"I will show you my open palm, but it can just as quickly become a mailed fist."
Shaerel Nurami, Lady of House Nurami, informally nicknamed the 'Red Maiden'
Human of Barthon
A young women is quiet the oddity on the battlefield, particularly at the forefront of a battle leading men. Shaerel doesn't give the impression that she's a great warrior or a commander. In fact, if anything, she looks as if she'd be better placed in court, attending some lordly husband- but appearances can prove to be deceptive. Her small stature gives her an appearance of meekness, standing at a mere 4'9", well below the average height for a woman her age. She has a slim frame with little obvious muscle to speak of. Her skin is pallid but not necessarily unhealthy looking, merely a pale ivory color. She has a predisposition to fidget, constantly playing with her hair or swaying her leg to and fro, giving her an appearance of restlessness. Her hair, although an unusual color, is surprisingly enough undyed- the silver color is a familial quirk. Her eyes are also a similar variety of oddity borne from her bloodline, an incredibly uncommon violet color that has been likened to a pair of amethysts set into her face. A sly smile often graces the young girls face. This smile can be found on her face often, seemingly set permanently into her visage giving an appearance giving an appearance of innocence and kindness. But the smile is merely a mask, in fact, almost everything about her outward appearance is an act. Her smile, her fidgeting, even her beauty is a tool to set others at ease and fool them into thinking they are dealing with a simple girl.
The Nurami line has spent many centuries perfecting their unique fighting style. Their technique is twofold, first relying on their unique branch of magic known as 'Hungita'. Hungita is in many ways less of a formalized system of magic than a technique that allows the Human body to push past its ordinary limits. Most important to the Nurami's martial ability is the ability to greatly increase their natural strength. Although Hungita allows the Nurami to fight effectively its function is often understated due to the bombasity of their fighting style. More often than not the stories told of them are focused on their weapons- the most apt comparison is to a greatsword, although this vastly understates the size of their blades. The swords used by warriors of the house Nurami are gigantic in size, often being as large as the user themselves. Such a weapon would be ineffective in the hands of most, but Nurami warriors spend most of their life learning how to fight with the weapon which other might deem unusable. The real strength in such a weapon shines when used in conjunction with Hungita- with their strength amplified the Nurami warriors are able to use the weapon as effortlessly as a long sword. Shaerel is a master of this style of fighting, taking its core principles and elevating them- she is a natural prodigy with Hungita, and is able to effectively wield a weapon that is nearly twice as large as her. Obviously there are some drawbacks, but the advantages of such a weapon are great- she is able to easily blow away most enemies with a single overpowering strike, and the blade also has the advantage of being larger than most shields, allowing her to block effectively with her weapon. Besides being gifted in the art of Hungita she is an expert swordsman, able to fight effectively with many weapons, particularly with her signature 'greatsword'.
Referring to Hungita as magic is somewhat deceptive- while it's core may be based in the manipulation of mana it can be more accurately surmised as a breathing technique. By infusing the air in which they breath with mana Hungita users can unlock their body's hidden potential- similar in effect to a dose of adrenaline but amplified many times. While using Hungita Shaerel is several times as a strong as a man at peak physical perfection and her other athletic abilities are also greatly amplified- she can run faster, jump higher, and outlast a regular human. Hungita theoretically has no limit- that is to say it does not need to be 'turned off'. As long as the user is able to maintain steady breath they can continually use it and any would be pressed to strain an able Hungita user such as Shaerel to the point where their breath become unsteady. Of course the drawbacks of a breathing technique such as Hungita are obvious- if they are in an environment where the are unable to breath such as a vacuum or underwater they will unable to maintain Hungita. Hungita is no trifling art- it is the result of a fine balance of mana. An inexperienced practitioner risks injury if they infuse too much mana or no effect if they infuse too little.
It is without doubt that Shaerel is best identified by her signature weapon, Dorendul. The sword borders on being a weapon of legend- it has been passed down the Nurami line for centuries and is deeply ingrained in the mythology of her homeland. It has been wielded by heroes and legends of mythological stature. It is the greatsword's even greater cousin- larger than even the massive Zweihänder, far larger even. The sword's stature is worthy of it's legendary repute, coming in at ten feet in length and being wide enough to match its user's frame. The weapon is heavy, so heavy that any normal human would be unable to wield it effectively. The blade's ridiculous proportions call for a wielder who can match its reputation, and Shaerel has found herself a worthy user of the sword. It has become an extension of her in many respects, wielded as naturally as one would use their own arm. The blade has an unnaturally bright sheen, the color better described as white than that of steel. It is made of no materiel known to man, as legendary swords tend to be. The sword has been placed under great stress during it's life, and appears to be all but unbreakable. It has the additional property of never dulling.
Of course there are many considerations to be taken when using a weapon such as Dorendul- one must first ask how the weapon is transported. Even though Shaerel has the strength to wield the sword it would be highly impractical for her to carry it on her person at all times- after all, the sword is nearly twice as large as its user and she would look quite ridiculous with such a weapon across her back. The weapon is more often than not kept in a highly ornate case carried and guarded by a squad of her most trusted soldiers. The case is highly durable, supposedly made from the wood of an ent. It is carved with a highly detailed depiction of the heroic deeds of the sword's wielders. It shows the slaying of dragons, the destruction of armies, vainglorious duels in which the fate of kingdoms rested, and many more images of such gravitas. While Dorendul is stowed away she carries the sword's cousin, Forendul. Forendul is a claymore, a large sword but not nearly as large as its relative. Most men could comfortable handle a claymore with two hands but Shaerel could with one. Forendul is made of the same materiel that Dorendul is composed of and has its same ultra durable properties.
Although some may believe that Shaerel's great strength would cause her to wear armor to match it she veers towards light pieces. There are many clear drawbacks to heavy armor- although it would not impair her movement wearing heavy plate would play into her weaknesses- if her ability to maintain Hungita is impaired she would quickly be able to drop her weapon, but would surely be unable to effectively move in the weight of her own armor. As such her typical battle attire matches her innate strength much more than her amplified abilities. To such an end Shaerel wears the traditional armor of house Nurami. In many respects the armor is more ceremonial than functional, often sacrificing protection for aesthetics. The armor is composed of steel made to mimic the appearance Dorendul's own material although it has none of its extraordinary properties.
A light red cloth hood can be pulled over her head, billowing out into a cape that falls to the ground. Her pauldrons are decorated with the visage of a dragon, evoking the history of the ancient house as dragon slayers. Bridging the gap between her pauldron and her gauntlet is a red cloth sleeve that matches her hood. The gauntlet itself has no notable designs, but is well made and allows her to move freely. It is worth noting that it does not cover her hands, only protecting her forearm. Her chestplate is intricately designed, decorative carvings gracing it. Around the shoulder the armor flares out into a pseudo flared collar. As for the chest the armor parts where one would expect it not to, placing the warriors cleavage on display. Certainly one of the more impractical pieces of the set, and frankly one that Shaerel formally found embarrassing. One must understand that Nurami women aren't expected to be fighters- for them armor is more of a symbol than a utilitarian piece, and as such the considerations a women would place into tailoring a gown were accounted for. in a similar fashion the leggings of the piece are designed to resemble a skirt, splitting away to flair out with a long red loincloth to cover her.
The armor ultimately lends to the deceptive image that Shaerel has placed before others- that of a girl, not a warrior.
Shaerel has no need for a horse- Hungita allows her to run faster than a human at peak physical ability for an extended amount of time, although she is pressed to outpace fast horses she can keep up with armored destrier.
The Nurami line has continued uninterrupted for many centuries, standing as one of the most storied and well respected houses in their home country of Barthon. They are known throughout the land as a house from which might heroes will come, second only in power and influence to the King's own house. Some would even argue that the Nurami aren't second to even King Duncan. The Nurami's roots lie in the art of dragon slaying, their ancient relatives facing these horrible beast one on one. Now they dabble in the business of the realm, proving to be one of the greatest fighting assets withing Barthon
Shaerel was born into the Nurami as 32nd in line for rule of the house. She had many brothers and sisters, the men of the house famously virile. Her ancestors were legends and her living relatives were heroes and she aspired to match their reputation. But there was a problem: Women held a much more marginal role in the kingdom of Barthon than men. As is the case for many societies women aren't destined to be warriors or lead great houses, female nobility prove to be treated as little more than bargaining chips for the noble class. They are used to bind houses through marriage, always secondary to their lord husbands. This holds true even for the Nurami, although they have a unique practice that gave even Shaerel an opportunity to distinguish herself. For many centuries the Nurami have trained all of their young, even the women, in combat and the art of Hungita. The men will grow into great warriors, and even if the women are not destined for the field they will inherent a unique force of will from this training.
However Shaerel proved to be an oddity. Women were not expected to excel or even be proficient at combat but she proved to be a natural prodigy. She took to the sword naturally and was able to quickly grasp the finer points of Hungita- this left the head of the house Nurami, her father, at an impasse. Shaerel could prove to be an excellent warrior and an asset to the house, but the continuation of her training beyond that which would be mandatory for the Nurami would be heavily frowned upon by those outside their household. Women warriors weren't even disrespected so much as seen as something that wouldn't logically exist in the mind of Barthon's people- Shaerel's father knew that she would never earn the respect of her peers. So he left the decision to her: To continue learning the sword and face the disrespect, even hatred, of those around her, or to become another noble lady that will ultimately fade into the background in the annals of history.
Naturally Shaerel chose to fight her fate. She spent her youth training with the swords while her sisters learned to knit or how to best server their husbands. Ultimately, however, Shaerel wouldn't be able to finish her training. The Nurami's power was growing and the household of the King was quickly taking notice. The King himself cared little for whether the Nurami undermined his power or not, but his Queen was a jealous women and grew envious of them. She saw them slowly sapping away at her authority, the authority of the crown, and so set a plan in motion to bring down their house. She secretly obtained a potent poison said to drive men mad upon ingesting it and then hired a man close to house Nurami to deliver it into Castle Karthmere's water supply. Karthmere was the Nurami's ancient seat of power, but it proved also to be the place where they would face their demise. After the poison was in place the castle, situated on top of a tall mountain, was barred from the outside. The only safe path down the mountain was blocked with rubble set lose from the mountain's side- ultimately there was little means of escape. The house was brought completely to ruin within days. Brothers, sisters, even Shaerel's own father turned on each other, driven to madness by the insidious elixir. The house's own strength was used against them- even their castle's highly defensible position contributed to their own demise.
How than did Shaerel survive? She owes her life to Sir Amery Hartsweel, a close personal friend of Lord Nurami and one of the most trusted commander's in the Nurami's host. He quickly realized something was amiss within the ancient castle when the attack from within began, and fortunately was with Shaerel at the time, her training in the sword entrusted to him. They were lucky to have avoided the drinking water and the insane Nurami warriors. He took the still young girl and fled with her, using a secret passage that most, aside from Lord Nurami and Sir Hartsweel, knew nothing of. They took with them Dorendul and Forendul, weapons passed down by the Nurami for generations, intent to preserve the ancient swords. If any other at Karthmere survived the night Shaerel is to this day unaware of them.
The Queen's plan was ultimately a great success and has since gone undiscovered- with the death of Lord Nurami and most of his house the Nurami were effectively destroyed. However there was but one solitary thorn in her side: Shaerel. Following their flight from the Nurami's keep Sir Hartsweel traveled with Shaerel to the King's own castle, the seat of the realm's power and the Queen's home. Sir Hartsweel told Duncan, the King, of the madness that had overcome House Nurami and their untimely end. He was appalled- he considered Lord Nurami to be a close friend and was greatly distressed to hear that the cornerstone of the land's army was destroyed. There were many arrangements to be made: Deciding which Lord's would take the Nurami's holding, splitting apart their host, cleaning up after the slaughter, and much more, but the King assured that Shaerel and Sir Hartsweel would be cared for. He invited them to join his own household, treating them as if they were honored guests within his castle and taking them in as his own family.
The Queen was not pleased with this turn of events, but ultimately allowed Shaerel to continue living. After all, what harm could one girl bring to her? In the years following the death of her family Shaerel become much like another daughter to the King and continued to learn of the sword under Sir Hartsweel. As she grew into adolescence she expressed her dream to Duncan: She wished to lead men into battle and become a great general. Duncan initially brushed this off, but it became clear this was no trifling fantasy but Shaerel's true desire. He was aware of her prowess and her mastery of the Nurami's fighting style but initially desired to keep her away from military life. And so Shaerel decided that he would give him no choice but to accept her status as a warrior. She fled to join free companies as a mercenary- in this environment she would be allowed to serve regardless of her age or gender, able to make a name for herself as a skilled fighter and leader. Her reputation quickly spread, in part due to her use of Dorendul and Hungita, distinguishing herself from the standard foot soldiers. She became known as the 'Red Maiden', a female warrior who could kill men and lead soldiers as able as any.
It was only after she had earned her reputation that she returned to her King and pledged her service as a warrior for the realm. He relented and made the highly controversial decision to knight her- many have seen this as an act of favoritism, and aren't entirely unjustified in saying so. After all, what mercenary can walk into the King's castle and receive a knighthood? All the same Shaerel set out to reverse expectations of her. After serving Barthon in many campaigns she earned the begrudging respect of her fellow soldiers. It wasn't long until King Duncan suggested to Shaerel that she begin rebuilding House Nurami. And so she has set out on piecing together her ancient household, given the Nurami's former holdings, including the keep she spent her childhood in. The King meant to do this all in good faith, feeling it was a befitting gift for his adoptive daughter, but this dismayed the Queen and many of the King's confidants. After all, a women has now informally taken the role of the house's leader- something that is completely unprecedented in Barthon's history.
All the same Shaerel has begun to gather trusted troops from her time in battle to fill out her host, placing her now good friend Sir Hartsweel, who has practically become a surrogate uncle to her, as her captain. She had a hefty challenge before her, the respect of her new vassals would not be easily gained. However with the growing threat of Gargth she was quickly called away no sooner than she made her army. The King was reluctant to send his own ward to war, but she proved to be more able of a warrior and leader than many of the more established fighting men in the realm. He also saw it as an important first step in the new Nurami household's history- the storied house would once again come to the kingdom's defense, showing all that Shaerel was an able leader.

"I can ask for no better than the strength to protect my Lady. I consider it no less than my God-given duty to serve her."
Sir Amery Hartsweel
Human of Barthon
Sir Hartsweel is a beast of a man, standing at a towering 6'9" with a built up muscular figure to match. His hair is a waterfall of golden curly locks, his face shadowed by a well grown beard more red than blond. He is at the age where his hair is becoming more grey than blond The man has seen many battles, as evidenced by the long scar that cuts across his eye. Numerous more scars lie unseen underneath his clothing, marring his tanned white skin. The man keeps an appearance of jolliness around Lady Nurami, but is quick to sour when dealing with his men- he is a hard but fair leader, as a leader should be. He can be seen often shadowing his Lady, creating a striking contrast, seeming more the Lord than her.
Sir Hartsweel is an exemplary example of a Barthon knight. He is an expert swordman, having taught Lady Nurami much of what she knows of conventional combat. He is a sight to be feared when holding a lance, an able rider and experience jouster. He has a fount of experience when it comes to leading and training men, proving to be a worthy captain for his Lady.
Sir Hartsweel has neither the capacity nor the desire to learn magic- he is a worldly man and believes in the strength of martial arms over petty tricks. This disregard even holds true for Hungita, although he would not voice it to his Lady and has never cared to voice it to her father.
Unlike Lady Nurami there is no element of ceremony in Sir Hartsweel's arms and armor. He can be often found wielding a simple lance atop his horse, with a plain but functional longsword on his side. The only exception to this lack of adornment is his heater shield, which he has proudly decorated with the sigil of House Nurami.
Sir Hartsweel has adopted the standard for a Barthon knight: Plate armor. There is no consideration for design or aesthetics on Sir Hartsweel's armor, lying completely unadorned. The knight's armor reflects his philosophy when it comes to combat: The man who can hit harder while hurting less will win. Plate may reduce his mobility but the armor is highly protective and Sir Hartsweel proves to be a hard man to take down.
The knight rides upon a horse befitting his position- a destrier, one of the finest warhorses that can be found upon a conventional battlefield. It maybe not be able to keep up with some of the other freakish monsters that others in the Moonsong Alliance ride but it's a reliable beast that Sir Hartsweel has grown well accustomed to. The horse is often found in full barding, protected as well as its owner in combat.
Amery was born many years ago to a knightly family entrusted with a small fort on the western edge of the Nurami's holding. Despite their rather meager position Amery's father was fortunate to have kindled a strong friendship with his liege lord, Shaerel's grandfather, during a military campaign several years prior. The Hartsweel family were greatly honored when Amery was called as a boy to squire for their lord, giving them an important opportunity to increase their importance in the noble hierarchy. Amery proved to be a faithful squire to Lord Nurami but more importantly befriended his son, they boy that was next in line to lead House Nurami.
As Amery entered adulthood he proved to be a highly capable warrior on the battlefield and was knighted, as his father was, by Shaerel's grandfather. In many respects Amery and Shaerel's father grew up together, and it was no surprise that when he assumed the seat of Lord he gave Amery a position of importance, naming him a commander in his host and the master-at-arms of Castle Karthmere. Amery would for many years to come be responsible for training the men of the castle. More importantly he taught the Lord's sons lessons in the sword. The same would ultimately be true for Shaerel.
Despite the fact that many, even those of House Nurami itself, disapproved of Shaerel's furthered training in the art of the sword Amery quickly took a shine to the girl. He admired her determination to become a warrior despite the odds that faced her, alongside her martial strength that was apparent even at a young age. He trained the girl well and in many respects became something of an uncle to her, having been a close friend of the family and finding himself around her often even before he trained her.
When Castle Karthmere fell he took it upon herself to protect his old friend's daughter and deliver her to the King safely. When King Duncan extended the offer for him to continue looking after Shaerel and further train her he readily accepted, taking a position within the King's own guard. Amery lived a fulfilling life in Barthon's capitol, taking great satisfaction watching Shaerel grow into a capable warrior and commander. Even when she ran away from her surrogate home to make a name for herself he still held a great amount of pride in her, refusing to hold her back and waiting patiently for her return.
When Shaerel was officially knighted Amery felt that his job was nearly done, and expected that he would soon find his retirement, content with the opportunity to watch Shaerel live out her dream. He had never once worried for her even when she was away in combat, his faith lying in her skill above all else. With Shaerel being seen less and less among the King's court many expected that Amery would take time for himself- he had never taken a wife in his youth, but he had rapidly become an eligible bachelor and would not have difficulty finding a suitable match in court, even at his age. Despite that he continued much as he had before, serving his King faithfully and awaiting Shaerel's return, always intent on giving her some semblance of a warm welcome when she found herself back in Duncan's castle.
With the announcement that Shaerel would be given her father's former holdings it was to no great surprise that Amery was intent on moving back to Castle Karthmere with her. She was glad to have him along and readily offered him a position as Captain of her host. He felt himself undeserving of such an important role and declined several times, but ultimately found himself there all the same- after all he could not find it in himself to continue to refuse her after she insisted so many times. It was not long before Amery found himself at the head of a ragtag but all the same capable army. Given the small amount of time between their formation and deployment he has been hard at work forming them into a proper fighting force, but it remains to be seen how effective they will prove to be.

The Mailed Fist; the fighting forces of House Nurami have historically held this name, and Shaerel thought it best to stick to tradition.
The Nurami's heraldry depicts a 5-petaled red rose with a thorned stem on a white field.
Mostly composed of Barthon men; there is some variance as a small part of the army is comprised of outsiders from Shaerel's time as a mercenary but there are no significant enough foreign demographics to speak of.
200 people
Shaerel has strove to create a self-sufficient army and as such has looked to create a homogenized force. However, due to the short time she had to assemble her host it is somewhat lopsided leaning towards light infantry. Her army numbers 100 infantry, 50 archers, and 50 cavalry.
Most among Shaerel's host are Barthon man and as such use the most commonly found weapon in their homeland- the sword. There are a handful of mercenaries that can be found with more exotic instruments but they are the exception, not the rule. The archers more often than not wield longbows, although one might muster ten or so men that wield a crossbow. As for the cavalry one can find an assortment of lances ready to charge down the enemy.
The official uniform of The Mailed Fist compromises between light and heavy, bearing steel plate armor made of steel that appears white. They are easily identifiable by their white capes and helmets, alongside their distinctive red leggings. This has been the historic armor of the Mailed Fist for many centuries. It was of great fortune that a stock of the armor was found in the basements of Castle Karthmere allowing the men to be outfitted posthaste. Although the armor is provided, it is not compulsory- many do choose to wear their own armor of choice, which Shaerel has no problem with. It should be noted that only tens of men in the company choose to do so, with the majority of these men coming from former mercenary factions.
The cavalry can mostly be found mounted upon the relatively common courser, although a handful of the knighted men have earned enough renown to afford the more prestigious destrier.
Magic isn't commonplace in Barthon and as such there is little to be found within Shaerel's host. One might expect a few of the exotic mercenaries to possess some skill with the arts of spell casting but they form a minority in the army and it is doubtful that more than one or two men have such skill.
The Mailed Fist is likely one of the newest forces to take field against Gargth. Although they stand untested all men are those that Shaerel has stood with before. It's formation was no small miracle with only a few short weeks to put together her host- one should not be mistaken, however. Not all men of the force are those that Shaerel are intimately familiar with; in fact most men Shaerel wished she knew better than she did. With the short time she was given she hand no choice but to choose whole stock from regiments she had fought with before with no vetting process, some men only having a cursory knowledge of her. Despite this many were ready to come under her command, contrary to what many may expect. She is a woman warrior, yes, which is most certainly frowned upon in Barton. Despite this she held respect in all fields she fought on- even those men who did not know her have heard of her exploits and had no choice but to thank her for many victories. Enlisting into Shaerel's host and cutting ties with their former liege lords also proved to be a promotion for many due to her close affiliation with King Duncan. The King's favor of Shaerel is well known throughout Barthon and it is of no doubt that House Nurami would once again hold a prominent position if they make it through their campaign in Everstrine.
The mercenaries that joined the force are another matter entirely. Every single one can name Shaerel as a close friend- after all, she is no fool. She has no aspirations to befriend every mercenary she has brushed shoulders with. They are a cutthroat bunch and she expects betrayal from all but a small number of them. It was these few that she asked to join her, showered with promises of positions of importance in The Mailed Fist and a seat within the Nurami's holding for the duration of their life and their lineage. Their expertise is without a doubt of large value to her and even in small number they will be an asset to her, taking position as captions of platoons, underneath only Shaerel and Amery in the host's hierarchy.
Shaerel and Amery have had little time to drill with them. Only a little more than a week passed between the finalization of her host and their call to arms- during this time they appeared to be able and ready to follow orders. Further drilling has taken place on the journey to Everstrine, with the men divided between separate vessels each unit has been trained by a different commander. On one vessel stand Shaerel, on another Amery, and on a number of others trusted former mercenary commanders. Although preparation has gone well any number of things can go wrong on the actual field of combat. Only time will tell if they are ultimately prepared to fight together...
Phew that took a while. Sorry I was so slow. Thanks to Dead Cruiser for the nice formatting that I stole. ;)
A small note, I was having some trouble describing Shaerel's armor and ultimately ended up basing my description on the picture I pulled for her appearance. I feel like some of my writing in that section might be a little hard to understand so if any of it is incoherent just refer to the picture and ignore my inability to describe armor please.