Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Beyond our world, there are realms capable of anything imaginable. That is because these realms exist within our dreams, where we mold them to be whatever we want. Though we all have this ability, only ten percent of the population is actually conscious of the fact that they leave this world every time they sleep. Of these special people, fewer still have the imagination and incredible stubbornness required to actively shape and entire realm into reality.

Ilianna Grace is one of those few.

Ilianna Grace has sworn to never return to the dream realms, no matter the cost. The loss of her best friend and partner has left her a different person, struggling to live on a day to day basis. Its been five years, and although she is beginning to heal - new friends, a good job, and less guilt weighing her down- she is in no way prepared when an old friend arises with a request for help.

For five years, the Entropy Beast has been possessing the body of Kellen Chase, the Chaos Knight. The Beast has proven far more sentient than they had originally believed. Although his motives are straightforward- the destruction of all things created- he has proven to be intelligent enough to tear it all down... slowly. With a human form, he has become unstoppable. He has terrorized Ilianna's realm, overthrowing the Dracao king and taking the vast eastern territory as his own. All of those who reside within the realm are trapped, unable to awaken so long as Ilia stays away.

She must return to her realm of Eurasha and defeat the Entropy Beast. The friend has agreed to meet her at Carrion Peak, where the two would begin their quest, and although she intends to do it with her old allies, the Sirenian Queen and the Realm Dragon, things don't always go as planned.

She's accidentally brought YOU with her...
.... And there's no way to send you home.


And this marks the start of the OOC! Here, you will find discussions involving the world, frequent/infrequent posts about Eurasha, the dream realms, and the characters that inhabit it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Landscape of Eurasha--->>>>>>>

Dream Realms are categorized by longevity rather than settings. There are the "Faders", realms that fade when the creator leaves, and there are "Everlastings", or realms that remain firmly anchored in place. Eurasha is a prominent Everlasting, due to Ilia imbuing it with her resilience and sheer stubbornness. It resides firmly between the realms of Etienne and Quint, but those are places best left to explaining another day.

The realm of Eurasha is truly one continent, but due to the treacherous Carrion Mountains resting on the immense bay of the Oblivion Sea, there are two kingdoms, separately ruled and maintained. To the west is the kingdom of Sirenia, and it's companion, Dracao, resides in the east.

The kingdom of Sirenia is affectionately referred to by it's citizens as the Crystal Kingdom, and the residence live scattered from the great city of Wisteria to the banks of the Oblivion. The majority of the kingdom is covered by a forest of crystalline trees and flowers known as the Chessboard Forest. The earth in the forest in rich in special minerals that not only allow the crystal plants olive, but somehow affects the color of the grass, turning it into wide patches of pure white and black. The overall affect looks, well... A whole lot like a chessboard. Its typically a peaceful place. With small creatures and spirits that reside within it.

To the east of the forest is the Scith Plains, a long wide stretch of fields and small towns. Here, the fantastic animals graze without fear. Phoenixes, griffins, and young wyvern all roam freely across the pale green fields. The Plains are virtually treeless, and have few hills, if any. There are few bandits, mostly because you never know if the person you are trying to rob is a mage, knight, or a null. They take roughly three days by horseback to cross, or six days by feet, from the shore of Oblivion to the forest.

Just south of the Plains, is the Lith Desert. Barren, windy, and roughly one hundred and fifteen degrees by day, the only people brave enough to enter are the Lilian Nomads. These fierce people are unwelcoming, and have been known to murder indiscriminately anyone that enters the desert. They survive solely off the Samson river that cuts through the border between it and the Scith Plains.

Across the Oblivion lies the Dracao Kingdom. The eastern kingdom is commonly referred to as the Dark Kingdom, and the only truly inhabitable place is the great city of Nightshade. Nightshade lies directly in the center of the Tanglewoods, a treacherous and mysterious place to be after dark. Within the woods, people tend to disappear. There are rumors of dragons, manticores, and banshees living within the forest, and everyone who comes out alive has a different story to tell. Stories of living trees and riddle telling sphinxes, of nulls using magic, of spirits of the long dead... Nothing is unbelievable when it comes to the Tanglewoods.

As if the woods weren't enough, the majority of the kingdom is occupied by the Graveyard Valley. The valley, which lies a mile in from the Oblivion, drops off into a cliff when first reached. The half mile drop usually sends most back toward the sea, not due to its height, which most citizens of Eurasha could scale with no trouble, but due to what lays within. The first thing seen from the cliff? A massive thorned bramble that lines the whole valley, and just beyond, the largest graveyard known. The souls of the dead lay trapped within, unquietly awaiting victims. For the most part, someone could silently make their way through, undisturbed by the ghosts. Its only if they sense you - your magic, your fear, your suffering - that they will awaken. And they do not like to be disturbed...

There is myth, of another section of the continent to the south of Sirenia, but none dare brave the Lilians to confirm its existence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sterling
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Name: Mildred Smith
Pronunciation: MIL-DRID Smith.
Alias: Dragon
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference (Optional): Why tie yourself down to one? Boy…Girl… Human. These are just titles that constrain us.
Age: 23
Birthdate: December 25th
Birthplace: Somewhere over the rainbow (Kansas)
Occupation: Bike Messenger
Position in Eurasha: DrAG-GON. I don’t do that tongue thing. I crack myself up!

While I wouldn’t use the word Basic in anything describing me…Basically I’m fantastically awesome (ha see what I did there?).
I choose a path and I take it. Leap without looking. In a truth or dare game I always choose DARE. Impulsive, a bit of a prankster, cunning, wild, adventurous… A few words that people could use for me.

They might also use good natured, patient, quick to laugh…

A very few might say dangerous to anger or vengeful. I wouldn’t know about that…

Tall and muscular but definitely female, Mildred has dark brown hair that is lightly curled and typically pinned up in some sort of retro up do.
With bright brown eyes and strong white teeth she is regularly smiling/smirking/winking. Her life and her liveliness is completely expressed in those wide eyes and expressive mouth. Oh and don’t for get those arching brows.
One arm is covered in a sleeve of tattoo of a briar thorn bush covered in roses. Each ear has several rings and it’s a fair bet she has …other… body piercings.
Mildred likes combat boots, skinny jeans and tank tops to show off her toned arms and rad ink.
She has a surprisingly rough and deep voice for a woman, perhaps speaking to her true draconic nature.

Mildred grew up in a traditional house hold. Girls where dresses and are made of sugar and spiced rum and boys like puppies and snails…Or something…What’s that rhyme again?

Anyway! Very traditional. One mom, One Dad. Dad worked, Mom ‘made the house run’. One Brother, a cat and a dog. Suburban bliss, public schools, after school dance classes.

It was dandy… Except Mildred felt completely isolated and misunderstood. She wanted to race, to run, to jump, to fly. She had wild dreams and little to no self control. The moment she hit adolescence she was labeled a ‘problem child’.

The day she came home with her first belly button piercing her mother cried. And it broke Mildred’s heart to see her mother that way, but it broke her spirit to be confined. When it came time to attend college Mildred couldn’t leave the house fast enough.

Only College was just another set of rules with another set of people telling her how to live her life. Enough was enough. Becoming a college dropout as it were Mildred took any and every odd job. She worked at a farm to table restaurant, a local butcher, a nanny (that didn’t last long). Anything that would pay the bills for her sleazy apartment and keep up with her thrift store shopping. Hard work, easy work, as long as it entertained her.
And each and every job did. For a time. But being Mildred nothing stuck for long.
Her current job is more likely to last a bit longer than most, being a bike messenger keeps things different every day and she gets to be physically active, which Mildred enjoys. Flying around the city on her bike she feels almost as if she has grown wings.


Magical Abilities:

As for the Realm Dragon... Much detail must go into this, more than I wish to write. He's a totally undefined character so far. Much discussion will take place have you chosen him.)

Fighting Techniques (if any):
Weapon(s) of choice (if any):
Weaknesses in Combat:
Strengths in Combat:

Combat Skills From 1-10. (OPTIONAL)

Melee Combat:
Medical Knowledge:
Basic Survival Skills:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have posted in the character section!

So, should we wait for auspicious to make the first IC post before we start? Or do we immediately start with how/why/what we were doing at her house?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Sterling There's a character tab to post your character's profile in. It is right next to OOC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I would like to wait until the end of tomorrow. If we don't have a Knight of Earth by then, I will likely write a character up for it. After that, I have an introduction post. Then, we can all begin. Would you guys prefer by turns or by whenever someone can reply?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I think it should be by whenever someone can post, sometimes some of us are busier than other times, although I don't think a scene should be moved past without someone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I think whenever someone can reply, though like Smy@Smystar99 said - don't leave anyone behind without at least a single post in a scene.

That is, unless they haven't posted for like 3-4 days and everyone else has already posted.

@auspiciousPetalWould your introduction also include why they were there in the first place? Sleepover? Group project? Midnight pr0n watching? If not, we could totally start making up reasons ourselves. But if you already have something in mind, I'm alright with that too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 1 day ago

I would like to wait until the end of tomorrow. If we don't have a Knight of Earth by then, I will likely write a character up for it. After that, I have an introduction post. Then, we can all begin. Would you guys prefer by turns or by whenever someone can reply?

I've been observing this RP for a while now and have been playing with the idea of participating. I could imagine making a character for the Earth role, however I'll need some hours to come up with a real application.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@FetzenI would love to have another person in for the role, but I don't want to push this out too long. If the other three are okay with waiting, I could give you until I get back from class Monday afternoon? Would that be sufficient time?

And would the rest of you mind waiting for them?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@potatochipgolem My introduction does not include a reason. I figured we'd solidify relationships and reasons as we made our first few posts. It will start the morning before everyone gets together.

In my original storyline, I used a convenient power out that left her with one of the only apartments with power in the city.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I wouldn't mind waiting for the Knight of Earth (and welcome!) character, Monday sounds like it will be good. @auspiciousPetal

So would by any chance, Illia be a bartendress at night as her current part-time job? I pressume that all characters are at the same age, mostly within 21-23, therefore are eligible for high-school/university right? Hmm, that would make things easier to have reasons why they would be in the same building that night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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@auspiciousPetal I'd say that till monday should be quite sufficient :)
Feel free to give feedback everyone.


Gregor Ahrends

"Gregor Arends"



Sexual Preference:


October 27

Kimball, Nebraska

College student / mechanic

Position in Eurasha:
Knight of Earth

He has his share of taking things not too seriously. It's not only a show, he really does and it has caused conflict in his past because his threshold of springing into action is higher than other people often would like it to be. However, when he gets beyond it, he wants to get things right. Keeping things tidy, maintaining strict punctuality and always obeying all the rules certainly doesn't count to that. The thing one could consider positive about that is: It is difficult to get him really angry and he doesn't expect from others what he doesn't fulfill himself, even if he will sometimes throw a non-seriously meant curse. He is quite generous and can be seen buying rounds in the local pubs and bars that are available.

Hair: He never dyed his hair, so it still has its blonde color. With roughly three centimeters, he keeps it barely long enough to let it be seen that it is dense and not curly.

Eyes: Grey and striking, probably because they seem to be embedded in his skull rather deeply.

Clothing: Nothing out of the ordinary. If the situation doesn't entirely forbid it it can often be seen a bit dirty because of dust, rust or even oil. Likely because of that he most often wears a black instead of a white shirt and also black or ordinary blue-white jeans or shorts.

Figure: Gregor's body is a combination of his passion for sports (especially those requiring strength) and a natural tendency. While he is not perfectly lean, it's the muscles that would attract attention. His shoulders are broad and form a characteristic V-shape along his upper body. Height: 6'0. Weight: 210lbs.

Background story:

The Ahrends originally were a German family, but back in the late 19th century it happened that they split up. Gregor's great-grandparents joined the stream of emigrants trying to escape Europe by steamship and settling down in the US. They were able to profit from the Homestead Act, picking a piece of land in Nebraska where they started to grow crops and cattle, just as they had done in their homeland.

Gregor's parents are a charming couple that have taken good care of their sons to equal amounts. Yet they left them with the hard choice of who would continue the farming business which had grown significantly over the generations. Thomas had always seemed to be the more calm and educated one, which had made him the preferred choice for their parents. Gregor on the other hand was the one of them actually willing to continue the business. Not wanting to press one of their childs into things he didn't want, they, though hesitantly and not without dispute, decided that Gregor would be it.

However, there were requirements: He would have to pick up a decent amount of education in what was going to be his subject, preferrably on the academic level, and prove that he would be able to get rid of his little-rascal attitude. Accepting the expectations, he moved to Curtis in order to be closer to the College of Technical Agriculture. To earn money in addition to the support of his parents, he picked up a job at a local repair shop.

He still is enrolled there and chances that he will actually finish his studies successfully are quite good, but only now. Most of the time he has been a struggler more interested in sports, video games and cars than approaching the question of how to run a farm in the theoretical way. He loves travelling, sending himself out on road trips when he has sufficient time and money to spend. In combination with the internet, there is quite a bunch of people across the country that know him at least remotely. Currently he has free time to do just that and pay visits to friends.

Combat - Magical abilities:

(Might of the Earth): Of all the elements, earth is probably the most undervalued one: It doesn't posess the spectacularity of fire, when you ask people which substance is the most important one the first answers would most likely be air and water. It lies in earth's nature to shift entire continents, but the pace it carries out its actions is so slow that it is neglegible for the short lifespan of a human. They don't recognize that the very ground they step upon each and every day is an accumulation of earth that dwarfs both oceans and atmosphere. It's within Earth's nature to pass along its properties: In his role as the Knight of the Earth, Gregor gains about one and a half feet in height and a noticeable amount of muscle. Who could throw such an appearance of his feet now ? This is a passive ability - he can't turn it off, even if it would be benificial for him to do it in the situation he currently is in because it reduces his speed and agility.

(Pull of the Earth): One can't escape earth without very high expenses, yet earth is the most immobile thing we experience in our life. Gregor might be slow, but his enemies might have to struggle against him even if he doesn't touch them. Those who are too lithe or can't muster the necessary strength will get sucked towards him. This active ability comes at a moderate cost of stamina. He can target distinct areas instead of an entire radius around him, but the direction of the force points always towards him.

(True skin of the Earth): The dirt we grow our plants upon and that we are sometimes worried about getting washed away in a flood is nothing but a thin layer above a crust noone has yet ever managed to drill through. Gregor's skin become's basically as tough as stone, his hair and fingernails will resemble crystals instead of organic material. This active ability comes at a very high cost of stamina, but he becomes more dangerous for the things hitting him than vice versa while his fists and feet themselves become crushing weapons.

Combat - Skill ratings:

Speed: +3
Agility: +2
Endurance: +9
Melee Combat: +8
Aim: +2
Medical Knowledge: +3
Basic Survival Skills: +4
Hunting: +2
Intellect: +6
Crafting: +9

(Average: 4.8)


Note: Greyed out abilites mean that they are not yet available to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I wouldn't mind waiting for the Knight of Earth (and welcome!) character, Monday sounds like it will be good. @auspiciousPetal

So would by any chance, Illia be a bartendress at night as her current part-time job? I pressume that all characters are at the same age, mostly within 21-23, therefore are eligible for high-school/university right? Hmm, that would make things easier to have reasons why they would be in the same building that night.

Hmm, I don't see why not. She would need all the money she could get attending college and !managing her own apartment without a high paying job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

On a different note, I really like Gregor! He's a good balance to our two serious and one light hearted characters. I have a feeling Ilia will enjoy fighting with him.

I believe you still have one more ability to add to it, however?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@auspiciousPetal Sky is a bartender, instead of a group project or something, could it be possible all the characters met at the bar Ilia and Sky work at and decided to go back to Ilia's apartment? Then they ordered pizza in which @Sterling 's character comes in and then things go south? It would give a chance of a more casual meeting between all the characters, without anything drastic happening.

@Fetzen Welcome to the group ^^ I really like your character, he really balances out everything well~
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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I believe you still have one more ability to add to it, however?

Whoops, it seems I've got the numbers in the interest check wrong in my mind. Could explain my confusion when I read the other character sheets. So, yes, I see, there is one more ability to go. Here it is:

(Gifts of the Earth): Even the deepest mines of humans are only scratching the surface. The Knight of Earth is capable of going deeper, accessing resources unknown to ordinary blacksmiths. Earth grants Gregor weapons specifically designed for him: Much larger, incredibly durable and all strange and searingly hot. Summoning is not much of an effort per se, but wielding them: An 'ordinary' sword or mace would likely not put much of a stamina drain on him, but that's because it would likely be undersized (and be worn out quickly, considering his strength and fighting style). It wouldn't allow him to unfold his true potential when it is really necessary. These true earth weapons do, but they are much more demanding as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by auspiciousPetal
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auspiciousPetal Knight of Rage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Perfect, Fetzen! Go ahead and add it to the character tab.

And Smystar, that could totally work. Especially if we keep the ages over 21, then that would be the perfect reason.
Gosh. You people are so creative.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Greg loves drinking anyway (Eurasha's taverns, beware: he is coming!), I could perfectly imagine him sitting there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Smystar99@auspiciousPetal Indeed, I know Mongomery is a bartendress which is why I asked if Illia was one too! :). Lots of matching links forming up here already. I could think of more reasons now how to insert our characters into the scene smoothly. Gwyn could be the sound guy for one of the emo bands. Then @Fetzen's character here at the bar being one of the customers, with @Sterling's character arriving by pizza, things are looking up.

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