Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmazinglyVivid
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AmazinglyVivid Obfuscating Reality

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"We can't tell you who we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. Really careful. So we don't trust anyone. Because if they find us...

Well, we just won't let them find us.

The thing you've got to know is that everyone is in really big trouble.


Even you."

-From the backs of the books

Animorphs is a book series about six friends taking on a secret threat to the planet Earth: yeerks, a species of slug-like aliens who enter the body through the ear canal and take it over. The yeerks are bent on domination of the entire galaxy, and find humans to be the perfect hosts. Instead of waging direct war, they've chosen to conduct a slow infiltration, taking over person by person until the entire species is under their control.

The main difference between the books and this RP is that the invasion is starting in a small town in central New York called Bradbury.

As they say, change one thing, change everything. This time around, when the Andalite war-prince, a member of the species actively fighting the yeerks throughout the galaxy, crash lands in an abandoned construction yard, he meets your characters instead. Before dying, he grants them a way to fight back. This new weapon he gives them is the power to morph into any animal whose DNA they have acquired. It isn't much, but it's all they have. With nothing but these strange new powers, each other, and their own intellect, they decide to take on the yeerk threat and, hopefully, keep them at bay until the Andalite military arrives to fight the invaders in earnest.

(Will be updated as information come up in the IC)

there will be six roles. Each will correspond loosely to a role in the books; I'm drawing them more from the stock 'five-man-band' characters. That doesn't mean that your character should be a stereotype; since this is character based, I'm really hoping for characters who can come to life. However, I believe that it is important that the characters have different talents and personalities, and that having these vague roles already established is the best way to ensure that happens. These characters are as follows: (I'm going by the genders of characters the first time around, but any character can be any biological sex and gender identity. However, keep in mind that both my character and my Co-GM DotCom's are female, so I'm unlikely to accept more than one additional female identifying character)

The Leader- Whether he likes it or not, this character is the type of person who people naturally gravitate to in times of crisis. His ability to keep a clear head under pressure and naturally strong leadership abilities are his best strengths, and characters will naturally fall in behind him when the going gets rough. (Taken by Dedonus)
The Lancer- Where the leader is calm and in control, his lancer is often rash and impulsive. He can be the leader's best friend or worst rival but he is the second-in-command, first and foremost. Though his unpredictability can sometimes make her difficult to work with, his ability to think outside of the box and his extreme loyalty make him an asset to the team. (Taken by DeadBeatWalking)
The Big Guy- While not necessarily the largest member of the team, physically, he's definitely the most aggressive. He could hold his own in a fight even before gaining the ability to morph. He's almost always in favor of doing things in the most direct, preferably physical way possible. This trait may put him at odds with the rest of the team. (Taken by Terminal)
The Smart Guy- An extremely intelligent character who prefers to think things through before jumping into them. Exact area(s) of expertise are up to the player, but this should generally be the more logical character in the group. He generally prefers peace; or at least, not getting his ass kicked unnecessarily. Snarkiness requested but not required. (Taken by Captain Jordan)
The Heart- The more emotional/artsy character, and the group's moral compass. She (Though, it especially bears repeating here that this character does not have to be female, or even remotely feminine) is the first one to speak up whenever it seems the group is going too far past that line that separates good from evil. This character has an excellent understanding of how people tick, and while she usually uses this gift for good, to help keep the group cohesive and take care of members emotionally and whatnot, she is also an excellent manipulator, and the best morpher of the group. (Taken by DotCom)
The Alien- My character, a young member of the same race who grants the group their morphing powers. She'll join a little bit after they actually get the powers and is mainly for exposition. She'll gives background on the secret invaders and their motives, while being very cryptic about her own people. Characteristics include arrogance and a complete lack of knowledge regarding human culture. (Taken by myself)

CS: (Include what role you hope for the character to have at the top)

What's your name?:
How old are you?: (High school age; I may accept a character a little older, but they'd have to be interesting, and in a position to regularly interact with the others)
What do you look like?: (A real picture may also be included at the top of the CS, under their role)
Do you have any hobbies? Please feel free to discuss them here:
Any dislikes?:
Tell me, what are your goals for the future? Both immediate and long-term.:
What's your home life like? Specifically, what is your relationship like with your parents?:
What's your favorite animal, and why?:
Favorite color?:
You wake up late one night to discover that your house is burning down. What do you do?:
Finally, a tricky one; which came first, the chicken or the egg?:

Again, I must emphasize that this is to be written like an interview of your character. I am most likely to accept characters who fit their archetype and expand on it, so that they read as actual human beings. Feel free to post any questions here for feedback, or to PM myself and/or DotCom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Completed. Still will accept constructive criticism.

Post saved for CS. Hopeful I will get it up sometime today/tonight.

My CS is not complete, but this is what I have so far. Any constructive criticism is welcomed.

Yes, I know the irony of my character's dislikes and when I posted... ;)

I'll try to finish this tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmazinglyVivid
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AmazinglyVivid Obfuscating Reality

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Looks good so far, Dedonus, though I'll ask for a little bit more in appearance; you put his ethnicity, which makes me assume brown hair/brown eyes/olive skin, and that he's clean shaven, but not much else, really. Height, weight, hair style/length, etc. would all be appreciated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hooooray more people!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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Heart. I adored these books in junior high.

What's your name?: ... Are you a cop?... Fine, it's Jason Bertrand.

How old are you?: 16

What do you look like?: My mom says I look like my dad. He was really lanky too. I have the same wiry hair, the same green eyes. We're both tall and skinny. But I only know that because its what mom says. I have a nose piercing. It's kind of symbolic. Bulls wear them, beasts of burden, and this is sort of like, being a beast of burden to the world. I put all of myself into my projects. I don't really expect others to do for me. My gramma would be rolling in her grave if I did. She used to talk about karma and being a good person rather than worrying about what religion is right, and that if you're good you'll be find no matter who's right. I like the simplicity in that.

Do you have any hobbies? Please feel free to discuss them here: I collect vinyl, I like to listen to music. I have a lot of records that belonged to my gramma and my mom when she was younger. When Gramma died I got her record player and her collection. That was something I always liked doing when I'd stay at her house while mom worked: she'd put music on most of the time. I like going to concerts. Sometimes I can get into the 18+ shows, it's the facial hair. I can grow a beard if I want to. Hasn't helped me buy beer yet, though. It's not worth the beard itch yet, so I tend to shave it off every so often. I like mosh pits. I also like driving fast. I bought a 2008 Mazda 3, it's not the best car, and the paint is peeling, but I could afford it. It has a nav system in the dash, which is cool, and it's black. I'd really like a Dodge Challenger but I needed something I could get for like 5 grand.

Any dislikes?: Traffic tickets. Being asked what college I want to go to. I also don't like to see people acting like jerks. There's enough of that, and I've got this one friend that can go a bit overboard on the aggression, Iikka, and I have to kind of reign him back a bit. I try to keep him out of juvie. Cops will really arrest you for doing stupid shit, you know? I see them coming to the trailer park pretty often, there's a few repeat offenders. One guy kept hitting his wife, and he's been arrested like three times. She looks like a mess now. So, like, I hate guys like that, and I don't want to see Iikka turn out that way.

Tell me, what are your goals for the future? Both immediate and long-term.: I might look into a trade school. Maybe welding. The job market really favors trades, not business degrees. Don't listen to the machine at school, college is for suckers. Right now I work at the hardware store on Main. They give me a discount on stuff, so I've been building up my tool collection at home, and I started getting into making furniture. It's not complicated stuff, but I made the shelves in the living room, and my bed frame. I'm making an iron work headboard for mom for her birthday, it's in the shop at school. I think its important to learn a lot of practical skills. Everyone thinks they're going to grow up and get a white collar job with a computer or something. The world doesn't work that way; things still have to be fabricated and crafted.

What's your home life like? Specifically, what is your relationship like with your parents?: I haven't seen my dad since I was in pre-school. My mom is a really controlling woman. I'm ready to move out. She drinks too much and thinks she's still 20 or something. I love her but she's maddening. It's just kind of frustrating because she's hung over a lot, and I feel like I have to check on her all the time and make sure she's ok. Actually, once I move out one day, I'll probably still be checking on her all the time...

Siblings?: I have an older half brother but I don't really know him. Mom and his mom aren't really friends and they stopped trying to keep my brother and I in touch when I was in like, sixth grade. He's Dad's "real" kid. So, screw all of them. It's fucked up to have a kid and act like he doesn't exist, right? Because he's always been like that. I think Dad was already married to his wife when I was born, so its not like he would have gotten together with my mom, and they all used to be friends until I came along and I guess I'm what ruined all that.

What's your favorite animal, and why?: That's a weird question... I guess a phoenix, because they rise from the ashes. I'd like to think that's my spirit animal, like native Americans talk about. Because no matter how far down I am coming from, I am going to rise. But you probably want real animals. Um... hawks are cool, there's a hawk living in the woods behind our trailer and I saw it swoop down and grab this rat, it was so tight! The rat never saw it coming!

Favorite color?: Teal. It's not blue, and it's not green. Take that, society!

You wake up late one night to discover that your house is burning down. What do you do?: Grab my two vinyl crates and get the hell out. I've got collector-worthy shit in there. Then I'd go around and break my mom's window and get her out. The bulk of the trailer is between our two rooms, I could get out my window and go around. If there was a fire, it'd be coming from near the front door. It's laid out like, Mom's room and bathroom, kitchen, living room, my bathroom and my room.

Finally, a tricky one; which came first, the chicken or the egg?: The amoeba. We had single celled organisms that reproduced by dividing long before we had egg-layers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

AmazinglyVivid said
Looks good so far, Dedonus, though I'll ask for a little bit more in appearance; you put his ethnicity, which makes me assume brown hair/brown eyes/olive skin, and that he's clean shaven, but not much else, really. Height, weight, hair style/length, etc. would all be appreciated.

Okay, I will try to expand on it when I start working on the CS again today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 29 days ago

Wonderlandalli: Dotcom is apparently already the Lancer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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Hmm, I could also play him as a heart, or if that's taken make him actually much smarter than the circumstances he comes from. Hard to tell what is available or not by the posts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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wonderlandalli said
Hmm, I could also play him as a heart, or if that's taken make him actually much smarter than the circumstances he comes from. Hard to tell what is available or not by the posts.

I think that all the roles except Lancer and Alien are technically "available" because they will decide what characters are in after all character sheet applications have been submitted. However, you probably have a better chance at getting a role if you pursue one that has not been used yet. Two other players already showed interest in this in the interest check, but since they have not posted here, I would assume that you are still allowed to apply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

^This. You guys are brilliant.

And yes, wonderlandalli, assume all roles are open and available (save Lancer and Alien), giving credence to quality over time submitted. That said, there have been no applications for Heart or Smart Guy/Gal yet. =)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Finished my CS application. I even poked fun at myself in it.

Edit: Just needed to add one more thing to the CS and now it should be completed.

Also, we can technically morph into other people, since humans are technically animals, right? Also, how much concentration do you need to absorb a morph? Do you have to consciously think "I will take this morph", could you take a morph by accidentally touching something or someone?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


Member Offline since relaunch

I feel like I remember someone morphing into another person once in the books, or maybe he was changing into a combination of two other people to hide an identity or something, but its been years as I read them as they first came out starting in book 1... I think that might get a little too funky though if not god-modey, and it was later in the books not early on.

I will submit my character as options for either smart guy or heart, then. He can easily be either. I think I would prefer heart though because he's musically inclined.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Preferences and/or inclinations are great. We operate like the Sorting Hat around here, so...y'know, we'll keep that in mind.

Dedonus, I still need to go over your profile more closely, but it looks good so far. Vivid has final say, of course, but I like it. =)

ALSO: And again, I wanna wait for Vivid on this, but since all five characters (not the alien) go to the same school, in the same small town, they all know each other, so if y'all want to start sussing out former relationships, good or bad, now is the time to start thinking on those. =)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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Hmmm... Jason's place in high school society...

Well, he lives in the trailer park with his mom, and his dad isn't around. He mentions a half brother he barely knows and hasn't seen since he was a kid. My thought is that the dad and his family live in another town, maybe at least an hour away, and his mom was some sort of one night stand gone awry, or a friend who made a mistake. His mom is also poor, and a bit of an alcoholic. I'm thinking she is a waitress. So Jason has a lot to face whenever he's home, so likely he's out. He works at the hardware store so would likely run into people downtown. His car is ugly (peeling paint et all) despite being not bad for 5k, so people would know it when they see it rolling down the street or parked outside a shop. Most of his clothes are thrift, he's all about resale shops and saving his pennies.

He likes music, he'd been seen at the music store or resale records/book shop looking for cheap entertainment. You might see him at concerts, especially rock/punk types of venues. He's unlikely to hang around the mall or expensive places. He'd be the kid that orders black coffee at Starbucks if he had to go to one. He doesn't play an instrument but he likes to sing along with songs he knows, and is actually pretty good at it.

He's good at hands-on stuff. He's interested in attending trade schools rather than college, so his extracurricular class would be Shop where he learns things like welding and carpentry as well as other skills that go towards building things. He's working on plans to turn his Mazda into an art car.

People don't treat him well because he's from the trailers, and he got used to it by junior high. He's been on the free lunch program as long as he's been in school. He's friendly enough to talk to, should you bother, but otherwise can be a bit of a loner focused on sketching plans for his car in the margins of his notebook. However, he'd be flattered to be asked about the drawings, and happy to join in on things he actually gets invited to (not that there's much.) He would have a hard time relating to people who have easy blessed lives.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AmazinglyVivid
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AmazinglyVivid Obfuscating Reality

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm still reviewing y'all's profiles, so no commentary on those just yet, but to address some things that need to be addressed....

@Dedonus: Yes, humans count as animals, and morphing them is just like morphing any other one. In the books, they would occasionally morph each other when needed, but the team considered it unethical to acquire and morph a sentient creature without their permission. That's not necessarily the case here, I just wanted to put that out there. Additionally, there are a lot of dangers that come with morphing other people. The yeerks will know that you're out there; they won't know who you are, but they'll know. And when you're searching for a group of morphers, the same person being in two different places is a dead give away. Additionally, when one morphs a human being, they risk that person being targeted by the yeerks. So, yeah! Morphing humans=possible, maybe not preferable.

Morphs cannot be acquired accidentally. The process is intentional, and requires just a few moment of mild concentration. It should also be noted that, when acquired, an animal goes into sort of a daze for around fifteen seconds or so. It's sort of like being hit with a very strong sedative that wears off very quickly.

@Everyone: While I have some comments/suggestions for all of the profiles submitted, I think that it's safe for all of you to go ahead and start plotting previous relationships as dear Dot has suggested. We really value those pre-existing relationships, because they do make things a lot more interesting than just starting as strangers. Characters could be friends, enemies, friendly rivals, cousins, ex-lovers, current lovers, study-buddies, neighbors... Be creative! I understand that it's hard to go over what relationships you want your characters to have without all of the characters to reference, though, which brings me to my next point...

Invite your friends! If you know someone who might be interested in this RP, please drop them a link and invite them to apply! If we get one or two great applications above our preferred limit, we may considering expanding it just a tiny bit.

That's all! Thank you all for your patience! I hope to get this up and running by the weekend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dedonus said
Finished my CS application. I even poked fun at myself in it. Edit: Just needed to add one more thing to the CS and now it should be completed.Also, we can technically morph into other people, since humans are technically animals, right? Also, how much concentration do you need to absorb a morph? Do you have to consciously think "I will take this morph", could you take a morph by accidentally touching something or someone?

Ninja'd! See above.
Oops, missed this the first time, sorry 'bout that. I tend to leave all technical science-y type things to Vivid, but I believe we are saying (for scary, science-y reasons) only animals of the non-human variety are allowed, at least initially. And I believe you need to intentionally absorb information for a morph, but I could see particularly talented or intuitive morph-ers accidentally absorbing something, Jason and Max, maybe.


As far as relationships go, the last time we set this up, I had a whole chart of suggestions, but it's late, and I have work tomorrow, so I'll leave just some itty bitty things.

For starters, Max. For anyone who might know MTBI, Max is a textbook ENFP. She is idealistic and incredibly naive. Most who know her like her (though she grates on nerves easily), just because she's naturally charismatic and loyal, the poster child for a people person. But she can be forgetful or downright oblivious at times, and it isn't horribly uncommon for her to be made fun of, if not to her face, then behind her back.

Either way, she's nice to everyone, especially outcasts, and would take a bullet for a perfect stranger.

Anyway. Suggestions. Take them or leave them, these are really more ideas for other relationships than anything. =)

Leader X Lancer: Childhood friends? Or (friendly) rivals in _____

Leader X Big Guy: Tradition would say lots of headbutting....but I think it'd be funner/more original if they were actually besties.

Leader X Smart Guy: If the Smart Guy is bullied, the Leader would probably take pity and help him out. As long it didn't ruin his cool-guy rep.

Leader X Heart: So, in a 90s cartoon, this would be the obvious romance angle. I'd recommend more disagreement here, especially if the Leader is the cool, rational type, and the Heart is the proverbial moral compass.

Leader X Alien: Please fall in love. That is all.

Lancer X Big Guy: This would be another hit for best friends, or childhood rivals. Maybe distant family members. Second cousins, or something.

Lancer X Smart Guy: Another potential romance, if only to be kinda original. Could also see lots of differences in opinion, since the Lancer (at least Max) is anything but rational, like the Smart Guy should be.

Lancer X Heart: I could see these two mourning in a corner together over a dead spider.

Lancer X Alien: If this is Max and Vivid's character, I can actually see them *not* getting along, if only because of Alien's arrogance. But depending on the arriving situation of said Alien, Max would also take pity and become almost militantly loyal.

Big Guy X Smart Guy: Tradition says Bully vs. Bullied, but that'd be kinda predictable....It'd be fun if they were siblings.

Big Guy X Heart: Another potential romance, but again, way too obvious to be any fun.

Big Guy X Alien: Please fall in love and form love triangle with Leader. Hooray drama.

Smart Guy X Heart: This would actually be my preferred romance, if any. Spock and Uhura, if they were Animorphs.

Smart Guy X Alien: I'd think Smart Guy (if not the Leader or maybe the Big Guy?) would befriend the Alien first, if only out of curiosity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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I think Jason and Iikka would get along well. They've both put up with shit from other people, and from shitty parents. Obviously Iikka is much more aggressive and Jason would have to get him to step back and cool down sometimes. Jason's goal would be to prevent his friend from ending up going to juvie or worse.

Just throwing out opinions:

Mario strikes me as an all-around good guy that would get along with anyone easily, and be a good "glue" for the group. I think it's the scouts thing. Seems like everyone would know that guy.

Max's life experiences are so positive they would seem surreal to Jason. He'd feel awkward admitting his life circumstances around her. She'd have to try to get past a wall.

Olivia is smart, and kind of bitchy. He could handle that, as his own grades are pretty ok, and he's used to bitchy/smartass women from his mother and her friends. Her book smarts would match his work ethic and street smarts. He could let things roll off his back coming from her that others might be offended by.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 29 days ago

Added a possible preexisting relationships tab to Iikka's profile, current for the submitted applications thus far.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

DotCom said
Leader X Alien: Please fall in love. That is all.
Big Guy X Alien: Please fall in love and form love triangle with Leader. Hooray drama.

Already trying to break up my character from a relationship that hasn't even formed yet.
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