Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Khaz

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height and Weight: 7'0 feet tall and 300 pounds of largely muscle.

Melee, Digger, Underground Fighter

Appearance: Standing over seven feet tall on cloven hooves, Khaz tends to draw the eye and a fair few muttered prayers of protection under the breaths of the devoted. A humanoid goat in appearance, Khaz is quite clearly physically imposing with the well honed muscles and scars of someone who has spent their whole life fighting battle after battle. His horns are sharp and well taken care of, through never polished enough to shine. His fur is messy and often unkempt, the only attention that it is ever given is the occasional bath to prevent himself from smelling too horrible and the occasional trim to prevent it from getting in the way. His eyes are those of a goat as well and are a strangely lovely brown color.

Uniform: Khaz wears a somewhat... adjusted flak jacket over a layer of thick studded leather armor that covers his chest and his upper part of his legs, cutting off above his double jointed knees.

A primative but finely made, heavy greatsword. A large shovel and a mining pick.

Personality/Demeanour: Khaz is a devoted servant of the God Emperor, despite his monsterous appearance. Growing up on Helhiem, he was raised in a primitive tribal society of adhuman beastmen that were surrounded by enemies that ranged from the vile traitor tribes that had forshaken the light of their mighty Emperor for the twisted, easy powers of the Dark Gods to the inhuman and almost mythical 'Raiders from the mists', creatures with ears like knives that sometimes emerged silently from the darkness to steal souls away before disappearing once again.

Khaz is surprisingly level headed for a member of his tribe; He still has a violent temper that can come to the surface when he is enraged with is common amongst beastmen, but he is aware of himself enough he doesn't lose himself completely to his battlelust or strike out when it isn't warranted. Like the rest of the Warband, Khaz is committed to the idea of dying in glorious battle while fighting valiantly against the enemies of the God Emperor in order to earn his rightful place by his side in his great war tent... through of course, the longer you stay alive the more foes you can slay and battles you can win, earning yourself a place closer to the Emperor's side.

While he hasn't been around normal humans for long, Khaz can tell that they hold himself and those like him in great contempt and hatred. They had long known this was the case, but seeing it first hand didn't do the stories justice. Still, they are all servants of the Emperor... as long as they do not attempt him harm or try to dishonor him he would do the same.

Greatest Ambition: To earn as great a place by the Emperor's side as he can.

Greatest Hatred: The vile and twisted servants of the Dark Gods and the cowardly Elder.

Skills: Khaz is a powerful melee fighter after spending years digging in his tribes mine for strong metals to strengthen both his tribe and his body while occasionally fighting against the enemies of both his tribe and the Emperor.

Several of these battles happened within mining tunnels, giving him some experience in fighting in such conditions.

Unsurprisingly, Khaz is rather good at digging if such a skill is called upon.

History: Helhiem is a planet covered in mist producing swamps and forests with the occasional mountain range popping out over the plant life. These mountains are often points of contention between the tribes that live there due to the strong metals that can be found inside of them, just waiting to be mined out for weapons and armor. Once it was colonized by humans sometime in the distant past, but events lost to time have resulted in the population transforming into adhuman beastmen.

While normally such a planet would be cleansed and recolonized by the Imperuium, many of the tribes on the planet are devote worshipers of the Imperial Creed, an acceptable variation that encourages the adhuman mutants to kill as many of the Emperors enemies as possible before dying themselves.

While there are tribes that worship the dark powers of chaos, they are forced to live in the worst of conditions in order to avoid being hunted down and wiped out by the loyalist tribes. The planet is also occasionally raided by the Dark Elder, but such raids tend to be small scale and are quiet rare.

Since Khaz was born, he was raised by the tribe as a whole rather then just by his birth parents in order to become a productive member of the tribe. Taught how to fight and survive off of the land from a young age, his childhood was harsh and designed to prepare him for a hard, brutal life ahead. At the age of eight, he entered the mine that his tribe controlled, learning how to harvest the metals that made their equipment while building up his body, toughing it up.

Over the years there were several attacks launched by the vile followers of the dark gods, trying to seize the metals of the mine for themselves. These were often short but brutal engagements through Khaz managed to prove himself in the fires of war during battle.

At the age of sixteen, the servants of the Emperor descended from the skies in order to seek those willing to fight and die in his name. The various loyalist tribes, more then willing to go but unwilling to send everyone and risk either the tribes dying out or the followers of the dark gods getting strong enough to become a greater threat on the planet decided on drawing lots to decide who would go to earn honor and glory in the Emperor's name in the heavens. Khaz was one of the lucky chosen.

The First Helhiem Warband is at full regiment strength of around a thousand combatants; six hundred of them are dedicated melee warriors, two hundred are great bow archers with additional duties as scouts and scavengers, one hundred healers and one hundred craftsmen of various degrees to repair and make equipment. While they are all battle hardened, this will be their first battle off world... and their first fight against greenskins.


Helhiem legend has it that the tribes of Helheim were once amongst the greatest champions of the almighty God Emperor who waged an endless war against countless foes but the greatest of which were the Dark Gods, vile and twisted deities that were little more then distorted mockeries of the light of the Emperor. In an attempt to weaken the Emperor, the Dark Gods unleashed a curse on the people of Helhiem, turning their forms monstrous in an attempt to trick the Emperor into slaying his own devoted champions. While the other forces of the Emperor were prepared to turn on them for appearing to be vile beasts, the Emperor himself was not fooled by the trick.

Rather then undo the curse and restore his champions to their human form the Emperor instead offered them his blessing and calmed their rage filled minds, allowing his champions the ability to take advantage of their new bodies to crush the cowardly servants of the Dark Gods with clear minds and renewed purpose.

The Imperial Guard has not seen fit to grant the First Helhiem Warband lazguns. Considering that the company is largely melee focused with its few ranged elements wielding great bows with enough strength to send their standard arrows through almost half a foot of iron, this isn't that big of a problem for them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: John Cecil Feeney

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Height and weight: 6'6, 240 pounds.

Specialty: He is a member of the Frateris militia and as such has no official specialization, though he along with other members of the Militia are classified as shock troops.

Appearance: He is quite tall (6'6 as said earlier) and of bulky - not fat, nor muscular - build. He has prominent features, extremely thick stubble though not quite a beard, along with long (though not hanging off of his head) straight black hair. His eyes are an ordinary brown colour, and he is covered in scars, some self-inflicted, others not, many of which shaped like Aquilas and such.

Uniform: He wears very thick leather gear to at least somewhat deal with the Ork burnaz. His armour however, is a series of mostly plasteel and ceramite (though a few rockcrete, adamantium and plascrete ones too) plates banged, welded or otherwise brought together to create a full suit of primitively designed armour that takes nearly an hour to get in or out of. While very primitive in design, many dents in it are proof of it's effectiveness. Over it is a bandolier of various injections of combat drugs and ammunition for his weapon(s) and a basic gas-mask used in his homeworld's factory.

Armament: a hack shotgun, one very large mono-knife, his home-made armour, a heavy stubber, and a demolition charge attached to his back for a spectacular suicide.

Personality: while he used to be a calm and reserved man, all of that disappeared along with his old life. He is now a maddened fanatic ripping apart enemies with his bare hands, and hates the slightest of impurities, the slightest of transgressions against man, often blasting mere rats with two tails or cockroaches with extra legs with his guns.

Greatest Ambition: To exterminate any and all threats to the Imperium.

Greatest Hatred: enemies of mankind.

Skills: while he used to be a great leader of nearly anyone, his recent changes in becoming a Frateris Militia member have made him only good at leading other members of the Militia. He is absolutely fearless however, and after many battles and out of combat self-training has become the best fighter someone in his position possibly could be, reloading his weapons in less than a second, and even beating Nobs in single combat (of course, assuming he has some sort of advantage like a surprise attack, or them not having any armour).


A native of Vernum Primas, he was brought up rather peacefully in the hive, his parents doing well for themselves and thus his child. His father was an aide to the Governor, while his mother a clerk for him/her. He was a big kid and loved playing "Guardsman," both the Guardsman and whoever the loser was, so long as the Guardsman always beat the enemy. He was always a very devout, organized and obedient child, listening to teachers, parents and authority, whilst retaining many friends in a place as unforgiving as a hive-world. When he finally became of age to work, he became an overseer of a factory, and while he did get it by being related to important people, he did deserve it, treating his workers fairly and handling crises expertly.

His life was quite uneventful, until his skills gained the attention of the governor him/herself. He was about to be promoted to aide of the governor soon for his outstanding work. Excited as ever having new means to serve the undying Lord, he prepared himself. However, on the same day that he was to be promoted, the Greenskins came. The announcement was horrible, people dying and being ripped apart one by one. Being high-born, he was one of the few evacuated. However, when he saw the world he came to call home in flames, a great, unimaginable anger overtook him. The drums of war began beating in his head, the sound of blood-curdling screams, of bullets flying, of lasguns hissing, of men and women losing their lives. He instantly joined the Frateris Militia being organized, and while his somewhat fat body and desk job proved an impediment, he quickly overcame it with the help of his sheer zeal.

Now he fights the Ork menace, longing for victory, which he knows will come. One by one he rids the world of the Ork menace, advancing fearlessly through attacks brought upon him by the enemy, singing songs and laughing as he mows down the enemy be it with knife, bullet or laser. So long as he draws breath, they will die, and even then, he would commit and honourable suicide with his explosives.

Miscellanous: His armour (and I suppose heavy-stubber) look like this

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpwrkr
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Lmpwrkr Pain Professional

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Sallius Rust

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height and Weight: 6'0" and 120 lbs

Speciality: Rifleman, Scout

Appearance: War has taken it's toll on Sall's body- permanently destroying much that was once young and healthy, transforming him into a underweight and sickly individual that has yet to fully recover. From the neck down his skin is discolored with 'pools' of infected flesh long since contained by medication, the texture rough like dried blood, yet the dead skin is permanently latched on him. Other blemishes scar his body such as odd black spots, or dirt-like substances that remain irremovable. The lungs are also damaged, with him regularly coughing, having breathed in plenty of toxic chemicals in his service. And despite only being in his early twenties, Sallius may look much older thanks to the stress of combat, as if in his late thirties. The head is bald due to constant shaving, with no facial hair either, face is also much more tan than the rest of his body as its the only part exposed to sunlight at all times.

While recovering from all the weight loss of being in battle (thanks to actual hygienic and well supplied conditions) the outline of bones can be seen if Sallius twists or moves his body in a way that flexes the muscles. He may also walked a little hunched over from time to time, though this is often combated with a him trying to maintain a upright posture.

Uniform: Sallius wears thick mud green military fatigues; a shirt that doubles as a winter jacket and baggy pants, black boots with tan gaiters wrapped around the ankles and the cuffs of the pants tucked into the gaiters. Leathery gloves around the hands, a wool scarf around the neck and a trench coat worn over all that, dark brown harness with ammo pouches and grenades cling to it, and suspenders of the harness around the shoulders. Actual armor is a mere flack jacket and helmet.

When the demands are made for the guardsmen to be mobile, Sallius also wears a backpack with a rolled-up sleeping bag at the top, and an 9-70 Entrenching Tool folded up and attached to the bag.

A very important note of Sallius's behavior with clothing is that he very rarely exposes any of his skin, aside from the face. While fate may demand him to wear less or acknowledge his skin's poor condition, he will otherwise wear as much layers of clothing as possible, even when the weather is fairly warm. The wool scarf is known to never come off either as it makes for a very fitting hood in all conditions, which he enjoys wearing.

Armament: Semi-automatic lasrifle, frag grenades, bayonet and a 9-70 Entrenching Tool

Personality/Demeanour: Witnessing entire armies roll across a planet, or a horde of fervent barbaric creatures tear apart your allies. Both cause an equal amount of adrenaline to pulse through the body, Sallius has seen both plenty of times in his years of service now, mind having been broken and repaired long ago. Now becoming servitor-like in behavior Sallius is never angry, nor is he loud outside of combat, thoughts and motivations having become cold logic rather than bristling emotion. Talks can be awkward for anyone with the slightest hint of humanity in them as Sallius provides little in the ways of actual discussion, seeming uncannily human, to be breathing but not truly alive.

Greatest Ambition: Seeing worlds, fighting enemies, understanding more. There is no specific desire, only broad strokes that serve as goals.

Greatest Hatred: Thanks the war breaking apart his mind and turning Sallius into something quite distant of being human, its hard to say if he truly hates or likes anything. However, given he is a loyal servant of the Emperor and unquestioningly 'happy' with the genocide of xenos and heretics, its safe to assume those two categories are the closest to what he dislikes.

Skills: Calm in mind, lightweight and experienced with a lasrifle, Sallius has come to be a fine scout despite his body teetering on complete decay.

Foruz, a civilized world sitting in the midst of Imperial territory, far from the realm of any xenos empire and unrelated to the machinations of the Chaos Gods. Its continents are filled to the brim with wildlife and vegetation, with cities dotting the coasts of these continents sparsely. Sallius was one of the many born in these cities, and would briefly experience the pleasant life of being on a world without war and capable of being self sustaining. Plentiful food, a hard working people, stable infrastructure and working technology, the planet would no doubt would be able to pay off any tithe the Imperium could offer. And it did! Despite the many millenia of Foruz's existence, food and materials fittingly covered each tithe.

However, over the years as Sallius grew older, Foruz's sector would be tossed into war- though the planet's people knew little of what danger was out there -the tithes became more demanding. At first, food production increased, with the population now given rations as the governor did his best to explain the situation. Then factories were being built instead of apartments or houses for the growing population, following with the economy struggling as the planet only prepared for wars that were occurring far from the planet.

And then, the long list of things required for the most recent tithe brought dread- able bodied men and women must be conscripted for the Imperial Guard.

In the span of a single night the eighteen year old Sallius's life went from the hard work of a civilian to the training of a soldier, rushed from his home to a recently built training facility deep within the forests. Six months they would spend there, training covering varying demands of their regiment. Light infantry, the two words that became so thoroughly covered every day the conscripts woke. the 1st Foruz Light Infantry Regiment, the unit which 3000 souls belonged to. Indoctrination, physical conditioning, communication protocols and survival techniques were put through their minds as much as their regiment's name.

At the end of the sixth month would the transport arrive, a massive vessel which the conscripts were sent off to, hastily given gear that was manufactured just on time for the unit's departure. Once aboard, their introduction to the Imperium as a whole and what it meant to be a guardsman began with lasrifles in their hands, another month spent in comprehension and listening, as well as coping with their situation of never seeing home again. As their shipboard training came to a close so did the trip, with their transport vessel leaving the warp and joining an armada of vessels that have been carving their way towards Vernum Primas. The war had been going on for fifteen years when the regiment originally arrived.

It would take five more years for the Orks to be defeated, with the 1st Foruzian Light Infantry Regiment serving side by side with fellow humans from all across the Imperium. In the first year alone the Foruzians lost much of their equipment and soldiers, and within the second year they were beyond recovery, by the time the war had reached Capitol only a few hundred Foruzians remained, fervently fighting to survive between the suicidal demands of their superiors and the brutality of the Orks.

The few remaining, exhausted and covered in scars, prepare themselves as they're ordered to the fields. Sallius in all his emptiness follows along as ordered with his comrades beside him. Those with even the slightest hint of life behind their eyes silently plead for the right to settle down on this world or another, but Sallius maintains his upright posture of looking forward with still eyes, mind long gone from pleading for life to stop. Him and those like him know the truth, their war will never stop until "they" are all dead- whether "they" is humanity or the xenos and heretics so venomously fought.

Miscellaneous: Rank presently stands as a Corporal.
When the medical equipment is in surplus and Sallius is around, ointments for skin rashes are known to disappear, as well as coughing pills.
He is also a avid reader, and while quick to 'find' (looting from the ruins of a library) a good novel, he is just as quick to discard it once finished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by iTem
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Lioness
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The Lioness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Johanna Weiss

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Height and Weight: Five foot Seven Inches, 141 lbs

Speciality: Captain of the Former Imperial Guard Regiment 407th Cadian, she has shown herself to be especially adept in defending small positions from greater threats by utilizing every available resource to her. She has also proven to be quite experience in fighting in close combat leading men into battle against foes in trenches, as well as defending against charges.

Appearance: A rather muscular build, years of hard combat are clearly defined in every toned swell of strength that ripples beneath her skin. Barely a wrinkle marks her skin regardless of the stress of her position she has managed to keep herself generally healthy simply by not partaking in the less scrupulous acts of drinking or smoking. Her ebony almost black as pitch skin smooth as it is, happens to be marred in two specific places, from her left elbow down her arm has been replaced with a mechanical one after a rather nasty run in with an Ork. The other Blemish being a scar roughly healed with age some remnant of her dark skin color having returned to it, puckered and running from the top of her left brow to just below the bone of her cheek.

Regardless of these blemishes there is still a beauty to her, one that would likely be moreso if not for her battle hardened life that has caused her full lips to be in an almost constant thin line, her dark brown eyes to remain half lidded at most times. Thin brows arch over those eyes usually in an expression of cool self-restraint, though they can quickly change to that of fierce in the thick of combat. Her smooth skull never seems to grow even a speck of hair almost as if she had it removed permanently, she often tells her troops that it is simply one more obstacle that can cause a distraction or even an impediment in battle. She tells them that a good Soldier is streamlined, ready for anything, her body agrees with this fact as it doesn’t seem to have an ounce of fat, her cheekbones high, jawline strong, with a neck that is thick enough to shove she can endure, but thin enough to give hint at the rest of her form beneath her clothing. Everything else about her is rather the usual, broader nose, what one would consider average ears, and a bit of shape to her hips, just enough to make it easier to set a combat belt upon compared to a man, while her chest is rather lacking even without her flak armor it would be hard to tell if she had breasts at all.

Uniform: She wears the typical garb of the Cadian Guard Officers, Cadian Great Coat, with Flak Armor, and a high peak officers cap. This combined with black leather combat boots, and a black leather combat belt embellished with a Golden Belt buckle in the shape of the Aquilla she looks quite the figure in combat as she tends to keep her uniform in as pristine a condition as possible regardless of the several bullet holes that riddle of the bottom of her great coat.

Armament: Upon her left hip hangs a sheath filled with the blade of a power sword, while upon her right hangs a holster with a simple las pistol feeling that if something more is required she is far in over her head already. Also hanging from her belt are two fragmentation grenades, of which she has found keeping at least one is most helpful.

Personality/Demeanour: Calm, cool, collected she keeps a hold of herself at all times, and though she is strict she is not harsh. She treats any Guard beneath her equally, and praises them for their achievements, and admonishes those who fail her. While she is strictly business with those who are enlisted among other officers, or those she grows to trust she will sometimes drop that wall and become a rather happy, if quiet person, softly chuckling at jokes, or even giving some of her own jabs in jest.

Greatest Ambition: To lead her troopers into victory against the enemies of the Imperium. She has no greater want than to serve the Emperor, and will do so in whatever way she has to.

Greatest Hatred: Deserters, the undisciplined, enemies of the Imperium all fall under her wrathful gaze and have little mercy from her ire.

Skills: Especially handy with a sword she has been fighting in close quarters most of her career against the enemies of the Imperium, more recently she attained a power sword and it feels as though she had never used anything but the weapon. Tactics, leadership she has used these for a decade now after having rose through the ranks of the Cadian Guard, her experience and ability to utilize these skills effectively come from real combat situations themselves rather than simple schooling as other guard regiments might do.

History: Johanna’s entire life has been spent in the military, she was born upon an Imperial Navy Vessel to her Cadian Guard Parents. She watched from afar as they fought for the Imperium, and spent her time away from them under the watchful eye of a Guardsman too injured to fight anymore who told her nothing but of old war stories. This man’s experience and knowledge would be what influence her in her future years, when she finally joined the Cadian 404th. It was during this time as an enlisted Guardswoman that she would prove her worth, prove herself to be an enlisted officer. It all started on Keplos IV, where Dark Eldar had been raiding the planet for years, the Imperium not seeing the need to unleash their most powerful warriors rather sent the Cadian 404th, a regiment that had been undermanned for some time. They fought valiantly.

For three years the battle on Keplos IV raged, and Johanna rose through the ranks as needed in the field. When their Lieutenant was slain in combat, she lead her men in a charge against a large raiding party of Dark Eldar who were attacking Civilians, the resulting combat would change her life forever. As the smoke cleared she found that most of her men were still alive, and many Dark Eldar lay dead, her rank was sealed, and she held it. The combat continued for some time though, and again and again she took her men into combat with Competence and zeal like no other officer in the regiment ever had. She had gained their respect, and their loyalty. She never dreamed that she would become more, and was quite content with what she had earned, but fate is never quite that simple.

A year later she found herself on the moon of Yesiree, a chaos incursion wreaking havoc with the miners that had been there, the continuing growing numbers of Chaotic entities drew the Imperium to send the Cadian 404th to deal with the situation for as long as possible, to stall the traitorous enemies of the Imperium until the Angels of Death could arrive. Hold they did, though at great cost, Johanna losing even her Captain in the process. Being the next in chain of command she was quickly promoted and found herself as acting Captain. Battles raged back and forth, and only twenty percent of the Regiment remained by the time the Imperial Fist Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes poured from the sky and obliterated the enemies of the Imperium. The Cadian 404th still was not done though, their final task would take them all the way to Verdus Prime, where the fate of the Regiment would truly be sealed.

Miscellaneous: Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

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