Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hello hello again!!

Here out this new idea, and tell me if you are interested. I'd also be overjoyed to here that something very similar is already in existence. In that case, I would just join that RP instead of starting anew. So here is goes:

I am proposing an RP world that uses multiple threads to operate. This world is filled with violent creatures and rough terrains. In this world, there will be three major civilizations: one futuristic technology driven nation, one land of ole magic inspired nation, and one modern day nation with touches of both technology and magic.

Each of these three nations would get it's own thread. Each of these threads would be completely sandbox driven, as in there is no predestined plot. Instead, I will just summarize what has been happening as it happens.

Also, anyone is allowed to start a story arc within this world. They can take place inside one of these nations, or you may create a new environment that lies outside the protection of these nations, in the violent lands that fill the areas between each nation. When you start your own story, you will start a brand new thread and GM your own tale there. These individual tales will actually take place in the distant past, over a thousand years in the past at the least. Upon completion of one of these stories, they will be linked into one of the main civilizations as a story from the past located in an archive or library found within present day nation.

You will not HAVE to participate in both the main threads or side ones. If you prefer to write short stories that only take a month or so to write, you can create or join side story arcs. If you would like to become deeper involved with the community and influence the future of this world, you can create a character in one of the main threads. What's more, you can create as many characters as you like. You can even have characters that appear in both side stories and the main series; these characters could be kept alive by either magic or technology.

All in all, this RP would basically be a giant sandbox. The possibilities would only be limited by our collective imaginations. I will do my best to summarize and document important plot advancements in the main threads, and may ask for assistance if this RP grows too popular.

Comments, questions, concerns??? This is an open discussion. :)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I should tag a few friends in this as well! What do you think guys and gals? @KRIEEEG @Airalin @Invader Len @Leslie Hall @Classpet
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I would be interested in this, especially the side stories that link to the future to become mytgos/legends/legitimate history. I love that aspect.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KRIEEEG


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I was about to say it looked quite a lot with one that I tried to participate (but unfortunately died), then I saw it was yours.

I might be a little short in time due to going back to college, so I can't afford to be as ambitious as I first wanted, but you can count me in!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I was about to say it looked quite a lot with one that I tried to participate (but unfortunately died), then I saw it was yours.

I might be a little short in time due to going back to college, so I can't afford to be as ambitious as I first wanted, but you can count me in!

Haha! Yeah! I was going to call that one "Fifth Earth". This one is the improved brain child of that one. I call it improved because it allows for a certain level of freedom when choosing how much time you would like to commit to the story. You can try to influence the present day plot, or you can just write side stories for the history books.

Glad to see you again!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

OH MY! I just thought of a game function that would explain away characters that disappear for an extended amount of time!

Picture this:

Any time a user goes silent for over 4 or 5 days, the character falls into a coma and is transported to a local hospital or medicine man. Whenever their schedule frees up enough in the real world, they can wake from this coma and continue posting. This will be explained in the lore as a mysterious illness that began 1000 years ago, hence why side stories all take place before that time period. Also, each person is given a countdown. If they succumb to this illness a certain amount of times, their character will be considered dead and they will have to create a new character.

EDIT: I'm actually expanding on this idea. This is so fun!!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 6 days ago

Thank you for the mention but I'm afraid I can't really take on any more roleplays at the moment. Best wishes!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Thank you for the mention but I'm afraid I can't really take on any more roleplays at the moment. Best wishes!

Thank you for responding. I totally understand. Perhaps this will be successful and you will be able to join in at a later date. Have fun!!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

The eye is watching.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The eye is watching.


Awesome! I'm working on opening posts now.

I have been for a few days now actually. Work, responsibilities, and other RPs/games are all slowing me down. But I'm putting fingers to keyboard on this idea for at least a little while each day.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I have written a back story for this universe. I'd like some help developing it before I move forward with this idea.

It will be on here later today, whenever I can get on wifi to move it from my laptop. Hope to get some responses on it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Sven
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Lady Sven Cactus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

*licks piece of tape and places on thread*

I'm a fresh mind if you wanna bounce ideas. I'm interested in vast world developing and possibly defining a few characters for this world.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Lady Sven@ArenaSnow@KRIEEEG@Iktomi

The following is a story within this story, designed to introduce our plot. Your character will actually be able to find this book in a playable location known as "The Hall of Knowledge". "The Hall of Knowledge" will also contain all the stories where we write about the past (via URL links to the original threads).

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please let me know. I'm excited to receive some feedback! Thank you and enjoy!

The World of Ushingi
By: Anonymous
Date: 01-01-100 P.V. (Day-Month-Year ... Post Vakaton)

Today is the one hundredth anniversary of the day that plunged our world into chaos. I believe that now is as fitting time as any to recount these horrors. As a keeper here at the “Hall of Knowledge”, I feel qualified to tell this dark tale, but I do not desire recognition. Regardless of who writes it, this story belongs to us all. Therefore, I have chosen to write as ‘Anonymous’.


One hundred years ago, a mysterious virus began to take hold of our world. The name of this disease was affectionately named after its first known victim, President Vakaton. Today, all of Ushingi knows the horror of this virus, but our story begins before the virus. Our story is of how one very civilized planet began its descent into chaos. For this, we must travel back, far back.

Time before the Vakton Virus was not all roses petals and sunshine, but at least it was predictable. The land of Ushingi has always provided us with great challenges, through random destructive acts of nature or natural predators. The three nations of Technolgia, Utopia, and Legenda have been around for as far as we can factually date, but they haven't always been what they are today.

Originally, there was not much difference between the three nations. They were simply three nameless points at which people huddled together to survive, strength in numbers if you will. For the most part, people kept to their own nation, as the roads separating them were fret with danger. But trade between the three nations was necessary. So the occasional caravan was sent, most of which ended quite untimely.

Over the years, two philosophies for survival began to emerge. One was the use of human creations that were designed to overcome the elements, technology. The other was harmonization and manipulation of the environment, magic. From these ideals emerged the three nations that we are familiar with today: “Technologia: The Nation of Technology and Power”, “Legenda: The Nation of Magic and Mystery”, and “Utopia: The Nation of Balance and Freedom”.

The three nations enjoyed a long and prosperous time in which they easily overcame the dangers of this world. Trade between the nations became more frequent. Even smaller settlements outside the protection of the three nations began to emerge. It seemed as if our people had won. The struggle for survival had ended.

Then came the outbreak. The president of Utopia, President Vakaton, was the first person of note to fall ill. He was in his own back yard playing with his two small daughters. Suddenly, he stopped, his eyes still wide with joy. Once the girls realized that he wasn't joking, they ran inside to fetch their mother. He was immediately transported and lying in special care at the local hospital. The press swarmed the hospital for months. Eventually, a new president was appointed, and the story lost the public’s interest.

Shortly after the president’s story lost it's hype, more people started to fall victim to the same condition. One of the strangest things was a lack of a clear pattern. Not only were people in Utopia falling ill to this sickness, but citizens of Legenda and Technologia were as well. Men, women, children, animals, and even androids fell to this sickness. Neither science nor magic could find a cause; hope was quickly fading.

Behind closed doors, things continued getting stranger as doctors ran their tests on President Vakaton. At first the procedures were typical and noninvasive, but then they noticed something strange; Vakaton had inherited some sort of miraculous healing factor. This was discovered early when the doctors were extracting blood samples; the needle entry points would heal immediately after removal. Naturally, they kept these findings secret and continued to push the limits of this healing ability. Rumor has it, they went as far as to amputate entire limbs, simply to watch them grow back. This interesting finding did not lead to new discoveries, and eventually the doctors committed Mr. Vakaton to long term care. There he would lie in bed indefinitely.

Then one day, President Vakaton awoke, unaware of all that had happened while he was unconscious. As if on cue, others began waking as well, but more still were falling ill every day. Also, not everyone was waking, and others were falling right back into the frozen state.

Just when things seemed like they couldn’t get any worse, they did... as these things tend to do. A new global virus emerged, one that would turn people into wild animals, bent on killing anyone nearby. To make matters worse, the afflicted also held the same incredible healing factor as Vakaton did while unconscious, making them impossible to kill. Shortly after that, another strange variation of this zombie-like virus developed. Instead of becoming rabid killing monsters, these victims fell into a trance state where they would become enslaved to the first person to give them a command. Eventually, it was discovered that all three viruses were actually one and the same, that people’s bodies simply reacted differently.

The world quickly fell into chaos. After a mere 10 years, the governing bodies of the three nations fell to pieces. New rules had to be made to reestablish order. Leaders became easily replaceable, in case they were to fall ill. Procedures for dealing with the Vakaton Virus had to be put into place. The end result is the world we live in today, a fragile world where civilians are imprisoned or put to death when recovering from the wrong type of Vakaton Virus.
Hopefully, we can work together to one day find a better solu

Edit 16-03-100: We of the ‘Triad Alliance Intelligence Agency’ were sent to the “Hall of Knowledge” when radio communications went silent seven days ago. After three days of searching we have found over thirty bodies, all murdered. Our first theory was that someone in the building fell ill with ‘Vakaton Type #2’, but there are some strange clues that point to something more. For one, someone completely destroyed all the hardware in this facility’s communication room. Secondly, the state of the dead bodies do not look typical of a ‘Vakaton Type #2’ killing. They are too clean. On a pedestal in the middle of the main hall, we found this unfinished book. The author was most likely killed before

Edit 19-03-100: We have confirmed the identity of the killer. It is a woman identified as an attendant at “The Hall of Knowledge”, quite possibly the original author of this book. She does appear to be ill with a Vakaton Virus, but not any strand discovered to date. She seems to have retained enough intelligence to become a vicious yet tactical killer. Half of my team, have all been terminated. I and the remainder of my team have decided to leave this place while we can. We suggest that “The Hall of Knowledge” be put under quarantine indefinitely. We will be taking this book for documentation.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 17 days ago

Tentative interest, will come back when I'm less busy.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Depending on how comfortable you are with others controlling your character, you will choose a strand of the Vakaton Virus. Your character will fall ill to that chosen strand after 7 IRL days if you don't post.

Strand #1 puts your character into a coma like state. No one is allowed to control your character in any way. When you resume posting, you will wake up in a hospital.

Strand #2 will turn your character into a vicious killing machine. Others will control your character but with only that one goal in mind.

Strand #3 will let the first person that posts as your character control your character however they wish till you return. There will be some sort of limitation of course.

In any case, your character will always be alive and well when you return, because the healing factor while you are sick is near instantaneous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Have I missed out on a full month because I managed to never see the link to the OOC? >.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Have I missed out on a full month because I managed to never see the link to the OOC? >.>

Haha! No, you haven't missed a thing. My focus lately has been on a Pokemon themed RP. I'm still working on it in fact. You'll find it in my signature. It's pretty in depth, logistically speaking. Once I got it under control, I will revisit this idea. Maybe if the Pokemon RP goes well, I'll transplant some of those game mechanics over to this RP.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Balthazar007 Can I express interest for this too 0_0
(just did, but do want to join)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Balthazar007 Can I express interest for this too 0_0
(just did, but do want to join)

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Dusksong!
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