Also, for flavor, I think I'll have my people be in the same vein of Faunus as RWBY. So yeah, everyone has animal ears. Didn't put it in the post because none of you can actually see my people yet.
I believe The hostile one is correct, As noted in the first OOC post I believe the GM has closed the RP for now.
[Edit: @Skyrte 3,874 acknowledgement pings appeared. Easiest democracy of all time. The way you're portraying them is much like how legion and the Geth are in Mass effect, I like it :)]
It's interesting right now; the RP's at this crossroads. Either ships have to start trusting each other, or we open fire. Or there's a third way I'm not thinking of.
@Dawnscroll With you there would be three fanatics, actually. However, barring someone dropping, the RP is full.
I could see a few diplomatic boarding parties happening. I could also see some factions forming. Just speaking for the Soviets, my ship inherently doesn't trust the Americans. They did just get out of this war thing, you know.
On the other hand, I think I'm going to make diplomatic overtures toward @NanoFreakV2. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. At the very least, Venera is curious how the hell the Americans managed to get into space.
@Queen Raidne I appreciate the sentiment. May I ask that I be kept in mind should anyone decide that they are incapable of playing further or making it? I have a few ideas I'd like to play with here.
There's a lot of craziness I have planned for it. I'm almost certain a crew member is going to go Tetsuo mode from being exposed to something on board...
If anyone wants to collab with my ship, let me know. I won't be in a position to interact with anyone until I get my next post up. Just be sure to bring body bags. Extra ones for my crew too.