Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The kingdom of Lugnica a wonderful kingdom full of stories and adventures that haven't been ventured yet before. It is a magical place with many different races and species spread over it. Dragons searing through the sky, magical beasts wandering through the spooky forests. It is truly a wondrous place to be at. Market places were a great value of coins are being converted into supplies everyday. Farmers harvesting their food fresh from the fields everyday to give the people the best they can. People trying to infuse magic into everyday objects to make useless objects more useful. Knights protecting the kingdom from danger beasts and all other kinds of murderous animals/people. The world keeps spinning and changes every day.

Some can only dream of it, but there are people that get to see the real thing. A world where they can start their own story. It all sounds so great when you hear it like this but that is definitly not the case. This is a story about a selected few that will get to this dream world and experience it for themselves.


Light chattering was heard on the background further down the alley as the sun peered lightly from the top of the building down onto one of the walls of the alley. Nictitating her eyes as her head tilted up slightly surprised by the new sight in front of her.


Birds twirping in the sky as a light gust brushed her hairs against her skin just like her shirt which moved the back of her shirt slowly with the wind. The hairs tickled against her skin, in annoyance she scratched her head and noticed her the deep sensation she felt coming from her fingers. Looking at her hand in confusion she now also noticed how annoying her shirt brushed against her own body and how cold the wind was. Maybe she was sick or something? She shrugged it off for now and scanned the alley around her whilst her mouth stood agape in confusion. Walls and road made up out of sand colored bricks, blue sky spread out above her and a huge wall behind her. Like she never even came from that way in the first place. Aya slowly pulled the phone in one of her hands up to her face to turn of the flashlight. In the corner of her eye she was able to see the mark of no signal. Aya rose it up at the sky hoping she would at least get on bar but to no avail she was still not getting any signal from it. Out of impatience she shook the thing violently and angrily placed it into her pocket.

"Stupid tech..."

This was getting nowhere, when did she get lost and why was it day again, did she pass out at some point? She didn't remember any of that. Perhaps seeing the place down the alley might get a better idea of where she was right now, she couldn't be far off.

The smell of fresh bread entered her nose as she started walking down the alley. Water enveloped her mouth from the delicious smell but she could brush it off for now, knowing she was in quite a mess. Aya started squinting her eyes as she came closer to the end of the alley. The street appeared so light that it gave light itself. Her hand rose to cover her eyes from the light as she continued walking with a fair pace. Upon walking onto the street she couldn't see anything but a white light. Voices were zooming in her head from all the people around her. From the sounds of it she was on some sort of market? That wasn't around her house. The light dimmed down making it able for her to see better. Her eyes slowly opened up more from the squint as she was just overwhelmed by the fast pace on what all was happening around her. She could see a dozen people walking down a market place. The boots sold fruits and all kinds of stuff like jewelry and bags. Aya noticed she heard a few people talking about random things which she didn't understand a clue about. It was all very weird but once she noticed more and more aspects of the scene in front of her it came to mind that she was in big trouble. People looking like animals, weird clothing, the buildings, market boots, E-VER-Y-THING.

"The fuck..."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

(have some wolf puns until I can post)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

Maria was definitely an odd individual within the confines of the Royal Knights of Lugnica. One who was both dedicated to the cause of knightly ideals and standoffish actions towards those she disliked from a principle means. Someone who followed their own ideals and never was afraid to chastise someone for their actions or attitudes, even if they tended towards a higher position than that of herself.

However, those of a “higher position” tended to be a bit more rare than one would imagine. After all, Maria von Hohenzollern, heiress to the House of Hohenzollern, a house of incredible Knights which had lasted since most could remember, and was able to secure a position, with both consideration for her skill and consideration for her father’s everlasting pull in the knights, as the Commander of the Iron Bell Knights. But even someone who follows the Knightly codes to a tee would make enemies within the knight, though even her opponents would state that she was at the very least a competent Commander and a skilled warrior.

That wasn’t the primary issue which people took offense to. The first offense happened to be through her brash and bold statements which never seemed to carry any sort of lies within them, oftem “too truthful”, and the truth can hurt. The other would be one of the titles from her youth, the “Hohenzollern Child of the Reeds”. Maria was not a Hohenzollern by blood, but instead was adopted to the house during a hunting trip which Georgius von Hohenzollern, then heir to the title, found an infant abandoned by its mother in the forest. Georgius adopted the child and declared her the heiress to his lineage due to his wife not being able to produce an off-spring.

Maria stood at her desk within her post, reading a book she enjoyed from her youth, The story of a people’s struggle to survive and their inevitable fate at the hands of the army. A tragic story but one also full of hope of a people she could hardly understand.

“Madam Commander,” one of the Knights of the Iron Bell stated to her in a salute as he entered her office of sorts. “One of our Knights had an accident during his routine sweep. Might you commission a replacement for him?”

Maria, taken out of her book, took only a few moments to respond to the request of her subordinate.

“There will be no need. I will take position on his watch. We are already scraped for men as is, and I cannot say I am doing much within my office as it is.”

“Yes madam, but let me arrange an escort for y-.”

“There will be no need,” Maria interrupted. “I have told you before, we need all the men we can get with the royal selection date approaching and the increased ferocity of the Mabeast attacks. Besides, I can handle myself.”

“Y-yes madam. I shall give word to the men about your absence.”

Well, despite the admirable offering to take patrol as a Commander, Maria truly was a bit bored of her studies and decided it would be best to take a break from what appeared to simply be a monotony of sitting and doing almost nothing. She was a Knight, after all. Someone who wished to protect the people. And even if the desire to leave her post on boredom was a bit on the selfish side, she had always wished to assist those unable to fend for themselves. After all, to Maria, the sword was something used to protect the people, not to enslave them.

Walking the streets of Lugnica, Maria could not say she was stricken with childish awe. The last time she remembers she could freely walk these streets was with her father some odd years ago. She had only really done such patrols and the like. Her occupation was a bit too important for her to lollygag idly, and her only true freetime came at night, which she wasn’t much for the night scene. Her men had invited her to a few taverns at times, but she had always rejected their offers.

“Now, where to start patrolling first?” Maria wondered. She could most likely just walk the streets to see any sort of individuals who required help or who were in trouble. There was a bit of an issue with crime that she wished to see eradicated. But there was also the issue of wanting to go seeing the sights of Lugnica once again like she had when she was younger with her father, but she quickly repressed such thoughts. She was on duty. Any such ideas could wait until she had more free time to herself.

Dressed in the shining armor and armed with her sword, Maria took to the streets to ensure peace and prosperity in the land, and to search for any would-be troublemakers or those who needed the help of a knight on her calibre.

[Or random people who have just arrived in the city from another world. Whichever one works out]
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Chieko Okawa~

It was a relatively quiet evening, and Chieko Okawa couldn't ask for a more peaceful, problem free day. She had gotten school over with, and had completed all her homework, chores, and even managed to squeeze in some exercise earlier that day. Granted, she wasn't the most athletically inclined, but she did like getting some light exercise in every now and then. She had to keep up her reputation as the all around best at everything, after all. It was about all she had as far as school goes. She even had a delicious warm cup of hot chocolate in her hands. A bit out of season to be sure, but chocolate trumped seasons. To top it all off? She managed to get an exclusive box set of her favorite anime - all the seasons, including a limited edition figurine.

All she had to do was protect her precious cargo on her way home, get to kicking ass with her friends on that fancy new MMO, and all would be right with the world. So she started walking back to her house, making sure that her precious cargo wasn't going to be damaged by any unseen outside forces. Hopefully there wouldn't be any interruptions.

There was sudden vibration in her pocket, bringing her out of her blissful thoughts. Who could possibly be calling her at this hour? And her hands were full, too. She sighed and stopped walking, somewhat annoyed but there wasn't much she could do about it. She slung the bag holding the goods over her shoulder as carefully as she could before reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out a phone. The number was fairly familiar to her, though she had to wonder what in the name of god her little sister was doing calling her when she was going to be home in hopefully a few minutes.

...knowing her sister, she wanted her to buy her some food or something.

"Sister." She said in a rather neutral, bored tone as she answered the phone.

"Chi-san!~" She answered rather happily. "How's my favorite older sister doing?"

"I'm your only older sister, Natsuki." She replied with a sigh. "And I've only been out of the house barely an hour. What do you want?"

"Aaahhh...as cold as ever~" She giggled. "I just wanted my best and awesome older sister, Chi-san to buy me food." Chieko didn't emote at all, only staring blankly at the phone. She pondered hanging up, but that would be just downright rude and...well, that cutesy attitude tended to be quite effective in getting Natsuki what she wanted from Chieko.

"I'm almost home. I'm not going anywhere to buy you food."

"Waaaah....Chinee-san wants me to starve." Her sister replied in the most adorable voice the fifteen year old could muster. Chinee-san? Honestly, dealing with her little sister was quite ridiculous at times.

"If you think an adorable voice is enough for me to buy you food, then yes, you will starve you little glutton." Harsh? Maybe, but Chieko wasn't exactly one to mince words.

"Uwwwa~ Chiekonee-san called me a glutton. That's mean~" Though, her tone of voice was anything but upset. "Come ooon ChiChi-neesan! If you do I'll promise I'll study!~"

"...Fine." Chieko sighed, shaking her head slightly. "What do you want?" No response, just a dial tone. Was...was she just hung up on?! Well, that was just rude! Well fine! If she wanted to hang up on her she wouldn't buy her anything. She stuffed the phone back in her pocket and took a step forwards, heading back home. Fine then, She'd just go home and...go home...and...As she looked up from the phone, she realized something was horribly, horribly amiss.

Even for the normally calm and stoic Chieko, this was something that even made her emote a little. Her eyes widened, grip on the beverage in her hand loosened, causing it to spill on the ground.


She was too busy trying to process what she was seeing to particularly care. More importantly, where she was. Chieko was definitely not in the city. She was...somewhere else? The people here were dressed in odd clothing, not to mention something that made her Otaku anime nerd self almost explode from excitement. She'd recognize that soft fur and anywhere! That was something anyone of her expertise would recognize!

Demi humans. She got the urge to want to pet one of their fluffy ears, but she restrained herself for now. That'd probably get her unwanted attention.

Had she gotten high or something and was hallucinating? Did she pass out and was dreaming all of this? Maybe got killed and sent to another world? She was definitely not in her element here, and despite her calm outward expression she was internally trying to properly collect her thoughts about this situation. She was standing in the middle of some street. She didn't realize what was on the street, but a number of people were milling about as a low hum of conversation hung in the air. Tall buildings rose into the sky - some sort of Residential area or something? Seemed a bit too busy for that.

...well. She wasn't going to get any answers standing here, was she? She should get out of the middle of the street. So, she went with the flow of the crowd, walking as slowly as it would allow. Her hand tightened around the plastic bag, somewhat nervous as a number of potential issues popped up in her head.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Grian Rothfell_

The sun was shining, the birds were flying and people were chattering. Truly a beautiful day. Even more beautiful as Grian got payed for his last job. He was juggling with the bag of money he got in his hands to get a feel of it's contents. It was heave enough to be the amount promised or even more. He couldn't wait to go home and add it to his collection. And that's when this little brat came in the picture. Amidst the crowd a young girl in a weird dress bumped into him. Well, more like he didn't notice the small girl as he was juggling with money. Time seemed to slow down as the bag of coins flew in the air, and Grian dropped a single tear is it disappeared somewhere behind the girl. Such a terrible, terrible luck! He was hoping this wouldn't happen.

So like any self respecting person would do he wented his rage on the one who caused him harm. "You girl! Watch where you goin will you? You better hope I find that bag or you'll pay." He looked fiercely at the girl, but couldn't keep it up for long. Wherever the girl came from was far away, as her clothes looked very unfamiliar. And she was still holding onto all her stuff, stimbling to find her balance. Seems like they both managed to find the person who was also carrying stuff they really wanted. That us Grian drew the short straw. But he wasn't gonna settle for it.

He put his hand on his forehead and sighed. "Ey, ey, ey, this is not gonna work. Stand straight already. Or are you deaf?" Seeing the girl standing there he figured she was in need of a recollection. He snapped his fingers together and waved at the gurl "There. Now help me find my bag or you'll regret getting born!" To make sure his message got across to the though head of this foreigner he viciously snarled at the girl.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Some Music to set the tone

The dry, inhospitable valleys and mountains of Afghanistan passed before the eyes of the staff sergeant's eyes as she hung her legs out the Blackhawk's door. The various mountain faces were covered in cliff side villages, pine forests, and even snow in some areas. Fields of poppies and agriculture filled the valleys below. Contrary to what many believed, this place was not all desert and sand. In fact, for the staff sergeant at least, it felt like they were somewhere in the Rocky Mountains more than somewhere in the Middle East. The crew chief crouched next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey Winters, you think you'll be alright, back in the fight so soon?" he asked. She gave him a small nod and smiled.

"I'm not just gonna leave everyone behind because my problems."

The helicopters banked and began to rise over one of the many ridges. They were entering one of the hottest zones in this theater of war... the Korengal Valley. Outposts were seemingly attacked every day, and that meant Sergeant Winters knew this place well. For the fifth time this week, they were responding to a medivac call to one the OPs here in Korengal, however this time, it was going to be hot. The OP was under fire, but they had critically wounded men who needed to get airlifted to a hospital ASAP. As they neared the zone, Winters pulled herself back into the Blackhawk and prepared the stretcher with a partner as the door gunner got ready. The helicopters banked around a cliff face.

It was like they were hit by a storm.

The other Blackhawk began to open fire, hoping to draw fire away from Winter's helicopter as got ready to land. Tracers and bullets zipped across the battlefield from the OP to the surrounding terrain, with Winter's helicopter landing in the middle of it all. Rushing out the moment the Blackhawk was close enough to the ground, she ran over to the army medic who had been carrying the wounded soldier.

"He's got multiple shrapnel wounds to the neck and face!" the medic yelled over the helicopter and gunfire. "I also gave him 10 mg of morphine! To keep him from going into shock!!" Winters nodded and strapped the wounded soldier to the stretcher. On the count of three, she and her partner lifted the man up and jogged to the helicopter, swiftly loading the wounded into the Blackhawk and giving the all clear signal to the crew chief. The helicopter began to lift off the ground and make its way out the combat zone......


Addison awoke with a sputtered gasp, squinting as sunlight peaked over the edge of a building. There was a high pitch ringing in her ears that was slowly fading and her vision was somewhat blurry. Addison slowly pulled herself up to a sitting position, glancing around. She was leaned against a sandstone wall in some sort of alley. The faint sounds of talking and bustle of urban life began to reach her from the entrance. Incredibly confused, Addison tried to remember what happen. And she did, though, it didn't help her.


The helicopter lifted off bullets flying around the aircraft as it went. Addison had began to immediately stabilize the wounded soldier in front of her when suddenly the crew chief shouted. "INCOMING! R-P-" he was cut off as a lucky anti-tank rocket slammed into the rear fuselage of the helicopter. Smoke and sparks engulfed Addison as she instinctively ducked over her patient to protect him from any debris. The helicopter began to lurch and slide uncontrollably through the sky. They began to lose altitude fast. Addison looked up just in time to see the crew chief tumble out of the helicopter as it barreled out of control.

"BRACE BRACE BRACE" the pilot yelled as the Blackhawk slammed into the treeline. The last thing Addison remembers was getting thrown from the helicopter and slamming into the ground.


As if on que, a immense sore pain racked her whole body. It felt as though her entire body was covered in bruises. Her medical knowledge kicked in, and Addison slowly began to test herself, moving a finger, then a toe, then a hand. Very gradually, she made sure that nothing was severely broken or dislocated. when it came to her right arm, she began to try to move it and. "GAH! Ow ow ow ow ow..... Damn... dislocated." she mumbled to herself, staring at her protruding shoulder. With the courage that only an experienced combat medic could muster, she got up, stumbled forward a bit, then slammed her right shoulder into the wall. With a sickening sound, it popped back into place. She sat back down for a bit to catch her breath and let herself recover.

Feeling somewhat better, Addison stood up and began to take stalk of what was around her. As she realized before, she was in some sort of alley way and ahead was what sounded like a market place. Strange, as she would have definitely thought a crashing helicopter and the sounds of combat would turned this place into a.....

"Hang on... There wasn't any settlements near by..." Quickly, she checked her gear. "Shit... just my pistol... must of lost my M4 in the crash..." Reading her weapon, she quickly moved to the entrance to the alley, and glanced around the corner.

Before her was something that she had only seen in movies, only dreamed of after a long night of playing fantasy games as a kid. And it terrified her. Before Addison was a medieval style marked, filled with all sorts of creatures, demi-humans, regular humans, and other sorts of things akin to a fantasy world. She looked away from the scene...

Then looked back.

Looked away.

Then looked back.

Addison suddenly bit her thumb, drawing blood. It smeared in her dusty, fingerless gloves. Grimacing she sighed and holstered her pistol. "OOookay Addison, take it slow... This IS real... you're not dreaming.. Yes that is a cat person.... yes that is a teenager creating a floating ball of water... breath in, count to three, breath out... Alright!" She turned and walk confidently into the street. "Time to find out what the hell is going on."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryan Dreane

Royal Capital Lugnica


"So..." Ryan muttered to himself while he glanced around the cereal aisle. He didn't exactly know what he wanted, but some kind of cereal was definitely on the list he was given. With a sigh he closed his eyes and grabbed a random box. Opening his eyes, he saw that he had a box of generic brand fruit loops. Shrugging, he just threw the box into the basket. Eh, they'll do. He thought to himself. It wasn't his money anyway, living with one's parents through college still had some benefit. Of course he still had to work to put himself through, but free food was a great perk.

Taking a quick look in the basket to see what else he needed at the moment, he saw the box of cereal, a box of artificial sweeteners, a pack of four Red Bulls, and a carton of milk. All that really meant was that he was half way through, he still needed to hit up the produce section and...and..."Wait, what the-" Ryan said blinking at the sudden brightness. He was outside? Oh no, I must've wandered out while I was looking. Ah jeez, I really ought to get back inside before they think I'm stealing. He thought as he turned around to see that there was no store behind him. In fact, there wasn't a parking lot...or a road...Where the hell am I? He said as an odd chill crept up his back. I'm sure if I just ask someone- He started thinking as he pushed the cart out of the alleyway. Immediately looking around for people he saw...a werewolf?

Choking back a cry of surprise at the sight, he quickly pushed the metal cart through another alley to see a bunch of people clad in thick armor. He definitely wasn't home anymore, that much was certain. "Ah-uh-eh..." He managed to stutter out as a cold sweat broke out on his face. He stumbled bracing himself on the grocery cart before passing out unceremoniously in the street.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Chieko Okawa~


Chieko was slightly distracted by the events. Her mind raced with a million questions about what exactly was going on. Did she suddenly become some sort of hero or something? Her fifteen year old self would feel so vindicated in their behavoir right now. Did that mean she could use cool awesome magic or something too? Some sort of special skill? Really, she should have probably been a bit more worried about this entire thing, but her anime loving self couldn't help but to find this entire thing entertaining. Despite these thoughts, she was still paying attention to her surroundings for one simple reason.

So many cute, fluffy, demi-humans. Her eyes silently darted between each one she passed, each one more unique and different looking than the last. So it was a wonder how she could miss the one walking right towards her. Really, she should have seen it since he was the largest, fluffiest thing on the street.

Really, how could she have missed him?

"So fluffy..." Was her only thought as she was run into, the sound of some bag or something falling to the ground along with her.


Her stuff. No no no, she couldn't let it break! She gripped the bag harder, clutching it to her chest as she stumbled backwards, foot catching on a loose brick as she fell. Her back hit the ground, a quiet oof coming from the girl as the momentum caused her to fall, landing lightly on her back. Before even checking to see if she was alright from the fall, she quickly sat up, opening the bag with her things in them and checking to see if anything was damaged.

"You girl! Watch where you goin will you? You better hope I find that bag or you'll pay."


The figurine appeared to be in good condition still. Chieko sighed in relief. Probably not the time to be worried about such a thing, but she couldn't stop old habits on such a quick notice. As for herself? Well, aside from a somewhat sore rear, she felt fine. A little fall like that wasn't going to phase her that much. More importantly...what was that adorable fluffy thing saying? Something about her paying?

"Ey, ey, ey, this is not gonna work. Get up already. Or are you deaf?"

Chieko stood, slightly annoyed by his tone of voice. She slung the bag over her shoulder, dusting some dirt off of her other one.

"Now help me find my bag or you'll regret getting born!"

Regret...being born? Fluffy and cute looking, yes. Terrible personality? Also yes. It seemed all worlds had their fair share of jerks. She was used to being made fun of when she was fifteen though, and knew how to handle such people. She wasn't intimidated by him at all. Cool dispassion and slight arrogance would be enough to deal with such people. Besides, it wasn't like this...mongrel would try anything with so many other people around. He'd be demoted to stupid fluffy mongrel.

"No." She coldly replied, staring up at Grian, eyes seeming to bore into his soul as she spoke. "You ran into me. I have no obligation to help you. Next time, watch where you are going and maybe you won't lose anything." She refrained from adding 'mutt' and 'mongrel' to that sentence. Chieko was many things, but those two words could very well be considered racist, and that was one of the things she was not in any capacity. Either way though, she had no desire to be here.

So she attempted to walk past Grian, completely ignoring him confident he wouldn't try anything. A few people had taken notice of the event, at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

Maria did anticipate assisting others on her patrol, though hardly does the chance present itself within the confines of a standard patrol. The best one could find, unless a decree was issued, would be a few petty thief, perhaps a dispute between two individuals such as over a lost coin purse or something. But hardly does one see an individual collapse in the street, and through mob mentality, be left to his own devices. After all, not a single individual could claim to be responsible in the event that individual were to meet an unfortunate fate, so why would one stop their daily activities to check if they were alright.

Maria was a tad bit outraged at the every folk for their mistreating of an individual whom had collapsed in the middle of the street. After all, within times like this one can only truly rely on their fellow men to help them through the darkest of time. However it truly wasn’t until two pickpockets attempted to loot the contents of the collapsed man’s cart that Maria truly sprung into action, chasing away the urchins as they attempted to make a quick coin from a helpless and unsuspecting victim.

At the very least he appeared to be some sort of merchant or perhaps even a shopper, but Maria had never seen a cart made of out metal in such a way, the forward wheels being able to gyrotate in order to change directions. Perhaps this individual was not just a regular merchant, but an inventor as well. From his appearance, he seemed to live a life without much issue, his milky-white skin showing someone whom had not worked in the field before in his life, just as her own did.

“Are you alright,” asked Maria after moving him to a more secluded alleyway and away from the masses of one of Lugnica’s many bazaars, propping up the man on the side of a wall, Maria sitting right next to him and watching over the strange metal gyroscopically wheeled cart and it’s strange contents.

Lugnicans seemed to have a higher living than most of the countryside or other nations seemed to have, so many traded within its borders. Maria, with limited difficulty, was able to move the rather large man without much problems. After all, it couldn’t be said that Maria wasn’t a ‘strong’ individual. Here practice with the sword was one of both skill and physical training, as it ought to be.

She knew the other was not dead from the rising of his stomach at the very least, which she was releaved to see. Perhaps heat stroke or some sort of sickness the man possessed caused him to fall? Either way, it was not really the duty of a knight on paper to assist the weak as Maria had done just now, merely to enforce laws and the like. But Maria was not the sort to simply allow a stranger to befall harm when it would be very simple for her to act in a helpful manner.

At the very least she would sit with the man until he had came to.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Grian Rothfell_

It was such a terrible day, yes. He had to source his contact because he didn't pay. A whole morning wasted. And when he found the guy, he refused to pay. He had to "convince" him to pay up. That was very tiring. Not to mention the job itself was very time consuming too. Killing nobleman is never easy. So when this little brat made him loose 85 silver pieces, he couldn't give less of a reaction. He was eager to begin searching for the money, but he got a reputation to uphold. And he would certainly not kneel down for a human.

So when the girl talked back with a foul mouth, seemingly unimpressed with his appearance he couldn't help but start hating the brat. Arrogant thwat thinks she is so important. Not enough for a decent meal he thought.

It came naturally that his eyes twitched as the girl walked past him. He wasn't gonna leave it at that no. He was fed up. He wanted the money. Badly. And there was a chance that the girl would alert a knight or create a bigger comotion. There were already few too many people watching. So he grabbed the arm of the girl and pulled her back so she couldn't get away. He made sure it wasn't harsh from a viewers perspective, but painful enough for the girl to listen and not struggle. With a fake smile he bent over to the girl and began speaking quitly so only the wto could hear.

"Listen to me very carefully cause I will tell you once. Either you find my bag or pay up the 85 silver in it. Less I will kill you." He glanced around for any knights but he didn't find any. There were some people gathering tho. He slowly added. "Try escaping or shouting and you will also die here. Understood?" He made sure hus voice was that of a Big Bad wolf. He had a sweet spot for kids, even if human. He wouldn't kill the brat, but dang he was annoyed by her. At this point he'd fight a mabeast to make the girl get his money back. After all she could probably still see or hear the coins drop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago



With powerful strides the huge being known as Kyojin, made his way down the busy street, the sun on his back and casting a massive shadow. Today he was within his work clothes, consisting of heavy clothe and leather with his trademark bandanna which covered up the tattoos on his head. Currently walked with purpose as he had his arms filled with bags containing groceries and the like for the Crescent Moon inn kitchen that he had been helping out at, and today was to collect some shopping. Odd jobs and the like he was well known for taking, to survive day by day but also save up his money as much as possible, and everyone knew the reason why. He made no attempt to hide the fact he wanted to buy the inn from the owner Kondo, but he just could not help but be helpful to the people around him as well, sometimes taking children's 'jobs' to help them out in some way for silly things such as cakes or snacks.


Turning his head he smiled a bright goofy smile towards some of those very children waving to him in greeting, almost waving as well but thankfully he saved the bags that almost fell out of his hands. "Ahem.. Greetings!" He made sure to at least greet and nod towards the children who went back to playing their games as he started to walk off towards the inn. At the very least he had gained a reparation, if very small, that he was not too bad and even that was just around the children and their parents...

However on his way towards the inn he looked down towards some strangely dressed humans looking rather confused, in fact he almost bumped right into Addison who walked into the street. "Sorry" He said in his deep booming voice before using his large stature to simply side step the person as if they were not much of a obstacle at all. Looking back towards all the people for a moment he ducked into the inn door before making hsi way to the counter to place down the shopping for the inn. "How strange.." He commented before looking back at the one taking his delivery and handing over a few coins for his work, smiling and nodding before looking up the stairs. With large steps he started up the stairs to the terrace where he placed his hand on the side of the wall to take a look around. "Kondo? Things are strange today" He mentioned before walking out onto the terrace to peer around at the street below, he didn't know why but he felt something. "Seen some strange people on the way here." He said, reaching up to tighten his bandanna.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryan Dreane

Royal Capital Lugnica


A splitting headache...that was the only way Ryan could describe it. He had only experienced one like it once when he woke up in a hospital bed with nobody around. Fortunately it had been nothing serious, apparently he had fallen unconscious that day and had been taken to the emergency room in a panic. His parents were always been like that when he was younger, nowadays he had been so distant with them that he only really spoke with them during dinner.

"My head, what in the hell happened?" He asked nobody in particular. His dream from earlier was definitely a doozy, shopping at a store just to find himself in some kind of fantasy land. Absolutely ridiculous. Opening his eyes he was greeted with a familiar sight that made his stomach turn. It wasn't a dream!? He thought in shock. There was no way. This literally could not happen. He resisted the nauseous feeling and barely managed not to fall unconscious again. It took him a moment to calm down, once he did he attempted to address the only person nearby. She seemed to be a knight of some kind.

"Excuse me, I seem to be-" He heaved slightly, but managed to hold his composure. This whole situation was too weird, it was one thing to be out of his element...but if what he had seen earlier was for real, he didn't know if he was even on the same planet. "-a bit lost, I was just at the super market and now I'm...Oh no, oh no no no." Ryan sputtered out in a slight panic. "I didn't even get to pay for all of this." He said gesturing at the grocery basket. Suddenly he paled. "I-I- wait. I don't even know where I am, let alone where the store is. How the hell am I going to pay when I'm not even sure where I am!?" He exclaimed. He had never shoplifted in his life, and he certainly hadn't intended to do it this time. He quickly snapped back to reality remembering that he had more pressing matters than a misdemeanor, if anything the authorities back home would be more concerned with a disappearance than someone stealing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

“Eh, are you lost? You are in the Royal Capital of Lugnica . Everyone should know where Lugnica is. Where have you lived, under a rock? You must be a foreigner. I have never seen such odd clothing before in my life.”

At the very least, it was an oddity for people to wonder to an unknown land. And considering the importance of Lugnica to the dragon, most realms, to Maria’s knowledge, would at the very least know about it. Perhaps he was a tad bit less educated than her analysis first lead on? Or perhaps Lugnica wasn’t as important as she had read about from the scholars of Lugnica? Or maybe he had even travelled from a much more distant land.

But that wasn't the pressing issue. There was another thing that the man had exclaimed after he had admitted he was lost. Something that Maria, as a knight, couldn’t overlook.

“I don’t really get what you mean by ‘super market’, but the contents of this cart are not yours? If so, I will have to ask you to return what you stole. Since you have been honest with me, I shall not punish you too hard, considering you are a foreigner. But I cannot overlook the illegal acquisition of another’s property as a knight of Lugnica.”

Maria was very dedicated to her cause. She had been taught the path of knighthood from a young age as the heiress to the von Hohenzollerns. Though seemingly a bit strict in her tone against the young man who had admitted he had stolen something,

“My name is Maria. Maria von Hohenzollern, commander of the Iron Bell Knights. Considering your delirious state, I can only assume that you're stealing of another’s property was not intentional. I respect your dedication to fairness. However, laws are laws. Do you happen to remember what bazaar you happened to take your materials from? At the very least I will accompany you to return them and set the record straight.”

Standing before the man she had not even gotten the pleasure of knowing his name, his height a fair bit above her own, but even so, Maria seemed to carry herself with a degree of honor that would only be seen on a true knight, though perhaps to an outsider like the individual before her, would seem a bit silly for someone who seemed as dainty as a flower. But even the prettiest of roses has it’s thorns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryan Dreane

Royal Capital Lugnica


"A bazaar? That's some kind open air market right? I can promise it wouldn't be there, a Super Market is indoors...and given how everything here looks, I can only guess I'm not even on the same continent I was on before I passed out. I don't know how to say this exactly, but I think I've been kidnapped and left here. Ryan said scratching his head, now that he had had his miniature breakdown, he didn't really have the energy to freak out again for the moment despite just how uneasy he was. Inside he was still in shambles, but he had to keep it together. Chances were, this woman would be his best hope of figuring things out.

Besides, the only thing he could really do right now was find out where this Lugnica was. Not like it would really matter, if there were wolf people walking around (and it wasn't some kind of furry convention) there was no way he was still on earth. He pulled out his phone to see if he could call anyone, at the very least he might be able to contact his parents and...well in hindsight, it was only logical that it wouldn't work. It would be beyond miraculous for there to be any signal somewhere like this. That ruled out using the GPS to get some kind of idea about where he was. He had finally ruled out the chance that this was some kind of weird renaissance fair type of thing.

From what Maria had said, it looked like he had somehow gotten himself in trouble with this world's authorities by admitting to a crime he didn't even mean to commit...Actually, it seemed to him like whatever had brought him here had committed the crime. If anything he was an impromptu accomplice that wasn't even told what was happening. That brought up another question, would this even be within this knight's jurisdiction? Was that even a thing here? Better not to ask, that would probably make him sound pretty shady.

"My name is Ryan, Ryan Dreane. Uh, I don't think I've ever met a knight before so I guess it's an honor?" He said attempting to salvage the situation. " I'm not entirely sure where Lugnica is on a map, but I'm guessing there isn't any way for me to get home."

If anything, Ryan counted himself lucky that the first person he met was essentially a police officer. At the very least he knew he wasn't going to get mugged and left to die in a totally unfamiliar place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

“Ryan Dreane? Hmm, well if you say that you didn’t steal your items in Lugnica then I cannot say I have the power to force you to return any of these things. But it is strange. I have never seen any of this lettering, yet you can speak my language pretty fluently. I assumed you were a trader at first glance, considering your strange clothing. Though I am suspicious, I do not believe you are lying about your position. Perhaps you have made enemies with the wrong person?”

At the very least, if Ryan had not broken a law within Lugnica, but he had still broken a law. Or perhaps he was someone who had been kidnapped, as he had said. He didn’t really look like he was lying about not knowing where he was,

And it wasn’t like after a few glances she could really discern the contents of the cart. They looked to be a random assortment of things. But what exactly was a super market? She had heard of certain specialty shops being indoors, but to run an indoor marketplace was something that Maria had never heard of. A large enough building to house such individuals tended to be something akin to a castle or a cathedral, and would not be suitable in price considering that shops tended to be closed during any weather ailments. Perhaps he came from a city of merchants, then?

There was something about the word supermarket, or perhaps about how the boy explained it that seemed familiar to herself. Perhaps some sort of idealism sparked within herself seemed familiar with such a concept. A feeling that made Maria, despite knowing very little about the subject, wish to say something along the lines of “Yeah I know what a super market is!”, but she could not place her finger where such ideas came from. Perhaps she had come across it in one of the many novella her father collects and which fascinate her?

“However, if you are lost, I suppose I cannot just leave you here. Especially if you collapse again. And if someone did have malicious thoughts towards you, then they may come back again. If that is the case, I shall be your escort. In the name of the von Hohenzollerns and the Knights of the Iron Bell, no harm shall befall you under my guard, assuming you would have me as your escort. However, as a Knight of this city and one of its guards, I cannot say that I can also give up on my patrols. If you have never before walked the streets of Lugnica before, perhaps you could learn a few things while I patrol?”

If he had been kidnapped for a reason by an enemy of Lugnica, at the very least she could investigate this, such as the increased appearances of the Witch’s Cult and increased Mabeast attacks on civilians and traders. Perchance this instance of displacement was caused by some sort of force which caused this? Of course, some people say the witch’s cult doesn’t even exist, considering the many false flags which occur within the confines of the Guard Station’s reports. Likely, in Maria’s opinion, given the current circumstance, it was an instance of human trafficking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Chieko Okawa~


Chieko felt her arm being grabbed as the wolf pulled it, obviously intending to make a scene. It definitely hurt - he was strong just as he looked, but she wouldn't be intimidated so easily. She turned, glaring at the wolf defiantly, not intending to back down from this. Honestly, she was in a terrible mood right now a this wolf wasn't helping. As fluffy and adorable as these Demi humans were, and as fun as this fantasy world looked...well. She didn't want to be here. This wolf was definitely not helping.

"I've dealt with bullies like you for the past three or fours years of my life." She coldly replied, that was all she had to say on the matter to prove that she wouldn't be so easily intimidated. That said...perhaps she was being a bit...stubborn here. Who ran into who and who was at fault was Irrelevant, wasn't it? She didn't like this mutt simply from his attitude to be sure, but...she wasn't in the business of not helping someone if they needed it. Maybe that money was important? She didn't know, but she did know that this guy wasn't the nicest of people, it might have been money for something important. So she'd give him a chance. One chance.

"Give me one good reason why I should help a thug like you, and I will. No death isn't a good reason because unless you want to cause a scene with all these people, you won't otherwise, you're an idiot. You've been nothing but impolite, rude, mean, insulting and trying to bully your way to get what you want. I have no desire to help such people. Give me one good reason and apologize, and I will gladly help you." Despite the seeming hostility of her words, her voice was more or less entirely neutral. It carried no anger, annoyance, only complete indifference. It was quiet, barely above a whisper like Grian's.



Wahaha, today had been most fun indeed!~ Of course, a usual day in the life of Tsuiho consisted of mostly fun things. From drinking, to flirting, to playing games, and to the ever so delightful activity of murder! And she had just finished up that last rousing activity quite well. Some sort of merchants son or another. He had begged for his life, the little coward. It took all the fun out of it - hearing his little mouth beg for her not too. Offered to pay her off more than her employer. At least die with dignity or something, really! Besides, she wasn't really into two timing people she worked for. She had a reputation to keep up in the darker circles of the nobility.

Not that that mattered at the moment! The body of the kiddo would likely be found in an hour or so. She had made sure to already vacate the premises and change her clothes to something a bit less conspicuous. She was garbed in her normal attire, and more or less making herself inconspicuous....well, as inconspicuous as running across the rooftops of Lugnica could be. Thankfully no one up here saw her, but she could probably have taken a less inconspicuous route, though it was a good way of getting around without having to deal with the crowded streets below.

Currently, she was sitting on the edge of a building, stretching idly as she enjoyed the feeling of the a gentle breeze blowing through her hair. She always did like high places - offered a good vantage point to be able to plan entrances and other ways into somewhere. She smiled idly, tucking a blade into her robes as she looked a the market street below. A good assassin was always armed, after all. Getting caught off guard was bad, yep yep. Though, even if she was it was mostly in her nature to flee as soon as that happened. With her blessing, it was fairly easy as well - though surprise attacks still proved troublesome if she couldn't react in time. She had been injured once or twice from such sneaky people, but she managed to avoid a lethal blow on all accounts.

Well, enough of that! She should get back to her room in the Crescent Moon Inn. She had to make arrangements to meet another noble that contacted her for her 'services'. He had said it was a pretty high-paying job...and well, she did like money. With a giggle, she leaped off of the roof, across an alleyway.

Or at least, attempted too.

Instead, her foot got caught on the roof.

"Wah~" She squealed in a somewhat disarmingly cute fashion as she tripped, falling over the edge. Thankfully, it was only a story high, meaning the landing should have been easy enough for one as acrobatic as she was...if there wasn't a cute looking girl below. Not that she particularly cared in the long run, but still. It was just bad manners to drop in uninvited, yep. Not like she could help that in this situation.

"Heyyouhumansorrybutgravityisworkingagainstmebutcatchmecatchme!" she blurted out rather quickly as she fell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Only the sound of people on the street was heard in the small store of the florist, a wonderful smell of mixed flowers could be smelled through the entire store. Hundreds of flowers sitting at the side and the middle of the store all producing this amazing odour. It was a wonderful sea of colors all carefully caressed one by one to make the perfect bouquet. The store was quiet, no one had entered since it opened up today yet so it was a nice and peacefull day. At the back of the store some rumbling sounded, it was one of the two workers that worked at the store. Her knife carefully slit across the bottom of the stem to clear it. She placed it with the other flowers in the pot she had standing on the workbench before her. The process repeats and repeats untill she has a nice pot full of flowers that she could put with the rest.

A light breeze entered the store making the flowers move lightly with the wind. The air brushed against her ears making them twitch for a moment. She licked the back of her hand and brushed it lightly over her ear making it move up and down. She shook her head for a moment and continued working on the flowers. The silence continued for a while, but eventually got broken by the other worker of the shop talking to the girl from the back.

"How is it going here?"

Hamaguchi's tail twitched upwards as her eyes widened a little, her ears moved to the sound just as her head did in one quick go. She looked at the opened up door behind her seeing a woman standing in it. It was the owner of the shop, she was in her mid 30s and worked here full time. The woman looked at the bouquets that Hamaguchi all made and gave a somewhat approved nod as she walked over to them.

"These look quite good, you have a good taste."

"Thank you miss Hisae."

Her cat like voice sounded, not really displaying any kind of bother by that it was good. Her tail was telling different though, it was playfully brushing the air from side to side as she continued working. The woman next to her glanced at her tail and let a small smile on her face knowing that the girl was happy about it. Her smile turned into a somewhat more evil one though as she raised her hand to the working girl her head.


The hand of the woman was placed on one of Hamaguchi her ears lightly tickling at the back of it while brushing it with her palm. The ear was lightly pressed against her head as the woman continued and Hamaguchi dropped her work on the table pulling both her hands towards her belly. A red blush appeared on her face while she squinted her eyes closed tilting her head forwards a little. A squirming voice erupted from the mouth of the cat girl clearly showing that she didn't want it.

"Miss Hisae! Please stoooopppp~ I down't wann disss~"

"Oh! You said you where over your speaking problem. You are clearly still talking not clearly."

"It is becauwse you swill do thins like diss, nyaaaa~"

The woman chuckled at the girl seeing that she was in huge distress. Her hand let go of the girls head. The girl slowly opened her eyes again looking quite sad in front of her now. Why could she never have a normal conversation with this woman. It was soooo frustrating. The girl looked up with the top of her eyes towards the woman. Her cheeks inflated to give a pout at the woman as her head slowly became the normal pale color it was before.

"It's a joke, it's a joke. I just wanted to say you're free to go due to the lack of customers. You'll still get your daily pay because you're working so hard."

She gave a short wink at the girl showing a bright gentle smile towards her. Hamaguchi looked up in confusion for a moment but gave a sweet smile as she nodded at her. She undid her dirty apron and hung it onto a nearby hook. She quietly walked over into the display area and turned around to face the woman. She gave a gentle bow and waved at her as she already started turning around.

"Thank you very much miss Hisae, I wish you a wonderful day in return. Bai bai~"

The woman kindly waved in return and went back on doing her work as the girl jogged off. She was gonna do groceries for her little sister now since she had free time. After she left the store dust went up into the air with each step she took. The sun was shining vividly onto her white hairs. Her eyes scanned the area in front of her as she walked. The tail and ears happily bounced along with each step she took.

After going down a few streets she was at the local market where they sold all kind of goods. Her eyes didn't fall on the goods they sold though. Moreover towards a heavy dressed girl that was poking her eyes out at the scenery. Looked like she didn't feel well from her perspective. Hamaguchi tilted her head to the side as she already started walking over towards the girl. Hamaguchi looked a bit confused at the girl but when she got close she had a kind smile on her face. Her hands were bundled together behind her back as one of her feet tilted her lightly to the side just like she did with her head.

"Hello miss. You have quite some different clothes on. I never seen them before in my life. Are they for work or did you come from a different country perhaps nya."

Hamaguchi jumped at her own words. A flat hand immediately raised towards her mouth covering it as her eyes widened at the same time. Her ears were high in the sky completely upright as she kind of awkwardly giggled.

"Sorry I didn't mean to say that. These words just come out from time to time don't they hehe."

She dropped her hand back against her back as she mustered the same smile from before. In her head it was completely different though. 'WHY DID NYA JUST POP OUT AGAIN, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.'


On the roof terrace of the crescent moon tavern sat a long haired man named Kondo. The bright hot sun was shining down onto the roof but the man had already found himself some shadow under a sheet that was hanging from the 4 wooden beams over a few of the tables. He was sitting at the end of the roof next to a small table big enough for a man to stand on. His arm was casually lying on the leaning of the chair while his eyes peered to the side of him. Hundred of people and not one entering his tavern. He didn't mind though, plenty of money still and booze enough to last him half a year. He enjoyed his job, he didn't get any visitors then the locals that constantly came by and drunk with him. He took another jug from his mug and let out a satisfying 'that hit the spot' sound.

Just as he did one of his friends entered the roof terrace. His somewhat boorish expression turned into a slight grin. He dropped his feet from the table and turned his chair over towards him. He placed on hand onto his knee and leaned on it while having the mug in the other hand.

"Irasshai , good to see you today too old friend."

He kept watching him as he made his way over and told Kondo there was trouble. Kondo's brow raised a little, apparently there were some shady people on the streets? Perhaps he confused it with tax collectors again or people of the army. The giant looked over the wall down at the street to scan all the people walking down there. Kondo did the same and looked with him from his chair.

"Is that so? Perhaps some foreigners, those always look different so I don't think it is anything special what you mentioned friend. Don't worry about it."

Kondo chugged his mug and let out another satisfying sound. He stood up and walked inside the building again. There were some barrels of booze standing in the hallway where the stairs were in too. It was an easy way for a refill, but the tap was on the back so not all people noticed it right away they could get for free here. He got another mug and filled it too. He went outside once more and sat down again turning his chair on one leg in one swoop with only his body weight. His feet landed on the table again as he shoved the mug onto the table to slide it across to Kyojin.



She could hear something heavy tapping against the roof above her, she was about to look at what the sound was when she was done looking at the crowd in awe but came to notice that the sun wasn't shining onto her anymore. Her head slowly turned upwards towards the things happening above her head and she was able to see a girl with long ears and a tail falling towards her. Her mouth opened slightly in confusion to what was happening but once her brain processed it she came to panic a little more.


Aya had her hands on her head while running around like a headless chicken. When the falling girl was almost at the ground she stopped panicking, pressed her lips tightly against each other and held out her hands in front of her to catch the girl. They both knew at that moment... that they were both in deep trouble. With an incredible force the girl landed on Aya her small frame. Aya fell backwards taking the girl with her. Her body dropped like a brick with the girl in her arms. Her vision became blue with a bright yellow stip in the corner of it. It all went so fast. The weight pushed onto her felt heavy. Her back quickly hit the ground sending thousands and thousand of signals to her brain. Her eyes widened as her mouth instantly letting all the air out. A surging pain was going through her head. It wasn't because she hit her head but more all the information flowing into her brain.

She gaped for air and lied defeated on the ground. Her mouth was still slightly open as she stared up at the sky. It didn't look like she was gonna try to move but was more in some sort of shock making her totally forget about the girl on top of her. It hurted more than it should. She could tell from the ground shaking that people were walking close to her and that there were about 10 people in at least 5 meters around her. Aya rose a hand up at the sky and looked at it. What was with her, it felt like she could tell a lot of the world around her, about the properties of stuff and about the dangers of it but she didn't even know anything about this place. When her conscious somewhat came back to the world she was in she let out a heavy puff.

"Ugh, heavy."

She closed one of her eyes and placed her hand against her forehead covering the eye. The other hand started to explore the new person on top of her. She didn't look at what she was grabbing but she could tell it was a furry tail or ear. The fur felt nice and soft though. She retreated her hand back to her head and placed it onto her other eye. She felt a little like she was gonna puke at any point, this was all getting a little too much for her.

"Please land softer next time."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
Avatar of Heckno12

Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryan Dreane

Royal Capital Lugnica



"I uhh, I really appreciate this. I don't know how I'll be able to repay you, I really doubt I have any currency that anyone would take in this country." Ryan said pulling out his wallet,he wasn't entirely sure what else he could do. He seriously doubted this world took banknotes, or credit cards for that matter. That meant that as things stood he was broke, lost, and hopeless in general. Naturally, in a situation like this he would need to rely on someone for guidance...and it didn't seem like there could possibly be a better option than Maria here, captain of a company of knights? She seemed more than willing to help him, so he really couldn't have been more fortunate. Well, of course he could have been. I mean, he could have simply not been forced into this world. That would have definitely been more to his favor.

All wishing aside, he knew he'd have to follow this woman that seemed a bit older than he was. She certainly appeared to be kind, if a bit formal. Not that it was a bad thing, if anything he'd be surprised if a knight behaved any other way.

"So...Lugnica huh? One thing that's already got me curious though, how is it that we speak the same language?"
He looked at a piece of paper that was laying on the ground nearby. "I definitely don't recognize the characters on that paper there so I know it's not the same as-" He picked up the box of cereal from the cart and pointed at the letters "this here. I'm sorry to ask, but this whole situation is insane." He said.

Insane was one way to describe it. Wolf people, knights, bazaars. Well, he could understand bazaars, that was something he had at least heard about. Almost nothing that was happening made any sense to him, the only bit of light he really saw was this lady attempting to at least show him around. If anything, one would probably expect him to be suspicious of her given the fact that she was the only person that had spoken to him so far...No, she was definitely being sincere. If there was one thing he could usually rely on, it was his ability to judge one's sincerity. Granted, this whole situation could have thrown that off as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Kyojin gave off a small huff as he kept on looking down towards the street as he noticed more than a few things that seemed off but as his friend said they were nothing special. Bringing up his large hand he placed it onto his head and stroked it back and forth to stop his goose bumps, why did he feel like this was going to be a busy day? "You are right, stuff like this happens often enough. Just whenever there is someone new I am the first person they notice... I dunno why" Said the giant, but either way he understood that he should not be so worried about this stuff, so he just leaned away from the railing and then lowering his hand back to his side and giving off a deep sigh.

"Hmm? Oh right, more drink."

He commented before looking back towards the smaller chair that was at Kondo's table, slowly he lowered his large frame onto it, sometimes he wished for bigger chairs in some places... Though there was one in the inn, it just wasn't here. Peering back he noticed his friend returning and opened his hand to receive the beer, as he always did Kondo was rather generous with his freinds. "Thank you. Cheers" Lifting the mug up he took a good gulp of the beer, about half of the mug vanished with just that.

"I have been meaning to ask you about any new jobs coming around. More so about jobs about witches. I gotta pay for that room I have here some way, can't keep going shopping for the kitchen all the time.."

Giving out a deep booming laugh he took a 'small' sip of the beer before raising his hand up to his chin to give it a rub or two. "I have been meaning to get a weapon as well, but.." He made sure to keep this on the down low, well as muich as a giant could keep it under wraps "People don't tend to want to give a giant a weapon of any kind. No clue if they were scared or are being told not to give me such a thing from the guard or something... Almost every one of the high paying jobs need one."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



She hit the ground, or rather the girl, hard. The fox made a cute squee noise as she landed, somewhat dazed and disoriented after tumbling down. Owie, that really did hurt - but it could have gone a lot worse. She could have landed easily enough by herself if the human girl hadn't been there to see some impressive displays of acrobatics. Still, a bit of an embarrassing blunder for one such as her, but it'd help keep her image of a slightly klutzy fox up at least. Didn't want to appear too athletic when she wasn't dressed for such an occasion.

"Ugh, heavy."

Heavy? Her? How rude.

"Mmhmp hmmmphm mppphhm."

Translation: "I'm not heavy, gravity just doesn't like me." Ah? Why were her words muffled? Plus, she couldn't see anything....right. She was laying face down, face buried in something. Something...rather...soft. She had landed on the other girls...chest...area. Well, this day was turning out even better! Heh, wasn't every day she fell from the heavens onto a girl in quite such a fashion. Might as well compliment her.

"Hmphm hmphm mmph mmmphph"

Translation: You're soft and would make a comfortable pillow. Right, she was still laying face down. She should probably sit-

"Hnnn~" She suddenly gave a short yelp of surprise as the girls hand roamed over her tail, sending a jolt of surprise through the fox. She sat straight up as the girl covered both of her eyes, face flushing slightly as she balanced herself on top of the human. Woooow, she hadn't had someone had the nerve to pet her fluffy tail in ages without her permission. Not that she particularly minded. She couldn't blame humans for wanting to touch something so soft and fluffy and oh so pettable.

"Please land softer next time."

"Woooow." She giggled, giving the girl under her a bright grin. "Normally people buy me a drink before getting all handsy. I'd be offended but for a cute girl like you I'll make an exception~" Her flirting aside, she just took quite the fall. Might as well show a bit of concerned, even if it would be fake concern. "That said, sorry about that - eheh, gravity and I don't get a long. I was doing some running and tripped on the roof. You alright there?"

She didn't seem entirely keen on removing herself from on top of Aya at the moment. Her hands were resting on the girls stomach for balance, tail swishing back and forth rather happily as she grinned down at the human, fox ears twitching in a somewhat inquisitive seeming manner.
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