Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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N/A - He.


8 Foot tall, very large build, he's taller and wider than most. His skin's green with blue accents, putting him apart from others of his race. Further mutations involve his pupils, as they are cyan and cover his entire eyes. He's got two antenna pointing out of his forehead. He dons the battle armor without any underarmor on his torso, only a tribe-necklace around his neck. He is capable of sensing energy, so therefor he does not wear a scouter. He wears fingerless gloves, loose fighting pants, and Battle Armor Shoes with gold trim at the edge. He carries his blaster on his left hand. His facial features are rough, he's got a sharp chin, his eyes are narrow and deeply lined in black, giving him a rather menacing look.

Serious, agressive, proud, sadistic.

Most of those traits are not very often found in his people, but Xylo comes from a line of warriors and warlords, all whom have the lust for battle that could match even the most savage race. He's a warrior, proud in his own power, willing to pick a fight with just about anyone who he thinks he can beat. Honor in battle is the little bit of decency he has left.
Necklace. Traditional gear passed down to him from his father, ancient Namekian warrior gear he wears on very special circumstances.
Home Planet
Namek - Though he is born on a unknown planet in the Southern galaxy.
Aura/Ki Color
Special Attacks/Techniques
Racial and Mutated abilities: Like all Warrior Namekian, Xylo is capable of extending his limbs, growing in size, and regenerating wounds and lost limbs, as well as having naturally good sight and hearing. Thanks to his mutation, he is able to see clearly in near pitchblack darkness, plus being able to much more easily regenerate lost limbs.

Demonic Death Finger Technique; Channeling the ki into his fingers, he transfers it into the target to create serious internal damage.

Lord Xylo's Wrath; his most powerful technique, an immitation of his father's massive blast fired from his hand.

Xylo's named after his father, one of the survivors of the cataclysm of Namek hundreds of years ago, Lord Xylo fled from Namek to the southern galaxy. Like the Elder of the people, and a handful of others, Lord Xylo is a SuperNamekian - a Demigod. Xylo's the 286th son of The Super Namekian, whom has spawned his own army off of his own genetics, each of them are capable warriors, sent all over the universe to forward Lord Xylo's interests.

Xylo was sent to infiltrate a small kingdom on the Island Isberg, a race of savage warriors Xylo learned to fight from, the amphibian warriors was put under Frieza's boot when the Frost Demon came to the planet, and they were absorbed into the empire two years ago, and Xylo with them.

Now he's a warrior waiting for the day he can make his father proud, and create an empire of his own, strong enough to rival his fathers. While he is biding his time to when he would have the opportunity to climb the ranks of Frieza, and eventually succeed him, he respects Lord Frieza, but he does not fear him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Garth

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Hera


Muscular, and with a well honed body Garth is very intimidating and stands at a massive 7'1 in height. He has blue skin and orange hair typical to his race though his hair is messy and short cut. He has dark green eyes and no facial hair of note. He wears a loose white shirt and black jacket. His pants are puffy and white.


Brutal as a combatant and completely blunt Garth is unfriendly and very much to the point. He doesn't like talking, and he loathes 'sharing his inner feelings'. He wears his emotions on his sleeve and rarely hides anything. He is loyal to no one, He only shoes respect to people who are either stronger than him or he views as worth being respected. He only respects dedication, inner fortitude, and the will to keep fighting. Anyone who is weak willed, or greedy is beneath his own notice. Likewise he himself only seeks to gain more, and more strength but not political strength only physical so that he could grow stronger, and find his real self if such even exists any longer. He is not afraid to fight dirty and lie if need be.

He has no sense of mercy, or kindness only pragmatism. He won't hurt someone just because he's cruel. He'd hurt some because their in his warpath. To Garth the whole universe is just one giant path to inner strength that he so desperately wants to gain himself. Not to avenge his planet, or anyone. But because he wants to simply be a stronger individual who towers above his competition.

Equipment: None

Home Planet:

Hera - The planet is now desolate to Garth's knowledge. His race wiped out the planet has little draw to him.

Aura/Ki Color: Bright green

Special Attacks/Techniques:
Galactic Slugger: A ki powered punch that explodes on contact with ferocious might. Used in close combat for a surprising power blow.
World Devastator: Two highly condensed ki orbs form in both his hands they combine together to become one massive orb and the orb is launched towards the enemy. The highly condensed nature of the orb makes it hard to reflect.

Garth has little remembrance of his old life perhaps he was a peaceful man who lived his family, perhaps he was a complete scumbag and everyone hated him. Maybe he even was a freedom fighter fighting for some lost cause. He remember none of it other than the fact that he felt powerless at one point and he couldn't save himself. Garth awoke out of a statis chamber one day in a ship that was being taken over by a group of miners whom had come across it. Garth was the only survivor on the ship the other chambers having run out of power. Having little other choice but to follow the miners back to their planet Garth spent many years helping them before finally deciding he hated the occupation and his lack of knowledge on who he really was and left. He came across a fierce warrior in space whom took him on at Garth's request after he saw him fight off a highly trained group of thugs.

A good portion of his life was spent dedicated to learning his craft, and cultivating his own brutal fighting style. While his master was more refined Garth was more inclined to use his sheer raw power to overwhelm. His master trained him to the best of his abilities but he couldn't do much more for him after a point. Garth left his master and continued on traveling with some gangs, and more often than not simply traveling on his own making his living as a bodyguard. Eventually however his luck would all change as he would be forced to join Freiza's army on threat of death. Not wanting to risk his own skin on the off chance Freiza was as strong as he thought he may be Garth agreed to join and was conscripted into the army though he looks for the chance to one day leave.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Name Zero
Age: technically 2 years old, but is that of 18
Gender: male
Race: Cultivated Frieza clan. Genetically created test tube soldiers. Similar to Saibamen, but more advance, created from cells taken from Frieza. The cultivated clan members vary but were designed to have only a small faction of the strength of Frieza if not even weaker


Personality: He stays to himself most of the time, unless his he trusts someone which is rare as he doesn't trust easily. He does as he is told without question for Frieza and his superiors but it seems he shows regret and mercy. Something that is blamed by a failure byproduct of the cultivation process. Also other things of his personality are also blamed on this, his lacks attitude and general kindness.

Equipment: A red scouter, even the ear piece is red, often he takes it off other then that his equipment is very little, unless he is given something he doesn't take much with him.

Home Planet: None or rather he comes from one of Freiza's space labs

Aura/Ki Color: His aura is a very light red while his Ki energy abilities are bright neon like red

Special Attacks/Techniques

Basic energy based attacks, able to throw ki charged balls and short little bursts. Charged up he can do a small blast either from combining power with both hands.

Extreme Speed tied into his ki, Zero can move at high speeds close to calling himself the red blur. While he cant keep this up for long periods of time, he can do short bursts of very fast speed. A lot slower then instant transmission but fast enough to be rather noticeable.

Last Technique or ability is something he keeps to himself and that is a self Ki or energy sensory. Something he was born with and the reason he takes his scouter off as he doesn't need it. While the scouter is faster and makes it easier he can sense it.

History: Zero had little choice to join Frieza's army. He was grown from cells extracted from Frieza. He started as a little small tube of liquid. Over two years he was grown, how to battle, destroy and conquer was drove into his mind by advance imagery. His power level clocked at one hundred after the first year of creation. It was going to slow, and the original creation team had a sudden case of angering Frieza followed by rapid replacement.

The whole second year Zero got injected with growth hormones and hundreds of other chemicals, he grew fast but his power did not until the end. At the end his power appeared to be only as strong as a simple grunt and no stronger than a Saibamen. Frieza commanded for Zero to get ejected into space as he was a waste of time he was a 'Zero' his power level spiked the moment he went into space outside of the growing chamber. His power spiked too high then quickly died down after he pasted out. Zero taken back to the ship, his power leveled out to a level that 'satisfied' but still ruled as a failure, ultimately Frieza to put Zero on a special squad the Nux Squad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Arctix
Age: 22
Gender: Male...i think.
Race: Frieza Race/Frieza Clan/Frost Demons/Arcosians


He stands at about seven foot, extremely tall for someone of his species and form with white armor, purple skin and gold orbs. The tip of his tail is armored, allowing him to use it as a emergency weapon in close quarters.

Personality: Arctix is often cheerful and friendly to just about everyone he meets, making him a sharp contrast to the lunatics that his species is usually composed of. This can result in him being considered annoying by those around him. He has a habit of following people for no clear reason and starting conversations at awkward times, such as in the middle of a pitched battle. Although he is perfectly capable of killing, he lives under the illusion that what he is doing is for the betterment of the universe. Needless to say, he is extremely gullible. His favorite color is orange.

Equipment: A purple scouter. He has Jeice of the Ginyu force's autograph scratched onto the ear part. As a result, said scouter doesn't actually work properly.

Home Planet: None, he was born on a ship.

Aura/Ki Color: Purple

Special Attacks/Techniques:

Pulse Death Beam- His most commonly used move by far, he uses the death beams beloved by his race, but instead, his are designed to explode on impact rather than pierce a foe. They still hurt like hell.

Perfect Zero- Arctix uses ki to rapidly cool down the air around him. As a result, anything that goes near him will begin to freeze solid. However, this requires concentration, and a sharp hit can knock him out of it.

Apocalypse Sphere- A death-ball-like attack, this is made by creating a small sphere and using death beams to pour ki into it to make it more powerful. He has never been able to make it any bigger than a small car however, and isn't capable of destroying anything bigger than a village. Therefore, not really living up to its grandiose name.

History: Arctix was born to a relatively minor family in the Frieza clan. Despite their small numbers, the family was accepted and given high rankings in the empire, due to their absolutely fanatical loyalty to King Cold, which stretched back several generations. (members of the Arctix clan rarely survive past thirty.) He was the oldest of four siblings, whom are all spread across the empire to act as bodyguards for high ranking Planet Trade Organisation members.

Usually, he would have be made into a bodyguard for Frieza. But Frieza refused, saying he was too weak to bother with. Instead, he was dumped on Frieza's brother Cooler, who decided to train him to become part of his armored squadron. Despite Cooler being a jerk at the best of times, Arctix remembers him fondly. Despite this, Arctix failed his last test at becoming part of the armored squadron and was sent to help his brother as a foot soldier.

He is even allowed to call Cooler back whenever he feels homesick, as long as he tells Cooler about what is going on with his brother's army, and does not mention anything about himself actually being homesick.
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