Motto: "A merry life but a short one."
Age: 26
Race: Human
Personality: Soft spoken, sweet, secretive, and an excellent listener with an air of innocence. That is how most folk might describe Cecilia of No last Name, or at least how her clients would describe her upon their first meeting. Cecilia has taken the gifts given to her by the gods and risen far in the world of men, for she knows how to manipulate them with her beauty, guile, and eventually, to destroy them if necessary. It is amazing what men, and women, will say when the in throes of passion, or if they think they're in love and Cecilia listens well. Through blackmail, deceit, seduction and even murder, she has risen high in the social circles of the world so that even Asgardian Lords pay handsomely for her company. Cecilia is a thrill seeker in every way, taking every opportunity to try something new and exciting and the girlish enthusiasm she displays never fails to have men climbing over each other to try and impress her.
Backstory: Cecilia does not know who her parents were. She was born and abandoned at the age of two in the slums of Tyberia along with so many before her. She was raised on the poor charity of the wealthy who were willing to fund social change, or at least toss some coins to the miserable and destitute so that they might feel better about themselves. She has no recollection of a mother or father. She grew up in a small orphanage where the Rector, or manager, had a taste for children. Thankfully, it was not female children and she was spared rape at a young age.
There was no doubt that as she grew she was going to be a beauty and even the Rector, when he wasn't busy tupping boys, noticed and became determined to sell her to the highest bidder. That bidder happened to be a low level crime lord who had some business in the slums and wanted a pretty little thing to offer to his loyal customers when they came to visit. Cecilia learned quickly what men wanted and just how much they would be willing to tell her that she might not have been supposed to hear. At fifteen she slipped into her Masters rooms and slid a dagger into eye socket. He took a long time to die and she vanished with his hoarded funds.
When Cecilia resurfaced again it was to work for herself and, beguiled by her beauty, her services were engaged by a young Count whose father worked in a government ministry. She was surprised when the Count agreed to all of her terms, dinner, no hitting, no kissing, and a high fee. What passed was possibly the first pleasant evening of her life. A week later she met with the Count again with similar results.
By sixteen she was a fabled rumour in the circles of higher society and her clientele became wealthier and more powerful. It wasn't until she was approached by the business competitors of one of her clients and offered a huge sum for any secrets he might spill to her did she realize that money could be made in areas other than fine evenings ending in increasingly disappointing sexual adventures. It is important to note that she never did sell any secrets to the mans competitors, but that was only because he paid her double to say nothing.
Over the next ten years she honed her craft, and taking opportunities wherever they lay to better her skills and slowly growing in wealth, popularity, and prestige until she, Cecilia of No Last Name, the highest paid whore in the city, could move throughout whatever social circle she wished. She learned gun and sword play from soldiers, politics from diplomats, business from merchants, knifework and murder from assassins, she had what everyone wanted and they were willing to teach her, lured in by the soft spoken and innocent air she played so well and a night in her bed.
When Asgard invaded she initially avoided contact with them. But then the value of the information they had became apparent she quietly began to move amongst their circles as well. Her influence and informants can be found everywhere. When she was approached by a conglomerate of men wishing to be free of Asgard and offering her a fortune if she would simply pass any information she gleaned to the resistance. Already wealthy beyond her wildest dreams she accepted, not for the money, but for the thrill of it.
Skills & Abilities:- Legendary Lady of the Night: Perhaps a play on the word Legendary, but there is not a man or woman in Yggdrasil who does not know "of" Cecilia. Her beauty and prowess in bed border on myth. So lovely are her looks that some suggest she must have Elven blood.
- Adapt Knife-fighter: Cecilia could certainly teach you how to use a blade and knows how to kill a man or woman in any number of ways. She had always carried a blade for her protection and learned how to use it from more than a few patrons.
- Adapt Spy: You might call it spying, Cecilia prefers Information Engineer. She listens well and moves in all circles. If you wish to know about someone or something, she can find you the information, though rarely in hard copy.
- Professional Chemist: To be clear, she is not the type of person you want mixing your pain killers, but a lady of the night is wise to know how to knock the man out without violence if need be.
- Journeyman Swordmistress: She knows what a sword is and how to use it.
- Journeyman Gunmistress: She knows what a pistol is and how to use it. She is also familiar with how rifles work but most are to large for her to handle properly.
Equipment:- Knives: Cecilia carries three blades on her, one in her boot, another at the small of her back, and a third is always in her hair, part of whatever hairpiece or hat she is wearing.
- Medical kit: Just a little collection of vials that can prevent pregnancy, induce sickness or even knock you out cold.