I'll finish this up in the morning and have the opening post up a little after that.
Name: Abbigaill L. Ranneh
Alias: Rainbow Fist

Age: 25
Position on the Ship: Captain
Personality: Abbigaill is fiercely loyal to her friends and allies. She believes herself as nothing more than the creation of the world around her and so does what she can to make other people greater. She's also quick to forgive others in most situations as again we're all just pieces of a game of dominoes falling on each other. The one exception to this is when someone messes with a person she's close to or cares about deeply. Do that and hell boils out. It's this level of caring that has caused Abbigaill to keep mostly to herself as she has a hard time doing the right thing when her heart is in the way.
It is due to her understanding of what people really are that she has decided to resist both kinds of marines as their ideas, noble as some may be, are not meant for the future, but more for a more peaceful present.
Abbigaill's biggest problem, if one were to ask her deceased family was an inability to take things seriously. Even after all the tragedy in her life its hard for her to invest too much energy into worrying. She'd rather relax, have a few drinks, or just take a nap and watch the sunrise. To her the world is full of great things and even while living on a mission to free it from oppressive hands one can't be expected to surrender everything that would make their personal life worth living.
Abbigaill has a snarky and biting sense of humor which usually surfaces in times of great stress and danger as if daring the god of death to try and do to her what it did to her parents. She can't really control this as her mouth seems to her to be working independently of her brain. She can bite her lip but usually by then its too late and all the blood in the world isn't going to get the cat back into its hat.
Background: Half of Abbigaill's young life was spent living in a tiny town with her parents and younger siblings in Shell town. There she made few friends, because with so many siblings who needed anyone else, but the few she made turned into people she became very close to.
The second half was spent on the road. She never did quiet find out why. One night her parents woke her and the rest of her kin up and said they had to go! That night they boarded a ship and headed out to. From there on they made their home wherever work could be found for a little while. It wasn't a wise move and most of her siblings died early on, but her parents were adamant about the decision and would never explain why. One day they found themselves caught in a crossfire between the two groups of marines. The tiny vessel they were on never stood a chance and the rest of Abbigaill's family perished. The only reason she survived was thanks to a scavenging group of pirates who managed to find her and take her on board.
These people became her family. Several years were spent adventuring and learning with the group. Sadly they met with a similar fate to those that were bound to her by blood. Once again in a battle with the old marines she was the only one who survived. However, this time she didn't have the fortune of finding herself being picked up by a harmless group of pirates.
Weapons/ Items:
Hand to hand combat expert-Abbigaill is a talented hand to hand combatant and specializes in a fighting style similar to boxing but with more jumping around and the occasional kick. Also she fights dirty as hell so its wise for people to guard their crotches when engaged with her in combat.
The Suitchi-Suitchi no mi(switch-switch fruit) is a paramecia type devil fruit that grants its user the ability to switch on areas where a charge can be manipulated. After coming into physical contact with an object the user can switch the spot on. What this means is a dark circle will appear at the area of contact followed by the initial charge the user wants the area to be. These spots can also be activated at any time, anywhere, on Abbigaill's body. These activated areas are represented in a yellow(-), red(+) or blue (0) circle. These 'charges' push away from similar charges and pull opposite charges together. The exception is the blue charge which has no effect on any other charges and acts as a place holder more than anything else. When a negatively and positively charged object come into contact all the kinetic energy in the action goes into the positively charged object(s). When two negatively charged objects react together there's no damage on either side, and when two positively charged objects press against each other both sides receive the same amount of kinetic force. Through direct physical contact it is possible to move the activated area from one object to another. .
Abbigaill is capable of holding six activated areas at a time, and can switch an activated area's charge at a moment's notice. She's also able to manipulate the total forces behind the reactions of the charges, but she cannot finely tune the forces... ie it the amount of force behind one reaction applies to them all. The maximum range she can hold a space active is 50 meters.
Orange Air gun-Abbigaill touches the air with her finger and creates a small positive charge in the air. Then she activates another positive charge on her finger. This causes the activated air to shoot forward like a bullet that tracks its target. She can do this is semi-automatic fashion but cannot fire another bullet till the first one found its mark or the air will simply dissipate before reaching its target.
Orange Megaton punch-Abbigaill marks an object with a positive charge, and activates a negative charge on her fist. Then she cranks up the power and literally goes flying towards whatever it is she wants to hit.
Alias: Rainbow Fist

Age: 25
Position on the Ship: Captain
Personality: Abbigaill is fiercely loyal to her friends and allies. She believes herself as nothing more than the creation of the world around her and so does what she can to make other people greater. She's also quick to forgive others in most situations as again we're all just pieces of a game of dominoes falling on each other. The one exception to this is when someone messes with a person she's close to or cares about deeply. Do that and hell boils out. It's this level of caring that has caused Abbigaill to keep mostly to herself as she has a hard time doing the right thing when her heart is in the way.
It is due to her understanding of what people really are that she has decided to resist both kinds of marines as their ideas, noble as some may be, are not meant for the future, but more for a more peaceful present.
Abbigaill's biggest problem, if one were to ask her deceased family was an inability to take things seriously. Even after all the tragedy in her life its hard for her to invest too much energy into worrying. She'd rather relax, have a few drinks, or just take a nap and watch the sunrise. To her the world is full of great things and even while living on a mission to free it from oppressive hands one can't be expected to surrender everything that would make their personal life worth living.
Abbigaill has a snarky and biting sense of humor which usually surfaces in times of great stress and danger as if daring the god of death to try and do to her what it did to her parents. She can't really control this as her mouth seems to her to be working independently of her brain. She can bite her lip but usually by then its too late and all the blood in the world isn't going to get the cat back into its hat.
Background: Half of Abbigaill's young life was spent living in a tiny town with her parents and younger siblings in Shell town. There she made few friends, because with so many siblings who needed anyone else, but the few she made turned into people she became very close to.
The second half was spent on the road. She never did quiet find out why. One night her parents woke her and the rest of her kin up and said they had to go! That night they boarded a ship and headed out to. From there on they made their home wherever work could be found for a little while. It wasn't a wise move and most of her siblings died early on, but her parents were adamant about the decision and would never explain why. One day they found themselves caught in a crossfire between the two groups of marines. The tiny vessel they were on never stood a chance and the rest of Abbigaill's family perished. The only reason she survived was thanks to a scavenging group of pirates who managed to find her and take her on board.
These people became her family. Several years were spent adventuring and learning with the group. Sadly they met with a similar fate to those that were bound to her by blood. Once again in a battle with the old marines she was the only one who survived. However, this time she didn't have the fortune of finding herself being picked up by a harmless group of pirates.
Weapons/ Items:
Hand to hand combat expert-Abbigaill is a talented hand to hand combatant and specializes in a fighting style similar to boxing but with more jumping around and the occasional kick. Also she fights dirty as hell so its wise for people to guard their crotches when engaged with her in combat.
The Suitchi-Suitchi no mi(switch-switch fruit) is a paramecia type devil fruit that grants its user the ability to switch on areas where a charge can be manipulated. After coming into physical contact with an object the user can switch the spot on. What this means is a dark circle will appear at the area of contact followed by the initial charge the user wants the area to be. These spots can also be activated at any time, anywhere, on Abbigaill's body. These activated areas are represented in a yellow(-), red(+) or blue (0) circle. These 'charges' push away from similar charges and pull opposite charges together. The exception is the blue charge which has no effect on any other charges and acts as a place holder more than anything else. When a negatively and positively charged object come into contact all the kinetic energy in the action goes into the positively charged object(s). When two negatively charged objects react together there's no damage on either side, and when two positively charged objects press against each other both sides receive the same amount of kinetic force. Through direct physical contact it is possible to move the activated area from one object to another. .
Abbigaill is capable of holding six activated areas at a time, and can switch an activated area's charge at a moment's notice. She's also able to manipulate the total forces behind the reactions of the charges, but she cannot finely tune the forces... ie it the amount of force behind one reaction applies to them all. The maximum range she can hold a space active is 50 meters.
Orange Air gun-Abbigaill touches the air with her finger and creates a small positive charge in the air. Then she activates another positive charge on her finger. This causes the activated air to shoot forward like a bullet that tracks its target. She can do this is semi-automatic fashion but cannot fire another bullet till the first one found its mark or the air will simply dissipate before reaching its target.
Orange Megaton punch-Abbigaill marks an object with a positive charge, and activates a negative charge on her fist. Then she cranks up the power and literally goes flying towards whatever it is she wants to hit.