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House Arryn of the Eyrie

As High as Honour

House Description:
House Arryn of the Eyrie is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, and is the principal noble house in the Vale of Arryn. Their main seat is the Eyrie, which is considered impregnable, but they have many other holdings, including their winter castle at the Gates of the Moon, which was once their main seat. Both of these fortifications sit astride the Giant's Lance, the tallest mountain in the Vale, the Gates of the Moon at its foot, the Eyrie at its top.

The Arryn sigil is a sky-blue falcon soaring against a white moon on a sky-blue field, and their words are "As High as Honor". Usually marrying other Andal nobles, House Arryn has the oldest and purest line of Andal nobility. The Arryn kings proudly traced their lineage to Andalos, with some claiming descent from Hugor of the Hill.

The Arryns of the Eyrie have a collection of distant relatives located throughout the Vale. Although they are much poorer than their cousins from the main branch, aside from the Arryns of Gulltown, they are described as proud due to their name and heritage.

Recent History:

The Arryns were involved in the Targaryen civil war, the Dance of the Dragons (129-131 AC). It was a contest of claims between Viserys I Targaryen's elder daughter, Rhaenyra Targaryen, by Aemma Arryn and his younger son, Aegon II Targaryen by Alicent Hightower. The head of House Arryn at that time, Lady Jeyne Arryn, supported the blacks and her kinswoman Rhaenyra. At the start of the civil war, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Rhaenyra's eldest son, came to the Eyrie to secure aid for his mother's cause. Jeyne kept true to her promise and sent men by sea by way of Gulltown to join Rhaenyra's hosts.

After the civil war Lady Jeyne served as one of Aegon III’s regents, until her death in 134 from a sickness. Jon, her son, became Lord of the Vale and ruled for just over twenty years (134 – 155). He was known for an ineffective reign, most of his efforts concentrated on being affable towards his bannermen and subjects. After him, his son and heir Donnel became Lord of the Vale but only for two years. He continued the placating style his father became so known for, until his untimely demise. Donnel drank himself to death and left no issue, thus the Vale passed to Robert.

Family Members:
  • Lord Jon Arryn, son and heir of Jeyne Arryn the Maiden of the Vale
  • Lady Amarei, of House Royce, his wife
  • Lord Donnel, drank himself to death
  • Lord Robert, second son, recently ascended to the Eyrie
  • Sharra, died in a fire of potentially Donnel’s making
  • Ser Hugh Arryn, Knight of the Bloody Gate
  • Alyse Arryn, cousin, daughter to Ser Hugh
  • Harrold Arryn, cousin, son to Ser Hugh
  • Ser Raymar Royce, maternal cousin
  • Various cousins

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House Baratheon

Name: House Baratheon
Seat: Storm's End
Words: Ours is the fury.
House Baratheon is the youngest of the original great houses, tracing its origin back to Orys Baratheon. Their castle is one of the strongest in the Seven Kingdoms. It is known as Storm's End. The Baratheon sigil is a crowned black stag on a field of gold and their house words are "Ours is the Fury." Orys adopted the home, sigil, and words from his wife's family line, the Durrendons.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Name: Lady Celena Lannister, called The Lioness.
Age: 28
House/Affiliation: The Iron Bank of Braavos (Formerly: House Lannister)

None know the story that lead a young, highborn, Lady Celena Lannister to runaway. Her parents bodies weren't even cold the first time someone thought to inquire about the location of their only child. By the time the Red Cloaks of the Lannisport City Watch started asking questions and looking for her, it was too late, the child far gone from the Sunset shores. The fates of her parents remains a haunting unsolved mystery for any nobility in the City of Sunsets.

Most presumed her dead, or enslaved, or taken as a Salt Wife. There is recorded mention of the girl in the Summer Isles less than a year after her disappearance; a Priestess in the Temple of Love has the signature of a "Celena Lannister" in a temple roll. Some say she boarded a Swan ship and sailed to the Far East. Others she joined with a band of explorers and set sail for Sothoryos. She either made it to Qarth, depending on who you believe, or came face to face with the Pirate King of the Basilisk Islands, Saathos Saan of Lys.

At that point, too many diverging threads appear out of each other, a maze of believed sightings and storied encounters. It becomes impossible to differentiate truth from modern legend. Of what is absolutely known, there is precious little: She visited at least one surviving outpost of the Valyrian Freehold, located upon the edge of the Doom. There are unverified stories of her exploring the Doom. She visited the Bone Mountains. She is blamed for instigating a slave revolt in Astapor, though there is no hard evidence she ever traveled to Slaver's Bay. She has visited each of the Free Cities. She is a Water Dancer, and the First Sword of Braavos for a single night.

She has never married, and until recently, had never returned to Westeros--despite some claims of her being spotted around Oldtown and King's Landing. Some now claim she serves the Sealord of Braavos, others that she is a Keyholder of the Iron Bank, others still that she is simply an agent of the Iron Bank. It is known she had a key role in acquisition of Rogare Bank assets by the Iron Bank following the Rogare Bank's failure--some even whisper the Lioness had a key role in the failure of the Rogare Bank, though all accusations remain as yet unproven and dismissed.

The wildest rumors claim Celena Lannister is the agent of a mysterious Dragon Prince from the East. Others that she serves a secret network of masters from all over the known world. Whatever the truth of it, the more obsessive Masters of Whisperers across Westeros are determined that her appearance in Westeros at such a key time cannot be pure happenstance. Before attending the coronation of King Daeron I upon royal invite, Lady Celena toured much of Westeros, conducting smaller items of Iron Bank business with whatever Westerosi noble requested an audience.

Noteworthy moments of her Westeros travels:

In 156 AC, Lady Celena defeats three Knights in practice combat before the Lannisport Customs House. The Red Cloaks keep one of the Knights from turning practice combat into actual combat.

She spends several months in Oldtown at the Citadel, a rare female guest of the Maesters. She gives a series of talks regarding her travels, and is able to answer several questions for the Maesters of Oldtown. It is noteworthy that she refuses to answer any questions about reported dragon sightings.

She attends a feast aboard a pleasure barge on the Mander.

Maester Yellsin echoes reports of Dornish sentries that she rides the Boneway; though this is the only confirmed report of her in Dorne.

She spends time with the Sacred Circle, an infamous group of Rainwood bandits known for being nigh-impossible to find in the Rainwood.

Several small trips to the Crownlands regarding mundane Iron Bank/Braavos trade treaties.

The Lord of Harrenhal boasts of having turned Lady Celena away from her gates. Servants gossip the woman found other ways in.

Several Knights spot her at the Inn at the Crossroads. One challenges her; she declines.

She assists a traveling Maester in finding the Crannogmen of the Neck.

The Lord of the Lonely Light claims to have treated Lady Celena.

She appears in King's Landing for King Daeron I's coronation.

OOC Note:

A Master of Whisperers free agent with her own agenda; available to all player characters...for now.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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House Tyrell of Highgarden

Growing Strong

Description: House Tyrell is the principal house of the Reach: the most wealthy, most bountiful, and therefore most populous kingdom of Westeros. Among the Reach lords can be raised the single largest army in the continent, some one hundred thousand men at their peak, twice as large as any lesser kingdom. This alone commands House Tyrell respect, but is not the focal point of their vanity. Instead, the men of Highgarden preen themselves on their adherence to chivalry; their status as Westeros' most honourable knights, as skilled in battle as they are gracious in victory. The women of House Tyrell, too, are of the vainer sort, dressing in colourful and elaborate gowns that set the bar for fashion across the Seven Kingdoms, and both upholding and exemplifying all of the manners and grace of a proper lady. Highest among the Tyrell's titles is that of Lord Paramount of the Mander, granting them suzerainty over all other noble families within the Reach, but the Lord of Highgarden is also traditionally known as the Defender of the Marches, High Marshall of the Reach and Warden of the South—an appropriately lengthy list for a most noble household.

History: Though they now rank among the highest lords of Westeros, the Tyrells were once among the lowest. In the days before Aegon's Conquest, the Tyrells served as the hereditary stewards of Highgarden, loyal servants of the ruling House Gardener, Kings of the Reach. When the Targaryens came with their dragons, and the last Gardener King and his army were burned alive on the legendary Field of Fire, House Tyrell relented to House Targaryen and surrendered Highgarden to them, swearing their fealty to Westeros' new kings. For this act, King Aegon granted the Tyrells lordship of the castle they had once served, and created them Lords Paramount of the Mander, to rule the Reach under House Targaryen. The other, more powerful houses of the Reach—the Hightowers, the Redwynes, the Florents and others—were less than pleased.

In more recent years, House Tyrell of Highgarden has attempted to remain aloof from the bickering of other houses. Under the regency of Lady Meredyth Tyrell, the host of Highgarden did not become involved in the Dance of Dragons, even as their bannermen fought against each other on either side. It was feared that whichever of the warring factions, Greens or Blacks, came to be victorious in the war, might look down on House Tyrell for their neutrality. However, this did not come to fruition; the eventual deaths of both rival candidates for the Iron Throne led to the ascension of Aegon III and his marriage to Jaehaera, uniting the lines of succession and leading to an uneasy peace. This peace was a time of spectacular prosperity for House Tyrell, as they came to entrench themselves more firmly atop their weakened vassals. Under the reign of Aegon III, and the ascension of Lyonel Tyrell as Lord of Highgarden, the Tyrells have become as wealthy and prestigious as ever. House Tyrell's growing strength, though, chafes at their more ambitious bannermen, and Lord Lyonel seems more concerned with establishing alliances abroad and readying for the next war, never imagining conflict at home.

Tyrell Household

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Tyrell Agents & Servants

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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Name: James Conrad
Age: 34
House/Affiliation: City Watch of King’s Landing/Visery’s Targarayen

Appearance: James stands at an average 5 foot 7 inches. With his brown hair kept short and sleek to march his hazelnut eyes. James is a shyish man and often not looking at people directly and has a soft voice.

Biography: James Conrad was born 121 after Aegon’s conquest. He grew poor in Flea Bottom with his mother and two younger siblings. Without a father and his mother old and sickly. James was often the main provider and with little work to be found he turned to being a thief just to survive.

When the Dance of Dragons began most of the poor folk joined the military leaving places and good unattended which made them easy pickings. However with the control over Kings Landing having changed so many times poor folk died and the rich kept rolling. That was until the attack on the dragonpit. James wasn’t old enough nor brave enough to venture up with them. Yet from his house in Flea Bottom he could see the bursts of fire from the dragons, hear the screams of people. When the night was over the people had prevailed but at what cost.

At 15 James had already learned how to fight. Especially being a thief he had to deal with boys much bigger then him. However wanting to amount to something better then being a common thief and actually serve an honest work he joined the city watch, it was also the same year the Regency of Aegon the 3rd of his name ended. As they removed officers of the gold cloaks as well as other council members meant room for advancement. While he was beaten down early by his superiors as they feared their removal it taught James to keep silent and out of higher affairs.

Yet as time when on James was able to keep the arrests of thieves higher than average especially in his own neck of the woods of Flea Bottom. Thus he was noticed by the hand of the King Visery’s Targaryen. He was promoted promptly to the captain of the River Gate as well as oversaw the trading vessels from the harbor. He was able to cut smuggling into the port by half and was able to remove those from the watch who accepted bribes. Once again James was noticed by the Hand of the King and in return for his good services was made the Commander of the city watch 2 years ago. In that time the watch has been cleaner from bribes as well as more effective on crime yet there are some that slip through though often not without notice nor without care.
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N o W h e e l L e f t B r o k e n

H o u s e D e s c r i p t i o n
House Waynwood is a powerful vassal house which holds fealty to House Arryn of the Vale. They are known for their insistence on ceremony and tradition. They blazon their arms with a black broken wheel on a field of green and their words are "No Wheel Left Broken". This stands true for the fact that their house was founded by Aric Waynwood, a renowned wainwright and they pride themselves on the quality of their craftsmanship.

Ironoaks Castle, also known as Ironoaks, is the seat of House Waynwood in the Vale of Arryn. It is located east of the Eyrie and west of Old Anchor and is situated by a lake. A river runs east from the lake to the narrow sea. It is closer to the Eyrie than any other castle except the Bloody Gate.

R e c e n t H i s t o r y
Loyally serving House Arryn and supplying the knights of the Vale with quality armors and weaponry, House Waynwood particularly prides itself on the quality of the shields made from the forest surrounding Ironoaks Castle. They have been permitted to remain a powerful house because of their focus on craftsmanship, handling the majority of weapons-making within the Vale. The house is currently in mourning of Lord Thomas and Lady Martha, both of whom were robbed and murdered by mountain clans on their way back to Ironoaks after attending a mummer's farce.

F a m i l y M e m b e r s
  • Lord Thomas Waynwood
  • Lady Martha of House Kane, his wife
  • Lady Marguerite, eldest daughter
  • Lady Dahlia, youngest daughter
  • Unborn Child, suspected to have been a male
  • Lord Bruce, only son and heir to Ironoaks

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Felix Lannister

Age: 31 years of age
House/Affiliation: Himself


Felix’ career had been a struggle against the circumstances of his upbringing. Despite his noble birth, his parents had died young, leaving him virtually penniless. His father being a rather unpopular member of the Lannisport branch, a distant cousin such as Felix was of little interest to the mighty occupants of the Rock. Having exhausted his conventional contacts soon, Felix was left to fend for himself. Being a poor Lannister was an irony Felix was unable to appreciate. Throughout his youth, therefore, his means had been humiliatingly disproportionate to his pretentions.

Gradually, Felix had sunk into a world of seedy lodgings and even seedier companions – comedians, artists, prostitutes and drag queens – most of which he could not decide whether to hate or hold dear. This was a scandal to his peers, and so Felix was set adrift, leaving for the cosmopolitan and vibrantly gaudy Free Cities. He relished the demi-monde even as he wished to escape from it. Still he has a taste for slumming.

Looking for a fortune, Felix enlisted with several free companies to little avail. For a while he travelled and served with the Bright Banners on the staff of their captain-general. Though he could – and did – fight, Felix decided he had not as much glee as when enjoying the spoils of war, rolling the dice or drinking wine. The life of a mercenary had sounded more appealing than it actually had been.

Hard-drinking and wisecracking, he combined the aptitudes of a barfly with the natural talents of a gigolo, being as physically striking as he was charming with piercing green eyes and hair so golden that it was almost shining red. Ultimately, indeed, it had been sex appeal that had redeemed him from the ranks of the déclassé, as one of Pentos’ wealthiest magisters had grown so obsessed with him that in her will she had left him everything she owned. Only at thirty, an age when most nobles had spent years climbing the slippery pole of advancement, had Felix at last found himself with the funds to support his lifestyle.

Sufficiently financially solvable, Felix invested in the trade routes of the Narrow Sea, securing for himself a more reliable – albeit dubious – source of income. Having the capital to create an insurance company hardly made him a good person. Baleful cynic that he was, Felix did not let his past experiences keep him from exacting terrible vengeance in demanding payments. He had strongarmed his way past the competition, and made a name for himself of a great moneylender. After all, what sort of a Lannister would he be if he would not be paid his debts?
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

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House Roxton of the Ring

To Rule Them All

History: The House of Roxton, during the horrifying Dance of Dragons, took little to no part in the war. This was because of their lord at the time, Galder Roxton. Galder was an odd sort, who was notorious among his court and the courts of his neighbors, in that he had a very low opinion of the Targaryens. He did nothing to hide the fact that he despised Valyrians ruling over Andal people. He was only lucky that due to his low rank, he was beneath the Targaryens' notice. When war broke out among the Targaryen family members, his first comment to his Maester was "good, maybe they'll kill each other all off". And so he and his house did nothing as they slaughtered each other.

Galder eventually died of a terrible duel. They were both drunk and armed, and he was challenged by Ser Salvon Threefoot, a newly anointed knight from a landless family. They fought the most embarrassing duel in all the Seven Kingdoms, and both pierced themselves on their own blades. The title holder after Galder was decided by a simple coin flip, and Balros Roxton succeeded. He had a child, but soon after, committed suicide. The Ring is now controlled by Frados Roxton, serving as regent for Lindsay Roxton.

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