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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
Avatar of Demonic Angel

Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created:
Yeong Hu
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):
Character Alignment:

Character Personality:
Yeong is more stupid compared to her twin sister, which sometimes makes her upset, but what the girl lacks in at smarts she makes up in strength. The young woman keeps towards physical workouts. She loves boxing the most and is fairly decent at hand to hand combat. When introduced to someone new she starts with a strong handshake and one question; how strong are you? This is to mainly challenge herself to become stronger just in case the strongest pack member is harmed.

The twin has a different outlook on Fae unlike Ji. The way she sees it is that they did the best they could to stop a woman named The Ambassador from creating a portal. Yes, the pack was killed but at least they were able to stop most of them coming in. The girl doesn't like Fae but if push comes to shove she can handle working with them. The hatred is still there just buried underneath the worries and concerns of what their new lives would bring and the darkness that is far behind them. The girl believes that not all Fae are evil as well.

In wolf form Yeong is a pure black wolf. When her magic is active her fur color has a dark blue tint to it, much like a panther in the moonlight. Her eyes turn white when casting magic her eye color turns white.The girl is 5’ 11” in wolf form.
Origin Info/Details:

Race: Chinese/Korean/American
Sex: Female
Age: 18
HT: 5’ 4”
WT: 130 lbs.
EY: Brown
HR: Long black straight hair
SK: White
Ethnicity: Chinese/Korean American
Vision: 20/20
DoB: June 8th (Gemini)
Birth Order: Twin (Second)
Bio: At the age of 12 Yeong had developed the taste for adventure as Ji had begun craving something different in her life. They bother agreed to go camping in Yellowstone National Park one weekend, which the younger sibling couldn't wait for, only for Friday to come and lo and behold her sibling was stopping for what seemed like every step. This made her rather upset and so in order to keep her sister moving the girl had started to run ahead of her sister. When it became late evening the two girls seemed to be lost for what seemed like an hour as they both tried to find the way back to camp. A sound of something shifting in the distance, making the youngest curious about what it could be, and on instinct following it. Ji had warned her not to follow and yet the girl couldn't stop herself from trying to find out what it was. When a scream pierced the air the child looked back and saw something near her sibling, causing her to react. She picked up a rock and threw it straight at the monster sized wolf, only for it to dodge and bit hard on her arm, dragging the kid down towards the ground. The girl tried to fight back until until someone came to help them.

When Yeong awoken she looked around. About 7 strangers seemed to be around the two, making her feel a bit uncomfortable. The girl went to jerk up really quick to run to Ji, feeling a sharp pain traveling up her arm, this caused her eyes to look down and see a bandage in the middle. Anger was what the child felt when they twins were told what had happened to them. The younger sibling remembers just flashes of what happened during their very first shift but doesn't usually bring the subject up until asked.

The girls never saw their parents after that day, mainly being told that they needed to stay hidden from humans and that their parents wouldn't understand this change, this helped label the girls as missing and after what mostly been a few weeks were presumed dead. At least this was what Yeong assumed.

The younger sibling had all the attention most of their lives, mostly because she was one of the fastest wolves in the pack, that was until Ji had discovered something remarkable. Yeong was low towards the ground stalking her sister like normally just to bother the older sibling for fun. When she went to tackled the other twin something smacked her squarely into the head, causing a shock look to show on her face for a little while. When the younger sister regained her composure she watched as her sister throw a rock at a tree without ever touching the object which in fact seemed thrill her sibling. The attention was soon turned towards the oldest, making the air breathable for the younger one once again, until a small amount of jealousy started to grow. It was about a year or so later that Yeong's magic had activated though she didn't tell anyone for a rather long time due to not noticing the subtle changes in the air around her.

Years later during the night was one of the worse nights Yeong and her sister had had since the night they were bitten. It was the night shortly after they had turned 18, their pack was destroyed with a female name Odette and some Fea went onto their sacred graveyard and began to violate it. The pack ended up attacking as defense and was destroyed. Being the only two survivors, she and her sister ran from the home they had for years since they became werewolves. They escaped all the way to New York where they knew there was no werewolf pack. For a year they lived in an a apartment and Yeong had gotten a place in a gym just doing odd jobs as a helpful thing to her sister she will often clean Ji’s side of the place, keeping hers a rather messy area.

Hero Type (Select one): Supernatural-elemental
Power Level (Select one below): Street
Powers (Be Specific):
Being a werewolf has its perks but only when you can switch from sat will. Thankfully Yeong is able to do so since she's went through the beginning transformation that pups go through after being bitten. The young woman can do this at will making things a lot easier in many ways. She has two forms; full wolf and anthro form. The form is described in the costume design.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 6x faster than a normal human. Her trot speed is 6 miles. Lowest speed is 26 mph- 45 mph for 3 minutes without rest allowing miles a day to be covered.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: In a steady, easily going trot Yeong can cover miles in a day’s time before she needs to rest.
During non-stop and stressful activity, her endurance lasts about 3-4 hours without any sort of break or rest. However afterwards he will collapse from complete exhaustion and feel ravenous, reverting back to human. When full out pushing, she would last up to 3 hours.
Agility: 2x that of a normal human.
Intelligence: Average intelligence
Fighting Skill: Trained

Resources: Small

When the pack was killed Yeong and Ji-Yeong escaped into the unregistered and was able to get an New York apartment. She works small odd jobs at a nearby gym while her sister works as a pizza delivery person and painting as a side job. The girl's twin handles most of the money while in return she does housework granted her own side doesn't stay clean for long.
Being a breed of werewolf, there are ways to counter this ability. It also works in both forms but in different ways, her human form being the most vulnerable to the substances. Strangely enough, she is unable to detect them with her sense of smell and it could be related to it being her breed’s weakness toward it.

Silver: Most werewolves are allergic to silver, through fortunately for this breed it is not fatal on instant contact and would take large amounts to become it.

In her human form it causes severe allergic reactions such as swelling on the location where the metal comes into contact. If injected/ingested, it could cause her throat to swell shut and breathing to be impossible unless an adrenaline is injected into her system boosting her immunity which will open her airways.

In her wolf form, this can easily paralyze and slow healing rate, but the purity of the metal determines the healing power and time it lasts. The more pure the silver is, the longer the effects last and sooner it takes effect. Pure silver can take effect within at least a minute depending on Ben’s condition.

For any reason, should pure, liquefied silver get into her blood system (digestion or something) when a wolf then it will paralyze her up to a day. Large amounts will kill her, such as a quarter of a pint or more, unless it’s purged from her system quickly and in about 3-4 hours.

Wolfsbane- herb: A weak smelling herb that is a strong and slow poison. It’s believed to be so lethal to a werewolf that a tablespoon worth sprinkled inside a bullet and shot into the target will kill even an alpha in half a day’s time. Any smaller amount will only cripple the wolf for several days, making them helpless and feeling like they wish they were dead. It can be cured through magical/unnatural means or even when a werewolf is laid out under a full moon, allowed to undergo extreme transformation thanks to the moon’s radiation.

Full Moon- Every Elemental Werewolf must answer the call of the moon as its radiation fills them with an immerse and sudden surge of energy, their bodies unable to contain their wolf forms while underneath its pale light. New wolves have the hardest time since their animalistic side is most frenzied and frighten during this time so many newly made wolves depend on their pack mates to keep them from injuring themselves during this period. After a few moons (6 moons), the eyes turn a yellow declaring them an adult.

It’s unknown why, but when someone is bitten beneath a full moon they have a percent of becoming werewolf depending on the species of werewolf.

The last weakness that my character has is when the opposite element magic is used against her. This is the main thing that seems to frustrate Yeong, mostly due to being unable to do anything to about this weakness, hence why the girl tends to do something physical to cool down. She's always trying to find a way to strengthen this skill since her twin is much better at her own element.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother?Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Yeong's boss- The man doesn't mind interacting with her unless Yeong starts talking about boxing then she decided to tell her to go to work.

Eric Johnson- An employee that works in the gym. She finds the young woman fun to be around considering she's about roughly 45 years old. The man loves talking about fighting as long as it's not illegals and practices precaution for the fighters.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: goo.gl/images/s1cA3p The answer to this question is yes and no. If I can find a picture the will actually show when I put in then I will be able to. But since I never really seem to I do what I do as shown on the top.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.

Yeong sighed as she stayed out of people's way while they worked out. This wasn't something she liked at all, not since the boss man had assigned small simple jobs every day, causing the girl to become rather frustrated. Her hand raked through her black hair as she watched the men and women use the equipment and some throw wrappers on the floor. The young woman ground her teeth at this. It was a gym for goodness sake. Not some trash can you could throw your wrappers away for senior citizens to step on and possibly break a hip. A firm hand was placed on her shoulder causing her head to turn.

“Heya kid. Why the long face?”

Eric was someone who loved to have young people around, which didn't really bother the girl in the least bit, until he started in on unfair matches and unsafe sports. “Nothing much really. I've been standing here watching the same couple drop their candy wrappers for the last past several minutes. Seriously Eric why do we have that thing inside this place anyway?” She asked slowly swaying in place.

The guy just softly chuckled. “Well as far as I'm aware that is to keep the people energetic and keep us from closing. Why don't we talk about last nights boxing match instead.” He calmly said as the girl nodded.

“My fighter is ahead three matches. I will be taking my fifty buck now please.” Yeong said with a slow forming mischievous smile as her hand went sideways.

“Your fighter is still a cheater Yeong. I mean how could he knock the champion out in just a few punches? My fighter takes at least several before knocking the opponent out. That's a safer match I would beat on any day of the week.”

The girl groaned. ”You're just not any fun man.”

Eric went to call the werewolf out before their boss called her over. She walked over with the mischievous smile slowly melting away and stopped in front of the man. The girl listened at her told her that the floor needed swept as well as the equipment needed to be cleaned. The young woman nodded and got to work. There would be a little more money in the house, which should make Ji happy, though the whole cleaning outside of their apartment was getting rather old and really fast. When work was finally done Yeong was dismissed like usual even though it had only been about the minimum hours required to be worked. The girl pulled the visor over her eyes and jogged home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
Avatar of nitemare shape

nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 18 days ago

Character you have created:
Yeong Hu
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):
Character Alignment:

Character Personality:
Yeong is more stupid compared to her twin sister, which sometimes makes her upset, but what the girl lacks in at smarts she makes up in strength. The young woman keeps towards physical workouts. She loves boxing the most and is fairly decent at hand to hand combat. When introduced to someone new she starts with a strong handshake and one question; how strong are you? This is to mainly challenge herself to become stronger just in case the strongest pack member is harmed.

The twin has a different outlook on Fae unlike Ji. The way she sees it is that they did the best they could to stop a woman named The Ambassador from creating a portal. Yes, the pack was killed but at least they were able to stop most of them coming in. The girl doesn't like Fae but if push comes to shove she can handle working with them. The hatred is still there just buried underneath the worries and concerns of what their new lives would bring and the darkness that is far behind them. The girl believes that not all Fae are evil as well.

In wolf form Yeong is a pure black wolf. When her magic is active her fur color has a dark blue tint to it, much like a panther in the moonlight. Her eyes turn white when casting magic her eye color turns white.The girl is 5’ 11” in wolf form.
Origin Info/Details:

Race: Chinese/Korean/American
Sex: Female
Age: 18
HT: 5’ 4”
WT: 130 lbs.
EY: Brown
HR: Long black straight hair
SK: White
Ethnicity: Chinese/Korean American
Vision: 20/20
DoB: June 8th (Gemini)
Birth Order: Twin (Second)
Bio: At the age of 12 Yeong had developed the taste for adventure as Ji had begun craving something different in her life. They bother agreed to go camping in Yellowstone National Park one weekend, which the younger sibling couldn't wait for, only for Friday to come and lo and behold her sibling was stopping for what seemed like every step. This made her rather upset and so in order to keep her sister moving the girl had started to run ahead of her sister. When it became late evening the two girls seemed to be lost for what seemed like an hour as they both tried to find the way back to camp. A sound of something shifting in the distance, making the youngest curious about what it could be, and on instinct following it. Ji had warned her not to follow and yet the girl couldn't stop herself from trying to find out what it was. When a scream pierced the air the child looked back and saw something near her sibling, causing her to react. She picked up a rock and threw it straight at the monster sized wolf, only for it to dodge and bit hard on her arm, dragging the kid down towards the ground. The girl tried to fight back until until someone came to help them.

When Yeong awoken she looked around. About 7 strangers seemed to be around the two, making her feel a bit uncomfortable. The girl went to jerk up really quick to run to Ji, feeling a sharp pain traveling up her arm, this caused her eyes to look down and see a bandage in the middle. Anger was what the child felt when they twins were told what had happened to them. The younger sibling remembers just flashes of what happened during their very first shift but doesn't usually bring the subject up until asked.

The girls never saw their parents after that day, mainly being told that they needed to stay hidden from humans and that their parents wouldn't understand this change, this helped label the girls as missing and after what mostly been a few weeks were presumed dead. At least this was what Yeong assumed.

The younger sibling had all the attention most of their lives, mostly because she was one of the fastest wolves in the pack, that was until Ji had discovered something remarkable. Yeong was low towards the ground stalking her sister like normally just to bother the older sibling for fun. When she went to tackled the other twin something smacked her squarely into the head, causing a shock look to show on her face for a little while. When the younger sister regained her composure she watched as her sister throw a rock at a tree without ever touching the object which in fact seemed thrill her sibling. The attention was soon turned towards the oldest, making the air breathable for the younger one once again, until a small amount of jealousy started to grow. It was about a year or so later that Yeong's magic had activated though she didn't tell anyone for a rather long time due to not noticing the subtle changes in the air around her.

Years later during the night was one of the worse nights Yeong and her sister had had since the night they were bitten. It was the night shortly after they had turned 18, their pack was destroyed with a female name Odette and some Fea went onto their sacred graveyard and began to violate it. The pack ended up attacking as defense and was destroyed. Being the only two survivors, she and her sister ran from the home they had for years since they became werewolves. They escaped all the way to New York where they knew there was no werewolf pack. For a year they lived in an a apartment and Yeong had gotten a place in a gym just doing odd jobs as a helpful thing to her sister she will often clean Ji’s side of the place, keeping hers a rather messy area.

Hero Type (Select one): Supernatural-elemental
Power Level (Select one below): Street
Powers (Be Specific):
Being a werewolf has its perks but only when you can switch from sat will. Thankfully Yeong is able to do so since she's went through the beginning transformation that pups go through after being bitten. The young woman can do this at will making things a lot easier in many ways. She has two forms; full wolf and anthro form. The form is described in the costume design.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 6x faster than a normal human. Her trot speed is 6 miles. Lowest speed is 26 mph- 45 mph for 3 minutes without rest allowing miles a day to be covered.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: In a steady, easily going trot Yeong can cover miles in a day’s time before she needs to rest.
During non-stop and stressful activity, her endurance lasts about 3-4 hours without any sort of break or rest. However afterwards he will collapse from complete exhaustion and feel ravenous, reverting back to human. When full out pushing, she would last up to 3 hours.
Agility: 2x that of a normal human.
Intelligence: Average intelligence
Fighting Skill: Trained

Resources: Small

When the pack was killed Yeong and Ji-Yeong escaped into the unregistered and was able to get an New York apartment. She works small odd jobs at a nearby gym while her sister works as a pizza delivery person and painting as a side job. The girl's twin handles most of the money while in return she does housework granted her own side doesn't stay clean for long.
Being a breed of werewolf, there are ways to counter this ability. It also works in both forms but in different ways, her human form being the most vulnerable to the substances. Strangely enough, she is unable to detect them with her sense of smell and it could be related to it being her breed’s weakness toward it.

Silver: Most werewolves are allergic to silver, through fortunately for this breed it is not fatal on instant contact and would take large amounts to become it.

In her human form it causes severe allergic reactions such as swelling on the location where the metal comes into contact. If injected/ingested, it could cause her throat to swell shut and breathing to be impossible unless an adrenaline is injected into her system boosting her immunity which will open her airways.

In her wolf form, this can easily paralyze and slow healing rate, but the purity of the metal determines the healing power and time it lasts. The more pure the silver is, the longer the effects last and sooner it takes effect. Pure silver can take effect within at least a minute depending on Ben’s condition.

For any reason, should pure, liquefied silver get into her blood system (digestion or something) when a wolf then it will paralyze her up to a day. Large amounts will kill her, such as a quarter of a pint or more, unless it’s purged from her system quickly and in about 3-4 hours.

Wolfsbane- herb: A weak smelling herb that is a strong and slow poison. It’s believed to be so lethal to a werewolf that a tablespoon worth sprinkled inside a bullet and shot into the target will kill even an alpha in half a day’s time. Any smaller amount will only cripple the wolf for several days, making them helpless and feeling like they wish they were dead. It can be cured through magical/unnatural means or even when a werewolf is laid out under a full moon, allowed to undergo extreme transformation thanks to the moon’s radiation.

Full Moon- Every Elemental Werewolf must answer the call of the moon as its radiation fills them with an immerse and sudden surge of energy, their bodies unable to contain their wolf forms while underneath its pale light. New wolves have the hardest time since their animalistic side is most frenzied and frighten during this time so many newly made wolves depend on their pack mates to keep them from injuring themselves during this period. After a few moons (6 moons), the eyes turn a yellow declaring them an adult.

It’s unknown why, but when someone is bitten beneath a full moon they have a percent of becoming werewolf depending on the species of werewolf.

The last weakness that my character has is when the opposite element magic is used against her. This is the main thing that seems to frustrate Yeong, mostly due to being unable to do anything to about this weakness, hence why the girl tends to do something physical to cool down. She's always trying to find a way to strengthen this skill since her twin is much better at her own element.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother?Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Yeong's boss- The man doesn't mind interacting with her unless Yeong starts talking about boxing then she decided to tell her to go to work.

Eric Johnson- An employee that works in the gym. She finds the young woman fun to be around considering she's about roughly 45 years old. The man loves talking about fighting as long as it's not illegals and practices precaution for the fighters.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: goo.gl/images/s1cA3p The answer to this question is yes and no. If I can find a picture the will actually show when I put in then I will be able to. But since I never really seem to I do what I do as shown on the top.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.

Yeong sighed as she stayed out of people's way while they worked out. This wasn't something she liked at all, not since the boss man had assigned small simple jobs every day, causing the girl to become rather frustrated. Her hand raked through her black hair as she watched the men and women use the equipment and some throw wrappers on the floor. The young woman ground her teeth at this. It was a gym for goodness sake. Not some trash can you could throw your wrappers away for senior citizens to step on and possibly break a hip. A firm hand was placed on her shoulder causing her head to turn.

“Heya kid. Why the long face?”

Eric was someone who loved to have young people around, which didn't really bother the girl in the least bit, until he started in on unfair matches and unsafe sports. “Nothing much really. I've been standing here watching the same couple drop their candy wrappers for the last past several minutes. Seriously Eric why do we have that thing inside this place anyway?” She asked slowly swaying in place.

The guy just softly chuckled. “Well as far as I'm aware that is to keep the people energetic and keep us from closing. Why don't we talk about last nights boxing match instead.” He calmly said as the girl nodded.

“My fighter is ahead three matches. I will be taking my fifty buck now please.” Yeong said with a slow forming mischievous smile as her hand went sideways.

“Your fighter is still a cheater Yeong. I mean how could he knock the champion out in just a few punches? My fighter takes at least several before knocking the opponent out. That's a safer match I would beat on any day of the week.”

The girl groaned. ”You're just not any fun man.”

Eric went to call the werewolf out before their boss called her over. She walked over with the mischievous smile slowly melting away and stopped in front of the man. The girl listened at her told her that the floor needed swept as well as the equipment needed to be cleaned. The young woman nodded and got to work. There would be a little more money in the house, which should make Ji happy, though the whole cleaning outside of their apartment was getting rather old and really fast. When work was finally done Yeong was dismissed like usual even though it had only been about the minimum hours required to be worked. The girl pulled the visor over her eyes and jogged home.

Yup. Still approved
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay, first Cowl post is up finally! Super late of course, but it's here!

War-Pulse post comming soon!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Hey NN, just a heads up. Triad and Yakuza activities has jumped up a bit. I have some plans to run past you, mainly how this could end up benefit Cowl
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, first Cowl post is up finally! Super late of course, but it's here!

War-Pulse post comming soon!

You portrayed Barron more violently than he actually operates, he does use a lot of violence, but prefers traditional, bribery and political maneuvering to get his way, money is the route to controlling the world for him. And while he can be excessively violent, it's usually towards those who cross him. Although I can chalk that up to the Rumor mill and misinformation and lack thereof. So when Barron does meet the Cowl he'll be more diplomatic than the Cowl imagined. Which works better for me. And provides some interesting conversations.

Everything looks good though, no need for changes, just letting you know. If you ever have questions I'll respond quickly enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

You portrayed Barron more violently than he actually operates, he does use a lot of violence, but prefers traditional, bribery and political maneuvering to get his way, money is the route to controlling the world for him. And while he can be excessively violent, it's usually towards those who cross him. Although I can chalk that up to the Rumor mill and misinformation and lack thereof. So when Barron does meet the Cowl he'll be more diplomatic than the Cowl imagined. Which works better for me. And provides some interesting conversations.

Everything looks good though, no need for changes, just letting you know. If you ever have questions I'll respond quickly enough.

I'll go ahead and make a slight edit to what the Cowl said anyway. I don't want to portray Your character incorrectly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Discord's down again. *sigh* looks like we're gonna have to wait again lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I need to get a new Barron post, which will probably come out the day after the beginning of the Soul Stone Arc, or unless Barron gets dragged into it. I assume we won't wrap it up for a while. So Barron probably won't be involved the first day. Also Hellis. Barron is in NYC. So if you want to set that stage let me know.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Vatrou I edited the Cowl post to be more applicable to The Baron. Also to @Hellis I will respond to that war hopefully in Cowl's next post.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Vatrou I edited the Cowl post to be more applicable to The Baron. Also to @Hellis I will respond to that war hopefully in Cowl's next post.

Barron can be really violent, so if that Devils' gang was it? If they didn't play ball with Barron he would have certainly wiped them out. So stories like that will definitely come across the Cowl's desk. Barron prefers diplomacy over outright violence so the changes are better. Although catch Barron in a foul mood, and yeah he may resort to outright violence too quickly. Thankfully Carol mellows him out a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eh, I made up a gang as an example to show off Baron's ability, but I'd rather have The Cowl be informed of Baron's primary talents, I'm sure the Baron avoids going whole hog when he can.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eh, I made up a gang as an example to show off Baron's ability, but I'd rather have The Cowl be informed of Baron's primary talents, I'm sure the Baron avoids going whole hog when he can.

He's well, unpredictable in that regard, anyone he deems useless or unnecessary like smaller gangs, he has no problem with making them disappear in a gooey bloody mess.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 18 days ago

Icon post is up.

No need for anyone to jump in, I'm just doing a little solo arc to get things started for him for the season.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fletch has appeared. Though I am not 100% sure on how PG-13 the RP is. Let me know if my recent post is a little bit too much for the RP rating and I'll edit it to make it more friendly :)

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yes! Kill the monster Zeta squad! Kill it with fire, and Sweat Creams. Get Arachne in there to smother it to death. Can't use his mind trickery if it's face is buried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Here goes nothing. **coughs and clears throat, patting microphone a bit until everyone can hear her** This thing on? Good. Ahem.

Calling every HERO/WALK THE LINE character within New York area!

Alright. There’s something I actually want to do in regards with all the heroes and walk the line PCs that are within the NY area, and that’s establish brief contacts or meetings during the search for Ben during this chapter (too small to called an arc). When Ben goes wolf in two nights in a row, there’s a chance for his friends to encounter and briefly meet other PCs within the NY area during their search. Any players interested in having a brief interaction with them, state over the OoC, PM or contact me in some form to make this happen.

I figured this would make it possible for other PCs to call in aid from Ben’s pack, or individuals involved with it, to either help with their own arcs or get involved in the Pack’s chapters/arc without feeling random. So anyone interested?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Celeste
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Here goes nothing. **coughs and clears throat, patting microphone a bit until everyone can hear her** This thing on? Good. Ahem.

Calling every HERO/WALK THE LINE character within New York area!

Alright. There’s something I actually want to do in regards with all the heroes and walk the line PCs that are within the NY area, and that’s establish brief contacts or meetings during the search for Ben during this chapter (too small to called an arc). When Ben goes wolf in two nights in a row, there’s a chance for his friends to encounter and briefly meet other PCs within the NY area during their search. Any players interested in having a brief interaction with them, state over the OoC, PM or contact me in some form to make this happen.

I figured this would make it possible for other PCs to call in aid from Ben’s pack, or individuals involved with it, to either help with their own arcs or get involved in the Pack’s chapters/arc without feeling random. So anyone interested?

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Due to the insane level of activity in the IC just wanted to make a few quick mentions here in the OOC :). I'll also start throwing in a hider at the end of my posts, @ mentioning if I mention other PC's directly. Hopefully that'll help keep other players aware of what I'm doing.

@ShyDot I'm up to collab Odette and Mandate's meeting whenever you are! Lemme know~

@NeutralNexus Odette sent Cowl a text message in this post, regarding Racheli's discovery in Lost Haven. I can imagine it was well after Cowl's coffee break~ so there's no worry of making additions. Also whenever you have time, (I know you've been swamped by RL) I'm still up to working on the Memory Trunk stuff. There's no hurry though~

I'll be making an update to my character sheet with a list of NPC's and updating Odette's post index soon. @nitemare shape

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShyDot


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@DearTrickster I'll be around today, so hopefully we can get started sometime then! Excellent post.

And how are they ignoring Mandate, you say? Why, they're New Yorkers, they can cope with anything.

Joking, of course.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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@DearTrickster I'll be around today, so hopefully we can get started sometime then! Excellent post.

And how are they ignoring Mandate, you say? Why, they're New Yorkers, they can cope with anything.

Joking, of course.

I don't think Ben's even around the same area as her, which makes it hard to have him magically know about it. :P
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