The waves hit against the hull of the sloop softly, like a mother trying to make her baby fall asleep, the little boat had been through a lot, traveling across half the world just to get here, taking a journey no boat like it had ever been meant to take. Yet, here it was, beaten and broken, held together by thick ropes of golden wool, as the ship docked in the harbor of the nearby Island of Little Lechi, a fishing village out of one of West Blue's biggest metropolitan areas, Lefacti, named after an old king who used to live on the very same island.
Off the boat, three sets of legs walked, in the front, were the elegant, freshly polished boots of one Sancho Graham, he donned a unbuttoned black coat with a golden trim of fine quality, yet, the coat had a few small tears, and signs of being worn, because just like the boat and the man itself, it had traveled all over the world. Next to him, were his two companions, Samehana and Hamel, together, they were Pirates. A caste not often seen in these waters.
Sancho looked around, smelling the air of the small harbor. "We need food. Real. Food." Sancho emphizes, tired of the meats of the seas, he wanted a real proper salad, with a side of chicken - his favorite. He looked around, people didn't seem to notice them, focused on something else, for in the distance, a group of 15 or so men were heading down the small hill. "Oh shit." Sancho heard from one of the fishermen. "They're coming early this month.. This is bad, it's been a bad fishing season."
The group of fifteen made their way into the harbor, Sancho and his two companions stood idly by and watched as the men started tearing up shops, destroying produce, and threatening the workers. "YOU THINK YOU CAN BE SAFE FROM US FOREVER?!" The man shouted in the face of a small elderly woman "H-Help!" the woman cried. Sancho tapped Hamel and Samehana on the shoulder. "You guys go get something to eat. I'll catch up." He promised them.
In the next moment, the man who was shouting at the woman was on the floor, sliding on the mud. Sancho looked at the other guys. "You guys looking for a fight?" He asked them, his voice was dull, like he himself was not really looking for a fight.
The fourteen men looked at each other "T-This isn't part of the plan, right?" One of them said, in the back. "N-No, don't think so, never seen this guy before. G-Get Greg and get the hell out of here!" Another one said, as they picked up the man Sancho had downed, and scurried back up the hill.
".. I really did expect them to fight me, huh." Sancho said, relaxing his tance again. He turned to the woman. "You Okay?" He asked, and the woman handed him a wad of bellies. "Ten thousand. As always. J-Just take it and leave us be."
"For the protection. We know you won't come next time when those ruffians show up unless we pay you."
"I have no clue what you're talking about. Keep your money. If you want to repay me, tell me where there's a good place to get food." Sancho said, tying his curly blonde hair into a makeshift knot. "Oh, uh, right down that corner. A-Are you sure you don't want money? Mister Kato's always really stri-"
"Mister Kato, o-our protector. Y-Your boss, right?"
"No, not exactly." Sancho told her, as he bid her farewell, heading off towards the place she talked about, hoping to find Samehana and Hamel on his way. This little resupply run was turning into more of a situation than Sancho had liked it to be, but hopefully, straighten this all out would be done before dusk.