@Chicogal I can only read so much right now (working still) so forgive me if I missed something on the next page, but if u decide to go with an in-school bully, Colton is kind of an arse..if u wanna make him her, maybe childhood bully, I'd be down. Maybe Colton follows the old saying "if he's mean to you, he likes you" lol
@Oliver I'm relatively new to Polyvore. I used to use pics from there all the time, but I can't get a link for the picture I just made for an outfit >~< How the heck do you get the link to post the picture to other sites (like here)?
Coming Soon. Sorry, guys. It'll be up tonight. Promise.
Welcome back @SmileyJaws! Though it's still morning up here in northeastern America. Currently at school, probably will be for the next 5 or 6 hours.
As far as IC goes, who's waiting on who right now?
I need responses from Quinten or Maria for Toby and Andreas for Tae Min.