The kingdom of Lugnica a wonderful kingdom full of stories and adventures that haven't been ventured yet before. It is a magical place with many different races and species spread over it. Dragons searing through the sky, magical beasts wandering through the spooky forests. It is truly a wondrous place to be at. Market places were a great value of coins are being converted into supplies everyday. Farmers harvesting their food fresh from the fields everyday to give the people the best they can. People trying to infuse magic into everyday objects to make useless objects more useful. Knights protecting the kingdom from danger beasts and all other kinds of murderous animals/people. The world keeps spinning and changes every day.
Some can only dream of it, but there are people that get to see the real thing. A world where they can start their own story. It all sounds so great when you hear it like this but that is definitly not the case. This is a story about a selected few that will get to this dream world and experience it for themselves.

Light chattering was heard on the background further down the alley as the sun peered lightly from the top of the building down onto one of the walls of the alley. Nictitating her eyes as her head tilted up slightly surprised by the new sight in front of her.
Birds twirping in the sky as a light gust brushed her hairs against her skin just like her shirt which moved the back of her shirt slowly with the wind. The hairs tickled against her skin, in annoyance she scratched her head and noticed her the deep sensation she felt coming from her fingers. Looking at her hand in confusion she now also noticed how annoying her shirt brushed against her own body and how cold the wind was. Maybe she was sick or something? She shrugged it off for now and scanned the alley around her whilst her mouth stood agape in confusion. Walls and road made up out of sand colored bricks, blue sky spread out above her and a huge wall behind her. Like she never even came from that way in the first place. Aya slowly pulled the phone in one of her hands up to her face to turn of the flashlight. In the corner of her eye she was able to see the mark of no signal. Aya rose it up at the sky hoping she would at least get on bar but to no avail she was still not getting any signal from it. Out of impatience she shook the thing violently and angrily placed it into her pocket.
This was getting nowhere, when did she get lost and why was it day again, did she pass out at some point? She didn't remember any of that. Perhaps seeing the place down the alley might get a better idea of where she was right now, she couldn't be far off.
The smell of fresh bread entered her nose as she started walking down the alley. Water enveloped her mouth from the delicious smell but she could brush it off for now, knowing she was in quite a mess. Aya started squinting her eyes as she came closer to the end of the alley. The street appeared so light that it gave light itself. Her hand rose to cover her eyes from the light as she continued walking with a fair pace. Upon walking onto the street she couldn't see anything but a white light. Voices were zooming in her head from all the people around her. From the sounds of it she was on some sort of market? That wasn't around her house. The light dimmed down making it able for her to see better. Her eyes slowly opened up more from the squint as she was just overwhelmed by the fast pace on what all was happening around her. She could see a dozen people walking down a market place. The boots sold fruits and all kinds of stuff like jewelry and bags. Aya noticed she heard a few people talking about random things which she didn't understand a clue about. It was all very weird but once she noticed more and more aspects of the scene in front of her it came to mind that she was in big trouble. People looking like animals, weird clothing, the buildings, market boots, E-VER-Y-THING.
Some can only dream of it, but there are people that get to see the real thing. A world where they can start their own story. It all sounds so great when you hear it like this but that is definitly not the case. This is a story about a selected few that will get to this dream world and experience it for themselves.

Light chattering was heard on the background further down the alley as the sun peered lightly from the top of the building down onto one of the walls of the alley. Nictitating her eyes as her head tilted up slightly surprised by the new sight in front of her.
Birds twirping in the sky as a light gust brushed her hairs against her skin just like her shirt which moved the back of her shirt slowly with the wind. The hairs tickled against her skin, in annoyance she scratched her head and noticed her the deep sensation she felt coming from her fingers. Looking at her hand in confusion she now also noticed how annoying her shirt brushed against her own body and how cold the wind was. Maybe she was sick or something? She shrugged it off for now and scanned the alley around her whilst her mouth stood agape in confusion. Walls and road made up out of sand colored bricks, blue sky spread out above her and a huge wall behind her. Like she never even came from that way in the first place. Aya slowly pulled the phone in one of her hands up to her face to turn of the flashlight. In the corner of her eye she was able to see the mark of no signal. Aya rose it up at the sky hoping she would at least get on bar but to no avail she was still not getting any signal from it. Out of impatience she shook the thing violently and angrily placed it into her pocket.
"Stupid tech..."
This was getting nowhere, when did she get lost and why was it day again, did she pass out at some point? She didn't remember any of that. Perhaps seeing the place down the alley might get a better idea of where she was right now, she couldn't be far off.
The smell of fresh bread entered her nose as she started walking down the alley. Water enveloped her mouth from the delicious smell but she could brush it off for now, knowing she was in quite a mess. Aya started squinting her eyes as she came closer to the end of the alley. The street appeared so light that it gave light itself. Her hand rose to cover her eyes from the light as she continued walking with a fair pace. Upon walking onto the street she couldn't see anything but a white light. Voices were zooming in her head from all the people around her. From the sounds of it she was on some sort of market? That wasn't around her house. The light dimmed down making it able for her to see better. Her eyes slowly opened up more from the squint as she was just overwhelmed by the fast pace on what all was happening around her. She could see a dozen people walking down a market place. The boots sold fruits and all kinds of stuff like jewelry and bags. Aya noticed she heard a few people talking about random things which she didn't understand a clue about. It was all very weird but once she noticed more and more aspects of the scene in front of her it came to mind that she was in big trouble. People looking like animals, weird clothing, the buildings, market boots, E-VER-Y-THING.
"The fuck..."