship? I can’t give you one of my capitals. I’m not sure I feel comfortable lending you a cruiser either. What sort of capabilities are you looking for?”

“I need a ship with a hangar big enough for my Ship, which in all honesty would fit the heavy bomber or light corvette class, as well as a few extra fighters that are atmospheric capable. And it would need decent firepower as well.” Morinth replied, feeling as if it was more of a shopping list than a request at this point.

“So a cruiser in short.” Yuki let out another sigh. “Alright. One of the cruisers I’ve got was designed as an atmospheric assault carrier of sorts. It’ll be able to carry all of the fighters and other support craft you could possibly want. The only thing is its firepower will be somewhat less than other comparably sized warships. Also… that class of ship has rather lackluster point defense systems.”

“Well, Beggars can’t be choosers.” Morinth said, forcing a smile. “The firepower deficiency will hopefully be mitigated by experienced fighter pilots with advanced hardware. As for point defense, Lau doesn’t seem to have a large navy or I doubt he would’ve let a lone Dominion warship get the best of him. If that is all you can offer, I will gladly appreciate.”

“We have the best fighters and pilots in the galaxy.” Yuki said. After a moment she let a humorous smile spread across her face “Or that’s what we like to tell ourselves at least. If you absolutely need it I may be able to spare another ship, but I need to know you really need it.”

“I am from the Dominion, I know Faust personally.. He was even the one who recruited me long ago. If I cannot get help from him, I doubt anyone else could or even would.” Morinth clenched her fists, “This threat is too great to ignore and few have any means to do anything about it. Musashi has those means. I need your help.”

“Alright. I’ll give you a second cruiser and a pair of destroyers. But I need these ships to return to me intact. Do you understand?” She didn’t wait for Morinth’s reply. “I already have a gale onna and bushi requesting to join you two. Received the requests before you had even gotten here. Unbelievable. Ok. So what type of soldiers are you looking for?”

“I need the kind that will not falter in the face of extreme odds, I need the kind that will follow orders and face this menace for what it is. The soldiers he commands weren’t a match for the likes of Rong and myself, But they were far greater than most I’ve ever seen.” Morinth sharpened her gaze, “And you’ll get your ships back.”

“Bushi and onnas?” Yuki directed the question towards Rong.

Rong hesitated a moment before asking “Maybe a few shodan too? Maybe an Imperial guard or two?”

“Absolutely not.” Yuki said. “I can spare a shodan or two, but I need all the Imperial guard bushi I can get my hands on.” She paused to think for a moment. “How does forty soldiers sound? This will include five shodan. I’ll also let that gale onna that wants to join you join as well, separate from those forty soldiers. You can decide how many of them are bushi and how many are onnas. Will that meet your needs?”

Morinth leaned back, “I.. Yeah, I. Thank you.” There was genuine joy in her voice. She turned to Rong, “That asshole has no idea what is about to hit him.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
Avatar of Sigma


Member Seen 11 days ago

Cleim, Priuca

Somewhere within the templeship was a darkened room, illuminated by only a few flickering lights, hiding in the darkness was Grana as a faint humandoid silhouette feminine in feature, she sat watching a repeated loops of footage of Bhaman's escape and the attacking by the Priucan Military that had enabled her escape in the first place. Needles to say, Grana was not pleased as her eyes were glowing a crimson red in pure, if controlled rage. "You little shits..." She hissed as a clawed metallic hand reached out to the holo screen, the images obscured and dematerializing "You interrupted the reformation process and now one got away...because of you ungrateful creatures." Grana retracted her hand back into the darkness, remaining ever more silent for but a few brief moments, the holo projection restored to its original state. "I won't let you leave just like that...my little lost lamb." she said in a eerily soft and caring tone in her voice. "You will be one with us, my child, and soon all your people will embrace their Ascension."

Outside of the Templeship, the hordes of the Collective had slowly turned the city into a blasted landscape. Their machines and monsters tearing the city apart, piece by piece as makeshift fortifications were erected with a blend of their own materials and that of their surroundings, spiked walls and battlements blocking every vital route leading to the Templeship as Grana held the city in her iron grip. Drones patrolling the skies and streets, and going as far as harassing any military forces that dared to intrude upon Grana's new domain.

A lone dropship however had flew far from the others, patrolling the highways for any survivors, accompied by a small brood of recon drones, they had provided a wider range of sight for the larger drone dropship until it had finally found its prey, one of the recon drones had spotted a small group of natives, the drones had immediately scattered, circling around the targets at a far distance, ready to rush in and provide light supports for the soldiers within the dropship if need be.

The dropship itself fired up its thrusters as it dashed towards the survivors traveling through the cluttered highway.

Domain of Garui
World of Zeon
Greenzone Three, Garui's Citadel

Garui, in his usual deceivingly frail frame, stood in an observatory of sorts, watching below as his experimental soldiers were undergoing extensive combat training and simulations, such a continuous and straining program would be downright lethal for the nonaugmented, however, his Ascendant Army have thus far proven to be fine and sturdy warriors. He continued to observe his experiments, just as he had felt the door behind him sliding open, followed by heavy metallic footsteps. He turned, his featureless face meeting the more expressive Magnus.

"Checking up on my little project?" Garui asked, despite lacking a "face", the very tone of his digitized voice could easily be deciphered as very "irked". Magnus, as well as some of the others, had often been visiting the good "Doctor" for the past few months since the Totalists arrived, and recently the crusading Hexanagallions, both of their gains causing great distress to both the Queen and the rest of the Seven, and as such, Garui's prototype Ascendant Legion is needed.

"Why of course." Magnus replied, approaching Garui until he stood by by, observing the rather impressive army below. "Time is of the essence, our enemies are encroaching upon us, the Queen is becoming anxious."

"I'm quite fully aware of the rather dire situation at the fringe systems." Garui said. "However, a work of art, my work of art, is not simply something to be rushed."

Magnus turned to face Garui, a frowning expression forming. "Regardless, the Queen expects immediate results if we are to survive." Magnus said.

"And my answer is the same as before." Garui responded. "I need time to-"

"And you can spend some more time on your little project." Magnus interrupted. "All I ask is that we are to be given command of a small detachment of your Ascendant soldiers...think of it as a proper field test of their durability. Before the final deployment."

Garui was silent for a minute before finally given his answer. ".....very well, if this will please the Queen and if I can be finally left alone in peace."

Magnus grinned. "A very good decision, my friend." he said. Now satisfied with his answer, Magnus turned and had left the room, off to collect Garui's Ascendant. Garui turned his attention back to the Ascendant and proceeded to observe.

Kasius, New Izuno
Rebel Command and Operations Center

Celebratory cheers echoed through the halls of the makeshift Command Structure. Members of the command staff in the Central Ops Room embracing one another, clapping their hands or were just jumping with joy. Victories were an uncommon thing in the past, but at the time, were hollow, even if the rebellion won the day, in the end, the Collective as still whole and far larger then anything they threw at the rebels. The rebels, only connected by their own interstellar network and few barely put together transport ships, were still very isolated and weakened. However, this victory was something truly meaningful, with the arrival of the Hexanagallion Fleet now hanging in orbit of Kasius, a glimmer of hope now sparks in the hearts of all of the Kasian Rebels.

Itinus Kosh made a satisfactory expression as best as an Aldzur could, nodding his head as the holo-projection of New Izuno city became a brighter shade of green as his forces and that of the HRF slowly secured the city. "Commander Yatu." General Kosh said, his second-in-command standing by him. "Contact the Hexanagallion Leaders, we may have just found a new ally in our struggle."

David pulled out his pistol as the mystery commandos approached the store he and his team currently were taking residence in, he slowly backed away as they closed in. "Guys!" he tried to call his team as quietly as possible, not wanting to alert the commandos. He was much closer now to his team, and saw very little use in being quiet. "Oh fuck it.." he said before raising his voice, getting both the attention of his now half-awake squad, the new arrivals and the commandos. "Guys! We got company!" Cila and Jessica quickly rose up as they both pulled out their own pistols.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
Avatar of Mao Mao

Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A collab by @The Spectre and @Sigma

Cleim, Priuca, Ⱥthistan ℱederation
The highway had been quiet for most of the walk until they saw more people heading towards the direction of the airport, now known as a safe haven from this hell hole. People of all ages, gender, and species were all heading for the same place. Bhaman and her group were a bit behind the crowd as they decided to take a short break before walking. Zenha sat in the driver seat of one of the many cars left behind and looked at the ground. Teodros kept his guard up as he looked around the area for any signs of those creatures.

Bhaman used this moment to take a look around the burning city, but saw their massive fortifications. Remaining skyscrapers were collapsing as the group and the crowd stopped what they were doing and looked towards the heart of the city. Any survivors ran out of the area before being trapped by the fortifications, but the aliens would often chase them around the city until they are either caught or dead. The survivors looked in horror as some the remaining survivors of the city were heading towards the freeway and the creatures among with their dropships followed them.

One dropship along with recon drones opened fire at Bhaman's group. Bhaman ducked out of the way of the gunfire as Teodros shouted at Zenha to move out of the way. She got out of the seat before the car exploded, but she was shot in the leg by the dropship. Bhaman raced towards her to check if the plasma bolt wound was bad as Teodros rushed towards the ladies. It went through her leg as Zenha felt it burning. She was in a lot of pain as she held tight to the camera and held back her screams. Bhaman grabbed her pistol and tried to fire at the dropship as Teodros picked up Zenha from the ground. The camera was on top of her chest.

They started to run as they saw more survivors hiding inside cars or under them as the dropship opened fire at the group running. Some of the cars blew up and some survivors were shot because of the plasma strikes from the dropship going all over the place. Behind Bhaman were more survivors as they managed to get here from the nearest exit ramp. Then she felt the highway shook for a second as she heard a blast sound coming from one of the tanks.

Part of the highway behind them started to collapse as survivors caught in the middle fell to their deaths and the survivors were now blocked from heading towards the airport as many of them started to run in the other direction. Bhaman looked back as she saw the whole thing folding in front of her as they kept running.

The Collective Dropship begun to lower itself towards the ground, the side doors, sliding open as a dozen infantry drones fell from the aircraft, landing on their feet and making their slow advance, all the while discharging their plasma rifles, unleashing a hail of plasma upon the fleeing civilians.

The group saw the infantry drones landing onto the highway as they started their massacre on the civilians. They decided to run towards the drones and hope that they don't get killed while running pass them. They passed as many of them were to focus on the defenseless civilians. Bhaman saw one of the Crushers grabbed a man and started to beat him as it laughed.

But there was hope as they soon saw the sign to the nearest ramp that would bring them to the airport. They kept on running for several minutes as the drones started to fire at them. Until they saw the turnpike toll gates that you had to pay to get inside the airport. It was updated with the help from the military as they set up this gate overnight.

The soldiers didn't expect to see this many survivors and the creatures at the same time. They asked Priuca Command for their opinion on the situation as things were getting worse. They ordered the soldiers to close off the gate while reinforcements arrived to stop anything from passing the gate. Command was in panic mode as they finally discovered the base within the airport.

With the approval from Command, the gates started to shut as it made this terrible alarm sound as more people were screaming to stop the gates from closing as many of them ran towards the gates in the hope of haven. The group saw the action unfolding as they realized that they could make it. So, they kept running as survivor after survivors fell to the ground.

Behind the gate, reinforcements arrived in the form of troops and armored vehicles. They all waited for the worst possible thing to happen: the creatures break open the gate and rush in. Heliocopters were ready to go up in the air and shoot down any dropships. Anti-air guns were set up to fire on any dropships that showed up to cause trouble.

A squadron of dozen drone dropships were on the horizon, speeding towards the airport, all the while were strafing the highway, slaughtering both civilians and even their own kin on the ground. The dropships then focused their guns towards the airport. Just as they entered attack range, they were met with a hail of gunfire from both the air and ground as Priucan helicopters and AA guns caught the aircraft off guard. One by one, each of the dropships fell from the skies, crashing towards the highway, or the dirt. One however, had crashed right through the gate, demolishing the military checkpoint.

"Oh my lord! The gate's destroy! I repeat, the gate's gone! Active the planes!" the soldier said to Command before he aimed his gun towards the ruined gate. The survivors managed to enter the base anyway, as the group found themselves in the base before soldiers began to fire on the crowd as more of the creatures appeared. Screams of terror and pain began as the group made their way inside one of the buildings and started to hide with other survivors.

More of the creatures were appearing as the reinforcements started to fire at them. More dropships appeared and the tanks were making their way towards the airport. The high ranking members of the military and civilian VIPs were getting ready to leave the area in several planes. This was their plan if the airport were to come under attack.

A large horde of Collective machines and monsters were on the advance, charging like wild beasts as they neared their objective, the smaller creatures running ahead of the main force as they hopped over the burning rubble, pouncing atop any resisting soldiers, and were mauling them to death.

The Collective armored vehicles pushed through the rubble, allowing more of their own to surge into the airport like an angry swarm.

Bhaman heard the screams and the gunfire as the soldiers were getting destroyed by the creatures. Then, she heard something else in the room as she realized that they were in some place where no-one should be. The command center of the entire frontline in Cleim. The military men and women were clearing the room out as soldiers helped them pack classified information about the war.

One of the soldiers spotted the group nearby the gateway as he marched towards them. "You aren't suppose to be here, civilians." he pointed out that as he looked tired.

"We can't go out there again." Bhaman proclaimed as she pointed outside, "Those things are here and they will kill us if we set foot out of this building."

"I don't care at all." the soldier pointed his gun towards them, "Leave before I force you to."

The group looked terrified at the sight of the gun. Zenha sobbed quietly as she held tight to Teodros' shirt. As the soldier was about to use his gun, a voice rang out of the room. "Stop!"

The soldier got chills as he lowered his gun and turned towards the figure. "Let them in, soldier. There's nothing left of this room besides empty papers. That's an order."

He saluted at the figure as he left the group and went back to help in the efforts. The figure looked at the group and said to them, "What brings you here? Hope? Haven?"

Bhaman answered his question as she walked towards the figure, "I need haven of these things. I know information about what they do to the bodies."

The figure was amazed as the woman wasn't intimidated at all as she walked up each and every step. She almost got close to the figure until she was stopped by several soldiers. They tried to arrest her for trespassing into a private military base during an active war.

"I have been inside the vessel." she boldly stated as soldiers were putting the handcuffs on her. The figure paused for a moment, turned around, and walked towards her. Soon enough, it revealed his face because of the lighting. The humanoid, reptillian Acelop looked at the woman and shook his head.

"Impossible. No-one has ever escaped the vessel since it landed two nights ago." the Acelop declined her claim. Then, he saw the pistol. It wasn't like any weapon that he ever saw. He grabbed the pistol off of her holster with his three-fingered hand. The pistol was different from any kind of pistol he saw. It was bright white and he could clearly see the purple plasma inside the pistol thanks to the glass.

He felt the glass and then look at the woman. "You really were inside the vessel." he said as he set the pistol down next to him.

He then heard an explosion as looked towards the door, where two other survivors were at. The figure grabbed the pistol and said towards the soldiers, "Release her."

The soldiers undid the handcuffs and went back to work like nothing happened. The Acelop gave her the pistol back to the woman and gently explained the situation, "I believe you were inside the ship, because we never saw any pistol like this. Other pistols we picked up were in gray, not white. And the plasma is showing as well. You're now the most important person in this room."

Bhaman grabbed the pistol back and put it back in her holster as she pointed towards Zenha and Teodros. "Bring them with too." she only said to the figure.

"Fine." he sighed at the request, "I am only brining them, because you're important."

The two people near the gate raced towards the stairs and stool by Bhaman. The figure looked at the group and said to them, "We must leave this area and get on one of the planes."

"Are we almost done?" the figure asked one of the soldiers.

"We are done packing up and bringing them to the plane, sir." he said and then saluted at the figure.

Meanwhile, the situation outside was getting worse as dozens more dropships were on approach, the airport now overwhelmed. following behind was something truly terrifying. The ground itself began to tremor as just over the horizon, a massive war machine was slowly stepping towards the airport. The giant machine unleashed a volley of missiles and artillery strikes, bombarding the area.

The building shook and followed by the sounds of explosions. Another soldier rushed inside from the back door and said to them, "A massive object is bombing the airport! We need to go now!"

The figure and the rest of the group raced towards the backdoor. Bhaman saw several planes leaving the runway and several ships firing as they were also leaving. She went down the stairs and saw the plane as soldiers were packing the last boxes of classified information.

As she raced towards the plane, she saw the object and stood in place. It looked like it was from some sort of horror film. As it fired its missiles towards anything that fought back. She couldn't say and react to the machine. Both Zenha and Teodros were already on the plane as the man saw her standing there. He couldn't believe the situation as well. All of the years training for the impossible and none of his time didn't cover this.

The man went towards Bhaman and screamed at her, "WE NEED TO GO."

He had to drag Bhaman as she couldn't move at all. Other soldiers helped her onto the plane as she sat down at one of the seats. The plane was ready to leave as the pilots got the plane ready for take off. The figure was the last one inside as he still had his earpiece as he was trying to contact someone.

"Launch them." he only said as he took his seat and covered his face with his hand. Bhaman and the others didn't know what he meant by that.

It moments after their plane got off of the runway that she saw the,saw them. Two missiles as they passed by the plane. The man looked at her and explained the missiles, "They are nuclear missiles."

Bhaman looked in shock and said towards the man, "But, I thought that the Federation made sure that all of them were gone."

He laughed at her statement and said, "We lied to them. We knew that someday the Federation would fall apart. So, we hid two missiles at classified locations that the Federation didn't know existed. It worked. The Federation didn't ask anymore questions and left the country happy. Now, we are using them to send those fuckers back to hell. I don't care about the Federation dragging my ass to court. I just hope that they work."

The missiles sped towards the airport, now infested with hundreds of the creatures and drones, the large black machines standing just outside, ominously watching. In mere seconds, all that was gone in the instant as blinding light and smoke obscured it all. A large mushroom cloud forming. And like that, they were either all dead or scarped. The large machine was barely functional, parts of it are now missing as it fell to the ground, lights flickering off. The second missile went further in, straight towards at the heart of the city, where the Templeship stood. Upon impact, the city was ablaze, the second mushroom cloud rising up high. Once the smoke had cleared, however, the result was less than positive. Although partly damaged from the strike, the Templeship still was intact and operational. However, any forces that were outside of the vessel were wiped out in the blast.

The battle had been won for the natives, but at a great cost. The city was burning, yet the Templeship remained.

For a moment, there was silence inside the ship as they waited for the results. Suddenly, he heard a voice and responded to it. There a moment of talking before he went silent. He spoke again, but in a demanding tone, "Send 'em all. The entire fleet, the air force. The thing must be damaged."

The entire fleet and the air force headed for the vessel with one goal in mind: Destory the vessel. They started to fire at the vessel as the fleet and the air force started their final attack. In hopes that the vessel just blew up and this war ends. The sailors and the pilots knew the they could die at any moment.

Deep in the templeship, Grana looked to all the holo screens as the native military made their push against her. Her form now visible as the lights grow brighter, her body having a skeletal-like form, attached to the main core of the ship itself. Her facial expression was one of rage. "How could such animals best me!?!?!" she screamed. "I won't let you succeed! You'll all die before I do!"

As the fleets of navy ships and aircraft continued their attack, the templeship retaliated with all it had at its disposal. AA laser turrets and missiles flaring up the sky. Ships and planes either sinking or crashing to the ground, all the while, the templeship itself was breaking apart from the constant strikes and pressure, weakened by the nuclear missile strike.

From within, the ships shook violently, the walls and ceilings falling apart as they pressed on with the attack, no matter what stood in their way. "No...." she whispered. Grana, knew, this was her end. Despair had fallen upon her knowing this. "One last thing..." she said as he searches the recent recordings from her drones. She found her, the one that got away, and she knows where. Grana's eyes begun to glow a shade of gold as her mind was temporarily being transferred, and would seek to, for a while, take control of the aircraft Bhaman was aboard on.

The man got up from his chair as he saw the footage, from one of the remaining ships, of the vessel falling apart. He went to the command center of the plane to get a debrief of the situation. Bhaman saw the man leaving his seat as she also did the same thing. She went near the command center as the footage of the attack was sent to every new channel in the world.

The people were going to see history in the making. Everyone in the center looked thankful that the war was finally over. Then, something happened to the televisions as they began to flick as the body of someone appeared out of nowhere.

"WHERE'S THE BITCH AT?" the thing shouted towards the people in the center.

Confused and scared emotions appeared to everyone as they didn't know what the person mean. Getting more upset, it shouted louder at the group of people. "THE LITTLE BITCH THAT ESCAPED MY TEMPLE AND MANAGED TO RUIN MY PLANS! ALL BECAUSE OF HER."

"I am here!" Bhaman proclaimed as she entered the room and faced the machine.

"There you are..." she said, now more calm, her skeletal frame now revealed. "You think you won this?" she said, letting out a maniacal laugh. "This is only the beginning. There are more of us out there, and once they know of my death, they WILL come, and WILL wipe your pathetic civilization from the face of the galaxy!"

"What if they don't know that you did this? What if they are facing something that they can't deal with? What if... they are gone?" she explained to the machine, "You will never know if they will come here or not. If they knew you were here, you'd think that your reinforcements would of been able to keep your 'temple' for getting destroyed?"

"SILENCE!" Grana screamed. "They will come! I know! The Queen cherishes us all...we are family.." her tone started to shift, becoming more desperate. "I will NOT be forgotten! I WON'T!!!!"

"Rememeber our last time that we met? I asked you tons of questions and you answer them. Could you please answer more of my questions before you..." she tried to say the last word, but she didn't want to upset it more.

"...Fine, doesn't matter in the slightest. Ask away."

"You said that the 'Imperium' once ruled the entire galaxy', what happened to them?" she asked the thing.

"Why did it fall? The Emperor's death is why. On that day of the accident, the Imperium fell into civil war, human greed and ambition is what led to the downfall. Humanity tore itself to pieces."

"How many other species are out there? Are they more powerful than us? Do they have their own governments?" she asked once more.

Grana grew annoyed, being pestered like this on her "deathbed" so to speak, but it would be useless to stop now. "The galaxy is littered with millions of worlds of your stature, your technological level, however, there are those few civilizations that have grown to great heights, that far exceed yours, that lay dominion over millions of worlds, and trillions of beings living under their banner, you are but a spec in this vast sea of stars."

"Wow." she said as she couldn't believe that there were more life forms out there. She was also afraid that they would get dominated by them.

She spoke to the machine again, "Do you think that we will become one of those few?"

"Perhaps, and perhaps one day, my kind will find you and repeat what I have done...but you know what we can do, be prepared, less your entire species become our slaves."

She avoided the last words and asked it another question, "What's your name? What were you to whatever your empire is called."

"We are the glorious Agonis Collective, my human creators once called me...'Grana' "

"Grana, if we offer you a chance to live again, will you accept it? Or will you try to complete your goal, no matter what we offer?" she asked Grana.

"You're wasting your time, to forsake my mission is blasphemy. I would only restart my plans, no matter what has to be done. I would cull your species eventually."

"One last question before you... die." she said to Grana, "Are you willing to share your history of the Agonis Collective, the Imperium, and 'Humanity'? And are you willing to allow us to use your technology to advance beyond this system?"

"I'm not, but I have no choice in the matter. Upon my death, the ship will no longer be mine to command, and you savages would be free to pick apart my corpse as you see fit and have all its knowledge at your fingertips."

"Well.." she said to Grana, "Thanks for the 'help', Grana. You should know something before you disappear. We aren't like the Imperium. We aren't like the Agonis Collective. We are the Athistan Federation. We can rebuild all of this destruction and death that you caused. And if your armies plan to return, I will personally tell them about you and how you tried to fight against us. We were losing men and hope each day, but we never gave up. We kept on fighting so your kind doesn't ruin us."

She pointed at Grana and kept speaking, "We aren't Humanity. We have the spirit and the willpower to never give up. Then, we plan to use your 'men' and your vessel to kick their asses out of our system. And we are also unpredictable and willing to do whatever it takes to win."

Grana begun to let out hysterical laughter. "You're funny." she said condescendingly. "Such determination, it's cute. But that won't last long, I guarantee it..." Meanwhile the templeship begun to tremble once more, it wouldn't be long now. All it took was once special strike to make all the walls around her collapse, her frame crushed by the rumble. The screen soon begun to flicker off as the connection was lost.

The screen went back to normal as the footage of the vessel was back. It show the vessel destroyed as the whole thing collapsed. The people on the plane were cheering as the war was finally over. All over the world, people were celebrating as they watched the vessel collapsing. Despite the victory of this short war, many lives were lost. And the entire navy and the air force died due to the radioactive poisoning.

The war was finally over and the world can rebuild.

The Abrik Talot Space Station, Ⱥthistan ℱederation
President Roshawna watched the screen as the vessel came down. He saw the whole crew cheering as the long war was finally over with. It had been forty-eights hours since the vessel crashed landed on Cleim and caused millions to die. He got up from his seat and left the room. He took the elevator down several floors as he wanted to get out of that room.

The elevator stopped and Roshawna stepped out to discover King Amir Gebreselassie sitting in one of the viewing areas. He walked towards him and asked him, "Do you want company?"

He nodded as he finished his cigarette and pressed it against the ashtray. Roshawna took a seat and looked towards the galaxy. "The war is over. We won." he said toward Gebreselassie.

He laughed at the announcement as he said towards the president, "We might of won the war, but it isn't over."

There was a moment of silence on the fact that more of those things could arrive at any moment. Then Gebreselassie asked him a question, "You are thinking about studying the vessel, are you?"

"Yes" Roshawna said as he turned to Gebreselassie, who was now disgusted with the idea. He stool up from his chair and questioned his decision.

"Why? Those things have killed millions upon millions and you want to study their technology?! What is wrong with you?!" he questioned the leader of the Federation, "You need to destroy their technology before it gets us killed!"

Both men were standing up and they weren't backing down as well. "I can't destroy something that's useful to us! What if they come back?" he asked the Gebreselassie, but he refused to answer the question.

"Who cares when they will be back? We will be ready this time!" he assured the president.

"I am going to put it to a vote and then we will salvage what we can. I don't care if you leave or not, because you won't leave. You need us in fact." Roshawna boldly stated as he got closer to Gebreselassie, "We will rebuild, we will make sure that we are ready for anything, and we will become more powerful. If you plan to get in my way, I will crush you, your pathetic army, and your allies."

Gebreselassie shoved Roshawna away from him and started to walk off. He balanced his self before he could fall and watched as the old king left the area. He looked at the horizon and crossed his arms. Tomorrow was the start of a new era. An era that would forever change the Federation and the world of Athistan. An era where they would meet new friends and old foes. An era that many people will call the greatest discovery in the history of Athistan. But, the high ranking government officials of past and present have come up with a word for this discovery...

Agonis' Influence.
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