Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago


In the year 1205, the dark King Belisario Black has taken control over Wiz, forcing it's citizens into a totalitarian submission. 3/4ths of the population have been killed off or exiled in the seventy years of his reign and the number is only increasing as the days pass. With the dark arts on his side, aswell as the support of his demonic husband, there is little separating him from complete and utter control of Wiz.

Lucky enough for the citizens, there is a small resistance building against the Overlord. Amery Pahaliah and Furei Justus, both descendants of the mighty Fai the Conqueror and half brothers to Belisario, band together to take him down. But there is no match to Belisario's power and the brothers soon find themselves overwhelmed. Knowing that there is no other option, Furei suggests timetravel as their only way out. Using what little power Oz can provide, Furei sacrifices himself to help Amery go back in time and stop Belisario's bloody reign from ever happening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago


65 years old
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


102 years old

Bellerophon participated in the fight against the rebellion because he wanted to protect his family. His decision made his mother extremely unhappy but he refused to hide in safety if he had the opportunity to help his father achieve victory. He nearly died several times and Bellerophon was forced to make difficult decisions to stay alive. He routinely executed rebel prisoners after torturing them out of information, to the point where he felt numb towards death and torture by the end of the war. He removed the life support on Marigold after long deliberation, ultimately deciding that she would never wake up so keeping her alive just made her an easy target for his enemies and the healers tending to her would be helpful for his comrades instead. Bellerophon was scarred by war and he never truly healed from the loss of his two best friends: Kyuberos and Abiel.

Near the end of the civil war Bellerophon discovered that his best friend, Abiel, was actually a traitor working for the rebels. Confused over the betrayal, he begged Abiel to switch sides and that Bellerophon would protect him if he did so, but Abiel refused. Abiel apologized and solemnly confessed that his name was truly Angiel Apollos, and that like Bellerophon, he could never go against his father. Horrified, Bellerophon realized that Angiel was the son of the rebel leader Seraphion and that their entire friendship was a lie; Angiel had been a spy the whole time and Bellerophon never suspected. He could not understand why Angiel and Seraphion, if that was even if true name, would rebel against his father if they were truly descended from Angelveion the Knight. Even worse, Bellerophon had come to love and trust Angiel so finding out the truth felt like his heart was ripped out from his chest. With Angiel's truth revealed, both knew they could not allow the other to escape, and they battled - fighting each other out of loyalty to their fathers, disregarding their personal feelings for one another.

Unfortunately for Bellerophon, Angiel was older with more combat experience and was the one who taught everything Bellerophon knew about fighting, and he struck the prince near the heart. As Bellerophon fell to the ground in defeat, the years of friendship he wasted on Angiel flashed before him and his hatred for Angiel intensified as he fell unconscious. Unknown to Bellerophon, Angiel could not bring himself to finish him off so he brought Bellerophon to the rebel's healers as a captured hostage. The prince managed to survive and would eventually make a full recovery except for a scar where Angiel stabbed him, but Seraphion ordered Bellerophon into a forced coma he would not be allowed to awaken from until they were victorious. He was hidden away in The Under guarded by Seraphion's subordinates for months, until he finally awakened when Belladonna had become queen after Seraphion's victory.

Bellerophon was awoken by Angiel, the last person he wanted to see again, and got informed of the situation. He had a bad feeling when he was told months had passed since his coma and his instinct was proven true when Angiel told him that Kyuberos and both his parents were dead, and Wiz was under a new rule. Bellerophon tried to pick another fight with Angiel after finding out his mother and father died, and blamed Angiel for their deaths. Not only was he a traitor, Bellerophon felt that he could have done something to protect his parents if Angiel had not betrayed him and made him comatose. Sadly, he was still in no condition to fight, and Angiel knocked him unconscious again. The next time he woke up, Bellerophon recognized he was back in his room in the castle, and immediately tried to escape. Because everyone else he still trusted had already died, he sought his siblings to check if they were okay and to gather information. He felt betrayed again when he realized that they had already adapted to their parents death and pretty much accepted Belladonna being a figurehead ruler for Seraphion. Bellerophon refused to let the man responsible for the death of his parents and so many of his father's loyal followers have any sort of power, but everyone else who felt the same way had already been dealt with. Since he would gladly execute Seraphion and any of his followers on sight, Bellerophon was kept isolated, with his imprisonment becoming worse after each escape attempt. In his solitude, Bellerophon's hatred festered and grew worse each day.

His hatred was solely directed at Angiel and Seraphion at first, but then he started to despise all the rebels for killing so many of his comrades. As he thought more, his siblings were the next targets of his anger, for not doing enough to help their parents in the rebellion and adapting so quickly to the rule of that horrid Seraphion. The ordinary civilians were next on his shit list, for their roles in the war for either helping the rebels or doing nothing to help his father's forces. He even came to loathe those who followed his father loyally for not being good enough to emerge victorious, and more importantly, protect his parents. He fell into a depression and felt alone, too helpless and useless to do anything. He was not strong enough to avenge his parents and to his chagrin people were beginning to prefer how "fair" and "nice" Wiz was beginning to be with Belzeneff's "horrible laws" repealed. In his eyes everybody was a traitor and he no longer wanted anything to do with Wiz. Determined to escape his horrible home, Bellerophon started plotting on his options and decided that either earth or hell was his best option.

Wiz was no longer worth anything to him and while he would have liked to visit hell to see Belisario again, earth would be easier for him to get to. He broke out of his prison once again and searched for his beloved Belufasa, who he had not seen since before his coma. Fortunately the lion was easy for him to find and simply found sleeping in Bellakane's room next to Belbark. Bellerophon convinced the guard that he was only looking for his pet, and the guard was eager to allow Bellerophon to take off the frightening lion off their hands. Bellerophon snuck back into his room and began to prepare to leave, but Bellerophon was unsure of what to expect on earth.

He contacted Valerik, the cousin he had been closest to, and admitted his plans as well as his need for advice. Valerik was not happy about Bellerophon's intent to leave and the two got into an argument, but Valerik eventually relented with a promise to keep his departure a secret and he would try his best to find useful information for him. The next morning Valerik knocked on his door at the crack of dawn. Valerik handed him a book of spells he wrote just for Bellerophon that he might find useful on earth, including a language translator he stole from a book in Valentine's office. Even though they were not as close as they were when they were kids, Bellerophon still felt touched that Valerik went to all that trouble and asked if he wanted to leave behind Wiz and all its bad memories with him. Valerik looked like he almost wanted to accept his offer, but finally said that his mother was in bad shape and he worried that should he suddenly disappear, her condition would only worsen. Bellerophon understood his reasons; Valyn was his aunt after all. Before they parted ways, Bellerophon offered Belufasa to Valerik. He had been planning to take the lion with him, but he did not want him placed in unnecessary danger and Belufasa still liked Wiz. Valerik just grumbled about “troublesome pets” but agreed to take care of the lion if Bellerophon needed to leave it behind. After saying goodbye to Valerik and Belufasa, he headed to the door Bellerophon sometimes saw Kyuberos used to travel to earth. Bellerophon was thrilled to find out it was left alone and unguarded; apparently, nobody else understood its significance. With a bag slung over his shoulder he stepped through the door, heading into a new world and a new life.

His first days on earth were full of confusion. After arriving in what seemed like a shop and evading the bewildered men in the building when he suddenly appeared, Bellerophon had been wondering why people on earth resembled wizards. He probably would not have lasted even a week without Valerik's useful book helping him understand "english". Eventually he figured out they had slips of paper resembling the belzecash on Wiz as currency, so he handed people some of his gold for dollars. His very first (legal and successful) purchase was at a place he had been drawn to ever since he first arrived, a small building with golden arches that served food. Bellerophon was amazed by the taste of the chicken nuggets he ordered and returned every day to order more. He got his first earth job as a part time worker at McDonalds and gained a reputation around town as "the strange boy who decorated his uniform with gold".

It was not long after he arrived on earth that demons apprehended him at that very same McDonalds, stupidly thinking he was his outlawed cousin Valente, after hearing rumors of a blond worker at the restaurant who would kindly show children "amazing magic tricks" during his breaks. His co-workers and customers were terrified, but Bellerophon was thrilled to get arrested by demons. He did not resist because this was an easy way for him to go to Hell and visit the one of the few people left in the universe he cared for, Belisario. He was probably the happiest prisoner in all of hell and it did not take long for Belisario to hear about it, pointing out he was in fact not Valente. After giving him a cheerful greeting at their reunion, Bellerophon became somber as he informed his brother about the death of their parents, the aftermath of the war, and his disdain of Wiz.

He did not stay in Hell for long and returned back to earth, after promising he would visit again. His employer was happy to see him again because they thought Bellerophon had been kidnapped and was declared missing, and glad that he was okay. Bellerophon laughed and said that he was rescued by his brother and there was no need to worry about him getting kidnapped again. He returned to work as if nothing had happened. Eventually, one of his coworkers asked how he did his "magic tricks" and Bellerophon just said it was real magic. Thinking he was joking, his coworker thought this meant he just had a sense of humor and decided to befriend him. Bellerophon was happy to make a human friend, and had many things explained to him and he finally had answers to the human customs that confused him.
His friend introduced him to anime and Bellerophon was immediately addicted. He spent all of his free time watching it and took advantage of Valerik's language spell to teach himself Japanese. His friend was impressed by how fast he learned Japanese and how dedicated he must have been, so Bellerophon was taken to an anime convention. Bellerophon thought it was the most amazing place on earth. He bought every little thing that interested him, plus souvenirs for when he visited Belisario again, and his obsession with anime grew until the point his entire apartment was decorated with anime merchandise. His favorite shows were anything with magical girls, or fantasy and magic in general, and he tried to learn the spells he used in shows. Bellerophon thought the humans had vivid imaginations, but the more he wondered about he magic in anime, the more he became curious about magic users on earth. As far as he knew, there were no wizards on earth.

He researched at the nearest human library for anything about the history of magic and wizards, and disheartened that wizards were only beings in fantasy. But the supernatural was kept hidden from ordinary humans so Bellerophon thought there was a possibility that wizards were hidden, too. Plus, the fact that magic users were also called "wizards" led him to believe that there must have been some living on earth at some point. Bellerophon looked up other types of magic users and the closest things to wizards seemed to be witches. He was horrified to learn that witches had been burned at he stake in the past, and figured that must have been the reason they went into hiding. Bellerophon resolved to track down these witches and learn more about them.
It took him awhile, but Bellerophon managed to track down a witch. To his disappointment, they knew as much magic as a child back on Wiz would know. Bellerophon decided he would teach "proper magic" to any witch he came across and formed a coven with himself as the leader. Most were human with diluted wizard blood, so they were unable to wield as much magic as a pureblood wizard and he refused to acknowledge them as wizards so he called them witches. He treated leading the witches as babysitting, not truly respecting them because he saw them as more human and hardly expected any of them to ever match a pureblooded wizard prince like him. His attitude changed when he came across a boy named Zahndros Sohma, who had unique magic due to his ridiculous lineage of being descended from a fairy, angel, and hunter.

Zahndros was amazed to meet a true wizard and to discover the existence of a planet full of them, since his father Jin constantly preached about how amazing magic was. Bellerophon saw him as an interesting friend that he respected for his talent at magic, but Zahndros had become entranced by Bellerophon's beauty and magic. They became friends and after years of one sided feelings, Zahndros asked what Bellerophon thought of love. After his time with Marigold stolen from him and his one sided love for Abiel shattered his trust, Bellerophon never expected to fall in love again and admitted that he refused to ever try again. Disheartened by the response, Zahndros asked how Bellerophon would feel if Zahndros loved him, but Bellerophon just told him that he had learned that romantic love only hurt people and he much preferred friendship and family. But not wanting to give up on Bellerophon, Zahndros decided he would have to resort to drastic measures to get what he wanted from him.
Using a spell done by trickster fairies, he cast powerful magic that would make Bellerophon fall in love with him. Bellerophon, arrogant that his wizard magic was superior to Zahndros' fairy magic, never suspected his emotions were being messed with by him. Some time afterwards Zahndros finally confessed to him after Bellerophon was under the spell, and Bellerophon happily accepted, telling Zahndros he would be the exception to what he said about love earlier. Because Bellerophon was unaware of the truth, they had a happy relationship that lasted several months.

Bellerophon was finally freed from Zahndros' control when his lover introduced him to his family. Zahndros' great-grandmother Shea, who was apparently a super powerful fairy and the one who taught Zahndros magic, noticed the spell and lifted it from him. He was shocked over the truth and angry for being controlled, but a part of Bellerophon felt desperate to be loved. He was all alone in a strange world, those he loved most were dead and his siblings were out of reach. But Bellerophon craved the happiness he had felt under the love spell and how he no longer felt lonely with Zahndros. He felt scared of losing one of the few good things he had found on earth; Zahndros had become his best friend before the spell was ever cast and although he felt betrayed, Bellerophon didn't want to lose their relationship. He deluded himself into believing that he should feel happy Zahndros loved him so much that he resorted to the spell for Bellerophon to return the feelings. Zahndros cried and apologized for manipulating Bellerophon like he did, but didn't regret the past months because even if it was not truly real it was his dream come true. Zahndros said he never wanted to let Bellerophon go and said that if he could, he would marry him right now. Bellerophon didn't think and just blurted out, "Alright let's get married then." Zahndros was surprised, wondering if he heard right, but Bellerophon didn't take back the proposal so he did not hesitate to accept. Zahdros took on Bellerophon's family name, since it was a common custom on earth, but Bellerophon added "Zahavi" to his own name in honor of Wiz's traditions.

It was after their impromptu marriage that Bellerophon figured out a way to visit Belisario like he promised years ago. Shea, Zahndros' awesome grandma, created a portal to Hell for him. She tagged along, claiming she had an old friend to visit, but they temporarily split when Bellerophon when to the castle to find his brother. To his surprise, Belisario was no longer there and King Lucifel nearly killed him for trespassing, only stopping after Belial of all people convinced him not to. It was then Bellerophon learned that Belisario had somehow become king of Wiz and Belial was now living in Hell instead of their brother. Their reunion was short since Lucifel barely tolerated Bellerophon's presence, so Bellerophon quickly went to look for Shea. He found her meeting with the creepiest demon he had met so far and after being forced into an uncomfortable and strange conversation with her, finally got a chance to speak with Shea alone about what happened. She effortlessly made him a portal to Wiz with a snap of her fingers which made Bellerophon seriously question how she could be so powerful, but did not want to anger her after she had been graciously helping him.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hades Hyperion-Black

97 years old

Hades is the prince consort of the Dark Overlord Belisario. He loves his husband dearly and takes initiative to ensure Belisario's reign is as successful as possible. Hades values loyalty and order; he despises dissenters who do not approve of Belisario's reign and is determined to make everyone loyally devoted to Belisario, whether it is genuine or manufactured.

Originally, he held neutral feelings towards his husband due to their marriage being arranged to settle a peace treaty between Wiz and Hell after a wizard cursed the disappearance of the crown prince of Hell. The wizard had been described to him as friendly and easily bullied so Hades felt obligated to spend as much time with Belisario as possible, wanting to make sure he adjusted alright in Hell and to protect him from aggressive demons.
However, once he realized Belisario's true personality, Hades became genuinely interested in him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago


119 years old

sugar daddy

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

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112 years old

sugar baby #1
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago


91 years old

Petriellis was originally a Mancini, one of the major powerhouse families in Wiz society, but he gave up that life in his early twenties. Known then as Valereon, he was selfish, self-centered and craved attention. Attention which sadly his parents, nor his family could provide. Being the 14th child out of 15 was difficult and left him as the recipient of many hand-me-downs, including his parent's love. It wasn't that they loved him any less than his other siblings, but after dealing with 13 children prior, they seemed to simply be going through the motions and not actually taking the time to care for him. Or atleast to Valereon that was what it felt like. It only got worse when one of his older brothers passed away in combat and all their attention was focused on mourning. For years Valereon resented his parents for not paying close enough attention and often acted out in hopes of regaining their focus. But the despair from loosing Valor had hit them hard and it only ever earned the attention of his older siblings who scolded him for being so insensitive during their time of need. When he was 16 his parents relieved that they were going to have another child, and when they started to regain some of their happiness back because of it, Valereon felt betrayed.

When his youngest brother Valcyon was born, Valereon had never felt so much anger towards another individual before. From the time he was born to when he was a child, Valereon aced out as much as ever, but in increasingly worse ways. He would cut his sibling's beautiful blonde hair, ruin their favorite clothes, and bully poor Valerio. But his family weren't the only victims of his bad behavior, but the rest of the town as well. He would sneak out at night and cause chaos in the streets, start fights he couldn't win and then threaten them with his family name until they backed down, and even stole from anyone dumb enough to fall into his traps. He even once threw a rock into his mother's potion shop and damaged alot of expensive potion bottles and cauldrons. His behavior got so bad that Valyn and Valiant sent him to stay with Valiant's family in the East for a while, in hopes that new surroundings would fix his behavior, but it did no such thing. When he returned, he had an even worse attitude than before, from believing that his parents had abandoned him and dropped out of school. He would come to move out of the house a few years later, but not before running away countless times, only to be found in the arms of strangers that were way too old for him.

Valereon's promiscuous nature steamed from his yearning to be loved and he was desperate enough that he would throw himself at anyone who looked at him twice. In his mind, if his family wouldn't love him he would find others who would. And sadly, because of his famous bloodline, there were many who leaped at the chance, but only because of the benefits they would receive in return. Countless people took care of him after he moved out of the Mancini manor at a young age, but once they found out that he refused any and all inheritance entitled to him, they dropped him as fast as they had picked him up. Valereon was in and out of the streets after cutting ties with his family and it came to the point where he almost died out there on his own. But by chance, or by fate, he met Petrios Sudlenkov, the young owner of the Candiland brothel, on the streets and was instantly attracted to him. Petrios, or better known as 'Peppa Jack', was everything Valereon wanted to be; rich, self-made, and more importantly, loved. It was good fortune that Peppa was as equally interested in him, but more for his business than personal pleasures. It took very little persuasion for Peppa to recruit Valereon as a Candiland worker and before he knew it, he became an Eclair under the guise of Léreon.

His life as Léreon was much better than his life as a Mancini. He was getting paid and earning his own money, had peace and quiet, and more importantly, received all the attention he could ever ask for. Even though his Mancini genes had bypassed him in the hair department, his face was just as beautiful as any one of his siblings and there were patrons from all over lining up to have a night with him. He quickly become one of Peppa's favorites purely because the amount of cash he was bringing in to Candiland, and also because of the devotion Valereon felt towards him.

When the rebellion attacked, Valereon was hardly surprised. In fact, he was apart of it by the time Seraphion made his first public move. Granted he was only apart of the movement because Peppa Jack was, but even so, he would never pass on a chance to make his family pay for the grief they caused him. During the early days of the rebellion Valereon was idealistic. He believed that Seraphion would simply throw Belzeneff off the throne, maybe even throw him in prison, but he never actually counted on anyone dying. The first tragedy came with the murder of his baby brother Valcyon only a few short months into the rebellion's first public attack. Sure he had hated the little brat, but disliking someone did not mean that he wanted them to die. Valcyon was still his brother afterall. After that, Valereon was struck with tragedy after tragedy as more of his siblings and family members dropped dead. Maybe his biggest hit was the loss of his father, who had died trying to protect his family. Each time he heard of a family member's death he wanted to return home and disconnect himself from the rebellion, but each time, Peppa would manage to convince him to stay and continue his work in Candiland, which had become a Rebellion safehouse. Deep down Valereon felt terrible for not being with his family and hated himself with each passing day.

By the time the Rebellion War came to a close, he was emotionally dead inside. Ten of his immediate family members had died during the bloody war, as well as two brothers who were MIA and an emotionally unstable mother. He was reunited with her when the war was over, but she was no longer the mother he once knew and Valereon couldn't bare to look at her anymore and left once more, knowing that the organization he was apart of had a major part in the deaths of his loved ones. He returned to Candiland and immersed himself in work to help him forget, but it didn't take a lot for those around him to notice that something was wrong. Eventually it started to bleed into his work and he would suffer from mental breakdowns every other day. With no other option, Peppa stepped in and took some drastic measures to bring him back to normal.

Well aware of Valereon's devotion to him, to the point where it could be considered worship, Peppa manipulated Valereon into completely cutting ties with his family. He gave him the ultimatum; either the Mancini's or Candiland. Many times during the Rebellion Peppa gave him the same choice and he always chose Candiland, but this time was different. Peppa threatened to completely cut ties with Valereon if he couldn't let go of his family, and in a sense, abandon him. Abandonment was Valereon's worst fear, especially from someone he cared so much about, and the stress alone from the decision was enough to send him into another emotional breakdown. However, when he came out of it, he was a different person. Not wanting to hurt anymore, Valereon pushed back any feeling he had about his family and locked them away, deep within himself. No longer did he care about the Mancinis and started his life over as Léreon.

As a reward for choosing him, Peppa proposed marriage to him. Peppa had already married a year earlier, now under the name of Pericles Alexius, but polyamory, while uncommon, was not banned in Wiz, and Léreon instantly said yes. They were married in the year 1155 and he once again changed his name, this time to Perriellis Léreon Alexius. Now, for once in his life, he was truly happy. Candiland was striving, having flourished in the aftermath of the Rebellion War, he was free from the burden of worrying about his family, and he was finally married to the man he loved. But his life would not be perfect forever, because just a few short years later, Peppa married again. Perriellis could deal with Peppa first wife and their children, but adding more partners to their relationship made him feel like he was being forgotten again. Peppa was well aware of his co-dependency by now, and made a promise that any relationship after him was purely for business. And for a while, he believed that.

That same year, Belladonna mysteriously passed away and Belisario returned from Hell to take over as King. He was surprised that out of all of his cousins, Belisario was the one crowned King. But Peppa was loyal to the new King, and by extension, Candiland was now loyal too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midorimacchi
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Midorimacchi Nico ❤ Nico

Member Seen 2 mos ago


sugar baby #3
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


82 years old

Once the rebellion started, his mother went to fight while his father decided to teach all three of them to fight so they could protect themselves. In his siblings case Valalee was already becoming skilled with a sword and Valhero was already learning to become a knight at The Academy, which left Valexander as the only one completely clueless on how to defend himself. He also knew the bare minimum of magic required to pass school, since he preferred to either sleep through lessons or cut class to hang out with Belshazzar. During Valentiano's attempt to teach him Valexander was lazy and constantly complained about having to learn the sword or how to punch or how to cast certain spells, which led to Valhero beating him up daily until he learned to fight back. He hated his lessons and barely put forth effort to learn. While his father was patient with his pace, his mother was furious with his laziness and Valhero was aggravated over him wasting his potential. When his mother died Valexander was devastated and wanted to quit learning altogether, because if someone as powerful as her was killed then what hope would he have? It was his father who gently comforted him and said he did not have to fight if he did not want to, but it would make him feel better if Valexander learned as much as possible because he did not want to lose anyone else. But Valexander still did not see a point, and locked himself in his room as he mourned for his mother.

It wasn't until he and his father went out into the city one day, that Valexander changed his mind. They were accidently caught in the crossfire of a battle between Belzeneff's forces and the rebellion. Either some rebels loathed nobles enough to kill any they came across or the two of them were mistakenly assumed to be members of Belzeneff's army, they were attacked as well. Valentiano could have fought off any opponents until he escaped to safety, but Valexander barely knew what he was doing and froze out of fear. His father took a spell meant for Valexander, which prompted him to finally move. Valexander cried out for his father, but Valentiano assured him he was fine, and fought off enemies as they ran away. When they were at a suitable situation, Valentiano did a teleportation spell to bring them both home. Valexander ended up with only minor injuries but his father had sustained so much more trying to protect him, and even with his grandmother Valyn's help, Valentiano succumbed to his injuries a few hours later. Valexander was devastated and, finally understanding why his father had been teaching him, resolved to become strong enough to survive so his father did not die for nothing. For the first time in his life, Valexander was motivated to learn, and Valhero took over their father's role of training them. He wanted to become strong like his parents and be able to protect the rest of his family, and determinedly trained until the end of the rebellion.

He disliked Belladonna's rule only because he held a grudge towards the rebels and their victory. Even if they did not say it out loud, most people knew that it was really the rebel leader Seraphion pulling strings, and Valexander hated and blamed him for the deaths of both his parents. Years later when Belisario suddenly arrived and took over Wiz with his demon husband, Valexander was glad Seraphion and other rebels were dead. He felt happy over having a real ruler on the throne, but unknown to him his opinion would change in a few years and he would come to truly fear Belisario. Valexander did not train as hard now that the war was over, but in his spare time he liked to spar with one of his siblings for fun and he enjoyed showing off what he learned to Belshazzar. He invested a great deal of energy trying to drag the prince out of his boring lab and get him far away from the wizard council and castle, which he was convinced was crawling with Seraphion's people. He dragged Belshazzar to his house so often that the prince started making a second laboratory in one of their guest rooms, and Valexander found it hilarious when one of his siblings got angry over something blowing up. Valexander and Belshazzar helped each other cope with the deaths of their parents and they were both steadily healing, until disaster struck.

A decade into King Belisario's reign, Valexander lost both his brother and his best friend days apart. Like how his father died trying to save him, Valhero sacrificed himself for Belmarie's sake because they were best friends, but when Belshazzar came to him for help Valexander was too much of a coward to do the same for his best friend. He was shocked when Belshazzar had willingly left his lab and showed up at his doorstep, but his cousin was terrified and claimed his life was in danger. He did not know the full story but he gladly helped Belshazzar hide from whoever was after him because he did not want to lose anyone else so soon after his brother's death. Unfortunately, it was common knowledge he was the prince's closest friend, so the next day Valexander was secretly apprehended and questioned over the missing prince's whereabouts. Initially Valexander did not fully understand why Belshazzar had run away, but it finally became clear to him that the prince's life was in danger from the king himself when the interrogator threatened Valalee if it was discovered Valexander helped conceal Belshazzar from Belisario. They revealed to Valexander about how Valhero was killed for defending Belmarie and aiding her escape, which would happen to him if he did the same for Belshazzar. He had already lost his brother and knew he was most likely on bad terms with the king due to Valhero's treachery, so Valexander could not bring himself to go against the king. He did not want to be executed like his brother was, and he feared he would lose Valalee. He felt torn over his options: his little sister or his best friend.

His choice ultimately came down to which one would most likely let him live, so he chose to protect Valalee and betray Belshazzar. Valexander felt miserable for telling them all he knew, and his despair only grew when he was forced to lure Belshazzar into a trap. The next day he returned to Belshazzar and lied to him, saying that he would help lead him to a safer location. Still gullible as ever, Belshazzar happily and faithfully followed his trusted friend to his death. Valexander could not bare to look at him the entire time and kept his face turned away so Belshazzar wouldn't see his tears. They entered an abandoned building together and, to his horror, Valexander watched Belshazzar die before his eyes from the assassins who had waited for them. As he watched the pained and confused look on the prince's face, Valexander hoped that Belshazzar's naivety was enough to prevent his genius mind from figuring out that he had been betrayed. Belshazzar tried to say something to him but only managed "You" before he died, and Valexander could only hope that he had not wanted to say something along the lines of "You traitor", "You betrayed me", or "You knew this would occur". He would be forever haunted by Belshazzar's dying expression and his pained, unfinished last words.

After being forced to keep everything a secret and giving some cover story about "how they went on another adventure together, where he was brutally murdered by rebel assassins", Valexander felt too guilty to even return home. Everything reminded him of how Belshazzar had been hiding there and all of the times they spent together, and he considered moving in with his uncle Krizzly. But then he felt he had no right to show up at his house begging for help, when Belshazzar did the same, and reluctantly went back home. He cried when he saw Valalee, relieved that she was still alive, but even the presence of his sister could not comfort him. The sorrow over Valhero's death and guilt over Belshazzar's was too much for him, and he withdrew from everyone. He mourned over them, his long dead parents, and when more of his family started dying out he mourned for them too. The only light in his life were the rare happy moments, like anytime he spent time with Valalee, but for the most part Valexander isolated himself and let his dark thoughts consume him. He desperately craved fun, like he used to, and to reconnect with his family and even make new friends, but Valexander never got over his betrayal of Belshazzar. He felt he deserved be alone until he died as atonement; a traitor like him did not deserve love or friendship, and was afraid he would end up betraying somebody he cared for again.

He rarely saw any of the other Mancinis over the years, even Valalee eventually saw little of him after he moved out of the house to live alone. His horrible secret taunted him everyday, even the good days Valexander could bring himself to smile like he used to, and dragged him back into the dark corners of his mind. He eventually felt so horrible that he came to believe he deserved to die and he wanted out of his misery, but was always too cowardly to do anything final. Anytime he hurt himself, his instinct and small-but-still-present will to live would get him out of trouble, and Valexander would eventually fix his wounds.

When he reached his lowest point, he willingly entered the deadly colosseum hoping he would get killed off by his opponent. He was nearly beaten in every single match at first, but by the end of each fight he would become too afraid to die, and pull off desperate attacks to survive. He miraculously won and survived his first tournament, but Valexander just felt terrible for adding even more blood on his hands. After his first victory, Valexander started to sign up for colosseum battles when he was at his worst. Adding more to his shame, a part of Valexander started to enjoy the thrill of the fight because combat is his only successful distraction from the constant guilt and despair he feels. Winning also reminds him of his father and wonder if he is proud that he finally learned what he had been trying to teach, but then Valexander will feel guilty over causing his death and for him desiring death, which just adds on to his negative state of mind. He ended up in a deadly cycle where he entered hoping to finally die, but he would win his battles out of fear and eventually emerge as the lone victor, then would feel worse and worse as he remembered each and every person he killed in the colosseum.

Krizzly begged him to stop entering the colosseum matches, as he would rather not have to narrate his bloody death one day, but Valexander still shows up to fight. Nobody has been able to reason with him over his suicidal decision to participate in the colosseum and Valexander has already participated and won numerous times, with no intention of stopping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


115 years old

Noem was torn between the two sides during the rebellion. The royals were his former companions but they sent assassins after him once he escaped execution and he could not be with them if he wanted to. On the other hand, the rebels were once his enemies but they had saved his from death and people from the past he had left behind were once again in his life. He had people he cared for fighting on opposing sides, and had no idea how to handle fighting against his old and new comrades. To make things worse, he was also constantly on the run from assassins. After Pemendra tracked him down in The Under, killing his caretaker Amerii and orphaning her children in the process, Noem avoided staying in one place for too long. He did some missions on behalf of Seraphion at times and helped when he could, but most of his time was spent evading the assassins.

When the end of the rebellion came and Seraphion emerged victorious, Noem felt incredibly happy for Belladonna when she became queen. Still possessing romantic feelings for her, he had complete faith that she would be just what Wiz needed to heal. Seraphion, having taken control of the council, gave Noem a pardon and he was finally free of assassins chasing him. He spent his newfound freedom aiding in rebuilding areas of Wiz that had been destroyed during the fighting, and volunteered to aid Symphony help young orphans.

When Belisario arrived on Wiz years later, many of Seraphion’s former rebellion members were killed by demon forces. Noem managed to fend off those who came after him but to his dismay many of his friends, including Symphony, perished in the attack. Symphony’s death filled him with the most despair he had ever felt in his life and as he mourned over the fallen corpse, he vowed to avenge his friend’s death. Noem was already losing control of himself because of Symphony and he probably could have reigned himself in, if it wasn’t for the fact that Belladonna died so soon after.

Belladonna’s death filled him with grief, but more importantly rage. He hated Hades and Belisario with every part of his being for killing his beloved queen. His love for Belladonna was one sided and he never acted on his feelings, but that did not make his feelings any less real. It was that love, combined with the wrath born from his grief, which pushed him towards the path of revenge.

He cursed his fate. He cursed his life. His whole world had shattered yet again. The first was the abandonment of his parents, forcing him to live on the streets as a child. The second was his failure in protecting Bellona, leading him to a life on the run from assassins. Finally, this third time was the death of Symphony, Belladonna, and everything Seraphion had fought for – the war they had fought almost seemed meaningless now that Belisario had usurped the throne. Noem could have walked the path of peace and turned away unnoticed, never giving Belisario and Hades a reason to make note of him. But Noem’s path of revenge led to him battling with Hades – and he nearly won, but in the end Noem experienced defeat once the demon’s bodyguards finally found and stopped him from killing Hades. With him gaining Hades’ attention, Noem sealed his fate into becoming the minion of those he hated most in the world.

Instead of killing Noem, Hades saw an opportunity to gain a powerful wizard on their side and imprisoned him instead. Many wizards felt the same as Noem and were not happy about demons crawling around after killing the queen and the council. Tensions between demons and wizards were high, and hatred for demons and Belisario were not uncommon. To Hades loyalty was one of the most important things to inspire in followers so he was determined to make every single wizard loyal to his husband, even if he had to fabricate it. He would not allow the hatred, disloyalty, and tension run rampant in the kingdom. Therefore, Hades turned Noem into a test subject for developing a powerful loyalty potion. Noem hated them and was magically powerful as well as resistant to loyalty potions due to his time with Seraphion during the rebellion, since all rebels were given antidotes and counters to loyalty potions. In Hades’ eyes, this made Noem the perfect subject.

He was imprisoned in an isolated cell, fed loyalty potions to see how effective they were on him. The first batch was completely negated and had zero effect. Hatred or anger could break a person free if they had enough of it towards the person they were being forced to be loyal to, which Noem had plenty of. The next few potions were altered until they finally found one strong enough that lasted consistently and he could not break free from. But the experiments did not stop there; Hades wanted to measure just how much anger it would take to render the potion useless. Noem was tortured brutally and painfully, getting healed then tortured then healed then tortured in a vicious cycle. They wanted to make him despise them as much as possible and tortured him to increase his hatred. Whenever he had enough anger to break free of the potion they merely wrote down their observations, fed him another potion or an altered dose of it, and increased the torture. After months of testing his limits, the “perfect loyalty potion” had been developed. No matter what was done to Noem – the physical, mental, and emotional torture – he never broke free from the enchantment. It was this potion that Hades used to create the hypnotic spell used by Angelic and was the prototype for the loyalty potion eventually given to newborns.

But this was not the end for Hades’ experiments with Noem. He was fascinated by the effects of the potion, of course, but he wanted to challenge himself. He wanted to see if he could convert Noem into a loyal subordinate without using a potion, despite all that had been done to him. Hades fed him the antidote, and Noem felt his head clear before memories of what the past few months had been like for him rushed pass. Noem utterly loathed Hades, and for putting him through months of horror, could easily say he despised him more than Belisario. Noem vomited on the floor thinking of what happened; there were memories he felt no concern for while under the influence of the potion that disgusted him now. They messed up both his mind and body; there were even a few scars still visible that the healer could not completely remove. He felt his anger spike as Hades just laughed at his pain, and Noem was horrified to learn that Hades still had plans for him. He didn’t want to be imprisoned anymore; he wanted to escape, but Noem felt that the only escape for him would be death.

But he didn’t want to die; he was terrified of dying. Terror gripped him and he began to have a mental breakdown over what had happened to him and what he feared would happen. The laughter from Hades thankfully snapped his mind back to reality, somewhat, but he still felt uncomfortable being in the same room with the person responsible for his state. And he could not fight back; even if his magic had not been suppressed, Noem could barely find enough strength to stand.

Noem was physically beaten by Hades until he was near unconscious, and he was forced to face reality that his situation was utterly hopeless. There was nothing he could do anymore to escape; there would be no miracle like the rescue from his first imprisonment when he was to be executed for his failure as a protector. But as if Hades could tell Noem had finally broken on the inside, the pain stopped coming. The demon abruptly began to heal him and treated him very gently, saying words in sweet tones, although him cooing degrading phrases like “You’re like a broken doll now, Noem. Utterly worthless. Poor you, I’ll help you get all better…I’ll save you, and make you worth something again. You’re crying, but that’s alright. You were treated so terribly…those who are loyal to Belisario won’t ever be hurt like you were. I’ll help you become loyal so you’ll never be hurt again…don’t you want that?” frightened him. But despite Hades’ sinister words, those were the first somewhat kind things he had heard in months after continuous torture and Noem couldn’t help put place his hope in him. Hades moved him into a nicer cell – a nice bedroom that reminded him of his old quarters during his time as Bellona’s protector – and with a promise “be loyal to Belisario, and you won’t be hurt again”.

Noem still hated him, but he felt too relieved over Hades’ mercy that he didn’t try to attack or escape. He compliantly stayed in his room with a lingering fear in the back of his mind that he would get even worse torture if he did anything wrong and get sent back to his previous cell. Unknown to Noem, Hades’ manipulation had already begun to set, to the point where he wasn’t even protesting his imprisonment any longer. Hades returned the next day with a bracelet and gave it to Noem – and warned him that if he showed any disloyalty to Belisario, his followers, or Hades himself, he would get shocked painfully by an electric spell. Noem made the mistake of giving Hades an angry scowl at that information, which ended up with him getting mildly shocked. It was the first of many, since Hades would purposely antagonize Noem or put him through degrading tasks that ended with Noem getting shocked. Those shocks were usually the only time Noem was ever hurt, however, so it did not take long for him to subconsciously understand that pleasing Hades meant safety, no harm, and no pain. And what pleased Hades was loyalty, obedience, and devotion to serve him and Belisario. Sometimes Hades would even secretly send a subordinate to harm Noem and let Noem get hurt, and then Hades would suddenly appear to “rescue” him while saying reassuring words like “I’m sorry, I should not have let this happen, I promised to protect you from harm. I won’t let this happen again, I’ll keep you safe”, in order to manipulate Noem’s emotions. It took a few months of this conditioning, but eventually Noem began to fear showing any type of disobedience and felt genuine terror at being thought disloyal towards Belisario. If he believed he did something wrong, even after the bracelet was removed, Noem felt phantom pains as if he was punishing himself.

Like a victim of Stockholm syndrome, Noem began to think of the demon in a positive light because Hades always made sure to reward him after good behavior and treat him kindly. Additionally, Hades was usually his only contact during his imprisonment. Every word out of the demon’s mouth was used to manipulate Noem in some way, and while Noem was aware deep down that everything was wrong and Hades was a liar, he was broken enough to stop caring and allowed Hades to rebuild him however he wished.

After three years of imprisonment, Noem had been successfully conditioned and brainwashed into a loyal subordinate. Hades could taunt Noem about Symphony or Belladonna’s death right to his face and barely get a reaction from him. And if he was ordered to do something, Noem would do it without question. Hades took full advantage of Noem’s obedience; it was one thing to be loyal, but to be devoted and obedient was another.

Noem did jobs on behalf of Hades and Belisario. And most of the time, they were terrible jobs that Hades didn’t trust with assigning to other wizards, but discreetness was needed and his demons could not blend in as successfully among the population. Noem did not enjoy most of his missions, but he kept telling himself that he could not afford to displease “Master Hades and Master Belisario”. Among some of his jobs was being a part of the team tracking down the wizards on King Belisario’s hit list, including his siblings, and Noem did not dare ask why they were assassinating members of the royal family. He also felt too afraid to ask why people from the noble families were being kidnapped, and forced himself to look away when his old comrade Angiel and his daughter had their hearts sacrificed in some bizarre dark ritual by the king.

Belisario had been declared the Dark Overlord soon after, and with his power so great and his rule unquestionable, there wasn’t as much for Noem to do anymore. Hades mercifully allowed Noem free as a reward for his services and loyalty, as long as he would return if he was ever needed for something. Noem had no idea what to do with himself after so many years of servitude so he went back to Candiland, where he was welcomed by Peppa and rehired as an Éclair under the name Adonis Ludo. Noem spent most of his time in Candiland and had no desire to do anything else with his life. After all the fighting and pain he had been through, Noem was tired of it all and going to take advantage of any peace he could get. But his peaceful days became a lot more eventful with the arrival of Symphonia Zylan.

She was the niece of Symphony and Symphonia had been interested in Noem ever since she saw him speaking with Symphony one day, so when she found out he worked at Candiland she started requesting him. In addition to her connection to Symphony, Noem became quite fond of her after seeing her so many times so he wasn’t too annoyed when she became pregnant. He had no interest in being together with her romantically, but Noem made an effort to help her through the pregnancy and be there for the birth. He felt surprisingly happy when his son Noel was born and took a leave of absence of his job for a few months, so he could help raise the baby while Symphonia recovered. They took turns taking care of Noel, but it was mostly Symphonia watching him since she had no job.

A year into their arrangement he was caught off guard when she gave him full custody of Noel, and she started to spend less and less time with both of them. He didn’t ask what she was doing, even when her vanishing for days turned into weeks and then months. The few times he saw her she had a serious expression in her eyes, and Noem grew concerned when she began to look pale and feel constantly sick. She closed herself off from him and Noel, even her mother Symphaerie and her siblings. He decided to not think much of her situation, but he regretted this decision when one day he suddenly received news from a distraught Symphaerie that Symphonia had died. All they were told was that she was in an "unfortunate accident” and Noem never uncovered anything more about her suspicious death. Or rather, he did not try to. In the past he had caused several “unfortunate accidents” for Belisario so Noem had a feeling he was better off never figuring out what she had been up to.

Noem moved in with Symphaerie Zylan, so that Noel could get to know his grandmother and that he had a free babysitter while he worked. They became good friends and Noem was sad when she passed away of an illness in 1184, when Noel was only six years old. Since Noem didn’t know any of the Mancinis that well, Noem just brought him to Candiland and let him play in the recreational areas until it was time to go home. Besides a few intimidating visits with Hades or an occasional random job for the demon, raising Noel were the most peaceful and fun years of his life and Noem felt happiness he had not had for a long time.

After seeing how strong the half demon child of Valiance Mancini was even as an infant, Hades gave permission for demons to freely pursue a relationship with wizards; something he had restricted before and allowed only with special permission. So much time had passed since Belisario took over that demons were not as discriminated against by the wizards and newer generations fully accepted them as a part of society. Despite all of this, Noem was still surprised when he ended up in an odd relationship with the demon Anhura. Demons had tortured him for months when he had been imprisoned by Hades so Noem always felt a tinge of fear when around them and he never expected to willingly spend time with one.

But spending time with Anhura was so unlike what he was used to. She wasn’t exactly kind, but she never hurt him the other demons. In fact, she couldn’t even hold his hand without feeling faint from nervousness, and literally paid a large amount of money just to talk to him in the room at Candiland. She told Noem that she was only at Candiland on a bet from her twin sister, and she didn’t care how pretty he was, she would never let him touch her. He was confused, but accepted the explanation and easy money. Of course he tried his best to persuade her to come back and said to request him anytime, like he said to all his clients, but Anhura just called him a disgusting wizard and ran off embarrassed.

After that strange encounter Noem didn’t expect her to ever return, but she came back a week later and then the following week, until it was normal for her to just be there once a week. She had become strangely obsessed with spending time with him and Noem didn’t mind at all as long as she was a paying customer. The more time he spent with her the less he started to fear demons. He eventually became attracted to her personality, finding it hilarious how she blushed when she called him rude names and how annoyed she became whenever he teased her. It took Noem months for her to even accept a kiss on the cheek from him and Anhura was shy getting a hug, so he never expected to eventually have children with her. Their first daughter, Noesferatu, was a surprise and he got full custody of her since he already had experience with children. Noel finally met Anhura when Noesferatu was born and while his son thought Anhura was weird and did not like her much, he instantly liked his little sister and declared she was ten times cuter than “that evil demon baby cousin” of his. While not in an official romantic relationship with Anhura, she still takes the time to see him at Candiland, which led to the birth of their second child Noebella.

He adores all three of his kids and they live in the house Symphaerie left to Noel, though his daughters do worry him because they are extremely competitive with one another and start fights over trivial things. Once, they argued about who had the better favorite color and Noem came home to the living room furniture half destroyed, the room colored in a mix of blue and pink paint, and an unconscious Noel on the floor. Another time, Noesferatu had been using Noebella's large stuffed animal as a pillow but accidently ripped it in half with her horn. As soon as Noem saw the stuffing fall out, he knew that it was not the only thing going to be ruined that day, and after a difficult struggle he was forced to take Noebella to her mother's house while Noel took the toy to his uncle Vallix in hopes he could sew it back together. The absolute worst was when Noebella got gum in her sister's hair and in retaliation, Noesferatu tried to cut off Noebella's hair. Noel, his brave son whose bratty tantrums as a child never compared to the girls' vicious fights, was caught in the crossfire trying in vain to stop their fight and had to visit his grandfather to fix his hair afterwards.

Despite all of the trauma and horrible experiences in his past, Noem is content with his current life and tries to forget all of the bad things ever happened. He is haunted by nightmares and there is always a dark thought in his mind once in awhile, wondering if his happiness is real or the result of another potion, but he just has to take one look at his children to feel reassured that his emotions are his own. Noem is sure that without them he would have died along time ago and all alone without anyone caring he was gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


17 years old

Angeneva is an extreme follower of Belisario, alongside her brother Angelegacy because besides the regular loyalty potion given to newborns, her and her brother would be sung to sleep by their father almost every night. Her father Angelic's voice, when sung in certain tones and rhythyms, have hypnotic qualities that leave the listener a compulsion to feel loyal to Belisario. She isn't as affected as her brother, but hearing Angelic's songs daily during critical development periods in her early life has left her admiring Belisario and everything he does. She doesn't show this side of her often because she's shy, but she worships Belisario in private and made a secret altar for him in her closet.

Angeneva was blessed with a beautiful voice, just like her father. In her childhood her happiest moments were singing together with her father and getting praise from her parents about how pretty she sounded. She spent most of her time with her mother since her father devoted a lot of time to his career so Angeneva was never quite aware of how cold her father acted towards those who weren't family. Her mother stressed the importance of kindness and selflessness to her, teaching her values and morals that Angeneva took to heart unlike her brother.

She was a sweet child and was beloved by many of her classmates when she started school. A few were malicious to her out of jealousy, though Angeneva just tried to avoid those mean children because she thought they were scary. But as they grew older in a cruel world, most of her friends began to change from the innocent children they had been.

The other kids wanted to befriend her for either her famous father or famous ancestor, and had little interest in Angeneva herself. They wished to hear embellished stories of what it was like to have Angelic as a father, if she could get them autographs, or other ridiculous ideas she could not fulfill. She was considered boring to them unless she brought up something to do with her family, which shot down Angeneva's self-confidence. Some just outright disliked her kind personality while others felt jealously towards her for everything she had. Angeneva first became the target of bullies when she was eight and in the beginning it was just cruel words and taunts. But when she refused to argue back, and tried to reason with them peacefully, they were offended by her trying to befriend them and the bullies grew worse. Their treatment towards her was different than her older brother acting like a jerk towards her, Angeneva's bullies were genuinely malicious and sometimes escalated to physical violence. They started pulling her hair, playing pranks on her, and stealing her stuff. Angeneva tried to stop things on her own, not wanting to worry her family, but her parents finally found out after she was physically assaulted. She came home with a bruised face and finally confessed to her worried mother what happened. After a call from her mother, her father arrived home early with a scary look in his eyes Angeneva had never seen from him before.

Her father did not take the realization of her being bullied well and, Angeneva still has no idea what truly happened, but her bullies disappeared from school within a few days. Rumors of what happened circulated among the students; one girl's family was forced to live homeless after losing all of their money and possessions, another girl's parents were arrested for a scandal suddenly coming to light, and one boy was even sent to the healers after a terrifying accident left him paralyzed. Eventually her classmates noticed the connection between them: they all tormented Angeneva. Everyone began to feel wary of her afterwards and ignored her, not wanting to end up like her bullies.

Angeneva, too, felt fearful for her classmates. When she confided in her parents what was happening to her, she had been relieved when her father said he would "take care of everything". She had not realized that meant ruining their lives in revenge and she felt guilty over what was done to them, despite her father trying to explain that her tormentors deserved it. She voluntarily stayed away from her peers and they stayed away from her.

A few lonely years passed by for her and she did not have a single friend. Most people had already forgotten about the disappearing bullies and avoided her because she was the "weird loner girl" instead. Those who tried to befriend her were pushed away by her, so Angeneva gained a reputation of a snob who thought they were not good enough to spend time with her. The gossip escalated and the bullying resurfaced in her new classmates. But they were older and more dangerous than schoolyard bullies because they could use magic more efficiently. She was cursed with painful spells because they wanted to see reactions from her, and laughed when Angeneva cried or pleased with them to stop. When not physically attacked, Angeneva often had her emotions toyed with and people liked taking their anger out on her just because she never fought back. Angeneva was afraid to tell her parents what was happening because she didn't want them hurt like her previous bullies and her brother wasn't someone she felt she could confide in, so she went to extreme lengths to hide her injuries. She covered what she could with make up and spent her allowance on potions to heal faster. When asked about why she kept buying them, she lied and said she wanted to become a healer in the future. She told herself that she just had to endure the bullying until she graduated school. Angeneva genuinely liked learning and didn't want to leave, despite the bullying, because she was enrolled in one of the best schools that remained in Wiz.

The worst attack was in her last year at that school, when a classmate made fun of her voice, saying her singing was nothing compared to Angelic and cast a dark spell at her throat. It became painful for her to speak and the nurse was horrified when they discovered what Angeneva was attacked with. The spell on Angeneva's throat, combined with the trauma from her bullying and isolation from her peers, rendered her mute. Her parents tried their best to help her but she never regained her voice. Her father was especially horrified over Angeneva's condition and did not take the harm to her lightly. The wizard who attacked her ended up in prison, much to Angelic's displeasure, because in his opinion they deserved worse. Angeneva withdrew from the school on her parent's demand and she recovered for the next year, self studying at home with her mother's guidance. Angeneva was home schooled from then on and studied a lot on her own; she decided to become a healer, despite the idea being only a lie at first. She had taken to carrying a notepad with her in order to communicate. Angeneva was happy living with her family, but she felt lonely without friends of her own, especially since she could no longer sing.

She met her first real friends, Valarc Mancini and Weren Taiga, when she was 16 and her father took her to a birthday party he had been hired to sing at. But she had no idea whose birthday it was and her father told her about it last minute, so for a present she just grabbed one of her hair bows and stuffed it inside a gift bag. She felt embarrassed when they arrived and she learned it was a boy's birthday, since most guys typically preferred not to wear hair accessories, but it was too late to change the gift. She had nervously stayed beside her father the entire party, and when he had to perform, Angeneva stood behind the stage they prepared so she would not be forced to interact with anyone.

She did not notice Valarc, the birthday boy, until he started opening gifts in front of all the guests. To her embarassment, when he finally got to hers, he stared at the pink bow in bewilderment before saying it was the BEST GIFT EVER. He demanded his exasperated best friend, Weren, to put it in his hair immediately and Valarc wore the pink bow happily on his head the remainder of the party. Her father just looked amused, especially when Valarc tracked her down afterwards to thank her personally. She had no idea why he liked it so much, but felt glad she had made him so happy with her gift.

Even though she could not speak, Valarc didn't seemed bothered by her silence or having to read off of paper to communicate. He introduced his childhood friend, Weren, to her and asked if she had any hair accessories for him too so they could match. She offered him a hat she had been wearing earlier that she stuffed into her bag once she entered the party. Valarc thanked her and Weren resignedly wore the hat on his friend's insistence, but they continued to speak with her the rest of the party Valarc was especially enthusiastic to spend time with her after realizing she admired Belisario to an intense degree just like him. They exchanged numbers once the event ended and Angeneva has been friends with them ever since, usually with Valarc dragging Weren and Angeneva to each other's houses to hang out. Valarc constantly gets into fights and is rather rude towards most people, but she is unfazed because she's so used to her brother's personality, while Weren is often her partner in trying to stop Valarc from doing something stupid. Even though she usually has to heal them afterwards with her healing skills whenever they spend time together, Angeneva has fun hanging out with them and she no longer feels so lonely anymore.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


9 years old

Noebella is the half wizard, half demon child of Noem Siran and the demon Anhura. She was named by Hades, who suggested the name to Noem, just to taunt him with the reminder that they killed his first love Belladonna and that if Noem should ever forget his loyalty, Noebella would end up just like her namesake. Only her father is aware of this threat, so Noebella thinks she was named by Hades because her father is good friends with him. She is unaware of her father's past and only believes he has ever worked at Candiland as an Eclair.

She likes to monopolize all of her father and brother's attention when she is at home, and she hates it when her sister gets something she doesn't. She often gets in arguments with Noesferatu and is extremely competetive with her, and won't hesitate to start a physical fight to get her way. She adores her father and brother but is irrationally antagonistic towards her sister and mother because they're also demons and female; Noebella wants to be better than they are plus she doesn't like that her father and Noel also gives them attention. Her favorite color is pink because thats her hair color and her entire room is decorated in pink items and she gets annoyed if she gets a gift that does not have pink on it. She is adamant about claiming her love for the color pink because secretly, she envies Noesferatu for having pretty blue hair similar to their father. Noebella would rather have the same hair color as her beloved father than have the pink hair she inherited from their mother because she doesn't want Noesferatu to have more in common with him than she does.

She is friends with Rubezal Alexius, even though Noebella believes she is better than him since she is older and a girl, and girls are obviously greater than dumb boys. She claims he should be honored to be her friend since boys are "gross and have cooties" so he should be grateful she even graces him with her prescence, but she does genuinely like him and will fight anyone who upsets her only friend. Her favorite activity is to find some way to torment Noesferatu and Rubezal is usually the one she goes to for help in annoying her. She also hangs out with her little cousin Ginevra Haruzuiha but unlike with Rubezal, Noebella bosses her around and likes bragging about herself to Ginevra. Noebella is extremely jealous of Noesferatu for being older, stronger, and prettier than her so she is thrilled to be that towards Ginevra. But since Ginevra is younger than her, and not a threat to her ego, Noebella never starts fights with her cousin and would actually feel guilty hurting the shy girl. Ginevra constantly hides behind Noebella when she feels nervous and tends to cling to her, which makes Noebella feel needed so she doesn't mind how attached Ginevra is.

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Member Seen 11 mos ago


6 years old

Ginevra is the daughter of Gino Haruzuiha and Nidria, making her half demon and half wizard. Unlike many demons, Ginevra doesn't like to fight. It's mostly because her father claims brawling for no reason is a sign that you cannot control yourself, and she should only fight if there is something to benefit from. Her mother is constantly busy, so Ginevra spends time mostly with her father or with her maternal cousin's family. Her magic is hard for her to control because she's only six years old and she sometimes breaks things accidently if she feels upset, which usually happens if she is separated from her father, so he lets her follow him everywhere. She is shy and tends to either cling to her father by holding his hand or tugging the fabric of his clothes, or her cousin Noebella if he is not around, and feels afraid of being left alone. She doesn't have many friends her age because they make fun of her for being different, a halfbreed, which makes her cry everytime since she hates being left out of things. Her father says she is stronger than they'll ever be because she is half demon and half wizard, and to remember those who bully her so that she can get payback when she gets older. She doesn't know what payback means, but Ginevra always listen to her father and takes his word for everything, and wishes she could be scary like him to fend off mean kids. She desperately attaches herself to Noebella and Rubezal because they're half demons like her, and doesn't mind Noebella telling her what to do all the time, because Ginevra is just happy to not be alone.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


101 years old

While Valerik never set foot into the battlefield during the rebellion, he was forced to acknowledge the reality of war and what happened to those left behind. He had never gotten married nor had children of his own, but Valerik still considered his students his kids no matter how much he denied caring about them. School was still in session during the beginning, and Valerik felt himself break a little every time a student came to him in tears over the deaths of their family. It was worse when a student just suddenly stopped coming to class and his only comfort was maybe, they were not dead, and were just staying home to be safe. School was eventually shut down as the rebellion turned more serious and bloody, leaving Valerik alone at home with nothing to distract himself with. Valerik tried so hard to keep himself together, especially when Valcyon and Valora died, but he failed and turned to drinking in order to escape reality.

He probably would have holed himself in his home the rest of the war if it wasn’t for his brother Vallix. With Valcyon dead, Valis fighting, and Valente, Valerio, and Valereon all missing, Vallix was afraid of losing one of his two remaining younger brothers. Valerik did not exactly want to be alone, so he went with Vallix without a fuss and went to their childhood home to be with their parents. Valerik spent half his time trying in vain to comfort his grieving mother and the other half drinking. It was easy for him to get angry when he got drunk, and the worse the war became the more he would yell at anyone who crossed his path. When he was not angry, he was in despair, and would just mope around pessimistically claiming that things would only get worse. His worst episodes were when he panicked about his family or himself dying, and he would lock himself in his childhood room until he became sober. The day his father died in order to save them was the absolute worst and Valerik could no longer bear to stay in the manor anymore. He said sorry to his mother for leaving her too, and returned to his own house. He ignored how trashed and damaged it became, even ignored how it was obviously broken into a few times. The only reason he did not drink himself to death was because he had finally ran out of his large stash, and Valerik did not bother looking for more.

When the end came four years later, he wasn’t particularly happy because so much of his family had died and their side lost to the rebels. Valerik was lost in his grief and lost track of time, so when he heard a knock on his door one day he didn’t expect it.

He nearly cried when he received a visit from Bellerophon, who he thought had died during the rebellion. Bellerophon had been the closest thing Valerik had to a childhood friend and even considered him his best friend, despite them falling out of touch. Valerik was so, so relieved that he was not dead. He was not thrilled at all founding out Bellerophon’s plans, however. The last thing he wanted was to lose another family member, but Valerik could not ignore the amount of hatred he could see in his cousin’s eyes. He realized nothing would stop Bellerophon from leaving so Valerik resolved to help him. Just like when they were kids and he would prepare Bellerophon’s study guides for school, Valerik worked all night to create a journal full of spells to help Bellerophon on his journey. He returned to the castle early in the morning and gave him in the journal, and surprisingly was given Belufasa to take care of in return.

After Bellerophon left for good, Valerik went through the last of his alcohol and finally let his tears fall, clinging onto the mane of the equally sad Belufasa for comfort. The lion actually saved Valerik’s life, because making sure Belufasa was taken care of became his main motivation to get out of bed in the morning. Belufasa would bother Valerik until he gave him food and would demand to be brushed, which forced Valerik to do something other than sleep and drink alcohol all day. Valerik did not truly appreciate the lion until one day he got severe alcohol poisoning, and fell unconscious before he got get help. Belufasa found him and carried Valerik on his back all the way to the castle, the same way he carried Bellerophon during the war. The guards were alarmed at first until someone remembered the lion that always roamed the castle, and finally noticed Valerik dying on Belufasa’s back and called for a healer.

Valerik, fully appreciating what a treasure Belufasa was, vowed to always feed him the best possible meat once they returned home. It was a turning point in his life, because he could no longer afford alcohol since he spent his money on Belufasa’s premium food. He stopped his alcoholic ways, but quitting cold was difficult for him so he still drank at least once a week. He felt withdrawals constantly so he tried to distract himself by caring for the lion. One of the ways was to help the lion get exercise, so they took long walks together out in town and Valerik thought it was hilarious watching people look at the pair in either confusion or fear. It was one of those walks he encountered one of his old students, Flarynn, looking half dead in the street. Alarmed, he brought him home and let him rest in his bed, tending to him carefully until he woke up.

Flarynn looked relieved to see Valerik again, and started crying, saying that he had been homeless ever since his parents were killed during the rebellion, had been struggling and starving on the streets, and admitted he constantly felt horrible withdrawals for the drugs he was addicted to, but no longer had access to. Valerik impulsively offered to let Flarynn live with him, and Flarynn accepted gratefully. Falling into the role of a guardian was easy since he had experience as a teacher and big brother, and Valerik easily bonded with him since they both struggled as recovering addicts. Valerik still felt sorrow from all the deaths in his family, especially as more of his brothers died after the rebellion. But when he looked at Flarynn, he felt like his pain was nothing compared to the hatred and anger in his eyes; it looked just as bad as Bellerophon’s expression before he left. Flarynn constantly expressed just how much he despised Seraphion and the rebels, claiming that they had destroyed Wiz and he especially loathed them for their role in his parent’s demise. Worried over his mental health, Valerik stayed mostly at home in order to watch over him and only did part time jobs that would not take too much of his time away from Flarynn.

When Belisario became king, Valerik had no idea what to feel but he could tell that Flarynn was absolutely thrilled. Belisario earned Flarynn's eternal loyalty for killing the rebel scum who had taken over Wiz, and would tell Valerik just how amazing King Belisario was for saving them all. It was this constant praise from Flarynn that eventually led to Valerik seeing Belisario in a positive light, even if he was wary of all the demons he brought with him. He was also happy to see that Flarynn had finally seemed to feel happy, despite Valerik’s worry over Flarynn’s fanatical worship for Belisario, so Valerik felt okay to leave Flarynn alone with Belufasa at home to try to reclaim his job as a teacher.

He was hired once again, although he was surprised by some of the curriculum changes and he could tell that part of the lessons he was to teach was obviously propaganda to support Belisario. But Valerik did not mind talking positively about Belisario, and saw this as a way to teach younger generations to respect the new king and ease tensions over the demons that still existed among wizards. He has continued with his teaching job ever since and noticed how extreme the propaganda has gotten, but by the time he first realized it Valerik had already been ensnared by Angelic’s hypnotic song so he hardly cares if he is brainwashing students into admiring and worshiping Belisario with his teaching. Valerik is a lot harsher on his students than he used to be, and will punish any student who does not respect the Dark Overlord, as well as report any student who seems to resist or not be affected by the loyalty potions in order to send them to detention for ‘conditioning’. When he is not working in his school, Valerik is usually at home spending time with Flarynn and Belufasa if they are there since Flarynn works and Belufasa likes to spend time with Belisario. Valerik sees Flarynn as the closest thing he has to a son and even after Flarynn managed to put his life back together, allowed him to keep living with him instead of forcing him to get his own house.

The deaths of his parents, most of his siblings, and his niece and nephew the past years had nearly made Valerik start drinking again, but thankfully Flarynn usually prevents him from going back to the alcohol just like Valerik would keep Refrain away from him. However, there are times when Valerik finds a way to drink because he feels so overwhelmed by his life that he becomes desperate to escape. Angelic’s hypnotism wears off sometimes and Valerik realizes just exactly what state Wiz is in and what he has done to help the younger generation see the horrible reality as normal. This makes him want to drink until he dies of poisoning, but thoughts of his remaining family and Flarynn and Belufasa shakes him out of his terrible thoughts and crossing the line. Valerik becomes fully aware of how wrong Belisario’s reign is when the hypnotism loses its effects, but his fear of the overlord overrides the loss of loyalty towards him. After drinking himself to near death, Valerik listens to the song again the first opportunity (he noticed the pattern a long time ago, how he would change after listening to the idol), desperate to return to that unfaltering state of loyalty so he can once again feel indifference, or better yet feel approval, towards the horrors being done to Wiz. Valerik willingly throws himself into this cycle of pain, not knowing what else to do.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


35 years old

Dai is the son of the Demon King Lucifel, making him a prince of Hell and sole heir to the crown. He was named after a human, Daisuke Sohma, who had somehow managed to earn a positive opinion from his father because the human had helped him while he was cursed. Dai himself is aware of the true origin of his name, but to everyone else his father claims that Dai was a variation of the word "die". Dai attempts to speak "dark and poetic" like his father and the wizard Belial, but sadly can never figure out how to do so. He tends to start out saying something dramatic, but 90% of the time he cannot keep up with their ridiculous speech patterns and usually gives up, sighs, then repeats what he tried to say normally. No matter how many years he has had to successfully learn to emulate them, he always fails and ends up looking even more foolish than they do.

His father has zero interest in marriage or children, but 36 years ago he had been pressured to provide an heir. It had been his father's hope that one of his siblings would have a child that could be named heir, but unfortunately it was not to be. Hades was married to a male wizard, and even if he did somehow have a child, there was no way Lucifel would ever trust any spawn of Hades to rule Hell. Lucina preferred females and it was unlikely she would ever have or desire a biological child. Finally, the "idiotic playboy" Lucian somehow managed to avoid having children despite his promiscuous lifestyle, much to Lucifel's dismay. His father was forced to accept that he would have to have his own child and early on in Dai's life, it had been made clear to him that his father never wanted him.

His mother, Melchiresa, was the temporary handmaiden and bodyguard of his aunt Lucina. Her normal guard, Alu, had been on the search team for the missing Lucifel and Melchiresa had been reassigned to an ordinary soldier once Alu returned. When Lucifel asked Lucina if she knew any women who were not annoying, she mentioned Melchiresa. After researching her background to ensure she was trustworthy and not one of those ridiculous cultists who worshiped Satan who for some reason had not journeyed to Wiz, his father approached his mother and struck a deal with her. He had no interest in a queen, and needed an heir with a woman who would not try to use his heir against him to gain power. He offered Melchiresa her dream job: being one of his personal bodyguards in exchange for having a child with him. Melchiresa, who had been dreading her career as an ordinary grunt and yearning to return to her previous job with Lucina, agreed because being the bodyguard of the king sounded even better. She had no ambition to become a queen since Lucifel had already offered her what she wanted most. Dai was born several months later, but neither of his parents had actual interest in raising him, so his father's wizard servent Belial was tasked to care for him.

He has grown up hearing exaggerated and embellished tales of Belial's time on Wiz, although Dai is unaware most of the stories were just made up, so unlike his father Dai is fascinated by wizards and has a positive opinion of them. He thinks wizard magic is amazing and often begged Belial as a child to show him pretty magic tricks, which were extremely different from the demon magic that mostly destroyed and harmed things. Belial is the one person who showed him consistent genuine affection throughout his life and is the person Dai trusts the most, and the first person he would go to if he had a problem. Dai cares a great deal for Belial and is completely convinced that he is in love with the wizard, but Belial is oblivious to his feelings and everyone who notices just thinks Dai has a childish crush.

Unlike the generation before him, Dai is not a spoiled prince. Since his father barely spares him any attention, Dai has had to work hard for many things he wanted. Unless Dai can give good reasons to have something, Lucifel will claim things "not worth the trouble" or tell him to "make Belial deal with it". While he of course has access to basic needs like amazing food, a lavish room in the castle, and appropriate clothes for a royal Dai does not receive anything extra like his father, uncles, and aunt did growing up. While he is still priveleged, Dai did learn to appreciate what he has and he values accomplishments achieved through hard work, and he admires those from the lower class who have to work ten times harder than he does and without the luxury of being a prince. Like his namesake, he is kind compared to other demons, and often gets his feelings hurt when he gets scolded for acting needlessly softhearted. However, Dai trains relentlessly every day and is surprisingly powerful compared to other demons, especially at his age, which is why most demons don't particularly judge him for his passivity. Dai likes training to get stronger, but does not enjoy harming others, but pretends he does and just avoids fighting by lying that he is "strong enough and won't bother wasting time on weaklings". Unknown to him and his mother, the reason Dai is so strong is because he is the great-grandson of the alpha demon, the great-great grandson of the alpha angel, plus descended from the royal bloodline that the alpha demon granted extra power to long ago.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


13 years old

Furai is the son of Furei Justus and he's never known who his mother was, had never gotten the chance to meet his grandparents Furea and Furaha, nor did Furei reveal the truth of their biological family. Currently, he is homeless and living a miserable life on the streets, not knowing what to do with himself now that his father is gone.

His father is the only family Furai ever had in his life, and after a certain disastrous and horrible incident, the two of them were separated. Furai was injured at the time, with no home to turn to because it had apparently been burned down during his absence, and no matter how much he searched he couldn't find his father anywhere. It was nearly two years later when he met a rebel, Furai finally found information on his father's whereabouts and he was happy that to meet someone who knew who his father was. But the hope Furai had gained from the news quickly turned into horror, because his father was apparently dead. In denial, Furai cried his way until the rebel finally escorted him to their base to see the truth for himself. After demanding an explanation about what happened to his father from every single person he came across, a rebel finally relented and explained to him that Furei had thought Furai died and felt he had nothing left to live for. Therefore, needing a sense of purpose to distract himself from his despair, he devoted himself fully to the rebellion. He eventually lost his life doing a Very Important Spell helping a wizard named Amery and unknowingly abandoned Furai to live in Belisario's hopeless world all alone. What was worse was that the spell was done recently and if Furai had just found him earlier, they would have been reunited again. Blaming the rebels for his father's death, Furai ran off crying, a part of him hating his father for giving up on him and leaving him for good. He had managed to survive on the streets on his own for so long because he had hope of finding of his father again but now the struggle is worse because Furai has no more hope or goals, with nothing but grief and anger pushing him forward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


died age 76 in 1171

The death of his father hurt him, despite the hatred Arius had harbored towards him from the moment they met. He would never dare admit it but deep down he secretly wanted Belzeneff to care about him, and Belzeneff had died before they could ever resolve their issues. Even worse, Bellona had changed from the kind mother he came to see her as. She was distraught over her husband’s death and determined to continue the war in Belzeneff’s name. She had completely lost reason and only cared about destroying the rebels in revenge for her family, not even concerned over what happened to anyone else anymore. There were few people she still trusted, Arius being one of them, and he was ordered to take his remaining siblings into hiding, and to protect them with his life. That was the last time he ever saw his mother.

Months later, he received devastating news that Bellona had finally fallen and that the rebels claimed victory. To make matters worse, nobody knew who had actually killed her, her corpse was just found in the royal graveyard in front of the tombstone of Bellissiah Black. He brought his siblings back to the castle and Belladonna was made into the queen. He considered leaving the castle and disappearing, but then he remembered his promise to Bellona to protect his siblings, so he stuck around and made sure they were protected from the rebels.

He did not trust Seraphion, but he made no moves against him out of fear that his siblings would be used against him if he tried to continue Bellona’s fight. In Seraphion’s opinion the biggest threats to the new government out of the remaining royalty were Arius and Bellerophon. He believed the younger ones were not as strong as their older brothers to be a real threat, and he felt Belladonna was not foolish enough to try anything to make her job as queen more difficult after being on the losing side of a devastating civil war. Arius behaved himself due to the threat of his siblings’ safety otherwise they would all be imprisoned just like Bellerophon, who had constantly tried to fight Abiel and Seraphion ever since he woke up from his coma. Arius was on bad terms with Bellerophon the last time he saw his brother, because Arius said he couldn’t help him and that it would be better for the family to follow Belladonna’s lead for now, and Bellerophon disappeared a few weeks later. Feeling guilty over his brother’s disappearance, because he thought Bellerophon might have stayed if Arius had tried to help, Arius decided to spy on the new wizard’s council. Even if Seraphion was pulling the strings, Arius wanted to at least know what he was up to and make sure he would do nothing to harm his older sister. After just a few meetings it wasn’t hard for Arius to feel that the new government was a vast improvement from his father (he had hated Belzeneff for a reason, after all) but he didn’t want to come out and say he supported Seraphion’s ideals, because he blamed him for Bellona’s death. Instead, Arius credited Belladonna whenever he had something good to say, as he reluctantly got close to the wizard council for the next decade with a false smile always on his face.

Arius was caught off guard when Belladonna, Beluga, and Seraphion all died within a few months. He took temporary control of the wizard council after Seraphion and Beluga, but he didn’t expect Belladonna to die and he certainly didn’t expect to feel the overwhelming headache that came with it. Arius woke up in a strange place, face to face with Oz, and found out he was the next prophet. Arius instantly did not like Oz; blaming him for the deaths of his parents and yelling at him for all the bad things that happened on Wiz. He called him a false god, saying a true god should have been able to prevent his sister’s death, his brothers’, his father’s, and Bellona’s. Oz did not defend himself and only gave Arius a sad smile, telling Arius that “even with his warnings of the future, time desires to remain on its original course, and changing fate is difficult”. Arius thought he was giving him a poor excuse and told Oz he should have just tried harder to change fate then.

After that first disastrous meeting, Arius did not acknowledge Oz’ presence in his mind, but it had still somehow gotten out to the public that he was the new prophet. With Belladonna dead, Belisario ascended the throne and Arius relinquished his position on he wizard council after becoming the prophet.
Bellerophon was no longer on Wiz, so those who did not accept Belisario claimed that Arius should become king instead, despite him being illegitimate because he was the oldest after Belladonna and was “chosen by Oz”. However, Arius believed Wiz needed stability and Belisario was the only royal that was married in order to become king anyways. He wanted nothing to do with a power struggle and he definitely did not want to rush into a marriage; so, he told everyone that Oz spoke to him and claimed Belisario was the next rightful king. It was a lie of course; Oz did not say a thing to Arius about Belladonna’s successor. Unknown to Arius, Oz had seen a vision of Arius having a very sudden death in the near future (the next week) if Oz warned him of Belisario’s horrible reign, where Arius dared tried to take the crown for himself in order to prevent Wiz’s downfall, and had judged Arius better off to just not have any reason to gain an interest in the throne. Oblivious to the future Oz saw, Arius trusted Belisario to be a good ruler so he did not do anything else to interfere, and spent most of his time unwillingly at the church with Symphora Zylan. He replaced her as the Head Priest of Oz, because he was the prophet and she was getting old. Arius still hated Oz and anything to do with the religion, and could not believe he had actually been made the leader of it.

Unlike the prophets before him and despite his animosity, at first Arius made an effort to speak to Oz because he wanted to try to understand him better, but their conversations were far from civil and he began to use him as an outlet for his anger instead. Arius always took time out of his day to let him know how much of a horrible “god” Oz was and demanded to know why he never did anything worthwhile to really help wizards. All Arius heard were excuses and he did not accept Oz’ decision to remain neutral in most conflicts. But Oz never seemed to hate him, and Arius could not comprehend why he didn't retaliate against him. He could not understand why Oz cared for every single wizard when there were so many horrible ones who Arius did not believe deserve such unconditional love. And he definitely did not understand why Oz looked happy to speak with him, even when Arius just said hurtful things to him daily. He mildly complained to his protector, Gracidea, about him all the time but like always he made just made her uneasy, especially since she could not bring herself to see Oz in a bad light and was afraid of offending her god. So he stopped speaking to not only her, but everyone, about his beliefs on Oz. He returned to his persona with the false smiles, keeping his true feelings inside and having nobody to truly confide in and open up to.

He did not begin to doubt Belisario until years later, when Arius finally managed to get Oz to admit why he remained neutral. Oz gave the same reason he spoke about during the first meeting, except Arius had finally given Oz a chance to give a full explanation. Oz explained that events that are fated to occur will almost always happen, even if the things leading up to it or the people experiencing it are different. Most interference in time only results in minor changes that still lead to the original fated path and it takes a lot of effort to truly change something and drastically alter time. The visions Oz sends are usually futile attempts to prevent disasters and usually the changes he influences just ends up making the future worse off or he would create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that there are only a few instances when he managed to make a real positive change. There was a time when Oz did make a huge effort to influence the timeline, but several prophets in the past had claimed they were better off not knowing what happened, so Oz decided to stop showing frequent visions and to only interfere in important matters. He would take no sides in conflicts between wizards and let things play out as they were meant to be, no matter how painful.

Arius disagreed and said he should try his best to help, not just watch idly as wizards die in wars and suffer tragedies. Arius once again said he hated him and blamed him for everyone’s trouble, but unlike every other time, Oz finally became angry and lashed out against him. He showed Arius multiple visions of the future and taunted, “Try and solve all of these problems then…you cannot, can you?” Arius saw the terrible fate Wiz would suffer, his siblings dying one by one from Belisario’s cruelty, and the land dark and desolate. Arius was shocked and yelled at Oz again, exclaiming, “You don’t consider stopping Belisario from killing my siblings and all those people to become this ridiculous Dark Overlord important?!”

Oz looked at him coldly, explaining that the dark overlord he originally foresaw been someone else and that Belisario ended up a rebel working against him, but because he interfered with a vision Belisario somehow ended up taking that role instead and was an even crueler ruler than the original. But Arius was determined to stop his brother and scolded Oz for giving up so easily. Arius then claimed it would be up to himself to make a difference, since their god was cruel and abandoned them.

While Arius bottled up his negative feelings and used Oz as an outlet, on the surface Arius acted as if he had not changed at all. He maintained a permanent creepy smile that he directed towards everybody and continued with his spontaneous behavior. Nobody saw past his calm exterior, the anxiety and worry that plagued him after witnessing the horrible visions. He had no idea how to save his siblings – Belisario included – and the deaths that would occur would begin with the catatonic Bellarino. In the end Arius was unable to succeed in saving Bellarino and he felt like it was the worst thing he had ever done in his life, and he could swear he heard Bellona's voice in his head whispering that he did not keep the promise he made to protect his siblings. Shaken by the realization he failed his wonderful mother, Arius impulsively confronted Belisario without a real plan. Still having faith that his brother was ultimately a good person, Arius explained that he knew that he was behind Bellarino's death and that he had been shown a vision of his future plans for the family. In desperation, he asked the king to cease his ridiculous plot to kill their siblings, and that it was not too late to change the future. But all Arius received in response was the most evil expression he had ever seen on Belisario, who claimed that it was too bad that Arius had foolishly confronted him like this since he could have lived a little longer if he had just stayed out of his way instead. Arius was attacked and forced to fight for his life, and it was a fight that he eventually lost: Belisario dealt a serious injury to his heart.

As he lay dying, Oz visited him in his mind one last time and mercifully cut Arius off from his senses so that Arius would not feel himself die, only like he was falling asleep. Oz let Arius rest his head on his lap and comforted him by quietly stroking his hair, a sad nostalgic look on his face. Arius felt truly despaired that he had been unable to save anybody and cried, feeling truly vulnerable, apologizing to Oz about how cruel he had been to him and that he was just taking out his anger on him. He regretted that all their conversations had gone bad, but he wished he really could have understood Oz like he desired in the beginning and pleaded for Oz to forgive him. Then Arius, finally beginning to lose consciousness, begged Oz to help his sibling. To for once not remain neutral and to save Wiz instead, and not let those he was leaving behind to suffer under Belisario’s rule. He also feared Oz would assist Belisario, thinking he would be the next prophet after him, but Oz soothed him with words that he loved and forgave him, and not to worry about Belisario becoming the next prophet.

Arius closed his eyes and never opened them again, while Oz solemnly watched his life disappear. Touched by the heartfelt final words, Oz took Arius’ wish to heart, and promised to actively try to help Wiz to the best of his abilities alongside the next prophet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


15 years old

Noesferatu is the young daughter of Noem Siran and Anhura. Being half demon and half wizard made her different from other children, making her feel as if she belonged in neither world. Living with her father and brother made her wish she could be a pureblood wizard, because she hated feeling so different from them, and felt ashamed that she struggled to control her urge to fight. Her father, her role model, was very obedient to his superiors and she wanted to act just like him, so she took to heart Noel's lessons on being polite and having manners. But with the arrival of Noebella, emulating good behavior became difficult. She detested the baby the moment she came home and as Noebella got older, trying to pick fights with her, Noesferatu often loss control of her anger. She fought with her sister often and felt guilty when Noel got hurt trying to stop them.

To avoid Noebella, she began visiting her mother often. But Anhura lived with her sister Nidria, a scientist who terrified Noesferatu. Her aunt did not approve of her or Noebella at all, criticizing her mother's "foolish infatuation with Lord Hades' tool", and never hesitated to taunt Noesferatu about the fact she was one of the demons who tortured Noem while he was imprisoned by Hades. To make things worse, one day Noesferatu walked in on her aunt experimenting on her four year old cousin Ginevra. Nidria showed no remorse as she cut into the crying girl with the scalpel and Noesferatu felt terrified for her, but also scared for herself and swiftly ran away before her aunt noticed her. She gathered up her courage and approached the scary wizard who fathered her cousin to tell him about it. Gino got into a literal fight with Nidria and Noesferatu does not know what happened, but her aunt stopped using Ginevra in her experiments.

Instead, Nidria turned her attention to Noesferatu. Her aunt claimed that she should take little Ginevra's place since she was the one who ruined everything, otherwise she might look to Noebella as a replacement. Noesferatu threatened to tell her parents; Nidria just laughed. She said there was no way Noem would go against her. She reminded Noesferatu of the trauma her father went through and that he could easily experience the pain once more if Noesferatu gave her a reason to. And Anhura was too easy to manipulate and control if she tried to get in Nidria's way. Noesferatu ended up learning the sickening truth that her aunt is the one who subtly pressured her mother into visiting Candiland to see her father, manipulating Anhura with a potion to become infatuated with Noem, just for Nidria's amusement. Nidria laughed that her sister ended up pregnant with "the tool's child"then called Anhura an idiot for continuing to see him even after removing the influence of the potion. Noesferatu felt terrible, like she was an abomination forced onto her parents due to the whims of a cruel woman and also insanely jealous that Noebella was born out of genuine feelings between her parents. But disliking her sister did not mean she wanted Noebella to suffer like Ginevra did, so Noesferatu reluctantly let Nidria conduct experiments on her; to learn what would and would not work on a halfbreed.

She wanted to confide in Noel, but if Noesferatu could not even get help from her parents, she did not think her brother would be able to do anything either. She ended up turning to her cousin's scary wizard father, remembering how he was able to stop her aunt from hurting Ginevra. The cold hearted wizard did not really care for her but he decided to help solely because he owed her for telling him about his daughter. But Noesferatu is hesitant to believe that he truly succeeded in fending off her aunt, because she has several blank spots in her memory and experiences frequent nightmares of her screaming while strapped to a table.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azalea
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Azalea ♥anime trash♥

Member Seen 11 mos ago


died at 13

Ethelwinn is the son of Ethelline and Etheal Rameno. His parents lost most of their money after Belisario took over so Ethelwinn grew up in a small home. Unlike his mother, who never failed to complain about the poverty, Ethelwinn did not mind because it was the only life he knew. He joined his father working on a barely living farm that supplied food for the inhabitants of the overlord's castle. Sadly, when he was nine years old, his mother was executed after being framed by a rebel. Since nobody knew she was not actually a rebel, Ethelwinn and his father became outcasts in the community. They were banned from working on the farm any longer and closely watched to see if they were rebels too. Within a few months they were homeless and Ethelwinn was often given the portions of food his father managed to find, unknown to him. His father grew thinner and more depressed as the months went by, worrying Ethelwinn, but he was angry because all his father would do was mumble how he missed Ethelline. Ethelwinn finally snapped one day and yelled at his father, claiming he shouldn't miss her. He blamed her for all their suffering and was angry they had to live like this because she betrayed the overlord. He came to regret the argument later because his words to his father were the final thing to push Etheal to the edge, and Ethelwinn found his father's body after he committed suicide. He took his father's cherished ring, that once belonged to Ethelline, as a memento of his parents before fleeing the scene.

After both his parents died he was left all alone, not knowing anything about his parents' relatives, so he was forced to fend for himself on the streets. Being a resourceful boy, Ethelwinn remember what his father used to do in order to find scraps and leftovers to live off. One day he met another boy his age, Furai Justus, and took pity on him. He took Furai under his wing and they became fast friends, trusting each other enough with their prize possessions that they normally would never part with. Ethelwinn had his mother's ring and Furai a necklace from his father; every time they separated, the two switched jewelry. They promised each other they would return their items after they met up again; ensuring that they would always come back to each other.

One day Ethelwinn snuck into a warehouse to search for supplies, not knowing that three wizards were up to mischief inside: Valarc Mancini, Weren Taiga, and Angeneva Apollos. As he looked for items of interest, an explosion and obnoxious laugh caught his attention. The curious Ethelwinn tried to sneak a look at what was happened and saw a blond boy yelling about "testing his new cool moves" to his dark haired opponent, who looked tired at unimpressed with the blond's antics. A pretty girl clutching a notebook was watching them nervously to the side. When the blond began another attack, against Ethelwinn's better judgment he stayed hidden in the room, completely in awe at how strong both teenagers were. The fight went on for some time but the starstruck Ethelwinn did not realize how the battle began to escalate, even after the girl fled the room to escape danger.

And, after the dark haired boy deflected the blond's "Super Awesome Shadow Spear" that he seemingly created from dark magic, the spear shot straight towards Ethelwinn. It happened so fast the young boy didn't even see it coming and his neck was sliced open. His cry of pain caught the attention of the boys and while the blond called for the girl, the dark haired boy came to Ethelwinn to try and help. He tried to stop the bleeding, and later the girl took over trying to heal him, but it was no use. She had no idea how to heal a wound caused by dark magic and Ethelwinn died before they could call for help.

Frightened that he had accidentally killed someone, Valarc panicked and kept apologizing to the corpse while Angeneva cried silent tears for failing to save the little boy. Weren looked just as distraught, since it was his deflection that made the spear hurt the child. Valarc's anxiety worsened when he wondered if he would be in trouble and blurted out they needed to do something about the body. Weren, a sudden calm overcoming him, suggested to Angeneva that she take Valarc home and that he would take care of the situation. After he was alone in the warehouse, Weren shakily set Ethelwinn's body on fire, wanting to remove evidence that the boy was killed by the spear created by Valarc's dark magic. When the body was left unrecognizable, Weren fled the building to go throw up, then destroy the weapon.

Later, some rebellion members found the scene and Furei Justus was one of them. When his teammate found the only notable identifying thing on the corpse - a charred necklace - Furei recognized it as the one he gave to his child. The horrified man mistakenly assumed the dead boy was his son, Furai, not knowing that Ethelwinn had been holding onto to Furai's precious necklace.

And elsewhere Furai waited in their hideout for Ethelwinn to return, clutching a ring in his hands.
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