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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii


"Let's see... arms, legs, head, deck... still got everything so I guess I'm doing fine, despite all that's going on." Joshua said, trying to make a joke out of his answer while still giving her one that was somewhat serious. "Shame the meeting wasn't a total success. Haas seemed to put some effort into it, but it seems he has a bit of stage fright. Then again, I'm sure we all do. But getting over that fear is part of the fun.

Anyway, how you been doing with that spell counter deck? Gotten any new cards for it? I never got to say it last time, but your ability to manipulate counters and assault mode cards was very impressive. Not sure I could pull off half of what you did with that deck
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

C-c-c-clarinet? Megan was stunned momentarily by the butchering of her last name that she thought would assuredly vanish ever since the one time it had been brought up. Also had Maisy just... guessed what her last name was? Instead of just not using it or asking? Well clearly she couldn't let this go unaddressed or it would happen again, or even worse, other people might start using it. Megan leaned closer to Maisy and whispered loudly, "Claravet. Not clarinet." She didn't even have a particular fondness for clarinets. Refocusing on the fact that Leander had said okay, Megan grinned. Sweet, party set. "Awesome. Maisy get ready for some snooping. Leander lead the way!" Megan said dramatically, pointing in a direction that may or may not have been correct as she wasn't entirely sure where the light dorms were.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maisy beamed as she heard Leander actually agree, and then immediately felt a cold sweat coming on as Megan leaned in and corrected her on that last name. Oh crud. Selective forgetful dyslexia sure was terrible. But hey, at least that was clear! Now in Maisy's mind, Megan had one free shot at calling her Maisy Mc...something. Some mispronunciation. That was fair right?

Regardless, Maisy wrapped her arms around her new temporary best pals' shoulders and pulled them in for a group hug before saying: "Alright! Operation Stalk the entire Light Dorm for Info on the Dark Dorm is in effect!" and then letting the two free of her huggy grasp. Smiling, Maisy curled her left and's index finger and thumb around her chin, rubbing it back and forth. "Lesse...someone who knows Ethel...I'm like, 98% sure that Angelo and her are an item. The other 2% is Ignia..." Pointing at the probably-not-maybe-is-friend of Ethel, Maisy said: "Since Ben says that Wind Dorm's under control from his crew being there, maybe you both should go with Nate and see if anybody has any new info or rumors on Ethel's accident. Hayate, Brooklyn, you two should try and see if anybody else outside of this little circle would be interested in playing detective. Just be careful of weirdos and dark-dormers," Maisy was pretty confident in these sorta "teams", what with Ben and Angelo both being considered pretty approachable, and likely having contacts with other turbo duelists most others wouldn't have. And Ben was definitely getting popular with the ladies. Like, dude had abs on his abs. Mm. Brooklyn statistically was in the top 15% of chicks in the academy with secret admirers, and Hayate had that sort of really cute dorky girl charm about her. No man worth his rocks would pass up on a chance to help out if those two asked.

"And...lemme see...Michelle, Camryn, and Joshua, see if you can get anything out of any of the teachers. Especially some of the more loose-lipped ones. Transformer definitely won't...but if you see any dark dorm students making a mess somewhere, let him know. He's like, scarier than anything ever. Duel Ghouls check under their beds for him." Maisy said as her finishing statement, feeling like she'd done a decent job as self-appointed vice-president. "Onwards, my stealthy buds!" the nosy girl cheered before running out to go off and towards the stairs. No time like the present to get the dirt on people before it got swept up!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"You're here. I was hoping you'd show up," Hayato welcomed his guest into his dorm room, which had a large number of luggage still to be opened, with a few tools on his desk. They were a bunch of unidentifyable devices, ones only Hayato would know what they are. "Take a seat... even if you have to knock down one of my bags and sit on them. The stuff inside is pretty much indestructible," Hayato said, now facing Haas. It revealed that Hayato was wearing a set of safety goggles. "I was hoping you wouldn't catch me tinkering with my mother's inventions," Hayato casually added and quickly set down his tools and goggles, then narrowed his eyes. "I am sure you are wondering why I called you here... You might even be wondering why I was missing the last few days." Hayato's tone was slowly shifting as he spoke. "I expected the school to explain my absence. I was asking around the academy if they heard anything about students getting electrocuted and being found and send to the infirmary." Hayato continued, mentioning a short investigation he did in his free time before the shows were a thing. "I sadly didn't get much information out of it so I think it's pretty clear that the school is hiding this from the public." Hayato explains his suspicions of the academy stuff and what he discovered in his short investigation into his own absence.

Hayato coughed and started to speak again. "Enough avoiding the subject... the day before I went missing, I foolishly identified and challenged a Dark Dorm Student and offered to play by his rules. Honestly, I never expected them to play this dirty... this student had some duel tech that I thought people long forgot about." Hayato continued and explained the Duel Chain to Haas. "But to the victor goes to the spoils... though to be honest, I never felt like a winner after the duel. You might have an idea of what happened after." Hayato sighed after explaining the whole duel to Haas. "Even now, I can almost feel those shocks running through my body," Hayato added sarcastically. "Here, I'll give you my D-Ceiver contact information, I don't think I can take the entire Dark Dorm down by myself but I sure as hell can try. Scum like them just don't have a place here." Hayato wrote down his conrtact info on a piece of paper and passed it onto Haas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Camryn had, again, mostly been hanging back until all the business of who was going to do what had been resolved. Truth be told, she had never thought herself that great of a leader, despite her friendliness to just about anyone. As Maisy gave out her orders, she sat up a bit and looked around for the two other students that she had been paired up with. She knew that the ponytailed boy who had spoken up earlier was Joshua, so after Maisy left everyone to their own devices, she approached him.

"Hey, you're Joshua, right? I'm Camryn! Thought I should probably introduce myself, if we're gonna be working together on this." She stuck out a hand to shake, like she usually did. "Also, would you happen to know who Michelle is? I, uh, don't know as many people here as I'd like to, unfortunately."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 27 min ago

Angelo sighed a bit as Hass gave him the idea to check on Ethel's duel runner which he already did. Angelo already had that plan because nobody else here had the experience with runners that he did. Hell Angelo was the one that remodeled Ethel's duel runner to begin with so it makes sense that he goes to check what went wrong in the first place. When he then told everyone to get into groups Angelo turned to Ben once more and said "Yeah im going to go see what they did to the runner so you know where to find me big guy" Angelo said patting his shoulder before he left.

Angelo didn't need a lot of motivation just a goal to work towards and taking down what was essentially a gang he was happy. Angelo didn't need much because he didn't like to admit it but Hass was right about him being a hothead. As Angelo moved towards the elevators he soon found his way back to the turbo arena. Angelo convinced the others their that he needed to inspect Ethel's duel runner because he was the one who did the remodel he needed to check so they could avoid it in the future. They knew Angelo was the only one who had a deep enough understanding of duel runners that he may as well be a mechanic. They allowed him to see the work they did and Angelo went to work checking what they could have done to make a good turbo duelist crash...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Leander Xenovia

Leander looked in the direction that Megan was pointing, confused. "Umm..." Leander began, then turned around and pointed in the completely opposite direction. "The Light Dorms are that way." With that cleared up, Leander began to walk out the door and towards the Light Dorms, turning his head back every once in a while to check too if they were still following.

Not too long after, the trio made their way to the Light Dorms. "Here we are, the Light Dorms," Leander said, turning in a circle as he raised his arms as if to present the place. "It's really nice here. The rooms have such large, comfortable beds, and apparently we get these things called 'luxuries'. Never got any myself, though. Oh well."

Michelle Kine

"No, not really," Michelle answered, looking down. "I couldn't find anything I really wanted, so um, I'm saving up my points. I might get another structure deck." Michelle wasn't sure what else to day, but the silence was quickly answered by Camryn, who began to introduce herself, then ask who Michelle was.

"That's, um, that's me. I'm Michelle," Michelle said awkwardly, raising a hand in a friendly greeting. "Uh, nice to meet you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Haas whistled as he calmly made his way down to the dorm rooms, casually stepping through the nearly empty Earth dorm hallways. It was almost eerie how lifeless it was, because usually you'd see at least a few people chatting it up. Now you hardly saw anyone, aside from the occasional person who got out of the shower. Hayato's room got three knocks before Haas let himself in, being greeted to a sight of a very ... sloppy room. Hayato reassured Haas to not worry about a thing and just knock something over to take a seat, making him laugh nervously. "Aha ... ahaha, no it's fine. I'm fine with standing," the boy replied. "So, what do you need me for?" Haas threw his arms behind his head and listened to Hayato's explanation, becoming more and more confused as it went on. "Whoa, wait, hold up! So, the rumors are true? They use some kind of shocking device?!" Haas acted with surprise, though it wasn't entirely unexpected. He was hoping for them to be just that, rumors. Seems those rumors had some merit though. Haas lowered his left hand and used the other to touch his forehead, zoning out for just a second. He only seemed to snap back alive when Hayato wanted to share his contact info.

"...Ah, wait! So you're in it after all?" Haas asked, a tad confused by the mixed signals the other boy was giving. At first they worked alone, but now they wanted Haas' help... "Well, in any case," Haas interjected again. "I should probably tell everyone to be careful. We can't le-!" He wanted to avoid people getting heard, but was interrupted by a loud, earth-shaking roar that pierced the dormitory walls with ease. "What the-...?" Haas was confused, standing dazed for a few seconds. "What happened out there?" Haas muttered, raising up his disk to look at it. The triangle was still an unfamiliar sight to him, so it wasn't much reassurance. "I guess someone's dueling, huh...?" The Earth dorm student's voice trailed off as he kept staring at his disk. Then, Haas let out a huge yawn. His shoulders arched forward again, with bags magically forming under his eyes. "Man, this is a pain..." Haas pulled out his D-Ceiver, typed in a few things and then opened Hayato's dorm room door again. "Gonna go check it out," was all he said before walking out of the door. Haas sped his way through the halls at the pace of a sleepy slug, maybe with the intent of checking out what happened.
The squad of Maisy, Leander and Megan didn't have too much trouble sneaking around in the Light dorms. Even though Maisy and Megan weren't supposed to be there, the former hid inside of a cardboard box and remained incognito whilst the latter just outran anyone that tried to apprehend her. Of course, the underground complex of hallways was huge. Checking each room individually would have been an effort in wasted time. Luckily the small group had Maisy, a girl who has memorized everyone's dorm rooms, schedules and underwear. She knew exactly who was and wasn't in their room, as well as those that acted mightily suspicious lately. Okay, maybe that last part was mostly comprised of guessing. Still, without Maisy they'd only break into about five rooms before stumbling onto some poor girl getting changed or something unrealistically coincidental like that. The group saw many sights; Posters, musical instruments, card collections, things best left unseen, unspoken and naturally the grandiose Light dorm rooms themselves as well. The issue, however, came with the fact they didn't find anything on Dark Dorm students or the incidents for the longest period.

Luck was on their side, however. In a suspiciously fishy smelling room plastered with posters of various aquatic creatures and an enshrined card of the Golden Flying Fish in the corner, they found a note on the vanity dresser. It looked like it had been placed not too long ago, challenging the owner of the room to a duel... for a price. It was his preciouss Golden Flying Fish they asked as an ante, putting up a slew of rare cards as the opposing ante. Ante duels are normally forbidden under school regulation, so this was definitely suspicious. The note didn't have a sender, but it was handwritten and did have a date and time.
Angelo got permission from Ryder to check out Ethel's runner pretty easily. He casually entered the garage and was treated to the lovely sight of a half-broken runner still undergoing repairs. Even if he hadn't been aware, it'd be immediately obvious a crash of this magnitude wasn't normal. The boy tried to get into the runner's computer program, finding himself hindered by a lack of power. The circuit was blown completely. This wasn't the first time dealing with a blown circuit for Angelo, however. He's crashed plenty in the past, or blown something during a test drive. Every time he had done so, he needed to fix it too. The junior mechanic fetched some tools and made quick work of it, connecting everything with ease.

When Angelo got into the runner, everything was still pretty messed up. Ethel's dashboard was cracked, so seeing stuff was a bit of a pain. The light also gave out on some spots, making it even harder. When diving into Ethel's logs it didn't get much better, either. She's had only a few duels, but most of their files are corrupted and unable to be repaired, though the most recent log dated back only a few days. Amazingly it was still partly intact when Angelo opened it. Some text was scrambled an indecipherable and the images didn't seem to function, but the Lifepoint and field tracker seemed mostly intact. Through what little Angelo could make out, he found Ethel had been having the upper hand in terms of Lifepoints for most of the duel, but seemed to be behind in terms of cards at all times. Angelo also managed to find out that the field spell used for this Turbo Duel was 'Speed World - Virtua'. It being used implies that two people ran the same program, but that didn't make any sense. Ethel was the only one who had used her Duel Runner that night, yet only the academy's staff and students currently have access to the program. It didn't look like he was going to get any more out of it, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii

@Scarifar @Tojin

"Another deck eh? Well, it's good to experiment with decks until you find one you feel is right. Still not giving up on Lightsworns though I bet." Joshua said before they were interrupted by someone. Turning towards the newcomer, he studied them for a second taking in her appearance. Slightly dark skin, very long hair, tall, and not half bad looking. Letting Michelle respond first, he spoke after. "Nice to meet ya Camryn. So, we're supposed to go interrogate the teachers, minus the Colonel since he'd be a hard ass and unwilling to divulge anything. The question is, who do we start with?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Megan gave a satisfied grin, her running had only left her slightly out of breath, most of the light dorm kids they'd found were nerds and gave up as soon as she got out of sight. As for the matter at hand, it was exactly as she'd wanted, they'd found something suspicious! Megan grabbed the note triumphantly and read it aloud. "Hmm, no sender, but we have a date and a location, plus proof! We couldn't have asked for much better considering we were randomly snooping around." Megan said in a chipper fashion. "Oh, Maisy, you should take a picture of this in case we lose it!" Megan exclaimed, offering it to Maisy. After a few more moments of thought she continued speaking, "It seems to me the only reasonable thing to do is hide around where this duel is going to take place, Maisy can get evidence of the whole thing and we can interrupt it before it goes too far." This was perfect. Honestly Megan hadn't expected things to go so well, but she was exited at what they'd found and what they'd be able to do next. The Dark Dorm was no match for the three of them!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"I don't get what that girl was so upset about. I mean, she's like A- at best..." Maisy finished her rant on how people were "overreacting" to forced entry. Gosh, its like they'd never been blamed for anything. Anyways, Maisy's eyes lit up as she caught the note in her vision, hurriedly reading it. "Mhm Mhm Mhm...definitely. But uh...put it back where you found it. Undisturbed evidence makes it less like we did it." Either way, Maisy delicately held up the note to get a real good look at it, turning it over and sniffing it. "Definitely smells like someone with sweaty palms wrote it. Not the same kind of fishy smell from the rest of the room." she said before placing it back exactly as it was and snapping a picture of it.

Making sure the angle was perfect with two more tries at it, Maisy took a sigh of relief and said: "Alright. Wow, we're awesome! Only took like, Leander's virgin eyes getting scarred once. I'd say our mission was a success! Make sure to grab the note, we're gonna need it to make sure some poor freaky fish guy doesn't get caught up in all this." Pointing out towards the hall, Maisy quickly added: "Less'go before we get busted!" as she dove into her cardboard box for safety, crawling around and out of the room like it was the most natural thing. She was...getting way too into this. Or rather, she was already too into stuff LIKE this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Leander Xenovia

The trio of misfits went through quite the adventure in the Light Dorms. Plenty of sights to see and encounters to encounter, though not all of them pleasant. Leander could still feel the bump on the his forehead after that girl had thrown a hairbrush at him. Finally, though, they found themselves in a room with a enshrined card and a note. Reading the note with the others, Leander couldn't help but be quite upset about what was written on it. On one hand, Duels were something that were always welcome, but to include an ante with it? Leander clenched his right fist. It brought back an unpleasant memory, a memory he had forgotten until now.

He had seen an ante Duel before, and he hated the outcome of it. There Duelist who lost looked incredibly distraught, and the cards he lost were merely treated as property. A couple of them were even thrown onto the ground. It wasn't right. What Leander really hated, though, was himself for not doing anything during that time. That would change this time, however. This time, Leander had the information, and he was going to do something about it. Returning to the present, Leander realized that the girls were already making their moves to leave, and Leander quickly followed them out. There was work to be done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As people left, Hayate stood there thinking to herself. She was slightly confused by the mixed responses she'd gotten from Maisy and Haas. The girl considers both of them friends but wasn't too sure if she should listen to Haas or Maisy. Hayate decided to flip a coin for it but unfortunately, she wasn't really good at it, so when she flipped it, it wound up landing perfectly on its side. Confused, Hayate scratched her head. "So, I guess that means I have to choose myself," Hayate thought to herself picking, up her 'lucky' coin and started to walk to where she assumed she could find the most people of her own dorm.

She pondered investigating like her brother would usually do as she started to go down the stairs, asking people if they heard anything strange about the Dark Dorm and added a request for if they wanted to help their group out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 27 min ago

Angelo got permission from Ryder to check out Ethel's runner pretty easily. He casually entered the garage and was treated to the lovely sight of a half-broken runner still undergoing repairs. Even if he hadn't been aware, it'd be immediately obvious a crash of this magnitude wasn't normal. The boy tried to get into the runner's computer program, finding himself hindered by a lack of power. The circuit was blown completely. This wasn't the first time dealing with a blown circuit for Angelo, however. He's crashed plenty in the past, or blown something during a test drive. Every time he had done so, he needed to fix it too. The junior mechanic fetched some tools and made quick work of it, connecting everything with ease.

When Angelo got into the runner, everything was still pretty messed up. Ethel's dashboard was cracked, so seeing stuff was a bit of a pain. The light also gave out on some spots, making it even harder. When diving into Ethel's logs it didn't get much better, either. She's had only a few duels, but most of their files are corrupted and unable to be repaired, though the most recent log dated back only a few days. Amazingly it was still partly intact when Angelo opened it. Some text was scrambled an indecipherable and the images didn't seem to function, but the Lifepoint and field tracker seemed mostly intact. Through what little Angelo could make out, he found Ethel had been having the upper hand in terms of Lifepoints for most of the duel, but seemed to be behind in terms of cards at all times. Angelo also managed to find out that the field spell used for this Turbo Duel was 'Speed World - Virtua'. It being used implies that two people ran the same program, but that didn't make any sense. Ethel was the only one who had used her Duel Runner that night, yet only the academy's staff and students currently have access to the program. It didn't look like he was going to get any more out of it, though.

Angelo groaned and covered his eyes when he first saw the duel runner in its current shape. It was enraging to see and depressing all at the same time. It was a beautiful machine and he made it look like a piece of art and he couldn't stand the thought of someone being so disrespectful as to destroy it. Angelo wont just beat them in a duel Angelo will go a step further and bust their teeth in for this! Angelo then took a breath when he realized his rage was getting the better of him because he had a job to do and he wasn't here to get mad he was here to understand how it happened.

Angelo then went to work trying to get into the runners computer system and while it was low on power this was easily fixed as he started to look through and unfortunately the information was pretty corrupted but he was able to get a little bit of information. For one thing their was the fact that Ethel was in the lead in terms of life points and even if their was an error with the runner that cause it to crash it would be this bad at worse it would come to a complete stop and expel steam like it was design to but this it looked like it was intentionally busted against the wall at full speed. Angelo has seen Ethel ride and she wasn't bad enough for that to happen by accident and he did notice that she was below on cards almost the entire duel so that implied the person she was dueling against must have been using a type of card eater deck that makes the duelist empty his deck as the duel went on. At least Angelo had an idea of what the duelist style was. Now the biggest thing that was confusing to him was that they were both using the speed spell called "Speed World - Virtua" now this implies that they both had it. Only thing was only the students and the staff had access to those cards, that was something that at least. Now he could report something to the others and they could find out something about this. Then Angelo can find the person that did this and beat them down...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Haas casually stepped out of the Earth dormitory hallways and into the main lobby, where he could catch a brief glimpse of a boy with spiky brown hair and a Wind dorm jacket being dragged away. It didn't quite click at first as to who it was, but common sense told Haas that they were probably the one who caused the roar from earlier. Looking to the other end of the room, some half-conscious students were being dragged or carried to their respective dorms by friends of theirs, with the colors ranging from brown to red. Curiously, there weren't any white jackets to be found. Divine dorm students probably have other duties to attend to. Haas turned his head and began to say "Hey, Hayato, any idea of-," but cut himself off halfway after realizing the boy wasn't behind him. That was rather odd. The boy turned his head back again towards the hallways, seeing three figures crawling out of the Light dorm hallways. It was the trio of Leander, Megan and ... a cardboard box. Leander had a small sweat, probably from chasing around Megan all day.

"Oh ... hey, guys." Haas awkwardly greeted them with a half-hearted wave. He figured he knew why they came out of Light.

"I'm guessing you found something out?" Haas asked the trio, scratching the back of his neck. After getting briefed on the situation, Haas couldn't help but worry a little bit. It's lucky they got some info, but it's not so lucky that they'd have to crash an illegal duel to find out more. Taking a deep breath, Haas began to spill out his thoughts.

"Okay. So, we don't know the name except for the one guy, right? And, if we want to find out more, we'll need to talk to whoever left the note. So... you'll think it's stupid, but I think we shouldn't tell the teachers about this. You said it was tomorrow night, right? Let's keep it between us and go check it out. It's the only lead we've got for now."
The rest of the little group all split up and did their own little investigation, though only after getting kicked out of the cafeteria for loitering. Ben managed to stumble across Hayate and joined her in the attempts to gather people, but even with the popular boy's charisma they didn't have much luck recruiting people. Most students thought of it as a joke while others wanted nothing to do with it. They did manage to get more info on the Dark Dorm, though, as some first years told them how their friends mysteriously transferred there overnight and now don't even talk to them anymore. Some even say they spotted students sneaking out at night, going outside of the academy and into the desert. The stories never seemed to agree on where they went, though. Some say the students went to the Action and Turbo dueling arenas, some claim they tried to follow the road outside of the academy and others spotted them going to some sort of ruined building in the distance.

Angelo managed to meet back up with Camryn, where he shared the info about Ethel's Duel Runner. Camryn got curious herself and dragged Angelo back, forcibly, to check out some other runners. None of the ones they checked had any records of dueling with Speed World - Virtua on the day of the incident, which was to be expected. Some Duel Runners, however, stopped dueling after a certain date. For those you could reasonably assume that they just haven't dueled in a while, strange as it is. Still, there was a noticeable pattern in them; they all dueled the same runner before stopping. The tag read 'XTR-M15-4T3'. The duo tried to find the runner but seemed to be unable to. When Ryder was asked about it, he just said it belonged to a third year student in the academy. They had permission to use the track even on after-school hours, which seemed to match up with the times the runners dueled them at. The two of them figured to come back later, to see if that student knew any more about the situation.

Joshua, Michelle and Nathan stuck together for the most part, asking the teachers around the school if they knew something concerning the incidents. All of them reacted either with denying that they knew something about it or just dodging the question, with the rest of the staff seeming equally oblivious. There was one teacher, however, that was a little more loose-lipped than the rest. When the duo asked Melchior, he seemed more than willing to help. Melchior noted that the incidents always seemed to target specific students, never the academy as a whole and a close eye was being kept on said students. He even pointed out that Nathan and Joshua themselves were two of the ones being watched, both for different reasons. Joshua had won the contest and Nathan stood out in the crowd, with his flashy performances. The announcer warned the three of them to be more careful and stay out of trouble.

At the end of the day, the various small groups got together and shared the information they'd gathered with each other. They didn't have nearly enough clues to piece the mystery together, but they at least knew of a few things that happened around the campus. Students were disappearing off in the night, turbo duelists stop dueling after dueling a certain third year and one of the Light dorm students had been called out to duel in the middle of the night for an Ante. The group decided to split themselves up again and investigate all three of these in the same night, on the night that the ante duel was about to happen.
Night fell and the hallways were pitch black. The investigations group all agreed to meet up a few minutes before midnight, so they all snuck out of their rooms with... varying degrees of success. At least one noisy person seems to be in the Earth and Light dorms, because Hayato, Amelia and Andre could faintly hear the students sneak out of their rooms and into the halls. It was quite the effort to avoid the guards in the narrow hallways, who had bright flashlights and nearly spotted a few of them crawling out. The students soon found themselves at the stairwell, which was predictably enough unlocked. The group managed to meet on the ground floor, by the reception which was unmanned at this hour. After making sure nobody was around except for them, Haas began to whisper.

"Okay, so, let's go over this again... Camryn and Angelo told us that the Turbo Dueling arena should be unlocked at this hour and someone's driving around on it. They don't seem to be directly related to either of the incidents, but seems pretty suspicious. The note from Maisy's group said that arenas K and L on floor 15 should be where the Ante duel is located in a few minutes. As for the missing students... we don't know much about that, it's best if we hide around and follow anyone suspicious. If anyone wants to change groups last-minute, tell me now... otherwise, let's move!"
While the investigation group was busy discussing their plans, Ignia found herself in the infirmary again. Even though it was past school hours and she wasn't allowed there, Ignia had discovered that it was empty for a few minutes while the midnight nurse switch was happening. Much to her shock, though, Ethel wasn't there anymore. Ignia had gotten to know that Ethel woke up the day before but wasn't allowed to leave the infirmary yet, so she was hoping to see her friend again with this visit... but neither she nor her Duel Disk remained in the room. The only logical conclusion was that she either left on her own or had been moved, both of which seemed equally plausible.

As for Ethel herself? She was weakly leaning up against the wall with her Duel Disk strapped tightly to her arm, trying to stumble forward through the darkness. She was just as aware of the midnight switch as Ignia was and had made use of it to escape, loathing the idea of staying helpless for even a second longer. That had turned out to be not such a good idea, as Ethel's body was still weak from being in coma for so long coupled with her rather... frail physique. Her determination and rage surpassed all of that, though, as she reached the stairwell and painfully started to make her way up. A normal person would be thinking on going back to their room, but Ethel wasn't thinking about that. Her mind was still firmly stuck on what happened one week prior... on that day someone crashed her Duel Runner. The girl couldn't go back to her room for now anyway, she'd get caught by security. Instead, Ethel was going to go up. She could hide in one of the arenas until the day, and then she was going to get her revenge on that person, even if it were a fool's errand to search for them now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Andre had his deck in a mess around him and he had left it that way since he had went to bed. He had retired earlier in the day but that was only because he had spent the day prior studying into the night and planning on new card additions for his Archfiends. The deck was dramatically weaker than he expected it to be. He knew he should've went with a deck with more power behind it but at the end of the day he had what he had. He wouldn't complain about it and he knew his deck was still....capable at this level of play. His opponents so far had been lucky, or unable to withstand his assaults. With his new ace card maybe things could turn around in his favor if not....then...Andre quickly put the thoughts out of his head. He had woken up to hear kids sneaking out of their rooms. All it did was annoy the tired boy even more than his lack of sleep. Andre ignored the noise tucked his head back into bed and promptly fell back asleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Megan Claravet

Haas was right, telling the teachers wouldn't do any good. Plus they'd kinda broken the rules to get the evidence so it'd probably get ignored and they'd just get in trouble anyway. Nothing much got done for the rest of the day until they all gathered that night at the staircase As part of the group that had discovered the Ante duel Megan naturally headed to floor 15, an unfortunate number of stairs away, to find out what was going on there. Naturally she had her duel disk with her, ready for trouble of any variety if it dared show its face. She wondered if they would even find anybody there. This was kind of exciting, Megan wasn't sure what was going to happen but she liked that she was doing something rather than just sitting in bed wondering why everybody was acting so weird. Maybe it had something to do with that 'Reborn' group and that person with the dino deck she'd fought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii

While Michelle and Nathan had done most of the talking with the teachers, Joshua kept an ever watchful eye on their surroundings. What they were doing wasn't exactly discreet and if whoever they were after could put things together pretty quickly, they might end up looking into the group. But for the most part, he just sucked at talking to others and left that to the more socially adept. He took note when he heard that he was a possible target but put this to the back of his mind. He would cross that bridge when it came for him.

Looking around as Haas discussed their plan, he shrugged at the mention of them teaming up with different people. He was fine with his team and felt no need to work with other people. As he glanced around their surroundings, he spotted some movement from around a nearby corner. He gently tapped Haas on the shoulder and pointed over at it.
"We have some company." He said quietly.

Amelia Averyonna

Amelia had been going over her deck in her room when she heard the sound of movement outside. Wondering who could be moving around at this hour, she looked outside her room to see several members of the Investigation Group moving down the halls. She had wanted to help earlier but she just couldn't work up the courage to do so and it had bothered her the rest of the day. Hoping this might be a chance to help, she quickly got her deck and followed the group from a distance. She stayed away from them even as they gathered at the reception area, trying to keep out of sight as her nerves began getting the better of her again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Leander Xenovia

Leander was silent during the meeting with Haas and the others, still brooding about the note he and the others found. He still didn't like the idea of an Ante duel, and that fact that one was happening tonight was not a pleasant thought. Suddenly returning to the present, Leander found that the others were already concluding the meeting and continuing the investigation. Leander then instinctively followed Megan, not sure of what she was doing, but then he remembered the content of the note. Leander still wanted to stop the Ante duel, and he continued to follow Mega, hoping she knew where she was going. Leander also hoped that he wouldn't be too late.

Michelle Kine

During the meeting with Haas and the others, Michelle voiced her findings and opinions when she could, which wasn't often. Michelle looked back at the last teacher that she and the others spoke to. While she was relieved that she was not being watched by the academy, Michelle also couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. Michelle worked hard on her deck and in Duels. She maintained good grades on schoolwork. Was she not someone to be recognized? Michelle pushed those thoughts aside for now, returning to the present. She would deal with those issues when the time came. Meanwhile, she found everyone dispersing from the meeting, and decided to follow Joshua. He seemed to know what he was doing, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hayato had been working on his mother's gadgets, trying to tinker and improve her designs. He didn't have much success, however, he did manage to make the gadgets smaller and more compact than before. While he was at it, he used the left over materials he removed to make a makeshift sheath for his bokken. Though it only only covered the hilt it was able to attach to his belt quite easily. Where he'd grown up you always needed a weapon of some sort. "Old habits never die, you never know when you need a weapon for something. Be it for breaking an object standing in my way or self defense..." Hayato said outloud to himself. He decided to grab his new duel disk to admire it for a bit, which he slightly modified to house his mother's announcer device. Sadly the only voices he could fit in was himself, Yuya and Jack. The button was located at a location he wouldn't press by accident. Slowly, Hayato started to drift off after a long day of tinkering. He had a feeling he should have followed Haas, but he said he was going to work alone and he'd rather not associate himself with the investigation group.

Hearing some noise outside his dorm room woke him up from the slumber on his desk. He found it odd to hear people rummaging about all of the sudden and strapped his bokken to his belt, grabbed his new modified duel disk and forgot to remove his safety goggles. After getting his stuff together, he sent Haas a short message over the D-ceiver. "I'm hearing people getting out of their dorm rooms right now... I thought you'd like to know... also, just a reminder... I'm just providing you with some information. Don't forget, since..." Hayato sent the message, then gave a short pause to type another, though much shorter message. "I WORK ALONE." After confirming it had been sent, the boy got up and opened the door to his room to go out and see what was happening.

Hayate listened to Haas's explanation of what to do and took a moment to think. "Well... I think I'll stick with Haas. Someone needs to keep up with him if he ends up running after anyone suspicious... He's surprisingly fast!" Hayate said to the group, but quickly added something else. "Shouldn't we have someone stay behind in the dorms in case anything suspicious happens there? Mom told me the strangest things happen at the most unexpected places." Hayate gave her thoughts to the group before patting Haas on the shoulder. "I'll be counting on you, leader." Hayate said confidently, tapping her shoes. She's ready to go.
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