Name: Naloth, Captain of Raziel's Division, Chosen of Xalanth, Son of Elder Nerroth
Race: Jesterka
Known Racial Abilities: Jesterka are known for their immense strength and durability. Their scales are as durable as the armor they wear. Along with their durability, Jesterka scales have the ability to negate low level magic, and reduce the effectiveness of better magic. Jesterka are also capable of different breaths, and Naloth is no exception. His breath is lightning, which is seen as a noble breath, alongside fire.
Age: 51
Famed Skills: Of course, in order to become a captain in Jesterka culture, he must be stronger than the rest. Strongest becomes Champion, while the second plays as second-in-command. No other Jesterka can defeat Naloth in battle, outside of Raziel of course. Similar to Raziel, Naloth is a very skilled strategist.
Magic: None
Weapon: Essentially a Zweihander, though Jesterka can wield it with one hand. If Naloth breaths on his sword, it will become surrounded in the electricity. His other hand is carrying a Shield that has been decorated with the scales of fallen Jesterka. The final piece of his armory are javelins.
Armor: First a set of chain mail, followed by plate armor. The plate armor has the scales of Jesterka decorating it, giving the armor magic resistance.
Steed: Naloth rides his Wyrm, Paddrenth, into battle. Paddrenth is a nice shade of red.
Bio: Naloth was born to Nerroth, and his favorite consort, Lyth. Growing up, Naloth heard stories of his great grandfather, the Champion of before Rylarth, as well as of his Grandfather, the most hated man in Jesterka history. From very early on, he was trained to place his people before himself, and while he wanted to internalize it, he always had a very time with it. After all, putting his people before himself meant swallowing his own pride, and that meant admitting that Raziel was better. . .
Growing up, him and Raziel were constantly training, and the two formed a great rivalry. While Raziel thought of it as a friendly one, Naloth hated Raziel, and just wanted to be better than him. He wasn't really sure why he had such a problem with Raziel, he just did. With every competition between the two, Naloth only began to hate Raziel more, and more.
It wasn't until both were selected to join Rylarth's Chosen that Naloth began to understand why he hated Raziel. Raziel had everything. Raziel had the divine gift of wings, Raziel's father was not only a Champion, he was considered one of the four greatest to have ever existed, and it was believed that Raziel was to be the fifth. A member of Raziel's family wasn't considered The Most Evil Man in Jesterka History. Raziel was perfection, and he just wasn't.
So the two would battle together, and despite the many times Naloth would ignore whenever Raziel needed help, Raziel was the first to assit Naloth. Raziel considered Naloth a friend, and you never leave a friend behind. This always perplexed Naloth, but he never really took it to heart. If he considered Raziel a friend, how could he hate him? And everything in him, despite all of Raziel's kindness, wanted to hate him. At least, until Raziel was the decided as the next champion.
This was hardly a surprise to Naloth, but it still hit him hard. This was undeniable proof that Raziel was his better. There was no point in competing anymore, he had lost. Whatever it was, something inside of him was wrong. From the very beginning, he was built inferior to Raziel, and that wasn't something he could take lightly. And the worst part of it is that he couldn't get away from this reality, for he was Second-in-Command, and fleeing after receiving such an honor would be a disgrace to his family, and he couldn't disgrace it anymore, not after his grandfather.
The day of Raziel, and his own, coronation, he decided to speak to his father about his feelings. Nerroth was not a man of words, preferring to let his actions speak. This might have been one of the main reasons he was second-in-command to Rylarth. Either way, he decided to tell his son about the Civil War, a story that Naloth knew by heart. How his grandfather betrayed his people over his son not being picked as the Champion, and how he put his own selfish desires above the Jesterka. He had known it, but he just couldn't let his pride go. That was until Nerroth told Naloth how his grandfather truly died. The books will say that Nerroth's father was killed in battle, but that was a lie. Rylarth captured him, and Nerroth killed him, against Rylarth's wishes.
While this originally shocked Naloth, he needed to know why his father would do such a thing. To this, Nerroth only said one thing.
One word, and it didn't really make much sense to those who didn't know Nerroth. However, Naloth understood what his father meant. If Rylarth kept Nerroth's father alive, the people who supported him might have continued to rally around him. Sure, his death might have been a martyr, but it was better than people constantly rallying around a man who was alive. In that decision, Nerroth put aside his loyalty, and did what he believed was best for the Jesterka.
While Naloth couldn't instantly change how he felt deep down, he knew that he needed to follow his father. Supporting, and staying by Raziel's side was the true way for the Jesterka to be successful, especially with the upcoming Mission to Free the Scared Land. Over the past year, he has grown to somewhat like Raziel, though he still isn't a fan of his. However, his personal feelings about Raziel aren't important, he will forever be faithful. His people are before him, now, and always.