"I will continue to evolve, and those who I have chosen as worthy, will follow me."
Name: Barracuda/The Apex Predator
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: The Apex Predators face is rugged, much like his well-toned body, with sharp, angular features that betray the young age. Everything from his jawline, which could cut diamonds, to his powerful brow is shaped with strength, as if he had been chiseled from the bedrock beneath the high rise towers of his birthplace. His naturally brown skin is reminiscent of the earth, and without a scar anywhere on his body. Full, thick lips hide not only a set of perfect teeth, but project a voice of power.
Despite the countless dangers of his godslayer kind, Barracuda's light brown eyes somehow surpass his environment and continue to be the most intimidating features of the job. Taken alone, they are unspectacular in their appearance, with a hue similar to cinnamon—a rather average tone. When coupled with the man to whom they belong, however, they become piercing and unforgiving, holding back judgment so swift that they have killed dozens. It is through these eyes that one of the most powerful beings in existence, in his opinion, sees the world around him, choosing what he wishes to eradicate to ensure that the legacy of the godslayer race remains great.
In a way, it is the only public symbol of his nature as a godslayer is the '1' tattoo of his rank between his shoulder blades, hidden by his uniform.
Perhaps the most well known feature of the 'Apex Predator' is his hair. Wild, deep-brown dreadlocks grow from every inch of his scalp, pulled back so that they fall in a cascade down to his neck. They cover his ears and half of his head, making them a prominent part of his appearance. The dreadlocks are not natural, however.
Rank: B
Personality: Barracuda is a man of strict, disciplined vision. He in uncompromising in his beliefs that the godslayer race is capable of great things, and he is willing to destroy those who he perceives as an inconvenience along the path to bringing his people to their full potential. This core concept—the foundation of his outlook—was set in stone long ago, back when he was capable of perceiving the futile world around him.
As one might expect, a major facet of Barracuda's personality is his complete intolerance for substandard godslayers or humans. Those who submit themselves to their primitive instincts, eschewing their potential for greatness through ignorance and weakness, are anathema in his eyes. He is extremely adamant godslayers should continue to better themselves without rest. Should even one rumor of unworthy behavior reach his ears, even if it is just a single lapse from an otherwise exemplary godslayer, the punishment from his judgment is swift and merciless, unless he is forced to a stop by those who chain him down.
Although an imposing individual by virtue of both his unmatched physical power and his willingness to use it to obliterate those who oppose his ideals, the 'Apex Predator' is perfectly rational—even courteous—to those who he deems worthy of his respect. Any godslayer that displays the qualities that he finds most suitable is treated as an equal in his eyes.
All of the emotions that Barracuda finds useless or degrading are hidden deep within the flesh of his soul, heavily suppressed. He does this to ensure that he meets his own standards, and that the drives of his human instincts remain locked away in the name of progress. As a result, each major emotion that he shows is almost entirely under his control. He does not become elated unless he permits himself to feel the rush of positivity, nor does he become angry without a purpose to its expression. On a functional level, this allows him to utilize his powers and skills in ways no others can, with him accessing primal feelings whenever he deems it beneficial to battle. When looked at through a social perspective, however, it makes the man seem incredibly cold. He rarely smiles or shows any emotion at all, even when cutting down dissidents.
Likes/Dislikes: +Obedience
+Those who 'rise above the common rabble'
+Those who can earn his respect
Enhancements: - Immense Strength: In combat, this raw power comes to bear when Barracuda enters melee range, at which point he attempts destroy his enemies as quickly as possible, holding little back in favor of completely overwhelming his opponent's defenses. He is capable of blocking the strikes of mammoth enemies, with his bare hands, only showing signs of fatigue or stress on his muscles. A few punches is capable of ripping a hole in the side of a building, and he is capable of lifting massive loads above his head, countless times his size and weight. Combined, these expressions of his physicality might leave few willing combatants who oppose him, and those that choose to take the risk are quick to find the true limits of his strength.
- Immense Speed: Barracuda is one of the fastest beings in within the godslayer. In battle, his precision and rapid pace make Barracuda a nightmare, especially when combined with his offensive abilities of his strength. The Apex Predator's capability of changing the distance at which he fights allows him to make full use of any one of his techniques whenever he feels that the situation best calls for it. As a fearsome combatant who is impossibly powerful at short, mid, and long ranges, the fact that Barracuda has the speed to shift between these distances has been the downfall of many of his greatest opponents, especially those who rely on a particular zone of influence where their own talents are most useful.
- Hand to Hand Combat Expert:Using his fearsome strength and blinding speed, he can turn his entire body into an incredibly deadly weapon, capable of striking in a variety of ways that could mean death for all but the strongest of his adversaries. As a godslayer who generally relies on his melee talents after the release of his Primal Force, during which time his combat capabilities skyrocket, little thought has been put into named techniques or fancy maneuvers; Barracuda knows that such things would be quite useless to him once the primal abilities of his true form come to light. Instead, most of his time performing Hand to Hand is spent on straightforward, powerful attacks meant to end a fight as quickly as possible. Among these common movements are straights, hooks, knees, and elbows thrown with the sole purpose of killing.
- Master Tactician and Strategist: Barracuda possesses a highly intelligent mind capable of hatching plans within plans and processing vast amounts of information. A genius by all accounts, he is an individual who can manipulate the the battlefield, opponents, and even allies through complex schemes that take multiple contingencies into account. He can think several steps ahead, allowing him to change his tactics on a moment's notice and adjust his plans to match the situation at hand. While few have ever challenged his mind, there are those who can think beyond his level. If he finds himself facing a vastly superior intellect, Barracuda is more than willing to abandon tactics and simply overpower his enemies, taking away much of the advantages that they would get from their brilliance.
Ablity: - Primal Mode: His supreme discipline has afforded him the capability to shut off these unwanted emotions at will, allowing him to function unimpeded by the flights of fancy and unconscious desires that plague so many of his kind. Once he enters his this Force, these suppressed urges are no longer a crutch; they become his strongest weapon. Barracuda gains the ability to harness the full, terrible power of the godslayer species, bending its basest instincts to his conscious will. By choice, he can allow portions of his body and mind to become primal, accessing senses, reflexes, and urges that lie at the very heart of all creatures. Instead of becoming a rabid monster, however, the Apex Predator retains complete control over himself, gaining all of the advantages of the perfect beast without any of the mindlessness that goes hand in hand with such natural, primal power.
- Primal Senses: Immediately, each of Barracuda's five senses have the option to be flipped into overdrive, bombarding his transformed mind with sensory information. The acuity of his eyes become astonishing, granting him the ability to see distances and detail that few others could ever hope to experience. They also function in a complete lack of light, allowing him to fight in absolute darkness as if it were the middle of the day. Barracuda's ears become highly sensitive, able to pick up sound from miles away and even hear the heartbeat of an enemy who comes within a few hundred feet. His nose becomes hyper-focused to a variety of odors, especially to blood, sweat, and endorphins, which allow the Apex Predator to essentially read the bodily functions of his enemies, giving him knowledge as to their emotions and their level of fatigue. Even his sense of touch becomes superhuman; he can block out pain completely, feel vibrations through the air, and find pressure points on non-humanoid bodies through the pulsing of their veins. These senses, when used in combat, turn Barracuda into a veritable monster, able to fight in any situation with tremendous sensory advantages.
- Primal Reflexes: With his superhuman senses of sight, hearing, touch, and smell, Barracuda's reaction time becomes unmatched. His awareness of his environment becomes almost supernatural, allowing him to both dodge attacks and find ways around defenses. This, paired with his speed, turns him into a logistical nightmare, darting from place to place with no need to stop and register the situation.
- Primal Strength : In addition to his enhanced senses, Barracuda gains the ability to harness the incredible strength that comes with releasing one's grip on all restrictions, becoming a beast whose body fights not to survive, but to reach the top of the food chain and crush everything else underfoot. Suddenly, he is capable of ripping through material defenses with his bare hands and the tips of his weapons. Although he is far more skilled at dodging attacks, his newfound strength gives him the option of fighting straight through them, parrying techniques that would otherwise have been impossible for him to withstand.