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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


|| Accepted Characters ||

|| Heroes ||

Thor Odinson
A.K.A Donald Blake.
Written by @Sep

Iron Man
A.K.A Tony Stark.
Written by @Gowi

Captain America
A.K.A Stephanie Rogers.
Written by @DrewVonAwesome

A.K.A Peter Parker.
Written by @Nexus Prime

|| Walking the Line ||

A.K.A Matt Murdock.
Written by @Byrd Man

Wonder Man
A.K.A Quentin Quire.
Written by @Natty

|| Villains ||

Winter Soldier
A.K.A Bucky Barnes
Written by @Spud

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"A good lawyer knows the law. A great lawyer knows the judge."
-- Traditional

Player Name: Byrd Man

Alias: The Devil of Hell's Kitchen

Real Name: Matt Murdock

Moral Alignment: WTL

Affiliation: The Campisi Crime Family, The Crusaders MC, etc.

Character Origin & Backstory:

Matt Murdock was born in the early 80's, son of Maggie Murdock and heavyweight boxer "Battlin'" Jack Murdock. Jack was an up and coming contender in the boxing scene with an outside chance at the title. He became enamored with the trappings of success, doing drugs and partying until late hours of the night. Maggie left Jack when Matt was three and never looked back. Matt's early impression of Maggie as a devoutly catholic woman who couldn't stand Jack's ways caused Matt to idolize his mother and condemn his father.

When Matt was eleven Jack had a shot for the heavyweight title of the world. The day before the fight mob figure Roscoe "The Fixer" Sweeney offered Jack a chance to take a dive. Strapped for cash and filled with the Fixer's promises, Jack took the dive in the sixth round and retired from boxing the next night. He soon opened up "Jack's Place" a tavern in Hell's Kitchen bought with Fixer's money to be used as a mob front. Matt saw his father's ties to organized crime figures tighten and began to hate the man. He ran away from home at the age of twelve and ended up an accident when a chemical truck nearly hit him and instead splashed toxic waste in his face.

The accident took his sight but it also gave him more. It heightened his other four senses to the point of superhuman and gave him a radar sense that negated any disabilities a lack of vision gave him. Jack felt guilt over driving his son away used his money to pay for anything the boy needed or wanted, including a tutor named Stick. The old blind man was hired to teach Matt to adjust to his blindness, but Stick taught him how to thrive. He recognized the hate and yearning in the boy, the passionate need to be better than his father. Stick channeled those feelings into training. He showed Matt how to live and operate in the world as if he were any other person, and he also taught Matt the secret skills of martial arts and Ninjutsu.

Matt went to Columbia University after high school to major in pre-law. The excuse he gave his father and the rest of the world was that he wanted to become a defense attorney. While it was true, it was also part of a much larger plan he had worked out with Stick. During Matt's time at college, Jack began to work more and more for the Fixer and his superiors. Sweeney was a made man in the Campisi Crime Family, New York's top mob family. Soon Jack's Place was a waystation for junkies and dealers buying and selling a new and improved form of heroin from Asia. A DEA snitch fingered Jack as a dealer and he was brought into custody. Jack agreed to roll on those above him, but before he could an unknown assassin dressed as a police officer slit his throat with a razor-edged playing card while Jack was in police custody.

Matt graduated from law school first in his class just six months after his father's murder. Angelo Campisi, head of the crime family Jack worked for, took pity on the young man and threw some low-level defense cases his way. After Matt got the defendants off, Campisi began to use his legal services more and more. Before long he relied on Matt's legal advice on nearly all matters both large and small. Matt was made an unofficial consigliere of the Campisi Crime Family. Word began to get around New York and Matt Murdock was hired by other gangsters to defend them. All the media outlets in the city say Matt Murdock is the dirtiest lawyer in New York, if not the country. They say he manipulates the law to get his guilty clients acquitted. That's what the media says. By day the most amoral man in New York learns all the dirty little secrets of the mob as their adviser. By night, he becomes the thing they fear the most.

He becomes the Devil.

Powers and Abilities:

Matt is blind, but his other four senses have been augmented to superhuman levels. The senses work together to create a radar sense that makes up for his lack of vision. The heightened senses also makes him into a human lie detector, capable of reading anybody's pulse or any small micro changes in their biology when they lie. Stick's training also turned Matt into a master acrobat and martial artist skilled in the art of Ninjutsu. Matt also has one of the best legal minds in the country, an expert on the American justice system that makes him a competent and formidable trial lawyer and legal adviser. His intelligence and experience in criminal law has also led to Matt developing a keen detective mind.

Sample Story Arcs:

Nolo Contendere - After accepting to take up the murder defense of a young man pro bono, Matt begins to discover his client is truly innocent despite his many claims that he is guilty. As Matt tries to get the case thrown out based on evidence, Daredevil looks into the young man's past and neighborhood and discovers a sinister conspiracy.

Casus Belli - A shaky alliance between the mob and the Crusaders MC is in tatters after a drug deal gone bad ends with dead men on both sides and a missing briefcase with a million dollars in it. While Matt Murdock tires to prevent a gang war between his clients, Daredevil tears up the city in search of the perpetrators of the attack and the missing money.

Hostis Humani Generis - A vigilante has come to the city, reigning down death and destruction to those in need of punishment. Among the killers targets is Matt Murdock, the city's number one criminal lawyer.

Rules: I didn't read the rules because I can't read.

Sample Post:

Midtown Manhattan
9:45 AM

"'If Justice personified is blind, then Injustice personified most certainly is. That personification is a blind man. This blind man sits by the phone day and night, waiting for the call from some of the city's most dangerous and corrupt individuals. He talks about the lofty ideals and notions of justice in the courtroom, but one look at the last name on his client's list -- Campisi, Manfredi, De La Rosa, Blackwood -- and you know that Matt Murdock's talk is just that.' It goes on and on like that for another two pages. Bunch of talk about the mistrial with De La Rosa, then the stuff about the Crusaders... and then a last saying you should be disbarred."

"So, usual Daily Bugle boilerplate," I said to Karen. "Remind me to sue them for libel when I get the chance."

"Yes, sir."

That paper has attacked me so much over the past year that I could barely notice Karen's pulse rise anymore when she reads their editorials. They're not the only place that likes to attack me. Papers, websites, TV stations, even other lawyers and politicians all have an anti-Murdock stance of some sort... at least, the politicians and media organizations not in the pockets of my clients.

"That's all, Karen, you can go."

Karen Page, a paralegal and my only staff member quickly and quietly left the room while I leaned back in my chair. Karen was the gatekeeper when it came to any time with me. I only worked by referral, my card nothing but a phone number. That phone number rang here to Karen's desk. From there she would do the Murdock test. Either you had enough cash to cover my fees, or your case was unique enough to grant me exposure. If you didn't have one of those two things, then Karen would refer to her rolodex full of other lawyers happy to take the case. If you did pass that test, then she passed you along to me and we would have a meeting either at my office or at whatever lockup you happened to find yourself in. Hopefully said meeting would be in my office, if only for the scenery.

My office is on the fortieth floor of an impressive Midtown skyscraper. They say it has one hell of a view of Lower Manhattan. Guess I'll take their word for it. Someone once asked why I paid so much for this corner office when I could have gotten another one on the same floor without a view for a hundred thousand dollars cheaper. I didn't dignify them with a response. In this business, what I do on the books and off of them, you show strength by your decisions. A blind man wasting a hundred grand on a view he'll never see is part of my strength. It's part of my power. I bought the office because I could.

Syosset, New York
6 PM

"Matt, my boy," Don Campisi said cheerfully.

His old and withered hands felt like sandpaper scrapping against the skin of my hands. He patted the back of my hand and put the other hand on my elbow to guide me across the lawn. He thought of it as a favor, but I could get around the yard better than he could. I've never laid eyes on the man but I can describe the old mob boss perfectly. Short, squat, with wisps of white hair on his pale scalp. Large eyeglasses so thick his eyes look alien. To the world at large, Angelo Campisi looks like a doddering old grandfather. To think that's what he is would be to sorely underestimate the man.

"I'm so glad you made it out," he said once we were both sitting in lawn chairs. "I know it's a hell of a drive out of the city, especially for you."

"Well, I didn't hear any moaning under the car when I stopped, so I guess I did alright."

"If you hit 'em just right, you won't hear any moaning at all!"

Campisi laughed at his own joke before moving on to small talk. He had to tell me all about his kids that I didn't care about. I nodded at the right times and said the right things. One of Campisi's men came out and dropped off two impossibly strong coffees. Just the smell of it gave me the jitters. Campisi picked one up with shaking hands and took a long sip. After that he finally got down to it.

"I want you advice on something, Matty. You know Joey Bags? Works with that crew out in Red Hook? He and Paulie came to me a few nights ago with an idea on a score. Those fucking biker pricks you repped last year, what were they?"

"The Crusaders."

Officially, the Crusaders Motorcycle Club is simply a group of motorcycle enthusiast. In reality, they are the worst of the outlaw motorcycle gangs in America. They run guns, drugs, whores, and create general mayhem and destruction everywhere they go. They are also without a doubt my most reliable clients.

"They got a club over in Bensonhurst," said Campisi. "Joey Bags and Paulie are gonna have a sit down with them tonight. They want to use these Cruasder fucks to mule coke and dope across the country. They're always going on these cross country rides to Piss-ant, Florida or somewheres out in California. They don't go on the interstate, and they can make drops and deliveries to our people in Miami, Kansas City, or wherever. Instead of a fucking pick-up truck carrying two hundred pounds, fifty bikers carrying six pounds a piece make drops over the course of a week. "

My mob lawyer hat was on. I needed to play through the motions to get what I wanted at the end.

"Could be risk involved. One of these bikers could try to rip you off, get a wild hair up his ass and decide to rip off you and his club."

"He does that he's dead," Campisi said coolly. "And not just by our people. His own people. Those biker fucks, they don't play around if you betray them."

I knew that all too well. I represented their president on a murder charge last year. One of their members was talking to the ATF. He suddenly had an accident that cut his tongue out, or at least that's what I made the jury believe.

"I think it'll work," I said with a nod. "What's your exposure?"

Campisi shrugged and took another sip from his coffee. "Paulie and Joey are meeting with the top guys and that's it. If the rank and file get pinched and want to flip, they'll rat out the guys in their club and they will stand tall. No way it gets back to them or me."

"I'm just hurt and offended I wasn't consulted on this. Blackwood is my client, after all."

Campisi put his dried up hand on the back of my hand. I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming. "It's Paulie's show, you know how he is with you. Thinks cause you're a mick you can't be trusted."

I didn't say it, but I thought that maybe Paulie was on to something. Maybe he was the only member of the Campisi Family with a bit of sense.

St. Patrick's Cathedral
11:20 PM

I had twenty grand in my jacket pocket when I went in St. Patrick's. The twenty grand was partially my cut on the forthcoming deal with the Crusaders, as well as my retainer for doing the don's legal work. Going into churches always made me think about my mother. Maggie Murdock was like a ghost. I had no idea where she was, and I often wondered what she was doing if she were still alive. I thought many times over the years about hiring a PI to track her down, but I always came up short at the last minute.

The twenty grand in my jacket didn't feel that big. It was just two hundred one hundred dollar bills bundled into twenty neat thousand dollar packets. The cash felt light enough when I took tit out of my jacket and stuck it in the poor box. They say all the good Catholics tithe ten percent. By that logic I had to be a great one since I tithed a hundred percent. Before I left I asked a priest to light a candle for my mother.
Maybe it was good to never meet her. That way she could be that devout catholic woman I knew all those years ago. She could never be corrupted like my dad was. She was frozen in time as a good woman. A good woman who would never have to witness what her son had become. I made a final prayer and prepared myself to go to work.

Red Hook, Brooklyn
2:14 AM

"We don't fuck with drugs we don't make," Arthur Blackwood, president of the Crusaders Motorcycle Club, said with a scowl. "We're not errand boys. You want mules go to Washington Heights and get some project niggers. Why the hell should we stick out neck out for you? Because you say you'll pay?"

The two mobsters looked at each other. Paulie D'agistino, the underboss of the Campisi Crime Family, rubbed his chin while Joseph Baggato "Joey Bags" stuck his hands in his pants pockets and shrugged.

"That," Joey Bags started. "And, we both know your club is going under. The days of the outlaw biker gang ain't what they used to be. You're hurting for money, the ATF busts your balls day and night about that little weapons trafficking business you got. Fact of the matter is you need this. You're already making these fucking rides anyway, why not get paid while you're at it? Say yes."

Blackwood looked behind him, where three of his fellow bikers sat parked on their motorcyles in the back alley lot. Blackwood shuffled his feet and exhaled before finally nodding.

"Fine," he said.

Suddenly, a sharp whistling noise filled the air. A spinning object flew from the shadows and decked a biker in the forehead. Paulie and Joey pulled pistols from their waistbands at almost the same time the Crusaders did. The two sides looked across the lot for any indication of the voice's owner.

"The hell was that?" Paulie asked, looking at Blackwood. "You trying to pull something on me?"

"Me? What about you?! You're a goddamn informant or something?!"

Out of the shadows, a blur of motion slammed into Joey Bags and knocked him to the ground. Both sides opened fire, Blackwood fell to the ground as bullets fired above him. The figure jumped away before the bullets could reach it. The figure swung back into the shadows and up onto the roof of the warehouse.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

|| T H O R O D I N S O N ||

|| God of Thunder || Prince of Asgard ||

Your Name: Sep
Character Allignment: Chaotic Good
Characters Abilities:

  • Unique Physiology: As he is half Asgardian and half Elder God Thor possesses many attributes common to the other gods. Though due to this unique combination and hybrid some of these abilities are more developed than other members of his species.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: While he can be killed through extreme force, he is capable of withstanding human ailments such as toxins, poisons, electrocution, corrosives as well as both extreme heats and subzero temperatures. He is also able to withstand serious attacks from a wide variety of foes.
  • Super Strength: In addition to being the Asgardian God of Thunder he is the Asgardian God of Strength, as such he is physically stronger than all the other Asgardian deities.
  • Super Speed: Thor can move at superhuman speeds, partially on his feet but he is also able to travel at even greater speeds with the assistance of Mjlonir to fly to other worlds.
  • Healing Factor: While Thor is incredibly hard to kill, he can be injured. However when he is injured he can heal at a rate faster than humans do able to heal broken wrists in a matter of hours. He cannot however revitalize lost limbs.
  • Weather Control: With the power of Mjlonir Thor has the power to control the weather. This includes making it rain, bringing down great bolts of lightning and great vast gales and whirwinds. He can either use these abilities in an offensive manner or in order to aid other people.

Characters Skills:

  • Willpower: Thor has an incredible power of will, he doesn't back down from any foe or a fight and is willing to lay down his life in the defense of others. He is also resistant to attempts for people to meddle with his mind.
  • Allspeak: Thanks to the ability of the Allspeak Thor is able to communicate in all the dialects of the Nine Realms, Earth Languages and alien languages.
  • Combatant: As God of War he is an expert combatant, with his fists, swords, flails, maces, hammers and any other available on Asgard.
  • Tactician: While often hot headed in battle he has still spent a large period of time leading Asgardians in battle and as such has some skill in leading others.
  • Doctor: Trained medical Doctor.

Origin Story:


The Ragnarok cycle has created numerous versions of of Thor's origin stories. In one variation he was born left handed and with black hair. This coupled with the fact Asgard is a myth makes it hard to determine any true origin story for Thor. Thor is the son of Odin All-Father and King of Asgard who had sought to sire a son with Jord, who is also known as Gaea a goddess who is one of the Elder Gods. Odins plan was to father a son who would have power that was both of Asgard and Midgard.

Thor was born in a cave in Norway that was created by Odin for his son to be born there. Mere months later Thor was weaned from his mother and was taken to Asgard where he would be raised by his Father Odin and his wife Frigga. He wouldn't know his maternal lineage until much later, believing that Frigga was in fact his mother for many, many years. Thors younger years would also be spent with his brother, Loki. Neither brother knew the truth in that Loki was adopted by Odin, Lokis father actually being the frost giant Laufey.

Becoming a warrior.

When he was eight Thor traveled with his brother to Nidavellir the Dwarven realm in order to request the lords there to build three treasures for the ruler of Asgard. One of these treasures was the Uru hammer Mjlonir. In order to spite his brother and future king, Loki used illusions to trick and distract the blacksmiths which resulted in the handle being made far too short to be wielded with two hands. When they returned Odin enchanted the hammer with magic, decreeing that only those worthy would be able to use it's power. It was then that he also decided that he would reserve it for Thor, who would hopefully one day earn the right lift the hammer.

Taking the message as a test of strength Thor spent years training so that he would become physically strong enough to lift Mjlonir and was responsible for many heroic deeds. When he had already proved himself a capable warrior Odin decided that he was ready to fufill a quest, one that would hopefully teach him how to be pure of heart. When he returned Thor was gifted with Mjlonir and became the God of Thunder.

Thor went on to become Asgards greatest warriors. He grew close to his fellow warrior Sif, however the two of them never truly decided to become a couple. Despite this when she was kidnapped by Hela, Thor tracked her down and offered his life in the stead of hers, touched by such nobility Hela agreed to let Sif and Thor go back to Asgard together. Before romance could truly come to flourish disaster stuck on Midgard and Thor was sent to deal with the issue, and promote Asgardian worship. Thor enjoyed the adulation that the Vikings gave him, the drinking, the women and the stories. He spent years protecting them from the Frost Giants and other foes. However when he discovered some of his more zealous worshipers murdered a christian monastery Thor was ashamed that they committed these atrocities in his name. Thor removed himself from Earth and began travelling the nine realm answering pleas for help, becoming an even more powerful warrior.

Return to Earth

In the Second World War, somehow Hitler and his allies in Hydra managed to find a way to communicate with Thor, in order to trick him into working for them. A people who used to worship him. They pleaded to him that the Invaders and their allies were threatening to wipe them all out. Thor joined the fray, eagerly willing to take the fight against the Invaders. He nearly killed the second Union Jack, however that is when he learned that Hitler was in fact the one who instigated the war and about the atrocities he had committed. Thor then vowed that he would aid the Germans no more in the war, and removed most of the electricity from Union Jacks body before heading back to Asgard, deciding not to allow himself to be dragged into the wars of mortal men anymore.

Thor went back to Asgard and continued to live out his life, however Odin was becoming increasingly concerned with the arrogance that his son was exhibiting and felt that his son wasn't ready to rule. On one occasion after two Frost Giants broke into Asgard, Thor went to Jotunheim in order to exact retribution almost bringing war to the two races. Deciding to teach his son a lesson in humility Odin banished Thor to Earth, and removed his memories.

This new identity was known as Donald Blake, a crippled medical student. Thor had to learn the value of living with a crippled leg, and eventually took to caring for the sick and elderly. It was during this time that he met a young nurse named Jane Foster. The two eventually began to fall in love at around the time where it had been ten years since Thor had been banished. 2015. That's when Odin decided it had been long enough since Thor had known who he was, giving Blake the urge to head to Norway and in fact the gave where Thor had been born.

Though outside the cave appeared a couple of Kronans on an expedition, fearing for his life Blake retreated into the cave where he then found Mjlonir. While he doubted he could do much with it, he lifted the Hammer and was immediately transformed back into Thor god of thunder. However he didn't immediately regain his memories, despite this he managed to fight off the Kronans and escape back to New York. For the next couple of months he slowly regained his memories, battles long past and days of training so when Galactus re-appeared it was only natural that he Thor the Thunderer jumped to the aid of Midgard.

In the time since wholes in his memory have been plaguing him as he has struggled living two lives, while he remembers a third. The issue is, which is his real life?

Story Arcs:

  • Avenger: As Thor begins to remember his old life, he must also come to grips with old traits of his personality coming forth and find himself changing. How will this affect the team dynamic? - Progressive.
  • Asgardian: The Prince has to return to his throne. Though how will others take his return?
  • Sibling Rivalry: Loki grows more and more jealous of Thor and his position...
  • Love: Memories of nights of debauchery, loves long past. How will this change his relationship with Jane?
  • Not the only one Worthy: "If he be worthy, he can possess the power of Thor."
  • Gods on Earth: Thor isn't the only God on Earth, there are other Immortals.
  • God Butcher: Gods are dying, and Thor has seen it before...

Supporting Cast:

Jane Foster - Love interest. A mortal woman who he has worked with for a long time, and is currently a Paramedic at the hospital that Thor works at while in his other identity as Donald Blake. Though he's struggling with having new memories and still having a relationship with her, as he is at war with himself of whether or not he should tell her.

The Warriors Three - It's weird, they are friends he is far closer to than anyone else. Though he doesn't yet remember everything about them yet, nor has he seen them since he regained Mjlonir.

Lady Sif - He knows of her beauty, her rage and her passion. He knows that there was something between them, and that is one of the main wedges between him and Jane Foster, as all these feelings are new again and he almost feels disloyal to her for his relationship with Jane. As he doesn't yet remember that it is over between them.

Professor Elliot Randolph - Professor at New York University, specializing in Norse mythology. He has been Donalds Blake 'tutor' on all things Norse Mythology since his memories have been coming back.

Janet Van Dyne a.k.a 'The Wasp' - Janet Van Dyne is one of the core members of the Avengers, and Thor cares for her deeply and has sought for her advice on many matters. However he has not told him of his true identity, as he himself isn't sure what his true identity is anymore.


The Avengers - Thor has worked with the Avengers since their formation in the battle against Galactus. He has fought many battles with him, and counts many of them to be his trusted friends and allies and would aid them whenever they asked for his assistance.

The Fantastic Four - Thor worked with these valiant heroes on the day of Galactus. While he has rarely seen them since, he still considers them at the very least as allies.

S.H.I.E.L.D - He doesn't always trust the methods that the spy organization employs, however it has done it's best to accommodate the Avengers and this has gained his respect.


Loki Laufeyson - While he doesn't know the extent to how the relationship goes, Loki is Thors biggest rival, made especially dangerous by how much Thor cares for his brother.

Galactus - While Galactus acts out of pure self preservation, Thor has decreed that he ever sees him again that he will 'truly finish their battle'.

Laufey - Lord of the Frost Giants, and biological father (unknown to Loki and Thor) of Loki. While there is a peace between Asgard and Jotunheim the two are easily classed as enemies.

Sample Post:

The coast was cold, the light was fading rapidly as the son fell towards the horizon as the harsh winds tore at his body. Had it been any other man he would likely have perished in these winds, though he was no mortal man. He was Thor, Odinson, God of Thunder. He approached the cave without fear, for he knew what he was going to face. It was no Immortal, yet it was no man. It was something else, something dangerous. He himself had almost been slain by it a near week ago. However then he had been unprepared, jarnbjorn had been prepared for godflesh that day. A honorable battle the likes of which would be told through the ages.

Though instead what he faced was something else, a coward who struck at those who were unprepared. Had the power of thunder itself not helped him the coward may have succeeded in killing him. Though his tricks would not do him any good this time, for this time it was Thor who attacked his enemy. "Beast, come out of the shadows. The Lord of Thunder would have words with thee!" Something moved in the shadows, Thors hand gripped around the shaft of his axe ready to strike, when he saw the face of death.

Donald Blake woke with a start, panting slightly. Such dreams had been plaguing him for a year now. Ever since he had picked up that hammer in Norway. Mjlonir he corrected himself, which according to Professor Randolph was the weapon used by Thor, God of Thunder, War and Strength for the vikings. Part of him knew that was true, knew that these weren't dreams but were in fact somehow memories. Though part of him found it was hard to believe, he had a life here on Midar-Earth. He could remember his parents, remember the accident that ruined his leg. Though up until he started Medical School it was all a haze.

So what life was his real life? He turned to look at Jane lying beside him, and he had no doubt that he loved her with all of his heart. Though these memories as Thor brought that into question, which was the exact reason he had yet to tell her about it. He slid out of his bed, limping out into the next room and went into his medical bag, at the bottom of which sat the hammer. As soon as he picked it up he felt the change, his entire physique became more muscled. Stronger, this was the body of a God. Not the meek flesh that he inhabited most of the time. Shrugging it off he walked out onto the balcony. Spinning Mjlonir he let go as the hammer took him up into the air. Willing it onwards as he went.

There was far too much confusion in Thors mind, and a good way to resolve such frustrations was to bash some heads. Surely there would be some fool brave enough to take on Thor the Thunderer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
Avatar of Gowi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Call it as my way of committing to my civic duty, Rhodey— you know how it goes, I can’t help myself. I’m a bonafide patriot. Call me the Iron Patriot. I mean apparently you guys are incompetent as hell that you get overrun by a few nazi’s; what is this, 1942? Plus it’s a really slow and boring Sunday, so chalk it up to boredom. Got it? Cool.”

Tony Stark



Stark International


◉◉◉◉ EARLY LIFE & CAREER 1995-2012

Anthony “Tony” Stark was born in the late 20th century in Manhattan, New York. Destined for greatness, Tony was to follow in the footsteps of the genius that the Stark dynasty had come to be known for. Stark International had evolved over the past century since its formation as Stark Industries in 1851 by Issac Stark Sr, transforming from a simple weapons manufacturer to a enterprise of multiple fields including automobiles, energy, pharmaceuticals, mass retail, and real estate. This dynastic industrial enterprise and legacy was inspiring to a young Tony Stark— a child who was soon discovered as a child prodigy the likes of which seemed fantastical and simply unreal. When Tony Stark found himself at a private school to prepare affluent youths for the future in 2005 he realized even the halls of prestige were boring to him as he soared to the top of the graduating class in a matter of months. However with the intellect that he held Tony was even more immature and pompous then the most precious of America’s elite. When he was socially shunned Tony cared nothing for his peers, believing that they were jealous of his genius and just bottom of the barrel morons and tools who would never amount to anything. As he prepared to graduate from his private school he was interviewed by a young girl from his school.

By the age of fourteen, Tony Stark had been in-and-out of several colleges and universities— seemingly taking what he needed to know before acquiring credentials he felt he barely even needed. He was compared to Professor Reed Richards in a TIME article that featured his prodigal genius in 2006; an article where Tony’s pompousness and ego came out in public view as he excessively gloated about his achievements and ambitions. However this side of Tony made his parents wary of him as he lacked the humility and wisdom of the previous geniuses of the Stark dynasty. Tony could feel the nervousness his mother felt when they shared a room and averted her eyes to focus on his younger sister. Tony distanced himself from his parents with bitterness and he focused in his ambitious research into state of the art mechanical engineering projects.

Tragedy struck a year later when Tony’s parents were killed in a fatal car accident. Edwin Jarvis, Tony’s maternal grandfather, would take the reigns as guardian of the surviving children during this time. Tony however had enough of being treated like a child and despite being only fifteen decided that given his understanding of business and science could easily stand on his own. Before long the young Tony Stark was working at Stark International as the future face of the company as he began to work alongside Obadiah Stane, the acting CEO of the company following the death of Tony’s father. Following his employment, Tony’s brilliance would bring Stark International many contracts as a weapon manufacturer with the young inventor’s development of repulsion technology that armaments such as the Jericho Missile and Centurion Bomb. Nations such as Temasika, Vorozheika, Symkaria, Sokovia, and Madripoor would be financial parties that sought out these military contracts for their own defense or for their own gain. The “morality” of war was a thing Tony was generally unconcerned with— something that would change in the near future.

However, following several terrorist attacks in Eastern Asia and the Middle East things became a clustered mess; something that Stane’s leadership of Stark International would bring great profit for. As the year carried on the real battle for Tony was only just about to begin.

◉◉◉◉ GENESIS 2013-2014

Finding himself on the edge of what Tony believed to be a breakthrough that could fundamentally advance science, the new year found itself beginning to an excellent year for him. Combining his father and grandfather’s scattered research on Arc Reactor technology he found himself nearing the conclusion to over seventy years of research. But before he could work any further on the project he found himself visited by Stane who asked Tony to head to Sharzhad where he was needed to showcase the Jericho MK2 missiles. Realizing the importance of business Tony took flight to the country that was facing a difficult precedent with Syria at the time. This would be the trip that would change Tony’s (and the world’s) life forever and bring upon the genesis of who he was to become. Following the demonstration to an investor, the testing grounds are attacked by a terrorist cabal called The Ten Rings. During the attack Tony finds himself injured and when he wakes discovers the fact that he has been captured by the aforementioned terrorists. Half-dead and suffering from the effects of the injury he finds himself using trickery and his own genius he develops a powered suit with only scrap metal and a prototype power source. Using the suit to escape he finds his eyes open as he realizes how his own weapons are being used and what the consequences are for such. He finds himself an oddly changed man as he passes out several miles out from the compound before he is rescued by a SHIELD convoy who take him back to the United States.

Weeks after his initial recovery at a SHIELD-sponsored hospital Tony finds himself bemused with questions that have no answers as he resolves to remove the excess of these weapons from play. Taking charge of his company he finds himself causing friction between himself and Stane; friction that Stane sees as an immediate threat to his interests. As more answers begin to unravel, Tony’s re-creates and develops a new power suit based on updated blueprints of his prototype that he used during his initial escape before returning home. The suit would be a key piece to setting things “right”. Iron Man debuts in the following weeks as it hunts down caches of Stark International weapons that have been seized by The Ten Rings as well as defusing conflicts the terrorist cabal becomes active in. Tony Stark becomes “Iron Man”.

However things come to a clash in the skies when Stane attempts to kill Tony before he does any more ‘damage’, believing the inventive prodigy had outlived his usefulness. Stane dons the “Iron Monger” armor, an inferior replica of Tony’s original prototype. Stane’s inferior handling, outdated energy source, and lack of modifications leads to his defeat and in the end is injured before being arrested by SHIELD operatives. Questions begin to rise about Iron Man in the aftermath and under the influence of alcohol Tony answers the question matter-of-factly: Tony Stark is Iron Man.


With Stane gone, Tony found himself dealing with his company in full. As CEO he immediately shut down a good deal of the company’s weapons manufacturing assets as he reminded himself of what he had seen at the hands of The Ten Rings. It was a bold move for the company and many people questioned his reasons due to his previous attitudes in interviews about weapon development and doubts of his character. But Tony didn’t care for his perception and due to the physical pain he still felt as a consequence of The Ten Rings incident he indulged haphazardly into alcohol and other vices; sometimes making a public spectacle out of the parties he would organize.

As Iron Man, Tony found himself working closely with SHIELD liaison James Rhodes as part of an arrangement to “accept” his activities as a super-powered vigilante. Tony finds the “military babysitter” entertaining and begins to find ways to annoy Rhodes whilst he does his job overseeing Iron Man. However it becomes evident of the dangers looming in the aftermath of Stane’s defeat when Anton Vanko, a Russian engineer and assassin is hired by Artemus Pithins to assault Tony Stark at one of his ‘infamous’ parties in an attempt to kill Tony Stark so Pithins, the next in the pecking order on Tony’s board of directors could take charge of the company much like Stane had in the previous years. Surviving the first incident with Vanko (aka Whiplash) Tony tries to modify his suit before the assassin returns to finish the job. At the same time, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, a consultant and ‘problem solver’ Tony hired to fix the financial problems left by Stane & Tony’s actions detects shifty maneuvers by Artemus Pithins and discovers his plot as well as a revelation that Pithins has outsourced weapons to foreign buyers despite Tony’s policy changes. Between Pepper, Tony, Rhodes, and a Stark International computer technician & programmer named Rumiko Fujikawa, Pithins’s plot is revealed and dismantled. Whiplash is defeated and incarcerated whilst Pithins flees the country before SHIELD apprehends him.

A few months after dealing with Whiplash, Tony was led to suit up in his first "team" experience as the heroes of Earth contended with Galactus; Iron Man declined an invitation to an official Avengers group following, feeling that with SHIELD's grubby hands over it that it would not be a sensible choice.

◉◉◉◉ A NEW PATRIOT 2016

Many things are on the horizon for Tony Stark, but what?


Genius Level Intellect: As evident from his time as a child prodigy, Tony Stark is unmistakably brilliant with ingenious capacities for invention, tactical perception, scientific development, and adaptability in tight situations. As one of the smartest individuals on the planet, Tony ranks among other geniuses on Forbes top 25 scientific minds of the twenty-first century and the egotistical scientist and inventor prolifically ranks in the top ten.

Power Suit: A state of the art technological suit that offers the user superhuman abilities. Not only is the Iron Man suit durable and strong it can also project energy in a multitude of ways including shielding, repulsor rays, energy beams, and energy discharge. It is also equipped with a variation of missiles and small arms.

Armor Wars: Following his grandfather's funeral, things spiral out of control for Tony Stark when Ezekial Stane, the son of Tony’s first real enemy as Iron Man surfaces in Vlatava as he starts his own company— Stane Industries. This would’ve been seen as problematic if not for the fact that Stane had evidently stolen Stark International technology as a focal point of the company before hiring ex-Soviet scientists to strengthen the products. Product that included the Iron Monger armor. Stane desires revenge.

Iron Patriot: In the worst timing ever, a new revival of the terrorist faction known as HYDRA attacks military and public targets in the United States. The “re-emergent” leader threatens the populace with a video leaked on youtube and attempts to begin a new era of terror. Tony gets in contact with the obscure federal agency known as SHIELD as he offers to put his chips down and help despite his misgivings about big government.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

♦ Quintavius "Quentin" Quirinius Quire ♦
“It's all fake and illusion. That's what cool is. That's what charisma is. That's what everything is.”


Walking the line.
Chaotic Neutral.


Former student at Xavier's Academy of Gifted Youngsters, as well as former partner of Simon Williams.
Currently flying solo.


Quentin's outing as a mutant turned out to be a very dramatic affair. It began with a series of violent migraines, with him at one point breaking down in class due to all the voices speaking in his head. Soon the thoughts became overwhelming. Quire couldn’t concentrate at all. During lunch one day at school, they all became too much for him to handle. He called for them to stop. They did. However so did everyone within the school district. Horrified to see that nobody was moving, Quentin curled up in the cafeteria in tears.

That was when he met Wonder Man. The superhero had been sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate the situation at hand. Upon discovering Quentin, Wonder Man began to comfort the young teenager, revealing that his name was in fact Simon Williams. The hero helped calm Quentin down, enabling him to reverse the mental paralysation of everyone. After taking the boy to a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier, through a series of tests it was discovered that Quentin was actually a mutant and that the voices were in fact the thoughts of everyone around him, due to him having the ability of telepathy. After being questioned by S.H.I.E.L.D about the incident, the organization offered to contact Professor Charles Xavier for a place at his Institute. He was practically kicked out the house by his parents due to him being a mutant so therefore had no other choice but to enroll.

While his time at Xavier’s school wasn’t terrible, Quentin struggled to make any decent friends, falling in with the likes of Glob Herman. Due to this friendship, he began to get picked on by the other students, leading him to have more of an angry and snarky nature. This escalated on his 15th birthday where he received a phone call from his “Parents” who informed him that he was adopted. This through Quentin over the edge, with him developing a drug problem as well as making him more violent. Due to this, he constantly questioned Xavier’s views on mutant and human relations, with him even going so far as to venture into town with his two friends to violently beat a gang of human who had insulted/bullied him previously whenever he had ventured off campus. Xavier knew instantly when they returned, prompting an argument between the two, with Quentin knocking Xavier unconscious and declaring a riot at the school.

The riot was quickly subdued but not before the death of a fellow student. Due to his actions, Quentin was taken into SHIELD custody where he spent months locked away in the Raft. That was until Quentin manged to make his escape during a mass breakout.

Deciding to celebrate his new freedom, Quentin decided to infiltrate an international arms conference in Switzerland, where he telepathically forced a number of world leaders to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets on camera. Before any more damage could be caused however, he found himself facing the very hero who had helped him all those years ago; Wonder Man. Despite not having seen Simon Williams in such a long time, Quentin took kindly to seeing a friendly face. While he initially fought back against the hero, Quentin eventually conceded, falling to the floor in tears.

Feeling that placing Quentin back behind bars would only make his sociopathic tendencies worse, Wonder Man decided to strike a deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. As such, Quentin was released into Wonder Man's custody, with Simon hoping that in taking the boy under his wings, he'd have a chance to try and rehabilitate him.

Due to their extremely opposing views on modern heroics, the two argued constantly during their first few weeks together, although in time, Quentin started to grow and broaden his mind somewhat to other points of view. They were even starting to become friends.

Tragedy struck however when the towering figure of Galactus appeared over the planet. Simon was one of many of Earth's heroes to take up the fight, leaving Quentin behind in Los Angeles. Wonder Man was a great contribution to the Earth's defense against the Devourer of Worlds, yet regardless Galactus soon took the upper hand. That was before Wonder Man hit Galactus with everything he had, releasing a colossal blast of ionic energy. As a result, Simon dissipated into ionic energy, dead.

Quentin was left alone in the world once more.

This time however, he decided against wallowing in his pity and becoming violent like before. Instead, he decided to honor his friend, and what he stood for, by donning the infamous "W" and becoming the all-new Wonder Man.

P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S

Telepathy: Quentin his capable of using deep and subtle influence, as well as displaying various psionic abilities with the minds of others including reading and communicating with thoughts over vast distances. He most relies on channelling his mental energy as a astral energy shotgun construct which manifests the focused totality of his telepathic powers, which deals direct mental damage leading to intense pain as well as sometimes unconsciousness.

Psychic Intelligence: He is able to organize and construct his thoughts at accelerated rates, process data at high speeds, construct and formulate his thoughts with vast quantity and quality, project ideas and impressions into the minds of others and naturally shield himself from psychic assaults.


Simon Williams / Wonder Man: A man formed of Ionic Energy, Simon Williams became the superhero Wonder Man. He and Quentin have a complicated relationship; while he was the hero who had saved Quire when he had first discovered his abilities, he was also the hero who opposed him when he telepathically attacked a weapon's conference. As a result of this, Wonder Man agreed to act as a rolemodel for the boy, despite their incredibly opposing thoughts on super heroics. Simon was tragically one of the heroes lost in the battle again Galactus.

Robert Herman / Glob Herman: Quentin's only true friend, the two met during their time at Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. Dimwitted and sheepish, Glob often found himself following Quentin around, with him eventually even getting roped into joining the Omega Gang. Since Quentin's departure from the institute, Glob is the only person to have remained in regular contact.


Free Bird: Out on his own against the world, Quentin finds that he must live up to his newfound namesake if he wishes to defend the streets of LA.

Don't Fear The Reaper: Quentin’s new identity causes some issues with Simon’s family.

Smells Like Teen Spirit: Wonder Man finds himself encounter a number of other fellow teenage superheroes. Will he join up with these Young Avengers, or be the start of the new Young Masters?


They say you just disappeared. Faded away into nothingness. Bit anticlimactic if you ask me.

The world around Quentin Quire lay silent as he spoke, save for the low rustle of the wind and the light crash of waves onto the cliff face below. The teenager was alone, lounging in an elegantly-made wooden rocking chair placed at the top of a cliff, overlooking the sea. The sight would probably have been strange for the regular onlooker. Especially given the young mutant’s appearance; with his bright pink Mohawk clashing drastically with the beautiful scenery. His clothes clashed too. He was wearing a plain black suit, a look that seemed too orthodox and usual compared to what he usually wore.

There was a reason for that though. Today was the day of Simon William’s funeral.

The ceremony was currently taking place in Washington DC. It was to be a widely public event, given William’s efforts saving the world in the past as Wonder Man. Apparently there was even to be a parade. A speech from the President too. As well as one from the Avengers. A real heroes send off, one might say. Truthfully Quentin couldn’t give a rat’s ass.

Simon’s gone. Wonder Man’s gone. Like he said, the guy disappeared into thin air. Dissipated away as ionic energy. The bloody coffin down in Washington is empty, so what’s the point in even burying it?

Guess that’s a good thing though.” Quire continued, looking up towards the sky as he spoke. “'Cus if they buried you, I'd be tempted to go there every morning and spit on it before my daily coffee. Would ruin my whole schedule. Can't have that...

He grew silent after that last remark, before letting out a small dry chuckle. Moving gently, he rose from his seat. As he stood, he moved his eyes away from the skyline, instead placing them onto the rocking chair before him. Fumbling through his pockets, his hand emerged a few seconds later wielding a tattered looking pocket knife. Flicking it open, he gritted his teeth as he moved it down onto the surface of the chair, getting to work. He stayed like that for a good minute, etching the blade into the wood, until finally he pulled it back, folding the blade away as he did so.

So this'll do, I think. Bit too peaceful for my liking. But remembered you saying you liked it here. You always were into all this nature crap."

Etched into the back of the chair was a single “W”.

So yeah… Know it’s not much…

His voice broke slightly as he turned back towards the break in the forest from where he had come from. Wiping his eyes underneath his glasses, he breathed heavily for several seconds. Giving the rocking chair one last pat, he made his departure. Just before reaching the treeline however, he stopped. Turning, he made one last look back towards the cliff face and the lone chair that sat atop it.

The young mutant let out a smile, his eyes starting to water once more.

Hope I still get to put you in it one day. And I hope you’ll be proud of me for continuing your work.

With that, he turned, disappearing into the trees.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spud
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Spud The Best Potato on the Guild

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Player Name: Spiffy Sebby McSpuddington
Alias: The Winter Soldier, Buck, Bucky, Sergeant Barnes, зимний солдат (pronounced: zimniy soldat trans: Winter Soldier)
Real Name: James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
Moral Alignment: Lawful evil
Affiliation: HYDRA

Character Origin & Backstory:

.:Pre-War Bucky:.

Bucky was born in Brooklyn, New York where he met and grew up with his best-friend-forever, Stephanie Rogers. The pair were thick as thieves. Meanwhile in Europe, Germany crept towards its Second World War where things were getting pretty messy.

Bucky was drafted into the military,and over the course of his training in the military, Bucky achieved the rank of Sergeant and was assigned to the 107th Regimen. Things were going pretty well for him, however his luck would run out when America became more heavily involved in the Second World War after the bombing of Pearl Harbour.

Barnes was deployed to fight the Nazi forces in mainland Europe.

.:World War Two and First HYDRA Kidnapping:.

During the war the 107th became overwhelmed by enemy forces, trapped and facing certain defeat, HYDRA agents proceeded to capture Barnes and the few remaining survivors left in his company. The 107th were declared MIA and largely presumed dead. Col. Phillips was filling out letters of condolences, but not all believed that the 107th were dead and an elaborate rescue mission was hatched.

Barnes and Co were taken prisoner in a HYDRA Weapons Development facility in Austria where they were forced to build weapons for the enemy (or face brutal beatings and tortures). During his imprisonment, Barnes developed pneumonia and grew too ill to work. He was taken to an isolated infirmary ward where he was then subjected to various torturous HYDRA experiments at the hands of the psychotic Armin Zola. His fellow prisoners of war suspected he succumbed to his illness or died at the hands of HYDRA scientists, either way, they assumed he wouldn't leave the facility alive.

At some point during the experiments he was injected with various serums, trying to replicate the effects of the Super Soldier Serum used on Johann Schmidt and Stephanie Rogers (though Barnes was not injected with Erskines original formula as it was lost when Erskine was murdered). Barnes was badly wounded and gravely ill as a result of the experiments. The weakened soldier clung on for dear life until he and his fellow prisoners were liberated and taken back to the safety of one of the allies camps in Central Europe where Barnes made a steady (though unusually fast) recovery from his injuries.

Barnes joined Rogers for a final WW2 mission to stop HYDRA for good!

.:Final Mission:.

On what would be their final mission together, Barnes and Rogers prepared to hijack a HYDRA train, capture Dr Armin Zola, and stop Red Skull before he could launch his attack. The two life-long friends set off to face their biggest enemy so far. Unfortunately this would be the last time the two would be together for over 70 years.

During the firefight which broke out on the train, Barnes was blasted by HYDRA agents and clung for his life to a piece of railing on the side of the train as the perilous cliff face of the Alps whizzed by for several hundred feet below. Despite her best efforts, Rodgers was unable to grab Barnes before the railing snapped free and he fell from the vehicle. Barnes was declared KIA and his body was never discovered.

Srgt James Barnes was the only Howling Commando operative to die in service of his country.

.:The Fall:.

Barnes' dead body was recovered from an icy river flowing through the mountains when he was discovered by Soviets. The icy water and Zola's experiments managed to maintain Barnes in a suspended status, his heart had stopped and his body was heavily damaged, but somehow he wasn't braindead. He was revived by the Soviets who administered electrical shocks and adrenalin to try and restart his heart while they stemmed the heavy bleeding from his severed left arm and attempted to preserve what they could of his broken body.

What happened to Barnes next was a fate even worse than death.
.:Barnes' Return to HYDRA:.

The Soviets handed Barnes over to HYDRA and once again he was subjected to Zola's gruelling experiments. Through careful procedures, HYDRA was able to wake Bucky from his comatose state and fully access the extent of the damage to his brain. He was stricken with amnesia but aside from the total loss of memory his motor-functions were entirely normal, and to the doctors surprise, some functioned better than average, he had incredible muscle memory and displayed astonishing martial skill, he could also speak several languages but didn't know how he knew them.

Although his brain was alive, and his heart restarted, his body required extensive careful procedures to repair and further enhance, the most complex was his missing arm. His healing factor, enhanced by Zola, greatly aided his physical recovery, although his arm showed no signs of regrowth or significant repair. His severed arm was replaced with a bionic prosthetic that was grafted onto his body during several agonising live-procedures. Barnes was not anaesthetised for his operations.

His amnesia appeared to wane over time and some of his memories began to resurface, to counter this, HYDRA began a series of brainwashing and electroshock conditioning sessions to ensure his compliance and remove any and all memories of his old life. When he began to have episodes of non-compliance and recurring flashbacks, HYDRA opted to freeze him between missions and enforce strict brainwashing procedures as soon as he was wakened from cryo to ensure he remained entirely obedient.

Over the course of the decades that followed, HYDRA used The Winter Soldier to discretely neutralise assigned high-profile targets before storing him in cryogenic sleep until they needed him to perform a hit again. The Winter Soldier was so efficient and prolific at killing that he faded into myth, even the best intelligence agencies couldn't catch him and eventually he became known as a ghost, a myth, a fabled super-assassin with a growing list of successful hits spanning several decades.

He became the Winter Soldier. The worlds greatest assassin. The worlds longest serving prisoner of war.

.:Serbia and the Wolf Spiders:.

When Howard Stark formulated a replica of the original Super Soldier Serum, HYDRA wanted it and the Winter Soldier was sent on a mission to procure the recently replicated Super Soldier Serum. Barnes successfully collected the Serum samples and returned to Serbia where he was wiped clean once again.

The Serum was used to create a group of Super Soldiers for HYDRA, these were the Wolf-Spiders. The Wolf-Spider Program was heavily inspired by Barnes' own modifications and training. Barnes was involved in training the Super Soldiers in combat. When the Spiders turned on their masters during a training exercise the program was quickly shut down and declared a failure. The Wolf Spiders were frozen in cryo-sleep.

Barnes was wiped clean and kept on ice till he was needed by HYDRA again.


The Winter Soldier continued his cycle of waking, killing and freezing once again, with unwavering obedience due to the long-lasting effects of HYDRA's intense brainwashing regime. He remains under HYDRA control, however with a little persuasion (more specifically, a series of code words), the Winter Soldier can be brainwashed and coerced into serving any master. His proficiency in killing make him a valuable HYDRA asset and a formidable enemy to anyone who stands in his way.

The Soldier has recently been unfrozen and unleashed on the hunt for his next target.

Powers and Abilities:

Enhanced Senses: Bucky has extremely keen hearing and eye-sight. Though not impossible, it is very difficult to catch TWS off guard or unawares. If he doesn't see you coming first, he probably hear you.

Enhanced Speed: Augmented Bucky can run up to (and perhaps upwards of) 50mph. His reaction time, like his movement speed, has also increased, meaning he can perceive and respond to movements or scenarios far faster than ordinary humans.

Enhanced Strength: The augmentations performed by Dr Armin Zola have vastly increased TWS's physical capabilities. His body has been pushed to peak physical condition, far surpassing that of even the fittest human athlete.

Bionic Arm: Barnes' left arm is a cybernetic prosthetic. The arm is largely immune to bullets and brute force and packs a mean punch. It can move faster than a regular human arm and employ far greater force than an organic arm.

Expert Marksman: The Winter Soldier is prolific in a large number of ranged weapons. He's lethal with a variety of guns and grenades.

Master Assassin: His long hit-list has no misses, he is an expert sniper. Although he is prolific in ranged weaponry, he is absolutely unbeatable when sniping from a distance. He is also able to employ a terrifying range of methods to dispatch targets, if it can be killed, he'll find a way to kill it.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: His enhanced physiology paired with his bionic arm and training result in an extremely adept fighter. He has ample experience. He also fights with a combat knife.

Healing Factor: As a result of Zola's experiments, Barnes has a generous healing factor, hence his ability to recover from Zola's tortures as well as being able to be revived after his fall from the train in the Alps. He cannot regenerate limbs, however he does heal quickly from injuries and is able to survive what would prove fatal for regular humans.

High Pain Tolerance: The Winter Soldier is in a constant state of low-level pain as the cyber-arm has some trade offs, it exerts some serious stress on his body but he has developed a pain tolerance to counter this side effect. As such, TWS will fight to the point that he cannot stand, ignoring great amounts of pain (e.g in CATWS, Cap breaks TWS's right arm but TWS continues to fight until the Triskellion's go down).

Pilot: TWS is able to hijack and pilot various types of aircraft and vehicles (cars, tanks, motorcycles etc). His HYDRA handlers haven't been able to totally wipe out a Kleptomaniac streak they programmed into his brain, sometimes he steals cars and crashes them for fun.

Espionage: He is a master of disappearing, master spy, he can vanish in a crowd and hide in plain sight. He didn't earn a reputation as a "ghost story" by not being good at vanishing and gathering intelligence on enemies for HYDRA.

Multilingual: Barnes is fluent in English, Russian and Romanian, he is also adept in a handful of other languages.


Bionic Arm flaws: The bionic arm is NOT indestructible, although it is very very resistant to most damage it contains no vibranium. Tough, but not invulnerable. Electrical pulses can temporarily disable the arm. The Arm is also not as flexible as an organic arm, its inflexibility can be a handicap in some fights!! The bionic arm (in this particular incarnation of TWS) CANNOT be removed/pulled off, this would kill him, the arm is attached to too many other vital systems that it cannot be pulled off without yanking out too many other bones and tissues. Portions of the arm can be ripped out/blasted off, but the arm itself cannot be detached/removed in its entirety from his body.

Electricity: Electrical shocks can mess around with the HYDRA brainwashing as well as his shiny-arm, causing memory flashbacks and confusion. As electroshock therapy was used to regulate his brainwashing, unregulated shocks can alter his brainwashing with unpredictable effects, sometimes the shocks have relatively little effect, other times they can be very debilitating and disorienting or induce flashbacks.

Amnesia: Barnes is an amnesiac and using his codewords can wipe him clean leaving him vulnerable to serve whoever says the words, thus, his code words and triggers are kept a deep dark secret. The process of wiping him clean is incredibly painful but ALWAYS results in total obedience.

Supporting Cast:


Madeline Joyce - Allies during WW2, occasionally worked together on missions (where she endured his roguish flirting -perhaps even grew to appreciate it, who knows!-). Will she still consider Barnes an ally if she discovers he is still alive and in active duty (albeit with the enemy)?
Stephanie Rogers - Childhood friend and All-American hero. They grew up together in Brooklyn before Barnes went to serve in the US military during WW2. The two share a long, happy history ... if only The Winter Soldier could remember any of it, and if he did, would Stephanie still consider him her friend? Is any of the old Bucky she once knew left?


Captain America - Although the Winter Soldier is working for Cap's enemy, she's also Bucky's closest friend and if he's able to break his mental programming, he'll need her more than ever!
HYDRA - HYDRA created The Winter Soldier and as such, he is totally in their debt and under their control, or rather ... he doesn't have any free will, he is ... compliant.
CODEHOLDER - Whoever holds his brainwashing codes holds the Soldier.


Any HYDRA Assigned Targets;
Possible targets,
Nick Fury - Director of SHIELD, Super Spy. Possible threat to HYDRA schemes
(Poss) Iron Man - Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist (heh). SHIELD ally and possible threat to HYDRA schemes
Captain America - Former Friend, American war hero and threat to HYDRA.
(later) Wolf-Spiders - HYDRA experimental SuperSoldiers, trained to be equal/superior to The Winter Soldier. Some (if not all) Spider's hold a bit of a grudge against their predecessor and wouldn't hesitate to rip out his arm.

Bucky's Enemies;
HYDRA. - His creators.
The Wolf Spiders. - Soviet Super Soldiers gone rogue.
Possibly SHIELD/SHIELD's allies - if they attempt to capture him.

Sample Story Arcs:

-spoilered because lots of cool Bucky gifs-


No one could say Bucky Barnes wasn't a gentleman ... at least half of the time anyway. The roguish young New Yorker held back his best friends hair and sympathetically patted her back while she chucked up her lunch after he'd convinced her to brave the Cyclone roller-coaster on Coney Island.
"You alright pal?" he asked, as Stephanie straightened up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, looking a little less green now, thankfully.
"Oh I'll get you for that, punk" she declared, as spirited as ever.
Bucky beamed and threw an arm over her shoulder. "Sure ya will, but first, lemme get ya a hotdog. You pick the next ride."
"Do we even have enough money for hotdogs?" Stephanie scoffed, "How much money did you blow on those stall games anyway?" she rolled her eyes, "You need to work on your aim if you want to try pick up girls at the fair."
"Steph, you might just be the worst wingman in history" Bucky joked.
"And you might just be the worst shot in history."-


That memory was gone. It had been gone for over 50 years already. If it ever bubbled back to the surface, as unlikely as that was, it would be wiped away in a single swift stroke. All it took was ten rather harmless words, at least, they appeared harmless until they were spoken in a specific order in quick succession.

He was waking up- No ... Not that, he was thawing, and he was in a chair, manacles holding his arms in place and a HYDRA handler was talking to him, ensuring he was compliant when he came around from being thawed out of cryogenic stasis.

The HYDRA scientists had files heavily detailing his augmentations, his history, every single mission report. The psych portion of his file was particularly messy, particularly around the 1940's and through the 1950's. That was before they started putting him on ice and engineering a failsafe switch to try and prevent the Soldier escaping, or realising who he had once been. After 3 years of non-stop service for HYDRA, shadows of Bucky crept in. He began to ask questions when he gave his mission reports and that scared the scientists. The Winter Soldier's brain was trying to heal itself, to remember who he was, piecing things together that he shouldn't know, having thoughts he wasn't allowed to think about. The only solution was to force those questions and memories away, bury them deeper. The Winter Soldiers HYDRA leash was shorter and tighter, he was muzzled, questions silenced and his brain wiped over and over before he was stuffed in the freezer again. Then defrosted again several months or even years later.

"Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car"

Halfway through the brainwashing mantra, pain lanced through Barnes' skull, he screamed at the searing heat in his head and then it was over.

"Ready to comply."
"You have 36 hours. Find and neutralise target."

The Winter Soldier didn't nod. Didn't reply. There was no need for him to portray emotion or voice confirmation, his track record spoke volumes whereas he was steeped in silence. When HYDRA gave the command, someone wound up dead and the cycle continued.

Within 36 hours a famous Norwegian physicist was dead. Single gun-shot wound, unmarked Soviet slug lodged in the brain. There were no witnesses. No viable suspects and Barnes was back in Serbia before anyone had even noticed his presence in Norway. Like many missions, it went off without any hitches.

"Mission Report."
"Target neutralised. No witnesses."
"We are one step closer, Soldat."
Another line was added to his in-exhaustive list of hits and mission reports. The Soldier was put on ice again as the Norwegian public, and later, the UN as the physicists death drew a great deal of backlash, were outraged and dismayed.


"It is time again, Soldat" the scientist started before slamming his fist down on the table.

The icicles in his hair hadn't even melted and already his thoughts were searing with blind-heat.


"No-" The Winter Soldier's thoughts screamed, but he remained silent as ever. Weapons didn't speak. He was a weapon. HYDRA's greatest weapon.



A scream ripped through The Winter Soldiers throat as an electrical shock pulsed through him. He felt memories he hadn't even remembered being ripped asunder. Mentally scrambling through the darkness, the glittering fragments of what Bucky had been winked out of existence before they even dared to peek out of the deepest darkest recesses of his brain. There was nothing left to erase.

"... -coming. One. Freight car."
He gasped for breath, the searing lance of pain through his brain had vanished but residual shocks rattled inside his skull. His muscles, which had coiled tight as a highly compressed spring, reluctantly eased to a more relaxed state, the reaction to the shocks subsiding slightly.



"Soldat. Answer me."

More silence.

A sharp blow struck him across the face, slowly, he drew his head back up from the backhand slap he'd sustained.

"Ready to comply."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
Avatar of DrewVonAwesome

DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Doesn’t matter what the press says. Doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn’t matter if the whole country decides something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the right requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world--

No, you move.”

Your Name: Drewvonawesome

Character Name: Stephanie Rogers

Character Alias: Captain America

Character Allignment: Neutral Good

Character Appearance: Stephanie Rogers stands at an imposing 6‘4 and weighs in at around 250 pounds. With those measurements naturally Stephanie has an imposing stature. Outside of combat Stephanie tends to stick with shirts and jeans, only really wearing a dress for fancy events or whatever.

Characters Abilities: When she was put through the experiments of the super soldier program. Stephanie Rogers body was put to peak, possibly higher than peak human conditioning. Her reflexes have also been increased to peak human potential and are nearly instantaneous. She can run a mile in just over a minute, and her warm up bench press average is 1100 pounds. Her body is also built up enough to provide natural immunizations to not only get sick or poisoned.. But access fatigue poisons in her systems leave her unable to tire herself out and always ready to go at maximum ability.

Characters Skills: When SHIELD brought Stephanie out of cyro status they have since given her top of the line educations in free running, and various martial arts including jujitsu, Greco-Roman wrestling, boxing, judo, and karate. On top of everything else, Stephanie's legendary vibranium shield remains her signature weapon. As well as providing defense against numerous types of munitions. Stephanie is known for being able to nail multiple people with a well aimed shield throw. Her time out in the fields of Europe during World War II originally had her providing medical support, leading her to be helpful in that field to a degree. Since some of her techniques are considered outdated now. Most of all though the war also gave her great leadership skills, as well as being a commander and tactician. She is an expert in reading codes, maps, and doing other military-related skills. Also she speaks English, German, Russian, Japanese, and some Italian.

Origin Story: Growing up in the 1920‘s of sprawling Brooklyn, New York. Stephanie Rogers already knew what fighting meant. When she was born it was a premature birth. Doctors weren't sure if she'd even live past a month, however even as a newborn baby Stephanie fought and grew up. Though she was small, weak, and frail, she never really identified herself as one of the other girls. She always tried to hang out with the other boys, playing baseball, and even in the face of adversity showed a toughness and willpower that very few even much older than her possessed.

As Stephanie grew older she watched on as the Nazis grew in power in Europe alongside Italy and Japan. Desperately wanting to join in on the fight Stephanie repeatedly tried to enlist to the army to no success, as women weren't allowed to join, and even if they were Stephanie was too weak. Disgruntled but determined Stephanie studied and was able to get into the military as a field nurse. She was given proper training and even handled some battles, but her superiors were concerned about her frailty and wanted her off the field as a precaution. This ended up with her being put into a program the Government had been working on for a while.

The program, known as ‘Project: Rebirth' to those who knew about it. Was a life long project of Dr. Abraham Erskine, a German man who aimed for achieving human perfection. However as he watched Axis power grow he escaped his homeland and brought his work to the US government. Though by the time Stephanie Rogers was brought in to assist, the project was reaching desperate levels. A few soldiers had been given an injection with what was called the super soldier serum. Effects ranged from no changes in the test subject, to the subject becoming dangerously ill. The program was threatened to be cut if no positive results could come from it.

In a last ditch effort to find a possible solution Dr. Erskine had each of the 12 or so people involved directly with the program provide a blood sample. No one's samples seemed like they would work, except for Stephanie's. Even with the aspect of finally being able to fight out on the front lines, Stephanie still needed to be talked into volunteering by Dr. Erskine. But the doctor had a great deal of faith in Stephanie, and convinced her to try. After getting injected with the super soldier serum the testing began. Finally, after what seemed like hours for Stephanie of intense physical stress. She emerged a completely changed woman. She was weak, small, frail before. Now though Stephanie felt stronger, healthier, and looked as tall and powerful as she felt. The test was a major success. Before the celebrations could really start though, the base Project: Rebirth was happening in was raided by Nazi spies. With a cry of “Hail Hitler!" the spies broke into the lab and opened fire. Stephanie Rogers with her new found strength fought off the spies, but Dr. Erskine was shot and while bleeding out told Stephanie he was proud of her. Dr. Erskine died shortly afterwards despite Stephanie's efforts to save him, the formula for the soldier soldier serum dying with him as he never wrote it down or told it to anyone.

With Stephanie Rogers now the most powerful soldier in the US military. She was given rigorous military training and reunited with her longtime friend Bucky. As well as given a new, state-of-the-art shield. The two started heading out on high priority assignments and immediately showed a very strong presence in the war. However military officials were concerned that the most powerful person in the US army was a woman, and while they wanted to promote this new figure they dubbed Captain America. They didn't want to reveal the Captain’s gender. Thus the military in secret hired a circus strongman to play the part.

This fake Captain America went around the US posing as the real Captain America, often while Stephanie Rogers was out in Europe fighting. When Stephanie found out about the fake Captain America, needless to say she was very angry. All of her hard work was being ignored while some meathead (Albeit a friendly meathead who often sent Stephanie very nice care packages) got all of her attention. As she raised her concerns about the situation with her superiors, she made it clear when the war was over, come Hell or high water she was going to get the recognition she deserved.

As the war began to truly turn the tide, Stephanie Rogers and Bucky Barnes were given a critical assignment. Going after and assassinating Johann Schmidt, a top scientific aide to Adolf Hitler. As the mission waged on, Stephanie and Bucky snuck onto a train as a means to quietly get to Schmidt's location only to get ambushed. In the ensuing melee, Bucky fell to his death when a chunk of the train was blown off, launching him off to the canyon next to the tracks. Sad but determined Stephanie went on. Finding his program HYDRA Stephanie found out about the inhumane and cruel experiments Schmidt was conducting.

Stephanie fought Schmidt, now going by the title of Red Skull, in a long intensive battle. As Red Skull tried to escape in an air ship Stephanie Rogers caught up to him. Finally able to plant an explosive on the ship she detonated it as she stood near an open doorway to escape. Launching her out of the ship unconscious before crashing into the cold waters below. Stephanie Rogers and Red Skull were both presumed dead after an extensive search for her yielded no results for either. The man who played Captain America continued to do so unimpeded in television and movies. Eventually retiring and passing away in the year 1973 as a proud father of two children. His secret, and the truth about Captain America, never being revealed and instead considered nothing more than an insane conspiracy theory.

During a search though in the area in the year 2013, SHIELD found Stephanie Rogers' body. Intact and seemingly preserved in ice, researchers could only assume the super soldier serum acted as a sort of protection from frostbite and other things. During a careful thawing under medical watch. Stephanie Rogers slowly began to wake up. Confused she thought she was captured by Nazi forces, Stephanie fought her way out until breaking out of the secret lab she found herself in modern day Times Square. Nick Fury, someone she knew as part of the Howlin' Commandos, calmed her down as he helped her understand she was now 67 years into the future. The experience, while relieved in some ways knowing the good guys won the war, was traumatic for Stephanie. Although Stephanie was given a position within SHIELD, she wanted instead to spend a few years catching up on everything she missed.

When Stephanie went to check on the bank account she had growing up. Stephanie was stunned to found out the few dollars she had in it originally had inflated to absolutely insane levels. Using it to get a very nice apartment in Brooklyn, Stephanie started to get comfortable and start trying to pick up on everything she missed out on. While SHIELD had her also go out and study various martial arts as a means to stay active. However a few months into this new life, Stephanie was given a call to return to action. Due to an incoming attack of a massive being named Galactus.

The former Captain America suited up again, this time in brand new gear although still with her trusty shield. Captain America led the other heroes into the battle having seemingly never missing a step. The battle was long, wrought with casualties, but at the end of the day was won. With it the world finally found out the truth about Captain America as the US Government admitted to the man being an actor. She was given all the medals and achievements she was owed in a big ceremony in Washington DC.

As the whirlwind came to a close though Stephanie Rogers found out that during the war. Her superiors did feel guilty about having someone pose as Captain America. Planning to reward her properly for her hard work after the war. Plans and other work was put into place to help use her image to inspire women all over the country in a different way.

Feeling a new found sense of pride, Stephanie happily accepted joining the Avengers. Feeling her field medical work, and general army experience will hopefully provide a lot of help to the rest of the team.

Story Arcs:
- As Stephanie Rogers continues to struggle with being a woman out of her own time. A familiar foe re-emerges with a new evil force behind him. Hydra.
- Her long time best friend Bucky Barnes reappears in her life, only as a brainwashed agent who has been sent to kill her.

Supporting Cast:
Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, and the rest of the Howling Commandos - Stephanie worked with the crew plenty of times during the war, she'd trust any of them with her life, and is happy, although a little concerned, about Fury being leader of SHIELD.
Madeline Joyce - Another person who worked with her during the war. The fellow, and only other success in Project: Rebirth. Stephanie is close friends with Madeline and the only real friend she has in the current times.
Bucky Barnes - Stephanie's best friend growing up and closest ally during the war. Stephanie misses him dearly and still wishes he was around. Unaware he technically is.
Agent Coulson - The Captain America fanboy was stunned by the news of Stephanie being the real Captain America. Growing up idolizing the hero himself. Over time though Coulson has not only accepted but become friends with Stephanie.

Sample Post:

Radio City Music Hall

“Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American Way?”

“What is this?”

Stephanie Brown hasn’t been back in the states for some time, out fighting in the depths of Europe against the evil Axis forces. When she came back though, she was left with the surprise of her life. Her title of Captain America was becoming a strong, proud symbol of America’s strength during the war. Something she was proud of at first.

That is, until she found out WHO they saw Captain America as.

“Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right night and day?”

The chiseled man held up the shield made from a cheap metal, not at all the one Stephanie was using in the war. Prancing along to the music and proudly proclaiming how the American people could support the troops. All the while Stephanie quietly sat from behind the curtains. In a yellow dress with heels that were cramping her feet hard. Sitting on a costume trunk with a leg wrapped in. Looking on at a display on the stage that was equal parts shocking, insulting, and befuddling at the same time. They were burying her, there was no other way to put it. They were ashamed of the fact the person out there saving them was a woman.

“Man, they sure love ya...” As the familar voice of Bucky came in next to her. Stephanie’s long time best friend walking up and leaning against the same costume trunk. “I mean... they sure love him. Whoever the Hell this guy is.”

“His name was Eli something...” She was still too shocked to remember it. “He seemed like a decent enough fella. Still...” Stephanie didn’t know how to put it. Continuing to watch on as she felt a lump in her throat she couldn’t decide was from anger or sadness.

“Who’ll give the Axis the sack, and is smart as a fox?”

“Bustin’ your butt for this country, and it can’t even give you the recognition for it.” Bucky quietly remarked aloud as watched for a moment longer before turning to Stephanie. “What is this world coming too?”

Unable to answer Stephanie quietly hopped off the trunk and started to leave. She felt like she had seen plenty, and none of it she liked at all.

“Hey where ya goin’?” Bucky quickly caught up with Stephanie.

“Somewhere I can get a stiff drink, so I don’t break something.” Stephanie tried to pull away from Bucky’s grasp. Only for Bucky to finally gently hold her arm and make her stop and look at him. Turning to see a warm smile from Bucky in a fancy suit she never imagined him wearing.

“Hey I’m not doubting that for a second. I’m just saying wait up a moment. You think I want to see this sham?” Bucky gestured back to the show.

“Who’ll kick the Krauts to Japan?”

“Man that guy’s not even a very good dancer...” Bucky glanced back and shook his head. Watching on as the guy hoisted up a special prop motorcycle to look strong.

Stephanie turned back for a moment to the stage, only to quickly shake her head. “I’m noticing a lot more things wrong with this than his bad dancing.” She noted before going back to her goal of leaving the theater. Only after a few steps pausing, “Still.” She looked back at Bucky. "Least I got you knowing I exist.” Stephanie noted with a smile.

Bucky smiled back, “Hey what have I said? I’m with you ‘til the end of the line, pal.” Bucky wrapped an arm around Stephanie’s shoulder. “Now about that stiff drink...”

"The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nexus Prime
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Nexus Prime Alpha & Omega

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Nexus Prime

Peter Benjamin Parker
The Amazing, sometimes Sensational, always Spectacular, Spider-Man

Story Arcs:

- A new year at Empire State University, Peter must contend with both a forced arrangement in school, and an old foe returning. (Brief, introductory arc.)

- Sightings of the Lizard creature from several years ago crop up once more. The creature is attacking others with intelligence this time, but Curt claims he has none of the serum present in his blood, nor remembers changing again. Peter must figure out what the truth is, and determine if his godfather is lying about the serum.

- Street gangs and organized crime in the city is even wilder than before. With Rose on the loose, multiple criminals obtaining advanced technology, and seemingly new players on the field, Peter will have his hands full as Spider-Man.

- With financial struggles at home increasing and his part-time job as a photographer not covering the bills, Peter must figure out a new way to earn money, and fast. At the same time, a mysterious new figure takes to the skies of New York.

- Tons of other stuff and things.
(Note: the order of the arcs may change as the RP progresses.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty."
-- George S. Patton

Player Name: Nightrunner

Alias: The Black Panther

Real Name: T'Challa

Moral Alignment: WTL

Affiliation: The Black Panther

Character Origin & Backstory:
Wakanda has remained a pariah on the African continent for millennia, despite proving throughout every stage of its existence that it is a sterling example of progress. While not entirely responsible for their distinction from neighboring nations, their most valuable asset has always been the metal Vibranium, which is renowned for its durability, light weight, and absurd propensity for shock absorption. In all of its history it has never been conquered, with military might comparable to Rome, albeit without the empirical status. The leaders of the nation have always been identified as The Black Panther, as a way of identifying him as the sovereign leader in accord with their mythology. If you are not in line to inherit the position through heredity, to become the next Black Panther you must overcome the present Black Panther in unarmed combat, though this option has traditionally only been available one day out of the year. This has not always led to the most competent leadership.

In the nineteen eighties, Wakanda entered the rulership of T'Chaka, a skilled warrior, though known for his brash demeanor. Shortly after his rule began he received a request for a mining company, Klaw Industries, to extract Vibranium in exchange for a multimillion dollar compensation. Already exceedingly wealthy and highly protective of their cherished metal, T'Chaka declined. In response the company simply brought an army, which included many mutants, over the border along with their mining equipment. Rather than engage in combat with the Wakandan forces directly, they fought with ecological devastation, burning down the forests and polluting the rivers. In the end, the corporation was expelled and the Vibranium mines were protected, but the environmental damage was too extreme for life in Wakanda to continue being pleasant for the time.

For the mostpart, the citizens of Wakanda emigrated to a neighborhood in New York City because of its diverse population and status as an economic center, leaving their home to recover for a time. The vast majority, roughly 5,000, came to the NYC while the remainder scattered elsewhere, if they left their disfigured home at all. The mines, to this day, remain protected by a complex security system designed to keep anyone unauthorized out. The Wakandan people adapted, urbanizing as necessary without losing their sense of community. Their warriors changed in style from that of a formal army to resemble a street gang, whose members identified themselves as The Black Panthers, to the confusion of many. The figurehead of the community was still The Black Panther T'Chaka.

Having been born in America in the year 1990, T'Challa grew up with many benefits of being upper class despite living in a slum. Early on, his father recognized his superb intelligence and chose to nurture it with private tutoring, along with anyone else in the community who displayed special skills. T'Challa grew up taking a full share in combatting other gangs around the neighborhood (which has become known as New Wakanda), and he got rather good at it. He got so good, in fact, that his father instructed him to join the United States military just so that he could receive the training. He did just so, treating his time there like a college education for a fighter rather than intending to serve the interests of the United States. When he returned, he was a strong young man, and his condition inspired several other boys to follow his example of training.

At this point, he was unquestionably more powerful than his father T'Chaka, who resigned, largely on account of his own age catching up to him. Now imbued with the symbolic authority owed to the head of the Wakandan nation, T'Challa's first order of business was to make his presence known. The national treasury of Wakanda was an asset available to T'Challa, so he tapped into it to give the ceremonial garb of The Black Panther a modern update, reimagining it as a fully fledged battlesuit.

Wearing it, he made it abundantly clear that no rivals would be tolerated within the realm of the Black Panthers. Unfortunately, their past followed them. Within Wakanda, there had been one micronation that contained a rival to the Black Panther. The Cult of the White Gorilla followed the Wakandans to the states, bringing with them a man-ape bent on bringing about the death of The Black Panther. He did not succeed, on account of the fact that the Black Panther does not rely merely on his physical prowess.

Unsurprisingly, the extreme territorial nature of the Wakandan immigrants has brought the attention of the authorities. No police officers are actually welcome unless they are actively on The Black Panther's payroll. When they initially arrived, the members of the community were subject to scrutiny and prejudice, spilling over into harsh mistreatment from the police department. The Black Panthers have been sure to prevent further incidents from going unnoticed. Although some of the immigrants harbor a grudge against all of mutant kind on account their hand in the invasion of Wakanda.

Powers and Abilities:
T'Challa is a superb athlete. His physique is in a condition that comparisons to the ancient gods are not difficult to draw. He is well versed in a handful of martial arts, most of which are Eastern in origin, and has recieved training in both melee weapons and firearms alike. His intelligence is not something to shake a stick at, as he is considered a genius by many, and his education covers a vast swath of the sciences. He is very wealthy personally, and has the collective treasury of Wakanda in order to fund his ventures when necessary. When anticipating danger as well as when performing certain ceremonies, he wears his Black Panther suit, which has an exterior layer made of a Vibranium weave that is perfect for absorbing and diffusing forces within itself. It's propensity for absorbing vibration also makes it rather convenient for sneaking around and dropping from great heights. Among other armaments, the suit is equipped with retractable claws made of Anti-metal, a form of Adamantium that can create divisions in all other metals.

Sample Story Arcs:
Runoff - Several Wakandan immigrants are caught in an explosion set by an "eco-terrorist" group. T'Challa takes it as a personal attack on his people and determines that he will find the perpetrators and force them to face what they've done. In doing so, he has to confront his own feelings about the situation regarding Wakanda's damaged eco-system.

Injury - The black panther has been killed, the one belonging to the zoo that is. In a gruesome display of disdain for the Wakandan immigrants, a few boys from a nearby gang perform animal cruelty along with a series of other symbolic attacks at the Wakandan community. Teasing is one thing, but T'Challa isn't sure when the best time is to intervene and forcibly put a stop to it - if any.

Technicolor - A member of the police force unofficially joins the Black Panther gang as it's most aggressive proponent. It's been said that there is no preacher like a convert. The same principle applies in the case of the White Wolf, whose brutal methods are enough to stir the disapproval of the Black Panther and require intervention.

Rules: I read 'em.

Sample Post:

The Wakandan Sector, New York City
3:30 A.M.

Some men delude themselves into believing that the modern world provides them some sort of protection, some kind of separation from their primal, frenetic base instincts. They like to think that that there is nothing that they don't know about in the world and that the monster under their bed was never real. Monsters are real. Frighteningly so. You can assign them a genus if you'd like, but it will never change what they really are. Study will never take away their claws and fangs, their greed, or their malevolent aptitude. But surgery will.

In the concrete jungle of New York City, a hunter stalks his prey. Two hundred pounds of camouflage and muscle casually float through the thick shadow. The cloud of predation hangs there, lingering like the spectre of poverty over the aging parasitopolis. He is invisible, as undetectable as a pathogen hacked onto you by your well meaning grandmother.

Just beyond his line of sight inside a cozy little condemned motel, there are vultures picking at their carrion. Two of them specifically. One is staring into the blue light of his cell phone, wondering what pleasures his near future will bring him. The other is smiling, studying the contents of the wallet in his hand, the wallet he'd just lifted from the unconscious man by his side.

"Most.. Moist.. Moss.. eh.. Bomvera, male, thirty one years old," the walletholder reads. "We got a buyer, yet?"

"Yes sir. Thirty dollars. Enough to pay off Netflix and still have enough left over for a bag of popcorn," the one holding his cell phone reads.

"Y'know, it's really been bugging me lately. There has got to be an easier way to make a buck than this. I mean, some of these people are violent criminals, some of them have guns."

"Almost makes you think it's worth getting a job and earning an honest living."

"You got that right, partner. Almost!!!"

"Wah ha ha ha ha heh!" The pair burst into simultaneous laughter as they stand up before tossing the man's wallet back onto his body, keeping the thin pad of dollar bills in hand.

"Y'know, I could go for a burger right now."

"Can't swing it -- we won't have enough left over to cover Spotify. Those piracy charges are crazy anyways -- two hundred fifty grand for a single case of copyright infringement? No, thank you. I will buy my own vinyl collection first."

As the pair discuss the difficulties of life, they do not notice the ebony silhouette creeping noiselessly through their window sill. They do not heed the sound of their stirring victim's groaning. They do not recognize the mistake they have made. Frightened from the clawed hand materializing on their shoulders, they do not maintain their poise nor their high spirits. And they do not stand the faintest chance against the mighty Black Panther!

Their screams punctuate the late hour of the night like a period at the end of a sentence.

"Give him back what you have stolen!" The Black Panther commands, digging his claws into the men's shoulders. They scream again.

"We can't," one whimpers, "it's his identity. We sold his identity."

"Then you owe him an identity, don't you?" The Panther suggests, persuading the men with a stronger squeeze.

"Okay! O-kaaayy!!" The cell phone holder concedes, producing his own wallet. "Just stop squeezing, please."

The Panther concedes before snatching the wallet and scanning over each and every one of the thieves' cards, taking pictures with a camera installed within his mask. "You owe this man more than your identity, where is his money?"

Silently, the man who'd held the billfold surrendered every last time he'd taken. "We're sorry. Okay?"

"You hear that, Moise? They said they're sorry. Is that good enough?" The Panther asks his comatose countryman, who nods his head in an affirmative manner. "It would seem he is feeling merciful today. Pray that you ruffians never need our mercy again. That well is starting to run dry."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago


"Ah, welcome to mi casa! It's French for 'front door'."

Your Name: The Kid Lantern

Character Name: Fred L.

Character Alias: Fredzilla, will come up with a better codename eventually

Character Allignment: Neutral Good

Character Appearance:

Fred is a lean muscular young man with longish light brown hair and green eyes. He stands around six feet tall and is always seen wearing his toboggan caps. When on missions he wears a battle suit of red scales and black. When in kaiju form he stands between 200-250 feet tall but often leans down. His kaiju form resembles a red version of the Godzilla remake...

Characters Abilities: Fred has the ability to tap into the power of a giant red kaiju for enhanced strength, enhanced durability, and fire breath. He's also resistant to fire. The longer Fred taps into the power the more he begins to look like a reptile and begins showing scales, teeth, and the ridged body parts [mainly his forearms], however it isn't long after he actually becomes a giant kaiju if the need arises.

At regular human size Fred can tap into about a quarter of the kaiju's power. His strength gives him the ability to lift roughly 10,000 pounds [this weight is right around the weight of a 40' cargo container as well as a monster truck]. His durability at this size protects him from heavy fire arms, and he can even survive dropping out of a helicopter.

In kaiju form his strength level goes up with his size but still nowhere near the untapped limits of strength his comic counterpart shows. The monster's max lift here would be roughly 40,000 pounds [around the weight of a mobile home or a loaded greyhound bus]. His durability is mostly still the same however now explosives do less damage than before.

The fire breath and resistance to fire remains the same, just in kaiju form a fire breath would be much larger.

Character Weaknesses: Fred as well as the kaiju can both still be effected by flash grenades, sonics, energy/electrical attacks not including fire, mental attacks, as well as superior strength. This guy could probably take two or three Sentinels on in kaiju form, but four or more would neutralize the beast. He's also able to get sick just like anybody, and gas based grenades and attacks would also effect him the same.

Characters Skills: Fred likes to quote old action movies, and is a movie buff. He also comes from a rich family so he has access to many things others normally wouldn't have access to like private planes.

Origin Story:

🐲 🐲 🐲 🐲 Early Life

Fred's father was a scientist who earned his fortune reverse engineering technology from other worlds for the United States Army over the last several decades. For a time in the mid 90's he would work at trying to reproduce the Abraham Erskine Super-Soldier Serum used in creating Captain America. When the scientist thought he cracked the formula in '98 after the birth of his son months earlier, the US Army was quick to find a candidate.The formula used on Corporal Todd Ziller used a combination of mutant growth hormones, gamma enhancements, and other questionable technology. With his wife and infant son Fred at what was supposed to be the birth of the next Captain America, tragedy struck and what emerged from the transformation process was something of a monster not unlike Godzilla. The military seemingly took the beast down but not before it caused the deaths of several soldiers as well as Fred's mother. Nobody seemed to notice a drop of the creature's blood dripped in the young child's mouth.

After a troubled upbringing without his mother, all the money in the world couldn't have made Fred any less of a slacker and the complete opposite of his brilliant father while living life in Greenwich Village in lower Manhattan. He was an average student all the way through high school and insisted after the 6th grade his father put him in public school. He read a lot of comics and science fiction magazines, loved watching the Discovery Channel and the shows about aliens, ancient civilizations, and monsters. He was also a big fan of action films and anything with Godzilla. Without much effort and getting closer to his high school graduation Fred got into incredible shape and just chalked it up to being mellow and easy going.

🐲 🐲 🐲 🐲 2014 - My Own Monster

Shortly after graduating, Fred got his own apartment in Brooklyn. Living in the Sheepshead Bay area by the ocean near the community college, Fred continued to live a life without want until noticing scales coming up on his skin off and on for several days. He discovered his strength when rearranging his apartment and lifting his fridge by accident with one hand. His fire breath came sometime after when he was in his marjuana phase and early on he thought he was just tripping out. That was until he caused fire damage to three floors of his apartment complex. After several hundreds of thousands of dollars went into the reconstruction Fred realized what he thought was his destiny: becoming a superhero.

When a strange creature came up from the ground splitting concrete and asphault and putting evening traffic to a halt, Fred went into action in a sleeveless hoodie throwing heavy debris at the creature in an attempt to knock it out. More and more scales came up on Fred's bare arms and he noticed other things happening to his skin and muscles as well as his teeth. The fire would eventually ignite within him and a large red kaiju like creature emerged where the teen millionaire once stood. The young would be hero defeated the monster, but not before the military caught wind of what had happened.

Believing Todd Ziller's body had somehow been reanimated, the US Army reached out to Fred's father who was already putting the pieces together. After Fred went into hiding for several weeks staying with ex girlfriends and stoner friends from school, his father and the military came for him.

🐲 🐲 🐲 🐲 2016 - Big Hero

After training with the US military for a couple years in both the United States and Japan, Fred was finally given some downtime and moved back to his apartment in Brooklyn. He was a little quieter, still funny when he felt the need, and still very much a slacker. He longed for the days of being a real superhero, having his own arch enemies, and a secret HQ... but for now he had to make due with being an agent on call for the US Military. He was a bit bummed he wasn't in town to help fight against Galactus, but hopes one day to tussle with the likes of Goliath should he ever escape custody or an off the grid Sentinel. Fred also applied and was accepted to the Kingsborough Community College across the Bay where he's majoring in English as well as acting as the school mascot. Fred has also taken to doing as much charity work as he can squeeze in volunteering at the Salvation Army as well as other projects.

"It's called recycling. One pair lasts me four days. I go front, I go back, I go inside out, then I go front and back."

Story Arcs:

"American Kaiju in London" - Joining his father on a meeting in Europe, their private plane was taken down by what appeared to be a giant dragon creature simply called X. Fred goes into action but not before one of Europe's more prominent heroes hits the scene: Captain Britain. Could the creature really have been spawned from the old typewriter of a man named Charles Bentley?

Showdown in the Swamp - A creature dubbed 'Monstrom' is making problems for a military ammunition plant down in the swamps of Louisiana, and the US Army asks for Fred's assistance.

Young Super Team Awesome - Eventually Fred will meet other young superhumans, and probably form a team.

Supporting Cast:

Enemies - Goom, Rommbu, Monstrom, other Marvel Monsters including X, rogue Sentinels, and Goliath [later forges the superhero alias Atlas], as well as a reanimated Todd Ziller. Possibly Plantman?

Supporting Cast - 'Dad', Charles Bentley [intro arc only], Captain Britain [intro arc only], US Military [possibly SHIELD?], 4th or 5th string female hero who lives in his building... possibly Nomi Blume from the Ultimate Universe? Mutant with untrained magnetic based powers?

Sample Post:

Season 1 All Star Marvel - 3D Man Post

Season 2 All Star Marvel - Stingray Post

Another Random Post From Another RP

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Herakles battles the three-bodied giant Geryones
Attic Black FIgure, Archaic Period

Your Name: Dedonus

Character Name: Herakles

Character Alias: Hercules

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Characters Abilities:
-Olympian Immortality: Olympians are immortal, preventing them from any form of death. While he may be injured (and this takes quite some effort to do), Herakles has the ability to recover quickly from any injury.
-Heraklean Strength: Herakles’ strength is almost immeasurable. In the sense of raw power, Herakles is the strongest of all the Olympians (although Zeus is still the most powerful when other factors are taken into account).
-Olympian Physiology: As the son of Zeus, Herakles has the endurance, speed, and durability of the Olympian gods.

Characters Skills:
-Weapons Master: Herakles is proficient in various hand-to-hand and ranged combat. These include bows, spears, swords, and even unarmed fighting (boxing or wrestling). As the greatest hero of Greece, his adventures allowed him to hone these skills and become a dangerous warrior.

Origin Story:

Story Arcs:
Sons of Gods: Long ago, Hercules and the Norse God, Thor, fought each other that eventually ended in a stalemate. Now, word has come to Hercules’ ears that some imposter is using the name of his worthy adversary. It is time to show this imposter the Might of Hercules!

Love & War: Herakles must prevent the Omphalos from falling into the wrong hands, so that they might not reshape the world in their image.

The Wrath of Hera: Hera continues to make more plots to make Hercules’ life difficult. Maybe releasing a bunch of supervillains from SHIELD custody might be a good start.

The 2nd Titanomachy: For centuries, the Titans have been imprisoned in Tartarus, the max-security prison in Erebus. But know, since they have escaped this prison, it is time for Kronos and his siblings to retake their rightful place as the high gods and the rulers of Earth.

Team Potential: Whether it is with the Avengers, the Champions, or some other team, Hercules will be a valuable asset for any group that accepts him into their ranks.

Supporting Cast:
Allies and Friends:
Athena: The Greek Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare. Half-sister of Herakles and constant companion of various Greek heroes, including Herakles.
Zeus: The Father of Gods and Men.
Hebe: Half-Sister and Wife.
Various brothers and sisters: Zeus has over 100 kids. That’s WAY too many to list here.

Thor: The Norse God of Thunder. Hercules had a monumental battle against this god in the past. He is an equal in Hercules' strength.

Hera: Queen of the Gods and Consort of Zeus. Punishes Zeus’ lovers and their children because Hera herself does not have many important children. While the marriage between Hebe and Herakles was supposed to end her feud, sometimes Hera just cannot let a grudge go.
Hippolyta: Queen of the Amazons.
Ares: The Son of Hera and Zeus, despised by all of the gods, save Aphrodite.

Hades: Ruler of the Underworld. Satisfied with his lot, but hates it when people break into his house and steals his possessions, like Kerberos.

Sample Post:
Arachne from Create-A-Hero RPG #1: Second portion focuses on Athena.
Arachne from Create-A-Hero RPG #2: Another focus on Athena (written in collab with Nitemare Shape - fellow GM of Create-A-Hero RPG)
Spider-Man from All-Star Marvel: Peter and Angelica Jones
Ms. Marvel from All-Star Marvel: Captain Marvel vs. the Brood
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 18 min ago


Your Name: Mattmanganon
Character Name: Cain Marko
Character Alias: Juggernaut
Character Allignment: Walking The Line / Villain (Has no real evil thoughts, he just has an insatiable lust for destruction.)
Character Appearance: Cain is a monolith of a man, approximately 8 foot tall with muscles each the size of beach-balls. He has short black hair and deep brown eyes. He is always seen wearing a large dome-like helmet and a crimson armour.
Characters Abilities:

Avatar of Cyttorak - Being possessed by the spirit of Cyttorak, the God of Destruction, Juggernaut has become a tool of pure, unadulterated destruction. These powers include:

Super Strength - Having become somewhat a Demi-God, he is easily able to lift over 300 tons over his head and throw it.

Super Speed - Although it takes him approximately 5 seconds to get from 0-60mph, he has no definable top speed. He seems to get faster and faster the more he runs. So far, he his highest recorded speed clocked in at 160mph.

Super Durability - In order to accomplish the arduous task of causing destruction to feed Cyttorak, he was granted nae-invulnerability. Although he is capable of being worn down by fatigue, breaking his skin is almost impossible.

Unstoppable - As the name "Juggernaut" might imply, he is somewhat unstoppable. Once he gets up to speed, there is almost nothing that can slow his momentum by force. He can plow straight through a solid mountain without losing a single bit of his speed. Of course, this can be used against him, as if he is going too fast, he will find trouble stopping himself.

Conduit of The Crimson Cosmos - Juggernaut is a conduit of the Crimson Cosmos, a dimension of pure energy, built to contain Cyttorak. The Crimson Gem that is fused with his soul constantly is linked directly with the Crimson Cosmos and floods his body with its mystical energy, this means that, so long as the Crimson Cosmos has energy, so does Juggernaut. Thanks to this link, the energy constantly regenerates his human bodies cells. He never needs to eat, sleep or drink, although he can if he wishes to. And on the very rare occasions that his body is damaged, he will be completely healed within hours. This link is also what provides him with his armour, known as the Crimson Cosmos Armour, which is indestructable, easily able to deflect blows from the likes of Hulk and Thor with relative ease.


Magic - As his power comes from magic, also does his bane come from it. Non-Magical constructs he can plow through as though it weren't there, but magical constructs will give him difficulty if they are of a strong enough nature.

Psionic Attack - As indestructable his physical form is, his spiritual and mental form are offered no such protection. A powerful psionic can easily get inside his head and shut him down the way they could any other human. However, this weakness is mitigated by his helmet, which, whilst on, makes him invulnerable to such attacks.

Characters Skills:

Tactical Thinking - As powerful as Juggernaut is, he still retained his training from his army days and knows a great deal about ambush tactics. Most enemies are caught completely off-guard when he actually starts setting up ambushes, thinking he is nothing but a brainless brute.

Origin Story: Born as the only biological son of Dr Kurt Marko, Cain was a relatively happy child until the age of 5, when his parents divorced and he was forced to live with his father. After his fathers scientific research partner, Dr Brian Xavier, died, Dr Marko quickly grew close to his widowed wife and within the year they had married. He had always wanted a younger brother and for a time, things seemed good... But soon, due to a breakdown in his research, his father began to turn to alcoholism. Neglected, heartbroken and married to a man that only wanted her for her money, Sharon Xavier took her own life when Cain was only 7 years old and Charles only 4. Cain and Charles were regularly beaten by him. Although Cain would stand up for his little brother, regularly coming to blows with his father, which resulted in further beatings. In school, Cain and Charles were polar opposites. Charles was a genius, a perfect student, whilst Cain was struggling to get so much as a "You Tried" star-sticker from his own teacher. Cain grew into a thug, although woe-betide any other bully that picked on Charles (Whom he lovingly nick-named "Chucky")

When Cain was 17 years old, he joined the Army, just glad to get away from his father, with the intention of coming back for his younger brother after a few tours to hopefully get him away from their father. After serving a tour in Germany for 6 months, Cain returned for a few weeks on leave to visit Charles. It took less than 4 hours before he came to blows with their father in his lab. Having received army training and fighting a scientist that had spent 3 years of no exercise and constant alcohol abuse, Cain easily bested his father, but couldn't seem to stop himself, just punching his father over and over. Charles, who's powers had developed by this point, used them to stop Cain before he killed Dr Marko. Cain, feeling violated, retreated to his room. Dr Marko stumbled back into his lab, but unfortunately, due to some spilled chemicals during the fight, the lab caught fire and Dr Marko was killed.

Cain was given Grievance leave and looked after his brother for a year, very rarely talking with him. He had felt utterly violated and became scared of what Charles could do. Soon, this fostered into a soft loathing and resentment for what his brother could do and after a fight, which Charles used his mental powers to win, Cain left home.

Cain dropped off the radar for some time, he wasn't seen again by the civilized world until many years later when Charles formed an expedition to visit an ancient ruin in Cambodia. He managed to track down his older Step-Brother and hired him to protect them from the bandits and guerrilla fighters that made the mountains their home. Although the brothers were able to talk on the trip, not much was established, communication wise, beyond Cains acceptance that his brother could do things that Cain himself never could. It was at the temple that Cain found a glowing ruby that spoke into his soul and told him to grab it. Powerless before the gem of a god, he grabbed it and was consumed by power, transforming into the massive, hulking Juggernaut. It was at this point that Xavier tried to reason with his older brother, but it was no use. Destroying the temple on the way out, Juggernaut went on monstrous rampage across Europe.

It wasn't until Britain, his and Charles' homeland, came under deep threat from an attempt from a shady orginization (Whom they never found out was actually the not-so-defunct HYDRA) that Cain was given his sanity back. Gathered by Merlin, all of the greatest of British super-powered individuals were brought together to become a force to protect the British Isles from all threats. Charles and Cain were brought in to assist Captain Britain, Psylocke, Nightcrawler and Shadowcat. After the crisis was averted, Charles and Cain sat down and talked things out. Charles offered to help him get rid of Cyttorak, but Cain ultimately refused, he wasn't quite ready to let Charles into his head just yet.

After going to America, Cain has been once again consumed by the rage of Cyttorak and forced to destroy.

Story Arcs:

Attempted Self Control - Britain may be safe now, but America just got a hell of a problem. Cain is attempting to bring the Gem of Cyttorak under control by himself, but as the many superheroes of America find out, his plan isn't going so well.

The Brothers Reunite - After having been beaten and stopped on multiple occasions by the heroes of America, Cain decides that it is time, he visits Charles and takes him up on his offer to try and quell the insatiable need for destruction.

Juggernaut of the X-Men - Having regained his sanity to the point where he can control himself, he wants to put his power to good use, now becoming Chucky's defender once again, just like in school.

Man or Monster? - The lack of destruction on Cain's part is starting to anger Cyttorak and now, Cain is starting to lose his power. Soon, Cain will be just a regular human again... But does he truly want to give up his power?

Kuurth, Breaker of Stone - When the 7 Hammers of The Serpent are sent to earth, they call on Earth's 7 mightiest warriors. During which time, Cain is called by one. To compliment his already nae-invulnerability and boundless strength, he has a magic hammer, not too disimilar to Mjolnir that grants him EVEN more power.

J2 - HE HAS A SON?!?!?!?! Ok, it's a son from a parallel universe, but still, this is weird and freaky.

Supporting Cast:

Charles Xavier: His younger Stepbrother and formerly his best friend in the world. He now runs the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, as well as The X-Men.

Captain Britain: A former member of Excalibur, the two actually do keep in touch.

Psylocke: A Mutant, former member of Excalibur and Captain Britains younger sister. Although she see's him as naught but a muscle-bound meathead, she nonetheless respects his power.

The X-Men: A typical thorn in his side. He understands that he can't just be allowed to destroy everything, but he still finds them incredibly annoying for attacking him whilst he's trying to destroy things.

Sample Post:
An example of a long, drawn out fight scene Part 2
I love writing Sadistic people, they can be a lot of fun :3
A little romance
How the Love-Birds in the previous post met
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Your Name: TimeMasterX
Character Name: Stephen Strange
Character Alias: Doctor Strange
Character Allignment: Neutral Good

Skills: Before his accident Dr Stephen Strange was a well respected medical surgeon; his medical skills are still highly regarded by those in the know and he has a clear knowledge of the human body. Strange has a very good memory, able to retain vast amounts of knowledge in his mind through sheer willpower.

Origin Story: Doctor Stephen Strange was a well respected and brilliant medical surgeon with his own private practice in New York catering almost exclusively to the rich and famous. He was well known for his self-confidence that all-too-often manifested itself as sheer arrogance; he was one of the few people in the medical profession who was well known for his appearance at high profile parties and events, as much of a playboy as his well paying clients. However, it was this lifestyle that would ruin Strange. While making his way home from a very flamboyant and public nightclub a drunken Strange ended up in a high speed collision that left him critically injured and in hospital. While his general injuries were treated, Stephen found that his hands had been mangled beyond repair by the accident; leaving him unable to perform surgery.

Stephen left his practice and sunk into a deep depression, few of his associates would even return his calls and he certainly was excluded from any high profile soirees. Several months later Stephen, full of debts and self-pity, found himself atop a tall building; foot extended over a large fall. A voice filled his mind and, encouraging him not to give up, implanted a location where he could be made whole once more. Stephen felt himself be drawn to a deserted house in Greenwich Village; upon entering he was greeted in the old home by a young man who identified himself as 'Wong'. Wong escorted Stephen to the house's attic which was illuminated by a striking stained glass window; upon noticing a sigil in the glass Stephen found himself transported into a cold and unfamiliar place where he was greeted by more strangers, hooded figures and an old man.

The old man introduced himself as the 'Ancient One' and explained that he had summoned Stephen to his presence; the hooded figures with him were acolytes and students. The Ancient One was Earth's 'Sorcerer Supreme' and was responsible for protecting this plane of reality from interlopers; he could mend Stephen's hands with his magical abilities but would only do so if Stephen pledged to learn from him and to take his place as Sorcerer Supreme. Stephen scoffed at the idea of magic but, with a display of his power that boggled the surgeon’s mind, the Ancient One soon inducted Stephen into his tutelage.

Time blurred to Stephen during his training; his hands were mended over a period of sessions with the Ancient One and he had become adept at accessing the dormant magical energies that the Ancient One informed him existed inside every living being. It had become apparent that the Ancient One was preparing his acolytes (of which Stephen was now a member) until one was ready to replace him as Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. It also became apparent that there were certain acolytes who were trying to beat the system.

After a few years and several adventures Stephen completed his training and was named Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He returned to the empty house in Greenwich Village and was somewhat surprised to find it furnished and homely, replete with mystical artefacts and other items of power. Stephen found himself greeted by Wong who was remaining in the house, naming it the Sanctum Sanctorum, to be Strange's assistant and housekeeper.

Strange, invigorated by his new role, decided that he would not return to the life that he knew and would instead protect this plane of reality from all the horrors and maladies that he had discovered in his training. He would do so as 'Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme'.

Story Arcs: List the Arcs you have planned with a (brief) explanation.
House Calls: The Sanctum Sanctorum is a very powerful location in the mystical world and Doctor Strange's new tenancy has not gone unnoticed. As Doctor Strange settles into his new role he will soon discover that it is not only doctors who make house calls...

Hippocratic Oath: A dark figure from Strange's past turns up asking for the doctor's assistance. Will Strange obey his vow as a medical practitioner and give aid to someone who has only caused him pain?

The Doctor is Out: Doctor Strange does not exist. The world spins on and no one has ever heard of Doctor Stephen Strange. But in Greenwich Village there is a little girl living in an attic who is having nightmares of a man with broken hands.

Supporting Cast:

Wong - Doctor Strange's assistant and housekeeper; he assists Doctor Strange in his work. He is a serious man and places his duty above all else.

The Ancient One - Doctor Strange's mentor and former Sorcerer Supreme. He resides in another land only reachable with the application of magic but often advises his protege through mystical means, often through mirrors. An old hero who still has much wisdom to teach, his only desire is for Stephen to be better than he was and to avoid making the mistakes that the Ancient One was guilty of.

Baron Mordo - A mystical contemporary of Doctor Strange, Mordo was an acolyte of the Ancient One long before Stephen arrived and bitterly resents the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme passing to Strange rather than himself. He is a formidable magic user and has clashed with Strange on several occasions prior to this.

The Vishanti - A series of magical patrons who allow Strange access to their powers, spells and abilities. Among their number is Agamotto, Oshtur and Hoggoth.

Vlad Drake - A repo-man with an unfortunate ancestry; Vlad Drake (not his real name) is a hundred year old vampire who Strange rescued from vampire hunters early in his career. Vlad considers himself in Stephen's debt and has vowed to someday repay him.

Clea - Stephen... doesn't talk about Clea.

[hider=Sample Post:]

Hospital Morgue, Ellis Island

Jeff Davies was a slow man, 57 years old and with a gut to show for it, he was known by other members of the hospital as 'Slow Jeff' (they were hardly the most innovative bunch) on account of his wheeling bodies to the morgue in a manner that could only be described as 'dawdling'.

He was currently wheeling a member of the recently deceased into the morgue and was grumbling; the elevator had gotten stuck on the second floor of the hospital for half an hour and the corpse he was transporting, stuck in a small hot space, had begun to smell.
His sullen efforts to ease the gurney into the cool room of the morgue ceased when he cleared the door.

There was a man already in the room.

The man was shady, there was no other word for it, he was clad in a long dark maroon coat with a blue hoodie pulled up around his face, shadowing his features, Jeff thought he could make out a goatee and some piercing blue eyes but was unable to get a good look at him under the hood. Indeed, Jeff could not garner much of an impression from the man, other than he was bent over a corpse.

This was not unusual, nor was the fact that the stranger had a body laid out in front of him on its table. Families of the deceased were sometimes allowed to remain with a body after identifying it and were even allowed privacy with a loved one on occasion. No, what Jeff Daniels found odd was that the stranger appeared to be drawing on the pale skin of the corpse, Jeff couldn't see what was being illustrated but he was not impressed.

'Alright, I don't know who you are,' Jeff found himself surprised at the strength of his normally croaky voice, 'but if you don't stop that and get out I'm calling security.'

The stranger barely paid him any heed. 'Hmm, yes carry on,' his voice had an odd accent, almost like a British man mimicking a New Yorker's dialect and not quite succeeding. 'Don't mind me, just doing some post op.'

Jeff felt the blood colour his face with anger. 'Now look here!' He strode forward and actually grabbed the man's arm, pulling him away from the body. 'I heard about people like you, makes me sick, have some respect for the dead!'

The man angrily shoved at Jeff, causing the older hospital worker to fall backwards and nearly collapse to the floor. Jeff looked up at the man and was surprised at his height and lithe physique. 'Listen to me,' the stranger's voice was urgent now, 'there is something very old and very bad coming here and I'm trying to make sure it can't gain a foothold in this realm and it really would help if there wasn't some well-meaning idiot getting in my way!' This last part came out as a half-shout and the stranger stopped himself, a little embarrassed at his outburst, before turning back to the body and continuing with his drawing.

Now that Jeff was closer he could see that the stranger wasn't merely drawing on the corpse, he was using some implement to carve symbols into the very flesh of the cadaver.

'That's disgusting.' He said, more to himself but the stranger clearly heard.
'Believe me I take no pleasure in this.' The stranger sounded almost apologetic, 'but if I don't get this right we'll all be in a lot of-'

A crash sounded in the corner of the room as a door opened and closed, seemingly of it's own accord.


The corpse that the stranger had been carving into suddenly rose from the table as though it had merely been taking a nap. Jeff was stunned by this development and practically jumped out of his skin when the corpse began flail about; he had watched zombie films with his daughter and had laughed at her terror, the reality just didn't quite register.

The stranger did not seem in the least surprised by this turn of events, indeed his first move was to place his hand on the face of the corpse and to murmur a few words that Jeff didn't quite understand. The corps- the zombie (Jeff decided to just call it what it was) seemed to comprehend the stranger's words as it immediately quietened sown and lay back on the table.

Jeff crossed himself and felt foolish, he hadn't been to church since Catholic school. The stranger chuckled, 'we're not dealing with a devil don't worry. Just a visitor from another realm who really should know better.' He took his implement and continued to carve into the body.

Jeff remained silent as the stranger explained that there were forces beyond human understanding passing all around everyone and everything, most were harmless and content to observe humanity but others wanted to 'get their hands dirty'.

'The dead, the recently dead bodies anyway, are an easy means for certain beings to enter our world. They don't care about what might happen to it or anything around.' The stranger explained, 'like a child playing a video game and blowing up everything they can find.' He chuckled, amused at the comparison while Jeff tried to remember a video game later than Miss Pac-Man. 'It's all not quite real for them, the laws of reality treat them a little differently to us, beings like this one,' he gestured with his empty hand to the corpse that lay peacefully on the table, 'can do whatever it wants without fear of injury or death. You wouldn't really care about a used car as long as you stayed safe right?'

Jeff just nodded, convinced that as long as he didn't actually interact with the madness he would stay sane.

'I'm warding the body to keep the door firmly closed.' The stranger stood up, apparently finished with his work. The presence will leave the body when it gets bored and gives up.'[/color] As if to prove the stranger's point the corpse shook in an almost impotent manner before becoming very still once more. 'I've been going around all the morgues in the city, as long as I do this to a body every few months the effect will linger and keep the boundaries present without me needing to be involved.' The stranger paused, 'I got careless tonight though, nearly too late this time.'

The stranger appeared to consider Jeff carefully. 'Maybe...' He mused before suddenly placing his palm right against Jeff's face and murmuring something under his breath.

Jeff opened his mouth to object but was cut off before he could begin by a wave of affability that washed over him; so what if this total stranger was invading his personal space? It didn't matter in the long run.

'Now,' the stranger spoke in a flat tone, taking care to enunciate every syllable that passed through his lips. 'You will mark a new body that comes through this morgue every month in the same way as this.' He gestured to the body that he himself had been marking. Jeff found the symbols etched into the corpse's skin burning themselves into his memory, somehow he just knew he would remember them forever.
'Make sure you do it after the bodies have been cleared for burial, it is vital no one else knows.' Jeff nodded, the stranger made good sense and he would follow the instructions to the letter.

Clearly satisfied, the stranger pressed the implement that he had been using into Jeff's hand and gave one further command. 'When I leave this room you will forget you ever saw me. You will remember my commands as a personal mission but that is all.' With that the stranger removed his palm from Jeff's head and, making his way around the corpse that Jeff had been wheeling into the room, opened the door and left the morgue.

Jeff blinked, suddenly unsteady on his feet, he gripped the table next to him and looked at the corpse below. The markings were plain to see and he looked at the implement in his fist; he'd done a good job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

♦ T H E A S T O N I S H I N G W A S P ♦
“You've just been stung!”


Born in Cresskill, New Jersey, Janet Van Dyne had a very privileged childhood due to her family’s wealth. She grew up a socialite, spending her youth being shown off by her parents at fancy galas and parties. Janet rather enjoyed the spotlight, soon turning into a charismatic and friendly young woman. Her life wasn’t all fun though, as during her childhood her mother tragically passed away, leaving her in the care of her father, Vernon Van Dyne. Being a scientist and spending most of his time working, Vernon struggled to connect with his daughter. As such, he eventually decided to enrol her in a prestigious boarding school, which would give her an opportunity to bond with people her own age, as well as receive a tremendous education. Janet was enraged at first because of this, however in time she calmed herself, making friends at her new school, as well as coming to understand her father’s reasoning for his actions; she was too much like her mother.

When the time came to deciding on colleges, Janet set her sights on Greyburn College in New York City. This was in an attempt to spend more time with her father, who was a key researcher and funder of the College’s Research and Development Labs. Glad to be reunited, the two began getting dinner with each other once every week, in an attempt to maintain and strengthen their previously rough relationship.

It was at one of these dinners that Janet was introduced to the handsome young Dr. Hank Pym, one of her father’s colleagues. Hank was a scientific genius, excelling in a wide range of subjects such as biochemistry, physics, engineering, robotics, as well as AI, with him receiving his Doctorate well before any of his peers. Hank and Janet hit it off quite quickly, with the two beginning a romantic relationship with each other. On top of this, Janet’s schoolwork was going well, with her deciding to major in fashion design, something she was extremely talented at.

However disaster struck when during an experiment with Hank’s creation; the Pym Particle, a being known as Pilai was brought into their dimension from the Microverse. During the conflict at the lab, Pilai murdered Vernon.

A devastated Janet turned to Hank for help in avenging her father’s death, who in turn revealed himself to be the superhero Ant-Man, who used his Pym-Particles and cybernetic ant-controlling helmet to fight crime. Before he could go hunting for Pilai, Janet begged him to let her help. Reluctantly, Hank agreed to temporarily infuse Janet with his Pym Particles, allowing her to shift in size, as well as implanting her with a set of Bio-Synthetic Wings that he had been recently working on. Quickly designing a costume that mirrored that of Ant-Man’s, Janet became the Wasp!

Tracing Pilai’s energy signature, the two costumed heroes managed to easily track down the creature’s location. However dispite their combined abilities, they were no match for Pilai. That was until they discovered that Pilai was actually made up of formic acid, after he began to secrete some after an attack. As such, Hank hit him with a formula of Ant-Formic acid which dissolved him instantly.

Returning back to his lab, Hank planned to drain the Pym Particles back out of Janet’s body, like they had agreed prior. However, Janet refused, with her having thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, loving the rush that came with the heroics. As such, they agreed to become crime fighting partners, with Hank further improving her arsenal by editing her biology so that she could emit blasts of bio-energy from her hands, which she dubbed her wasp stingers.

At first they attempted to simply handle petty street crime, stopping muggings and robberies out of sight in their small size. That was until they encountered their first actual super powered opponent; a mutant by the name of David Cannon caught Hank and Janet’s attention after performing a series of jewel heists. The two intervened although neither them, or Hank’s army of ants, were a match for the villain’s speed, with him overpowering them easily before escaping. What more, was that the attack had also caused a large amount of property damage, severely tarnishing the two heroes’ media image. Fortunately their second encounter ended differently, with Janet regrowing to her regular size, before blasting him with a full-sized wasp sting. The blast, more powerful while she was at regular size, knocked him unconscious instantly. The conflict was fortunately captured on camera, thus reigniting their heroic image in the eyes of the public.

Shortly after finding themselves plastered all over the news, the two were approached by an organization by the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. Given their superhuman abilities, the organization had been keeping a close eye on the couple for some time. They offered the two places amongst their ranks, although in the end the two of them declined, although agreed to help them in the future if the situation required it.

Over the years they faced more and more threats, with the two building up a rogue gallery of sorts. One such rogue was Alexander Gentry, also known as the Porcupine. There was also Liso Trago, a man capable of controlling both animals and people using his music.

It was during this time that the two were married, with the husband and wife superhero team being as happy as ever. Or so Janet thought. What she wasn’t aware of at the time, was that as a result of Hank’s constant exposure to early forms of his Pym Particle, his mental state was starting to waver, with the particles impacting greatly on the Doctor’s bi-polar disorder. He regularly became enraged at every defeat, shouting at Janet behind closed doors back at their lab, and even occasionally in public out in the field. This behaviour grew worse however when their media attention began to waver, with news stations such as the Daily Bugle preferring to focus on other New York Superheroes, such as the infamous Spider-Man.

During one particular nervous breakdown, Hank decided that if he could build a robot to attack Manhattan, he could defeat it and be a hero in the eyes of the world. Janet was furious when she discovered her husband’s plans, and tried to intervene, only for Hank to strike her across the face. Before Janet could stop him, he unleashed his creation, only to find himself overpowered by the robot. Luckily Wasp managed to recover, with Janet saving the day by hitting the weak spot in its armour that Hank had purposefully created for him to hit.

Despite knowing that Hank’s actions were a result of his mental illnesses and wanting to help him overcome them, Janet felt like she couldn’t deal with the abuse any longer, and as such, decided to begin divorce proceedings. At the same time, she contacted S.H.I.E.L.D, and after a private word with its director, Nicholas Fury, convinced them to offer Hank a job as one of their lead scientists. In truth, the job other was a way of Janet giving Hank the care he needed, as well as making sure that someone was keeping an eye on him.

While Hank retired from super heroics due to his new job, Janet continued her life as the Wasp, now working alone. During this time, she faced David Cannon once more, who had now taken up the alias Whirlwind, as well as sporting a green armoured costume for defense against her stingers.

On top of this, she began to focus once more on her career as a fashion designer, with Janet realizing that her time studying fashion design was one of the best periods of her life. After finally finishing her degree, she formed a start-up company which she called Yellowjacket. Due to her expertise in both business and fashion design, as well as her popularity as the superheroine known as the Wasp, Yellowjacket soon became one of the most relevant fashion & design firms in New York City.

Once her life was finally starting to go more smoothly, another disaster struck, as a giant purple being landed in Kansas, threatening to destroy the planet. Working alongside with S.H.I.E.L.D, as well as many of the Earth’s mightiest heroes, Wasp helped lead the charge against the being which they dubbed Galactus. Following Galactus’s attacked, Wasp decided that it would be wise to form a team to contend with any similar threats in the future. As such, the Avengers were formed, with the Wasp acting as their leader, with S.H.I.E.L.D. monitoring the team behind closed doors.

P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S

Size Reduction: Due to long-term exposure to Pym Particles, Janet is able to manipulate her size, reducing herself to roughly 1/2 inch in height. Due to her smaller size, her strength level increases as a result of her body's mass being compacted.

Bio-Synthetic Wings: When she reduces herself in size, Janet grows a pair of yellow insectoid wings which gives her the ability of flight, at speeds of up to 40mph.

Bio-Eletric Energy Stings: As a result of alterations from her ex-husband, Janet is able to harness her body's bio-energy, releasing it in the form of blasts of energy, dubbed as her Wasp Stingers. These stingers pack quite a punch, growing more powerful when she's in her regular size.

Fashion Design: Janet is an extremely talented fashion designer, to the extent that she even runs her own fashion company. As a result, she wore a different costume for every mission during her early days as the Wasp.



Dark Kingdom: Wasp and the Avengers must hit the streets after New York's Chinatown gains a new Kingpin of Crime; Mister Negative.

Insect Queen: Wasp VS Red Wasp. Will take place after the Hydra Emergence.


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