Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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It was just the average midday in Gamindustri before you were all suddenly summoned by Histoire to Planeptune's Basilicom. She sounded serious and insisted that you come as soon as possible. And so all of you went and assembled for whatever the Oracle of Planeptune had in store for you.

You arrived to the Basilicom with Neptune and her sister, Nepgear, already there. Naturally as it was their Basilicom. IF and Compa were also there too. "Oh! The gang's all here!" The CPU of Planeptune pointed out. "Hey everybody! It's our first time appearing in a roleplay, at least in this site. It may not be official but I'm glad the series is reaching new heights. Or should I say, sites?" She added. "Just so you know, I may be just an NPC in this roleplay until a player picks me up but I'm STILL the main character. Okay?"

"Neptune, don't you think it's a little too early to be doing that kind of things?" Nepgear remarked at her sister's behavior. "Anyway, now that we're all here, what's up Histoire?"

The Tome had a worried face and even hesitated before speaking up. "There's an alternate dimension that has requested for help. I want to ask all of you if you are interested in aiding the dimension." Histoire explained.

"Another alternate dimension?" Neptune said. "I feel like we've been to many alternate dimensions but hey, at least this one is giving us a choice instead of spiriting us away suddenly."

"I know that you all have responsibilities to your nations and I will understand if you decline the offer." Histoire continued.

Vert was the next to speak up. "While we do have duties to our own nations, I believe we can extend a helping hand. Especially if the matter is easily and could be quickly resolved. The nations won't suddenly fall apart at the absence of its CPU." The CPU of Leanbox then looked to Histoire. "Also, may we know the nature of the problem the alternate dimension is facing?"

Histoire hesitated again before answering. "I... do not know. The request was only a plea for aid and not much else."

"I see." Vert replied. "Heading off to the unknown is dangerous, but also exciting. I say we go."

"I know I'd rather just play games than to head off to another adventure but these are people that need our help. Besides, this sounds serious." Neptune gave her answer. "Besides, I get to spend time away from Histy's lectures." That one earned a glare from the Tome.

"I agree with Neptune. I think we should help too." Nepgear gave her two cents.

"What about the others? Do you guys agree with this or are you going to drag the conversation before you say 'yes'?" Neptune referred to the remaining two CPUs, the one of Lastation and Lowee.

"Don't worry about me, Noire." Uni, the CPU Candidate of Lastation, said with a smile. "I'll support you whatever your decision is."

"That goes for us, too!" Ram, the CPU Candidate of Lowee, spoke with glee.

"Yeah, we'll go with Blanc wherever she goes." Rom, the other CPU Candidate of Lowee, added.

"Oh and, who's that girl over there?" Neptune referred to the military-dressed girl along with them. "I've never seen her in any of the games. Main or spinoff."

"Ladies, let me introduce to you to Ban-Jie." Vert motioned for the girl to come forward. "She is Leanbox's current Defense Secretary. I appointed her the position since she is a diligent protector of Leanbox's citizens. And quite good at it too."

"I have a feeling you just got her so you could have more time to play games."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Ban-Jie had been locked up in her room, again, multi-tasking between improving the Special AR Laser and monitoring the events in Leanbox. Well the latter wasn't taxing since... well, there's nothing going on in said kingdom. It's been relatively peaceful these past few days, the only problem being the monsters from outside but those are quickly dispatched by the CPUs.

So you can just imagine her surprise when she was inside Planeptune's Basilicom, somewhere she hasn't been in before, already in her suit. She scanned the area after the moment of shock and, once spotting Vert, stepped backwards and simply listened. The room was filled with the CPUs and their Candidates, with the addition of Compa and IF.

Alternate universe? Help? Go there?

Okay, this was certainly not part of the contract she signed when she became Defense Secretary. Although she was aware that Vert would usually go to multiple places because of certain things, Ban-Jie never expected to be involved in such things. She always thought that she'd stay put in Leanbox while Vert was out on a mission.

Seems not.

Upon her presence being questioned, Ban-Jie looked up. Vert then introduced her and she quickly stepped forward and bowed her head to the 'Goddesses'. "Er, hello. As Lady Vert said, I am the Defense Secretary of Leanbox... currently." She then looked at Neptune as she added that Ban-Jie might have been hired so Vert could spend more time on her games. She lightly giggled, "Perhaps that may be the case, to be completely honest." It was just a joke anyway, no one would take her seriously.

Was it alright to act like this around these people? Probably. Considering how casual they were being with going to an alternate universe. With a dip of her head, she stepped back once more but was willing to entertain any questions. But she placed the helmet on her head to finally be able to hear what Amelia would be saying. But the AI was silent. Ban-Jie turned his attention back to the others inside the room who had way higher positions than her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Blanc folded her arms.

"I've known you all for too long to think that I have any choice in this matter. Still, we know so little about this other dimension. Is there any way to do more research before we all just jump in? I mean, what if there's something stopping us from coming back? If our little sisters are all with us, who will look after our nations?"

She spared a quick glance at Rom and Ram. She didn't want to put them in any danger, but she knew that any objection on her part that they couldn't go whilst Uni and Nepgear could, they'd cause a fuss, or sneak in with them anyway. Or both. That's why she's just suggested indirectly that the plan should be altered so that all the candidates stay behind. That way, her little sisters would be safe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Noire humphed as she flicked one of her twin tails behind her shoulder. This whole talk about different dimensions sounded interesting. Not that she would ever admit out loud but the idea of going on another adventure held its spark. Though as the CPU of Lastation she had to make sure she benefited in some way. It was only right after all that she the CPU would go out and save another dimension after all.

"W-well it's only natural that I follow it is after all the duty of the CPU to make sure that her people are safe and even if its another dimension doesnt mean anything."

Noire said her voice in its usual confident tone her plan this time was a bit more complex than usual first she go announce that as the CPU she would go and save another dimension twisting it enough to make it seem that she was the hero in the end. While doing so she would gather the people's awe and trust thus gaining more followers and shares in the process.

"Uni I need you to watch over Lastation for me." She said curtly turning to her sister despite her town and how much she worked her she did care for Uni but she also wanted her to be safe beyond anything else so the idea of having both her and Kei watch over Lastation was a good way to make sure she stayed safe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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"I've known you all for too long to think that I have any choice in this matter. Still, we know so little about this other dimension. Is there any way to do more research before we all just jump in? I mean, what if there's something stopping us from coming back? If our little sisters are all with us, who will look after our nations?"

Histoire smiled. "Do not worry, Blanc. I have prepared the necessary procedures to ensure your return from the alternate dimension." The Tome assured. "I will also be monitoring your statuses there so if any of you are in very critical danger or in danger of getting stuck, I shall pull you back immediately."

"And we have Mina to count on right?" Ram declared. "She could run Lowee fine with or without us."

"Also, again my contact has not given out any more details and I'm afraid she is the only one who can give us information." Histoire added.

"Uni I need you to watch over Lastation for me."

"W-Wait, I-I'm not coming?" Uni saw through Noire's intentions. "L-Look Noire, I know I said I will respect your decision but if I stay behind while the others could go... D-Don't you think that's a little unfair?" The CPU Candidate argued, showing her true desires. "I mean, the others could go right?"

It was then Nepgear looked to her sister. "I'm coming with, right?"

"Of course, Nep Junior!" Neptune happily replied. "No use delaying the inevitable."

"Thanks Neptune... Wait, what's that supposed to mean?"

Vert, meanwhile, turned to Ban-Jie. "Ban-Jie. This is likely a problem that does not concern our Leanbox. If you wish to remain to continue protecting our nation, you are free to do so."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Ban-Jie has never met the CPUs before, all besides Vert. Or maybe their occasional visit but she's always watched them from the monitors before quickly losing interest and started to multitask monitoring Leanbox and creating another weapon.

So she really was in for a ride. It was Blanc who had first questioned the trip. Indeed, they didn't know much about the alternate universe they were going to. And posed the question of who will look after their respective nations if all of them go out. Which was then answered by Histoire and Ram stating that another could run Lowee just fine.

Oh how fun it would be if every nation was run by not candidates or CPUs, but just trusted advisors.

Then Noire spoke up, practically ordering her little sister to stay there while the other Candidates go to another alternate dimension, fight awesomely and come back with medals on their costumes. Okay, maybe the latter wasn't really going to happen. Anyway, Uni retaliated, no surprise there.

Her attention was pulled away when Vert spoke to her, claiming that it was her own choice whether she wanted to stay or not. "Seeing as I was summoned, I would suppose it would be best if I came along. I think Chika will do a fine job with running Leanbox for a short while." While she never really got to talk much with the oracle, she figured she would just do a fine job in leading Leanbox for the meantime.

Hopefully she doesn't go ballistic when she sees that Vert had actually gone to another dimension. The thought of her using the weapons in the armory to tear up the other kingdoms made her sweat a little. But no, she had trust in her. Enough trust.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Blanc nodded solemnly. Histoire had thought this out well, too well. If she didn't have appearances to keep up, she'd have flipped out by now.

"Very well. It doesn't sound like there's a major chance of disaster. But you have to promise me something, Histoire. If Ram or Rom's signs show any sign that they're in trouble, you get them out immediately. Am I understood?"

She then turned to her little sisters, and had to force a reassuring smile. "Yes, I suppose Mina could get along with Lowee for a short while. It will be safe in her hands. Now, I need you both to promise me something too; Always stay by my side and never leave my sight, and if I get in any danger, find a safe place to hide. Those are my conditions for letting you come."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Noire let out a soft sigh it seems that her main worry was going to be overturned for naught. "Very well I guess Kei can handle managing Lastation for awhile." Noire said she wanted to keep her sister safe but if everyone else was going to do let their sisters go she might as well jump on the bandwagon. "I expect you to make sure to safe and show just how skilled we are than Uni" She continued looking at her sister. Despite her misgivings with Neptune she had absolute trust that if the going to rough that Histoire would send Uni back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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"Well that's settled, we're all ready to go!" Neptune loudly declared.

Histoire nodded. "Very well. I shall begin transporting you all now." The Tome then closed her eyes and begun glowing, focusing her power.

"Are we really doing it here?" IF spoke up. "Isn't there a special room for this kind of stuff?"

"Maybe this is that special room, Iffy!" Compa guessed with full confidence.

In about three minutes, the entire group would find themselves glowing like Histoire but as their glow grew brighter, the Tome's waned. "I wish you luck everybody." The goddesses and their friends then would feel as if they were being pulled away. No doubt the process was nearing its completion.

"Neptune, please promise that you'll do the right thing." Histoire's last words surprised and confused the mentioned CPU. But before she could say anything, they were gone.

---Act 1---

The group had reappeared a couple of feet from the ground, making them fall into the stone pavement. "Ow! Jeez, couldn't Histoire placed us on the ground or something?" Neptune complained. "But... what did Histoire mean about that?"

"Hmmm..." Vert surveyed the area which looked familiar. "It seems we are in Planeptune." And the Leanbox CPU was right, the group was indeed in Planeptune. Specifically, they were in front of the nation's Basilicom.

"Wha--?! Don't tell me Histoire just transported us outside!" Ram angrily exclaimed.

However, IF stared into the distance, a worried look on her face. "I don't think that's the case..." She grimly said as she watched multiple armored vehicles hastily make way for their location.

The vehicles arrive moments later and multiple people in heavy military gear hopped out and surrounded the goddesses, aiming various weapons at them. Needless to say, the group may be in a bind. "I gotta say, this is a new introduction sequence." Neptune remarked, a forced smile on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Ban-Jie didn't know how these kinds of things work so she just kept quiet as Histoire did her thing. Her HUD started to pick up the power coming from the Histoire. After three minutes, they were all glowing. Ban-Jie's HUD began to glitch out as she felt herself being pulled away. Warning signs appeared all over and she clicked her tongue. Her suit hadn't been hardwired to feel this kind of power. Good thing she knew what was happening or else, she would've been worried.


She felt the hard ground hit her as she landed on it. She shook her head and the static of her HUD disappeared. "We are currently in Planeptune. However, our coordinates seem to be different." Amelia said. The AI could only be heard by Ban-Jie. Different coordinates? Must be the fact that they were in a different universe or something.

Ban-Jie stood up as Vert confirmed that they were on Planeptune, just like what Amelia said. She quickly scanned the surroundings and noticed the armored vehicles closing in just as IF warned them about it.

As the people in military gear exited and trained their weapons on them, Ban-Jie's assault rifle materialized on her hands and she held it up, aimed at the group of military men. She didn't seem to have any intention of shooting unless prompted to. But her eyes were steeled on the military people, as if daring them to shoot. Besides, she wasn't the biggest threat. In this group, she must be the lowest in the 'threat scale'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Blanc landed on her feet, in a matter that could have been called graceful if it weren't for the small crater she had created. She looked around before anybody had even began talking. They were in Planeptune, but something was different, the swathes of smiling, cosmopolitan people...were gone.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." she muttered, and as if on cue, she spotted the approaching vehicles. Then before any of them knew it, they were surrounded by armed soldiers. Hardly a warm welcome, but at least it was professional and made herself, and no doubt the others, think twice before making any rash moves. In her head, she was taking notes for improvements in her own nation's security team.

She managed a smile in the face of this reception. "We don't mean anybody any harm. We only wish to talk with whoever's in charge." she spoke softly to the soldier currently aiming a gun right at her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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---Planeptune Basilicom---

The moment was no doubt tense but neither side made any completely or sudden move. Vert followed suit with her Secretary of Defense by materializing her signature weapon. However, the others agreed more with Blanc. "Yeppers. We just came here to talk." Neptune said. "So you know, please put those scary guns away. We don't wanna end this RP without even reaching page two."

Suddenly, a figure landed in front of the group and blew all strong winds from its position. Nepgear was the first to see who had appeared nowhere. "...Wait, is that--?"

Before the group was a girl clad in black and dark purple skinsuit. Behind her floated wings of dark purple energy. Overall, her appearance was very similar to, "Nepgear?" Uni said and indeed it was. There was no mistaking the identity of the newcomer. Her face resembled Nepgear's completely. Except, this Nepgear's expression was stern and her light blue eyes merciless. Very unlike the soft and innocent Nepgear that everyone knew.

However, the alternate Nepgear's face softened into confusion when she finally took a good look at the group. "Neptune? Uni? W-What's going on here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Ban-Jie heard Neptune tell the other side to put away their weapons. She knew fully well that the soldiers won't put away their weapons unless they didn't see any threat. She looked towards Vert, who also had her weapon materialized. Now seeing the better option, Ban-Jie's weapon dematerialized into pixels.

That was when someone else appeared. From the sky, too, and blew off strong winds. Good thing she had her helmet on. It started locking onto the new figure and it was obviously a familiar figure, and she finally realized who it was as Uni pointed it out. It was Nepgear, Candidate of Planeptune. She guessed it would be somewhat like their alternate selves.

But something about her made Ban-Jie's skin crawl, as if she wanted to protect herself from something. Maybe it was because she was in her HDD form as if ready for a battle. Then again, the welcome wasn't really all that normal either. Not only her form, but her face. She didn't have the kind face their Nepgear had, but rather a more battle-hardened person. And she had immense power from what Amelia could pick up. However, she could only look at Vert unsurely and not voice out her opinion. She'll have to observe further.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Noire landed on her feet in her not so biased opinion in a very elegant matter. Though it seemed that not everything was going to be sunshine and rainbows. Since it seemed that staring at her was this universe's version of planeptunes cpu candidate which thankfully seemed to be going well since she recognized Uni which was good. Since it seemed this version of planeptune had a active military or at least defense force.

"Look we mean no harm" She said trying to stop any potential violence from happening. Despite this she was ready to fight should the situation arise alternate version of Nepgear or not should they start firing she would fight back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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The lack of inncence in this world's Nepgear put Blanc on edge, and saddened her in a way. She was anxious to find out what had become of her or her sisters, but there was first the matter of earning the grim CPU's trust, and then was the matter of finding out what happened here.

"Long story short, we're from another hyperdimension. We've received your plea for help and offer our services. Can you fill us in on what exactly happened, though? Why you called for help, why this level of security, and...out of interest, has anything happened to me, Rom or Ram?""
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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"Long story short, we're from another hyperdimension. We've received your plea for help and offer our services. Can you fill us in on what exactly happened, though? Why you called for help, why this level of security, and...out of interest, has anything happened to me, Rom or Ram?""

The alternate Nepgear sported a confused face. "I... never sent out any pleas for help..." She said. "However... I do need help. Gamindustri is under attack from a terrorist organization." The CPU Candidate explained. "It's not powerful like the ASIC but they are crafty and cunning. Hitting our weakest points before disappearing from the radar."

"But everyone's okay, Blanc. You, Ram and Rom are safe with me." The alternate Nepgear assured with a smile. "This dimension's you, Ram and Rom, I mean."

"And who exactly is this organization terrorizing Gamindustri?" Vert asked with a skeptical look. "And if they are not as dangerous Arfoire's lackeys then why does Planeptune look like it is going to war?"

"I just said they were not as powerful. I never said they weren't a big of a threat!" The alternate Purple Sister replied in a rather impatient tone. Disrespectful even.

Something that did not go unnoticed by the others. The original CPU Candidates were all in disbelief. "You may be my dear Nepgear but I will not tolerate that tone, young lady!" Vert responded, clearly insulted by the least likely to do that her.

"Whoa, whoa now everyone." Neptune immediately interjected. "Now that we know that there's some evil group threatening Gamindustri, we could immediately jump to the last chapter and take them down rather than play through the first chapter where we bicker around... Right?"

But despite Neptune's attempts, the alternate Nepgear and Vert are still locked in a stare-off with neither giving ground. "Uhhh, guys? Little help here?"
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