Name: Solares Embersong
Class: Warden
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Race: Kaldorei
History: Not much is known about Solares's history, she does not speak of it and refuses to. Most of her life seems to be shrouded in mystery, bringing up many questions from those around her.
Why are you joining up with the Wardens: It is her duty to watch over the world of Azeroth and her people, to defend against any greater threat that may present itself to both factions and to protect her own kind. A Warden holds many responsibilities over these few that have been listed.
Class: Warden
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Race: Kaldorei

History: Not much is known about Solares's history, she does not speak of it and refuses to. Most of her life seems to be shrouded in mystery, bringing up many questions from those around her.
Why are you joining up with the Wardens: It is her duty to watch over the world of Azeroth and her people, to defend against any greater threat that may present itself to both factions and to protect her own kind. A Warden holds many responsibilities over these few that have been listed.
Name: Nesalla Moonshadow
Class: Warden
Age: 33
Sex: Female
Race: Kaldorei
History: From what she is willing to share, she grew up with a large family but had witnessed them die to the hands of the Legion. Everything else is either forgotten or she does not wish to discuss it.
Why are you joining up with the Wardens: It is her duty to watch over the world of Azeroth and her people, to defend against any greater threat that may present itself to both factions and to protect her own kind. A Warden holds many responsibilities over these few that have been listed.
Class: Warden
Age: 33
Sex: Female
Race: Kaldorei

History: From what she is willing to share, she grew up with a large family but had witnessed them die to the hands of the Legion. Everything else is either forgotten or she does not wish to discuss it.
Why are you joining up with the Wardens: It is her duty to watch over the world of Azeroth and her people, to defend against any greater threat that may present itself to both factions and to protect her own kind. A Warden holds many responsibilities over these few that have been listed.
Name: Andromedai Morgenstern
Class: Paladin
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Race: Sin'dorei
History: Andromedai Morgenstern was born into a wealthy family that lived a safe and secure life inside the walls of Silvermoon. Both of her parents were Blood Knights that found themselves more away from the house and their family, busy with assignments and responsibilities that came with being such a powerful rank in the Silvermoon military. Alongside Andromedai were her two other sisters, Aviza and Erathell, both of them were a bit older than her. Once old enough, all three of the sisters started to show great interest in becoming Blood Knights themselves and were bound to follow in their parents footsteps. Eventually, her two sisters moved on and decided to pursue other fields of occupation, including the art of hunting and the art of the arcane. Andromedai however did not change her mind and stuck with becoming a paladin.
Her parents stood by her choice and helped her in many fields including healing, damage dealing and what to expect going through the intense training. Many years passed before she felt confident enough to enroll into the Blood Knight academy. Getting into the academy was easy, her parents pulled many string to help her. The actual tests on the other hands were quite difficult. To make matters worse, the instructors expected her to be better than her parents, to show even greater promise. Pushing herself to her limit, she flew through training and graduated with flying colors, first of her class. The years went on as she served along side many of the best and brightest Blood Knights that Silvermoon had seen.
The Burning Legion, The Wrath of the Lich King, The Shattering of the world, to Garrosh and most recently the return of the Legion, she had all of these campaigns under her belt and was now a well known veteran that stood ranks with the other defenders of Azeroth. When the letter had arrived to her via Moonhawk, she studied it closely for a while before acknowledging it was authentic. After gathering her gear and equipment, she said her farewells to her family and friends in Silvermoon before quickly heading to the Broken Islands by request of the Wardens.
Why are you joining up with the Wardens: As a Blood Knight, her duty lies with the protection of Silvermoon and her people. Alongside this though is her duty to also defend Azeroth as a whole from those that would do the world harm. She had fought the Legion before, and knew that the Wardens alongside the rest of the world itself would need as much help as it could possibly get if they were to overcome Gul'dan and his forces.
Class: Paladin
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Race: Sin'dorei

History: Andromedai Morgenstern was born into a wealthy family that lived a safe and secure life inside the walls of Silvermoon. Both of her parents were Blood Knights that found themselves more away from the house and their family, busy with assignments and responsibilities that came with being such a powerful rank in the Silvermoon military. Alongside Andromedai were her two other sisters, Aviza and Erathell, both of them were a bit older than her. Once old enough, all three of the sisters started to show great interest in becoming Blood Knights themselves and were bound to follow in their parents footsteps. Eventually, her two sisters moved on and decided to pursue other fields of occupation, including the art of hunting and the art of the arcane. Andromedai however did not change her mind and stuck with becoming a paladin.
Her parents stood by her choice and helped her in many fields including healing, damage dealing and what to expect going through the intense training. Many years passed before she felt confident enough to enroll into the Blood Knight academy. Getting into the academy was easy, her parents pulled many string to help her. The actual tests on the other hands were quite difficult. To make matters worse, the instructors expected her to be better than her parents, to show even greater promise. Pushing herself to her limit, she flew through training and graduated with flying colors, first of her class. The years went on as she served along side many of the best and brightest Blood Knights that Silvermoon had seen.
The Burning Legion, The Wrath of the Lich King, The Shattering of the world, to Garrosh and most recently the return of the Legion, she had all of these campaigns under her belt and was now a well known veteran that stood ranks with the other defenders of Azeroth. When the letter had arrived to her via Moonhawk, she studied it closely for a while before acknowledging it was authentic. After gathering her gear and equipment, she said her farewells to her family and friends in Silvermoon before quickly heading to the Broken Islands by request of the Wardens.
Why are you joining up with the Wardens: As a Blood Knight, her duty lies with the protection of Silvermoon and her people. Alongside this though is her duty to also defend Azeroth as a whole from those that would do the world harm. She had fought the Legion before, and knew that the Wardens alongside the rest of the world itself would need as much help as it could possibly get if they were to overcome Gul'dan and his forces.