
Daxians are a red-skinned race of alien with skin colors ranging from fire engine red to red colors as dark as maroon. They have hair shades of black, gray, white, brown to reddish-brown, and no other colors. The bone structure of Daxians are denser than the structure of a Earthling and the bones will start to protrude from a Daxian's body—usually at the knees, elbows, forehead, and heels—as a Daxian matures. Daxians have bone-like structures on their foreheads that resemble horns and match the color of that respective Daxian's skin. The structures actually act as amplifiers and sensors for the Daxian's psychic abilities. They are sentry towers that not only thwart all attempts to breach the conscience, but can fiercely defend it from assault.
Dakkon is a sanguine-skinned, stark-haired youth whose bones are just starting to protrude from his elbows and knees. Like most alien races, Daxians have a unique longevity that outlives the lifespan of any Earthling, and so even after twenty-six years, Dakkon still has a long way to go. Like all members of the Frieza Force, Dakkon wears the basic battle armor and carries into battle a blaster that he rarely uses but keeps as a failsafe. He is 6'2" and even with the extra muscle mass granted by the weight of his skeletal structure, the guy can move. A black, tattoo-like tribal mark of some unknown creature unfurling its wings covers his back. Two, black, tribal in design, whirlpool-like swirls decorate each of his pecs. The sclera of his eyes are pitch-black and his irises stark-white like his hair. For being an alien creature, his exotic appearance has made him appear rather handsome to other creatures male, female, and unknown in gender.

Dakkon is mostly a quiet individual, but not because he is antisocial. Daxians are capable of speaking verbally and through the mind, and so he is more accustomed to projecting his thoughts like a loudspeaker to those around him in a form of thought-speech. Call it lazy, but with there being so many squad members, it ensures that his team hears him over the noise of war. Dakkon is rather naughty and playful, even while on the battlefield. He is one of those cocky fellows that will toy with the enemy just to make a battle more interesting. Even so, he’s a get-in and get-out sort of creature. He doesn’t like when a mission drags on for too long, especially when it is due to the incompetence of others. There are more interesting things he could be doing such as training, listening to audio books, or watching galactic space operas. Hey, he’s gotta make the life of a grunt fun, right? If a mission is cutting into his time, he’ll literally take an audio book or video player into battle and watch or listen to it in the middle of combat, especially when Frieza has his eyes on inferior planets. Who knew that there were so many in the solar system? No wonder the guy is full of himself.
Being a Daxian, he is easily underestimated because Daxians often appear to have an extremely low ki signature making them appear to other races that they are just as weak as the races they conquer. This natural deception is the mistake 95% of his opponents make with him, which is why he’s grown quite used to it. When a real warrior steps forth and actually convinces him to put down the audio book and get serious, that’s when the gloves come off. Dakkon enjoys a good fight even if his life is on the line. The better the fight, the prouder his victory or defeat would be. His belief is that there is no shame in losing to a worthy fighter. This doesn’t mean that all fighters are worthy of having the pleasure of killing him. There do exist some scumbags out there…………………

Standard Blaster
Notable Racial Traits
► Psychic
► Non-ki-expelers
Ki Empowerment Daxians believe in inner strength. Their techniques involve strengthening the mind and the body and using both as devastating weapons. Because of these beliefs, it is very rare to ever see a Daxian expelling ki in the form of destructive energy attacks. Daxians instead imbue their body with spiritual energy, achieving the ability to perform extraordinary stunts involving enhanced strength, speed, durability, and reflexes. By imbuing the body with ki, the Daxian can grow closer to becoming One with the cosmos. The swirls on Dakkon’s chest are actual tribal tattoos that depict galaxies and by donning the tattoos, a Daxian is able to grow closer to becoming one with all life. This is Dakkon’s primary technique for all of his physical stunts. Psychokinesis Daxians are unique in that they are psychics. Their mental power far surpasses that of average creatures that they are able to use it as a weapon. They use their minds to communicate without physically speaking and a more adept Daxian is capable of leaving his or her physical shell in an astral form. Currently, besides the thought-speech, which is a very basic method of communication for any Daxian, Dakkon is capable of moving objects with his mind. He can halt projectiles in mid-air and send them soaring right on back. He will use his psychokinesis to deflect small arm fire/small energy attacks and to even briefly halt a charging foe (like a hesitation). Since Dakkon does not expel his ki, he doesn't fly like most creatures do. He instead uses his psychokinesis on himself for flight, levitation, and performing stunts that defy gravity. Ki Sense A Daxian's horns makes him or her very sensitive and attuned to the movement and flow of ki, naturally granting them better control over its placement while usually other ki practitioners must spend years mastering control. This attunement allows him to find ki to draw from internally or externally, allowing him to sense the ki in most things.
The story of the planet Daxos is a very simple tale, and unlike most stories, it does not end with destruction, involve some grand prince or princess fleeing his or her home only to return and save it later, or an epic battle between two great warriors. Daxos still exists today unknowingly to Frieza’s army, but let’s get on with the Tale of Deception. Daxos is a planet that possesses one of the most powerful psychics in the universe that the Daxians call, “The One.” Supposedly, it is a Daxian who had reached the pinnacle state of enlightenment that he/she/it—nobody knows what the former he has become anymore—became one with the universe. Many ministers and diplomats would consult The One and its wisdom for those that often didn’t fell into economic and political hardship. The One was simply a guide, but in the planet’s time of need, it became a protector. The One predicted the coming of Frieza and shared its prophecy with the nation. Generals, scholars, and diplomats came together in a summit to discuss a plan of action. Being a cunning people by nature, it was decided that instead of risking destruction and wasting lives and money going to war that they would instead create the ultimate deterrence.
Frieza and his army came, swept through Daxos and wiped its existence from the universe. After the whole ordeal, only one Daxian was captured and forced to yield his allegiance to Frieza and his army. That Daxian was Dakkon.
Frieza left Daxos’s galaxy and would probably never return. The plan of action had been a success. The ultimate deterrence had required an effort from nearly every Daxian on the planet. Hours before Frieza’s arrival, all the Daxians who were capable of the technique fell asleep, and together with The One, created an illusion of their home planet. Frieza’s army had attacked the decoy, believing it to be the real planet and left without a second thought. The Daxian leaders had required there to be a “survivor” to go with Frieza’s forces to monitor where they would go next. The survivor was meant to be a bug; a slow disease to spread and rip his morale apart. That was the intention at least, but Dakkon saw it more as an opportunity to leave the planet. Daxians were xenophobic and never left Daxos—mostly because they had no reason to. Dakkon was curious and too adventurous to live such a mundane life and so had volunteered to go from being a first-class grunt in the Daxian military to a first-class grunt in Frieza’s Forces *sighs*.
It bothers him every now and then that he may never return to Daxos, but he knows that if he ever does return, then it would not be good for his people. Dakkon is a double agent patiently waiting for the opportunity for rebellion.