Link to the artist's Deviantart page. All rights go to mckadesinsanity for making this wonderful image.
Link to the artist's Deviantart page. All rights go to mckadesinsanity for making this wonderful image.
Standing at 6'2" Gawain, Son of Lot, is a bit noticeable. Soft facial features set on a body with barn door shoulders and barrel chest with solidly lean muscles, make quite an impression on most. However, his size is not bumbling like others of his magnitude. On the contrary, Gawain was quite small as a child, and he learned the value of being quick over being strong, but he went through some painful growth spurts later in his teen years. However, those lessons as a child would help Gawain overcome some of the challenges of his 'new' body. He learned to throw his weight just right, timing his momentum and steps, becoming deadly quick on his feet. He trained long and hard, as well, forging new muscle to balance his height, and he quickly grew into a giant.
People who teased him about his height as a child began to call him but his old nickname in more serious tones, and Gawain embraced it wholeheartedly. The 'Little Giant', based originally on his personality while making a mock of his stature, quickly became the name he responded to with a smile. Skilled at the bastard sword his teachers had insisted upon, he began to relish using it as it took full advantage of his strength, height, and agility. He also trained with the spear and bow, and just as hard.
For however much he has trained physically, Gawain would actually be considered lean if not for his height. Most people see the Little Giant, with his broad shoulders and mountainous prominence, and assume that his muscles naturally follow suit. If he had muscles more appropriate to his size and training, then he would undoubtedly have trouble moving very dexterously at all.
Soft green eyes gleam in the light of day, and light with joy when Gawain is in good cheer. Short, straight brown hair dominates most of his face. He prefers light stubble on his face when not going to combat, but is disciplined in keeping trim when leading his Father's forces. He tends to keep clean as much as he can and prides himself in his appearance.
Name: Sir Gawain, Once heir to King Lot, who rules over Orkney and Lothian. He leads a fair sized company of men known as the Giants of the North.
Age: 27
Gawain is an interesting combination of loudly free spirited and quiet discipline. When he is talking with someone, they wouldn't know him for a knight if not for his armor. He is just a kind giant, loves helping the less fortunate, and will always defend women, no matter their station. As a child this earned him a reputation of "the Maidens' Knight", used in tandem with his other nickname he became Little Giant, the Maidens' Knight. The women of the castle played along with him, but as he grew it became apparent that this was a belief engraved into the core of his being. Women, in his eyes, were to be honored, protected, and loved in all their forms and ages. As he grew older he also developed a taste for romance. His quick tongue and wit have gotten him into trouble as much as gotten him out of it in the past, but he has matured considerably over the years. Now he knows when it is the right time to strike.
When he is in the field, however, he is the epitome of duty. He fights to keep and he will not make foolish mistakes for the sake of honor. If he must retreat, or any other dishonorable actions, he will do so if it's the most logical course of action.
Gawain is an interesting combination of loudly free spirited and quiet discipline. When he is talking with someone, they wouldn't know him for a knight if not for his armor. He is just a kind giant, loves helping the less fortunate, and will always defend women, no matter their station. As a child this earned him a reputation of "the Maidens' Knight", used in tandem with his other nickname he became Little Giant, the Maidens' Knight. The women of the castle played along with him, but as he grew it became apparent that this was a belief engraved into the core of his being. Women, in his eyes, were to be honored, protected, and loved in all their forms and ages. As he grew older he also developed a taste for romance. His quick tongue and wit have gotten him into trouble as much as gotten him out of it in the past, but he has matured considerably over the years. Now he knows when it is the right time to strike.
When he is in the field, however, he is the epitome of duty. He fights to keep and he will not make foolish mistakes for the sake of honor. If he must retreat, or any other dishonorable actions, he will do so if it's the most logical course of action.
Weapons and equipment:
A simple bastard sword that he has used after he began his training and a simple spear. He typically uses a shield with his sword and spear, though it varies what type depending on his current situation and equipment. He also carries a bow crafted for him personally by one of his teachers.
His armor is standard leather outfit, under fine chainmail, for mobility's sake, under his full plate. His armor was made lighter than other armor of the same type, sacrificing heavier protection for increased mobility.
He also carries a pouch on him at all times. Inside are dozens of various herbs. included in his training was the art of healing, and while he's no surgeon, he can mend broken bones, cuts of varying intensity, and most ails with the potent power of herbs.
A simple bastard sword that he has used after he began his training and a simple spear. He typically uses a shield with his sword and spear, though it varies what type depending on his current situation and equipment. He also carries a bow crafted for him personally by one of his teachers.
His armor is standard leather outfit, under fine chainmail, for mobility's sake, under his full plate. His armor was made lighter than other armor of the same type, sacrificing heavier protection for increased mobility.
He also carries a pouch on him at all times. Inside are dozens of various herbs. included in his training was the art of healing, and while he's no surgeon, he can mend broken bones, cuts of varying intensity, and most ails with the potent power of herbs.
Born to a forced marriage, Gawain had a surprisingly normal life for a royal. His parents did not love each other at first, but soon became enamored with one another. It was only a few months before Queen Morgause was with child. He was taught at a very young age how to carry himself in court, read and write elegantly, dance, and even picked up singing during his childhood. While all of this was going on, however, Gawain was learning something else from a different teacher, his mother. She was gifted in the art of magic and would not let her son pass into this world without some knowledge of what could happen. Fear for her son's safety drove her to great length making sure that Gawain, and later his brothers understood and knew how to, at the very least, defend themselves against it.
Gawain's Talent he inherited from his mother manifested itself in two ways. The first was minor, his ability to heal worse wounds than he should be able to. Whenever he laid hands on a wounded one, if he willed it, they would heal faster. He still has his limits though, and he can only coax the body to heal so much, and the strain may prove too much. The second Talent is that of the sun. When Gawain wakes in the morn, he is a simple man with regular abilities.but as the sun rises, he slowly gathers strength around him like a cloak and can 'store' it. He is able to move in bursts of speed and with great strength. As the sun falls, so to does this ability. He requires more time to draw on the sun and less strength comes until when the sun is about to die out. When twilight comes he receives one last bout of strength as the sun crosses the threshold into night.
These abilities have been extremely helpful in Gawain's life for clear reasons. He and his family have gone to great length to keep these abilities secret from the outside world, and so Gawain became a knight. No longer a part of the lineage, and a natural choice besides, he would not threaten his family if his abilities became known. This also allowed him to act as an agent outside of the Royal family, while still being supported and supporting the King. His brothers begged to follow, but he urged them to reconsider, and after talking with them and his parents he convinced them to stay a part of the Royal family.
Several years go by after Gawain has made his choice and in that time he has acquired a following. He has worked hard and long to make sure the Giants are both well respected and well disciplined group. In the beginning there were trials and errors in judgement, hard won victories, skin of the teeth luck and determination saw them through many engagements. By the end of it the group was carved of steel and bejeweled with pride.