<Snipped quote by Spriggs27>

Go big or go home.
<Snipped quote by Spriggs27>
<Snipped quote by Skepic>
Go big or go home.
<Snipped quote by ZekariVoblis>
Bitch please
It would be interesting to see how Aleph & Kurokono interacted XP , though that wouldn't happen today haha :X , also I totally didn't rip the name off Kuroko :3 ~
<Snipped quote by Skepic>
<Snipped quote by ZekariVoblis>
Erm.... I still beat you, buddy. Atom bomb firing cannon beats carpet bombing.
Bro, do you even play rock paper scissors?
congratz ur reading the post of a guy who just became a year older
congratz ur reading the post of a guy who just became a year older
<Snipped quote by ZekariVoblis>
From my understanding everyone was going to the tavern anyway XD
Then Vesta would proceed to take Avery, Kyle and Blanc back to her estate. I suppose her pet dragon can come along as well
Also she may or may not steal Daisuke and Aya. Since them coming from earth will pique her interest she might just take them XD
Sorry I've been so inactive lately, midterms + a final. I'll be back at it quite soon.