Prepare for some hopeless sentimentality.
I've been in many RPs during my time with the Guild, and my fondest memories go back years: pre-Guildfall, on the old site. I felt a lot more inspired back then and it seems to me that I was involved with more long-standing projects.
Just about all of my memorable roleplays had a core group of players that spent a lot of time together in off-site chats. But they were more than just like-minded players; they felt like friends.
I think that must be what kept these roleplays going on so strongly. I remember spending hours writing content for @Silverwind Blade's GEARs and chatting up the rest of the group very clearly.
I've also had a fair share of time in the Nation section, where chatroom collabs are nearly mandatory. As an unspoken rule, NRPs tend to do exceptionally well or flop, with the latter being most commonplace. I have lots of fond NRP memories, usually revolving around the same core group of players.
Lately, I haven't had the same lengths of time to dedicate to RPing as I once did, and I've felt a bit distanced. I miss the camaraderie of year-long roleplays and late-night Piratepad conversations (Remember when we raided those random teens' pads and made a mess of the Free section, @Monkeypants? Good times). I've been reminiscing a bit, and I wish I could spark up the intensity of years past again. Some old pals are still around and kicking, others have left the Guild behind.
I suppose what I'd like to achieve is the zeal to see a roleplay succeed for months, maybe even a year or more, and have the energy of close-knit friends to carry it on. It feels like something's been missing from the old guild, or maybe I just ought to wake up and embrace what's here.
Feel free to add your thoughts as well, so this thread isn't just me harking on the "good ol' days." oh please do.
So this is cringey, I know, but I want to shoutout some key folks that have been great writing buddies over the years. I've forgotten more than a few others, I'm sure, but I hope they know who they are. My old GEARs & original FRAMEs buddies are out there somewhere!
I've been in many RPs during my time with the Guild, and my fondest memories go back years: pre-Guildfall, on the old site. I felt a lot more inspired back then and it seems to me that I was involved with more long-standing projects.
Just about all of my memorable roleplays had a core group of players that spent a lot of time together in off-site chats. But they were more than just like-minded players; they felt like friends.
I think that must be what kept these roleplays going on so strongly. I remember spending hours writing content for @Silverwind Blade's GEARs and chatting up the rest of the group very clearly.
I've also had a fair share of time in the Nation section, where chatroom collabs are nearly mandatory. As an unspoken rule, NRPs tend to do exceptionally well or flop, with the latter being most commonplace. I have lots of fond NRP memories, usually revolving around the same core group of players.
Lately, I haven't had the same lengths of time to dedicate to RPing as I once did, and I've felt a bit distanced. I miss the camaraderie of year-long roleplays and late-night Piratepad conversations (Remember when we raided those random teens' pads and made a mess of the Free section, @Monkeypants? Good times). I've been reminiscing a bit, and I wish I could spark up the intensity of years past again. Some old pals are still around and kicking, others have left the Guild behind.
I suppose what I'd like to achieve is the zeal to see a roleplay succeed for months, maybe even a year or more, and have the energy of close-knit friends to carry it on. It feels like something's been missing from the old guild, or maybe I just ought to wake up and embrace what's here.
Feel free to add your thoughts as well, so this thread isn't just me harking on the "good ol' days." oh please do.
So this is cringey, I know, but I want to shoutout some key folks that have been great writing buddies over the years. I've forgotten more than a few others, I'm sure, but I hope they know who they are. My old GEARs & original FRAMEs buddies are out there somewhere!