Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Sancho secured the ship at the dock, once they had arrived at Lefacti island. The little schooner looked rather out of place next to the two frigates next to it, the frigates flew flags of the crews that were here. Sancho had in fact no earthly clue who these pirates were, the flags meant very little to him, he only knew one man on this whole island, and that man alone had been enough reason for him to set his sights on this island.

"We should look around." Sancho noted, to his crewmates. "But, guys. Please. Let's try and stay out of trouble for now. I'd rather us not get into a fight the first ten minutes of being at this place." Sancho told Hamel and Samehana, as he peered at the other scounderls at the docks, whom were all licking their lips, looking at them with killing intent and holding their hands on their weapons. He would head up into the harbor district, where there were quite a bit of places of business, at least two inns on every street, plus one at the corner, all of which had some kind of pirate-themed name, Sancho looked around - not everyone in the city seemed to be pirates, but they did seem to be some kind of criminal or the other, a lot of bandits, probably overwhelmingly so, he figured from the chatter he heard on the street.

He had to go and learn a thing or two about this place, and he had to figure out how to keep his promise to the people of Lechi.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Stay out of trouble. Got it." Samehana remarked, taking note of the bloodthirsty individuals that occupied the dock. If they were trying to hide the fact that they were sizing the Golden Fleece up, they were doing an incredibly bad job. The captain might have requested that she and Hamel stay out of trouble, but surely he wouldn't be too upset about a little "self defense", right? Not that she couldn't wait until Sancho gave the word, of course.

While Sancho made his way to the harbor district, Samehana made her way downtown proper. As expected, many of those who occupied the island gave off the same warm and welcoming impression that those back at the dock did. Frankly, it wouldn't be surprising if some punks tried to steal from their ship while they were all out. If nothing else, they could almost count their blessings that their tiny ship wasn't terribly well-stocked to begin with at the moment. Except for all the fish, anyway. "What do people even do for fun in a place like this anyway?" the fishwoman muttered, hard-pressed to even think of a way that one could do much of anything in a haven for degenerates without getting into some kind of mess.

"Sleuthing it is." Might as well try and cover some ground so everyone else isn't doing all of the legwork.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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The twilight was when Lefacti really began to stir. Day was the time of lazy legality, but night was when the spirits of scum and villainy were at their highest. Under all the imposing, wooden structure, some said Lefacti glowed brighter in the night than the day if you were walking down its streets.

And under that highest structure, a massive, underground cavern bustled despite its invisible ceiling. The ships within were those of Lefacti's elite, not often used beyond second hangout points for their owners. The biggest of them was a fair sized galleon, headpiece manned with bull horns as wide as some of the other ships in the harbor.

Laying across it, rag in hand, fingers straining to reach a far as possible, a boy relented, leaning back. He wore tan slacks and plain sandals over his feet, while his thin body was covered by a slightly baggy, long-sleeved black shirt, his skin pale, his hair a light brown. Rolling over to lay on the headpiece, he called, almost lethargically, "Hazel..."

His cyan hair kept getting in his face, dirtied with the tar he was spackling onto the ship, patching up any small chunks, his face had several spots on it from dirt and the tar, his clothes were tattered and really worn - his Shirt was ripped at the collar, a fresh bandage on his left arm. He wore black slacks and sandals, he hung from the headpiece with a rope, attached to the belt he was wearing. "Yeah Kas?" Hazel called, hanging from the underbelly of the ship.

Kaspard blinked, rolling over, looking down at Hazel, before noting, "Oh...you're actually working."

"Me, working? Dude! I drew on the ship, this puppy's gonna take in water like, well, a puppy in the ocean.." He shouted, "Dark." he mentioned to himself under his breath. The drawing he had made with the tar read BOYAJ - standing for "Blow it out your ass, John"

Kaspard let out a long sigh, rolling back over, eyes looking to the dark ceiling, muttering, "I should have figured, since you hadn't asked to sneak off for a break yet..."

"So much gloom, there. When do you think they're gonna be done with the meeting? I heard Jackobb talking about us heading out." Hazel asked, as he began climbing the rope that tied him to the ship, soon emerging next to Kaspard. "So, we gonna take a break?"

Kaspard suggested, "Just a quick one...if you insist."

"Cool, let's go get something to eat, I'm starving." Hazel said, wiping his face to get rid of the tar, forgetting that he had tar on his hand, getting it all over his cheek and forehead.

Kaspard blinked, wondering, "Are you trying to make it easier to sneak around or are you just stupid?"

Hazel blinked, then looking at his smudged hand. "Oh, yeah..." He mumbled, walking down onto the deck. He wiped the tar off his left hand with his right index finger, and with a sly-smile, he turned around and decided to wipe it off on Kaspard's face. "So we can sneak better, dude!" He shouted, as Kaspard tried to shake him off.

"Augh, stop! Jeez!" Kaspard pouted turning away, trying to get rid of it, but only succeeded in smearing it on his face and clothes. As he moved towards the cabins, he reached for the door, before it opened, a dark skinned hand poking through. Kaspard and Hzel froze as the much taller man poked through, black, spider-like hair poking out from a thick, red headband. A muddy colored coat hung from his slightly lanky body as his dark eyes stared down at the two. "Done already?" he growled, before his eyebrow twitched as he saw their faces. As Kaspard tried to hide his face, Jackobb's hand reached down, grabbing him by the hair and pulling so that he faced Jackobb proper. "This some kind of joke?"

"Hey!" Hazel shouted charging at him, throwing a punch at the first mate of his crew, only for Jackobb to catch him by the throat, pressing him up against the wall behind him, Hazel squirming to break free. "Let him go!" He shouted in between grunting and trying to kick at the larger pirates arm.

"Your the one's mocking me," Jackobb growled. Lifting the two of them up, he slammed them together, before tossing them aside like rats. Spreading out his arms and continuing his walk, he laughed, "Lucky I'm not the Captain: you wouldn't have been able to walk away." As he finished, more men began to file out from below, some of them chortling at Hazel and Kaspard's misfortune. As the two began to recompose themselves, a bigger figure stepped onto the deck.

The heavy thud of his leather boots with their ironed plating was heard over the entire ship, as the gigantic man - ten feet tall, looked over at the boys, the septum ring in his gruff face reflecting off of the light on the wall, his short black hair was dirtied, as it usually was. "Fuckin' kids pissing of Jackobb again." His voice boomed as he turned around, not paying them much mind. "We are heading out. Man your stations. Tell the cabin boys to go clean the kitchen."

"Cabin boys, go clean the kitchen," laughed a few of the crew members. Not having room to argue, Hazel and Kaspard headed through the door and under the deck. Hazel was massaging his throat. "Where you think we heading? Another raid so soon?" Hazel asked Kaspard, making his way into the kitchen - opening the fridge, getting out the lemonade and pouring a glass he slid to Kaspard, before pouring another for himself.

Eyes watching the glass, Kaspard's hand didn't move. Clenching his fist, he muttered, head downturned, "We need to clean..." Hazel scoffed. "This place will never clean. They're savages, Kaspard. One day this boat'll go down in flames, and it can't come fast enough." Hazel said, swigging his glass, eyeing Kaspard's glass. "You want that, or not?"

Shaking his head lightly, Kaspard turned towards the sink, before going to wash himself. Rinsing his face, trying to get that tar off, he stopped for a second, before wondering to himself, "...What kind of pirates are we?"


"Stay out of trouble, stay out of trouble..." Hamel quoted his Captain's words to himself.

Passing by tavern after run down shop after corner of seedy characters, he kept muttering to himself.

Blocking his path, a few large guys brandishing weapons stood in his way. "Who're you with, runt?"

Hamel whined, "I just got here...I don't want to get involved in anything within...an hour of us first getting here: that's way too contrived!"

They blinked looking at each other, before one of them snapped, "You freelance? Or do you have territory?"

Hamel stayed quiet, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Stay out of trouble...maybe."

Narrowing his eyes, one of them en lowered his hammer, pulling it back before trusting it at Hamel. He raised an eyebrow as it came to a dead stop in front of him, air being pushed aside slightly. Hamel stared blankly, and the man clicked his tongue, before pulling back ,the two men stomping off.

Hamel blinked, "What was that all about?" Looking around, no one even seemed to mind. "This place seemed more fun before..." he lamented.


Though it was already nightfall, it seemed to get darker to Hamel as he walked, the mazey town starting to get to him. Structures built upon structures support structures. It was an architectural nightmare. Yet while it seemed to go up forever, there were occasional gaps in the woodwork, but in one, he swore he could see a distant pinprick of light. Grabbing a passerby, he asked, "What's that?"

The potbellied cook shook his head. "You don't wanna go down there kid. Not a fun place."

Hamel chortled, "I have a different idea of fun."

As the cook's brow furrowed, a few gangly looking scrags laughed, "Just jump right down! A mug like you would be pretty popular in The Sunk."

Mind processing, Hamel laughed, "I always liked being popular." Kicking off, he jumped backwards into the blackness, cries of shock following him. Dank wind rushed by him before he crashed into something wooden a few stories below, smashing through. Regretting everything, he tumbled through splinter and slime as he tumbled into The Sunk: the murky pit, once a cavern, now collapsed into the ocean, the base damp with trapped brine...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Hey, babe, whaddaya say we take you out to eat, huh? Never seen you around here before. Y'wanna have a night out on the town? Our treat." a man, auburn hair held back by a hairband, crooned, flanked by another man with short cut black hair. The two both eyed Samehana wearing grins like a pair of cheshire cats as they observed the fishwoman, who appraised them in turn. Not every day that people were brave enough to stroll up to her and ask her out to dinner. Though, considering the circumstances, it'd be a little silly not to consider it a little suspicious, right?

"Sure, why not?" Samehana responded, clasping her hands behind her back and giving the two would-be suitors her best smile. The two seemed surprised, clearly expecting to get shot down immediately. Without further delay, Samehana hooked her arms around one of theirs. "Lead the way~."


"Shit, she can really put down a meal, huh Gahbe?" the auburn-haired man whispered to his friend as they watched Samehana from across the table. The Golden Fleece's cook was pleasantly surprised to find that the two, who she came to learn were named Gahbe and Straid, were actually trying to treat her to dinner. That being said, she had her reservations when they'd mentioned that their eatery of choice was located in the "entertainment" district. Even more surprising was that the food in this particular establishment was actually quite good, and it was even better since she didn't have to pay for it!

"Who woulda thought an island like this would have a hidden gem like this place." Samehana remarked as she swallowed a chunk of pork. "And better yet, a pair of kind young gentlemen like you two who'd take lil' ol' me out to eat." she added, winking at the two men across from her. Gahbe and Straid exchanged glances before Straid decided to give Gahbe a nudge, prompting his short-haired friend to clear his throat.

"Hahaha, yeah, it's nice, ain't it? Glad you're enjoyin' yourself," Gahbe began, trying his best to look Samehana in the eyes ", but whaddaya say we get outta here and hang out somewhere a little more, y'know... private?" he inquired, voice shaking a little bit towards the end. Samehana raised an eyebrow as she chewed on a leg of turkey, resisting the urge to chuckle with her mouth full.

"Look, boys, I'd love to hang, but I can't hang around for too long. I've got some friends I need to meet up with later." the fishwoman responded, lifting her finished plate and adding it to the stack on her left. "It was nice meeting you two, though~." she added, standing up and immediately walking away with a wave.

"Waiwaiwaiwaiwait. Wait aaaa minute. You're gonna just rack up a meal cost and then dash? Not cool. The least ya could do is dr--" Straid's stopped mid-sentence when an open hand stops centimeters away from his jaw. Smirking at him, Samehana cups his face in the would-be karate chopping hand once she sees that he was sufficiently startled by the unexpected threat.

"The least I could do is what, loverboy?" she inquired, teeth glistening as she stared him down.

"Excuse us, miss, but we're gonna warn you just once since you're an outsider. Let Straid there go and there won't be any trouble." a gruff voice demanded, to which Samehana turned to see the source. A pair of rather large, burly men dressed in surprisingly well-fitting suits had arrived from who the hell knows where, arms crossed behind their backs as they assessed the situation calmly.

"Oh? And who might you be?" Samehana asked, releasing Straid from her grasp once she'd focused her full attention on the two musclebound dandies.

"The law around this section of Lefacti, I'd reckon. You wanna cause trouble 'round here, you're gonna be answering to Lady Luno by the time we're done with ya. Though, between you and me, I'd prefer if you went quietly in that case." the man answered, fixing his tie as he spoke.

"You're going to have to forgive me if I take that as a challenge." Samehana chimed.

"Take it however you want, I guess. Just don't blame me if you get more than ya bargained for."
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