Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As Eantu continued to channel the light into his sword, the odd sight of the Forsaken Monk riding a wounded Felhound through the battlefield commanded his gaze for a moment before he shook his head and continued on his task. No. Not saying anything. Just let it go. He thought to himself as the priest created a barrier around Eantu and herself.

"I will keep the Doom Lord busy! Get to it, Paladin!"

"That should help us focus on getting this done right."

Eantu's sword was seemingly blazing with the power of the light. The sword was pulsing with barely controlled power as he stared at the doomguard. "Ready!" He called. The sword was almost too bright to lay eyes on at the moment. The light had empowered it beyond what he had expected.

Eantu took a deep breath and smiled at the priest who had created the barrier earlier. "I'm going to need a new sword after this." he said simply as he grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands and using all his strength, he threw the empowered blade at the base of the tower. The more building to fall on the Doomguard, the better.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The question on how to bring the large stone tower down upon the Doom Lord still lingered in the air while Solares regained her senses. The world around her spun momentarily before her vision returned to normal, allowing her to clearly see what was about to happen. "Explosives at the Temple?" the thought came through just in time her to fall back down onto the ground behind a large pile of boulders, protecting her from the blast that now echoed through Val'Sharah. Eantu's glowing weapon had accumulated enough energy around it to ignite the explosives, kicking up a large amount of debris and dust that still hung in the air. Once the sound of falling debris had faded, both Solares and Nesalla changed to a kneeling position to see if their plan had succeeded. The explosives had not toppled the tower but instead blown large razor sharp stones in every direction with most of the tower falling in on itself. The Doom Lord had been skewered alive with the razor sharp debris, leaving it barely recognizable to what it once was.

"Clear! That sure as fel killed it." said Solares who stood up as the dust finally settled around them. "Do we have any injuries or casualties besides the Doom Lord" asked Nesalla from the other side of the temple courtyard. Both of the Wardens had been trained in advanced first aid and could help tend wounds alongside the priest if there were any. Nesalla quickly found the rogue that had placed the explosives and removed her helmet to look him over for any hard to find injuries that he may have sustained. "Great work, you are not injured are you? I do not see any visible trauma but your armor may be hiding something." It was better to be safe than sorry.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The explosion was loud. Very loud. Not nearly enough distance had been put between himself and the exploding tower as Eantus holy infused sword struck his grenades.
It had been frantic in the fiery climax of the towers final moments, only sheer luck had stopped any serious damage from befalling him, having thrown his blades in front of him. A large stone had ripped through his shoulder painfully, another had struck his helmet hard and evidently knocked him out cold.

The memories came back to him in a rush as the Warden glanced him over for serious injuries.
With a groan, Thalion leaned up and coughed the dust out of his mouth and throat before mumbling to the warden.

"Bad.. pun.."

Thalion took his hip flask off and took a long draw from it, the crimson vial concoction. It burned horribly as it went down, but the burning sensation in his shoulder confirmed that it had indeed been struck.

Letting out a hissing sigh as he replaced the bottle on his belt, he glanced around the area.

"Don't tell me I'm the only one injured.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

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Alina was lucky that she had focused a majority of her light into the barrier around her and Eantu, having closed her eyes when he had thrown his sword. When she could feel the dust settling, she opened them to reveal a large amount of debris surrounding their area, all of which could have been deadly, she assumed. The dome of light faded and dispersed, and she could only thank the Light that they had somehow survived this ordeal. When she looked at the Demon Lord, she could hardly believe her eyes at the damage done to him. The tower hadn't collapsed as she expected, but rather the explosion had caused various sections of the buildings to skewer it until it was barely recognizable. But, she supposed a win was a win.

Turning her attention to her comrades, she was glad to see that a majority of them had made it out of the situation unscathed... all but the rogue. She had seen them use that elixir before, the vial of what she considered red goop, disgusting and yet oddly effective for healing purposes. But no elixir could match the healing of the light. Though, she decided against sending a plea to the light for a heal, believing that he would not appreciate the small effort it would be. Instead, she simply walked up to them, pulling her hood down so that her face could more easily be seen. It revealed an almost bob-like haircut, short and a nice shade of red. She smirked at Thalion, patting his back for a second before speaking.

"It would appear so, Elf, though you should be lucky. Not everyone has an elixir that begins to heal on their own terms."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Eantu walked towards what remained of the tower and looked over at the remains of the doomguard and began to dig through the lower part of the tower. The explosives had done their job well. He saw the hilt of his sword and pulled it out and saw that it was still glowing slightly despite a good portion of the blade being missing and the rest being charred and brittle from it's impact with the explosives. As Eantu held the remains of the sword in his hand, the sword stopped glowing. "Don't worry my old friend," He said quietly enough that the others likely wouldn't hear. "Once we get back I'll do my best to repair you. The mission doesn't end here."

He turned towards the others as he walked back towards them. "I am uninjured. But I need to repair what remains of my blade." He said quietly as he rejoined the others.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 22 days ago

"Nothing missing or bleeding," replied Rina, sheating her swords onto her back. And likely, if their resident Death Knight had any injuries - they wouldn't be either bleeding or making much sounds anyway. They had a reputation for their iron will and pain tolerance.

"So we disposed of big ugly. What is the next plan on the agenda?" she added, crossing her arms and looking at the destruction around them. And she thought, the Lich King was messy - the Legion spared no expense in causing mindless death and destruction it would seem.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

“You should consider yourself very lucky Thalion. If the stone shard had hit you an inch below where it had, Miss Alina and myself would currently be working to treat a clavicle fracture, also known simply as a broken collarbone.” Nesalla would very gently take the Bloodelfs left arm and lift it slightly at his side.“Hold your arm here and please do not move.” Pulling out a small blade, she sliced through a small part of the rogues shoulder armor before applying a small but thick sheet of gauze upon the injury. After she had tucked it under the armor and made sure it was secure, she went to work at repairing the armor the best she could. In a few short moments, Nesalla had stitched the long cut in the rogues shoulder armor closed and then offered a hand to help the Bloodelf to his feet.

If anyone was paying enough attention, they would have noticed that Solares was now speaking with the head priestess of the Temple of Elune. The way the conversation went was mostly the Priestess thanking the Wardens and her squad for their help, but wanting to know if the use of explosives upon the temple itself was actually necessary. “As much as I disliked having to use explosives upon one of the towers, it was the only way to quickly bring down that Doom Lord and close the portal where the demons were coming from. Once the Legion has been defeated, I will personally make my way back here to help rebuild the temple.” Solares did not wait for a reply; she swiftly turned on her right heel and walked back to her squad. “I am glad to see that what I heard about each of you is true, but I have a feeling that you will all prove yourselves even more in the coming days.” Solares would pause, looking around at each member of her squad from behind her helmet. “Everyone listen up and pay attention. Consider the battle we just finished a warmup, for we are now heading to Black Rook Hold to investigate rumors of Lord Ravencrests return. Using any mount is out of the question due to the abnormal circumstances that have befallen us. The trip will take us twenty four hours while traveling by foot so prepare yourself for a long, difficult walk."

Suddenly a voice came from behind Eantu before he could follow Solares and Nesalla. “I saw the whole thing as it happened. You lost most of your weapon from that explosion, didn’t you Paladin?” If he were to turn around to find out who was talking to him, he would find himself face to face with one of the female temple guards who held out a spare long blade to the Draenei. “I have a feeling that this blade will suit you well until you are able to repair your original.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Thalion winced behind his mask at the priestess' comment. Apparently some people didn't appreciate his ability to not die without the aid of healing personel. Perhaps that was his own fault, being an alchemist with access to a great deal of potions stashed away in his bag, Glancing behind him with a smirk of his own he replied,

"That's a real shame. I could always sell everyone a few spare potions.."

The moment his arm was lifted he sucked in a hiss as the not-yet mended arm was moved. Evidently the healing flask had not aided his wound as much as he had hoped. Rather than voice his displeasure he bit his tongue and waited for the Warden to mend not only the large gash remaining on his shoulder but deftly repaired the torn mesh on his shoulder back to working order. Thalion would need to see a leatherworker in the future to properly mend the damage but it was fine for now. There was work to be done. A guard of the temple produced a replacement for Eantus lost blade and shared a few pleasantries, all while the head warden spoke of a forced march.

Thalion accepted the assistance to his feet and assured Solares that he was ready for their long walk any time they were ready.
The group was mustering and everyone, guards included, had begun to look for lost comrades or injured. One such guard knelt not so far away with her sword hanging idly from her belt. It was only through a bit of self control that Thalion caught himself behind her reaching for the sword, a would be replacement for his own, when he realized one of the wardens was staring right at him. Rather disapprovingly..

"I uh.. was just...."

The words caught in his throat as he thought of a lie to mask the sticky fingers he was cursed with but was saved by the very guard he was about to rob. The rims of her eyes were wet with tears as she stared at her injured friend, laying upon the ground with claw and fang marks dotting her face and body.

"Take her weapon, Rogue. She will not need it much longer I fear.."

The injuries were deep. A pang of guilt struck Thalion to his core for a brief moment. A familiar face bloomed in his mind and he was no longer looking at the guards bloody body. He saw a traveling companion he had parted ways with years ago, whom had passed on from severe wounds not long after. A flask came to his hands in an instant as he pushed the Younger guard to the side and crouched beside her fallen friend. Ignoring the protests at his rude behavior, Thalion picked up the Elfs head and gently poured the concoction into her mouth ever so slowly. It was a strong formula he had only recently learned, maybe 3 such brews on him in total now, but it worked quickly. The deepest wounds were on the mend even as he poured the rest of the potion into the guards mouth.
Sputtering and coughing, the two guard locked eyes. More tears from both parties began to crest their eyes as they turned to the Blood Elf with a silent thank you. Thalion nodded and took up the guards sword, a curved blade of fine make. In return he passed one weaker flask to the kneeling Guard of Elunes holy temple.

"A fair trade."

Standing up and walking away, Thalion tried his hardest not to think about the prophet he had just given out. The sword had value, but potions were harder to come by than steel... Shaking his head he refused to let the though gain a hold on his mind. Thalion had done right. He would do right again if need be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Everyone listen up and pay attention. Consider the battle we just finished a warmup, for we are now heading to Black Rook Hold to investigate rumors of Lord Ravencrests return. Using any mount is out of the question due to the abnormal circumstances that have befallen us. The trip will take us twenty four hours while traveling by foot so prepare yourself for a long, difficult walk."

Eantu simply nodded. Any questions he had could wait until they began the journey. He looked down at his broken blade and sighed. It was going to take a while to repair even under the best circumstances.

“I saw the whole thing as it happened. You lost most of your weapon from that explosion, didn’t you Paladin?” If he were to turn around to find out who was talking to him, he would find himself face to face with one of the female temple guards who held out a spare long blade to the Draenei. “I have a feeling that this blade will suit you well until you are able to repair your original.”

Eantu turned around and saw the guard who was offering him a sword. He smiled and took the offered blade. "Thank you." He said with a small smile. "Let me know if you want it back at some point and I'll do my best to get it back to you."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alina wasn't entirely sure what the rogue's response pertained to, simply rolling her eyes and shrugging as she turned her attention to the wounded. Alchemy was not her forte, she much preferred to work with various cloths to create bags or clothing. She could not think of drinking some sort of concoction to heal you, believing it was a duty of the light or nature, not creations of Azeroth's inhabitants. And while she didn't particularly understand how they could brew something that started the healing process, it was far inferior to that of the light, or even something like a druid's power, or a shamans. Even a monk could channel their chi into soothing mists that healed those who were exposed to it, and it was far faster than that potion seemed to be.

Alchemy aside, Alina spotted an injured Night Elf guard, laying in pain with claw marks and wounds from what Alina assumed were the Legion's weapons. She would not be longer in this realm if help did not come, and so the Priestess slowly walked over to the dying Elf, placing her cowl back on as she got closer. Death was nothing new to her, but perhaps she try to stop it here, as she knew one of her jobs was to do so. As she knelt down to inspect the wounds, the Elf attempted to move to see the Priestess, but Alina simply shook her head no.
"Shhh... Be still. You fought valiantly, but your wounds are severe. I will do everything in my power to heal you, and so may Elune grant me the strength I need to do so." She watched as the Night Elf smiled, a glimmer of hope across her face with tears of gentle joy coming.
"T..Thank.. You..."

In truth, Alina knew her strength would not come from Elune, but from the Light she believed in. But she had studied the Moon Goddess, knowing fully well that the Kaldorei believed in her, so much so that it was hard to argue over how they had control over powers very similar to that of Alina herself. Perhaps the Light and Elune were not so different, but for now, those thoughts were shoved aside. Standing up, Alina began to feel the radiance of the Light surge within her, allowing herself to be the light that this elf believed in. Upon this elf she spoke a Power Word of Radiance, the light immediately transferring into the Elf. Alina did not hesitate next, this time sending holy light directly into the Elf.

It was a miracle to Alina that her spells actually began to work, watching as the light began to heal in a rapid manner the wounds that once plagued the dying Night Elf. Under her hood, Alina smiled, glad that another would start the slow process of recovery. The Night Elf's wounds were too severe to fully heal her, but it was enough to ensure she would not die. She would leave the rest of the healing up to another as she turned her attention to the group she had come here with.

She had no objections to heading towards their next destination, however a day of walking was less than ideal for her. But, she knew better than to question the wardens, even if she wanted to. Taking a deep breath, she nodded at them, slightly distancing herself from the others and waiting until they would finally depart.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sprinting over to the wounded temple guard who laid upon the ground, Nesalla managed to catch Thalion in the middle of attempting to steal the weapon from the guard who was bent over her wounded friend, desperately trying to tend to the severe wounds upon her body. “Stay your hand Thalion, or I will have to act upon your poor choice of judgment.” As the Warden ran to the side of the wounded temple guard, she kept her right hand on the hilt of her own blade. When the rogue backed off, her hand moved quickly to the small backpack she had hidden under her armor. Taking a knee next to the wounded temple guard, she placed her backpack down upon the ground and quickly opened it, pulling out the same advanced first aid kit she had used a short while ago on Thalion. Glancing down into the bag, she gathered what supplies she would need to quickly tend to the temple guards wound, only managing to catch Thalion pour the flask of crimson liquid down the woman’s throat.

“A fair trade indeed, your friend here is quite lucky to find such a generous Rogue.” Nesalla let the two temple guards embrace each other for a while before gently pulling the wounded temple guard away from her friend gently, lightly laying her back down upon the stone ground beneath her. “Now rest guardian, and let me ensure your wounds are healing.” The temple guard did as she was told, and let herself relax as much as she could. A few moments would pass by while Nesalla checked over the woman’s wounds, not only impressed but thankful to see that the wounds were in fact healing at a rapid rate. Placing a hand upon the woman’s neck, she checked her pulse and noted that it had returned to normal. “All your vitals check out, I will have the flight master send both you and your friend back to a safe zone upon the mainland of Azeroth very shortly. Until then, just let yourself rest.”

It was at that moment that Nesalla heard Solares yell out that they were moving out. Quickly moving to her feet, she rushed forward in the direction of the flight master and gave her orders to send both of them to the mainland of Azeroth on one of her best griffins. The flight master insured her it would be done swiftly and to the letter, that was all Nesalla needed to know. “Solares, you said it will take us around a day of walking to reach Black Rook Hold. I think we should find a place to rest and regain our strength before heading out once more. We have wounded and I am sure some of us would like to at least get a couple hours of proper rest before heading out into the wilds once more.” Solares nodded her head in agreement, “There is a druid ran inn not that far from where we currently are. I will permit four hours of rest and relaxation once we arrive, until then I want all of us moving.” Without another word, the leader of their group started their walk towards the Druid ran Inn and Black Rook hold. Nesalla hung at the back of the group while they walked, keeping a close eye on all those in front of her as well as her soundings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 22 days ago


"I am also fine by the way," replied Rina, passing by Solares at the front. Namely she had a colder look than before, as she soon walked alone. Obviously not liking something about them.

Starbreeze was currently boiling in her own mind. What were doing here, she would be likely more useful at the front fighting demons. Not playing around with her kin whom less accepted her.

She touched the slight wound on her right shoulder. It had dried up by now - Death Knight's didn't feel pain but they still bled. Well, nobody needed to care for Rina anyway since she was already considered dead by a few Wardens.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Eantu looked over the survivors of the assault by the legion and then at his allies before mentally smacking himself. He was a paladin: Sworn to protect and defend others and he hadn't offered to heal anyone. All he had focused on was killing demons. Am I really so hate filled where the burning legion is concerned? Have I forgotten the oath I pledged when I became what I am?

He let out a sigh. It was better to start helping others later then to never do it at all. He turned to look at the Death Knight who had dried blood on her shoulder where she had been wounded. "Rina," He asked quietly. "I can attempt to heal your wound if you'll let me." He said carefully as he slowly approached her with his hands outstretched.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 22 days ago


"I am Death Knight paladin," replied Rina, growling at his disunderstandment. "Might as well take a torch and cauterize it myself. It'll be less painful and torturing that way. Nor not reminding me, that I do not walk in the Light' path - like many have rubbed it in my face."

Rina sighed at that, ancient years of knowledge - and yet still they do not understand, that Death Knights aren't like many.

(Okay, one should know what Holy Light does to Death Knights in WC3)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

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Alina kept a steady walk behind the Paladin and Death Knight, having done so so that she could keep an eye out on what she considered an abomination in its own right. The Light and the undead were always at ends, and while Alina herself had studied and learned several spells from the void, she often did not use them. To her, it was information, information needed to balance out the Light she used, and maybe even hurt those who were at odds with her. Unfortunately, she knew these spells would not to much, if anything to the Death Knight, knowing that the Light was a much more powerful tool against them and the legion alike.

So when Eantu told Rina that he could heal her, it almost made her scoff under her breath, and to a further extent under her hood. She expected a Draenei to know what the Light would do to the Death Knight. Sure, it would heal them, but it wouldn't feel like that. In the simplest terms she could think of, Alina compared it to burning them alive. A scorching feeling that you can't get rid of, and besides, it wasn't like that wound was going to hurt the Death Knight anyway. As she said, torching it would do less damage, seeing as Death Knight's don't feel regular pain.

Still, as much as she didn't want to, she couldn't have an ally be injured, not one who could be an unstoppable killing machine. They were deadly, she gave them that, but alas they were also the antithesis of what the Light stood for. Luckily for her, she wasn't going to use the Light.

"If I may be so bold, Death Knight, I could just as easily heal that wound," She told Rina, her hands becoming enveloped in spheres of darkness before continuing, "If you were a regular person, I wouldn't use this form of healing as it also inflicts pain, but, seeing as you don't feel pain and you can't be healed by the Light without burning from it, I'm willing to use the Shadows to mend you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 22 days ago


"If you think so, priest," replied Rina - she was atleast glad somebody understood her predicament.

Albeit the priest was giving her the same dirty look as others among the living did. Yet judging by her option to help, it proved to Rina that she was willing to work and not judge during their mission against the Legion.

"If you can help, that would be appreciated," she also added. A hint of warmth noted in her usually cold echo tone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I didn't forget you Miss Rina! I just have to tend to the more seriously wounded first, then work my way down the line." said Nesalla from the back of the group. The Warden quickly made her way towards the Death Knight and now walked alongside her, keeping pace. At Alina's mention of using the shadows to mend Rina's injury, Nesalla remained by her side out of curiosity and care to see if such a technique would prove successful. "That is honestly a good idea, either it will work flawlessly and we will all learn something today or Miss Rina here will end up in extreme pain." Nesalla lightly nudged Rina in her left ribcage as a tease.

At the front of the group Solares remained silent and steadfast, leading her squad forward into the lush forest as the tranquil night slowly set upon the Broken Shores. It would not take much longer now for the group to arrived at the Druid ran Inn that was almost visible in the far distance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

How odd. Alina was expecting some sort of snarky or overly angered tone that most of these knights had whenever a priest offered them healing, but instead she found herself picking up a hint of warmth, something she would have never expected, from the death knight. It was certainly a different reaction that caught her off guard, but luckily she would have time to recover when a new voice approached the scene. This time it was one of the wardens they were traveling with, and she was most likely some sort of medic at that. After all, she wouldn't have mentioned tending to wounds if she wasn't, though her curiosity to see if Alina's shadow mend would actually work was rather normal. With the few times she had used it, it was often followed with some sort of lingering pain in the area despite being healed, one that often got her scolded for not using the Light, but she still used this technique on occasion anyway. After all, she found it proved useful when it came to torturing captured enemies that needed to be healed, as they wouldn't die, but would suffer as if the wound was still there for a short while.

So, knowing that a Death Knight shouldn't feel any pain, except if it is the Light, the antithesis should actually prove to be quite useful in healing her. After all, the pain would be nulled by how a Death Knight is just a walking corpse with thought processes, and if it didn't, then at least she was one step closer to not having to deal with them anymore. At least the pain, if it did occur, would be nothing compared to if she used the Light.

After everything was said and done, Alina simply nodded, allowing the power of the void to assist her this time. As the darkness coursed through her, she watched as her hands were entirely engulfed in shadow spheres, dark and prime to be casted. Aiming at Rina, she allowed these healing shadows to find their way to the wound in question, and only time would tell if it would hurt or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 22 days ago


Rina wounded was soon mended in that, with her able to move the shoulder better. Simply scraping the dry blood of her armor at that. "Thanks, Alina," spoke Rina, sounding actually better now.

Which was a weirdness in itself, since Death Knights didn't usually engage in warmth. Or atleast according to some paladins and others - whom spoke that Death Knights only engaged in slaughter, and kicking puppies. This one looked geniunely grateful for that healing - underneath that macabre face had once likely been a Kal'dorei sister before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Might as well take a torch and cauterize it myself. It'll be less painful and torturing that way. Nor not reminding me, that I do not walk in the Light' path - like many have rubbed it in my face."

Eantu simply nodded. "I apologize, you are actually the first Death Knight I've ever met. If you need anything at any time, please let me know." He wanted to say that she was helping, that she was walking the path of the light simply by helping them against the legion at least in his opinion, but he remained silent.

The paladin grabbed the sword he had been offered earlier and began to channel the power of the light into the new sword.
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