Name: Ivan Mikhailovich Vasiliev
Age: 10
Gender: Male
adult imageYear: This would be his fourth.
Rank: Apprentice
Room No.:Personality: Ivan is quiet, mostly because his English isn't very good but also because he's extremely shy. When interacting with others, he seems stiff and unfriendly, speaking in a hushed and hurried voice and stammering. He's very sensitive and is easily made upset, especially when asked about his past or his parents. He'll often go days without ever speaking to anyone. He's reluctant to try new things, preferring to stick with what he knows.
Magic Discipline: He is currently training in mastering magic related to ice and snow. So far he hasn't gotten past accidentally freezing all the water in the lavatory, but if he should ever master it, think something like Elsa or Jack Frost.
Equipment: A couple of spare spell tomes, most of which are second hand. He also carries around with him a thesaurus that he's been studying to help him with his English, and usually a bottle of water that's almost always accidentally frozen
Biography: Ivan Vasiliev is the youngest of four and the only boy out of all of them. His mother died giving birth to him, and his father remarried five years later. As it happens, he married the sister of his late wife, a young woman named Klara Smirnov. a hard-fisted woman who blamed Ivan for his own mother's death. Though she loved Ivan's older sisters and cared deeply for them, she mistreated and neglected Ivan. She even turned his own sisters against him. By the time he was six years old, the only person he felt truly loved him was his father. Then, around the age of seven, he started noticing he had a strange quirk. Even in the summer, windows would frost over if he touched them. Glasses of water would turn to ice if he tried to drink from them, and one time he froze up the whole bathroom and broke the pipes, resulting in quite the beating from Klara Smirnov. His father, who was more understanding, sent him away to this school to learn to better control his powers.
Master: I'll fill this in later.
If Ivan
was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be: Probably his own magic ability. He could never give up what little family he has left.
If Ivan
was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be: