Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Kalinda ensured she had a good hold on Arianna, as she finally freed the other girls foot. "It amazes me that you can get into such perdicaments, Arianna" She said, althought her tone was kind, as she hugged Arianna to her, Chao wriggling in the pocket Kalina had shoved her in, before guiding Arianna's hands to the rope. "Now, if you can get down without tangling yourself again, I'll give you a brew from my cabin." Arianna was a sweet, ditzy girl, more than a little strange, yet they all were.

Kalinda still wasn't sure how they had become friends. She had just started off as Arianna's...well, Nurse. Somehow, as she built a rappor with her, they had become friends. Kalinda was still perplexed over that. Yet it helped when Kalinda had to give her her daily medications. While she knew that Arianna wasn't helpless, the girl seemed that way, and Kalinda felt oddly protective of her.

You would think you would find it strange that Kalinda would be friends with the daughter of the wine god, after her own spiral into a drunken haze of nothingness, yet oddly enough Arianna had taught her control. While Kalinda had drinks, she couldn't remember the last time she had actually drank one. Normally she just kept the brews for those times Arianna didn't seem to have any. "Careful now. There needs to be a better way to get down this tower. Like maybe a bungee jump. Or a zip line"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Marcel Gates

Location: The Obstacle Course; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: James Wolfe and Aella Stedford.

Marcel simply remained quiet as the scene unfolded before her, though James' previous words on putting a hellhound at the top of the Obstacle Tower had her internally chuckling. She liked James. He played her games. It wasn't until the almighty humble Hermes kid decided to pick Erin for his quest did she really come out of her drugged-up, spacey state. Her half-sister looked to her, as if she were asking her for an answer as to why, but Marcel had nothing to give her but a narrow-shouldered shrug and another puff from her cigarette. Could wonder boy have picked a more awkward, totally inharmonious team?

"I give him two days." Marcel spoke out negatively, really only loud enough for James to hear before she turned her back to head back to the cabin. With the meeting now adjourned, she really needn't be there any longer. The people at the Obstacle Tower were starting to disperse in large groups at a time. Marcel hated groups... almost as much as she hated crowds. She used the bottom of her shoe (resting her ankle up on her knee) to douse the nearly finished cigarette and tossed the butt aside into the grass somewhere. It was only after putting her foot back down and lifting her head did she suddenly realize that there was a very large object blocking her way.

Squinting her eyes, her pupils dilating, Marcel craned her neck up to see a person sitting upon the said object and, after blinking a few times, was able to make out the fuzzy, muted shape of the object to be a horse. Though she had a feeling that the red, glowing eyes and the black smoke snaking out of it's nose wasn't actually there.

"Hades' breath... I was wondering what was kicking up a stink so much..." Marcel pinched her nose and wafted her opposite hand in front of her. Not missing the almost familiar purple shirt the horses' rider wore, Marcel couldn't help the smirk that fell through her lips as she dropped her hands back down to stuff into her jean pockets. "Bit lost, don'tcha think, Princess?" Camp Jupiter wasn't exactly all that popular with the daughter of Hades. Not that she had ever really met anyone from one, but the entire idea of the different kind of gods they had that were supposed to be the same representations of their gods... it was all just complete bullshit and she didn't want any bar of it.

Shaking her head, Marcel side-stepped around the fuzzy-looking horse with red eyes and headed back towards her cabin. Erin would be headed there to start packing soon... if just to make sure that Bacon didn't shit in her room before Erin got there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Arianna Louise Watson

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Kalinda Franklin (@Caits).

“Ha..! I knew I wouldn’t be able to last two minutes on that thing..! Deon owes me a couple of bottles now… at least, I think that’s what we were betting on… or was it he owes me a pie..? Bacon..? We really need to write our terms out before we agree to bets with each other…” Not even bothering to wait for an answer from the girl in front of her once she reached the ground once more, she shot her head up in audible surprise before twisting her body around completely, her actions causing the other two in the small group who had gathered at the bottom of the tower to quirk their eyebrows in surprise as she pulled what looked like a tiny top hat from her back pocket, her arms reaching out to pull it down over small ferret’s head as it poked out of her friends pocket, “Ah, that’s it..! Much better..!”

“Heheh… Ari, you’re nuts; but you really should be more careful next time…”

They were right; damnit, why were they always right..? Geez… how many times did she have to remind herself to be careful..? Carefullar..? Caaaaare-full-ah… She couldn’t help the gentle though amused giggle that fell out through her lips as she turned her attention back over to the camper who had helped her get down from the rope ladder; her head tilting lightly to the side as she stared at Kalinda with a thoughtful though slightly confused expression lighting up her features- what was it that she was thinking about before..? Oh well; how does the saying go? If it’s important, they’ll ring again..! And speaking of important- her nose seemed to twitch just like that of a rabbit as the offer of a cold beer coming her way, the offer catching her attention and causing her to turn her light blue-grey eyes to twinkle lightly at the mere thought- by the Gods; she is an angel sent from above…

“Sweet..! Thanks chickadee- you know I had like the sickest dream about you. You were like-… I don’t remember; but I know you would totally love it..!” Not even skipping a heartbeat as she wrapped her arms around the girl, the young blonde reached out to happily scratch under Chaos’ chin before she hurriedly turned herself around so that she was facing the direction of the cabins, her face scrunching up with determination as she pointed with purpose towards the Apollo cabin; her sudden movements causing the light and bright outfit she had chosen to wear to constantly move about as she spoke, “To the batmobile, Robin..! And don’t forget the booze..!”

Pausing for only a moment as though she were trying to remember something she’d forgotten, Arianna shook her head lightly from side to side, taking a couple of steps closer and reaching out to take Kalinda’s hand as she happily seemed to bounce up and down on the spot, her eyes shining with her playfulness as she began to fire off questions left, right, and center, "Ooo, I’ll be sure to give you a rundown on all the juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuicey gossip..! You know; I heard from a reliable source - Rupert the pudgy pegasi - that he heard from flappy bird, who heard from the black cat that gave Leslie thirteen years bad luck, that the skelator didn’t spend the night in her own bed..!”

Unable to contain her squeal of excitement about not only spending time with her friend, but also at the thought that things were finally beginning to get interesting now that the summer had truly begun, Arianna hooked her arm with Kalinda’s, hugging it tightly against her body as she more than happily began to lead the way down the path and away from the obstacle tower, “Ah..! We just have too much to talk about my cute little poetry-loving healer.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 24 days ago

Location: Cabin Seven
Interacting With: | Annabeth Chase |

"We'll be careful Cassie. I promise," Webster said to the blue haired daughter of Eris. She nodded, though it was clear she was still nervous. Webster watched Alan walk off towards the Big House to meet the Oracle. He couldn't help but feel a small bit of pity. Webster remembered his first quest, way back when. He'd been young, and the Oracle had given him nightmares for weeks afterwards, but he came back from that quest a true hero. He was able to prove himself as more than Annabeth Chase's brother, and that meant a lot. Once Alan was out of sight, he made his way to Cabin Seven, which was currently empty. Most of the cabin's inhabitants were probably milling around outside, on edge thanks to the gods' accusation. Sighing, he walked over to his private area where his bed sat in the middle of his many random possessions.

On a nightstand next to his bed, sat a small fountain, currently dry. He walked over and pressed a small button at the base, which caused the fountain to whir and begin to spit out mist. A light flickered on, and a faint rainbow appeared in the mist. Grinning, he pulled a golden drachma from his pocket and flicked it into the mist, which promptly absorbed the coin. His thoughts focused on one person, the mist soon grew and expanded until Annabeth Chase could be seen, her image crystal clear.

"It's been way too long Annie," Webster said, smirking. Annabeth was sitting on a couch, a book in her lap, wearing sweats and a sweater, her hair a mess. "Where's Perce?" Webster asked, curious about his soon to be brother-in-law's location. "He's at work. But I don't think you called so you could talk to my fiance. What's up Webby?" Webster grinned. She knew him well.

"I don't suppose you've heard anything about Aphrodite's Dove?" Annabeth raised an eyebrow, setting down her book. Her interest was surely peaked. "Me and Perce have heard...rumors. Percy said Posiedon seemed on edge when they spoke last night. Frank said his dad has been angrier than usual. Whispers that's all. I take it that these whispers have become shouts?" Webster responded with a nod, biting his lip. "Ares is accusing Alan Carpenter, a son of Hermes, of stealing the dove. We've got a week to find it," he said, biting his lip.

"We? Does that mean you're going on the quest?" Annabeth didn't even wait for an answer. "Be careful Webby. For me." "I will Annie. I promise," Webster said, blushing and rubbing the back of his head. Annabeth chuckled. "I'm guessing you guys leave soon? Remember, don't stress over the prophecy too much. You can't change it, so just let it play out," Annabeth said, earning a nod from Webster as he began to pack his bag. The two carried on with small talk as Webster packed his bag with everything he might need. Extra clothes, ambrosia and nectar, a few books, and Washington. He was prepared for just about anything.

"Be careful Webster. I mean it," Annabeth warned, her stormy grey eyes locking with Webster's. He nodded and reassured her once more that he'd be okay. "I'll be fine Annabeth. No monster could ever take down this guy!" Webster joked. "I'll keep you updated best I can. Bye, love you." With that, Annabeth disappeared, and Webster stepped out of his cabin, taking a deep breath and waiting for the signal to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Erin Marie Chase

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Cassie Jones and Webster Hamilton (@smarty0114), and Elena Reese (@Nallore).

Flappy wings, hot head, bookworm and sleepy… this was the group she was supposed to be traveling with..? This was definitely going to be an interesting week…

Turning her head around as the sound of voices floated up to her from those who felt themselves brave enough to approach, Erin let her dark gaze focus on the blue haired girl who stood before her; eyes sparkling and voice soft- seriously..? When was Cassie going to get over the fact that Deon didn’t two shits about her; or anyone else for that matter… it was the one thing the two of them seemed to have in common.

"We'll be careful Cassie. I promise,"

What else was there to say now that Webster had answered for the both of them..? Furrowing her brows slightly out of boredom towards the whole situation, Erin let her attention wander off, her gaze following Webster’s movements for a few moments as he made his way back towards the cabins before finally, she was pulled back to the present by the sound of another familiar voice calling out for her attention- so Elena wanted to be the one to go… if that was the case, then why hadn’t she stood up and spoke out like the grease monkey had..?

“Why would he choose you, or any of the others in your damn cabin..? Your father is the one who wants his head after all...” She didn’t care if Elena thought she was being a bitch; the truth hurt. It was her father who was demanding Alan’s death for something that he so obviously didn’t do; and with the way that Deon had gone well out of his way to make it clear he wasn’t going to do anything at all to help, why would he even bother going to another Ares child..?

“Now, uh, why don’t you run along and play with your little swords… some of us have the unfortunate luck of actually having to do some work…” Rolling her eyes at the thought of now having to go back to her cabin to pack, Erin turned on her heel, ignoring the calls of anyone else who seemed intent on gaining her attention as she made her way back towards the cabins and away from the obstacle tower, seeming to follow along in her older half-sister’s footsteps even if no one seemed to take notice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Connor Nioré, Michael Stevenson and Niesha Stevenson (@Caits).


Syleste’s voice came out soft… almost inaudible as she let the news about what was going on sink into her very core- this… this couldn’t be happening… even though they had never spoken to one another, she knew enough about Alan to know that he would never have stolen the lady Aphrodite’s dove. It just wasn’t like him at all- it wasn’t in his nature...

“M-Michael… I-... I don’t understand; I mean, I don’t know him very well but I do know that Alan would never do what they said he has…” Unable to hide the shock that filled her voice at the situation that had arisen, Syleste turned her attention over to where she had last heard his voice coming from, her hand reaching out to gently take a hold of the bottom of his top as she lifted her head up in his general direction, her soft pink lips parting slightly as though asking for reassurance that she was right before she turned her head back to where she could hear Erin moving away from them, “E-Erin…”

Seeming to falter slightly as one by one those she loved accepted the quest, she inadvertently tightened her hold over Michael’s top, her body shaking lightly as stooped her head downward, her shoulders hunching over and her body twisting slightly further into his over the bleachers as her brows furrowed in worry for those that were supposed to be going to get back the goddesses dove that had been stolen…

Alan wasn’t the only one who was supposed to be going… Ky’ vie, Webster, Erin… Connor… shutting her eyes tightly, Syleste couldn’t help the way that her body hunched even further over than it already was at the very thought of the fifth person who was supposed to be leaving the camp on the search for Aphrodite’s bird- this was the first time in months that Connor was going to be away… the first time in months that she was going to be alone…

The first time that he was supposed to be leaving her…

“I want you to stay safe, okay Syl? Everything will be okay, and look after Prince? A quest is no place for him, he’ll probably attack a harpy or something. Tick off a dragon. Or another dog.”

Biting lightly upon her lower lip for a few moments of thought, Syleste took time to settle the confusing flurry that was her thoughts before finally, she nodded her head in understanding of her brother’s words, though her grip upon Michael’s top never once loosened, “..I-I-...”

What was she supposed to say..? That she didn’t want him to go..? It was already more than obvious that she wanted him to stay… so maybe if he couldn’t stay with her; maybe she could go with him- but then, who would look after Prince..?

"Will you two make sure Syl is okay? With the way the camp is always changing, it can be a death trap, after all."

"Sure we can, but you should have more faith in Syleste. Still, that's what friends are for, right? It's not a hardship to spend time with people you like. Syl, if you get lonely in your cabin, you could always come stay in my room. You just have to not mind Moe, he likes to cuddle up, and changes his mind about who he does it with randomly. We can bring a bed in, and it could be like a slumber party."

A slumber party..? She’d never really had one of them before; but right now, with a lot of the people she cared about willing heading into danger, she wasn’t sure whether or not she was really in the mood to have one, “I-... b-be careful, Connor… please… I-I can’t lose you...”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"You won't lose me, Syl. I'd never let that happen" Connor said, picking up Prince, who had been dislodged by Syleste's movements, and giving the forever puppy a hug, "I'll come back, I promise, Syl" He said, moving over to hug his sister, plopping Prince back into her lap, where the dog promptly tried to climb upon Moe, the larger dog sitting there happily. "I'll take some Drachma with me, and I'll Iris message you every day, okay? so you can know I'm alive and well" He promised.

Connor didn't particularly wish to leave Syleste like this, yet what choice did he have? He didn't want to leave her distressed, and wondering if he was going to leave and never return. He crouched in front of Syleste, pushing the dogs out the way, he would have taken her hands, had she not had a death grip on Michael's shirt. "Syleste, if it wasn't such an important mission, if we weren't going up against Ares, I'd take you, but it's important that we do this, and do it as quick as possible, for Alan" He said, his voice soft, unsure whether or not what he had said was true, yet just hoping to sooth Syleste. He knew that Chiron, in particularly, wouldn't allow Syleste to go outside the camp, and he knew that that wore on her.

Maybe he could stand to be a little leniant. Giving a soft sigh, he hugged Syleste again and said "I need to go pack, but I'll come back before I meet the others. Prince, stay" The smaller dog looked up from where he had perched himself ontop of Moe, and wagged his tail.

connor gave a soft sigh, and he made his way to their cabin, he quickly packed what he needed, grabbing some drachma, he put some in the pack, but kept Seven on his person, slipping them into a hidden pocket of his jacket. zipping it up.


Michael seemed to have lost all capacity to speak, as Syleste holding his shirt, and leaned into him. There was no ability for him to think beyond the fact that Syleste was leaning against him. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, and tell her it would all be okay, yet he couldn't seem to do that. It was like his arms refused to move, like they were nothing but useless apendages. He listened as Niesha spoke, as Connor tried to reassure Syleste that he'd be okay, and that he'd return. Watching Connor go, Michael seemed to find some inner strength.

He wrapped his arms around Syleste, wanting to be reassuring, comforting. He tried to think of the words that would make everything better, yet there really weren't any. "y-y-your buh-buh-brother is s-smart. H-h-he'll b-buh-bring everyone b-buh-back. And..." He trailed off, losing that spark of courage, he trailed off. She was just so...small and warm. So lovely...he wanted to be able to make her happy, he just didn't know what to do, or say.

He swallowed, nervous. She's never going to see me as anything but a friend...there's others more worthy of her...I can't even find the right words... Connor's words though about, if it hadn't been such an important quest he would have taken her with him spark ideas in Michael's mind. He knew that Syleste was virtually confind to the camp because of her lack of sight, but...what if he could make something that would help her in the outside world? If Ky' vie wasn't going on the quest, he'd speak with her about it, but...I'm a child of Athena. I can figure out how to build something I invent, can't I?.

He looked down at Syleste, and he said softly "p-puh-please c-c-come stay w-wuh-with us. I d-d-don't like the th-th-thought of y-you alone in your c-cabin." He hoped Syleste didn't think he only didn't like the idea of her alone because of her blindness, because he didn't. He just didn't want her to be alone, not when she'd probably be worrying about her brother.


Kalinda followed Arianna down, smiling as she plopped the top hat on Chaos, who took the accessory with good cheer, chattering from her pocket and otherwise acting cute. Kalinda took out a few pieces of cut up really small) carrot to the ferret, who hastily chewed it, and seeming well content, the ferret clutched the pocket and swayed as Kalinda walked, seeming pleased with the hat.

Kalinda chuckled at Arianna's behaviour, walking with the girl to her cabin. "Perhaps I should paint my chariot black and give it batwings" She mused in response to Arianna's comment about the Apollo cabin being the batmobile. "The booze is at the cabin, Ari. I'll get you one as soon as we get there" She promised, listening as Arianna spoke, in her weird, wonderful, wacky way.

Kalinda could normally figure out what Arianna met. But she lost track around flappy bird. Flappy Bird...who did Arianna say that was? Alan? Yet why would Alan say anything about Erin? Skeletor was the nickname Arianna gave Erin-she had heard that one before. "half the campers don't spend the night in their own bed at times, who is Erin suppose to be sleeping with now?" Kalinda asked, although she was sure that in seconds Arianna would latch onto something else, and that bit of gossip would be gone in the maze of Arianna's wonderful mind.

She smiled at Arianna, and when they got to her Cabin, she nudged the door open, and led Arianna into her room. Despite the inspections, Kalinda's room was slightly messy. Her bow was thrown across her bed, the quiver leaning against a leg of the bed, there were clothes strewn across the floor, as if she had discarded an outfit or two that morning. There were screwed up pieces of paper thrown around the floor, a pencil or two lay on the floor with a notebook under her bed, open face down on the floor, as if Kalinda had fallen asleep and just thrown it on the ground while she was working.

Picking up the clothes, she shoved them into an open draw, shutting the draw, she snatched up the pieces of paper, and dumped them into a waste bin, before grabbing the brew for Arianna, she turned to face her friend.

"Your drink, and Your meds" she said, taking out Arianna's medications, holding both out to her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: The Obstacle Tower, Camp Half-blood
Interacting With: @Caits Connor @Vicier Erin & Syleste

Elena looked towards Erin and glared at her slightly of course she was always a little bit of a downer, she didn't agree with what her father thought who stole Aphrodite's Dove. She knew Alan well enough that he wouldn't have been the one to steal the stupid bird, she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at Erin shaking her head slightly. "As if I could control who my father is, he is always the one to jump to conclusions to quickly." Elena said as she watched her turn around and headed off towards her cabin, she really did wish that she could actually go on the quest and prove to her father that it wasn't Alan who stole the dove.

Elena looked towards Syleste and Connor and gave a soft smile as she approached them looking towards Connor and smiled at her friend and gently patted him on the shoulder. "I'll watch over Syl for ya, while you are out Dove hunting." Elena reassured him as she wrapped an arm over Syleste's shoulder and gently started to pet Prince. "And a slumber party would be pretty fun, we could just stay up late and hang out, and do whatever we'd like." Elena said happily as she shifted slightly, she hated being cooped up in the camp for to long but she didn't want to voice it out loud or anything at least she was with her group of friends though and she could hang out with them when she got bored.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Aella Lorraine Stedford

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Webster Hamilton (@smarty0114), James Wolfe and Marcel Gates (@YoshiSkittlez).

So these were the people she was supposed to be living with during her time here within the Grecian camp..? Her family of sorts; or at least, thanks to her father being counterparts of the god of war, they were connected in some way, depending on how you looked at it.

Narrowing her eyes ever so slightly, she let her gaze flick over the figures making their way down the tower and back over to their friends, each one more different than the last that went by… a young girl with brown hair; slight muscle, stronger than most others that she could see in the group, but then sloppily cared for when it came to toning, unlike the guy who stood at the top of the tower fighting for victory who seemed like he was all brawn and no brain. However, whether both cases were both due to not having the proper training, or whether it was just pure laziness she wasn’t sure.

Turning her head away from where the two demigods were arguing with each other on the top of the tower, she once more let her attention wander over the rest of them as they milled about in front of her, taking her time to look each and every single one of them over before eventually, her gaze came to a rest on the familiar looking figure of a blonde guy who seemed insistent on staring right back at her- the unintentional challenge throwing her just slightly, though she didn’t show it as she let her mind wander over where she had seen him before.

Who in the name of Tartarus was this guy..?

He was small… weight wise anyway- not much muscle tone, and while holding the air of a warrior about him, he looked far from it. But there was something about him… The flash of eggnog laced with too much alcohol, and the smell of mistletoe flickered across the forefront of her mind, causing a look of dawning to cross over her features, her soft pink lips parting even further than they already were.

Webster. That was his name; or at least, that’s what Frank and Annabeth had introduced him by anyway… It had been a good night; great food, good company, and then it had ended with the two of them sharing a bed for the night… with her waking the next morning naked, and completely alone in the spare bedroom of her half-brother’s place. No; she wasn’t here for things like love, and his actions had only helped to solidify the lessons learnt. How many times had it been drummed into her..? It was the number one rule: never trust them… as soon as they had the chance, they would double cross, and stab you clear in the back.

"Hey, uh, why are-?"

Clenching her jaw slightly at the very thought of her training, Aella took a moment longer before she tore her gaze away from him, her dark eyes instead falling to rest on the guy that was stood closer to her than the others, her body straightening slightly in the saddle as she stared down at him, her attention only pulled away again as what seemed to be a meeting began, calling for all in the area to stop what they were doing and listen.

What in the name of Pluto had she just wandered into..?

The fact that they were handing out a quest so suddenly… so urgently… it was something that she had grown used to over the years. It always happened; and while Camp Jupiter was a little more strict in just how quests were handed out to campers, she knew for a fact it was just something that couldn’t be controlled just because it might be considered inconvenient to all of who were involved… however, the thought that the Grecian camp were harboring a thief within their ranks only helped to solidify the one lesson that had always been pushed onto all Roman campers…

“Never trust a Grecian.”

Unable to help the rather amused chuckled that fell out through her soft pink lips as each of the campers began to react to what they had all been told, Aella allowed her dark eyes to flick over to the small group of five that made up the quest standing in front of the tower; each of them stepping forward when their names had been called out by the one she assumed was the one who was being accused of the crime. Two girls, and three guys. The ones leaving the camp to go out on the quest for a bird- no, a pink bird of all things… the problem was though, that she could sympathize with both sides.

She didn’t know this “Alan” guy- the only time she had even lain eyes on him was when he had been asked to choose the other campers that he wanted to accompany him on the quest; and while she couldn’t, or well, shouldn’t go about making any assumptions about the one who had been accused of the crime, she was also a daughter of Mars, with her legacy being that of the lady Venus…

She was an outsider in the matter, and as far as she was concerned, she was planning on keeping it that way for as long as she possibly could.

“I give him two days.”

The sound of a woman’s voice filling the air caught her attentions, causing her to pull back and away from her train of thought, both her gaze and her attention instead turning to linger on the girl’s figure as she turned on her heel and began to walk back in her direction, almost walking straight into her and casing Alcippe to huff out in annoyance.

“Hades' breath... I was wondering what was kicking up a stink so much... Bit lost, don't cha think, Princess?”

Shaking her head lightly from side to side, Aella couldn’t help the way that her lips turned up in a small though obvious smirk, a soft chuckle falling out and into the air around her as she once more began to work the reins, pulling on them lightly and slowly guiding her horse back just a couple of steps, her dark eyes lowering to meet with that of the girl who seemed to be looking up at Alcippe as though she were some kind of demon horse raised from the Underworld.

“Nah… unfortunately for you, I know I’m in the right place; besides, I don’t remember asking you, Morticia- a child of Pluto I assume… your lot are never very welcoming.”

“We’ll be careful Cassie. I promise.”

Her dark eyes flicked away from the girl and back over to Webster, watching on as he passed them by on his way to the cabins- of all the demigods that she could have run into… why did it have to be him. Returning her attention back around to the rest of the scenery the camp had to offer, she frowned slightly- it was exactly what she had been expecting when she’d first arrived; to be alone, and finding her own way around..? It didn’t seem as though it was going to be that difficult; the layout of the camp was (at least to her) pretty basic and easy to remember.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

James Wolfe

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Aella Stedford.

“I give him two days.”

Jamie gave his attention from the few remaining campers that had been chosen for the quest back to the female he knew briefly (and mostly in passing) as Marcel. A bet? Jamie wasn't quite sure how he felt about that. Betting was supposed to be for games; games where all someone would lose was cash or some clothes or some kind of favor. But what Marcel was betting on was lives. She reckoned that the quest leader, Alan, wouldn't last any longer than two days, and whether he agreed or not didn't stop the fact that they were still talking about someone's life.

He wasn't given the chance to respond, however. The moment the dry (and maybe sarcastic? It was hard to tell) words passed her lips, Marcel took her leave, but was stopped by the woman on the horse. Not that she went out of her way to stop Marcel, the horse was simply too large and he didn't think she had known it was there to begin with.

“Hades' breath... I was wondering what was kicking up a stink so much... Bit lost, don't cha think, Princess?”

“Nah… unfortunately for you, I know I’m in the right place; besides, I don’t remember asking you, Morticia- a child of Pluto I assume… your lot are never very welcoming.”

Jamie wanted to chuckle at the snarky interaction. The female on the horse didn't even skip a beat with her reply, but Marcel either didn't hear her or didn't care as she was already headed back to where he assumed would be her cabin. Wasn't it her half sister that had been asked to join Alan on the quest? Something like that. Maybe she just wanted to go and say goodbye. Jamie pivoted the toe of his boot into the dirt underneath him. While he had at least Bexley as a half-sibling, he wasn't nearly close enough with her to know much more than her name. He had to wonder, if things had been different and he had been the one that had been asked to go on the quest, would she have wanted to say goodbye to him? Or the other way around - would he have gone and said goodbye to her?

Goodbye's had never been hard until just a few weeks ago when he saw the lifeless eyes of his mother in that rainy gutter. And he had been the one to do it. Though time made the pain of her loss easier, he still hadn't been able to bring it within himself to say goodbye. Saying goodbye would admit that she was gone forever. He couldn't lie... there were still times when he believed that she would walk straight through camp to him to wipe a bit of dirt off his cheek, or that he would simply wake up the next morning to find out that the entire thing had been a terrible, terrible dream and would instead be greeted with breakfast in bed by her loving, smiling face.

Jamie shook his head. He couldn't let these thoughts fester. Camp was supposed to be a new, fresh chapter. How could he move on if he kept bringing himself down like this? But then, what now? The campers were mostly all going about their business as usual, but he never really got into a "business as usual" routine - he was still fairly new. Letting his attention fall back onto the woman on the horse, he gave her a slight (if at all friendly) nod of acknowledgement. Did they just let people ride horses through camp like this? He knew that there was a centaur field, and there were pegasi in the stables so seeing an actual horse out in the middle of everything with a rider was rather odd... but still being fresh meat, he wasn't sure if he said anything about it, he'd just be shot down for being wrong about something. So instead he stuck to something safe.

"Child of Pluto?" His eyes tried making out the lettering on her shirt, since Marcel seemed it was relevant enough to make some kind of comment on it. SPQR - Camp Jupiter. Huh... now what was that supposed to mean? Maybe she was from another camp? He hadn't really thought about there being another place for demigods like him to be able to remain safe before. The thought had his heart doing a strange sort of flutter - maybe that meant he had more family out there somewhere... But then what did the planets have to do with all of this? "Do you, um, are you from like a... space... demigod... camp?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Natalie Hawkins -- End of Lesson One

A shadow had departed from the range, and she could easily perceive who it was. A boy, whose face seemed lined wkth disgust. Instead of stopping him, the Maiden would let him leave. It was not her place to force a student to stay for lessons, noatter how mediocre their accuracy might be. Taking note of his appearance however, she would be certain to talk to him privately later. To see if there was actual interest in learning the wonderful discipline of Archery.

As the campers earnestly plucked up their bows and began firing arrows, Natalie would keep herself busy throughout the length of the class. Meandering through the practicing campers, she would pause occasionally to correct mistakes. Ranging from posture to proper breathing, or even getting one or two a proper pull strength bow, she was concise and thorough in her lessons. So well ddi she that by the end of the first lesson, the students who had never shot a bow before could reliably hit close to the center of a target at fifteen meters.

If anything, it was a good start.

Once the lesson was dismissed however, a slight pang of hunger meant that she needed to grab a snack for a bite to eat. Remaining at the range until the last student had left, she would depart from it as she made for the mess hall to grab of all things, a Granny Smith apple. Unsheathing her knife, she would slice off a small piece and bite into it as she walked. This procession would continue as she wandered through the camp, until she cane upon the tail end of the quest that was given to Alan. Watching on distantly, she took the last bite of her apple and tossed it into a bin as the students clustered around and chattered excitedly as Alan called out who he was going to bring with him.

Glancing sideways to Chiron and Mr. D, the Maiden decided that it was wise to mingle with the students a little. Get a feel for the children that she was working with. Even though Maidens were more often than not standoffish with Campers, much due to a turbulent history.

Equipping a charming smile, Natalie strode into the midst of the gaggle of students. Oddly enpugh, just in time to hear a boy invite a girl to stay in a cabin woth him. Warily she would eye the stuttering male, suspicoous of his intention. Even though he seemed genuine, Artemis had done her well by teaching her that men weren't to be trusted within any capacity.

"Excuse me," she interjected softly, glancing between Michael and Celeste, "I do not believe that to be wise, however, I can offer you a chance to stay in my quarters. If you would like."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Niesha looked up as the new teacher approached them and narrowed her eyes at the woman. "No, that wouldn't be wise" She said "You're one of Artemis's aren't you? I can understand the whole men are bad thing, but my brother isn't bad. Syl would stay in my room, if she wishes to stay in our cabin. And no offense, but coming up to and speaking to a blind girl like that is just asking for her to freak out a bit" Niesha said, feeling protective of Syl, and imagining how overwhelming it would be for her. At least the woman hadn't had the nerve to touch Syleste. Niesha rarely did so, until she was assured that Syleste was completely aware of her presence.

Seeing her just about snuggled up with Michael, clutching at him like a safety blanket, Niesha sighed softly, "Besides, nothing will harm Syleste with Moe around, and Prince is a fiesty little thing" She smiled as both dogs glanced up at their names, Prince was wriggling happily under Elena's touch. Turning slightly towards Elena, she smiled and said "Well, the cabin is big enough, it will be fun to have one! I've never had one, unless you count the bunk beds Michael and Iuse to share!" She gave a soft laugh. Niesha was skillfully trying to show the fact that it was going to mostly be all girls, and that it was going to be the typical slumber party. She glanced back to the Maidan and smiled, "Unless you count the dogs, my brother is outnumbered four to one. And Syleste knows us. She doesn't know you"

She knew she might be being a bit rude, but when it came to her friends, Niesha wasn't going to let anything hurt them, in anyway. She'd only had Michael, really, when they'd been growing up, despite the fact she got on well with people, generally. They didn't know the hunter. Just because she was a Maidan, didn't mean she wouldn't hurt Syleste.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Michael Stevenson and Niesha Stevenson (@Caits), Elena Reese ([@Nalore]), and Natalie Hawkins (@Feisty-Pants).

“You won’t lose me, Syl. I’d never let that happen.”

One moment the puppy was there, and the next it was gone; eased off of her lap where it had been struggling to stay, and had been almost forgotten in the girls worry for her older brother and the others going out on the quest with him. It wasn’t fair… it-... it just wasn’t fair… Why did he have to go- no; why did any of them have to go..? Though she didn’t know him all too well, and while she may not have ever had the chance to speak to him, she knew for a fact that Alan wasn’t the one that stole the dove… so why was it that he and the others still had to suffer while the real bad guy was still out there somewhere..?

“I’ll come back, I promise, Syl. I’ll take some drachma with me, and I’ll Iris message you every day, okay? So you can know I’m alive and well.”

The dog was once more in her lap; Prince’s paws pressing down and into her thighs before the suddenly the gentle pressure was once more gone ever completely from her lap, leaving her to panic slightly, and for only the briefest of moments about where in the world the pup had gone running off to before her brother’s arms around her was again helping to bring her mind back to the current situation they seemed to find themselves in.

Her cabin was going to be empty- she was going to be alone… well, not completely; she had those who had gathered around her that were more than willing to do their part, and to help out Connor by looking after her while he was gone from camp. Elena, Michael, Niesha. They were all willing to step up, and to try and fill the place of her brother while he was out saving Aphrodite’s bird from whatever bad place it had ended up in; and while they were all amazing people in their own way… they just weren’t him… they weren’t Connor…

“Syleste, if it wasn’t such an important mission, if we weren’t going up against Ares, I’d take you, but it’s important that we do this, and do it as quick as possible, for Alan. I need to go pack, but I’ll come back before I meet the others. Prince, stay.”

“..e-every day…” Never once letting her grip over Michael’s top waver, not even just a little bit, Syleste turned her head so that she was able to look up in the direction that she could hear her brother’s voice coming from, his warm touch helping to give her just that little bit of courage to accept the fact that this was something that (whether she liked it or not) had to happen no matter what, “..y-you promise; call me e-every day..! P-Please, Connor…”

And just like that, he was gone. Heading back towards the cabin so that he could pack, while leaving her in the more than capable hands of their friends.

”..y-y-your buh-buh-brother is s-smart. H-h-he’ll b-buh-bring everyone b-buh-back. And… p-puh-please c-c-come stay w-wuh-with us. I d-d-don’t like the th-th-thought of y-you alone in you c-cabin.”

H-He wanted her to come and stay with them..?

Relaxing her grip over the front of his top only the tiniest of amounts, Syleste lifted her head so that she was able to look up in the direction she could hear his voice coming from… his gentle breath inhaling and exhaling in a steady rhythm, her bright though cloudy light blue eyes seeming to flick back and forth between his own as if she knew exactly where they were in the first place- he was so sweet… he was worried about her; just as the rest of their friends were. It wasn’t very often she had to spend extended periods of time without her brother being right there for her when she really needed him the most.

“A slumber party would be pretty fun, we could just stay up late and hang out, and do whatever we’d like.”

A slumber party… she’d heard of them, but never before had she ever had, or been invited to one of them. They sounded like so much fun- staying up late with your friends, eating popcorn and chocolate and lollies, and watching movies and listening to music until you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore… It was most definitely something that had always piqued her interest, but it seemed like now with Connor going off on his quest, she had more of an excuse than ever to try it out and see whether or not she actually enjoyed it.

“Excuse me. I do not believe that to be wise, however, I can offer you a chance to stay in my quarters. If you would like.”
“No, that wouldn’t be wise.”

Catching wind of not only a voice that she didn’t seem to be able to recognize, but also one she did which seemed to be growing a little defensive towards the newcomer, Syleste once more let her hands ball up, tightening her grip over Michael’s top once again as she curled her shoulders into his body, allowing herself to curl up into the warmth of his arms as she continued to stay silent, listening with confusion to the conversation being held around her.

“You’re one of Artemis’ aren’t you? I can understand the whole ‘men are bad’ thing, but my brother isn’t bad. Syl would stay in my room, if she wishes to stay in our cabin. And no offense, but coming up to and speaking to a blind girl like that is just asking for her to freak out a bit. Besides, nothing will harm Syleste with Moe around, and Prince is a feisty little thing.”

A huntress..? Though the thought of meeting one of the hunt caught her interest, Syleste buried herself further into Michael’s chest, refusing to pull herself back to speak to anyone while the two of them seemed intent on squaring off with one another; even if one of them seemed to be more invested in the action than the other. Neisha was an awesome person; someone who was always there for her when she had a problem, or even when she just wanted someone to talk to about things she couldn’t bring up with her brother… but just like Connor, she didn’t understand; and how could she..?

None of them knew what it was like to live their lives in the dark…

The hunt offered demigoddesses like her freedom… a chance to be independent, and to work with one another while exploring the Western world, and carrying out the will of the Goddess of the moon herself... But for her… it was also a chance to be able to actually leave the camp…

“Unless you count dogs, my brother is outnumbered four to one. And Syleste knows us, she doesn’t know you.”

Well that was that. It was the end of the discussion even if she wanted to something completely different to the outcome. It was clear that Neisha didn’t want her spending time with the huntress whomever it was she might be; and even though the thought of freedom was enticing, the young daughter of Athena was correct… she didn’t know the huntress.

“..I-I want to stay with m-my f-friends…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Natalie Hawkins -- Refusal amd Curiosity

Her offer was met defensively, with little surprise.

However, what was rather intriguing was the fact it was not the girl who she offered who adamantly refused. It was her friend, seemingly tonsay the least. Her tone seemed almost accusational towards the Maiden, but despite that she paid very little heed to it. She saw past the hostile one, and her eyes adeptly remained affixed on the girl. After all, it was to she whom the Maiden made the offer, not the one guarded her almost possessively. Perhaps it was purely out of goodwill, or perhaps out of envy; after all, it was not often that a camper was chanced a glance into a maiden's home.

Even though this girl may have been blind.

Interestingly, the girl seemed shy. Though each move she made bespoke of hesitation, over what precisely remained a mystery, yet it was still another piece of a puzzle regardless. Crooking a brow and gazing down upon Niesha, she spoke to her first; well, to everyone within earshot.

"What you say is true, I am a Maiden of the Hunt. However, my loyalties are now divided in two. First, as a teacher for this camp, my duties are devoted to you and your company. Second, I will also eternally serve my Goddess." Deftly snapping her bow so that it latched to her back, her hands remained raised slightly as if she were adapting a defensive posture.

Instead, her brilliant azure gaze remained upon Syl afterward. "It is simple, really. There is no point for me to sew deception or a trap. My duties here, until Chiron and "Mr. D" as you so call him, find a new archery instructor, my place is here to serve you all. However, that is not all I have to offer to you all as a teacher. I have been alive for over two millenia, and seen much of the world as a result. I could tell you wondrous stories, lessons in archery, swordfighting, even stories of great heroes and heroines in their youth, to show you that we all began just as young and new as each of you."

Humbly, the Maiden would bow her head deeply instead of holding onto that enigmatic arrogance that most Huntresses were known for.

"Until Artemis herself relieves me of this duty, I am at your service. You cam find me at the edge of the wood by the practice range in my tent of you seek my counsel, on anything." Raising her head, she gracefully turned about and headed away from the small group whilst dropping her hood so that a river of fiery hair fell past her shoulders, and a scent of lilac took to the air.

As frustrating as the immediate hostility was, Natalie had expected it. For not many held even the thought of the Hunt in any sort of positive light. Getting her students to trust her would take tome, thankfully for the Goddess Artemis, she had plenty of it.

Waving her hand over her shoulder a nonchalant farewell escaped her lips, "Adieu. Syl, I believe that is your name, oui? If you wish to speak with me like I sense you do, all you need is to ask but once. Though may I recommend a guide to my quarters, all you need is to follow the scent of lilac. Trust your senses, and you will find me."

Subtly, unbeknownst to anyone else other than the Huntress herself, it was a test of sorts.

Moments later, she disappeared into the treeline, headng for her home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The teachers words shocked Michael, and he looked down at Syleste, burying herself against him, and he was sure he was blushing hotter then the sun, unable to keep the worried and, well, slightly scared expression off his face. If Syleste joined the hunters...What hope did he have? And maybe that was selfish off him...He knew that the hunters might seem like an attractive open for Syleste-invincibility, not likely to die, and freedom from the blindness that everyone else saw as a weakness, maybe even Syleste herself. If she joined the hunters...Michael didn't know what he would.

Without thinking about it, Michael wrapped his arms around her, not wanting to be confining, but rather wanting to be comforting, to...maybe let Syleste know, in some way or form...that he liked her. As his sister watched the retreating form of the huntress, focused intently on the retreating figure, Michael gathered his courage-if he didn't say something, didn't do anything, Syleste might take the huntress up on the offer, and then...he'd lose whatever chance he had. "Syl...s-since C-connor is not g-going to b-be here...I w-was thinking that...m-maybe you'd l-like to...g-g-go outside the c-c-c-camp?there's s-s-some...inventions I c-c-could make...that m-m-might make it easier f-for y-you...We c-could probably c-convince C-chiron...and w-we'd probably have to t-take a Satyr...b-b-but...if it c-c-could be d-d-done...would you like t-to?"

Why did he have to stutter so? He knew it made things difficult, and it frustrated him. He swallowed nervously, thinking that he was just being foolish. It would be very very hard to convince Chiron, not to mention Mr D to let any of them out the camp...but maybe just the offer would let Syleste know that he was willing to try, and that he thought it was wrong how she was treated just because of her blindness. And that he wanted to show her the world, and show her the beuty of the world, even if she could see the sights.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: The Obstacle Tower, Camp Half-blood
Interacting With: @Caits Connor & Niesha @Vicier Syleste & @Feisty-Pants Natalie

"Can't wait then it should be a lot of fun." Elena said with a bright smile as she looked over towards Natalie she was slightly curious about the woman, and she didn't mind a little bit of practice with a bow and arrow even though she knew how to shoot a bow. Elena preferred using her sword and shield whenever she was fighting or practicing. She then gently gave Syleste's shoulder a friendly pat the girl was always cute and timid, and Elena always liked hanging out with her whenever she had the time to do it. "Since I don't really have anything else to do right now, i'm going to go out and practice a little bit. I'll swing by your cabin later and we can do that slumber party." Elena smiled as she started to head off towards the woods.

Elena wanted to get a little bit of practice in as she started to follow the scent which she picked up deciding to take up the offer with some training with the Huntress. Elena closed her eyes for a moment taking in a deep breath as she enjoyed the quietness around the woods, she would sometimes go out for runs in the early morning through the woods by herself from time to time to just relax.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


There were many things that Niesha despised. She was use to being overlooked at times, but this was just down right arrogance. She glared at the huntress. If this was what the hunt had to offer, then Niesha wanted no part of them. Rude, arrogant, and Ignorant to other ways, Niesha decided she'd be much better off without having any dealings with the hunt. If this is what two thousand years of no sex does to you, no thank you. she thought to herself, glad for the moment that the words hadn't slipped out her mouth. A point for self-control. For once. She shifted, shaking her head, glad the Huntress was leaving. Although she was disturbed for the offer to Syleste.

Niesha didn't have many friends, and the thought of losing one to the Hunt...it distressed her greatly. IF Syleste was tempted, Niesha knew that she needed to be careful, to not shove her friend towards the Hunt. On the other side of the coin, she knew she couldn't stop Syleste's choice. It was hers, after all. Her gaze flickered towards Michael, Syleste all but in his lap, and her heart ached for him. If Syleste choose the hunt, Michael would be more then devestated.

She gave a soft sigh, waiting until the Huntress was out of sight, Niesha excused herself. "I'm going to go back to the cabin. I'll see you later" She followed Elena, but headed towards the cabins. Only, she stopped halfway, troubled by the recent events. She bit her lip, unsure. She glanced back to the stands, wondering if she should have left, but she hadn't wanted to say something that might be wrong.

Snow fluttered about her, circling above, she rose up and down with drafts, circling round in a figure out for a few moments, before going into loop-de-loops. Niesha stood there, watching thoughtfully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Deon Alexander

Location: The Apollo Cabin; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Kalinda Franklins and Arianna Watson.

With most of the excitement from the news of his father being a dick diminishing, Deon found himself headed towards the Apollo cabin. After Ky' vie had managed to smack him in the nose with the winners ring of the obstacle tower, he was fairly sure it might have been broken - it hurt enough; and the blood wasn't stopping. However, his initial trip to the infirmary after leaving the tower was less than pleasurable as most of the other Apollo kids that were there found Ky' vie to be in the right standing and refused to help him, wanting Deon to learn something for once in his life. That didn't mean he lacked a backup.

It took a bit of effort, but Deon finally caught sight of Kalinda as she escorted Arianna to her cabin. Smirking to himself a bit, remembering the bet he had made with the daughter of Dionysus, Deon followed them inside soon after, navigating himself through the halls as though he owned the place until he found the two girls. It appeared that the short-haired blonde was making an attempt to drug Arianna up.

"Your drink, and your meds." Kalinda said, handing out each object in question for Arianna to take. Just once, Deon would have liked to see what the long-haired blonde was like off of them. From what he heard, she had quite the penchant for blood lust - his kind of woman. Wincing a bit as a finger to the hand that had been attempting to hold his nose in place slipped, the movement had brought him a slight amount of pain. He couldn't help but to then chuckle as his mind wandered. It seemed Ky' vie could be brought to that point of blood-lust too. He dropped his hand to see his skin splattered in wet crimson, the stench of iron filling his nostrils making them flare and hurt even more. He smiled.

That fucking bitch.

"Excuse me, labies." Deon announced himself, leaning his short, but broad body against the frame of the door, one arm crossing over his chest while the other attempted, all the while returning his hand to his dripping nose. "Can it be my turn to blay the batient next? Or have I alreaby missed da bart where da two of you start to feberishly make out?" The combination of blood and swelling from his nose made it incredibly difficult to talk, but his ever famous shit-eating grin remained on his face despite the fact. He wiggled his fingers to Arianna in a hello. "Sbeaking of which, you owe me, Miami. But I'm good to watch for a bit if da two of you haben't finished."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Arianna Louise Watson

Location: Apollo Cabin; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: Kalinda Franklin (@Caits), and Deon Alexander (@YoshiSkittlez).


Squealing happily, and forgetting completely about both the beer and the medication that was being held out for her to take, Arianna quickly turned on her heel, the thin material of her top seeming to float both this way and that; hanging in the air for a few moments before it attempted to settle back against the already moving body of its owner, “There you are muscle man..!”

Chuckling softly to herself as she crossed back over the room, she pushed herself off from the floor, her arms snaking around the back of his neck and her legs somehow managing to find their way around his waist as she held onto him, making sure that she wasn’t going to fall by using her own strength to keep herself pressed against him before she leant in, seemingly not even fussed about the blood gushing from his nose as she pressed her lips hard against his own- he was here, so that had to mean that they had a bet..! She had to have won..! Or had she lost..?

Oh well, either way, she was sure he’d let her know..!

Straightening her back slightly, she brought one of her arms back towards her body, her hand curved and following the natural line of his neck… shoulder… before finally coming to a rest against his collar bone, her other arm tensing, helping to pick up the extra weight now dropped onto it by the arm now abandoning its post. Gods he was a cutie..! Why everyone decided to keep him locked away in the category of mean ol’ poo poo head was far beyond her; especially when he could make her feel better than most any drink could ever do. Ooo; she couldn’t help the way that her now partly crimson lips turned up into small smirk, or the excited shiver that ran the length of her spine…

For someone who was not immediately related to Hecate; that boy could definitely work some magic.

Pushing her lips harder against his own for just that little bit longer, she finally pulled away, her eyes sparkling slightly and a sweet bell-like giggle falling from her lips as she leant in once more, pressing the tip of her nose very lightly against his as though motioning towards it, “Nawwe, that looks nasty. Grease lightnin’ really gotchya good this time, didn’ she..?”

One moment her eyes had been filled with nothing but her usual playfulness, and the next, it was gone completely, replaced instead by a flicker of something almost unrecognizable as she leant her body ever so slightly to the side, the hand that had been resting comfortably against his collar bone now lifting up so that she could lightly brush the stray strands of hair back and off his face; the smirk remaining, however growing wider as her chuckle instead grew just that little bit darker.

“..such a shame really… to do this to such a pretty face… but how’s about you let me play doctor..? I’ll patch you up nice and good; then we can, uh…” Turning her head ever so slightly to the side, she once more closed the gap between them, though instead of meeting her lips to his, she let her tongue slip out, slowly using it to lick up a good amount of the blood that had accumulated from his lips to his cheek before she continued up to his ear, that dark chuckle once again filling the air, though softer as she gently nipped at his earlobe, “..then we can have some real fun…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Aella Lorraine Stedford

Location: The Obstacle Tower; Camp Half-Blood.
Interacting With: James Wolfe (@YoshiSkittlez).

Space demigod camp..? Well, that was a new one.

Tearing her attention away from the scenery, Aella let her gaze drop back down to where a guy who looked not too much older than herself stood looking up at her- he was cute enough; but it was clear by his question he either wasn’t that bright, or was new to their world and way of life… she would give him the benefit of the doubt and go with the latter. Besides, the fact that he seemed set apart from the rest… the way he hit at the ground awkwardly with the ball of his foot… whoever he was, she was going to bet that he was new to the camp.

“Child of Pluto- you Grecians tend to call them children of Hades.” Pausing for a few moments, she took her time to look him over, not even bothering to hide the way her eyes slowly took their time to roam down the length of his body before once more coming up to meet with his own. There was just something about him… something odd; why couldn’t she pick his parentage..? One glance at the guy and already she could see him fitting to several of the Gods- Mercury… Minerva… Bellona… hell, even Neptune. But which one was it-…

“Do not let your guard down, Aella.”

Suppressing the urge to both groan and roll her eyes as her father’s voice floated through her mind, she did what she could to keep an unreadable face; the last thing she wanted to do was to be found arguing with her father’s voice inside her head… then how would she look..? Weak.

“These Grecian’s are not to be trusted. Remember your training; and do not disappoint me.”

Don’t let him down… when had she ever done so in the past..? She had been in the first cohort back at camp Jupiter- she had been taken under the wing of Reyna, had been put on the fast track to make Centurion; by the love of Pluto, she had even been dating one before his untimely death. She was one of the most ruthless, both on and off the battleground. Everything that she ever did was to make her father proud of her… but right now; she just needed a break.

Shoving his voice out of her mind altogether, and ignoring the light pounding that began to hit her head thanks to the headache now forming in her temple, she forced her attention back onto the guy that stood in front of her, a gentle sigh falling out through her lips, and her expression and body both seeming to relax visibly as she shook her head lightly, seemingly now ready to answer his question.

“Camp Jupiter is not a ‘space demigod camp’ as you so put it. It’s a camp similar to this in ways, but also vastly different; we can live our whole lives there… it’s a camp for Roman demigods.”
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