Greetings, new members. 
We are an ever-growing community of enthusiastic and dedicated play-by-post roleplayers that cater to all genres and playstyles - fantasy, sci-fi, romance and even tabletop & nation roleplays. First founded in 2007, the Guild has been the go-to forum for thousands of members since its inception. We sport an easy-to-navigate forum layout and a plethora of nifty features implemented specifically to improve the roleplaying experience.
The best way to start your stay with us here on the Guild is to introduce yourself to the masses with a (short & sweet or highly detailed, it's up to you) introduction thread in this subforum. Not sure what to say? I know, introductions can be hard. Here are a few suggested topics for you to elucidate on so we can get a feel for what kind of person and roleplayer you are.
Have any questions? Refer to the Welcome Package you received in your PM inbox or, if that's not sufficient, ask around. We don't bite.
Hope to see you around,
The Roleplayer Guild Staff

We are an ever-growing community of enthusiastic and dedicated play-by-post roleplayers that cater to all genres and playstyles - fantasy, sci-fi, romance and even tabletop & nation roleplays. First founded in 2007, the Guild has been the go-to forum for thousands of members since its inception. We sport an easy-to-navigate forum layout and a plethora of nifty features implemented specifically to improve the roleplaying experience.
The best way to start your stay with us here on the Guild is to introduce yourself to the masses with a (short & sweet or highly detailed, it's up to you) introduction thread in this subforum. Not sure what to say? I know, introductions can be hard. Here are a few suggested topics for you to elucidate on so we can get a feel for what kind of person and roleplayer you are.
- Roleplaying career: How long have you been a roleplayer? What was your first experience with it and when did it become a hobby? Perhaps this is your first time; if so, don't hesitate to mention this. The Guild is full of experienced and helpful members that'll show you the ropes.
- Roleplaying preferences: What are your favorite genres? Do you prefer group roleplays or one-on-one adventures? Are you more interested in fast-paced, back-and-forth roleplays or are you looking for complex, layered stories with huge posts and intricate lore -- or something in between? Let us know and you might be approached by someone looking for fresh blood with something that's right up your alley. Doesn't get any easier than that.
- Hobbies and interests: Tell us a little about yourself. What else do you do for fun besides roleplaying? Videogames, sports, reading, scuba diving, space exploration, etc. You get the idea.
Have any questions? Refer to the Welcome Package you received in your PM inbox or, if that's not sufficient, ask around. We don't bite.
Hope to see you around,
The Roleplayer Guild Staff