Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When will we move into the trip?

Just curious

Also I shall post sometime today
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh yeah, speaking of posting, me and @chaoticfox is doing a lill collab between Kim and Mya
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

With that in mind would you like me to wait?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, we're leaving the café quite early in ours, so if it isn't anything major, like punching her, haha. xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

finally caught up on the posts, will work on Cleo a little and the posts to get into the IC, sorry not posted sooner, my net was gone for 2 weeks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

@BlackPanther Im hoping for next week at the latest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay cool
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Selina Joy McIntyre

Basic Information

| Name |

Selina joy McIntyre

| Date of Birth |

June 4th 1997

| Gender |

| Sexuality |


| Occupation |


| In-Depth Appearance |
Selina stands at five foot seven inches. She has darkened skin, tanned from the sun. She wears her hair, typically, shoulder length, and wears clothes that are durable, and considered appropriate for hunting. She has a scar along one shoulder, along her right arm, and across her stomach, each with their own story. On her left shoulder, at the back, she has a tattoo of cat eyes.

| Scent |

Dirt, smoke and salt.

Who Am I?

| Personality |

♦ Determined ♦ Quick to anger ♦ dedicated ♦ Stubborn♦

Selina is a little bit of a reserved individual, she is often guarded but does show a degree of loyalty and compassion that is seldom seen because of her outer, gruff exterior. She prefers to keep people at arms length, never really staying anywhere long enough to develop ties. She prefers to keep to herself, to lesson the risk of hurt.

She focuses on her tasks, on her hunt, and tends not ot give up, being determined and stubborn both. She is often quick to anger against those she thinks have done her wrong. She is however typically a calm individual, and processes things inwardly.

She is also a little obsessive, and dedicted to her trade. She doesn't have an difficulty with her werercat status, and in fact uses this t her advantage in her hunts. She is a little trouble by it though, yet she wishes to seek vengence on all werewolves, having a bias against them for the death of her parents.

| Likes & Dislikes |

✔ The moon on a clear night
✔ guns
✔ training
✔ good food
✔ candy
✘ werewolves
✘ raining days
✘ dogs
✘ maths
✘ being in one place too long.


Selina doesn't really have any hobbies. She trains. She reads. She practices with her gun. Beyond that, she doesn't really have anything else.

| History |
Selina was born a werecat. Her parents were both werecats, but Selina didn't get a chance to know them. Both were killed by werewolves, an accident, but Selina didn't know that. Nor did the hunter who found her, who took her in, and raised her as his own, teaching her how to be a hunter, he also taught her how to control her werecat sided, when she turned 11, and had her first shift. Their constant traveling enabled him to both control her, and to teach her.

Upon turning 18, Selina earned her high school diploma, using her homeschooling to do so, she then began her own hunting, her foster father retiring. During her time alone, Selina became more independant and skilled at her trade. She specialised in huntint werewolves, tracking them down, and taking them down.

she has slowly been making her way to Red Lake, tracking supernaturals towards this strange down.

| Family |
Unknown mother, deceased
unknown father, deceased
Foster Father, Abraham, Alive.

| Strengths |
She is skilled in the use of weapons, particularly guns and knives.

She has a vast store of knowledge on the supernatural

She is fiercly dedicated to her cause.

| Weaknesses |
She cannot control her anger

She can be too stubborn for her own good

She doesn't do well with people.

The Other

| Theme Song |

Skin and bones foofighters
”Lately I've been measuring
Seems my time is growing thin
Wind me up and watch me spin
Watch me spin
Watch me spin

Skin and bones
Skin and bones
Skin and bones
Don't you know?”

| Extra Information |
has a cat, by the name of Antaya

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ugh I just got out of bed its like 13:20 here. But I hope to get a post up around this weekend
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

I'll have a post up tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

~ Seraphina Astarte ~

"Even those who have fallen... will eventually get back up...."
~ Seraphina Astarte.

~General Information~

Name: Seraphina Astarte.
Nick-Names: Sera, Phina, Star, Asta.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: Actress.
Place Of Origin: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
Age: Twenty-One Years Old (No Longer Aging).
Date Of Birth: 27th of September, 1987.
Scent: Cocoa Butter and Honey.

Appearance - Human (Twenty-One Years Old):

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Unknown (Never really dated/ been too busy to date).
Partner: None.
Father: Rion Astarte (Deceased).
Mother: Erani Astarte (Deceased).
Siblings: Jayne Astarte (Little Sister).
Pet/s: Getting him a few years after having moved to Red Lake, Seraphina and her sister both own and care for a small brown dog who they like to call Oscar.
Other: None.

~Personal Information~

♦ Extremely Kind ♦ Quick To Defend ♦ Gentle Soul ♦ Shy and Modest ♦ Exceedingly Mature ♦ Slightly Broken ♦ Loving And Motherly ♦

An extremely kind and gentle old soul to all those that she has the pleasure of meeting, Seraphina is an exceedingly sweet and charming young woman, showering all those who are lucky enough to form a close relationship to her with the love and care that she believes them to deserve, no matter who might think otherwise. Her recently found confidence and self-belief growing significantly over the years, despite her isolation from the rest of the world, helping her to see the friends that she had managed to make over the years as figures that were approachable, offering them both council and comfort whenever any of them seemed to need it; while spending her nights stepping up to the roles left unfilled by mothering and caring for her younger sister, Jayne.

Usually seen to be quite warm-hearted and a very modest young woman, she does her best to carry herself with both grace and dignity through the hardship that has been thrown her way by all of those who look down upon the angels as nothing more than objects to be hunted; though as the years passed her by, Seraphina soon learnt and began to stand up for herself against those who continued to look down upon her and her kind. Unafraid to berate and challenge people in positions of power, Seraphina has also confided in those that she trusts completely that she oftentimes finds it quite difficult to express what it is that she truly feels within her heart, however the fast-thinking young woman is quick to speak up and defend not only her friends and family, but also those who she believes are being treated unfairly against anyone who goes against what she believes, whether they be friend, family or foe.

Also extremely wise and very mature for her young age, Seraphina is seen to be exceedingly beautiful to all those who meet her, attracting the attention of many a person who has crossed paths with her, whether they meet with one another on purpose or purely accidental- though despite her undeniably inherited beauty, Seraphina is not a vain young lady; the naturally curious young woman always seeming to surprise her those she holds dear, even when they themselves believe that they know everything about her, she always seems to find new ways to stun and amaze them. Although Seraphina is seen to be both a kind and gentle child, she has shown herself to be capable of being quite aggressive whenever her friends and family are shown to be placed in danger; tremendously brave and courageous whenever the situation calls for her to be, the usually calm and extremely loyal woman is unafraid to fight back against those doing wrong, however she is also quite quick to hide her more vulnerable side and highly guarded heart.

✔ Animals; especially puppies and kittens.
✔ Her little sister, Jayne.
✔ Cotton Candy and popcorn.
✔ Spending time with her friends.
✔ Music and dancing.
✔ Filming a movie or show.
✔ Coming home to her sister after a job.

✘ Swimming, and deep water (strong life-threatening fear).
✘ Supernatural creatures of any kind, and hunters (majorly weary).
✘ The thought of losing her sister.
✘ People who are stuck up and full of themselves.

Hobbies: Though a well known name, and seen to be quite the talented and successful actress when it comes to her movies and TV shows; Seraphina in her down time likes to go out on nature walks, and work on her art- the young woman quite skilled when it comes to drawing and painting.

⚜ Flight- Growing up under the careful guiding eye of her father, Seraphina is able to fly using the large wings she has due to her birthright; however, while she is able to fly long distances, it does indeed drain her energy forcing her to have to land and rest.
⚜ Multi-lingual- raised under both her parents, Seraphina very quickly took to learning new languages, and can so far speak, read and write in Enochian (language of angels), English, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian, Swahili, Japanese, Indonesian, and Chinese.
⚜ Acting; a successful and talented actress, Seraphina is more than capable of getting people to see her in any way that she wants them too, however the young woman usually needs a lot of persuading to do just that.

☠ Slowed Down- while she is able to reach incredible speeds when soaring freely through the skies; Seraphina's wings are extremely large, the tips of which tending to drag lightly over the ground behind her, and causing her movements to become slightly slower than that of a normal person when she has them showing, even when she seems to be rushing about.
☠ Exceptional Beauty- thanks to her heritage, Seraphina is exceptionally beautiful to many of those who look upon her; and naturally, though oftentimes unintentionally, draws in and gains the attention of those who hold both well, or ill intent towards her- while she has always been told she is pretty, Seraphina doesn't realize the extent of which her attraction extends, and tends to become rather shy and humble towards those who try to compliment, or explain this to her.
☠ Aura of Light/ Smell- unbeknownst to her and thanks in large part to her angel blood; Seraphina gives off a particular scent (cocoa butter and honey), as well as a soft and almost undetectable aura of light which are both able to be detected by other supernatural creatures, and hunters- the young woman herself not aware of either of these traits.
☠ Physical Weakness- born an angel, Seraphina is well known to be physically weaker than those who are born of other races; her weakness not helping her any when it comes to the fact that her kind are hunted more than any other.

Brief Biography:
Born as the first child to her parents, Seraphina was quickly pulled into, and raised with respect for the traditions surrounding not only the human world, but also the angel part of her heritage; the young girl both loved and cherished within her families home. Soon growing into a beautiful young teenager, and now blessed with a beautiful younger sister; Seraphina quickly came to the realization that she didn't want to rely or be a burden on her parents, she tried her best, taking on more of the responsibilities at home, doing all that she could to excel in the lessons of which they had to teach her- the young woman quickly showing not only extreme skill, but also natural talent when it came to acting and modelling. Never having an issue opening up to those few who had accepted her for who she truly was, she began to become the confident young lady that her mother and father always meant for her to be; however her fathers long-term fear of the threat of other supernaturals and hunters against their people was never far from their minds.

Knowing full well that the they were closing in on him and his family, Seraphina's father gathered up both of his daughters and tried to flee Oxfordshire with his family, hoping beyond anything to at least hide long enough in the bustling city of London until the time came when the threat was subdued; however, unable to get away from the towns boarder quickly enough, the group of supernatural beings attacked, and in their attempt to stop their daughters from being taken, Seraphina and her younger sister Jayne watched on in horror as their parents were struck down in front of their eyes. Not wanting their sacrifice to be in vein, and forced to leave the corpses of their parents back in their homeland; Seraphina quickly gathered her little sister up in her arms and took to the skies, doing everything she possibly could to get them as far away as she could from the danger.

Refusing to be separated from her six year old little sister after everything that they had just been through, Seraphina took on several jobs, gathering the money that the both of them needed to move away from the UK and across the sea to the USA where she then took the place of her mother, and began to after and raise Jayne in the way that their parents raised her. Five years later, and now comfortably living in Red Lake (and travelling back and forth for her acting jobs in movies and on TV), Seraphina does all that she can to deal with the obstacles that life seems intent on throwing her way; the young woman determined to do all that she can to make sure that her sister's life never has to see anymore heartache and pain than it already has.

~Other Information~

Other: Though she may seem confident and semi-competent when it comes to things she sets her mind to, Seraphina has a fear of swimming and is terrified at the very thought of deep water as getting her wings wet can turn into a life-threatening situation; along with this fear she is also deathly scared of the dark, being left alone, and losing everyone she cares about.

Believing deep down in her heart that no one will be able to look past the fact that she is angel, and see her as anything more than a trophy or animal to be hunted down; Seraphina has all but given up on the thought of finding love and being truly happy.

On the rare occasion when she is seen to be happy and content with what's going on within her life, Seraphina can be seen to float lightly just a few inches above the ground as she moves about- particularly when she is seen to be dancing, or when she is expressing herself in a positive way.

~Theme Song~

Theme Song:
"The Sun Is Rising" by Britt Nicole.

When life has cut too deep, and left you hurting...
The future you had hoped for is now burning...
And the dreams you held so tight have lost their meaning...
And you don't know if you'll ever find the healing...

You're gonna make it,
You're gonna make it,
And the night can only last for so long.
Whatever you're facing,
If your heart is breaking.
There's a promise for the ones who just hold on.

Lift up your eyes and see;
The sun is rising.

The sun is rising.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 40 min ago

@Caits@Vicier Both are accepted. :) Will be adding them to the tab tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Nallore Currently editing Cleo;s CS abit, then I'll be posting ^.^
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Damn it! Sneak attack!

But I can't really write anything anyway lol beyond Cody watching and waiting
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by L A C U N A
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L A C U N A r e s i d e n t a * * h o l e

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Still accepting new players? :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nyeh he he he
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@BlackPanthernow to think where to take Aron....hmmmmm
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Literally anywhere but his house lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Still accepting new players? :3

yup ^.^ create a character and please post it in the OoC
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