Name: James Wilkinson
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Personality: James is usually quiet and watchful but is prone to periods of high energy if something catches his attention. He jokes that doppelgangers stole his sense of humor but in reality he likes to keep a tight leash on his outward presentation. This attitude continues in his approach to combat, showing his enemy only what he wants them to see while setting them up for a situation with no escape.
He opens up more to those that he trusts, but that trust can be a difficult thing to earn. James tends to avoid people but not out of a general disinterest in them, he undervalues the quality of his own company.
Brief Backstory: James had a relatively safe upbringing well away from any phantom zones. The first manifestation of his esper power was the sudden appearance of an identical twin during his childhood, eventually growing to a handful of identical boys. Even with this oddity, his parents raised him normally but he grew quickly into a loner that tended to avoid others much of the time.
Eventually as he grew older the military expressed interest in his ability but after training it was proved that he was unable to expand his limit of doppelgangers past 5. Disappointed but determined to put him to use and possibly grow their ties with the agency, James was loaned to the APSU.
Esper Power:
Equipment: James carries several Immobilize Dagger Neural Link weapons. Left in a target, these blades will hinder or outright stop its movement. These are cheaply massed produced and do only marginal damage but their utility in combat can greatly shift the odds and make destroying the core much easier.
Skills: James enjoys photography, particularly taking photos of everyday scenes featuring the people he knows.
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Personality: James is usually quiet and watchful but is prone to periods of high energy if something catches his attention. He jokes that doppelgangers stole his sense of humor but in reality he likes to keep a tight leash on his outward presentation. This attitude continues in his approach to combat, showing his enemy only what he wants them to see while setting them up for a situation with no escape.
He opens up more to those that he trusts, but that trust can be a difficult thing to earn. James tends to avoid people but not out of a general disinterest in them, he undervalues the quality of his own company.
Brief Backstory: James had a relatively safe upbringing well away from any phantom zones. The first manifestation of his esper power was the sudden appearance of an identical twin during his childhood, eventually growing to a handful of identical boys. Even with this oddity, his parents raised him normally but he grew quickly into a loner that tended to avoid others much of the time.
Eventually as he grew older the military expressed interest in his ability but after training it was proved that he was unable to expand his limit of doppelgangers past 5. Disappointed but determined to put him to use and possibly grow their ties with the agency, James was loaned to the APSU.
Esper Power:
Doppelganger: This handful of largely disposable clones are indistinguishable from Jame's real body, even to Phantoms. As such they are also no more powerful than a regular human. Instead they give him greater flexibility in combat and allowing him to use riskier strategies while keeping himself safe. Upon receiving damage that would cause the death of a natural human being the Doppels will dissolve and can be reformed almost immediately in close proximity to James.
Equipment: James carries several Immobilize Dagger Neural Link weapons. Left in a target, these blades will hinder or outright stop its movement. These are cheaply massed produced and do only marginal damage but their utility in combat can greatly shift the odds and make destroying the core much easier.
Skills: James enjoys photography, particularly taking photos of everyday scenes featuring the people he knows.