Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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"Grandpa! I'm home!" The young voice of Yugi Moto called out within the Kame Game Shop that belonged to his Grandfather Soloman Moto. Following him was his friends, Joey Wheeler, Tea Gardner, and Tristen Taylor. His friends that he had recently met through the oddest of ways but had come to show him the friendship he had always wished for. They had come to his home after coming back from school of which at one point he and Joey had played a game of Duel Monsters, a game both of him and his tall blonde friend had grown to love. Yugi of course winning and to figure out that Joey had no idea that he was really doing and what the game was truly about. So had asked to see if he could get any help with getting some cards to help his deck. This Yugi thought would be nice to do anyway since he was taking them to see an ultra rare card that his grandfather has.

Walking toward the counter with his friends, an elderly man about Yugi's height was standing behind the counter with a greeting smile, the room about them surrounded by a vast many of games and puzzles. "Ah, I see you brought home some friends my boy!" Grandpa sounded enthusiastic that his grandson brought his friends over. It made him happy. Yugi rest his arms on the counter, as he did so, Solomon seemed to realize something and perked up noticeably. "Oh, Yugi my boy. I have something for you. It came in the mail." Bending over slightly, he brought out an envelope of which he handed to Yugi. Secretly he wanted to know what had been sent to his grandson and by whom.

Joey looked at the envelope with curiosity. "What did you get Yug'?" Yugi examined the envelope, seeing no return address on it turned it to where the flap faced him, his amethyst eyes examined it a little bit more. "I dont know. I wasn't expecting anything." He answered, taking a moment before he opened it. Joey and Tristen both towered over their short friend as he opened the envelope, wondering what he had gotten.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Within seconds of opening the envelope, the object within accidentally fell out, and onto the floor at Yugi's feet, facing up. The front shining a glare of light over the top as it stared back up at the boy. It was a playing card; no just any playing card, it was a Duel Monsters card! This one had the appearance like any other card from District Illusions, but had a very interesting color surrounding the image of the monster, labeled "DJINN" at the top of its image.

"Yugi...Yugi...", the faint sound of a whisper came to Yugi's ears.
"...Yugi...", it did it again, only louder, but still in a whisper. It sounded female too...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yugi looked down as instantly as the card came out, watching the card fall to the floor. Bending over, the young tricolor haired boy bent over and picked up the unique card. Seeing it better with no glare, Yugi realized it was a Duel Monsters card, one that he had never seen before. Dark Djinn. Yugi mused on the name of the monster card. What confused Yugi was the whispers that he was hearing, the voice of a female that he had never heard before calling his name. Yugi looked around a minute before looking to his Grandpa and his friends. "Did you guys hear someone call my name?" He asked innocently, looking confused.

Joey and Tristen too looked confused but toward Yugi. "I didn't hear anythin'." Joey answered, Tristen spoke next. "Nope. Didn't hear a thing." Yugi looked to his Grandpa who shook his head. The young boy looked back at the card one more time before he looked at the envelope to see if there was anything else about the envelope that he should look at next, having set the card on the counter. "That's strange. I wish I knew who sent this card to me. Though I don't understand it myself as to why." Yugi pondered aloud and to anyone who listened. Joey and Tristen shrugged. "Who knows, but that is a sweet card you got there." Joey told his short friend with excitement.

Only then did Yugi realize that he was caught off guard by the card he got and looked to his Grandpa. "Hey, Grandpa, can you show us your super rare card?" He asked with child-like curiosity. Solomon looked to his grandson "What card, my special card?" Now looking like he was thinking about it now, almost wanting to be convinced to let them see his precious card. "Please?" Yugi pleaded, his hands clapped together and outstretched a little as he bowed his head. Joey came up with almost puppy like eyes. "Pretty please?" Grandpa chuckled outloud and joyfully. "Ha ha ha! Alright." Turning away he reached under the counter and pulled out a small wooden box of intricate designs. Setting it on the counter, he turned it so it would face them once he opened it. "Here it is. This is my treasure." Opening the box, he showed Yugi and his friends the super rare card, The Blue-eyes White Dragon. Joey was in awe of the card he saw before him. "Woowww...."

Tristen looked at it quizzically, unsure why they liked it so much. It was just a card to him. Granted he wasn't much into Duel Monsters. He got the basics but that was about it. "What's so special about—" "There are only 4 of these in the world! This isn't even for sale!" Solomon spouted as he then closed the box before Joey could get a few more inches closer to it. At the time Yugi was watching the two banter about the card but on occasion he would look over to his own new card in wonder and curiosity, wondering why and how he heard the female voice that he had heard from before.

"Alright, can I hold it?" Joey asked as innocently as he could.
"No way, it's mine!" Solomon griped. Yet looking like he was pouting.
"Eh? Come on, old man! It's a shame not to play a powerful card like that!" Joey argued though sounded like he was complaining. Yugi's grandfather was about to argue with Joey further when the bell ringed, signalling that someone was entering the shop.
"Welcome!" Solomon greeted with a smile. Yugi and his friends turned to face the newcomer when everyone stilled, shocked to see a very familiar and popular figure at the door. "That's..." Tristen started with surprise. "Kaiba?!" Yugi finished when Tristen left off.

Seto Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp. at the front door of the Kame Game shop. Tristen looked skeptical at the arrival of the young man before them. "What would the heir to the Kaiba Corporation want here?" He asked aloud.

"I heard that there was a rare card and I wanted to check it out." Seto answered Tristen's question with a mater-of-fact tone. Joey perked up at this, basically hearing that Kaiba was into the game of Duel Monsters. "Oh! Do you play duel monsters too, Kaiba? That's perfect, maybe we can all duel sometime!" Excited basically by the news. Maybe hoping that Kaiba would accept the invite.

"Not a chance. I'd have more of a challenge playing solitaire." Seto told the blonde in a nonchalant sort of way, making the rudest refusal to the invitation he was given. This made Joey take a step back, looking at him with disbelief. "What?!"

"For your information, I happen to be the Duel Monster's national champion, you half-wit. You wouldn't last two minutes in a duel with me." Kaiba informed him as if he was nothing but a child in his eyes.

Of course Joey looked at this as a challenge and took a step forward, starting to crack his knuckles. "What was that?! Why don't you say that to my face, rich boy!" Joey dared, this made Yugi flinch at the daring tone in Joey's voice and grabbed Joey's arm, almost leaching to him. "Stop it, Joey!" Not wanting violence like that near him. This made the taller blonde stop to look at his friend hoping to reason with him. "But he's...Yug' he started it!" But then Joey backed off, only now staring daggers at Kaiba, knowing Yugi's high dislike of such violence.

With this Seto walked forward and paid hardly any mind to Joey's glare. "So, does a shop like this have any decent cards?" Seto stopped suddenly though as he looked at the box of which they could have sworn was closed for a time and yet had been reopened and for the CEO of Kaiba Corp. to see. Seto's piercing blue eyes landed upon the rare card before him and on the counter. Not only that but he also landed eyes on the second card that he had never seen before and clearly rare since he had heard nothing about it. "Can it be?!" He said as he faltered slightly. He pushed past Joey and Tristen to look at the two rare cards that were staring right back at him. "N-No way! What is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon doing in a place like this?!" Though making no mention of the other card, Yugi and Solomon could clearly see that he was staring at the Shadow Djinn. Yugi came over to the counter, feeling this strange need to protect it. Why, he had no idea.

With this Solomon brought all their attention to the quick sharp thud of the box closing. This brought Kaiba's attention from the card to the old man. "That is quiet enough window shopping, thank you. Is there anything else you want to look at?" He asked. Seto who is clearly upset looks to Grandpa and places a metal brief case that he had been carrying onto the counter top and spun it to face Solomon. "Old man, would you trade your Blue-Eyes White Dragon card for all these cards?" Kaiba asked, though had a little bit of a growl within his agitated tone. Yugi and his friends were amazed of all the cards that they were seeing in Kaiba's case, clearly powerful cards indeed.

Solomon had chuckled at this but with a sighing laugh, he shook his head. He wasn't seeming to make matters, being polite. "As much as that is a generous offer, I must decline." A smile on his lips as if he was thinking of something. This made everyone shocked besides Seto who seemed even more agitated. "WHAT?!" They all said aloud. "If you won't trade for it, then I'll buy it! Name your price. I can pay anything you ask!" Kaiba tried to bargain, almost seeming desperate.

This made Solomon shake his head. "I'm sure you could. The reason I'm not selling you this card, isn't because it's a great card, but because it's a gift from my most important friend. And I treasure this card as did my friend. Whatever you offer, Kaiba, I'm not selling it. Nor am I selling my grandson's card." He told him, his voice full of fondness and memory. This made Yugi smile. Kaiba was surprised that he had caught on and growled. "What?!"

"You wouldn't sell it even if it was weak, isn't that right?" Yugi asked, having taken his card from the counter. Solomon nodded. "That's right. This card has the same heart as that important person."

This made Kaiba back away as he had slammed the case shut, making some of them flinch at the sound. "Stupid fools...." With that Kaiba left without turning back. Seto thought that this 'heart of the cards' was absolute nonsense. The cards were power and he had proved this many times over his new career as reigning champion of Duel Monsters.

Yugi sighed with a sag of his shoulders, feeling relieved. But a feeling he wouldnt see the last of Seto.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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The ultra card sitting upon the counter just glared at Yugi as soon as he picked it up, and it seems to blankly stare at the ceiling, while the arrogant, power-hungry Seto Kaiba first walked through the door of the store. Djinn didn't move from her spot, and the card just inanimatedly watched the scene before it. Before she knew it, the young man just up and left in a fit of anger with a frustrated huff.

Peeking out from behind Yugi's figure, a shadow-like figure appeared on the flat of the wall, being just around the height of the young boy, but a little taller. The fully-black, smokey entity was obviously in the color of full smoke in what seemed to be an outline of an outfit and a high ponytail.

"He just can't stand it", the female shadow pointed out aloud, with nobody seeming to hear or see her. "Seto Kaiba; jealous of your grandfather's collection", she whispered, unknowingly prompting the young boy to say it aloud. She didn't mean to use her whispering powers against him, and she didn't want to, but they tend to just come out on its own. When Yugi was about to speak, she shushed him. "No, no! Don't say that", she told him. Looking around at the people surrounding them. "Follow me. I'll explain", she whispered before beginning to lurk on the flat of the wall behind him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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With Kaiba gone and out of the shop, the air was starting to feel tense around them though with Joey having calmed down now that Seto was out of the shop. Yugi felt the tense air before he heard the voice again, and talking about Kaiba. Yugi felt the strange urge to say something but before he was told to say something about Seto, he said nothing and was surprised but it. He looked around to see a shadow that belonged to no one. Curious, he heard her tell him to follow but he suddenly had a idea that was not the outside as he had noticed where he was heading. He decided to break the silence. "Hey, uh...guys? I'mma, Im gonna go to my room and get some unfinished homework done. See you guys tomorrow?" Well. He wasn't wrong on the unfinished homework. Yeah, he was smart but not even he could get all his work done at school. Joey and Tristen looked over to their short friend with understand, especially after what just happened. "Yeah. We'll see you tomorrow Yugi." With this, Yugi headed up the stairs to the main room and went up one more case of stairs to his room, hoping the shadow would follow. He knew it was safe there and Grandpa would be a room out of hearing him. Opening the door he waited for the shadow to enter before he shut the door and looked around for it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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The shadow didn't come through the front door, but phased through the floor of his room, jumping and then landing with feet onto the bare floor. However, it sounded loud, but can anybody really hear her? Her shadowy form began to grow color, and her real appearance became apparent.

Her eyes were closed for a moment, and her arms were crossed, almost in a meditative state. "Let's begin with a proper welcome", she finally said in a bold, warp-toned voice. Her eyes finally opened, gazing down at Yugi with soft glare. She was at least a foot taller than the boy (and if Yugi can imagine, she would be as taller as Yami!) "Greetings, Puzzle-Solver", she spoke. "I am Djinn, and I am here to serve the possessor", she introduced herself before giving a small bow with her head tilted forward, eyes closed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yugi watched the shadow with carefully, his large Amethyst eyes witnessing the appearance of the shadow come to life. He had to admit that she looked really pretty and now that he had a look at her, he had already put two and two together, only that he did not announce it for she wanted to explain something. Yet the moment she stood there with closed eyes and crossed meditative arms, eyes was starting to feel a little off. Though had come to noticed that she has a good foot on him. Brought out of his thoughts, the young teen listened to her as she gave what she called a proper welcome and introduced herself with a bow of her head, calling him the puzzle-solver. His cheeks turned a bright pink and bowed his head, remembering to be polite. He lifted his head and looked to Djinn. "Y-Yugi Moto." He announced his name. Scratching the back of his head nervously. "I appreciate the greeting and introduction, but you're a Duel Monster? How is that possible? What were talking about by serving the Possessor?" He asked her, having backed up to sitting on the edge of his bed. He was clearly confused, unsure how she was a Duel Monster yet was a shadow on the wall and now as she is right now. Plus her serving the one who possesses the Millennium Puzzle.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Djinn watched the boy, now known as Yugi Moto, react to the events that have already transpired. She could only give a proud smile after she had finished her explanation, and it faded a little when he started asking her all these questions. Of course, he would be confused. I can't expect him to know everything immediately. He's just a young boy right now, the genie-like being thought to herself, as she gazed at him, measuring him with a non-piercing glare to keep the comfortable tension between them. "Correct. I am a Duel Monster, one of the rarest of cards that Industrial Illusions has ever created. Me, my sister Divine Djinn, and that artifact around your neck, have a long past history together", she explained before tilting her head down a little with her eyes closing once again.

"You see, Yugi. I was a being of free-will -- back then, anyway. Five-thousand years ago, I was. My sister lived in a world that was parallel to mankind, being a loyal servant to the greatest of kings of royal Egypt. I wasn't born like how my sister was, so during a solar eclipse, one of her leaders used an artifact called the Millennium Puzzle to turn her literal shadow into a fully-fledged entity. But when a evil power swept across us, we were put responsible to guard the seal of our creator, the prison of one of our Pharaohs", Djinn completed her story with a sigh, and she was sitting next to Yugi when it ended.

"Do you see now? That puzzle around your neck is my life-source, the device responsible for my birth, and my awakening. My job was bound to guard the one that solved it. And that solver was you", Djinn concluded before standing back up to her full height, but turning her gaze halfway towards him. "There are several evils in this world, Yugi, and I must protect you on my behalf. In the meantime, young possessor, you will be the only individual in this world that can see and hear my presence. I will fight with you in battle, if you will have me", she submissively tilted her head forward once again, as if waiting for his answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yugi listened attentively as Djinn explained her history, and how this all came to be. He was surprised that someone had managed to do such a feat, noticing that what his Grandpa told him about the Puzzle was true and that what he carried contained magic, in a sense anyway. He guessed that it still did for having Djinn be awoken by being in the presence of it. At least so he thought. While he had listened to her story, he at times looked the Millennium Puzzle though back to her as she had come over to sit on his bed by the end of the story. He had to admit this was quite a bit to take in, but she cleared up alot of questions, even warning him of several evils out there and that since he is the possessor of the Millennium Puzzle. She was now his protector and he alone could see her which Yugi thought was a little of a let down. He wished his friends could see her as he was seeing her now.

But to know that she was asking his permission basically was a little of a shock, but seemed to understand. How could he say no? She had told him her story, how the puzzle was her life source and was the protector of it, Yugi couldn't do such a thing. "Well, after hearing your story, and to know a bit more about you and the Millennium Puzzle. I'm not gonna turn you away. I accept. I've never met a Duel Monster Spirit before. But like grandpa I believe cards and a deck especially have a heart." Yugi told her with big smile. "Your a proving his belief in that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Djinn made a quiet gasp as soon as she heard him accept her offer. "You would, really?", she asked him in complete curiousity, and somewhat utter confusion. Out of all the times, she was only used for dueling, and she didn't forget the times Maximillion Pegasus used her and her sister in test runs within his holographic board. But now was different. This boy, or let's say, her new 'owner', has accepted her prescence as well as her card. "I am honored, young possessor. I look forward to the many accomplishments we'll make together, in and out of battle", Djinn made a friendly, thankful smile before holding out her hand, offering a shake to seal the deal.

After they did so, Djinn couldn't help but ask. "Now, who is this 'Kaiba' fellow that came into your grandfather's shop earlier?", she asked in complete curiousity. Their journey together was just about to begin...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yugi continued to smile, happy that she was happy, seeing a smile on her face. It seemed to suit her compared to the more glares that she seemed to wear till just now within the few minutes that they had met. Yugi grasped her hand and shook it to seal the deal that he was making with her, though had noticed that she was calling him young possessor instead of by his name. He wasn't offended but it just seemed easier to call him by his name. "Please, call me Yugi." He asked though tilted his head when she asked her question about Kaiba. This surprised him a moment up until he remember quickly that she had been awakened at that time. "Seto Kaiba is the CEO of this large company called Kaiba Corp. He's makes games for kids, and just figured out that is Reigning Champ in Duel Monsters. He also goes to my school and i believe even in the same class as me. That's really all I know." Yugi explained. That was really all he knew.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Djinn kept her grateful smile on while she shook his hand up and down, and she did feel quite confident in what their future challenges they may have to face...together. "Hmm", she hummed quietly, confirming the boy's request to call him by his name. "Yugi", she echoed after him, showing her confirmation of his request. "Of course", she chuckled, nodding her head once.

As the boy, now known as Yugi, explained to Djinn who Kaiba was, she wasn't at all surprised. After what she just witnessed downstairs, it all did seem to fit. Djinn made a thinking-frown before crossing her arms once again. "I only asked because the only thing that's bugging me about him was: why would he want your grandfather's rare card so badly?", she began to wonder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Yugi had Djinn's question in his head since Kaiba left the store. Even he didnt understand it. But wondered if maybe that Kaiba collected rare cards. The cards in the case he had brought were all rare and unique. "Maybe he collects rare cards. Ive been having the question in my mind and that answer seems to fit. I doubt i could ask Kaiba about it. He doesnt seem to be someone who would willing tell anyone his intentions or plans." Yugi theorized. He only hoped Kaiba would leave his Grandpa be about the card. "Though Grandpas card hadnt been thr only card he was looking at. He looked at you too. Thats ehy Grandpa called him out on it too."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Djinn frowned, almost in a grimace, when she heard Yugi say that Seto Kaiba was looking at her own card. For a rare card collector, Kaiba, she decided to call him, would possibly bargain with Yugi too, sooner or later. She just passed herself down into his possession, and she felt like she didn't want to leave him anytime soon. Not with the Milleniun Puzzle still in his keeping. She seemed to be reading his mind with the same feeling. ...and let's just hope he leaves his grandfather alone for a while, she thoughtfully decided to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Grandpa, we're going to get more cards today!" Joey exclaimed excitedly as Yugi had opened the door but no Solomon to be found at the shop part of his home. "Hey, Gramps?" Joey called out, looking around curiously. Yugi was confused, walking in further as Joey, Tristen and Tea were at the entrance. "Grandpa, I'm home!" He called out this time.

"He left the door open. That's careless." Joey noted, though as that was said, the phone began to ring. Yugi looked at it and walked over, answering it. "Hello? Game shop."

"Yugi." The voice of Seto Kaiba answered.

"Kaiba?!" Yugi was surprised to hear from him.

"I have your Grandfather with me Yugi. Be a good boy and come to my company to bring him back, he isn't feeling so well."

"EH?! What do you mean?! Kaiba?!" Yugi heard the line go dead and Yugi felt his heart sink. Joey was all out confused as Joey looked at him with a worried look. "What wrong Yugi?" He asked. Yugi had put the phone back, almost looking pale and extremely worried for his grandpa. "He's had Kaiba's, I need to go get him. Yugi exited the game shop as his friends followed after him.

_______Kaiba Corp________

Yugi and his friends arrived at the Kaiba Corp's dueling arena when they saw the fallen figure of who he realized to his Grandfather. He rushed over as his friends gave Yugi a little bit room but stood over him as if to protect him. "Grandpa! Grandpa!" He kneeled before his grandfather and tried to check to see how he was. "Are you alright?"

Solomon groaned, hearing the his grandson's voice as he tried to sit up and but was in obvious pain and couldn't manage his one goal. "Yu...Yugi, I'm sorry... I had tried to show that brat Kaiba the Heart of the Cards..." He groaned again in pain, curling in on himself with the intense pain he was feeling. Yugi was feeling his heart sink and much worry for his grandpa. "Grandpa! Don't move." Kaiba revealed himself on the other side of the room with a slightly smug look. "You're too late."

Joey glared daggers at the rich young CEO while he balled up his hands into fists. "Bastard! What the hell did you do to him?!" Joey barked. Seto only shrugged a little as if this was nothing. "All we did was Duel. The bet was the other person's most treasured card. Too bad he was too much of an old man to be able to handle the brand new battle simulator." He explained. Tea looked completely unhappy with Kaiba. "You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Kaiba place his hands in his pockets not looking phased. "Nonsense! I'll prove it with the card that I won." Kaiba told them calmly as he pulled a hand from his pocket and revealed the back of a Duel Monsters card. He flipped it to reveal the Blue-eyes white Dragon. Yugi looked at it with shock and disbelief. "That was Grandpa's favorite card!" He exclaimed. Kaiba turned the card horizontally. "I only love the other three. The fourth and last will just get in my way!" Yugi was confused. "The fourth...?" Before they knew it and unexpected, Seto grabbed the other end with his free hand and ripped it in two, leaving all in shock and disbelief of this scene before them, Yugi's heart dropped and Solomon's eyes were tearing up. "My...My Blue-Eyes White Dragon..." This didn't help him for he was still in pain and this brought Yugi out of thoughts and focusing on his grandfather. "Grandpa, take it easy!" Trying to reason with him before looking over to Kaiba, a glare set on his face which is to be very unknown towards him. "You'll pay for that Kaiba!" A spark of flame had been ignited and burning bright within his soul.

Grandpa shifted till he had put a hand in his pocket and pulled out what he was looking for. "Yugi...take this..." In his hand once Yugi looked at it was a Duel Monsters deck. Yugi had no idea what to do right now. "These cards have the heart that I used to duel him with. You must win with these cards. These cards have my heart and soul in them. You must teach him the heart of the cards..." Solomon began coughing as Yugi had taken the deck but trying to help him. "But I can't leave you here Grandpa, you're hurt!" Yugi pointed out only for Seto to butt in.

"How sweet. You want revenge for your Grandfather? I accept your challenge." Kaiba mocked.

"Yugi, go fight! We'll stay here and watch your Grandfather for you. You just focus on beating that spoiled brat with the Heart of the Cards!" Joey said suddenly, his eyes on Kaiba but then moved to Yugi with confidence, reassurance. Yugi looked to the Blonde teen surprised but understood and felt his confidence rise. "Kick his ass, Yugi!" Tea spoke out next. Yugi just looked to them all. "You guys..." But no other words came out, nor were willing to. "Yugi, you're the one who changed a person who loved fighting, ME! You can beat him, Yugi!" Joey may have sounded insistent but that wasnt the case he made it more of just a statement, that what he was telling him was true and if anyone was willing to count, he had gone to look for a fight ever since their friendship began. Tristen nodded, confirming Joey's words. This made Yugi think for a moment before looking to his grandpa and nodded. "I understand, Grandpa." of which Solomon nodded a little. "Good luck Yugi."

With a bit of moral left to cover and done, Yugi had gone to the arena of which he was to duel against Kaiba while Joey, Tristen and Tea had called an ambulance to pick them up and grandpa. Tea though had stopped Joey, wanting him to stay behind and root for Yugi and give him support of which Joey agreed.

At the arena, Kaiba and Yugi both went to their respected booths and raised to their terminal to use for the duel. Kaiba looked nonchalant and which in the moment Yugi was different. "The rules of this Duel have changed a bit. The Life Points will start at 2000. The first person to hit zero Life Points loses.
Battle System, start!" In that moment Yugi was much different and Seto wandered if he was imagining things. "Wait...Wha-?!" A much similar identical Yugi had stepped in his place, a foot taller, eyes much more older it seemed, different shape and the tri-colored hair a tad more wild. The figure, Yami had looked just as confident, maybe more confident than the rich CEO. "Kaiba, with my Grandpa's soul as the bet, I WILL win!"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 1 day ago

All day, Djinn has been concealing herself within young Yugi's shadow, or in this case, as his shadow. She was thrilled and honored for him to accept her as a protector, and she was more than happy to be in his collection of cards. At school, during his time playing with Joey, Djinn was surprised of how much of a player he is; very experienced, and very knowledgable on the aspects of the game itself. What she did notice was Yugi's nervousness of showing other students his brand new card. Djinn did mention to him the night before that she was one of the rarest, and in reality, some duelists tend to not show rare cards before others, mainly because of the possibility for theives. She understood this, but she knew that Yugi can't hide her card forever. Also, unlike her time with Pegasus, Djinn had full access to see the outside world beyond her own card. She thanked the Millenium artifact for that.

She did, in fact, try to avoid whispering to her possessor everytime she talked to him. Djinn knew that her relation to the "shadow genie" was apparent, and the pros and cons were beyond imaginable: they were entities who were known to be malicious and dangerous, always finding ways to corrupt humans to express a darkness within their hearts. She didn't want that for Yugi, and he was much too young and innocent to express that said-evil. She didn't tell him this, not yet.

Djinn's card was safely in Yugi's possession all day, and the scene before was enough to glare daggers at the spoiled CEO before her and the boy. His grandfather Solomon was hurt, and she could almost feel the pain and anger within his grandson's eyes. "Oh no", was all she could whisper (to herself) in despair, after she peeked around from behind Yugi in her shadowy form, to glance at Kaiba. Hearing and seeing that he was challenged to a duel, Djinm couldn't agree more.

With the Millenium Puzzle coming to life, Djinn's shadowy sillouette shifted to her colored form, having crossed arms, and a silent, piercing glare coming from her red eyes. He wants a duel?! We'll give him one, Djinn finally thought to herself. "He hurt your grandfather, Yugi", she commented in a whisper. "Show him the heart of the cards. Show him the faith of a true duelist. I'll be with you", she tried to convince him, placing a shadowy hand on his shoulder, before disappearing into the deck before him, phasing herself back into her own card.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Both Kaiba and Yami had drawn their respectable cards of 5 only to for Yami to feel a hand on his shoulder and turned his head, glancing over his shoulder to see the shadowy hand and this shadow go into the deck. He was curious as the shadowy figure went into the deck. He knew right now he needed to concentrate on Seto.

"I'll go first. I'll summon the Hitatsumi Giant." As Kaiba placed the card in attack mode on the board, in the middle of the arena a large green Cyclops appeared with rays of uplifting light till it took shape and form. Yami looked at it with surprise and visibly took a step back. "What the... The monster came to life?!" An evenly surprised tone. Kaiba looked smug the whole time, satisfied with the look on his face. "This is the new Virtual Simulation System!" Kaiba declared with pride. Yami got his bearings quickly and was ready for the fight having figured that this had to be how Grandpa got hurt. "Now it's my turn, Kaiba! I summon the Winged Dragon: Guardian of the Fortress to attack!" Yami declared to the blue small blue big muzzled dragon.

Joey at the time came up just to see two large creatures before him. "What the...Monsters?! Real monsters?!" He exclaimed.

Yami outstretched his arm and pointed toward Seto. "Fireball attack!" Announcing the dragons attack who built up a fireball in its mouth only then to lurch back and then lurched out and released it as it shot out and hit the giant. Said giant bursted into shattered light. Kaiba growled just as a small black haired boy came into the arena stands to see Seto's monster die. "Big Brother!" Though ws most likely wasnt heard. Joey cheered as he aw the life points drop from 2000 to 1800 while Yami's was still at 2000. "Awesome! The points drop!" The blonde said with excitement. Kaiba shrugged. "Heh, would be no fun if e never lose points. Ill summon this card."

Coming to life was a blue and dark blue jester like clown with a red collar with bells, yellow amd purple stockings with his face lookimg happy and sad like a mask, purple gloves, and a red and purple large pointed hat.

Yami looked confused. "Saggi the Dark Clown? But his attack strength..." he didnt get to fjnish for Kaiba took over to explain. "I realize that your Winged Dragon has the attack power of 1400 while Saggi the Dark Clown has the attack of 600. But when i add this card..." holding up a card with its back shown to Yami who guessed. "A magic card?"

"Exactly. The Dark Generator. This card triples the his attack points. Saggi the Dark Clown, attack! Dark light!" The dark clown bringing his hands close together to form a ball of light encased by darkness. He shot towards the winged dragon and destoryed it. Yami flinched as the dragon was destroyed and his lifepoints down from 2000 to 1600. Yami obvious wasnt happy about it as Kaiba looked like his usual smug self. "See? Its useful to combine cards." Yami though Kaiba to be good at the game and knew its knooks and cranies. He drew a card after Kaiba ended his turn and put it into defence mode. With Yugis turn over Kaiba drew his card. "Now my Dark Clown, attack with Dark light!" as before with a shere of light encased his darkness, shot out from his hands and killed the defence monster.

"Are these the cards left by your grandfather? Such pathetic cards Yugi." Kaiba taunted as if he had sympathy for his opponent. Yami smirked. "They aren't pathetic cards, Kaiba. There is more to them than you will ever know and I believe in my grandfather's deck. That I will prove to you." He drew a card. "I will achieve it by playing Gaia, The Feirce Knight!" Yami called force as a blue armored knight on a purple steed with a yellow mane or tail, the knight carrying a lance. "Attack! Spiral Sabre!" He declared. The Fierce Knight charged, using its lance to strike the Dark Clown down, with it destroyed, Gaia was now the only monster on the field. He placed a card down in the trap/spell position before ending his turn. Joey cheered from where he was, "Way to go Yugi!" "This Duel isn't over yet." Yami said to Joey. The points now dropped from 1800 to 1300

Kaiba drew his card and smirked. "Heh, its already been decided Yugi! I Summon Blue-eyes White Dragon!" the large blueish white fragon came forth from an envelope of light, its wings spread out wide, its blue eyes looked down at Yugi and roared as if trying to scare him. Yami wasn't afraid but surprised that Kaiba summoned one. "Impossible!" Joey looked equally surprised. "Didn't he already tear up Grandpa's card?" Too startled to remember about there being 3 others. "Now Blue-eyes! White Lightning!" Within its muzzle, bits of white could be seen from behind its teeth before it opened up and shot out a ball of white lightning, killing Gaia. Yami growled at the loss of his monster and his lifepoints which dropped from 1600 to 1100.

Yami wasn't liking how this was going and felt he was running low on options. When he drew his next card, placed a card down and ended his turn. Kaiba scoffed at the action and drew his next card. "Blue-eyes! White Lightning!" The Dragon again shot a ball of lightning when it shot it at the facedown defence monster. Yami smirked. "You've triggered my trap, I reveal the trap card known as Eclipes!" A trap revealed itself face-up with a solar eclipes for a pitcure. However the attack still happened and took out the monster. "It didn't seem to do anything for you Yugi. What a shame."

Yami didn't look phased. When he drew his card, he smiled. "I doubt you have the same heart you have for your cards Kaiba. Let me show you the Heart of the Cards and how much faith goes. I summon Dark Djinn!" He declared with a clear confident smile. Kaiba didn't like this as all. But was quite amazed of the Djinn and its rarity. Yami then ends his turn. This confused Seto a moment, wondering why he had his monster in attack with clearly less attack then his dragon. He shrugged, not caring for this just helped him and Yami made a mistake. "What a rare card you have there Yugi." Saying this as he summoned another Blue eyes to the field. "Im afraid I will be destroying this lovely card you have! Blue eyes! White Lightning!" He declared, the first shooting a ball of lightning from its mouth, only it not harming Djinn. But is now able to counter and destroy the Blue eyes that attacked. Seto looked at the scene in shock. "What?! That can't be possible! Blue eyes should have killed your Dark Djinn!"

"Should have, but couldn't. Its from the effect of my trap card Eclipes. You see Kaiba, Eclipes is a trap that had lowered the defence of any light monsters on the field, However boosts the attack and defence of any dark monsters on my side of the field. So with this, Dark Djinn got an attack and defence boost that resulted in her being stronger than your Blue-eyes Kaiba. Also, your other Blue eyes doesnt get to attack this turn, making you end your battle step." Yami had explained to Kaiba who growled in frustration. "Dark Djinn. Counter with Phase Through!"

When the Blue eyes was destroyed, Kaiba felt his blood boil with hatred.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 1 day ago

Djinn was watching the battle from Yugi's own personal deck. So far, Yami had the duel under control, but she realized that he lost it as soon as it came; with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. She was shocked herself; even she was with Yugi when Kaiba ripped it in half. Then, she remembered: there were only four cards of the same monster in the world. That was when she realized that Kaiba was trying to win Yami over with them, showing that power was more than faith. With the many losses that Yami had, she was there with him -- in his deck. "Don't listen to him; he's playing with you. By his definition of 'power', he has nothing", Djinn's whispering voice came through.

As soon as she was drawn, the Shadow Genie rose herself up from the surface of the hologram board, showing up in her full color. She, once again, had her arms crossed in a meditative state with her eyes closed. Her voice went into his ear again, this time, speaking to Yami's other half: Yugi. "Don't pull back, puzzle-solver; the cards will sense your doubt. Concentrate! Kaiba won't know what hit him", she sounded wicked and devious on her last sentence, while provoking Yami to say such a thing.

It felt like a breeze as the dragon's attack hit her, and it only made Djinn open her orange-red eyes with a small proud, and devious smirk. That was until she countered it with a flash of a shadow-like wave of energy radiating off of her monster form, clearly dissipating the assaulting dragon into nothingness. "Finish his beast", she told Yami, and it was answered when he commanded her to use the attack 'Phase Through'. "Gladly", she responded back to him in a whisper of determination. Djinn unfolded her arms, and began to dash and run her way towards the Kaiba's dragon, using her ability to phrase herself straight through it. The energy force was so great, the winged beast was done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Yami drew his card knowing it was no longer Kaiba's turn only to continuously look as his hand with a puzzled look. He had been doing this a bit, thinking about his hand. He didn't seem to understand but knew he couldn't dwell on it too much. He had a duel to win and now with Dark Djinn on the field, with a card aiding her, he needed to make sure that she stays on the field. Kaiba's Life points dropped from 1300 to 1100

He looked at his hand before he looked at his side of the field with Djinn and the Eclipse trap card on the field currently. Looking to Kaibas was a weakened Blue-eyes White Dragon. Yami looked back to his cards pondering about his grandfather's deck, wondering what secrets it hid within. He had to concentrate on that later. For now, Kaiba needed to be taken down and that was what this Other Half was going to do. Looking upon his cards, placing a card face down, he looked toward Djinn then the Blue eyes. "Djinn, Phase through the other Blue-eyes White Dragon." Joey was jumping for joy at his friends victorious attacks. "Go Yugi! You got this!" Yugi declared the end of his turn.

After the destruction of the second Blue-eyes White Dragon, the points dropped for Kaiba from 1100 to 900. Kaiba was utterly furious about his two dragons being destroyed by this. He knew he would need to destroy Djinn in order to crush Yugi. With the end of Yugi's turn, Kaiba drew his card, his anger ever present. He set a card face down in the monster zone. Yugi noticed the end of his turn and drew his card. Yami looked skeptical of Kaiba's change in behavior.

This was something he wasn't liking and wandered what his plan maybe. But without a clear idea of what Seto was doing really, Yami would be going in blind. It wasn't something he was going to be willing to do willingly but this was a game that you may be going in blind but to trust his cards in backing him up. "Djinn! Phase through Kaiba's facedown!" He told her, resolve facedowwith the monster destroyed and only defending Kaiba's life points, Yami ended his turn.

Seto drew his card and looked calm, not as angry as he was currently inside. Kaiba glared to Yami. "I play Judgeman! In attack mode." he then placed a card in the spell/trap zone. "I play the spell card Shrink! This card cut the original attack of the monster i choose in half. I choose Djinn." with this Yami had nothing to stop it. He looked to Djinn as her attack was cut in half from 3000 to 1400 to 1600 thanks to the attack strength back to Djinn due to the trap card. With this, Kaiba smirked. "Judgeman! Attack Dark Djinn!"

Judgeman ran to Djinn amd swung his two maces at her, destroying her from the field. Yami looked at the feild in disbelief. "Djinn!" Yami called out once she was gone. He felt his heart tighten, feeling not only his feelings of the loss of Djinn but his host as well, Yugi's feelings. Even to the point where he felt an eye water. Yami realized half his vision was blurry and that is when he brought a hand to his eye to rub his eye to realize they were tears. That Yugi was upset. And that. That was something that made Yami's blood boil. "You will pay Kaiba..." he muttered.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 1 day ago

Even though Djinn was forced to remain, and appear as a hologram before Yugi/Yami, the shadow genie still had the ability to remain spiritually attached to her master/owner, and continue to function like a companion spirit. Even though she was right in front of him, in the form of a tall monster on the battlefield, all Yami could sense was her voice passing through to him.

"All Kaiba has, Yugi, is his will. The more he presses on, the quicker his faith will wane. Remember, faith is really what your Grandpa would want".

For a moment, she whispered these words into his ear, before fading back into her battling-self. Hearing her possessor's command, Djinn couldn't agree more. Once again, she dashed to the last winged beast, and disintegrated it with her energy-filled dash. Triumph seethed through her, as she went back to her previous position: arms crossed, with a devious smirk upon her facials. Once again, Yugi's wish was her command.

"Let's cast a spell, puzzle-solver".

It was only a pun, before the giant monster form of Dark Djinn unraveled her arms, and clenched her fists. Lifting her left, dark lavender-colored leg, she made a fist-pump motion with her arms, and stomped her violet, non-heeled pump into the board, the impacting force giving off a dark, shadowed-shockwave towards Kaiba's facedown card, and disintegrated it. However, her victory was short, and realizing that Kaiba came prepared, Djinn felt worry and fear for the first time in this battle: if she was off the board, then Yugi wouldn't have the reinforcement needed to win. She would consider objecting this thought, but she knew she can't stay in the field forever.

"It's been an honor, possessor".

It was true; Djinn was honored to fight in this duel, but that didn't mean she was leaving Yugi any time soon. She solemnly whispered these words to the puzzle-solver, before feeling the full force of Kaiba's Judgeman disintegrate her monster form off the board. Right after she was knocked off the board, a normal, full-fledged form of Djinn appeared next to Yugi upon his dueling platform. Instead of being in her shadow form, she was back in her colored form, like how she was right after the puzzle was activated. She fell to the floor, right on her side, groaning from the impact caused by Kaiba's Judgeman.

"K-keep...going, puzzle-solver".

The genie told Yugi, practically telling him to not worry about her, and focus on taking down Kaiba. She just hoped that Yugi wouldn't do, or request anything of that would selfishly satisfy him, if he means to avenge her...
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