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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nanashi Ninanai
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Nanashi Ninanai Strange Bird of the Moon

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Tom Lyon

Hunt? Was it the time already? Angelise's expression was calm as she prepared her bow. She was ordered to ride on the wyvern alongside the rider and snipe them from above. But the outlaw had approached the rider before her, and it's for the best, really. Ange disliked that much height. Who knew what she might do if she panicked while being up there. Her own mount wasn't too far away from the group thankfully, and the first order of action she had was to immediately secure herself on top of her horse. From above it, she could see the situation more clearly, and even as she approached the Strategist, her eyes were already busy with picking potential targets for her to tear apart.

"Hey, Sir Strategist," Ange pouted a bit as she said that - she was reminded about how bad she was about remembering names. Thankfully she wasn't involving herself with politics at all. "I think it is fine if I stay in the backline, right? I'll refrain from attacking for now, but once you order me to-"

She wasn't able to finish her sentence with the maid panickingly asking about why did everyone let the old man go. Oh, right. Ange almost forgot about him, but there were barely any traces of him left nearby. She had a point, of course. Something definitely must have happened. But then there's this woman yelling to press the attack. What? It's hard to figure out what was actually going on for the time being, and Ange's grip on her bow tightened. In a time of distress, her urge rose like a glass that was continuously being filled with the pressure of the situation. Ah, the sound of arrows piercing flesh, a beautiful sound that could soothe any souls. Merely imagining it calmed her for the time being, and she continued what she wanted to say to the strategist.

"Uh so...right, Sir strategist. I am quite confident that I have a range advantage compared to enemy bowmen if they possessed any. They shall be my first priority as you ordered to me earlier, however, pray tell whether there are any targets that I should also prioritize?"

One deep breath. Something slipped.

"And is it fine if I shoot them now?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Senshi, calmly put away all of the things he had taken out before the fighting. He stood up and drew his bow, "I will do has you have ordered Sir Alfred. But I may not be able to heal that well, as I do not have a large amount of Vulenary on my person. But might I suggest we not openly attack anyone." Senshi placed himself behind everyone. He took aim with his bow at the nearest non member of the group. He took a deep breathe, and calmed his nerves he had only been in a few battles against bandits and so this large conflict scared him, but he would show no fear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Bad memories

Nyx heard screaming and fell to the ground. Immediately her mind begins to replay the traumatic event of her parents dying and leaving her on her own. She curls up on the ground as she tries to not be controlled by her memories. The blood running down the walls of her hiding place and her vision began to fade. She didn't seem to be responsive.

Nyx looked around. She seemed to be in a place of existence which was created by her mind. She wandered endlessly looking around. She felt as if this place was familiar yet she wasn't completely certain why. Next thing she knew she was a child again and this time she had a chance to save her family rather than hiding. What she sees is far worse than her parents wanted. Nyx had been murdered. But everything faded back into the white void of her mind. She goes back to wandering and searching for a way out.

Meanwhile on the battlefield Nyx was still lying on the ground, except she was moaning and groaning in pain. It was evident what was wrong with Nyx. She had no control...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Myno stopped and turned as he heard a soft thud. His eyes furrowed as he saw Nyx, on the ground. She looked unconscious, but she was letting out groans of pain. She was having a nightmare. The blond Manakete did not understand this reaction. She claimed that she reached Gaia's war, and yet, why did she pass out? Most who came out of the battle became hardened and strong - as if nothing can faze them now.

And yet, here he was, looking at a Manakete having nightmares after the battle had started. Although the truth quickly dawned upon him. Those who came out of Gaia's war who were soldiers became hardened, but there were civilians who were struck with terror. Hm, well, he can't doubt the fact that there were soldiers suffering from trauma after the battle. The things they had to endure, the things they had to see, sometimes, it was all too much. Perhaps Nyx went through something. A traumatic experience perhaps? Loss of kin? Near-death experience?

Well, now was not the time to speculate. They were in the middle of battle. Perhaps they would find out later on. It was inconvenient, to have a powerful ally incapacitated, but such is life. "Sir Senshi, if you can please take care of her, it would be much appreciated." He told the apothecary who was stationed at the back lines. With that said, he turned back to the enemies and prepared himself again.

@Snarfulblast@Lady Athena
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roane smiled crookedly. "Trust me, Sir," she said over the roar of the wind, "when I say that this is nothing."

Lyth stilled his ascent, great wings flapping as he flew in place. Roane glance back at Takayuki, giving a small nod once she saw that he thankfully hadn't fallen off, before switching her attention the the ensuing battle below. For all she could see, chaos reigned supreme. Warrior fought warrior, axe met sword. The gathering, initially peaceful, was wrought with clashing bodies and the cries of bitter conflict.Yet amongst the madness, there lingered strings of confusion. Soldiers, both dwarves and of the League, hovered on the sidelines, unsure of who or where to strike. Any movements to strike were half-hearted. Reluctant, even. Only the Varjan's seems to really embrace the brutal atmosphere. Roane narrowed her eyes. Even curiouser, that strange man and his bird were nowhere in sight. Seemingly as if they'd vanished into thin air.

She shook her head to clear the foolish thought. No, of course not. What she needed was a better view. Roane steered Lyth a few feet towards the ground, trying to get a good bearing of the battlefield. "Alright, Lyth, just a bit--GAH!"

An arrow, its origins lost in the ensuing discord, streaked through the sky, missing the wyvern and passengers by a mere hairline. Yet that was enough for him to cry out, twisting wildly in midair as panic overtook sensibility. With a sharp cry, Roane instinctively snatched the reigns and turned to grab Taka. Her iron-tight grip held them precariously in place as Lyth bucked in the air.

"If you're gonna make that crazy shot," she gasped as she struggled to regain balance, "you better make it fast!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

---Dragonrage Pass---

-@Fubsy & @cloudystar-

High up in the air, both of you could see the battle between man and Dwarf raging. There were some who were still confused regarding the situation but as the fighting went on, the confusion waned. Ironically, that brought more chaos as more soldiers and warriors entered the fray.

The two of you also spot a huge tent lit up in flames. It was likely the place where the meeting between the Dwarves and the Arcadia League took place and where the cause of this conflict originated. However, investigating would be rather problematic as any evidence or clues were probably burned or burning away with the tent.

But that was likely not your primary concern for you spot a dozen or so Dwarves with crossbows aiming their weapons at you. Since you were one of the very few soldiers up in the air, it should not be too much of a surprise that a lot of enemy projectiles are focused onto you. You might want to do something about that.

-@Tom Lyon, @Darkmoon Angel, @Fairess, @Melkor, @Polaris North, @Nanashi Ninanai, @Snarfulblast, @Lady Athena & @MarsAdept-

Before even battle could be joined, there was already one unconscious: The Manakete Nyx. But that didn't stop the two opposing groups from charging.

With loud cries of war, the Dwarves and the Varjans collided into battle and began a bloody brawl with Prince Jarde's regiment caught in the middle. The Varjans, on one hand, mostly ignored the regiment. Apparently they think of you as fellow soldiers of the League of Arcadia. For now at least. The Dwarves on the other hand...

Some five Dwarves charge at Myno and Victoria with their axes held high. Another five ignored the front line since they were already occupied and charged at the second line of Jarde, Eclisse and Cylus. Fortunately, no Dwarf were remotely near Angelise, Estelle, Alfred, Senshi and a summoned Tarvos.

Rather unfortunately, one Varjan recognized Cylus and immediately singled him out. "YOU! You were with the thief who stole our food! You little wretch!" He raised his two-handed axe to strike but the attack was parried by Merilia and kicked away the Varjan. The black-armored warrior was not at all amused and proceeded to duel the red-armored Hero.

One can notice that this Varjan did not look like a Warrior. No, he was an Elite. Much more dangerous than a Warrior. His friends noticed this little scene and promptly shifted their priorities. Now some three Varjan Elites had zeroed in Angelise, Estelle, Alfred and Senshi along with the unconscious Nyx. The Tarvos that was summoned sensed the danger and proceeded to charge at the Varjan Elites.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

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Immediately getting pissed after the first shot, he took aim at the Dwarves who were aiming at them with the crossbows. He was really enjoying the ride and would much rather just enjoy it, so the fact that they dared to shoot made him quite frustrated. The fact that they also missed when himself and Roane were not paying any attention added even more fuel to his anger. The fear for close ranged weapons wasn't apparent when it involved a duel between long-ranged fighters such as those Dwarves. Soon, his bow was rapidly being strung and made swift ffffwwiiipppsss. Each arrow weren't meant to kill, but swift shots to injure if not cripple each crossbowmen so that he can focus on the next target as quick as possible.

His rain of arrows being the response to the Dwarf crossbowmen, this Outlaw wasn't going to let his Wyvern friend and Wyvern Rider get hurt by such bad shots. Taka laughs as he sent so many accurate shots, happy that he actually brought some extra arrows for this situation.

"Don't call me Sir, just call me Taka! I'm nothing but a Thief who could hit more shots than these idiots! Hehe, this'll be a fun challenge, and go as fast as you want Roane. I trust you and don't worry about me if you do anything more crazy than this, that's what makes this fun! If there is anything you want me to shoot at, just give me a quick description of the target. I'll be sure to at least hit the target."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Polaris North@Lady Athena

Senshi nodded at Myno, "I'll see what I can do, but I guarantee nothing as I do not know what the problem is." Shifting himself towards the unconscious Nyx. Moving next to her,after putting away his bow,he produced from his pockets a small bundle of herbs. Shoving the bundle of herbs into the fire an acrid smell filled the surrounding area, taking the smoking bundle of herbs Senshi pushes them up against Nyx's nose hoping that the smell would revive the unconscious manakete."I hope this works on manakete's like it does others."Senshi thought to himself, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder he caught a glimpse of the Varjan elites headed towards them, he turned to face the oncoming threat as the summoned Tarvos charged towards the Varjan elites. He re-drew his bow and placed an arrow upon its string, taking careful aim he loosed the shaft at the closest elite aiming for the shoulder of the arm carrying the elites weapon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Right after Senshi dragged the unconscious Nyx back, five dwarves have made their way towards them. The stone on the bracer on his right forearm began to glow. He was enveloped in the light which created the illusion of a flower wrapping him. It only lasted for a moment though and when it disappeared, the human Myno had disappeared. In his place was a pale yellow dragon. He flapped his wings to propel him backward as one of the dwarves attacked him (but he took precautions to not hit any of the others). He felt something light up in his belly and he bellowed out a fire breath that would hopefully hit three or four of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A final sign of things to come.

Nyx wasn't unconscious but it sure did seem like it besides her groaning of pain. She does feel her body being moved and herbs being shoved into her face. This has no effect besides making her want to be sick. She curls up and is sick, but she still wasn't aware of what was happening around her. The groaning gets more intense as her necklace was glowing faintly.

Meanwhile in Nyx's mind, she is still wandering around in the endless void. But something was starting to change, her vision was beginning to blur as if she was losing... well herself within what was happening. She knew this couldn't be good, but she was unsure what was happening.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Roane gritted her teeth as control was gained once more. The wind whipped around them, its howls mingled with the screams of battle. Louder, louder, louder, until it was nothing more than an orchestra of blades and bloodshed behind a dance of death. Arrows flew by, barely missing the careening dragon, and seemed to near ever more with each aim. Yet it was by the skill of Roane's new compatriot, Taka, that they managed to last this long. With a great flap, Lyth was steered higher at a stomach plunging rate to escape an onslaught of arrows. The air grew colder and thinner, the wind blowing faster and faster. It was only by Roane's constantly flying that lightheadedness hadn't taken hold.

Her dark eyes roamed over the battlefield, searching for the source of the arrows. She needed a plan, a direction, a target. Something to attack admits the ensuing discord. A flicker of flame and smoke caught her eye. She lifted her gaze, her body going rigid from shock. A tent, one of the largest in the vicinity, burned as bright as the bonfire. The meeting place. The location for all important peoples to gather and discuss. People like Lady K'shein. At once, the noise seemed louder. Her skin was colder. A bout of dizziness stirred her mind. No. Lady K'shein was alright. She had to be alright. She...Lady...Her Lady...

Roane's grief was cut short as a roar pierced the chilly air. Her grip on the reins tightened and she quickly reached back to trap Taka as Lyth bucked and descended at a stomach wrenching rate. The wings flapped, extended, and eventually stabilized as they neared the ground. But the damage was already done. An arrow's shaft erupted from Lyth's thick hide. Roane looked around wildly, frantically steering the wyvern away as another arrow arced towards them. This time, she could see its source.

"Taka!" she called, nodding to some cross-bow armed dwarves. "Over there!"

She dared to fly closer, ax out and ready for a fight. Her eyes burned with anger and outrage as bright as the flaming tent. She knew not what happened. She knew not who had done the sin. The only matter that burned in her mind was that, whatever happened now, she would do in her Lady's name. Wherever she may be...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

This wasn't good, with nyx in a vulnerable position and the varjan and dwarven forces closing in, it was coming to the point Eclisse had to start swing blackfang around. The Tarvos that was summoned was keeping the attackers back a bit, but some were sure to slip on by, and their sights were set right at the groups back row. "I don't think so!" Using her speed advantage over the Varjan's, Eclisse rushed in against the attackers and brandished her blade. Varjan soldiers were known for their strength so she wasn't expecting to cut them down immediately, she was more focused on chipping them away with a combination of blackfang's poisoned blade and her swift strikes. After she had dealt her blow against the Varjan's, Eclisse doubled back to keep the group's back line safe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nanashi Ninanai
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Nanashi Ninanai Strange Bird of the Moon

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Things went south in short order. The strategist hadn't given Ange her orders, and she was starting to feel uneasy. Bloodlust awakened inside of her. The instinct to kill, if one may say. It would be the first time she actually would shoot at someone else instead of a beast, but even then it was an interesting prospect ahead. Her first priority was, of course, the dwarven archers she noticed that were aiming at the dragon above. Having a superior range, Ange didn't wait for Alfred's order to shoot at them. Taking aim, firing a series of shots towards their face, it felt just like her usual hunting sessions.

Though, while she was busy shooting at the archers, the female manakete suddenly collapsed, which worried Ange somewhat. She was thinking of approaching her to lend her some hand when suddenly, three of the Varjan soldiers zeroed in on the group. They were fully armored, crap. Ange wasn't that great in dealing with fully armored people. Even if she could aim to their eyes, she didn't want to risk it for now.

The female Myrmidon was first to help the manakete, fending off the attackers with her sword. Ange smiled seeing that, and had her horse gallop into position. She still maintained some range between her and the Varjan elites, and so, she unsheathed her sword. Uttering a spell on the magical blade, she then swung it towards the attackers' direction, sending several waves of sharp wind blasts at them. Being magic, Ange was hoping the attack from her Wind Sword was capable of piercing through their armor.

"Hey, can you get the manakete to my horse, Myrmidon? I'm going to return to my post and attack them from range again, but first this girl needs to be carried to safety."

Being unable to remember names really sucks.

@Lady Athena @Darkmoon Angel
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

---Dragonrage Pass---


You arrive in Dragonrage Pass to accompany a group led by a Prince Jarde Devaron. Upon asking some soldiers present as to where he is, they pointed you to a direction and to look for a young man with brown hair save for a black streak and fair skin. They said that the black streak was very noticeable so you should not have much trouble finding him.

Until all hell broke loose, however. Suddenly, you hear yells of accusation. That Man betrayed Dwarf and vice-versa. It did not take long for the two races to battle against one another in the pass, making your goal to find Jarde Devaron a lot more harder.

But miraculously, you spot a warrior in royal clothing fighting alongside some odd-looking fellows including a dragon. The brown hair with the black streak made it doubtless that he was the Prince Jarde you're supposed to be fighting with.

However, his unit is caught in-between a large group of Dwarves and a large group of big, black-armored men. Strangely though, Jarde and his company were fighting both groups. And clearly needs help.

-@cloudystar & @Fubsy-

Taka's arrows, as well as someone else's, rained on the Dwarven Bolters. The Dwarves had thick armor but fortunately, Taka's arrows could pierce armor and so some of them were hit badly by the projectiles. Still, Dwarves are sturdy and resilient and so were just injured. The arrows did stop them from firing a volley at the wyvern though.

However, both Taka and Roane would spot even more Dwarven Bolters and even some Riflemen take aim at them. Roane's wyvern may be properly protected from projectiles but a massive volley would be the end of any flying creature, protected or not. It was probably wise to get back to the ground.

Besides, their allies seem to be in need of help as they are surrounded by Dwarves and Varjans, both of which were battling them as well as each other.

-@Polaris North, @MarsAdept*-

The three Dwarves were blown away by Myno's fiery breath. Whether they were killed or just horribly burnt was not for him to know. The remaining two Dwarves bravely started hacking away at Myno's scales and completely ignore Victoria. The two Dwarves should be of little trouble to the Manakete but there were still Dwarves incoming.

The Knight Victoria noticed the back line still occupied by some Dwarven Infantry and made a decision. "Manakete! Handle them for a while. I shall be back!" She yelled at Myno before charging at the Dwarves who were fighting Jarde.


With Merilia fighting the Varjan Elite for you and Eclisse moving away to fight the incoming Varjans, you and Jarde were left alone to fight five axe-wielding Dwarven Infantry.

Two Dwarves homed in on Jarde while three were on you. That is, until a Knight charged them and peeled off two of them from you. Now you have only one Dwarf to fight. However, he was still a Dwarf Infantryman and probably not to be underestimated. You may need to pull up some tricks to quickly dispatch of this short and stout warrior.

Or not and just fight him fair and square. But then, Jarde and the Knight may get seriously hurt from the two Dwarves each of them are fighting.

-@Darkmoon Angel & @Nanashi Ninanai-

Eclisse and the Tarvos fought the three Varjan Elites. Eclisse managed to hold off one but the Tarvos fared worse as the centaur monster's flesh was hacked multiple times by the Varjans' infernal sword-cleavers. It did not take long for the Tarvos to succumb to its wounds and disappear in a puff of purple smoke.

But before Eclisse could be overwhelmed, Angelise managed to send some sharp and fast wind magic towards the Varjan Elites which knocked them all down.

However, they got up and recovered before Eclisse and Angelise could do anything and continued their assault but they were no doubt weakened by the wind magic they received. There were still three of them and its up to the Mercenary and the Bow Knight how to handle this situation.

-@Lady Athena, @Fairess, @Snarfulblast & @Tom Lyon*-

The melee-capable fighters in Jarde's company fought their fights and managed to do their job keeping the support group and Nyx safe. Senshi fired an arrow at a Varjan Elite but it was just evaded.

While everyone fighting needed assistance, no one needed it more than Merilia who was knocked down by the Varjan Elite she fought to save Cylus. The Varjan Elite raised his two-handed axe to deliver the killing blow while the female Hero could only watch in shock.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Those dastards didn't hesitate to make this difficult," Tomoe muttered, gripping her shielded naginata as she surveyed the conditions. Dwarves on one end, and heavily-armored men on the other, the likes of which Tomoe had never seen in her home; both groups were set upon the company that Tomoe was assigned to.

It certainly wouldn't help at all to fail my mission out of the gate, Tomoe thought. She had to be careful; the many assassins she's deterred over the course of her career do not compare to the scale of these troops.

Tomoe charted out the best method to get through these swaths of enemy units; both sides were fraught in strife, and the dwarven soldiers appeared to be using axes and bows. That being said, their proximity and numbers made it clear (at least to those unfamiliar with the Varjans) that the dwarves were the ones that needed to be cleared out.

Also there were a couple of them moving towards Jarde. Not good.

Tomoe, with both hands, held her naginata so that the shield was slanted diagonally. She decided to enter from the side of the dwarven archers; while their sight was trained upon the fliers, Tomoe could very well at least disrupt them. In addition to that, the wyvern rider appeared to be their target, and it would buy her more time to regain control and land safely if the number of shooters was thinned.

Tomoe ran in, blade drawn and shield forward. She made a quick attempt at eye contact with Taka, then with Roane, hoping this would indicate that she’s no enemy. Then, she swung her naginata around like a door, barging into the dwarven archers. She set her sights upon Prince Jarde, making that connection her first priority. However, she checked to make sure she wouldn't be surrounded; the Guard Naginata only offered such a radius of shielding.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


The Manakete wanted to smirk when the three dwarves were sent back thanks to his fire breath, but he knew not to focus on that only, and not to celebrate on minor victories like that. As if to emphasize on that, the two other dwarves were already hacking away at his scales. He let out a roar of anger and then spun around, his tail would hit one of the dwarves and he would attempt to grab another one with his mouth. If successful, he would flail around and throw it away.

Barbaric? Yes. Needed? Perhaps not. But that was the only thing he thought that he could do. He certainly couldn't fly, lest he be barraged with arrows that would most likely hurt, as evidenced by the rocky flight of Roane and Taka.

Whether or not he would succeed, he would, once again, propel himself backwards to keep his distance, but still took extra precautions to not get involved on the other fights. He had enough on his hands. Wait, didn't he have another- His train of thought was cut off when Victoria told him that she'll be back and to hold the dwarves off for a while. Myno would sigh in exasperation but he had no other choice in the matter. He let out a grunt of approval before shooting a fire ball at the group of dwarves that were closing in with the attempt to scatter and disorient them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darkmoon Angel
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Darkmoon Angel Lunar Guardian of Time

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Eclisse was able to hold her own surprisingly well, though the same couldn't be said for the tarvos as it was cut down with no problem. The varjans would've got her too if not for angelise sending waves of wind magic to help her. She backed off to get a position by angelise. "Thanks... I would've been missing my head if you hadn't done that." Eclisse had to show her appreciation after the battle but first things first, those varjans may be tough enough to resist the poison, but it was only a matter of time before it starts effecting them badly.

"Hey, can you get the manakete to my horse, Myrmidon? I'm going to return to my post and attack them from range again, but first this girl needs to be carried to safety." Angelise had a point, Nyx needed to get to safety in her current situation. Eclisse quickly lifted up the manakete while giving a reassuring look to the apothecary. "I doubt herbs will help with a panic attack... Just stick behind us and fire any shots you can!"

Eclisse placed Nyx on angelise's horse, but the varjans were far from done. They had recovered from the wind magic but were weakened enough to where they could be dealt with. "Ok... Cover me, i'm going in!" she told angelise as she went in to cut the varjans up again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The ride of destiny

Nyx lied on the ground till someone starts to call out about putting her on the horse and taking her off the battlefield. Nyx seemed to be slightly warm when Eclisse picks her up. It was an odd warmness and it seemed to be very slowly getting hotter. It was if she was immiting some kind of hot aura. Her necklace was glowing brighter than it was before.

Inside Nyx's head, Nyx is still wandering around. The endless whiteness still baring some kind of repressed memories of some event. Something sat before her on a podium. A green orb like thing, it was very familiar and it seemed to be glowing. Nyx slowly approaches it

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Where is there?! Where are we going?!"

Taka was kinda confused by how the battle was going. Sure he could pay attention to the bowmen and crossbowmen of the Dwarves aiming at them...but the situation of the group was not that great either. That and he could only shoot oh so many arrows in a given amount of time. His Iron Bow rapidly going ffffwwwippp as he launched arrow after arrow at the following targets:
an arrow at the archers/crossbowmen to help the new spear user take on the long ranged forces
an arrow at the Varjun Elite just to take out the ax if not distract him for a moment to give the female Hero a chance to recover (uses all his Skill in this one)
an arrow at the forces approaching Nyx and her group (least amount of Skill in this one)

The Bandit was still going for accuracy over damage but he wanted to at least prove his worth...but that's when he noticed they were slowly approaching the ground. His fear was slowly causing him to shake a bit as his keen eyes seem to focus on the weapons of the Dwarves such as axes and blades seem to be much more deadlier than they were so high in the sky...he couldn't even hide his fear that well from Roane. Every little instinct was telling him to run away as soon as they hit the ground...but he had to repay the favor for the ride. Besides, she was an ally now and she kept him alive, it was good enough reason to risk dying...again.

"Err...are we going to land soon!? Because...I don't do well in...close quarters...like REALLY well."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

---Dragonrage Pass---


You disrupt and distract the Dwarven Bolters and prevent them from shooting at Roane and Taka. Some of them anyway, there were still a number that were aiming at the Wyvern Rider and Outlaw.

But that was the least of your worries, the Dwarves you did disrupt put away their crossbows and pulled out their axes. They began to converge on you and while they were half your size and not dedicated melee troops, their axes and numbers made it clear that you were about to be hacked into pieces unless you do something.

However, one lone Dwarven Infantryman stood in the way of your path to escape. He wielded a two-handed axe that looked taller than its owner. You are going to need to deal with this Dwarf quick before his friends catch up and overwhelm you.

-@Polaris North-

The fireball you spewed exploded, sending some Dwarves flying and others reeling.

But before you could do more, you feel something crash into your back and left burning pain. If you turn your head, you would see boiling red liquid sitting upon the scales of your back. You obviously did not see where it came from or who did it but it did leave you too weak to hold off the incoming Dwarves.

Jarde, despite occupied with two Dwarves, saw that you have been hit and was quick to give out an order. "You... Myno! Get out of there! Fall back!" He yelled at you before blocking an attack from a Dwarf.

-@Darkmoon Angel & @Nanashi Ninanai-

Despite being outnumbered, Eclisse slashed away at the Varjan Elites who seem to be moving slower with each move they make which makes them easier for her to evade.

Soon, one of them succumbs to the poison of Eclisse's sword and was brought to his knees before an arrow hits him in the neck, finishing him off. But there were still two of them left and the fight was about to resume when something flew over all the fighters' heads, catching their attention. It was a ball of burning red and left behind a trail of dark red energy. It was safe to assume the large projectile was a bit magical in nature.

The fiery red ball directly hit the Manakete Myno and he appeared to have taken quite the damage from it.

But that was his problem, Eclisse's problem was when a Varjan Elite used the momentary distraction to use his shield to knock her to the ground. His remaining ally then puts his steel boot on her chest to prevent her from going anywhere.

The Varjan Elite then raised his sword, ready to plunge it into Eclisse.

-@cloudystar & @Fubsy-

Taka's arrows manage to take down one Varjan Elite fighting Eclisse and Angelise while and the one on the Hero Merilia.

However, his arrows could not break the Dwarven Bolters still aimed at them. Another volley was loosed but there were at least less bolts thanks to the Spear Fighter disrupting some of them. Because of that, only a few bolts hit Lyth but they were painful enough to force the wyvern to the ground.

Roane and Taka land near Estelle, Senshi and the others. The wyvern Lyth was still alive and could even move but she was not taking to the sky any time soon.

The battle was still going on and their allies still needed help: Jarde, Cylus and Victoria are busy with several Dwarves, Myno had boiling red liquid splashed across his back and Eclisse appears to be having trouble with a couple of Varjan Elites.
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